Flora and fauna of Lake Svetloyar. Lake Svetloyar, Nizhny Novgorod region

Lake Svetloyar, Nizhny Novgorod region (Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia) - detailed description, location, reviews, photos and videos.

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Lake Svetloyar, full of mysteries and secrets, has been the holy lake of Rus' since ancient times, a small Russian Atlantis, located 130 km from Nizhny Novgorod, on the edge of the village of Vladimirskoye. In ancient times, rituals were held on its banks in honor of the Slavic sun god Yarila. Hence the name - Svetly Yar.

Today, as in ancient times, hundreds of pilgrims, both Orthodox and pagans, come to Lake Svetloyar. Every year on July 6, around Svetloyar, on the feast of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, Christians make a religious procession. And in the evening, a pagan action begins with bonfires, wreaths on the water and a walk around Svetloyar with candles, because on the night of July 6-7 is the holiday of Ivan Kupala.

According to legend, a wish made that night will come true if you circle the lake three times.

During the Great Patriotic War, mothers here offered prayers for the survival of their husbands and sons fighting at the front.

The legend about the city of Kitezh, told by the Old Believers, also tells about Svetloyar. Once upon a time, Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich sailed along the Mother Volga on a ship. And he built Little Kitezh. It is believed that this city is today's Gorodets. Then Yuri Vsevolodovich, having passed the Uzola, Sandu and Kerzhenets rivers, saw Lake Svetloyar. Captivated by his charm, the prince gave the order to build a wonderful city Great Kitezh. It took three years (1165-1168) to build it, and a stone city arose with many Orthodox churches.

In 1239, the troops of Khan Batu, a godless and wicked man, went to Rus'. And they captured Small Kitezh. The prince and his retinue hid in the forests near Big Kitezh. But he was betrayed by Grishka Kuterma, who was captured by Batu and could not stand the torture, and showed the way to the wicked enemies to the great city. Batu's hordes found the refuge of Yuri's squad and killed the prince. And on the eve of Batu’s attack on Yuri Vsevolodovich in Kitezh, three heroes were on patrol, and for a long time they blocked the path of the Khan’s army. And where they stood to death for their city of Kitezh, the holy spring Kibelek still flows, next to which is the grave of three holy elders.

Three heroes warned the inhabitants of Kitezh about the attack, but they could not defend themselves from the cruel enemy, but turned with a fiery prayer to the Lord God to prevent their enslavement and terrible murder. And God heard them. As soon as Batu’s troops rushed to the offensive, suddenly numerous springs gushed out from under the ground and began to flood the city of Kitezh. And the Tatar-Mongols retreated in horror. And the city of Kitezh sank under the water, like Atlantis, only one cathedral dome was visible above the surface of the lake, but it soon disappeared.

They say that in calm, clear weather, especially righteous people can hear the ringing of bells and the drawn-out sad singing of people flying from the depths of Svetloyar.

And in the clear lake water you can see the domes of monasteries and churches.

Great amount unsolved mysteries and mysteries contains Lake Svetloyar, the water of which has healing properties. Countless pilgrims come here to be healed physically and spiritually, and to remove damage. Indeed, miraculous inexplicable cases of recovery have been recorded here. Many psychics claim that the lake is a powerful place that draws its energy from space. On the shore of the reservoir, scientists found plant species (about 29) that do not grow anywhere else in this area.

This lake is shaped like a perfect oval - the largest (length - 410 m, width - 315 m) and deepest ( maximum depth- about 36 m) in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Its area is approximately twelve hectares. The water in Svetloyar is very clean, does not become overgrown with mud, and can be kept in vessels for years, while maintaining its purity, transparency and taste.

Svetloyar - natural monument in the reserve of the same name, protected by UNESCO, where it is strictly prohibited to set up tents (there is a special tent city) and light a fire.

Local residents tell many unusual and inexplicable stories. Those who visit these places listen and believe in them. If you want to figure out what is truth and what is fiction, come here, enjoy the beauty of the surroundings of the lake and recharge with its energy.

How to get to Lake Svetloyar

You can get to Lake Svetloyar by bus from the Kanavinskaya station (Nizhny Novgorod) to the village of Vladimirskoye or by electric train from Nizhny Novgorod to the city of Semenov with a change to regular bus. By car you can get along the Kirov highway to the Bokovaya station, passing Semenov, then follow the sign to the right to get to the village of Vladimirskoye, and through it to the parking lot. Well, then walk along the birch alley.

Lake Svetloyar is one of the most mysterious places in Russia. Scientists are still struggling with the mystery of the origin of this reservoir, and historians are trying to find evidence of the existence of the mysterious city of Kitezh, which supposedly rests at the bottom of the lake. Ufologists regularly record the occurrence of unexplained phenomena in the Svetloyar area, and vacationers and travelers note the extraordinary properties of water and the amazing beauty of nature in these places.

Lake Svetloyar on the map.

The lake is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, near the village of Vladimirskoye, Voskresensky district. This reservoir is located on the territory natural park regional significance “Voskresensk Povetluzhie. The lake has a regular oval shape and is one of the deepest lakes in the region. It is because of this that many scientists believe that this is a crater from a long-falling meteorite. The water in it is very clean and clear, it is of the hydrocarbonate-calcium type, the bottom springs make it cool and fresh on the hottest days. The area of ​​the lake is approximately 12 hectares, length - about 500 m, width - up to 350 m. Depth in some places reaches 40 m.

Those who are planning a vacation in these places can visit the unique Church of the Kazan Mother of God located on the territory of the reserve; there is also a stone with a trace of the Virgin Mary’s foot. The village of Vladimirskoye is famous for its ancient wooden church Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, there is a historical and art museum "Kitezh" and a museum of local ceramics "Grad Svetly". Anyone who loves walks in the forest can visit the Kibelek spring near Lake Svetloyar; the water in this spring is considered holy. Here is also the grave of three saints, in which, according to legend, Russian heroes who defended native land from Khan Batu.

Lake Svetloyar attracts with its pristine beauty and rich nature. There is excellent fishing and hunting here, and beautiful photos are taken against the backdrop of amazing scenery. The lake itself and the legends about it have inspired many artists, composers and writers. If you are going to wander around the area, then you should have a map at hand so as not to get lost.

The transparent soft waves of Svetloyar keep many secrets that our descendants have yet to discover.

Video: song - “Svetloyar”.

Lake Svetloyar (Nizhny Novgorod region) is one of the most fantastic corners of the Voskresensky district, located in the village of Vladimirskoye. This natural monument with federal status attracts tourists from all over the world. The area is 12 hectares, and the depth reaches 36 meters. It's mysterious and mysterious place, about which there are many controversial stories. Scientists also cannot determine the exact origin of the object. One of the legends is the mysterious sinking of the city of Kitezh, which stubbornly resisted the khan’s troops. By the way, this story served as inspiration for large quantity artists. Among them were Vasnetsov, Nesterov, Roerich.

How to get there?

Company Family Suitcase conducts excursions to the lake in the summer.

You can make an exciting tourist trip here, turning to professionals for help, or get there on your own. A bus runs regularly from Nizhny Novgorod to the village of Voskresenskoye. You can also come on the excursion by train, which goes in the Kirov direction.

It is also convenient to arrive by private car. From the city to the village, your travel time will be 130 kilometers. There are special parking spaces on the birch alley for Vehicle. Address - Nizhny Novgorod region, Voskresensky district, village. Vladimirskoe. The highways are of high quality.

General information and legends

If you believe the legend, then Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich established Little Kitezh on the lake. Later it received another name Gorodets. Soon the prince crossed to the other side and discovered a more suitable place there. Greater Kitezh was created near Londa and Svetloyar. This hail was the largest. It was in high demand; in its center there was a six-domed temple. The city's prosperity in Rus' lasted until Batogo's attack. The conqueror set up his camp on the Sit River. Unfortunately, the forces turned out to be unequal. Maly Kitezh was taken, and it was hard for the prisoners. One of the prisoners, under the burden of torture, nevertheless agreed to lead enemy troops through the taiga. Residents defended the settlement for a long time and tried to save it. And when my strength was running out, a miracle happened. The city seemed to go downhill. On top, like a huge cap, hills and a lake formed. The Mongols retreated, frightened by the unusual phenomenon.

The reservoir was systematically subjected to research by scuba divers. Various anomalies were periodically discovered in it. There are all kinds of terraces under the flow, similar to stairs. Gentle slopes are combined with excessively steep ones. This fact suggests that the formation of the reservoir occurred in parts. From time to time, objects made of wood or metal from the 18th century are discovered at the bottom. So far, no other traces of civilization have been identified.

From time to time, various sounds emanated from the recess. During the full moon and before sunrise, a strange, gurgling sound was sometimes heard. Believers say that it is during this period that they can see snow-white churches with golden domes of incredible beauty.

The path that goes to the lake is called the Batu Trail. There is such a legend about him that only a person who has pure thoughts can walk along such a road. The hail is invisible. And only the righteous have the opportunity to see the lights at the very bottom. Psychics believe that this is the place where spirits come from.

Features of origin

There are many hypotheses about how the lake appeared. Most of them are just legends. The depth of the pit is 36 meters. The bottom has a funnel-shaped structure. The shape of the recess is an oval, as close as possible to a circle. Expeditions of geologists indicate that the lake is of karst origin. Researchers also believe that the reservoir is a former element of the ancient Lunda River. It is fed by a spring. In this regard, the water is distinguished by its extraordinary purity.

There is religious information about the appearance. They think it's Holy place. Believers from all over the world come here, as well as people who are not indifferent to the mysteries of nature. A chapel in the name of the Kazan Mother of God was organized here. There is also a grave of three saints, a spring with healing water and a monument with the footprint of the Virgin Mary.

The territory is used for the celebration of Ivan Kupala. The event takes place on July 6-7. You can also take part in this event if you wish. The pagan holiday is filled with a variety of ancient rituals.

Protected area

Arriving here, you will immediately see in front of you a well-groomed alley that opens amazing view to the pond. The small oval-shaped formation has a well-equipped shore. There is even a small beach. The water is clean and soft. Local residents say that it can be stored in a container for a long time without spoiling. Its taste is excellent.

If you come here, then take into account the fact that this area is a protected area. Therefore, try not to litter and clean up after yourself after a picnic. It is prohibited to make fires or pitch tents. The place is special and is protected. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the established rules.

If you rise a little higher, you can see the Church of the Kazan Mother of God. The shrine is made of wood and is small in size. Nearby there is a stone with a trace of the Virgin Mary's foot. If you like to take walks in the forest, then you have the opportunity to walk to the Kibilek spring. The source is located nearby. The water in it is holy. Therefore, when you go, do not forget to take a container with you to collect. According to the legend, heroes who were defenders of the lands from Batu Khan were buried in the spring.

You can see wooden decking around the pond. It was not by chance that he appeared here. In past times, religious people walked around the tank, praying for help. Everyone asked for something different.

By the way, this tradition still exists today. On the holiday of Ivan Kupala, to fulfill a wish, the circle must be completed three times, while holding a lit candle in your hand. During the festival, young men and women jump over bonfires and lower wreaths into the water.

In ancient times the water was not used for bathing. It was used only for washing and cooking. Today such a ban does not exist. Anyone can take a dip or dive.
This is a cozy, beautiful and especially picturesque place. If you are tired of the city bustle or beach holiday, then you need to come here.

Walking through the local area, you will see a gorgeous chamomile field. There is a sign at the edge of the plantings. You need to rely on it in order not to go astray. This is the Pilgrim's Path. Also, during your travel you may come across a variety of estates and rest shops. The chance of getting lost is low.

Mysterious facts

An expedition of the Literary Gazette was carried out. During its implementation, drilling of natural silt was carried out. This procedure made it possible to discover one amazing find - pieces of hard wood with oblique cuts. The cut was probably the result of an ax or knife.

Later, another anomaly was discovered - naturally formed silt of a special composition. A section was found at the bottom that did not have the ability to transmit sound.

Divers carried out diagnostics of the bottom. Regarding the results of the examination, two opinions were obtained - the presence of a double bottom or its complete absence. Both assumptions have not been precisely confirmed.

Local residents also tell many interesting stories. They say that Svetloyara lives under the hills. If you put your ear to the ground at night, you can hear the ringing of a bell.

There is also a legend about a magic fish. It is incredibly large and scares people at night. In addition, they say that Adam Olearius, traveling throughout Rus', compiled chronicles. During his adventures, he encountered unusual tribes and once came across a deity similar in appearance to a crocodile.

The most modern hypothesis for the appearance of water accumulation is a meteorite fall. Scientific evidence not found. But this thought, like others, has an equal right to exist. After all, there are two other lakes in the area, which are similar in configuration to this one. After all, a huge meteorite could break into several pieces, forming huge holes in the ground.

Today research papers stopped because many attempts were unsuccessful. Moreover, all sorts of troubles periodically happened to those who tried to solve the mystery. Thus, a hydrobiologist who was descending to depth suddenly had a sharp rise in temperature. He turned to doctors for treatment, but they were unable to make an accurate diagnosis. Soon the disease went away on its own without treatment.

Once a villager was picking mushrooms in the local plantings. The mushroom picker did not return home. Relatives began an active search, but to no avail. The police got to work. A few days later, the lost man himself returned back, explaining the incident by saying that he simply accidentally got lost and suddenly lost his memory. But after some period of time, the wanderer admitted in a conversation with a friend that the elders gave him the drug. The mushroom picker took out a small piece of bread that the old people had treated him to. This piece instantly turned into stone in the palm of my hand.

There is also a letter in Old Church Slavonic. It is kept in one of the museums. It contains information from son to father. Its content is that the young man came to Kitezh in a strange way, he is alive, healthy and asks not to bury him ahead of time.

Where to stay for the night?

When it comes to organizing an overnight stay, there are many interesting options. A suitable solution can be found for any budget. You will not be allowed to spend the night in tents on the shore, as this is a protected area. It is recommended to book a hotel in Nizhny Novgorod or Vladimirsky in advance. The prices are quite affordable.
There are many obvious and incredible facts. There is a legend that a pioneer camp was once organized here. A wide variety of people could freely travel here. ground transport. Almost everyone wanted to visit this unusual site and no expense stopped them from achieving this goal. During the Great Patriotic War, various pilgrimages were held for those who went bravely to fight for their homeland.


The area is quite picturesque. Lots of plants and animals. Reed, water lily, egg capsule, Lezel's elk orchid, shrubs, sundew, etc. grow. The reservoir contains worms and plankton. Previously, you could see the muskrat. Today there are hedgehogs, cranes, owls, kites, hawks, owls, erils, wolves, foxes, hares, lynxes, bears, moles and others. Among the reptiles there are viper, toad, lizard, frog. Fish also swim - pike, catfish, ruffe, crucian carp, roach. Recreational fishing is permitted. Hunting is also in demand. But you can’t light fires.

There are practically no meadows here, mainly forests, wetlands and taiga. Coniferous trees predominate. The forest is mixed - birch, spruce, pine, larch.
The air is incredibly clean. It is especially comfortable to relax in summer and spring, when the vegetation comes to life. The reservoir serves as entertainment for those who love swimming, diving, and picnics in nature. You will be able to take photos with high artistic value against the backdrop of amazing landscapes. If you plan to hike the trails, take a map with you just in case. There are signs around, but there is a risk of getting lost.

When coming to Nizhny Novgorod, be sure to visit this holy and mysterious place. Perhaps you will be able to discover something new or find confirmation of existing guesses.

About 100 km from the Volga region in the northeast of the center of the region, near the village of Vladimirskoye, Voskresensky district, in a wooded area there is an unusually beautiful and mysterious place Nizhny Novgorod land - Lake Svetloyar, which attracts many tourists.

The origin of the lake is still unknown. There are many legends and traditions about the formation of Svetloyar, which were composed a long time ago by the tribes who lived in the local forests. But I would like to introduce readers to the most ancient one. So, let's get started.

The Legend of the Turk Girl

Ancient man There were many forest spirits surrounding him, of whom he was very afraid and tried to appease them with his bows and sacrifices. The goddess of the forest and all its animals, the Maiden-Turk, brought the most fear to the people of that time. Where her huge horse hit the ground with its powerful hoof, the ground collapsed and a hole formed.

In our forests of the Trans-Volga region, in remote places, lived in the village of the Proud Tribe, which did not submit to the Turk Maiden and soon completely forgot about her. Having learned about this, the enraged goddess unleashed her horse on all the inhabitants of the village, which dug the entire earth with its hoof, and the collapsed place was filled to the brim with underground water. And so it appeared in the place where the tribe lived, big lake Svetloyar.
And the name of the lake, as you can see, is also quite ancient. Two words were combined: “light”, which means “kind”, and “yar” - from the pagan god Yarila.

The Legend of the City of Kitezh

There is also a legend that at the bottom of Svetloyar there is a huge messianic city - Kitezh-grad, which completely sank under the water of the lake. Even now you can hear that the city supposedly stands under the water of Svetloyar to this day and can even be seen.

According to people, somewhere in the middle of the lake there is a not very large hole (the size of a ladle). True, finding it is not so easy. In winter, the ice on Svetloyar is very clean and transparent. So you need to come and clear the ice from the snow, and you can see what’s going on at the bottom. And there, they say, the whole life flows rapidly: there are white stone houses, bell towers, beautiful churches, amazing trees grow, living people walk around. This is the city that disappeared under water in ancient times. But not everyone will see it, and not everyone will find this hole.

Many people strive to get to the lake, as the water in it has amazing medicinal properties. Both the sick and the completely healthy go there in the hope of recovery. And from July 6 to 7, people gather on its banks for the holiday of Ivan Kupala.

What is a lake

Well, we talked a little about legends, now let’s return to Svetloyar itself. The water in the lake is very clean and transparent, the bottom is sandy. The waters of the lake are home to many species of rotifers that participate in water purification. Exclusively in bodies of water with clean cold water Stokesia, ciliates, Spirostomum, and also Bursaria found here can live. All these species are listed in the Red Book of the Nizhny Novgorod region. At a depth of 2-3 meters, a long pondweed grows, the stems of which rise to the surface of the water.

In the wetlands of the lake shores, northern bushes and Lapland willow grow, which are also listed in the Red Book of the region. Also here you can find a small and inconspicuous marsh orchid - Lezel’s elk (a very rare species in our region and listed in the Red Book of Russia). Immediately after the snow melts, on the huge slope of the coast located in the west, delicate bright blue flowers, rare in the region, of the noble liverwort begin to open.

The entire path along the shore is covered with wood flooring. This provides comfort for a large number of visitors and protects the banks from trampling.

The lake has the shape of a neat oval 500 by 400 meters and a depth of up to 30 meters. More comfortable for swimming Northern part shore, so on the south side the entrance to the water is quite sharp.

Story about it unique place from the director of the Voskresenskoye Povetluzhye natural park.

1 part

part 2

The shores of Lake Svetloyar and the village of Vladimirskoye have been especially revered places by Orthodox believers for many centuries. This perfect place both for an individual holiday and for a holiday with the whole family! Here you will have an amazing opportunity to touch upon the unique Russian traditions and legends, absorb all the beauty and charm of Russian nature, fill your heart and soul with warmth and grace.

Swimming, tents, picnics...

On the shore of Svetloyar you can swim and have picnics, but it is prohibited to put up tents and make fires, since it is part of the Voskresenskoye Povetluzhye natural park. Fortunately, the park area is not so large and outside of it, in the immediate vicinity of the lake, you will find many nice places for tent camp. The map of the park can be viewed on the official website: vetluga-park.ru. There are a couple of grocery stores in the village of Vladimirskoye.

Love holidays in unusual places? Look. - one of the most beautiful in Crimea!

For tourists without tents there is a hotel “Svyatogor”. She will be happy to welcome all those who wish to visit these fabulously picturesque places, which are covered in traditions and legends. Here you can book comfortable and affordable rooms of any category - from economy to luxurious deluxe. All hotel rooms have modern furniture, bedding, bathroom and shower. Guests also have the opportunity to use a well-equipped and cozy kitchen, which is equipped with: microwave, electric kettle, refrigerator, necessary cutlery and cutlery.

Well, we talked a little about the pearl of the Nizhny Novgorod region, examined the beauty of this fabulous place and got acquainted with some legends of his education. So you can take a vacation, pack your bags and go on an amazing journey around Svetloyar, and you will see everything for yourself! Good luck to you!

Film about Svetloyar, commissioned by TV Channel Culture

How to get there from Nizhny Novgorod

Exact coordinates: 56°49′07″ N. w. 45°05′35″ E. d.
By car. From Nizhny Novgorod to the village of Vladimirskoye it is about 130 km; travel time by car will take about 2 hours. Direction - highway P159 "Nizhny Novgorod - Kirov", intermediate landmarks Zheleznodorozhny - Tarasikha - Bydreevka - Shaldezh - Bokovaya. In the village of Bokovaya, we pass the Lyunda River and after 400 meters turn right towards the village of Vladimirskoye. There is a cafe and toilet at the turn. In the village itself there are no cafes or restaurants, except at the Svyatogor Hotel. Then we drive 12 km along the K18 road to the village. From the center of Vladimirsky to the lake it is about 10 minutes on foot.
By bus. From the Kanavinskaya bus station there is a bus on the Nizhny Novgorod-Voskresenskoye route; the journey takes about 2 hours.

This miracle of nature is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region near the village of Voskresenskoye. For many years now it has officially been a natural monument of federal significance and pilgrims from all over the country come here. In the near future they plan to make it an object of cultural significance in Russia.

The Legend of Lake Svetloyar

The story of the city of Kitezh is still under detailed study of its authenticity; there are many skeptics, but when faced with its uniqueness, they are all stunned and often change their minds.

The Great Yuri Vsevolodovich first built Little Kitezh on the banks of the Volga, amazed by the beauty local nature, after which he ordered the construction of the city of Greater Kitezh. The result was a large and majestic city with big amount temples.

From history we know that in 1239 Batu Khan decided to attack Rus' and soon his horde captured Small Kitezh, and Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich himself took refuge in the forests. Many prisoners were at the mercy of the wicked horde, and one of them, under cruel torture, revealed the place where the prince was hiding and pointed out the quick path to Greater Kitezh. Soon Khan Batu with his army attacked and killed the Grand Duke.

And in this place, history is closely intertwined with legend, which causes numerous disputes among contemporaries. After all, Yuri Vsevolodovich really died in an unequal battle with the Tatar-Mongol yoke. From the legend it follows that on the eve of the attack, watchmen warned the city residents about the possible danger of an attack. In the morning, many civilians fell under the weapons of the Tatar-Mongols.

The first to fall were three patrolmen who fought bravely and tried to defend the city. At the place of their death, the holy spring of Kibelek suddenly appeared. Holy water from it still exists and people come to drink it and take it with them. The residents of the city did not prepare for war and did not even erect any fortifications; the only means of their defense was sincere prayer to God.

The Legend of Lake Svetloyar

They begged to be saved and not to let the horde through. From the legend it follows that God heard their prayers at the moment when the soldiers had already broken into the city and at that moment, out of nowhere, springs began to emerge from the ground, which instantly flooded the city. Frightened opponents fled in horror from the city. In a matter of minutes the city, along with all the buildings and local residents went under the water, as if he was not there at all. For a long time in the middle of the lake one could see the dome of the cathedral, which after a while also disappeared, and sometimes even the ringing of bells could be heard.

From the legend it follows that to this day, in sunny weather, people can be heard singing and the sound of bells.

Annual celebration on Lake Svetloyar

The lake is considered sacred. Celebrations there were organized by pagans in honor of their sun god Yarila. This is where the name Svetly Yar came from. This is an international center of pilgrimage for Orthodox people from all over the world; pagans also organize their trips to the holy place.

Lake Svetloyar

On the night of July 6, the Yanka Kupala holiday is celebrated; it is on this day that processions and gatherings of pilgrims are organized. A huge number of Christians carry out a religious procession around Lake Svetloyar, also timed to coincide with the holiday dedicated to the Holy Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God. Immediately after the procession, young girls float wreaths on the water and bonfires are lit, over which not only young people jump.

There is an opinion, and many believers constantly confirm it, that if you make a sincere wish from a pure heart and walk around the lake three times with a lit candle, then it will certainly come true. During the Great Patriotic War, local women performed this ritual several times a year, appealing to God to save the lives of their loved ones who were at the front.

Temple and footprint of the Virgin Mary on the holy lake

There is an old temple nearby; services are rarely held there, only taking into account holidays and a special schedule. On the way to it you will see two large stones, the so-called “stop stones”:

  1. On the first of which, following legend, there is a trace of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  2. The second stone for kneeling in prayer was used by Seraphim of Sarov.

At first glance, it may even seem that church ministers are skeptical about such a relic, because they are not protected at all and look quite ordinary. However, pilgrims firmly believe in the veracity of the legend and pray before the shrine. Everyone who comes to the lake always lights a candle there and asks for help. It is customary to turn to “stop workers” with a prayer for the health of seriously ill loved ones, and church ministers can vying with each other to tell you real stories from life, where after a short period of time people were healed.

The wonderful power of Lake Svetloyar. Reviews of those who felt its effect

People in desperate situations often believe in any means of salvation; a trip to Lake Svetloyar is no exception. It is believed that the lake itself has the right to choose when it can let you near it.

Pilgrimage to Lake Svetloyar

It’s not for nothing that, despite its easy accessibility, many people drive in circles and still cannot notice the lake, although its diameter is significant.

From a letter from our reader:

“Once, while visiting the lake, my father saw a woman crawling on her knees three circles around the lake. Later he found out that she was seriously ill and simply could not walk for so long, but she did not want her children to do it for her alone, but wanted to do her bit. At that time, she was already very exhausted by the disease, but according to her, she did not lose hope for healing. And imagine his surprise when a year later he saw her on the same lake, but already on her feet and noticeably stronger. Is this really a miracle? Since then, our whole family believed that the lake really has healing properties.”

This is just one of the stories; when you come to the lake one day, you will see with your own eyes people who will happily tell you about how the religious procession and prayers at Svetloyar changed their lives.

How to get to Svetloyar

Getting to the lake will not be difficult; every resident of the northern part Nizhny Novgorod region will be able to show the way literally on his fingers. Modern navigators have long been equipped with the exact route to the lake.

Territorial location of the village of Vladimirskoye, Voskresensky district, Nizhny Novgorod region, approximately 200 kilometers from the city. The average travel time from the city center is 2 hours, and special shuttle buses even depart from the bus stations.

If you are going to go by train, then there is no direct route and you will have to go with transfers to Semenov, and then change to a bus to the village of Voskresenskoye.

Note that it will be very easy to walk around the lake, thanks to the built wooden paths running along Svetloyar, but parking a car may be a problem if you choose a day for your trip that coincides with an Orthodox holiday.

Video: Lake Svetloyar