The most beautiful diving in the world. Best Budget Diving Spots

Diving and spearfishing, places with the best diving in the world. Photos and videos of the underwater world of the seas. Diving tours and diving courses in Moscow, Russia and abroad. From Egypt to Australia, from Mauritius to Seychelles - everything about diving: sites, dives, prices and tours.

A fact that many thousands of scuba diving fanatics are ready to confirm: diving is the most “addicting” activity active rest. The number of people who have made their first few dives and not even thought about buying a mask, fins and wetsuit can be counted on one hand. Still would! Vivid, incomparable and always a little adrenaline-filled sensations from underwater walks will not leave anyone indifferent.

The beauty of diving

Dangers - real and imaginary

Fear before the first dive often becomes the main inhibitory moment that prevents tourists from joining a new type of active recreation. However, calling diving, especially recreational, an extreme sport can only be done for advertising purposes. In scuba diving, as in alpine skiing, there are their own levels of difficulty, and there are practically no serious dangers for beginners - after all, no one puts neophyte skiers who confuse the rope with telemark straight onto the “black” track. Of course, a person who has been put on a wetsuit for the first time in his life will experience excitement - and how much more! But if you dive with modern equipment and pay close attention to the instructions, then this excitement will remain just a pleasant surge of hormones before diving into the unknown. Real “extreme” - great depths, tangible currents, night dives, ice and speleo diving - is the lot of experienced divers.

For beginners, there are shallow waters, water at a comfortable temperature and the absence of strong currents. The only thing they should be wary of is close contact with poisonous creatures or plants. The pre-dive briefing certainly includes a separate point stating that you cannot grab anything with your hands underwater: not only for reasons of safety for the diver himself, but also in order not to cause any harm to the underwater flora and fauna. In fact, if every diver in the Red Sea touches one coral, in a couple of years there will be nothing to touch there.

What to choose?

Diving tours can be divided into two main types: daily diving and liveaboard diving. It is better to go on a diving safari for experienced divers who are not afraid of seasickness and are ready to exchange excursions and shopping for rare places for diving and the company of like-minded people. In essence, a dive safari is sea ​​cruise with two to four dives per day. Since there is no need to return to shore every evening, liveaboards make available distant and interesting dive sites, where, among other things, undersea world much less “spoiled” by tourists.

The main disadvantage of a diving safari is that when living on a ship, the flavor of the country is not so keenly felt, although passengers will certainly be delighted with national entertainment and cuisine. The duration of such a cruise can vary from 3 to 13 nights.

Daily diving is more suitable for beginner divers and groups in which only part of the group dives. In the morning, the diver will be picked up at the hotel and taken either to the diving center or directly to the pier, from there by boat or small vessel they will be taken to the planned dive site. After the first dive, the diver will have a light lunch on board, then a second dive, and in the evening, return to shore. If desired, it is possible to dive three times a day.

If there are two vacationers, and only one of them dives, then the second one can also be offered a boat ride, watch the process and swim for fun with a mask and snorkel. The advantages of daily diving are obvious: full-fledged beach holiday, and if you suddenly feel unwell, you can reschedule the day of diving without loss to your mood and wallet. The main disadvantage of this method of diving is that the dive sites close to the shore have been seen by more than one generation of tourists, and therefore their condition often leaves much to be desired.

Where to go?

Conventionally, diving tourism countries can be divided into two categories:

Category one: “You can’t help but dive here!” There are destinations where divers from all over the world go to dive. These are almost all countries of Southeast Asia: Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Micronesia, Papua - New Guinea, French Polynesia and others. Caribbean and Latin America:

Diving is a very entertaining form of active recreation. It hooks you after the first dive, creating a desire to return to the depths of the seas and oceans again and again. Where can you go diving? It depends on what the diver expects from the dive, as the various locations feature shipwrecks, stunning underwater caves and a variety of marine life.

Great Barrier Reef

One of the most favorite places for divers is the Great Barrier Reef in the north. east coast Australia, the largest on Earth coral reef. It became one of the seven natural wonders of the world for a reason: a huge variety of living organisms live there. You don't have to scuba dive to see some of them: even with a snorkel you can see a lot of beautiful things.

Among the 3,000 reefs formed by 350 species of corals, there are representatives of 1,500 species of fish and 4,000 species of shellfish. This place is often visited by divers of different skill levels, but due to the huge size of the reef (its area is larger than the size of Great Britain!) they do not interfere with each other's enjoyment of diving. The Great Barrier Reef is open to visitors all year round, but the best season is considered to be October-December.

Santa Catalina Island

IN North America great place The island of St. Catalina, thirty-five kilometers from California, is considered for diving. In addition to plenty of land-based activities, there are 49 dive sites. Beginners should visit the Avalon Underwater Park: giant brown algae grow there, and tiny Californian horned sharks, bright garibaldi fish, moray eels and fur seals swim among them. And one and a half kilometers west of the island there is a rather difficult place - the Ship Rock rock. In the shallow waters next to her, the schooner “Diosa del Mar” (translated from Spanish as “Goddess of the Sea”) sank - she can also be seen with a simple mask. On Catalina, the diving season lasts from May to October.

Maltese Islands

The most attractive place for lovers of sunken ships will be the Maltese Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, where ships of all eras can be found - from Phoenician galleys to modern submarines. Since many of the local underwater attractions are difficult to access, most of them remain almost untouched, and therefore more interesting. A downed English bomber that has remained here since World War II is very popular among divers. A submarine of the British fleet was sunk in St. Paul's Bay, and a French merchant ship was sunk off the coast of Valletta, on board which dishes and wine were found. He was probably attacked by Mediterranean pirates, whose base was Malta. for a long time. The best time to look at the numerous ships, as well as grottoes and canyons, is from June to September.


Surely many have heard about the Maldives - small, but very beautiful islands with white sand beaches, palm trees and lagoons. Some of the first visitors to the islands were divers who explored the incredibly beautiful underwater world of the Maldives. You can even meet its representatives in shallow waters, where stingrays love to swim. And at the depths there are countless inhabitants: there are colorful tropical fish, turtles, starfish, impressive Napoleon fish, barracudas and moray eels. There are also different types of sharks here, for example, whale and tiger sharks, hammerhead sharks and whitetip sharks. Many hotels here have their own reefs, where most of the diving takes place. The best diving season in the Maldives runs from January to April, although the water is warm all year round.

Republic of Palau

The next place is recognized by the diving association CEDAM International as one of the seven underwater wonders of the world. Palau is a republic located on two hundred islands, of which only eight are inhabited, since the natural community here is very fragile and, of course, very beautiful. The numerous lagoons of the Palau Islands are home to 700 species of tropical fish, including leopard sharks, octopuses, turtles and crabs. Palau also has very rare marine animals that are not found anywhere else. The main attraction for divers is the so-called “Blue Hole”, a complex system of underwater caves, many entrances into which allow light to pass through so that from different angles of view and in different time days the water acquires all shades of blue. The visiting season for Palau is considered to be from January to May.

Sipidan Island

Sipidan Island is formed by the top of an extinct underwater volcano, protruding almost a kilometer out of the sea. Despite the fact that it is very small, the underwater life boiling around it can be the envy of many large archipelagos. In one part of the island, huge flocks of caranax gather, and on Barracuda Point, barracudas form schools of thousands of individuals and create amazing patterns. Sipidan is also home to one of the largest populations of sea turtles. Local reef sharks are not afraid of people and allow you to swim up to them on close quarters. These sharks are small, so divers enjoy the opportunity to photograph them up close. You can dive here all year round, but from May to November it rains on Sipidan and visibility is reduced.

Diving in Thailand

Diving in the Red Sea

The Red Sea is very popular among divers, but in the most famous places like the reefs of Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh there are always a lot of tourists, and divers had to master South coast seas. There, from El-Kezir to Sudan, an uninhabited desert coast stretches for hundreds of kilometers, but coral gardens lie under the water, and among the caves and canyons there are many animals that have not yet been intimidated by divers. There are also octopuses, squids, and turtles, as well as relatives of sea cows - the amazing dugongs.

Recently, an airport was built in Marsa Alam, which led to the opening of dive centers there. But it is much more interesting to spend time in special diving camps. Enthusiasts have organized entire cities with diving schools, bungalows, tents and restaurants. The only hindrance to enjoying the dives may be the winds that cause currents, but in general the south of the Red Sea is open to visitors all year round. The best time is considered to be from November to March.

Yucatan Peninsula

Diving underwater and underground at the same time is considered especially exotic. Such dives are practiced in Mexico on the Yucatan Peninsula. 60 underwater caves up to 68 km long have already been discovered here, and divers are constantly discovering new ones cave systems. The Indians considered the entrances to these caves to be the gates to the afterlife and threw gold jewelry there as a gift to the gods, and sometimes sacrificed their fellow tribesmen.

Of course, everything that has archaeological value was raised from the bottom of the caves long ago, but this does not make them any less interesting. Most of these caves are located in the jungle near Cancun. The entrance to the cave resembles a pool or well, which is why the Mayans called it “cenote,” which means “well.” Sometimes getting to the cenotes is not so easy: you have to climb rocks or jump into the water from a height of three meters. But what is under the water, clear as air, is worth such efforts. Hurricanes are likely here in August and September, and most better time for a trip to Yucatan - May-July.

Diving in St. Petersburg

For those who want to learn diving and freediving in St. Petersburg, there are good schools diving that meet all certification requirements. To teach diving to children and adults in St. Petersburg, you can contact Natalya Levochskaya at Well, if you are an adult and you need a diver certificate, I recommend the website of the Baltika Club in St. Petersburg.

Diving in the North Sea

Most extreme view diving is diving into ice water northern seas. Before you go diving to the North Pole, it’s worth testing yourself in the Barents Sea. Getting to the diving base will not be so easy: it is located on the border with Norway on the German Peninsula, and you can only get there with the permission of the border service. At the bottom of the Barents Sea you can see many shell casings and shells, as well as sunken ships. Among the marine animals found here are northern dolphins, beluga sturgeons, whales, seals and salmon. You can dive from May to August.

Read with this article:

Diving from A to Z: where and how to start diving, where to go diving, certificates and equipment, advice from diving expert Veronica Birman.

In my previous articles, which have already accumulated - wow! - as many as five, I told you about what diving tourism is and who divers are. The summer season is ahead. This means that neither the Maldives, nor Phuket, nor Egypt, which has already become native, are waiting for divers in the coming months. So where should a person with scuba gear go? Or more precisely, where can you take a diver in the summer? Of course, Mediterranean and European countries they lure with the “high season” - the same Malta, Croatia, Spain, Turkey, Tunisia ... but the diving there, in general, is very mediocre.

So now we will talk about the best diving destinations summer season. That is, about those resorts where summer is not just suitable, but precisely the most best time for diving. For example, contrary to the habit of our compatriots to fly to Southeast Asia in winter, many islands and resorts in this region expect an influx of tourists from March-April to November! Marvelous? But it's a fact! So read on and you will find the best, albeit sometimes unexpected, options for divers.


The “high season” for diving in the Andaman Sea, on the most popular Phuket and the Similan Islands, ends in March. But this does not mean that Thailand is not waiting for divers in the summer - it starts in April high season in the Gulf of Thailand, and the islands of Koh Samui and Tao are waiting for divers until September inclusive. The best place to stay is on Koh Samui, from where daily boats depart daily to Koh Tao Island and nearby dive sites. However, it is worth warning that there can be quite a lot of divers underwater there, and visibility can sometimes leave much to be desired.


And the Bali - Komodo - Bali cruises, as well as other resorts in Indonesia, will be of interest not only to divers, but also to those who like to snorkel. An excellent addition in the form of an interesting ground program will help tourists diversify and fill their vacation with impressions.

In order not to waste time out of season, many well-equipped safari yachts leave for the summer from the Similan Islands of Thailand to neighboring countries - Indonesia or Malaysia. It's the high season there at this time! Among these “emigrants” you can find the yachts “Mermaid I” and “Mermaid II”, “Philcade”, “Ocean Rover” and others, well known to Russian divers.


From March to October, divers can visit the waters of popular diving resorts - Nha Trang and Whale Island. Hon Mun Marine Park is not rich in ocean inhabitants, but it is colorful and rare species There are plenty of fish - more than 400 species of hard corals create an impressive palette! Whale Island, located nearby, offers divers walls and coral gardens, breathtaking drift dives and, of course, countless species of colorful nudibranchs - the largest variety of which can be found in Vietnam. There you can even take a unique course and receive a certificate as a “specialist in nudibranchs of Vietnam.”

The Vietnamese resort of Con Dao, new to Russians, has a slightly shorter season - it welcomes divers from March to September. This archipelago of 14 islands off the southeast coast of Vietnam has been protected by the government since 1984, allowing it to escape the destructive activities of fishermen and preserve untouched beauty reefs. The value of this marine park recognized by worldwide associations of marine reserves and reserves. More than 1,000 hectares of coral reefs, inhabited by more than 1,300 species of marine life, await divers here. And all this - in the almost complete absence of dive centers, which in the eyes of sophisticated scuba diving adherents only adds to the attractiveness of the resort. Moreover, the kelp meadows in Con Dao support a small population of rare dugongs, and the egg-laying season for green and Hawksbill turtles runs from June to September. Dolphins are also frequent visitors to this area.

Among other things, travelers will probably want to visit land, in the jungles of Con Dao. This island has already received the status of “the best place for eco-tourism in Vietnam”, but has still retained all its pristineness and “unoccupied” by numerous vacationers.

From March to August, you can offer divers another “fresh” resort in Vietnam - Hoi An. The nearby Ku Lao Cham Marine Park, a half-hour boat ride away, has eight islands home to 155 species of coral, 202 species of fish, four species of lobster and 84 species of shellfish.


Although the best season to visit the Galapagos Islands is considered to be from December to May, the best time to meet whale sharks and hammerheads on Darwin and Wolf Islands - garua season from July to December, with peak months in August and September. The fact is that at this time the water there “blooms” with plankton and visibility drops, but the area becomes attractive for large fish that feed on these microorganisms.

The most popular dive destinations should be booked as early as possible. For example, in February it may already be problematic to find a yacht for a November safari in the Galapagos or Palau, and the most popular dive resorts in Indonesia and Malaysia may also be fully booked. After all, there are a great many people who want to come there.

Papua New Guinea

Here, as in other extended island countries, the season depends on the specific region. For example, the Valindi dive resort pleases better weather from May to October - here this is the driest period of the year, the best in terms of diving. Rains, however, are still possible, but plankton does not “bloom” at this time, and visibility is quite high. But at the Tawali resort best season“moved out” a little - the best time here is from August to December inclusive.


The best time for diving in the Seychelles is from March to May and from September to November. At the same time, the greatest chances of getting to know whale sharks will be almost out of season - in August and November.

Tourist season and best diving season in Seychelles may vary. Moreover, not even diving or tourist season it can be attractive for diving enthusiasts: visibility, of course, decreases due to the abundant reproduction of plankton, but the largest ocean fish come to feed on it, for example, the dream of any diver, the whale shark.


The surest way to see the best of underwater Australia is to go on a dive safari. And the best time for a diving safari in Australia is from July to November. In addition, from June to September it is worth diving in Osprey - in the north, in the Coral Sea. And especially sophisticated divers can go to the West Coast- there, at the Ningalo Reef, whale sharks are frolicking at this time.

Belize, Fiji, Honduras and French Polynesia

The high season in Belize lasts from March to May, but the weather guarantees the best diving conditions for divers from April to June inclusive, when the winds are not so strong. April and December are the most successful months for encounters with whale sharks.

In April-May, the season in Fiji changes - the sea becomes calmer, the water remains warm, but visibility is low due to plankton blooms. Although, at the same time, this is the best chance to get up close and personal with whale sharks. The most transparent, but also the most cool water welcomes divers from June to October.

The best time for diving on Honudras, on the island of Utila, is from March to September. April and July are the most suitable months for joint underwater excursions with whale sharks.

The most suitable conditions for diving on the islands of French Polynesia are provided by nature and climate from April to November. Humpback whales visit here in September, and the most frequent sightings of manta rays can be expected from September to October inclusive.

So, now you know where you can safely go in the summer. I would like to especially note that these seasons are an order that has developed over decades. However, you should never forget that nature depends only on your own mood and you should always be prepared for its possible surprises.

Veronica Birman, CEO Exotic Time company

Diving is a special type of recreation that relaxes, makes you happy and causes an adrenaline rush.. Moreover, diving can be quoted as family look tourism and entertainment.

And it suits all ages. That is why every year it becomes more and more popular. If you want to take a break from everyday life, a diving holiday is what you need.

Which country should I choose?

Diving is possible not only in warm waters, but also at temperatures of 10-20 degrees. But if you are a beginner, then it is better to go to warm countries. The water temperature there is suitable, the climate is inviting, and there is plenty of exotica. Plus the equipment is not so complicated and expensive.

Beginner divers prefer tours to Egypt. Best place for diving - the coastal area near the resort of Sharm El Sheikh. Marsa el-Alam is also famous for its coastline. Can .

A great place for diving tours is Thailand. There are Russian-speaking trainers and wonderful dive sites here. And the underwater expanses will not leave even the most demanding diver indifferent.

Holidays on the island are popular. Here you can dive near the US Liberty wreck, and at Manta Point you can see huge manta rays. If you haven’t tried diving in caves, we recommend it.

If you haven't been yet, please correct this error. The most popular resorts are Hoi An, Danang, Nha Trang, Con Dao and Phu Quoc islands. By the way, one of the cheapest in the world.

In general, when choosing a country, look at the goals and plans that you set for yourself.

What do you need to know?

Find out in advance the list of services of local trainers. Ask about the possibility of training and obtaining a certificate (but it is better to come on vacation with the appropriate documents).

Take an experienced person with you as a partner.

Listen to your instructor

Physiological problems are possible during and after a dive. Be attentive to your well-being.
Before diving, read everything you are asked to sign.

There are a number of contraindications to diving; if you have them, then it’s not destiny.

Find everything necessary equipment before going on vacation, because your size may not be available there.
To avoid decompression sickness, dive and ascend according to the rules.

Diving is more than just scuba diving. Diving is a breathtaking process that is inextricably linked with contemplation. Therefore, in order for your diving to be enjoyable, the diving site should at least have these beauties.

It is for this reason that they do not dive in random unknown bodies of water with muddy waters and questionable underwater fauna.

Connoisseurs of the delights of the deep sea try to choose the most Beautiful places for diving, where you can see a lot of beautiful and amazing things.

In this article we will try to tell you about the best diving spots, which are most often visited by scuba divers looking for aesthetic benefits from diving.


Currently, Thailand is in great demand not only among ordinary tourists, but also among those who go to the resort for diving.

Where to dive?

People who travel abroad specifically for diving most often visit the Similan Islands in Thailand.

This destination differs from many others not only in geographical, but also in material accessibility.

The best place to dive is in a marine reserve protected by UNESCO. To get to it, it will take only two hours by boat from Phuket Island.


Scuba divers in the area of ​​the Similan Islands can spend time surrounded by barracudas, coral sharks and spotted groupers, striking in their size.

If you go on one of the underwater cave tours, you can admire the anemone fish made popular by the cartoon Finding Nemo.


You can not only go to Thailand if you already have diving experience behind you. You can get training here. But be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay about six or even seven thousand rubles for such a service.


Mexico tends to love resorts with underwater caves.

Yucatan Island

There are plenty of underwater caves here. They intersect, forming whole tangles and labyrinths. Moreover, to travel through caves, scuba divers dive in places that look like small ponds dotted with water lilies and other aquatic vegetation.

And under the water a real kingdom with mysterious passages and rivers awaits a person.

It is not surprising that the Mayan Indians who lived in those places considered underwater caves to be passages for the gods underworld. The underwater nature looks very mystical.


It is believed that special “cave” training is not required to visit the Yucatan caves. Experienced instructors work there and their supervision ensures sufficient diving safety.

However, everyone can take part in “cave” diving and go exploring caves without strangers.


Ecuador is another magnet for those who love scuba diving.

If you are going to Ecuador for diving, then you should definitely visit Galapagos Islands. However, it should be noted that this resort assumes that the scuba diver has sufficient experience. It's not that easy to dive here. Strong waves and currents take their toll.

Perhaps this is why local diving centers that provide training to tourists charge significant fees for their services. So, those who want to learn diving on the spot can pay from thirty to sixty thousand rubles.


The island called Darwin comes to experienced scuba divers in their sweetest dreams. It is a large volcano. True, he fell asleep a long time ago and, theoretically, poses no danger.


Off the coast of Darwin you can find beautiful and leisurely sea turtles, whitetip sharks and hammerhead sharks, as well as dangerous stingrays.

At the Arch rock, a scuba diver can find himself among huge whale sharks.

But these places attract tourists most at night. Since they contain many luminous crustaceans, in the dark the waters turn into an amazing environment full of small moving bluish stars. Such beauty simply defies description.


Many Russian scuba divers are upset by the ban on visiting Egypt. After all, this is where it is located Blue hole, which is considered one of the most extraordinary reefs located in the Red Sea.

The Blue Hole is a large funnel. Its diameter reaches fifty meters. The walls of the funnel go down vertically. Due to the fact that the sun's rays are continuously reflected from the walls of the hole, the diver is not fully aware of where he is going. Because of this, the impression of mystery and unreality of what is happening is created.

The resort of Dahab is located 15 kilometers from the Blue Hole. Therefore, getting there is not difficult.


Inexperienced divers would probably be pleased with the low cost of diving training in Dahab. Training centers, as a rule, charge only 2.5 to 4.5 thousand rubles for a course.


It is not so easy for Russians to get to Australia. However, those who nevertheless made an effort, visited this country and were able to go diving, as a rule, do not regret it. It is not surprising, because this is where the Great Barrier Reef is located - a fabulous dream for divers and surfers around the world.

What is amazing about this place? The fact is that here (and only here) you can examine 340 species of corals while diving. Is this too much? A lot, considering that there are 350 species of corals.

It is worth noting that the local reliefs are protected. Tourists are prohibited from breaking off pieces of coral and taking them with them. Coral broken by flippers can be punished. This strictness has allowed the authorities to preserve the beauty of the Great Barrier Reef for many years.


But corals are not the only attraction of the Great Barrier Reef. It is also home to red snapper. This fish is considered a long-liver, because its life cycle averages fifty years.

Also here you can observe very rare specimens of underwater fauna: clown fish, parrot fish, butterfly fish, hedgehog fish, cardinal fish, as well as blenny and wrasse.

But every diver must remember that the touch of one bright fish can be life-threatening. Many of the local inhabitants are as beautiful as they are poisonous.


In Malaysia you can find a small counterpart to the Great Barrier Reef located in Australia. This backup is located on the island of Sipadan.


Sipadan Island was one of the favorite places famous traveler and researcher Jacques-Yves Cousteau.

There are entire coral forests here, which, although inferior to the Australian reef in terms of diversity of species, are in no way inferior to it in beauty.

In fact, Sipadan is the top of a volcano, which, as if flirting with a person, looks out of the water.

Having decided to reach the foot of the volcano, a scuba diver can dive to a depth of six hundred meters.


Since Sipadan has warm currents, barracudas often swim here. They travel in flocks. You can also see sea turtles here, which not only swim off the coast, but lay eggs there.


There are no training centers located on Sipadan. This is because it is prohibited to build any structures here. The territory of the island is considered a protected area.

But you can get training on the nearby islands: Mabule and Kapalai.


Those who want to undergo high-quality diving training in an ideally suitable territory are usually offered to visit the United Arab Emirates.


Fujairah is one of the Arab Emirates. It is located on the east coast of the state. There is not only amazing fauna and calm currents here. At the bottom you can see many sunken ships, which, like everything frozen in time, amazes the human imagination.


The administration of Fujairah has created a unique reef, which has become a refuge for many colorful tropical fish. To create this space, the regional authorities had to flood several old cars.

Now not only cute fish live here. The underwater parking lot has also become home to octopuses, lobsters and crabs.

The once luxurious “iron horses” of the Cadillac and Ford brands are now covered with tubercles of shells and look more like King Triton’s motorcade.


There are many training centers located here that offer services for a reasonable fee. For the course, a tourist will have to pay about seven thousand rubles.


Most often, divers visit the resort of Eilat in Israel.


The local coral forests are very diverse and beautiful. But due to the accessibility of this resort, a huge number of scuba divers regularly visit it. Therefore, you most likely will not be able to swim underwater calmly, in the company of only familiar people.


There are many training centers here that can immerse you in amazing world diving for only 4-5 thousand rubles.

Republic of Maldives


It practically does not matter from which island you begin your amazing acquaintance with the underwater world of this state. On almost every island you can find coral forests and parts of sunken ships, some of which went under water several centuries ago.


If you have found the funds to come to the Maldives and explore the underwater world here, it is not a fact that you will have enough money to take diving training here.

Many centers raise tuition prices to astonishing heights. From time to time you will be offered to take a full diver course for 90 thousand rubles (and this is not the “ceiling” of local price lists).

Therefore, before packing your suitcase to visit the Maldives, it is better to undergo at least basic training in your city (if possible).

We told you about the most famous and colorful places suitable for diving.

If you have knowledge about less popular ones, but no less amazing places for divers, please share this information in the comments.