Autocamping in Olenevka. Recreation center "Car camping Sunset in Olenevka, Cape Tarkhankut" Olenevka

Greetings to all lovers of roads, distant travels and new experiences! Vyacheslav is with you.

On the eve of the new summer season I would like to tell you about our car trip around Belarus, which we made with our friendly family in June last year. The main purpose of the trip was to get to know the Republic of Belarus, but on the way there and back we also passed through many cities in central Russia, so the trip can be called “Rus-Belarus”! I hope that this description will be useful and informative for everyone who wants to travel along the roads of the neighboring fraternal state, as well as learn a lot of new and interesting things from the history of the Russian State.

As usual, my first article will contain brief statistical information about our trip, as well as a few words about the reasons for choosing this particular route and preparing for the trip. So…

Route: Perm – Game – Yoshkar-Ola – Cheboksary – Bolshoye Boldino – Arzamas – Murom – Kasimov – Ryazan – Monastyrshchino (Kulikovo Field) – Tula – Kaluga – Bryansk – Gomel – Rechitsa – Bragin – Mozyr – Turov – Pinsk – Brest – Belovezhskaya Pushcha – Kobrin – Ruzhany – Krasnoselskoe – Grodno – Murovanka – Lida – Minsk – Khatyn – “Stalin Line” – Nesvizh – Baranovichi – Mir – Minsk – Krevo – Golshany – Oshmyany – Gervyaty – Glubokoe – Polotsk – Nevel – Velikiye Luki – Rzhev – Tver – Kalyazin – Borisoglebsky – Yaroslavl – Kostroma – Manturovo – Kirov – Perm.

We traveled through 16 territories and regions Russian Federation and 6 subjects of the Republic of Belarus.

Time: 05/28/2016 – 06/13/2016, 17 days in total.

Transport: car Nissan Qashqai+2 (1.6, 2WD, 2010), rental bicycles.

Mileage According to the car's odometer, 7717 km.

Crew– married couple 45/44 yrs. and two children 12/6 years old.

Financial expenses 93 thousand rubles, of which 27% for excursions and entertainment, 24% for housing, 24% for fuel, 8% for food, 17% for souvenirs, etc.

Why did you choose Belarus when planning your new travel route? As always, there were several reasons for this.

First. Belarus is the most accessible foreign country for Russians. It’s even somehow unusual to apply such a definition to her. Belarusian people the closest and most brotherly for Russian people in all post-Soviet space. No cultural or language barriers. However, Belarus is sovereign. Its own president and its own laws.

Second. 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. As we know, the war began on June 22, 1941, and the main blow of German troops fell precisely on the territory of Belarus. In the first days of the war, its territory was almost completely occupied and was under the yoke of the invaders for almost three years. During this time, the Nazis destroyed more than two million people, i.e. almost every fourth resident of Belarus. Khatyn, burned along with its inhabitants, became a symbol of the barbarity and inhumanity of fascism.

Third. Educational and historical. My daughter studied the history of medieval Rus', and where better than on the way to Belarus and back can she consolidate this acquired knowledge. And it was interesting for the rest of the trip participants to see Murom, Ryazan, Tula, and Kulikovo Field in reality.

The Kholm Gate of the Brest Fortress is the most western point our journey

How did packing for a trip to Belarus differ from last year’s trip to the Russian North? Firstly, we did not take so much warm clothing. On the contrary, we took more light, summer ones. Secondly, having learned from past experience, we abandoned the tent and other camping equipment. It was supposed to travel through populated areas and only on asphalt roads. Due to the reduction in luggage volume, the roof rack was also abandoned. Without it, fuel consumption is slightly lower.

According to the deadlines. The original plans were to go on a trip at the end of July - beginning of August, but then I realized that by this time I would simply burn out from waiting, and the trip would not be a joy. Besides, it’s good in the Urals at the height of summer. For these reasons, the start of the trip was postponed to the end of May. We started on Saturday, May 28, and planned to return 16 days later on Sunday, June 12, leaving one day off on June 13 in reserve. On the 14th I was supposed to go to work.

As usual, during the preparation process a fairly detailed plan was drawn up - where to see what, how to travel and where to spend the night. Rented apartments were chosen as a place of refuge, for booking which I found the convenient website On the website you can book apartments not only in Russia, but also in other countries. For example, in Belarus I booked inexpensive one-room apartments in Brest and Minsk. One of the disadvantages of this service is the reluctant responses of landlords to requests in less than two days. For one-night stays, it is better to call and make arrangements the day before your arrival. For these purposes, on the same website, I wrote out the phone numbers of those landlords who have several apartments for sale. Some will be free.

And now I invite all readers to remember, day after day, all the brightest and most memorable events of our car trip around Belarus.

Travel "Rus-Belarus"

Hello everyone) I’m writing a report about one of our trips for the first time, don’t judge strictly... The trip to Belarus was planned for a long time, I chose the optimal route, looked for accommodation, studied various reports on road trips and finally decided on the time of the trip (May 3-13, 2015 year) and route. Before the trip, we purchased a guidebook from the store, which we basically took everywhere. The price of the issue is about 500 rubles, but the thing turned out to be useful; the guide also included maps of the republic and Minsk)

Before the trip, maps of Belarus were loaded into the navigator, and accommodation was booked in all the right cities on the website Don’t be alarmed, prices are in Belarusian rubles; apartment owners willingly accept dollars; Russian rubles, alas, were not accepted. I called the apartment owners a month before the trip; many apartments were already booked. Then I called everyone again in advance so that there would be no surprise upon arrival. Let me make a reservation right away: the apartments did not always look as “beautiful” as in the photo; some were not well-kept, the furniture already seemed shabby. Because We were always on the road and usually needed an apartment for an overnight stay, so we stayed where it was booked. A visa to Belarus is not required, you only need car insurance (green card or local policy). A few days in advance, I bought a green card from the first insurance company in the city that cost 700 rubles. This can be done before the border, but I advise you not to waste time on this and stock up in advance.
day 1, May 3, road to Belarus, first stop city Polotsk.

About 1000 km. on the way, highway M9, through Rzhev, after Velikiye Luki exit onto P51, then through P133 and now in front of us was a section of the road called “toll section”. At first we did not accept this as truth, because... section of road 50-100 km. turned out to be completely broken and narrow-lane, traffic along it could not exceed 70 km, because It was impossible to go faster. At the end of the road there really was a toll point and a barrier, the fare was 300 rubles) not fair... I'm used to seeing paid areas in a slightly different light than this. Having paid 300 re, the barrier was raised and a few meters later a sign “Belarus” appeared in front of us). we stopped, checked the course, and activated roaming. Then settlements with names in the Belarusian language began, which was somewhat unusual. Small villages with a measured, leisurely life. Because The first day of the trip fell on May 3, a day off, and along the way all local bank branches were closed, so it was somewhat difficult to exchange our re for their local rubles. It is also important to note that there are many storks in Belarus; as soon as you cross the border, storks begin to appear in their nests in the first populated area. We have never seen anything like this in our country. We arrived in Polotsk already at 5 pm, in total we had been on the road since 5 am, the travel time with stops for gas stations and snacks was 12 hours, the road in general was not difficult. In the evening we checked into a rented apartment, found an exchange office, which was only at the railway station, and this began our acquaintance with Belarus)

Day 2, May 4, 2015, acquaintance with Polotsk

Polotsk is the most ancient city in Belarus. The city itself is compact, provincial and attracts with its originality, but already a trend is beginning to be felt in it. Western countries and their cultures. The city does not have large grocery stores, boutiques and other paraphernalia of comfort inherent major cities. I’ll say right away that in Belarus, as well as in the Russian Federation, there are many banks, the most common is Belarusbank (, which offers the consumer the most unfavorable currency exchange rates, so if you decide not to show off, then it’s better walk further around the city or find another bank on the map that will save you a few rubles).
There are few attractions in Polotsk, so we covered them in half a day.
Monument to Francis Skaryna

Freedom Square

Polotsk is the geographical center of Europe

Monument to the letter "u"

The surroundings are clean and homely

Monument to 23 Guardsmen

Epiphany Monastery

Lutheran Church

The most a nice place Polotsk - Cathedral of St. Sofia

Further our path did not flow along the city embankment, but along its upper part: the Jesuit College

Monument to the Krivichi founders of the city

Monument to Euphrosyne of Polotsk

At a distance from the city center is the Spaso-Euphrosinievsky Monastery

You can have a delicious meal in Polotsk in the Domian cafe (Polotsk, Nizhne-Pokrovskaya str., 41 b), there is National cuisine, then we tried a local attraction - potato pancakes). We spent the whole day in this city, exchanged currencies, and then spent a long time recalculating them, because... our 5 tr. turned out to be the equivalent of more than a million Belarusian rubles in 50,000 pieces of paper), bought a local SIM card for calls throughout the republic.
Polotsk kvass and locally produced beer are sold in Polotsk. We managed to try this only in Polotsk, then we didn’t see them anywhere. Therefore, there is an opportunity, we advise you to buy such kvass either for the road, or as gifts)
Day 3, May 5, road to Minsk via Khatyn, about 230 km.

We left Polotsk early, because... the journey is 200 km. not close, and even in unfamiliar terrain. In Belarus, the speed limits are the same as ours: highway 90, city 60, highway 110, but there is a slight difference! If we don’t receive a fine when we exceed the speed limit of up to 20 km/h with the existing limit, then here we can only catch up to 10 km/h. Be careful! There are a lot of tripods, cameras and traffic police posts both in radar ambushes and at the entrances to cities.
Before reaching Minsk there is the Khatyn memorial complex. This complex was opened in 1969 on the site of a village burned by the Nazis. On the territory of the complex is the only village cemetery in the world…

On the eve of the holiday, the anniversary of the Great Patriotic War, the entire complex was full of workers who were painting and cleaning the area.
In general, I would like to note that during the entire trip, we did not meet a single village that did not honor those who died in that terrible war. In every village there is an obelisk, a memorial that reminds of days gone by and the fallen soldiers who defended these lands.
I would also like to note and draw your attention to the fact that gasoline prices throughout the republic are the same, regardless of the name of the gas station, the approximate cost of 92 gasoline is about 50 of our rubles, a little expensive, but no matter where you are: the capital or a small village, the price of gasoline will remain unchanged.
Minsk greeted us with good weather, cloudy but not rainy, a nice apartment with a talkative owner. We settled in the Minsk-rent area. Developed area, many supermarkets, shopping centers, stops nearby public transport, not the center, but once again taking a ride on the local trolleybuses and listening to the stops being announced in Belarusian is a pleasure. tickets for public transport can be bought both from the driver and at kiosks at bus stops.

Although Minsk is the capital of Belarus, it did not amaze me with its scope and splendor.

We stayed in Minsk for 2 days, but 2 days was enough to explore the entire city.
We started our route from the railway station and the twin towers.

Next we went to Mikhailovsky Square

Then we walked through the passage to Independence Square, where the Red Church is located.

There are many Catholics living in Belarus, so we often see Catholic churches that are unusual for us.

Then we walked along Independence Avenue to the upper city.

Above is a photo of the Cathedral Church of St. Virgin Mary
City Hall

Church of St. Joseph

Memorial "Island of Tears"

And of course, national cuisine, we recommend the cafe “Franziska”, a little expensive, but this is Minsk) - Minsk, Nezavisimosti Ave., 19

Day 4, May 6, Stalin Line, sightseeing tour of Minsk

Depending on where you are staying in Minsk, the Stalin Line is 20-30 km away. “Stalin Line” is a historical and cultural complex located on the former defense line.

The complex occupies a huge area...

It was cool outside, so we hurried to find a cafe. There is a small cafe on the territory of the complex where you can order soldier’s buckwheat porridge and warm up with hot tea) After the complex we went back to Minsk, or rather to the “Vostok” district, where the famous library is located

The library has a panoramic paid elevator that will take you to the top, to the observation deck. Neither the elevator nor the platform are worth the time and money spent. There is a cafe upstairs. The view from above is only of residential areas. We spent the rest of the day in the apartment, resting and gaining new strength.
Day 5, May 7, road to Grodno through the ruins of the Krevsky and Golshansky castles, through the Lida Castle, more than 300 km. on my way

We set out from Minsk in the morning, the weather was terrible, it was raining, we flew quickly along the Moscow Ring Road and moved towards the castles. The first on the way was Krevo Castle, or rather its ruins (Krevo village)

As we moved deeper into the republic, the weather began to change and we arrived at the ruins of the Golshansky castle (Golshany village)

Further the road flowed to Lida and Lida Castle. Lida is famous not only for the Lida Castle, but also for Lida beer and kvass, which are just as good as those from Polotsk)

The castle was restored and preserved to this day according to historical information.

And so, we got to Grodno

Day 6, May 8, Grodno

There are few attractions in Grodno; on the eve of holidays and weekends there were many tourists in the city, mainly from Poland
Fire Tower

Old castle and new castle

Nothing remarkable inside, not worth spending money on
Church of the Finding of the Holy Cross

Cathedral Church of St. Francis Xavier - the most important attraction of Grodno

The sights were explored quickly, so we went in search of attractions outside the guidebook, they turned out to be the forts of the Grodno Fortress (fortifications of the First World War) in the village of Naumovichi

Day 7, May 9, Belovezhskaya Pushcha via Krasnoselskie chalkpit and Ruzhany (castle in Ruzhany)

n/a Kovali, Ros River

Although they are shy, they are incredibly friendly and talkative swans, I loved them
Krasnoselsky chalk quarries are located in the village of Krasnoselsky, the quarries were formed from the extraction of chalk, everyone here will find a quarry to their taste and liking. People come here on vacation, for photo sessions.

Ruzhany is a small settlement in the Grodno region. Ruzhany is famous for its castle, which is currently being actively restored. The castle in Ruzhany is majestic and amazes visitors with its scale.

Next is the road to Belovezhskaya Pushcha runs through the village of Kamenyuki, along the entire route there are many signs that will lead you to Kamenyuki, and then to the main entrance to Belovezhskaya Pushcha ( The fresh air of the relic forest intoxicates your head. The hotel room in the Pushcha itself was booked in advance without prepayment ( Prices for rooms are on the website; you can choose a room in a hotel on the territory of the Pushcha, or a room in a hotel near the Pushcha (500 meters from the main entrance). We didn’t regret staying at the hotel on site. The room was clean and comfortable, the staff was hospitable. The price of the room included a very hearty breakfast, which was worth it before the trip. On the territory of the Pushcha and at the entrance to it there are several cafes where you can eat, and in the main building there is a restaurant where you can try buffalo meat. The range of services of the Pushcha: both health-improving and cultural and entertainment. We chose a bike ride. If you have bicycles with you, you won’t have to pay for them to enter the Pushcha, only if you want to buy your own route. Let me make a reservation right away - this is not mandatory. There are signs on the territory of the Pushcha, so you can safely navigate by them and ride bicycles on your own without maps. We rented bicycles + a route of 15 km. You can buy a ticket separately to view the animals, but I also don’t advise you to spend money, if you take bicycles, then one way or another on the way back you will pass through all the animals and see them for free. We had a chance to admire them before going to bed, when it was already getting dark and they were putting them to bed, the evening walk only did us good, we slept very well.

Day 8, May 10, Brest via Kamenets (distance 50-60 km)

Kamenets is famous for the Kamenets Tower, which is located directly in the city. The Kamenets Tower is a monument of defense architecture, the tower stands on a high hill, inside the tower there is a local history museum.

We got to Brest quickly, before moving in we managed to visit the Brest Fortress, I won’t describe it, everyone knows what it is, photos don’t convey all the sensations that you experience inside its walls

After checking in, we had a snack and went to get acquainted with the city; the sights were within walking distance from us. The city is beautiful and modern, there are not many attractions.

It is worth walking along 2 streets: Cosmonauts Boulevard and Gogol Street.

Recommended place for lunch is the Dali cafe on Blvd. Cosmonauts
Church of the Exaltation of St. Cross

This is where our acquaintance with Brest ends. The city has many branded stores of the Brest Distillery (sells Zubrovka and other liqueurs) and chocolate factories.
Day 9, May 11, road to Mir through the village. Kozishchi, Nesvizh Castle (about 350 km)

In the village of Kozische there is a large ostrich farm; it is difficult to find without a navigator, because... sometimes we had to drive along a rural dirt road. Because We left Brest early and arrived at the farm at opening time, at 10 am. But as it turned out, the staff had not arrived yet and we had to wait about an hour for the opening, this really spoiled our impression. Before the excursion, we ordered breakfast: an ostrich egg omelette and ostrich sausages (there are always fresh eggs on sale and fresh meat for those who like it). The excursion was sluggish, as was the guide; I wanted to move on faster.

Because The path ahead was not yet close, so we refreshed ourselves with ostrich and rushed on. The roads in Belarus deserve special attention; they are ideal. In some places there are signs that there will be bumps on the road, but in fact you don’t even notice them. No major repairs, no potholes, no pothole repairs. The roads are clean, staff walk around and mow the grass; this attitude towards roads in the country inspires respect.
Passing 300 km. we got to Nesvizh, the city in which Nesvizh Castle is located. I’ll immediately make a reservation that due to the long journey during the day, we did not have time to get inside, so we examined the castle only from the outside. He is beautiful.

There are several hotels in Nesvizh, but the most interesting thing is that you can rent a room in the castle)
Mir, Mir Castle. As in Nesvizh with the Mir Castle, you can also rent a room, but we couldn’t afford it, so we stayed at a hotel, the rooms and prices were reasonable (hotel “Mir”). I was tired from the road, so I preferred to sit outside the castle in the fresh air, while my husband went to the castle.

Day 10, May 12, Vitebsk (about 380 km)

Vitebsk is our last point of travel around Belarus. This city only strengthened my already positive attitude towards this country.

Holy Assumption Cathedral

Kirovsky Bridge

City Hall

Holy Resurrection Church

Slavic Marketplace)

Day 11, May 13, road home (900 km)

We are going to the border and then...

At the border they checked our passports and wished us a good trip)

The distance from Moscow to the neighboring state is only about 700 kilometers. The easiest way to get there is by car.

It is worth leaving the capital early in the morning, and if the trip is planned on the weekend, it is better before dawn. This is due to the possibility of quickly passing the highway to leave Moscow without traffic jams and with a minimum of problems.

The nuances of traveling in this direction:

The roads in Belarus are very good, there are few cars on them, so many drivers accelerate to the maximum possible speed. But it is worth remembering that a fine for exceeding the speed limit by only 30 km/h will cost 7,000 rubles, and repeated detention is a reason for deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle. The permitted speed on the highway from the border to Minsk is 120 km/h, the entire road without significant settlements.

Minsk is the capital of Belarus, Every tourist initially strives here. There are really a lot of places that guests of Minsk should definitely visit:

  • . It was founded back in 1880 and has many paths, sculptures and small clearings with fountains. On the territory there are attractions, a planetarium, several cafes and sports complex in a modern design. The park is located along the Svisloch River, on the bank there is a bronze monument to Gorky, and a small but very elegant bridge spans the waters.
  • Many people are delighted with local ducks; at the end of July you can already look at their offspring.
    Central children's park named after M. Gorky
  • National Library. It is best to visit it in the evening; at night, the facade is illuminated with multi-colored rays, and even some paintings and drawings are displayed on it. From 18 o'clock the upper one starts working Observation deck. Entrance ticket is 3500 Belarusian rubles, the impressions will be truly unforgettable. The site is located on the 23rd floor, offering views of the entire city; guests are given binoculars that can only be used for 3 minutes.
    National Library
  • Red Church, located on Independence Square. This is quite functional catholic church. People of different religions are allowed to enter here, but photography and video recording are prohibited. It is believed that the Red Church is one of the most striking attractions of the capital; it is very beautifully decorated inside. Directly near the church there are interesting sculptures - St. Michael the Archangel and the Nagasaki bell.
  • A little further away there is a monument to Minsk architects, who, in the shortest possible time after the war of 1941-1945, were able to completely rebuild the capital. In church, women must cover their heads. There's no talking inside.
    Red Church
  • Central Botanical Garden. Located on Kalinin Square, founded in 1932, it is an amazing collection of various exotic and not so exotic plants. Inside the park there is an area with attractions, cafes are scattered chaotically, and there is also a miniature Railway for children. Directly adjacent to the Botanical Garden Chelyuskin Square.
    Central Botanical Garden

A must visit at the monument dedicated to the fallen soldiers during the Great Patriotic War. Numerous tourists claim that here the earth seems to breathe and groan. Recognized as a curious place Island of courage and sadness. It often rains here and the sky is covered with clouds. Large stones-boulders are scattered throughout the territory, on which are inscribed the names of Afghan cities in which Belarusians died, and there is a separate monument to Soviet soldiers.

Also deserves attention 17-kilometer Independence Avenue, and the Upper Town with amazing architecture of churches and Orthodox churches, And Loshchinsky Park, and the Palace of the Republic.

Island of Courage and Sorrow

Mir and Nesvizh are ancient castles. Excursions are regularly organized here, but you can also take independent travel. You won't be able to see both castles in one day. Mir Castle is open from 9-00 to 22-00, the entrance ticket costs 3,500 Belarusian rubles, for video and photography you will have to pay an additional 1,000 Belarusian rubles, and it is better to do this in advance - the views there are really beautiful, which makes it possible to conduct a luxurious photo shoot.

Mir Castle was founded in 1832, a noble family of princes lived here, and a chapel has been preserved that served as a crypt for the masters. There is a café nearby that serves simple but satisfying dishes. The cost of a full meal per person is unlikely to exceed 2000 Belarusian rubles. The main gate of the castle, on which the image of the coat of arms has been preserved, is subject to inspection.

Castle Mir

Tour guides work in museums. The town of the same name near the Nesvizh castle is a cozy town with many ancient buildings, inexpensive cafes and a park.

Dudutki - a complex about the history of Belarusian crafts, Museum of Material Culture, which consists of several workshops. They demonstrate various crafts, the entrance ticket costs only 2000 Belarusian rubles (photo and video shooting are free ). Where to go here:

  • pottery. The master talks about the types of clay processing and demonstrates ready-made products that can be purchased at a low price;
  • weaving workshop. Amazing place, in which there is a real antique loom on which craftswomen work, and the products immediately hit the shelves;
  • ethnographic gallery. Imitation of Belarusian life, demonstration of dishes and household accessories, exhibition of folk art products.

On the territory of Dudutka you can visit the stables and barnyard. There is a cheese factory nearby. Product tasting is included in the ticket price, and there is also an original cafe “Shynok”, where they sell sandwiches with honey and pickled cucumber, moonshine and native Belarusian dishes.

Dudutki in Belarus

Belarus is rich in beautiful and interesting places: Brest with its military past and a huge memorial complex, Zaslavl with museums and churches, small farms and villages, Belovezhskaya Pushcha. You can come here an infinite number of times and it will still not be enough.

Hotels for tourists exists in Minsk, and even on the territory of some historical attractions. In the first case, you can use modern 4 and 5 star complexes or hostels, which periodically host various interesting parties (for example, viewing paintings by local artists, meeting and talking with them).

Near the ancient castles of Mir and Nesvizh there is a hotel with 30 rooms, which is located in the building of the former guest house. The cost of living in hotels, hostels and inns ranges from 10 to 300 dollars per day per room.

If the trip is not limited to Minsk, but the path lies further, then it is worth paying attention to private offers. In villages and towns, people rent out rooms in their houses for a very small fee. For example, a room for 2 people with amenities and full meals can be rented for $10 per day.

If the stop is supposed to be in the area of ​​Brest, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, then local residents will definitely act as a guide through the forest, and in some populated areas Holidays imitating weddings and name days according to ancient rites are held especially for guests.

Along most routes there are small cafes with a few hotel rooms. It will be convenient to use them if the road is tiring and the driver just needs to get some sleep. The car will be parked in a guarded parking lot during your vacation. The price for such a vacation will be $7 per person per day, meals are paid separately.

Read more in our article about how to travel to Belarus by car.

Features of a trip from Moscow to Belarus

The distance from Moscow to the neighboring state is only 700 kilometers and a little, and the easiest way to get there is by car.

Experienced travelers warn that it is worth leaving the capital early in the morning, and if the trip is planned on the weekend, it is better before dawn. This is due to the possibility of quickly passing the highway to leave Moscow, because summer residents vacationing at bases in the nearest Moscow region create traffic jams on these days.

Minsk is the capital of Belarus

Belarus is a foreign country, albeit one that is close and dear. Therefore, it is worth studying and remembering some of the nuances of traveling in this direction in advance:

  • When crossing the border, Russians will need to present documents that confirm their right to drive a car: driver’s license, registration documents vehicle and insurance. You also need to have a domestic or foreign Russian passport with you.
  • If you go on a trip with children, you need their birth certificate. Russian customs officers require a power of attorney from the second parent for a child to travel abroad if he is traveling only with his mother or father.
  • Before crossing the border you will need to obtain a green card. is an insurance document that is valid on the territory of Belarus and is an analogue of compulsory motor liability insurance. Such insurance compensates for losses in the event of a traffic accident and covers expenses in the event of injury to health. Such cards can be issued directly at customs, but it is much more practical to take care of purchasing it before crossing the border, which will be much cheaper.

The Green Card costs 800 rubles for 14 days and 5,000 rubles for 12 months. The fine in a neighboring state for the absence of such a document is $200.

  • Crossing the border is very simple and there are practically no queues. You will definitely need to fill out a declaration and keep it until you return home.
  • Without paying state duties, Russians are allowed to import quite a lot of things into the territory of Belarus; the ban is on drugs and weapons, information media with dangerous information on them, antiques, rare book editions, and antique jewelry.

Roads in Belarus

The roads in Belarus are very good, there are few cars on them, and therefore many drivers accelerate to the maximum possible speed. But this is dangerous, because the traffic police of the neighboring state keep order quite strictly. A fine for exceeding the speed limit by 30 km/h will cost 7,000 rubles, and repeated detention is grounds for deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle.

The permitted speed on the highway from the border to Minsk is 120 km/h, the road does not pass through populated areas in any place, and therefore you can drive a car here without reducing your speed at all.

Another important nuance. It’s also worth filling up with gasoline as much as possible in Russia; in the neighboring country it is 3-4 rubles per liter more expensive. You should not ignore the need to exchange Russian rubles for Belarusian currency, since there will be no exchange offices. However, this will not be a problem: in any, even the most remote cafe, you can pay with a Russian bank card.

Where can you go by car in summer?

The warm season is the best time to travel around Belarus. In principle, you can simply drive your car along the highways in any direction. Along the way you will encounter historical sights and natural beauty. If we consider the most popular destinations, only a few stand out.

Minsk is the capital of Belarus

Every tourist first goes to the capital. Minsk attracts both history buffs and architecture connoisseurs. Some argue that two days are enough to see the sights of the city, but this is not true. There are really a lot of places that guests of Minsk must visit:

  • Central Children's Park named after M. Gorky. It was founded back in 1880 and has many paths, sculptures and small clearings with fountains. The park has attractions, a planetarium, several cafes and a modern sports complex. The park is located along the Svisloch River, on the bank there is a bronze monument to Gorky, and a small elegant bridge spans the waters.

IN summer time One of the attractions of the park are the ducks that live on the river and are clearly visible from the bridge. They are fed by tourists and local residents, and at the end of July or beginning of August their offspring are already visible.

Central Children's Park named after M. Gorky
  • National Library. It is better to visit it in the evening, because during the day it is usually modern building. But at night the facade is illuminated with multi-colored rays of light, even some paintings and drawings are displayed on it. The upper observation deck starts operating from 18:00, the entrance ticket there costs only 3,500 Belarusian rubles, but the impressions will be truly unforgettable.
  • The site is located on the 23rd floor, offering views of the entire city; guests are given binoculars that can only be used for 3 minutes. There is a cafe on the floor below, it has very expensive coffee, but quite decent tea and delicious local pastries.

National Library
  • Red Church located on Independence Square. More precisely, it is a fully functioning Catholic church. People of different religions are allowed to enter here, but photography and video recording are prohibited. It is believed that the Red Church is one of the most striking attractions of the capital of Belarus; it is beautifully decorated inside.
  • Directly near the church there are interesting sculptures - St. Michael the Archangel and the Nagasaki bell. A little further away there is a monument to Minsk architects, who, in the shortest possible time after the war of 1941-1945, were able to completely rebuild the capital.

Women should cover their heads in church. There is no talking inside so as not to disturb people praying.

Red Church
  • Central Botanical Garden. Located on Kalinin Square, founded in 1932, it is an amazing collection of various exotic and not so exotic plants. Inside the garden there is an area with attractions, cafes are scattered chaotically, and a miniature railway operates. A small train with carriages takes children along it.

Chelyuskin Square is directly adjacent to the Botanical Garden; it is practically inseparable from the main green area and gives tourists the opportunity to relax on beautiful forged benches in the shade of trees.

Central Botanical Garden

This is a small fraction interesting places Minsk. You should definitely visit the monument dedicated to the fallen soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. Numerous tourists claim that here the earth itself breathes and groans. The Island of Courage and Sorrow is also recognized as a curious place. It often rains here and the sky is covered with clouds.

Large stones-boulders are scattered on the island, on which are inscribed the names of Afghan cities in which Belarusians died, and there is a separate monument to Soviet soldiers. The 17-kilometer Independence Avenue, the Upper Town with its amazing architecture of churches and Orthodox churches, Loshchinsky Park, and the Palace of the Republic deserve attention.

Island of Courage and Sorrow

Mir and Nesvizh – ancient castles

Excursions are regularly organized here, but you can also make an independent trip. Moreover, experienced travelers do not recommend combining these two attractions for sightseeing in one day; it will clearly not be enough.

Mir Castle is open from 9-00 to 22-00, the entrance ticket costs 3,500 Belarusian rubles, for video and photography you will have to pay an additional 1,000 Belarusian rubles, it is better to do this in advance, since availability beautiful views makes it possible to conduct a luxurious photo shoot.

Mir Castle was founded in 1832, a noble family of princes lived here, a chapel has been preserved that served as a crypt for the masters. There is a café nearby that serves simple but satisfying dishes. The cost of a full meal per person is unlikely to exceed 2000 Belarusian rubles. The main gate of the castle, on which the image of the coat of arms has been preserved, is subject to inspection.

If the Mir castle was intended not only for life, but also to protect the lands from enemies, then Nesvizh is a more sophisticated structure with Gothic and Byzantine elements, small sculptures in the form of fantastic animals and birds.

There are guides in museums, they do their job even for one tourist, and it will be interesting and exciting. The city of the same name near the Nesvizh castle is a cozy settlement with many ancient buildings, inexpensive cafes and a park with green spaces and fountains.

Castle Mir

Dudutki – a complex about the history of Belarusian crafts

This is a museum of material culture, which consists of several workshops. They demonstrate various crafts, it is quite possible to see everything in a day, and the entrance ticket costs only 2000 Belarusian rubles (photo and video shooting are free). Where to go here:

  • pottery. The master demonstrates his work, talks about the types of clay processing and demonstrates ready-made products that can be purchased at a low price;
  • straw workshop. A hereditary straw weaver works here, who not only tells the history of this craft, but also demonstrates the basis of her work, showing finished products - from “brownies” to horses;
  • weaving workshop. An amazing place with a real antique loom. It employs craftswomen, whose products immediately end up on the shelves (napkins and rugs, rugs, towels and home clothes);
  • Dudutki

    On the territory of Dudutka you can visit the stables and barnyard. The animals are all tame, you can interact with them, and guests feed them at certain hours. There is a cheese factory nearby. Product tasting is included in the price entrance ticket, and right there there is an original cafe “Shynok”, where they sell sandwiches with honey and pickled cucumber, moonshine and native Belarusian dishes.

    Belarus is rich in beautiful and interesting places. Brest with its military past and a huge memorial complex, Zaslavl with museums and churches, small farms and villages, Belovezhskaya Pushcha. You can come here an infinite number of times and it will still not be enough.

    Watch the video about a trip to Belarus by car:

    Where to stay in Belarus?

    It is simply impossible to go to Belarus by car for several days and do without hotels or an inn, and there are many such places. They are also in Minsk, and even on the territory of some historical attractions. In the first case, you can use modern 4 and 5 star hotels, or hostels, which periodically host various interesting parties (for example, viewing paintings by local artists, meeting and talking with them).

    Near the ancient castles of Mir and Nesvizh there is a hotel with 30 rooms, which is located in the building of a former guest house. There is also a dining room here, where both a buffet and a classic food system are organized. The cost of living in hotels, hostels and inns ranges from 10 to 300 dollars per day per room, and the price depends on the level of star rating and the services offered.

    Hotel in Nesvizh

    If the trip is not limited to Minsk, but the path lies further, then it is worth paying attention to private offers. In villages and small towns, people rent out rooms in their houses for a very small fee. For example, a room for two people with amenities and full meals can be rented for $10 per day. In return, you can get tasty, organic food, communication with the owners, and a walk around the village.

    If a stop is planned in the area of ​​Brest, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, then local residents will definitely act as a guide through the forest (you can pick berries and mushrooms), and in some settlements, holidays imitating a wedding and name days according to ancient rites are held especially for guests.

    Belovezhskaya Pushcha

    Besides, Along most routes there are small cafes with a few hotel rooms. They will be convenient to use if the road is tiring and the driver needs to sleep. A bed, clean linens, a hot shower and lunch are guaranteed. During your vacation, your car will be parked in a guarded parking lot. The price for such a vacation will be only $7 per person per day, but meals will have to be paid separately.

    Traveling to Belarus by car from Moscow is an amazing and easy journey that is sure to bring a lot of positive emotions. Familiar Russian speech, the friendliness and hospitality of the residents, the beauty of nature and many attractions - all this will make the trip educational and enjoyable in all respects.

Dear Belarusian scholars, hello! There is an idea to visit Belarus in August. Initial data: adult and teenager 15 years old. What I would like to see: Brest, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Khatyn, Mir, Nesvizh, Minsk. Maybe something should be excluded from the list or vice versa added? How to plan a route, where to start your trip around Belarus, where to end? We'll go from Moscow. How much should you budget for your trip? I don’t even know how to approach planning. I will be grateful to everyone for advice.

Sections: Belarus

1. Start your trip in Minsk, where you can visit many museums and just walk around the city.
2. Mir and Nesvizh, for these castles you need to budget at least two days for each castle.
3. Khatyn also takes at least half a day.
4. But for Brest and Belovezhskaya Pushcha, I think you need at least 4 days to explore Brest and the Brest Fortress, and for Belovezhskaya Pushcha you need to allocate one full day to visit the museum of nature, the estate with Belarusian Santa Claus and enclosures with animals.
The trip must be planned at least 7 to 10 days in advance.
How will you travel by train, plane or car?

About castles. These castles are considered the highlight of the Republic of Belarus, they need to be seen. They are very beautiful, both outside and inside. I rode in them and really liked them. Although I am from Moscow, I have seen a lot...
The distance between Minsk and Mir is 100 km, Mir-Nesvizh is 30 km.
In Minsk you can see the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, Central Botanical Garden NAS of Belarus and, accordingly, in the central part of the city of Minsk, there are many museums in Minsk. If you are not interested in shopping, then you can devote 2 to 3 days to the city.
Where will you stay overnight?

They forgot about Grodno, one of the most beautiful cities.
But you don’t need much time to visit Minsk, it was all destroyed during the war, there is practically nothing historical there.
If you go to the castles by buses, they are an ambush, they go very poorly between Mir and Nesvizh, it is impossible to cover 2 castles in one day.

Mir and Nesvizh, for these castles you need to budget at least two days for each castle.

Tell me, please, what to do there for two days each? We went on a tour, walked around, well, okay, you can spend the night in each of them if you really want to, but then what? Of course, you could easily spend a whole day on Nesvizh - the church, the town hall, and the park are huge, but Mir is very tiny...

You can really see Minsk in one day, but maybe a week is not enough to see everything. Depends on the weather and interests. Historical Center small, on weekends near the town hall in the summer there are various concerts, performances, historical reconstructions, holidays national cultures, evenings of classical and jazz music open air. Last year the events were sold out, we were at some of them - we liked both the atmosphere and the program. The announcement of the planned events is on the website of the Minsk City Executive Committee in the section “The Upper Town Invites” ( The main attractions are located along the two main avenues of Independence and Pobediteley - if you take bus routes 1 (from the station to the Minsk Arena) and 100 (from Independence Square to the National Library), you will see them all. There are special excursion flights when audio tours are broadcast in Russian, English languages, schedule on the website of the Minsktrans enterprise. A little to the side are the beautiful temple-monument of All Saints (you need to drive a few stops from the National Library. If time permits, it’s worth visiting there), the Loshitsy estate and park complex, a zoo with a dolphinarium and a dino park - this is more for families with small children. A teenager might be interested in the WWII history museum, rides along the bike path in Victory Park and further to the Drozdy recreation area (there are bicycle rental points on the embankment), a water park (a popular place, and therefore queues are likely. Last year in August, there were about 300 of us who wanted to swim. If it were not for the child (there is a separate queue for children under 3 years old), we would have to wait several hours to enter the aqua zone).

What's interesting outside the city? Mir and Nesvizh (they have already been mentioned, I support the opinion that it is most convenient to book an excursion and see both castles in a day), museum complex"Dudutki" (there is a public transport schedule on the complex's website), historical and cultural complex "Stalin Line" (you can get there by minibus that goes towards Molodechno from the control station "Druzhnaya" at intervals of 20 minutes), Khatyn, the Museum of Folk Architecture and everyday life of "Strochitsy", aviation museum, Minsk Sea...
As for the route, it seems to me that it is better to start from Minsk, then go to Brest. Trains run frequently. From there - to Belovezhskaya Pushcha. I would advise you to stay there for a few days and see Brest and the Brest Fortress on the days of your arrival and departure. If you want to add Grodno to your route, then there are buses from the Brest bus station, here is the schedule: One day is enough to visit Grodno.

Belarus - a country of castles

Traveling around Belarus by car for many begins with the M1/E30 highway Moscow-Minsk-Brest. On the way from Minsk to Brest there is the city of Mir and its main attraction Mir Castle (XVI-XVII century) On the banks of the Miryanka River.

Just 100 km from Minsk, a monumental feudal castle will suddenly appear with magnificent palace. Along the highway to Brest M1/E30 until the sign “Mir”, and there is another 9 km. For $5 you will have a personal guide, and the entrance ticket price is less than $1. Quite reasonable prices.

The ghost of Sophia Svyatopolk-Mirskaya, who lives in the castle. You can have lunch at a local restaurant. And then, by car, move on. From Mir to Nesvizh only 30 km

Nesvizh Castle of the Radziwill magnates, whose wealth was legendary. This clan built its nest in Nesvizh at the beginning of the 16th century. Nesvizh residence. Front entrance. Sights - Park ensemble, Farny Church, City Hall, Benedictine monastery, Slutsk entrance gate...

Until 1939, the museum's curators did not know about the existence of a secret underground passage in the castle, which led to Michalska Gora - 4 km from the castle. 91-year-old Elzbieta of the famous Radziwill family, the last resident of the castle (she lived in it until she was 18), arrived in Nesvizh and showed this secret passage and told what the castle was like with her, what it looked like: where her bedroom was, where her teacher’s room was, where her father Albrecht Radziwill’s office was.

The castle is being reborn, it has become the largest national museum, became a UNESCO site. Each generation of the Radziwills the castle was rebuilt, and the museum wants to show all historical sections. A huge amount of work is being carried out to restore and return the exhibits to their original homes. Black Panna is a local legend about a ghost wandering through the corridors of the castle (the restless soul of Barbara, the wife of the Polish prince Sigismund).

Traveling around Belarus - next stop Kossovo

On the road from Nesvizh to Kossovo, motor tourists can stop for the night. For example, in one of the hotels in the city of Baranovichi. And in the morning he will go to explore new sights, castles and palaces of Belarus.

Puslovsky Palace (Kossovo Castle)—It was built in pseudo-Gothic style and has 12 towers. Possession of the voivode and industrialist Casimir Adam Titus Pusłowski. If the castle had not been blown up and burned during the war (through the efforts of partisans in 1943), but had survived to this day in its original form, then it would be the embodiment of advanced technologies and would be considered a wonder of the world.

For example, the floor of the main hall was made of glass and was a huge aquarium with exotic fish. In total, the castle had 132 halls - there were halls for receptions and balls. And this mega construction was completed 20 years before the advent of the electric light bulb (in 1838).

Here, in Kossovo, there is the house-museum of Andrzej Tadeusz Bonaventura Kosciuszko, whose name is deeply revered in many countries of the world and remains almost unknown in his homeland.

Distance along the route Minsk - Mir-Nesvizh - Kossovo - Ruzhany ~ 393 km, approximate travel time ~ 5 hours 27 minutes.

The next object of our attention is the village of Ruzhany, here are the ruins of the Sapieha Palace. The palace was the first to be damaged world war and was finally destroyed during the Second World War.

And we rush by car to inspect this once majestic and grandiose castle. And also, Trinity Church (1617), Church of Saints Peter and Paul (1778), Basilian Monastery (1788), synagogue building (late 18th century), Church of St. Casimir (1792), austeria building (second half of the 18th century). Lake Papernya is unique in its beauty on the outskirts of Ruzhany - here you can relax, swim and sunbathe.
If you go to Ruzhany from Minsk, the length of the road will be 240 km. You can have a snack yourself and refuel your car only in Volkovysk (roadside service in Belarus is poorly developed).

Ruzhany, one of the few medieval European cities endowed with Magdeburg law, was the residence of the Sapiehas.

This famous family produced an innumerable number of significant persons: 22 people were governors of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, 15 were Marshals of the Main Lithuanian Tribunal, some of the Sapieha family were bishops, chancellors, vice-chancellors, hetmans...

Well, actually, the further journey through Belarus by car can be completed on the road to Brest to the Brest Fortress, along the way stopping at the Stalin Line. And from there, to Lida - to the 14th century Gediminas Castle. There are castles in Grodno, Novogrudok, Lyubichi, Golshany, Krevo...

Traveling by car around Belarus will reveal a lot of interesting things to you. Someone's estate or tomb, or memorial may suddenly appear before your eyes.

Chapel-chapel of the noble family of Ozheshko - village of Zakozeli, Brest region. Or the Pototsky palace and park complex in the town of Vysokoye, Brest region...