Free mountains. Amazing lakes of Russia

(module Adaptive Adsense block at the beginning of the article)




Explanatory dictation

Find and underline homogeneous parts of the sentence and a generalizing word. Explain punctuation marks, construct sentence diagrams.

Flower City

In one fairytale city lived the short ones. It was very beautiful in their city. Flowers grew around every house: daisies, daisies, dandelions. There, even the streets were named after flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Daisies Alley, Vasilkov Boulevard. And the city itself was called the Flower City.

Summer was coming to an end, and the most beautiful flowers bloomed on the streets: white chrysanthemums, red dahlias, colorful asters. Fire nasturtiums climbed through the gardens, along the walls of houses and even bloomed on the roofs. The breeze carried the delicate scent of mignonette and chamomile.

There was a forest across the river. The short ones made boats from birch bark, swam across the river and went into the forest to pick berries, mushrooms, and nuts.

(According to N. Nosov)

Test dictation

1. Winter was felt in everything: in the short days, the smell of snow and the early-lit lanterns.

2. Free steppes, steep mountains, waters of deep seas and lakes - you, dear Russia, have included everything in your vast space.

3. Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts. (A. Chekhov)

4. All this: the night, the distance, the stars, and the fogs - seemed to me full of unprecedented charm.

Circle the general words. Make an outline of any proposal.

1. Snow lay everywhere: on the slopes of the mountain, on the branches of trees.

2. Nothing moved: not a single grass below, not a single leaf on the top branch of a tree.

3. The scientific town has everything: libraries and cinemas, institutes and schools, a swimming pool and a gym, kindergartens and nurseries.

4. The eyes of a dragonfly sparkle in the sun, reflect the whole world, the green forest, yellow road and endless sky.

Circle the general words. Make an outline of the 1st sentence.

1. Physics, chemistry, biology, geology, medicine - all these sciences were represented in scientific institutes.

2. In the forests, on the mountains, by the seas and rivers - everywhere we will find brothers.

3. Neither the harsh climate, nor dense forests, nor swamps - nothing frightened the young naturalists.

Control dictations

Become a wizard

From early spring to late autumn, the forest gives its riches to man. And in winter he himself needs help. And why not become a wizard and help him?

Who doesn't love skiing in a winter, snow-covered forest! The ski track, like the thread of a magic ball, will help reveal some forest secrets and show who needs help.

The recent thaw has bent a young birch tree down to the ground. More than one skier, apparently, ducked in front of this unexpected arch, slipped through and rushed on. But he would have lightly touched the thin stem and freed the beauty from the heavy snow captivity.

The ski track jumped out into a forest clearing and rushed towards the fir tree that grew in the middle of it. Those who decided to become a wizard have already been here. Bunches of rowan berries, small pieces of lard, and several small simple feeders are hung on the tree.

(According to T. Gorovaya)

The forest is awakening

Spring came. The forest was filled with bird calls and hubbub. The bright, gentle sun warmed the frozen earth.

It's already dry on the hill. The snow melted here a few days ago, and the sun had time to dry last year's grass. Its rays revived the top layer of the earth and awakened the weak shoots of plants.

All sorts of boogers and bugs were running and crawling in all directions. A white butterfly fluttered in the air, trying to find the first flowers and resinous buds.

In the very heat of the hillock, the golden eye of the coltsfoot looked lonely. Clearings diverged in all directions from me, which stood out as light stripes in the dark wall of trees.

(According to N. Minkh)

(module Adaptive Adsense block at the end of the article)

Exercise 1.Place punctuation marks, draw diagrams of homogeneous members.

Steppes, free mountains, steep waters of deep seas and lakes, all of which you have included in your native Russia in its vast expanse. He was the only one initiated into my plan and contributed to the best of his ability. Genkin's hut is built of boards and branches and leaves, between three trees, at a height of one and a half to two fathoms. He knows everything here from end to end, both the land and the smallest bridges. Rooks, queens, bishops suddenly immediately jumped up and fell under the table. Having settled in the nest, the starling begins to carry there all kinds of construction nonsense, moss, cotton wool, feathers, fluff, rags, straw, dry blades of grass.

Task 2.Correct errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members.

In the summer, students from our class not only visited Novgorod and Pskov, but also Mikhailovsky. I really love fishing and do it not only in summer, but also in winter. In winter, on weekends I usually read, but I also choose time to go to the skating rink. For correct writing, the importance of the wording of the rule is not so much important as the ability to apply it.

Task 3.Place the word you define in a frame, and underline the common definition with a wavy line. Use an arrow to indicate the connection between the word being defined and the definition. Pose a question. Explain punctuation marks.

Sample: It was spring. And the hot smell floated not yet blossomed

acacias and damp dust. which ones?

He was still standing in place, and she was already leaving into an alley overgrown with dense greenery. The place, entwined with vineyards, looked like a covered cozy gazebo, dark and cool. The forest-covered shores were tormenting with their monotony. The roots of fallen trees, uprooted from the layers of earth, stood like pyramids. A muddy spring stream with slimy boulders protruding from it roared and blocked the road. The sun was already setting, and two windows on the western side cast reddish reflections on the walls, whitewashed with lime. The train rushed on, driven by Alyosha's impatience. There was a guard at two willow trees, which reminded me of the fortress on Fanagoriyka.

Task 4.Use punctuation marks when copying.

Peers for years, close relatives, they almost never separated. The guardian of the fishermen and their friend, the unchanging beacon burns continuously at its post. The renegade of violent pleasures, Onegin locked himself at home, yawning, and took up his pen. I read that aloe is used as a medicine. Lyutikov, as a deputy of the city council, was well known to all residents of the city. Primitive people imagined the sun as a huge fire or a giant hot stone. Bazunov is famous in the city as an expert on antiquities.

Task 5.Rewrite the sentences using punctuation marks; insert the missing letters.

Hello Chatsky brother! Make noise, stir up the bad weather: He was your singer about the sea. Oh, love, you are the lever with which Archimedes wanted to lift the globe! Hey beard, how do you get to Plyushkin without passing the manor’s house? Curly, here you are, brother, for fifty years I’ve been looking at the Volga every day and I can’t take it all in. I can’t. Wasn’t it just for her that you came here from the city, little bird? Oh, motherland, I’m not sad about myself... I’m sorry for you, dear. Brother brother what are you saying..! O brave falcon, you bled to death in battle with your enemies... Field Russia Quite dragging its plow across the fields. Glory to the hammer and the land of youth. No, my brother, things won’t work out that way between us!

Task 6.Rewrite using punctuation marks. Underline the coordinating conjunctions, indicate their category and function in the sentence.

The garden was quiet and warm. There was a smell of mignonette, tobacco and heliotrope, which had not yet had time to bloom in the flower beds. The gaps between the bushes and tree trunks were full of thin, gentle fog soaked through with moonlight, and what remained in Ognev’s memory for a long time were wisps of fog, similar to ghosts, quietly but noticeably to the eye, walking one after another across the alleys. The moon stood high above the garden and below it, transparent foggy spots rushed somewhere to the east. The whole world seemed to consist only of black silhouettes and wandering white shadows, and Ognev, observing the fog on a moonlit August evening, almost for the first time in his life thought that he was seeing not nature, but scenery.

Task 7.Perform syntactic analysis of sentences, make their diagrams. Place punctuation marks.

1. Clouds swirl in the abysses of the green radiant deserts of the sunrise and shadows run down from the naked mountains the color of roses and honey. 2. On a pockmarked and mottled stream, a leaf flies after a leaf and a chill runs in like a dry and sharp stream. 3. The forest was quiet and smelled damp. 4. By evening, a familiar church appeared on the horizon and the barns turned white.

Task 8.Place punctuation marks when copying, explain their placement, correlating them with the meanings of the parts in the BSC and SPP.

Such friends in the world are not afraid of anything: one is responsible for all and all for one. So, it means that what they say is true: a soldier is always a soldier. He will look and give you a ruble. I'll throw a candle into the stove for a candle, I'll run for a book. You will part the wet bush and you will be showered with the accumulated warm smell of the night. I was modest and was accused of deceit. I told the truth and they didn’t believe me. This news made me very happy; it gave me the right to print these notes, and I took the opportunity to put my name on someone else’s work. The pale gray sky became lighter, colder, bluer, the stars blinked with blue light and then disappeared. Ears of corn quietly hit you in the face, cornflowers cling to your legs, quails scream all around, the horse runs at a lazy trot. The moon was not in the sky; it rose late at that time. I know in your heart there is both pride and downright honor. The Falcon flies high and huddles close to the ground. Praise is tempting, how could you not wish for it? They plow the arable land without waving their hands.

Amazing lakes Russia

Lakes of Russia are one of the national treasures of our Motherland. They can be large and small, freshwater and salty, deep and shallow. Before you are five amazing lakes in Russia.

The Caspian Sea is a lake, the largest in the world in terms of area and volume of water. Five states border its shores. The salinity of most of the reservoir is approximately three times less than that of the ocean; in the north the water is almost fresh.

Length coastline The Caspian Sea is estimated at approximately 6500 - 6700 kilometers, with islands - up to 7000 kilometers.

130 rivers flow into the Caspian Sea, of which 9 rivers have a delta-shaped mouth. Large rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea are the Volga, Terek (Russia), Ural, Emba (Kazakhstan), Kura (Azerbaijan), Samur (Russian border with Azerbaijan), Atrek (Turkmenistan).

101 species of fish are registered in the Caspian Sea, where most of the world's sturgeon stocks are concentrated, as well as freshwater fish such as roach, carp, and pike perch.

The most important dangers for the Caspian Sea are associated with water pollution as a result of oil production and transportation on the continental shelf, the flow of pollutants from the Volga and other rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea, the life of coastal cities, as well as the flooding of individual objects due to rising levels of the Caspian Sea .

Lake Baikal is the largest freshwater lake in Eurasia. The most deep lake in the world. The depth of the lake is 1642 meters.

The water reserves in Baikal are gigantic - 23,615.39 km³ (about 19% of the world's lake reserves) fresh water- all fresh lakes in the world contain 123 thousand km³ of water). In terms of water reserves, Baikal ranks second in the world among lakes, second only to the Caspian Sea.

336 rivers and streams flow into Baikal.

In winter, Baikal freezes entirely, except for a small section of 15-20 km in length located at the source of the Angara.

Baikal is home to 2,630 species and varieties of plants and animals.

Ladoga and Lake Onega- the largest in Europe.

Their waters flow into Lake Ladoga large rivers: Svir, Vuoksa and Volkhov, several dozen medium-sized rivers and more than a hundred small ones. Only the Neva flows out of the lake.

On Lake Ladoga– abundance of islands, the number of which exceeds 650.

Lake Onega is one of the largest freshwater bodies of water in Europe. Its area is about 10,000 square kilometers, length up to 248 kilometers, width up to 80 kilometers. Average depth lake 30 meters.

The lake is famous for its huge number of islands, especially in the northern part. Their total number reaches 1369.

Lake Elton is one of the most interesting natural sites in the territory Volgograd region. Salt Lake enormous in size, comparable only to the Israeli Dead Sea, located in the middle of the Pallasovskaya steppe..

Lake Elton appears to be the largest and richest of all known salt lakes in the world. The thickness of the salt layer has not yet been precisely determined. But the most important thing about Elton is its healing properties. Once upon a time there was even a Museum of Abandoned Crutches: people who came here on crutches returned home after a month or two, leaving their crutches in a local sanatorium.

It has long been noticed that by the end of summer the surface of the lake turns a mysterious purple-golden color.

Lake Lotus. In Russia, lotuses grow in only two places - in Astrakhan region and on Far East. Lotus Lake (or Goose Lake) is a unique body of water, covered with a carpet of rare pink flowers all summer. This lake is located on one of the most picturesque islands Peter the Great Bay.

A wonderful legend is told about the lake. As if there used to be a valley in its place where the village was located. There was a well in the middle of the village. One day, water began to flow from this well, which flooded the village. It is believed that the waters of Baikal broke through, with which Gusinoye is connected by a huge underground canal. They say that even wrecks of ships that sank in Lake Baikal are found here. And the endemic omul is also found in Lotus Lake.

Song about Russia
Music by V. Zakharov. Words by M. Isakovsky and A. Surkov

Free steppes, steep mountains,
Waters of deep seas and lakes—
You have included everything, dear Russia,
Into your vast, endless space.

You gathered and united forever
Family of fraternal tribes and peoples.
In menacing harsh battles it established
Strength, and glory, and your truth.

Warmed by Lenin's word and heart,
Strong friendship and brotherhood of peoples,
Red star, star of the Soviets,
You have illuminated, Russia, centuries.

March of Youth
Music by N. Kutuzov. Words by Yu. Polukhin

Young hearts are pure,
We are the bread and salt of the earth.
We should build blast furnaces and bridges,
Machine tools and ships.
Without us, everything around will fade:
And the sky and the water,—
Without our eyes, without our hands,
Without our work.

Merry to light the light for us,
Go into the depths of the ores.
There is no more reliable alloy in the world,
Than youth and work.

And everything that is in the world, friend,
And what is the country proud of?
For our eyes, for our hands,
For our work.

And every moment, and every hour,
At any time,
Friends, hopes for us
Favorite country.
So let everything around shine,
Forests and cities
From our eyes, from our hands,
From our work.

Love for Russia
Music by A. Averkin. Words by V. Bokov
(text in the collection)

Oh, winter-winter
Music by V. Levashov. Words by V. Semernin

Oh, winter, oh, winter,
Isn't there a lot of snow?
I'm carrying a basket of pancakes
For a dear friend!
Whitewashes me half-witted
Winter beauty
And I laugh and rejoice,
Happy myself.
Myself, myself, happy myself.

I’ll sit down in a sleigh with my friend—
Give up your place.
Hey, dun horse, find it yourself
The road to the steppe!
The blizzard is singing, circling,
A swarm of snowflakes flies.
The road runs like a ribbon.
Hold on, my dear!
Hold on, hold on, hold on, my dear!

It's cold and windy,
Powder with snow,
And I'm sure of everything
When alone with a friend.
Behind the ringing of the bell
And you can't hear laughter.
Kiss me when you want to kiss me.
Me, me, kiss me.

Oh, winter, oh, winter,
White and white all around.
We're bringing a basket of pancakes
With a nice friend.
On a white shawl
Snowflakes are barely visible.
We call everyone - please
Come visit us for pancakes.
We invite you, invite you to visit us for pancakes!

You are good, our Motherland
Music by E. Kuznetsov. Words by I. Dremov

You are good, our Motherland,
Nice, pretty.
For your freedom, Motherland,
I have stood up to fight more than once.

Chorus: You're all in the gardens,
You're covered in bread
You are all in the oak forests of nightingales,
My love, my destiny,
My land, Russia!

Every dawn, every willow
You live in my destiny.
I'm walking through your fields
With a bright thought about you.

All your dreams, desires
I carry it to you in my soul.
I will never tire of praising
Your space, your beauty.

Young grain growers
Music by V. Grigorenko. Words by V. Semernin

Now the snowdrifts will melt in the ravines,
The earth will warm up with caress,
Friends-growers will come out singing
To our endless fields.

Golden skillful hands
They will lead you into the open space of a tractor,
Young friends and girlfriends,
That we graduated from school yesterday.

Their motherland raised,
From the cradle, like a mother, I took care of you,
And they, as the soul prompted,
They dedicate their affairs to her.

Test your character at work,
Sing a song over the expanse of fields!
The earth initiates grain growers
Young and good friends.

Summer is leaving
Music by A. Novikov. Words by P. Chernyaev

The blue evening floats over the river,
The grove is noisy with its outfits,
And a ripe bunch of rowan
For some reason he knocks on the window.

Chorus: Summer is leaving, summer is leaving.
I haven't heard the nightingale for a long time.
But I know it’s missing somewhere,
Walks around unfinished
My maiden song!

I'll follow a familiar path,
I'll stand in the yellow rain.
Silver webs
They are woven into my braid.

Flocks of cranes are flying,
I wave my scarf after them.
The golden time has come,
But there is no desired friend.

Let the sunsets fade in the mountain ash
Under the singing of autumn winds.
It’s too early for me to be sad -
It's still a long way from snow!

Tell me simple words
Music by Yu. Zatsarny. Words by S. Krasikov
(text in the collection)

Oryol region
Music by A. Krepkikh. Words by D. Blynsky

Oryol region - open spaces of the field,
Forever dear side,
As the daughter of the great mother Russia,
She lives with her in one breath.

The wind rustles in the birches, foaming the water,
At the blue beauty Oka,
On the banks of which Turgenev lived,
Leskov and Tyutchev are our fellow countrymen.

My land, beloved land of Oryol,
Land of victories and labor honor,
With factories and Russian birch trees,
With lovers and a song over the river.

Music by E. Derbenko. Words by V. Dronnikov

In vain, white birch,
You are looking for your peace in the field.
He is where the vines climb low,
Where the bank hangs over the river.

There next to the sad willow tree,
If only you were festively bright,
If only you were the happiest
Which I have never been before.

And in the dark field thunderstorms whistle
And in the field you are visible to the wind.
Why are you, white birch,
One rose in the middle of the field?

Oh you sleigh!
Music by A. Krepkikh. Words by S. Yesenin

Oh you sleigh! And the horses, the horses!
Apparently the devil brought you to earth.
In the rollicking steppe acceleration
The bell laughs until she bursts into tears.

Sing, coachman, in defiance of this night,—
If you want, I’ll sing along for you myself
About the sly maiden eyes,
About my cheerful youth.

Eh, you used to twist your hat,
May you put the horse in the shafts,
Let you lie down on an armful of hay,—
Just remember what my name was.

And where did the posture come from!
And in the silence of midnight
Talkative Talyanka
She persuaded more than one.

But still the soul has not cooled down,
Snow and frost are so pleasant to me,
Because above everything that was,
The bell laughs until she bursts into tears.

Desperate side
Music by L. Afanasyev-Bryansky. Words by D. Blynsky

Now the road, now the path is narrow,
Now a stream, now a river without a bottom, -
Oh you, Russian, our Russian,
Our desperate side.

Awarded with holy bonds
And she told us: “Good morning!”
And not in blocks, not in alliances,
And she connected us with our hearts.

In this lush variety—
Some are from Baikal, and some are from the Oka—
We live in the middle of Eurasia,
Restless Russians.

We will gather, celebrating the meeting,
Well, at least for half an hour:
The speeches are different, the songs are different,
Very different voices.

But we are still alike,
How are we similar? Ask:
Not random, not passers-by,
And the owners are in Rus'.

Now the road, now the path is narrow,
Now a stream, now a river without a bottom,—
Oh you, Russian, our Russian,
Our desperate side.

There is a path over the hill
Russian folk song. Arranged by N. Kutuzov

There is a path over the hill,
A light maiden is running along the path.

Chorus: Oh, lali, lali, lali,
Oh, lali, lali, lali.

A light maiden runs along the path,
A kind fellow hurries to meet her.

And the young man has a pine hut,
Gates made of pure crystal.

Gates made of pure crystal,
The collar is silver.

Oh, you girl, you are a soul girl,
Will you, young, marry me?

Oh, well done, you have a smart head,
How I love, love all your words.

How I love, love all your words,
I will marry you, I will marry you, young.

How I love all the words, yes,
I'll marry you!

Oh, you wide steppe
(text in the collection)

I'll go outside
Russian folk song. Arranged by A. Krepkikh. Accordion part by A. Belousov
(text in the collection)

You, Egor, are curly
Russian folk song. Arranged by A. Krepkikh

You, Egor, are curly,
Oh, you, Egor, curly,
You, Egor, are curly,
Don't stand over me.

Don't stand over me
Oh don't shake your head
Don't shake your head
I can't be behind you.

I can't be behind you
Oh, I can't follow you

And I have to be and visit
Behind white-ruddy.
And I have to be and visit,
Oh, for the white-ruddy one,
Behind the white-ruddy,
For Ivan curly.

Behind the white-ruddy,
Oh, for Ivan curly,
For Ivan curly,
For Sergeich.

Snow fell on the dawn
Russian folk song. Arranged by L. Afanasyev-Bryansky

Snow fell on the dawn,
Snow fell on the dawn.
Oh, viburnum, oh, raspberry.
Vanya drove in a hurry,
He fell off his horse.
Oh, viburnum, oh, raspberry.

The girl saw
She quickly ran up.
Oh, viburnum, oh raspberry.
I quickly ran up,
She held me by the hand.
Oh, viburnum, oh, raspberry.

She mounted a horse on a corvid,
She saw me off into an open field.
Oh, viburnum, oh, raspberry.
I saw you off into an open field,
She ordered everything.
Oh, viburnum, oh, raspberry.

“You will go to an open field,”
Don't get carried away."
Oh, viburnum, oh, raspberry.
"On the good ones on the pretty ones
Don't look."
Oh, viburnum, oh, raspberry.

1. My dear, how pretty! 2. Sing, little light, don’t be ashamed! 3. What if, sister, with such beauty, you are a master of singing, because you would be our king bird! 4. What about you, gossip, are you going on the road? 5. Farewell, corydalis, happy journey! 6. Friends, there is no need to be timid! 7. Tell me, dear Grove! Why is your fate so cruel? 8. How dare you, impudent one, muddy my clean drink with sand and silt with an unclean snout? 9. It’s time for me to sort out your faults, puppy! 10. Beautiful sisters! It would be a good idea for us to adopt this! 11. Why are the Eagles so honored? Is it really for the flight, my dear neighbor? 12. It’s been a long time, Polkanushka, it pains me that, having lived in the same yard as a dog with you, we can’t live a day without a fight. 13. Friends! What's all this fuss about? 14. You are gray, and I, my friend, am gray, and I have known your wolfish nature for a long time. 15. No, gossip; I have often seen that your stigma is covered in fluff. 16. Don’t leave me, dear godfather! 17. Was it before that, my dear? (135 words.)

I. Krylov.

1. Sorry, peaceful places! Sorry, shelter for the solitary! Will I see you? 2. Forgive me, peaceful valleys, and you, familiar mountain peaks, and you, familiar forests! Forgive me, heavenly beauty, forgive me, cheerful nature! 3. I greet you, deserted corner, a haven of peace, work and inspiration. 4. Sorry, the games are golden! 5. Make noise, make noise, obedient sail, worry below me, gloomy ocean. Fly, ship, carry me to the distant borders according to the menacing whim of the deceptive seas. 6. Sad star, evening star! Your ray silvered the withered plains, and the slumbering bay, and the black rocky peaks. 7. Farewell, free elements! For the last time, you roll blue waves in front of me and shine with proud beauty. Goodbye sea! I will not forget your solemn beauty and for a long, long time I will hear your hum in the evening hours. (126 words.)

A. Pushkin.

1. It’s time, my child, get up: yes, you, beauty, are ready! 2. Oh, nanny! Do me a favor. 3. How slow-witted you are, nanny. 4. Dear friend, I’m already old. 5. Girls, beauties, darlings, girlfriends, have fun, girls, have fun, darlings! 6. Today, dear friends, I am not able to retell it. 7. You will agree, my reader, that our friend acted very nicely towards sad Tanya. 8. By the way, brothers! I ask for your patience. 9. Why are you, my old lady, silent at the window? Or are you, my friend, tired of the howling storm, or are you dozing under the buzz of your spindle? 10. Don’t sing, beauty, in front of me you sing the songs of sad Georgia. 11. Hello, Don! From your distant sons I brought you a bow. 12. Prepare, O treasured Don, for the dashing riders the boiling, sparkling juice of your vineyards. (107 words.)

A. Pushkin.

1. Old man! I have heard many times that you saved me from death. 2. My child, stay here with me. 3. Farewell, father, give me your hand. 4. Father, father, leave the threats, don’t scold your Tamara. 5. Blue mountains of the Caucasus, I greet you. 6. How I loved your storms, Caucasus! 7. I greet you, holy cradle of warlike Slavs! 8. I love you, my damask dagger, my bright and cold comrade. 9. Make way, O old man of the sea, give shelter to my wave! 10. Peace to your heart, my dear Sasha! 11. Rush faster, flying time! 12. Heavenly clouds, eternal wanderers! Along the azure steppe, in a chain of pearl, you rush, as if you were exiles like me, from the dear north towards the south. 13. I would like to be alone with you, brother. 14. Take, comrade, a friendly vow, accept the song of my homeland. 15. Guys! Isn't Moscow behind us? (132 words.)

M. Lermontov.

1. Hey, our faithful servant, Kiribeevich, are you harboring an unholy thought? (...) It is indecent for you, Kiribeevich, to disdain the royal joy. 2. Well, my faithful servant! I will try to help your trouble, your grief. 3. Tell me, tell me, Eremeevna, where did Alena Dmitrievna go, hiding at such a late hour? 4. My lord, Stepan Paramonovich, I will tell you a wondrous wonder. 5. You and I, wife, got engaged, exchanged gold rings... 6. My lord, red sun, either kill me or listen! 7. Tell us, our elder brother, what happened to you? 8. I will tell you, dear brothers, that a great misfortune has happened to me. 9. Why did you, scarlet dawn, wake up? 10. Oh, where are you, good fellows? 11. It’s good for you, child, daring fighter, merchant’s son, that you answered in good conscience. 12. You, my brothers, blood friends, let’s kiss and hug at the last parting. (126 words.)

M. Lermontov.

a) 1. Hello, young, unfamiliar tribe! 2. While we are burning with freedom, while our hearts are alive for honor, my friend, let us devote our souls to our homeland with wonderful impulses. 3. Comrade, believe: she will rise, the star of captivating happiness. 4. You are still dozing, lovely friend - it’s time, beauty, wake up. 5. Sliding through the morning snow, dear friend, let us indulge in the running of an impatient horse. 6. How often in sorrowful separation, in my wandering fate, Moscow, I thought about you!

A. Pushkin.

b) 1. Oh, my steppe, free steppe, you steppe is spread wide! 2. Get itchy, shoulder! Swing your hand! Smell it in your face, the wind from noon! Refresh and excite the spacious steppe. Buzz, scythe, sparkle all around! 3. No pain, soul! Take a break from your worries.

A. Koltsov.

c) 1. Guys, stay here! 2. Baby! How are you doing, little guy? 3. Did you, Malyshev, hear what your comrade said? (Like.) 4. Katya, Katyushenka, I was accepted into the Komsomol! (Lic.) 5. Gleb Petrovich, this is an anniversary machine! (Nick.) (118 words.)

a) 1. Hello, old one! Why are you frowning, gossip! 2. Orinushka baked pancakes, she can’t stop looking at Vanyushka. 3. He didn’t like, sir, to talk about his military life. 4. Forgive me, forgive me, clearing! I mowed you down when you were young! 5. Goodbye, darling! You are left alone again. 6. Take me, daddy, with you! 7. This work, Vanya, was terribly enormous - not enough for one person! 8. Brothers! You are reaping our benefits! 9. Take a closer look at him, Vanya: it was hard for the man to earn his bread! b) 1. Children, I’ll tell you about Mazai. 2. Listen, bunnies, to grandfather Mazai! 3. I heard stories from Mazai. Children, I wrote one down for you. 4. Ripe, ripen, mother rye! 5. Put us in a seat, boy, so we can get there more happily. (109 words.)

N. Nekrasov.

1. I know why you cry, my mother! 2. You are also gone, sister of my soul! 3. Ah, nanny! How many times have I shed tears for her in difficult times of my heart. 4. Wait, Ignasha, the master will arrive! 5. Madam! Remember my word. 6. Volga! Volga! In a spring with plenty of water, you do not flood the fields as much as our land is overflowing with the great sorrow of the people. 7. Look, Savosya, what a ring! 8. Muse, welcome freedom with hope! 9. Oh Volga!.. my cradle! Has anyone ever loved you like I do? 10. Home, kids! It's time for lunch! 11. Enough, Vanyusha! You've been walking a lot, it's time to get to work, dear. 12. Play, children! Grow in freedom! 13. Motherland! I have never ridden across your plains with such a feeling! 14. My poems! Living witnesses for the world of shed tears. You will be born in moments of fatal spiritual thunderstorms and beat against human hearts, like waves against a cliff. (126 words.)

N. Nekrasov.

1. Father, your hares are not cute to me now. 2. Well, listen, Stepan Ilyich! An official came from St. Petersburg. 3. I think, Anton Antonovich, that there is a subtle and more political reason here (...). 4. I would also advise you, Ammos Fedorovich, to pay attention to public places (...) 5. Hey, we know, my dear, into whose garden they throw pebbles! 6. Sit down, gentlemen! 7. Pyotr Ivanovich, here’s a chair for you! 8. Well, Anton Antonovich? Parade to the hotel? 9. Well, Mashenka, we now need to do the toilet. 10. What Avdotya, did you hear someone arrived there? 11. Hello, brother! 12. Listen, my dear, they still don’t bring me lunch there. 13. Listen, little guy: you, I see, are a nimble guy. 14. Avdotya should come soon. 15. This is Dobchinsky, mamma. 16. Really, mama, Dobchinsky. 17. My respect, Marya Antonovna! 18. Hello, Pyotr Ivanovich! 19. Anton Antonovich sent you a note. 20. Here, uncle, here. (121 words.)

N. Gogol.

a) 1. Come on, sun, brighter than the spray, burn with golden rays! 2. Hey, comrade! More life! Hurry up, don’t delay, go ahead. 3. Come on, wind, stroke our skin, refresh our heads and chests! 4. Hey, goalkeeper, get ready for battle - you are posted at the gate as a sentry! 5. Farewell, my friend, it's time to go hiking! 6. Fly faster, ski, stronger, stronger swing! 7. Come on, month, big-eyed friend, light the way! 8. Look, my friend, how good it is to swim in the heights! 9. Come on, comrade, let's fly. 10. Victory in labor, like victory in battle, will not come to us on its own, “friends.”


b) 1. Goodbye, city and hut, the long road is calling us. 2. At dawn, girls, go out to see off the Komsomol detachment. 3. Don’t be sad without us, girls, we will come back victorious. 4. Hello, city of ancient Russian glory, hello, city of my youth! (Isak.) 5. Free steppes, steep mountains, waters of deep seas and lakes - you have included everything, dear Russia, in your vast, endless space! (Isak. and Surk.) (133 words.)


As Taras sees, Golokopytenko is galloping towards him on a horse: “Trouble, ataman, the Poles have grown stronger, fresh strength has arrived to help!” Before Golokopytenko had time to say, Vovtuzenko gallops: “Trouble, ataman, a new force is coming!” Before Vovtuzenko had time to say anything, Pisarenko ran without a horse: “Where are you, dad? The Cossacks are looking for you...” (...) “On horseback, Ostap!” - said Taras and hurried to catch more Cossacks. (...) But they had not yet left the forest, and already the enemy force surrounded the forest on all sides. (...) “Ostap! Ostap, don’t give in!” - Taras shouted. (...) And suddenly six people suddenly jumped on Ostap; but it didn’t happen at the right time: one’s head flew off, the other turned over; the spear hit the third in the rib. (...) “Good, son!.. Good, Ostap!” - Taras shouted. (...) Taras hacks and fights, pouring gifts on the heads of both. “Ostap! Ostap, don’t give in!” But they are already overpowering Ostap. “Eh, Ostap, Ostap!” - Taras shouted. (132 words.)

According to N. Gogol.


Dear readers! There are about five thousand books in our school library. Over the past year, there were ten thousand book lendings. On average, 5 books are published per student. This is good. But we also have shortcomings. Some of you, dear friends, handle your books carelessly: you crease the corners of the sheets, make pencil and even ink notes. This attitude towards books, comrades, is unacceptable. Pioneers! Don't forget that a book is your first friend. Komsomol members! You must be especially careful when reading literature and set an example for all other students. Our library has many books on agricultural topics and on topics about nature. Yunnats! First of all, you should be interested in these books and recommend them to others. The library is regularly updated with books, newspapers and magazines on various sports. We recommend that you, athletes, be regular readers of this literature in order to keep abreast of sports life in our country. (140 words.)