View detailed map of Crimea online. Detailed map of Crimea with cities and towns

Map of Crimea from satellite. Explore the satellite map of Crimea online in real time. A detailed map of Crimea was created based on high-resolution satellite images. As close as possible, the satellite map of Crimea allows you to study the streets in detail, separate houses and sights of Crimea. The map of Crimea from a satellite can easily be switched to regular map mode (diagram).

Crimea is a peninsula in the southern part of Ukraine, which is washed by the Black and Azov seas. In its outline, Crimea externally resembles a branch of grapes or a flying bird. The capital of Crimea is Simferopol. Since the Crimean peninsula belongs to Ukraine, Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​are spoken here.

The climate in Crimea varies depending on the region. In the south, continental temperate prevails, in which the features of a subtropical climate zone can be traced. average temperature in winter from -2C to 0C. Summer is hot, with temperatures of +22...+24 C. In the southern part of Crimea it is somewhat warmer, since a subtropical type of climate prevails there.

Crimean peninsula- one of the most interesting places on the ground. It is often called the world in miniature, since Crimea harmoniously combines Various types climate, various natural areas and landscapes. Moreover, Crimea is a place where the cultures and histories of different peoples are mixed, which created unique story Crimean peninsula and left behind many attractions. The most interesting of them are the Palaces. The most beautiful and visited Palaces in Crimea are Livadia, Vorontsov and Bakhchisarai. They are of great historical value and are unique structures, since their architecture combines several styles at once.

Crimea is rich both in its nature and nature. The Crimean waterfalls are especially noteworthy. The most beautiful and bewitching are Dzhur-Jur, Uchan-Su, Yauzlar and Golovinsky waterfall. And, of course, one cannot fail to mention the Crimean caves. For example, Mramornaya, Obvalnaya, Vyalova and many others.

Resorts in Crimea- a bunch of. Each of them is a developed tourist centre with tourist centers, boarding houses, hotels. Most visited in summer resort towns- these are Alushta, Evpatoria, Nikolaevka, Kerch and Sudak.

On the territory of the Crimean peninsula. Satellite map Crimea shows that the republic borders the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions of Ukraine, Krasnodar region and is washed by the Azov and Black Seas. The republic does not include Sevastopol. The area of ​​the region is 26,081 square meters. km.

The Autonomous Republic of Crimea is divided into 14 districts, 16 cities, 56 urban-type settlements and 950 villages. The largest cities of Crimea are Simferopol ( administrative center), Kerch, Evpatoria, Yalta and Feodosia. The republic's economy is based on industry, agriculture, viticulture and tourism. Many areas of Crimea are considered resort areas.

Symbol of the Republic of Crimea - "Swallow's Nest" in Yalta

The Republic of Crimea occupies an ambiguous position. Most of The population of the republic is represented by Russians (58.5%). It is interesting that in Crimea there is no state or national language, since representatives of a wide variety of nations live in the region.

Massandra Palace

Brief history of the Republic of Crimea

In 1921, the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was formed. In 1941-44 the region was subject to German occupation. In 1946, the Crimean region was created, which in 1954 became part of the Ukrainian SSR. In 1991, the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was restored, and in 1992, the Republic of Crimea was created. In 1994 it was transformed into the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Valley of Ghosts in the Dzhemerdzhi tract

Sights of Crimea

On a detailed satellite map of Crimea you can see the main resort cities of the region such as Yalta, Alushta, Alupka, Yevpatoria, Sudak, Koktebel and Feodosia. There are numerous natural attractions on the territory of the Republic of Crimea: dormant volcano Kara-Dag, Cape Kapchik and Tsarsky Beach in the village of New World, Cape Meganom, Zelenogorye (Arpat) region near Sudak, Valley of Ghosts on Demerdzhi, Grand Canyon Crimea, Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall and Kazantipsky reserve.

Village New World in Crimea

In Crimea, it is worth visiting the famous “Swallow’s Nest”, the Dulber Palace, the palace of Countess Panina in Yalta, the Massandra Palace in Massandra, the Gurzuf Park in the village. Gurzuf, Vorontsov Palace in Alupka, cave city Chufut-Kale and Genoese fortress. It is also worth visiting the city of Bakhchisarai and Little Jerusalem in Evpatoria.

A satellite map of Crimea makes it possible to see in real time everything that is happening in a particular place on the peninsula. By zooming into an object, anyone can find the desired landmark or street. The satellite map of Crimea displays everything in detail settlements, which is necessary for travelers. If a regular scheme mode is required, then the image can be easily converted to another format.

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Satellite map of Crimea: forward to the peninsula!

When going on a trip, many people stock up on atlases, but there is no need for this if there is a satellite map of Crimea. It makes it possible to find a destination and the highways leading to it. Offers to explore nearby settlements and natural sites.

The online satellite map of Crimea presents the entire region at a glance. Travelers will be able to see the resorts of the Azov and Black Seas. The peninsula has an unusual shape; like a bird, it soars above the endless blue of the sea. The outlines of the land are picturesque in themselves.

Map of Crimea satellite online in real time demonstrates small settlements and big cities. Equally clearly you can see the capital of the region - Simferopol and resort village New World.

Map of Crimea, satellite: vacation spot and climate

High-resolution satellite maps of Crimea make it possible to choose the right place to relax. The climate is different in different regions of the peninsula, and the two seas only contribute to this fact. IN mountainous areas, which the satellite map of Crimea clearly demonstrates in real time, the winter is long, and the snow cover is quite high and dense. Ski resorts are waiting for their guests from December to March.

Crimea satellite map 2019 is no less interesting for those who want to improve their health. Sea air has a beneficial effect on the human body, so you can be treated in sanatoriums throughout the year.

Map of Crimea from satellite: along the roads of history

The multinational composition of the population played a major role in the history of the peninsula. A satellite map of Crimea with cities and towns allows you to find the most striking sights belonging to different eras, cultures and trends. Palaces, distinguished by their luxury, are of great interest to tourists. No less amazing is the nature of the region with an abundance of waterfalls, mountain peaks, soaring to the skies, the boundless surface of the sea and the richest underwater world. Every traveler will find something to do in this heavenly place with many picturesque landscapes and cultural sites.

Map of Crimea from satellite 2016- many images from space, assembled into one large image. You can increase or decrease a specific area on it using the “+” and “-” tools, respectively. An arrow or cursor will help you move from one area to another. It’s also easy to change the image from “Satellite” mode to landscape and schematic views. By choosing a panoramic background, you can make a circular turn around a separate area and examine the object from all sides. Map of Crimea online.

High quality map of Crimea.

Sputnik 2016 films the Earth's surface with high-precision equipment. Using special software, the captured frames are combined to form a kind of cartographic collage. The user of the site resource receives a comprehensive image of the peninsula at the output. This is a photo from high resolution. All components in the frame are clearly visible.

The 2016 satellite map of Crimea allows you to see images of the main cities and resorts of the peninsula. Here Alupka and Yalta, Sudak and Evpatoria, Feodosia and Alushta and of course Koktebel are tracked. In addition to the beauty of the blue sea waves and the greenery of the Crimean vineyards, there are many attractions here. You can’t ignore Kara-Dag (an extinct volcano), the Valley of Ghosts of Demerdzhi, Tsarsky Beach and the Kazantip Nature Reserve, Swallow’s Nest and the cave city of Chufut-Kale.

You can call it Crimea or Crimean peninsula, but it will remain one of the most beautiful and desirable places for tourists in the world. In this article you will find not only detailed map of Crimea from satellite in real time, but also a lot interesting facts about this wonderful peninsula.

The Crimean Peninsula is located in the south of Ukraine, on its territory there are Sevastopol (), the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and some part of the Kherson region. But until the twenties of the twentieth century, the Russians called Crimea not Crimea, but Tauris, hence the name of the Tauride province. The current name, as some philologists believe, comes from the Turkish word “kyrym”, which means wall, rampart or ditch.

Any tourist or even a citizen of both Russia and Ukraine knows that a holiday in Crimea is comparable in comfort and prestige with many tours to European or any exotic countries, by the way you can look Sandy Crimea map where I had the good fortune to visit last year. I recommend it, very good!

Crimea, perfect place to spend your holiday. Lots of excursions, wonderful beaches. Your vacation will be pleasant and carefree, and so that nothing can overshadow such a pleasant experience, you need to take care of housing in advance. Many vacationers choose different types of housing, some will choose an all-inclusive hotel, others prefer a sanatorium with health complex. And there are people who value both comfort and independence from the time of breakfast, lunch or dinner. Here are some criteria by which you should select housing:

— accessibility for vacationers;

— comfort;

— functionality;

— being near the beach, preferably on the 1st line;

- safety.

It is not at all necessary that all the criteria be present; everyone selects what is most important to him. By the way, do not forget that housing in Crimea is often used only to spend the night, and this, in turn, is a great way to save money. It is better to spend this money on leisure activities, for example, on excursions, interesting trips, but this is exactly what will be remembered most about the vacation spent in Crimea.

Nowadays, solving the housing issue has become much easier and faster, thanks to the Internet. This method will avoid collisions with travel agencies and intermediaries. The most economical option for living in Crimea may be private apartment. And if your wallet allows, you can rent a private house. This option is suitable for people who decide to go on vacation with a large group or the whole family. If you look for housing via the Internet, no one will bother you, you can calmly browse offers, look at photos, compare prices and choose the most profitable option.

It is better to avoid advertisements from newspapers and the services of realtors. In these cases, you risk getting a complete discrepancy between what you were offered and what actually exists. When choosing what you think is the most economical housing in Crimea with some grandmother, do not rush to pay in advance. It’s better to pay for just a few days, in case this housing doesn’t suit you or doesn’t correspond to what was offered. In general, think carefully: comfort, proximity to the sea, included meals - all this may well become an economical option.