Slovenia, Portoroz: photos, hotels, attractions, reviews of tourists. Portorož and Piran: the Adriatic coast of Slovenia

Portorož (Slovenia) is one of the largest resort towns in the country. It is located on the sea coast in the western part of Slovenia, only 130 km from Ljubljana. Translated from Italian, the name of the city means "Port of Roses", which is confirmed by the numerous rose bushes planted along each street.

The population of the city reaches the mark of 2.5 thousand people, the main part of which are Slovenes and Italians. The resort of Portorož in Slovenia is known for its thermal springs, which are unparalleled in all of Europe.

Except beach lovers Adriatic Sea, people with respiratory diseases, overweight and skin diseases come here for treatment. If you decide to go on vacation to Portorož, be sure to visit the comprehensive wellness courses.

How to get to Portorož (Slovenia)?

It will be quite problematic to fly to the resort town for residents of Russia and Ukraine. Although there is an airport in Portoroz, it does not accept planes from Moscow or Kyiv.

If you prefer to use airline services, you will need to make at least one transfer. The most convenient cities for this city are Ljubljana (the distance from the airport to Portorož is 137 km), Trieste (37 km) and Venice (198 km).

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From Trieste

The distance between the cities by land is only 34 km, crossing the border is a simple process, since both countries belong to the Schengen zone. You can get to Portorož by plane, bus or taxi.

  1. Direct transfers can be reached only at 7:00 and at 12:30 by minibus transport company Arriva. Almost every hour there are buses from Trieste to Koper, from where you can reach Portorož in a short time. All information about the schedule and prices on the carrier's website
  2. The cost of a taxi is 90 euros, the journey time is 40 minutes.

From Venice

This option is convenient only for those for whom Venice is a mandatory travel destination.

  1. By train Regional (ticket costs - 13-20 €) you need to get from the Venezia Santa Lucia station to Trieste Centrale. Then overcome short cut by bus from Trieste. Trains run every 30-40 minutes, schedules and fares on the website
  2. Taxi. For 2.5 hours on the road you need to pay about 210 €. It is better to book a car in advance.


The city has approximately the same level of prices for apartments and hotels. So, for 80-100 euros / day you can rent a double room in a three-star hotel with free parking and Wi-Fi, breakfast and amenities in the room. All this, except for food, is also offered by private owners, from whom you can rent an apartment with two beds for the same price. For housing near the sea, you will have to pay at least one and a half times more.

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Food prices in Portoroz are about 20% lower than in other European resorts in neighboring countries. One of the cheapest and most common supermarkets is Mercator, the cost of products here is even lower than on the market.

There are many cafes and restaurants of different price categories in the city of Portorož. Here you can enjoy both unusual seafood and lush pastries. The best establishments, according to tourists, are:

Fast service, pleasant atmosphere and sea view - delicious desserts are added to all the delights of this cafe. It serves dozens of varieties of ice cream, a variety of cakes, diet smoothies and a huge number of cocktails (including alcoholic ones). All this for reasonable money.

Trattoria del Pescatore

The most popular restaurant in the city with Italian and sea ​​food. Here is a free table - quite a rare event, because the restaurant has everything that customers need: delicious food, a large selection of dishes, reasonable prices and excellent service.

An unpretentious establishment with a simple interior will prove to you that all fish is delicious, the main thing is to cook it right. In addition to various seafood, traditional European dishes are served here. Acceptable cost of dishes and a good location (at the station) are another advantage of the restaurant.

Wellness at the resort

Portorož is the owner of unique springs with therapeutic mud and thermal waters. These natural factors allow you to get rid of:

  1. Diseases of the respiratory system and the musculoskeletal system;
  2. Stress and overwork;
  3. skin problems;
  4. Neurological disorders, etc.

In addition, thermal and sea waters with a high content of sulfates help to rejuvenate the skin and the body as a whole.

On the territory of the city there are several dozen beauty salons and rehabilitation centers. The ideal time for recovery in Portorož is autumn-winter, when the flow of tourists decreases and the cost of all spa treatments is significantly reduced.

Before booking a hotel room for a vacation, check if this institution has a beauty salon, where the cost of services will be lower than in ordinary city establishments.

The climate of Portorož: is it worth going on vacation outside of summer?

Comfortable weather reigns in this part of Slovenia all year round - in the high season you will not have to burn out under an overly bright sun, and winter and autumn will not force you to wear down jackets.

average temperature air in summer - 27-29 ° C, the warmest month is August. The Adriatic Sea during this period heats up to 26 ° C, it practically does not rain. The weather in the second half of summer is most favorable for relaxing on the beach, but there are also the most tourists in the city at this time.

The coldest period of the year is December-January, when the air temperature drops to +5…+8°C. Both in summer and in autumn, rains in Portorož are not frequent guests.

The beaches of Portorož in Slovenia

Unlike nearest resorts Slovenia, Portorož is a city with sandy beaches. The main one is municipal, many hotels are located within walking distance from it. Here, for 12 euros per day, you can rent an umbrella and a sun lounger.

The sea in Portorož is warm, so at the bottom it is covered with algae. They enter the water along established wooden paths, and lifeguards watch people without interruption. There are many cafes, toilets and showers. The only drawback is that the beach is paid, you can sit for free only on concrete parapets near the water.

What to do on vacation?

Portorož - beautiful city with extraordinary landscapes and non-standard entertainment. There is interesting places both for groovy youth and for families with children. According to travelers, the best attractions in Portorož are as follows.

A large area with unusual plants and neat bridges, salt production before your eyes and many rare birds - this park is a must-see. Here you may be interested in medical cosmetics, salted chocolate or spa treatments. Entrance to the attraction is paid - 8 euros, discounts for children. You can rent a bike.

Gambling lovers will appreciate one of the largest and oldest casinos in Slovenia. Entertainment for every taste: roulette, poker, slot machines and much more. The main visitors are Italians, try your luck in the confrontation with the burning European machos.

Cycling tour for the whole family in the place of the old railway. Smooth surfaces for skiing, a variety of plants and trees along the roadside, tunnels and travel along the sea coast - feel the beauty of the local air and landscapes. Here they make the most nice pictures in Portorož.

The Fonda Fish Farm

The fish farm is the work of many generations of the Fonda family, where all living creatures are collected sea ​​coast. This attraction of Portorož is especially interesting for children. They look with curiosity at the many pools of fish and shellfish.

Once you've learned all about the history of the farm and its people, you'll be offered a seafood cooking class or a pre-made meal to suit your every need. You can buy raw fish at relatively low prices.


No wonder the city is located near Italy, a country where high-quality clothes and shoes are produced. Shopping in Portorož is not only pleasant, but also profitable entertainment. But not all goods in the city are cheap, some things are imported far from abroad, so buying them here is extremely expensive.

Wealthy (but economical) tourists come to this city of Slovenia year-round, so most of stores here keeps prices above average. This is partly due to the high quality and huge selection of goods. In Portorož you can buy:

  • Reliable shoes;
  • designer clothes;
  • Accessories of well-known brands;
  • Jewelry for every taste;
  • Old antiques;
  • Paintings;
  • Alcohol;
  • Crystal and ceramic products;
  • Handmade goods;
  • Cosmetics.

The most expensive are clothes and shoes, jewelry, antiques. You can also buy handmade goods and cosmetics. In addition, all creams, scrubs, soaps and other products made from salt are useful and rare products that can only be bought in the city of Portorož.

It is worth paying attention to strong drinks produced in Slovenia. Ancient wines, pear vodka, liquor, blueberry tincture and other locally produced alcohol - this is a souvenir that all your friends will be delighted with.

Portorož (Slovenia) is a city that will suit all tourists. Only here you can swim in the warm sea, improve your health with the help of unique thermal waters and enjoy delicious Slovenian cuisine. Have a nice holiday!

Interesting and informative video about Portorož.

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Portorož, Slovenia: the most detailed information about the city of Portorož with photo and video, location on the map.

City of Portorož (Slovenia)

The history of Portorož is directly linked to neighboring Piran. The city itself began to develop at the end of the 19th century with the advent of fashion for resorts. Already at the beginning of the 20th century, Portoroz became one of the largest resort centers on the Adriatic coast.

What has Portorož to offer? Rest and everything for rest. Here you will not find interesting sights, the most beautiful places, for this you need to go to Piran. This is a 100% resort - hotels, beaches, restaurants, bars and other attributes of relaxation.

But what Portoroz has to offer for recreation is quite enough - a comfortable climate, clean and warm sea, equipped beaches and good infrastructure. There are many restaurants and bars on the coast that are ready not only to feed tourists, but also to entertain them.

Portorož offers a variety of accommodation options from expensive hotels with private pools and beaches, to inexpensive hotels and apartments. So if you love beach holiday, the Mediterranean and the Adriatic, then you should like it here.

Video - city of Portorož

What attracts tourists to Portorož in Slovenia? After all, this city can hardly be called rich in sights. However, vacationers tend to come here in order to improve their health and actively spend their free time.

Portorož (Slovenia) is a fashionable modern resort, widely known for its wellness centers, spa complexes and vibrant nightlife. Here you can take a trip on a yacht, go on an excursion to the medieval city of Piran or get an adrenaline rush in one of the casinos.

The resort offers its guests to stay in hotels, which in the city is a great variety. Any traveler will find here without any problems a place of residence suitable for him in terms of cost and conditions.

Location and Features

Portoroz (Slovenia) is the most popular resort in the country. In translation, its name means "port of roses". It is located near the gentle waters of the Adriatic Sea. This is a charming town that stretches along the coast, resting on one side in the small village of Lucia (local population lives in it), and on the other, in the medieval city of Piran, the pearl of the Adriatic, located on the territory of Slovenia.

Because of its fashionability, Portorož reminds tourists of the French Riviera. The similarity of cities is given by stretching along the sea beautiful embankments and chic, illuminated in the evenings hotels. In addition, just like in the French Riviera, in Portorož you can see expensive cabriolets on the streets, and yachts sailing over the horizon on the sea.

According to tourists, Portorož is associated with the sea and wind, salt and Mediterranean aromas, roses, palm trees and many evergreens, relaxation, entertainment and excellent service. Such travelers remember the resort, located in the heart of Europe.

The city is located on the same latitude as the Crimea, which causes the climatic similarity of Portoroz with the famous Russian resort. This is a snowless and rather mild winter, as well as a dry and cool summer. Such a climate is great for a European resident to relax. This is probably why tourists from all over the world flock to Portorož. Here you can meet the French and Italians, the British and the Germans, who are the regulars of the resort in any season of the year.

Healing factors

Portoroz (Slovenia) is considered a unique resort. The city has a thalassotherapy center. It functions on the basis of the hotel complex "Palace". During the course of treatment, the specialists of the Center combine five healing natural factors that are available at the resort. These are sea and thermal water, climatic conditions due to which there is a large number of iodine and bromine, as well as mud and salt water from the saltworks.

The history of the opening of the resort

The healing factors of Portoroz have been known to people since the 13th century. It was then that the monks from the monasteries located in this area began to treat their ailments with local mud and water. However, the city became a full-fledged resort only in 1885, when the first clinic was opened on its territory. After 25 years, the Palace Hotel was built in Portorož. He began to receive people who came to the city for rest and recreation.

Until 1994, this resort was treated only with sea water and local mud. However, everything changed after the opening thermal spring. Its water, saturated with minerals, has become one of the main healing factors in wellness procedures.

Resort today

Every year Portorož (Slovenia) develops more and more rapidly. Reviews of tourists who have chosen this amazing corner of Europe confirm that the city is gradually turning into a major medical and tourist resort, equal to which it is quite difficult to find. Today, there are not only cosmetology, physiotherapy, massage and thermal centers, but also those that offer the use of Thai medicine and Ayurveda.

In addition, the city has an indoor marine park, which is called "Bernardine Lagoon". The climate is completely recreated on the territory of this amazing complex. mediterranean coast and his nature. For this reason, even in winter, a holiday in Slovenia in Portoroz will be wonderful. Reviews of tourists confirm that the temperature of the sea water in the pools of the park is maintained at the level of its natural values. The air here is heated to 32 degrees, which corresponds to the July figure. A higher temperature is created in the jacuzzi. After visiting them, vacationers can cool off with pleasure in the pool.

The Marine Park can accept everyone at the same time, as its water surfaces are spread over an area of ​​1000 square meters. According to tourists, the complex provides a unique opportunity to have a great time on an artificially created coast.

Indications for treatment

Recovery and recreation in Portoroz (Slovenia) are especially relevant for those who suffer from diseases:

musculoskeletal system;
- skin;
- central nervous system and other ailments.

Among the therapeutic programs, you can choose the most suitable for yourself, including:

From headaches;
- antirheumatic;
- from fibromyalgia;
- from osteoporosis;
- for the lower back and neck;
- respiratory;
- for the treatment of psoriasis;
- "Let's stop smoking."

In addition, in their medical centers resort Portorož (Slovenia) offers guests a large number of relaxing programs and those aimed at preserving and maintaining beauty. Among them:

- "Sea joys";
- "The world of massages";
- "Relaxation of Portorož";
- "Intensively from cellulite";
- "Beauty for him and for her."

All programs use:

Outdoor baths with salt and sea ​​water;
- pearl underwater massage;
- baths with algae and mud;
- physiotherapy;
- manual massage;
- acupuncture;
- physiotherapy.

natural attractions

The very place where Portorož (Slovenia) is located is unique. Photos of tourists taken in this town are a vivid confirmation of this. This resort has everything that can be appreciated by travelers. These are sandy beaches and clear sea, mild climate and lush vegetation, and, of course, a source of thermal waters.

Large resort hotels have their own territories resembling a park. However, not only tourists who come to the city can relax here. Portorož (Slovenia) receives numerous rave reviews due to its amazing sandy beaches, which are very pleasant to relax and sunbathe. In addition, the coastal zone and the surroundings of the resort are very favorable for humans in terms of their environmental friendliness. Tourists who come to Portorož (Slovenia) may not be afraid of contact with toxins and waste.

An interesting attraction of the resort is an exhibition of stone sculptures, which is located under open sky. Artists from all over the world bring their work here. For the first time such an exhibition was held in 1961, and after that it became a regular event. Over its more than half a century of history, about one hundred and twenty very interesting sculptures have accumulated here. One part of them is located in the Portoroz park and can be viewed by the guests of the resort. Another was placed in the cities located in the immediate vicinity of the resort.

Tourists are also interested in the Portorož Aquarium, which was established in 1964. Its squares are located in the former Nautical and Fishing School. To date, the aquarium has several pools equipped with special devices to create optimal conditions for the existence of fish, as well as lighting devices. Guests of the city are invited to admire more than 200 species of various marine life, including octopus and sperm whale, wrasse, catfish and many others.

Historical landmarks

It is worth saying that there are not so many of them in the city itself. All the sights of Portorož (Slovenia) consist of:

  • Seaside Boulevard Obala, which is the most famous street of the town, stretching along the coast of the Adriatic Sea, and a great place for walking.
  • Museum of Solonchaks. He tells his visitors about the history of salt mining in Portorož, which has been supplying French and Italian cuisines with this product since ancient times. The Museum provides an opportunity to observe how this mineral is mined, as well as to inspect the salt warehouses built by the order of Napoleon.

Many places of interest for tourists are located in the vicinity of Portorož. One of them is the medieval town of Piran, located four kilometers from the resort. In ancient times, it arose at the crossroads of Italian and Balkan civilizations. In the city, which for a long time was ruled by the Doges of Venice, you can admire historical monuments. Piran is distinguished by the architecture of the Gothic style. Tourists are attracted by its medieval fortress walls and cathedrals, as well as narrow streets that have perfectly preserved the spirit of bygone times. In the same city, you can visit the Maritime Museum, whose expositions tell about the difficult history of conquering the sea from the Middle Ages to the Second World War.

For lovers of romance there are Bus tours in Portoroz (Slovenia), offering tourists to visit Venice.

And for those who wish to see the amazing corners of nature, excursions are offered to the Postoino Pit - the largest karst cave in Europe.

Grand Hotel Portorož

A large number of hotels have been built in the city to accommodate tourists. All this allows travelers to find a suitable place to stay without any problems.

Invites guests of the resort of Portoroz (Slovenia) Grand Hotel Portoroz. This is an exclusive 4-star hotel in the city center. It has an authentic Mediterranean atmosphere and well-appointed comfortable rooms. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel.

There is a cafe in the Grand Hotel Portorož. It offers ice cream and homemade cakes, cocktails and fine cigars.

The hotel operates health and thermal spa centers. They have a complex of indoor pools filled with thermo-mineral waters. Here, tourists can sunbathe on the open terrace.

For those who choose a hotel, you should keep in mind that the cost of living in the Grand Hotel Portorož includes the use of swimming pools, a fitness center (in the morning), a visit to the casino, and participation in entertainment programs. Free guests can visit the beach, which is called "Medusa-4".

Neptun Hotel

This hotel offers comfortable and expensive accommodation. It is located almost in the center of the city, not far from the waterfront.

Hotel "Neptun" (Slovenia, Portorož) has a clear advantage over others. It is located in a magnificent park area, in addition, there is a covered passage from it to health center lifeclass. This allows hotel guests to go to the desired procedure in any weather without any problems.

The spacious and comfortable rooms of the hotel are equipped with everything you need. They have showers or bathrooms, minibars and air conditioning, TVs and safes. There are rooms for double occupancy. The hotel also offers accommodation for families with children. For babies over three years old, the rooms are equipped with small beds. For very young tourists, parents can order a crib for an additional fee.

Breakfast is included in the hotel rate. It is offered on a buffet basis. If desired, breakfast can be ordered to the room.

Apollo Hotel

This hotel is located on a small hill near the promenade and the main place of Portorož, where vacationers prefer to walk. Hotel "Apollo" (Portorož, Slovenia) is located on the territory, which is literally immersed in the greenery of plants and in the shade of pine trees.

The hotel is perfect place for families with children. The main part of its territory is given to kids. There is a children's corner and a playground.
The hotel provides free access to spa and wellness centers for all guests. They are connected to the hotel by a glassed-in corridor.

For accommodation of tourists 87 comfortable, cozy and spacious rooms are offered. Each one has air conditioning and a balcony.

Meals at the hotel are organized according to the "buffet" principle. Natural coffee or tea can be ordered at the restaurant bar.

"Europe Hostel"

In the fashionable and prestigious town of Portoroz, it is not necessary to stay in expensive hotels and hotel complexes. There are hostels in the resort. They offer vacationers accommodation for a small fee. One of these tourist hostels is Europe Hostel. It is located 20 meters from bus station, downtown. Here, travelers can stay in one of nine rooms, each with air conditioning. Five rooms designed for 4-6 people have their own private bathrooms.

There is a room "Spain" in the hostel. It is designed to accommodate 3 people. The room has a huge window, three beds and a bathroom. The hostel staff most often offers this room to vacationers with children.

The price includes breakfast and entertainment programs in the form of watching movies together.

Fly from Moscow to Ljubljana regular flights Aeroflot and Adria airlines (travel time is about 3 hours), as well as connecting flights of European low-cost airlines (Air Serbia, Austrian Airlines, Lufthansa). You can get from Ljubljana by regular bus, taxi or rented car (travel time is about 2.5 hours). You can also get to Portoroz from the Croatian airport Pula (100 km) or from the Italian Trieste. You can take a ferry from Venice (journey time - about 3 hours).

The time difference with Moscow is minus 2 hours in summer, minus 3 hours in winter.

The climate is mild, Mediterranean. The resort is located on the same latitude as the Crimean coast, so the climatic conditions are largely similar - these are mild winters with little snow and warm, dry summers. The heat is easily tolerated due to the lack of humidity. The city is protected by mountains from cold winds. The water temperature in July-August is plus 20-25°C.

In Portorož there is a narrow strip of bulk sandy beach, which distinguishes it from the neighboring resorts of Piran and Izola with concrete platforms. A sandy municipal beach with a relatively gentle slope is located to the left of the LifeClass hotel complex. It has playgrounds and a volleyball court.

Most of the hotels have their own beaches (mainly concrete platforms with equipped descent into the sea). Depth starts abruptly. This should be taken into account when traveling with small children.

Portoroz has a well-developed hotel infrastructure. Accommodation options can be chosen to your taste - from inexpensive apartments and small family hotels to first-class five-star complexes. All hotels, with the exception of the Bernardin complex, located on the seafront, are located across the road from the beach.

Kempinski Palace 5 * - the most luxurious hotel on the coast. Located in the center of the resort. On its territory there is a SPA center with a pool complex with a total area of ​​1500 sq.m.

The Bernardin hotel complex is located on the seashore, a 15-minute walk from the resort of Piran and 3 km from the center of Portorož. It includes Grand Bernardin 5*, Histrion 4* hotels and Vile Park 3* villas. On the territory of the complex there is a water park "Laguna Bernardin" (free access to swimming pools is provided for hotel guests), Paradise SPA health and beauty center, restaurants, cafes, shops.

Grand Hotel Portoroz 5 * - a luxury hotel for the most demanding customers. On its territory there is the Terme & Wellness LifeClass SPA center with a pool complex. For hotel guests - free entrance to the Casino Riviera and Grand Casino Portoroz.

Wellness and SPA

"Sauna-Park" - a complex with different types of saunas (salt, thalasso, Finnish, herbal and others), ice cave, massage waterfall, chromotherapy. The center uses salt from the Sechovel Saltworks, known since the 13th century.

Terme & Wellness Palace is a SPA complex, which includes a thalassotherapy center, a physiotherapy center, a spa and recreation center, an Ayurveda center and a beauty salon. Located on the territory of the Grand Hotel Portoroz 5 *.

Water park "Laguna Bernardin" - a complex of indoor pools and attractions with sea water. All pools have panoramic sea views.

"Aqua Relax" - located on the territory of the hotel "Metropol". Infrastructure and services: swimming pools with sea water, massage areas, jacuzzi, saunas, various types of massage, gym, beauty salon.

Piran is a town next to Portorož with a medieval atmosphere. It is considered the most beautiful resort on the Slovenian Riviera, and its cozy fish restaurants, concentrated on the waterfront, are the best on the coast. The architecture of the city is a well-preserved example of medieval Venetian architecture.

Lipica stud farm - the famous breed of white horses, which were once supplied to the Austrian imperial court, are bred here.

Postoino Pit is a karst cave, the largest in Europe, open to the public.

Park Forma Viva - an exhibition of modern sculptures in the open air. The park was opened in 1961.

Few of the guests of the resort miss the opportunity to visit the most beautiful city of the Adriatic - Venice. From Portorož to Venice, one-day bus excursions, trips on high-speed catamarans and ferries are offered.

Fishing, yachting, boating and catamarans, beach sports. Hiking and cycling along the sea along the shady promenade are very popular. Piran Bay is a fairly popular place among diving enthusiasts. On the coast there are schools for beginner divers, as well as equipment rentals.

Recreation features

Portorož is the most popular seaside resort with a well-developed infrastructure. It can be recommended for families. Most hotels have children's clubs and babysitting services during the summer. But it must be remembered that this is one of the most expensive resorts in Slovenia, a respectable European audience prefers to relax here.