Where is the schedule posted? Mysterious places in Poland

On December 28, 2016, the Central Suburban Passenger Company solemnly congratulated 4 billionth passenger(report from 2006), who arrived at the Kazansky station from Golutvin station.

Every day, more than one and a half million people use electric trains in the Moscow region, 100% of whom are our readers. A selection of useful sites, applications and tips especially for them.

1. In the carriage you can expand your horizons

When you travel by train, it may seem that there is nothing interesting near the Moscow region railways. But this is not true at all. Places of interest from the point of view of history and culture are hidden on every corner. There are audio excursions for the routes of Moscow and St. Petersburg electric trains / The izi.travel application has free audio guides, developed by experienced local historians. So far, excursions are available only for 14 routes (in the Moscow region):

Moscow - Golitsyno (Belarusian direction)
Moscow - Tula (Kursk direction)
Moscow - Ryazan (Kazan direction)
Moscow - Dmitrov (Savelovskoe direction)
Moscow - Peredelkino (Kiev direction)
Moscow - Kaluga (Kiev direction)
Moscow - Ozherelye (Paveletskaya direction)
Moscow - Mozhaisk (Belarusian direction)
Moscow - Vladimir (Gorky direction)
Dmitrov - Dubna (Savelovskoe direction)
Lyubertsy - Shatura (Shatura)
Moscow - Sergiev Posad (Yaroslavl direction)
Moscow - Volokolamsk (Riga direction)
Moscow - Alexandrov (Yaroslavl direction)

You should search for them in the application using the words “Talking Express”. Some suburban trains already have Wi-Fi, but it is better to download the excursion in advance for offline listening.

2. There are excursions on trains

In the summer of 2016, the CPPC began conducting excursions in the Moscow region several times a month. Participants travel to their destination in special carriages with soft seats or on the Manor Express train. During the trip, a guide works in the carriage.

The idea is simply brilliant! There are no traffic jams, no one gets sick, you can walk in the carriage. The cost of an excursion including a ticket is, on average, from 500 to 1000 rubles.

4. Tickets for some trains are sold online

On the website rzd.ru you can buy tickets for travel between the stations of Moscow Yaroslavskaya, Mytishchi, Bolshevo, Losinoostrovskaya, Pushkino, as well as on some routes of the Republic of Crimea, Krasnodar region, Voronezh and Tambov regions.

5. You can find out the train schedule for free by phone, on social networks and using the Telegram bot

Unfortunately, almost every day some trains are canceled or delayed. There are several ways to find out about schedule changes.

You can install it for yourself mobile app service SMS informing.

You can subscribe to one of the CPPC pages on social networks. And the passengers Kyiv direction can call toll free 8-800-200-59-79 , name the station or dial its code to hear the departure time of the three nearest trains.

6. Electric trains are a cheap replacement for Aeroexpress

Aeroexpress is very comfortable way get to airports without traffic jams, but not the cheapest. An adult ticket costs 420, and a child ticket costs 130 rubles. If you like to save money, you have free time and there is no heavy luggage, you can replace it with a regular train, which departs from the same station.

Domodedovo: There is a train that goes directly to the airport (123 rubles/1 hour 6 minutes), but it runs rarely.

Several times an hour (from half past five in the morning until half past twelve at night) a train departs to the Domodedovo station ( bus number 30(travel time - 35 minutes, interval - 15 minutes).

Vnukovo: by train to Tolstopaltsevo station( 82 rubles/39 minutes), and then drive 25 minutes by bus 32/878.

Sheremetyevo: by train to Lobnya station ( 82 rubles/36 minutes) and from there by bus number 21.

Zhukovsky: by train to the station "Otdykh" ( 102 rubles/57 minutes), and then on route No. 6 or No. 2 (travel time - 20 minutes, interval - 30 minutes).

7. With a train ticket you can go to the toilet at the station for free

For many years now I have been surprised how many people do not know about this opportunity and dutifully pay for what is included in the ticket price.

According to the Charter railway transport Russian Federation passengers, an hour before the trip, an hour after and during the trip (at stops), access to the toilet should be provided free of charge. If you have a train or commuter train ticket, subscription or Transport Card with a receipt that confirms its validity, then you are not obligated to pay 20-30 rubles for entry.

Usually, the cashiers are silent about this (there is rarely an inconspicuous notice hanging anywhere) and if instead of money you give them a ticket, then an expression of incredible resentment and anger appears on their face. But they let you pass without a single word, so as not to attract the attention of other passengers to this event, who are standing in line behind you and counting out change, since they do not know the laws.

8. Electric trains will save you if you don’t have train tickets

9. You don’t have to pay to get on the platform if you don’t plan to go.

To stand with a friend on the platform until his train arrives, you do not need to buy a ticket. You need to ask at the ticket office for a “Metropolitan Card” and leave 100 rubles collateral. With this card you can go through the turnstile to the platform and back within half an hour. You can get your 100 rubles back within an hour.

10. Prizes are awarded for reporting incidents on trains and at stations.

On the website or in the application, you can leave requests for cases of violation of public order at stations and on trains. Each application is awarded 100 points. According to rating of people's informants, the most active of them has already scored 12 thousand points. The website says that these points can be exchanged for prizes or discounts. But which ones exactly are not specified.

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Every trip to the High Tatras is something special.


A year and a half ago I came to Zakopane for the first time to see the High Tatras. Then my friend and I, two young students, wanted to see the mountains and chose one of the most famous routes Tatranskogo National Park. Our impressions were so strong that as soon as we began to think about where we would go this year, we immediately decided that it would definitely be the Tatras. Over the course of several months, we began to plan our trip, found cozy accommodation in Zakopane and began to think about what we should see. To my surprise, it turned out that there are so many hiking trails that even 5 days is not enough to see everything. The Koschelinska Valley is part of the Tatra National Park and is the second largest. There are about 14 trails on its territory alone. We chose it because we came across the crocuses blooming.

Unforgettable journey

We chose the green route and moved straight forward, getting closer and closer to the peaks and gaining altitude. As soon as we entered the territory of the Koschelinskaya Valley, I wanted to shout: “How beautiful it is here!” And as soon as we walked 200 meters and found ourselves in a huge clearing, behind which we could see snow-capped peaks, I shouted: “I’ve never seen anything like this in my life!” It was beautiful, just like on postcards, just like in dreams, when the sun is shining, it’s warm, small crocuses are blooming on the ground, and there are massive and beautiful mountains in the distance.

To be honest, I would never have thought in my life that such beauty could be found in Poland. Sometimes I felt like we were teleported to Canada. What I like most about the Tatras is that you feel close to nature. You just walk along the paths, among the trees, mountains, hills. You feel absolutely safe and somehow special. And with all this, you don’t need to be physically fit or a climber; there are quite a lot of families with children and elderly people here. Many routes do not require strenuous physical activity.

It is very easy to find your way around the National Park. There are route signs everywhere, each route is marked with its own color. The signs indicate the time of ascent. It is quite accurate, since the calculations took into account both the height difference and the difficulty of the climb. There are also quite often tables where you can stop, have a snack and drink hot tea from a thermos. Our green route took us up to the Ornac mountain hut. From there we turned onto another path and climbed to Lake Smrecinski, reaching an altitude of 1126 meters. I admit honestly - it was the hardest and most dangerous climb of my life. But what beauty awaited us ahead.

Mountain lakes are always extraordinarily beautiful: there is forest all around, silence, and mountains can naturally be seen in the distance. After this wonderful adventure and no less dangerous descent, we warmed up and rested in the Ornac shelter. And towards sunset we chose the route to the Mentusier Valley and came across an incredibly beautiful alpine meadow. There are mountains on all sides, silence, practically no people. At that moment it seemed to me that this was every girl’s dream. I wanted to cry with admiration, and no amount of fatigue can spoil such moments. And before we were about to say goodbye to this beautiful valley, Deer came out of the forest to us. It was my dream. I felt the happiest and most peaceful then. And I really want to pass this on to others and tell them that absolutely everyone can see and feel this. Especially in a place like the Koschelinskaya Valley.

Travel notes

  • The Tatras have their own dialect. It would seem that people also speak Polish, but the speech is different. It's just like Ukrainian language. Many people know that in the western part of Ukraine speech is different, and many words have different meanings. If you are planning long journey in Poland - try to listen to speech and recognize dialects;
  • here in the Tatras they serve potato pancakes everywhere;
  • The weather in the Tatras is very changeable, precipitation falls here on average every three days, and in one day you can see the summer sun, then experience torrential rain, and by the evening find yourself ankle-deep in snow;
  • The snow melts from the peaks only towards the end of August;
  • every April there is a crocus blossom festival;
  • take a closer look at the vegetation - there are plants here that you will not find in other places.

  1. I would advise going here in summer and autumn. In summer it’s quite easy: there are no difficulties on the routes. Autumn brings the most beautiful and varied colors. If you want to see snow but don't want to deal with the rigors of climbing, come here in late fall - late October or early November. The trails are not yet covered with snow, but there is already snow on the peaks. It’s also beautiful here in winter, I would even say it’s a place for a perfect Christmas, plus they open ski resorts, however, moving around the national park is more difficult. We were here in April and were upset - many routes are still closed due to the fact that water is always flowing under our feet as the snow melts from the mountains;
  2. DO take trekking poles with you;
  3. Pay attention to the color of the route. Not many people know that color is not only for navigation, but also carries its own symbolism. Of course, they say that in Poland color does not mean the difficulty of the route, but it didn’t seem that way to me. The green route is considered to be the easiest. This was the case with the route we chose. He didn't dial high altitude, and any grandmother can pass it. Red is the most interesting and passes through the most important places in the mountain range. However, this could also be a path along a rocky pass. You should be prepared for this. Black is the most complex and short. And it seemed to me that this was true. Our climb to the lake was so sharp and slippery that sometimes it seemed like I was going to fall;
  4. Get ready for weather conditions, this especially applies to shoes and raincoats;
  5. Take a snack with you, a thermos of tea, but also don’t deny yourself the pleasure of having a snack on hot potato pancakes in the mountain pass;
  6. Be sure to agree on the start and end times of your route. Routes to the entrance National Park They go from the bus station, where the bus schedule is posted. At first glance, it seems that nothing is clear, but don’t panic, below under the signs * or ^ it is written that given time valid from such and such date to such and such date. It's simple - look for the time of year in which you arrive, take pictures of the schedule and leave at the chosen time;
  7. Be sure to note that local public transport runs ONCE PER HOUR. Therefore, be sure to take a photo of the city bus schedule so as not to spend two hours waiting for a bus. Also, be careful - check what time the last minibus leaves from the National Park. Spending the night in the forest is no fun.

Mark Semenovich Efetov

The train is coming

Vitya was about to travel on a train for the first time. He was very afraid of being late. That’s why Vitya and his father arrived at the station earlier than other passengers.

First of all, they went to the large board with the train schedule and checked what time their train left.

In the first room, where the schedule hangs, there are many small windows. These are the cash registers. Tickets are sold here.

Vitya’s father handed the cashier the money, and Vitya heard something slam behind the window: “clap-clap.” After that, they were given two tickets: one for Vita’s father and the other for children’s tickets for Vita. A composter was slapping at the ticket office - an iron dog that bites through the train number and the date on the ticket when the train departs.

Having received the tickets, Vitya and his father went to another hall. There were many passengers, porters, and peddlers. After all, thousands of people come here every day and every night, who then need to move on. They are called transit passengers. They have to change from one train to another. It happens in the city: you take one tram, and then change to another. But you only have to wait a few minutes for the tram, and several hours for the train, and sometimes the whole day. All this time, transit passengers live at the station.

Previously, before the revolution, there were three classes of halls for passengers at the station: landowners and factory owners sat in soft chairs in the first-class hall, the poorer ones sat on hard benches in the second-class hall, and the poorest sat right on the floor in the third-class hall.

Now at the station all the halls and rooms are the same: beautiful, bright. The best room was given to the children. It’s called “children’s room”.

There are more than a hundred different rooms in the big station.

On the way from the ticket office to the train, Vitya and his father passed by a book kiosk, a restaurant where passengers had lunch, and a children's room where the children of passengers played. They also passed the storage room where passengers' belongings are stored.

Vitya and his father walked past the controller, who was checking tickets and letting passengers onto the platform.

The train arrives directly at the platform. The station duty officer monitors order on the platform, listens to what he is told by telephone, gives orders and checks by the clock to ensure that each railway worker completes his work on time. The voice of the duty officer through a large megaphone can be heard throughout the station.

When Vitya and his father approached the carriage, the loud voice of the duty officer came from the speaker:

Attention! The train leaves in five minutes...

All the passengers heard these words and hurried to the train - from the restaurant, from the hairdresser, from the children's room, from the storage room...

Vitya and his father approached the carriage. Here they were met by a guide. They gave him their tickets and went into the carriage. Before the train departed, the conductor asked the mourners to leave the carriage, and he himself stood on the platform.

The duty officer raised his hand high with a folded flag. This means: “You can go.” But still, it is not he who gives the command to the driver, but the chief conductor. The inspectors and the lubricant had already reported to him that everything was in good order. The chief looked along the train - all the passengers were in the cars, all the conductors were in place. And after that he whistled: “You can touch it.”

After the chief conductor’s whistle, the driver started the car and pulled the horn handle: “I’m coming!”

The huge wheels slowly turned: the locomotive moved from its place long train. Now the locomotive is breathing more and more often: “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go.” And the wheels started talking: “Run, run, run.”

The driver looks out the window of the locomotive to see if the path is clear. An assistant takes care of the car. The fireman breaks up large pieces of coal and then throws them into the firebox. And the firebox of the locomotive is so large that a passenger car could easily fit in it.

Throughout railway Special signals - traffic lights - have been installed. They show the driver the way with multi-colored eyes. They say: is it possible to drive, how to drive - fast or slow, where to stop. Along the way there are also columns indicating where the turn or climb begins, how many kilometers we drove from one station and how much more to go to the next.

The driver must be very careful all the time.

The train is traveling on the right track. And other trains are coming towards you - along the left track.

When the trains meet, the driver blows his whistle as if greeting an oncoming train: “Hello!”

The passenger train in which Vitya was traveling also heard the horn of oncoming trains in response.

Walkthrough Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix:

The first part of the walkthrough covers the tasks necessary to complete the main scenario of the game. The following is a description of secondary tasks and passwords for Talking Portraits.

Main scenario

After Harry and Dudley are attacked by dementors, pull out your wand, hold down the left mouse button and start desperately moving the “rodent” around the table, making circular movements clockwise. Don't stop until you've dealt with the last of the Azkaban guards.

Sirius Black's House - First Visit

Sirius will teach you and Ginny the Accio spell. To do this, hold down the left mouse button and make one sharp but short downward movement. The main thing here is not to twitch and not to rush. It’s better to try it on seven times and wave your wand once. Switching between targets is done using the “right”, “left”, “up”, “down” keys.

The next spell is Depulso - left mouse button and one short upward movement. Use Depulso to move all the items from the right side of the room to the left wall. When you're done, Sirius will take you to the kitchen.

Hermione is waiting for you in the kitchen and the next Reparo spell is waiting for you - point the wand at the item you want to repair, hold down the left mouse button and begin making circular movements clockwise until the repair is completed. Repair several cupboards along the kitchen walls and glue broken sets back together. Once the task is completed, you will automatically be transported to the room with Ron.

The next spell is Wingardium Leviosa. Point the wand at the object you want to lift into the air, hold down the left mouse button and make a quick movement, first to the right and then to the left. When the object is in the air, release the left mouse button. Using the keys responsible for aiming at the target, drag the object to open chest and click on the left mouse button to complete the spell. Help Ron pack his things into the chest.


When you find yourself in the school yard, approach the Weasley twins. They will teach you how to use the Marauders' Map. The map is called up using the tab key ("Tab"). Once in the main menu of the map, press the "right" key to see a list of people and tasks that are associated with them, but if you press the "left" key, you can study the list of all available places schools. To select Hermione, simply click once on the inscription "Hermione Granger". Exit the menu with the card. Look at your feet and pay attention to the black footprints leading to the school. The tracks will lead you to your chosen destination. What are you worth? Forward, towards adventures!

Task one - password to enter the Gryffindor common room

Climb the moving stairs to the very top, where the portrait of the Fat Lady is located. Try to enter the living room (press "Enter"), but without a password you will not be able to do so. Ron doesn't remember the password, so catch a fellow student who is bored near the entrance to the living room and ask him about the password ("Enter" key). Come inside.

Task two - we rush to the aid of Neville Longbottom

Talk to Hermione, she wants you to look at the class schedule posted on the notice board. Approach the board located near the chess players. Use the Depulso spell to turn the board to the side where the schedule hangs. Study the schedule and find out that the next lesson is Protection from Dark Forces. We need to tell Neville about this, who probably forgot about everything again.

Open the Marauders Map and find Neville on it. Follow the tracks to Suspension Bridge. When you see Neville surrounded by Slytherins, grab your wand and rid your friend of their presence.

Task three - Protection from dark forces

Pull out the Marauders' Map. Look for the name "Dolores Umbridge" on it. Follow the tracks and go up the spiral staircase to the classroom where Defense Against the Dark Arts is taking place. Watch the video.

Task four - the Weasley twins and two combat spells

Find the twins on the map who are chilling in the Transfiguration classroom yard (the only yard with a green lawn). Talk to them and they will teach you two spells. The first spell is Expelliarmus, point the wand at the enemy, hold down the right mouse button and make one sharp downward movement. The second spell is Stupefy, right mouse button and one sharp circular movement counterclockwise. As soon as the twins leave you alone, a Slytherin will appear on the lawn. To win this duel, it is enough to hit the enemy several times with newly learned spells. Remember that when your opponent sends a ball of energy at you, you don’t have to stand like a pillar; you can also dodge to the side. You have plenty of time for such a maneuver.

Task five - a book about medicinal drugs

Find the Library on the map. When you enter the reading room, you will see the book you need at the very top of the shelf. To get the book, use the Wingardium Leviosa spell on the table next to the shelf. Drag the table to the shelf, climb on it and try to get the book, but the tome will fly over to the next cabinet. Repeat the table trick three times and the book will finally land on the table in the center reading room. Everything would be fine, but this is not that book.

Task six - Moaning Myrtle's toilet and the Incendio spell

Find Moaning Myrtle's toilet on the map. He's not far away. Come in and Hermione will offer to light the torches on the walls. To do this, you will have to learn a new spell - Incendio, point the wand at the torch, hold down the left mouse button and make a sharp movement, first up and then down. Light all the torches in the toilet and Myrtle will fly into the light like an overgrown butterfly.

Task seven - Devil's snare and Room of Requirement

Find Neville on the map. It is located at the entrance to the Herbology classroom. Help your friend get rid of the overgrown Devil's snares. To do this, stand in front of the plant, but so that others can cast spells. Use the Incendio spell to burn out the weed. Clear the Herbology classroom from the invasion of Devil Snares.

Neville will say that he found it perfect place for practicing Defense against dark forces. Run after Longbottom. Soon he will lead you to the Rescue Room, located on the seventh floor.

Task eight - Room of Relief and the Protego spell

Approach Neville, he wants to learn the Protego spell. Point the wand at the enemy, hold down the right mouse button and make one sharp upward movement. Once the spell is learned, proceed to search for the remaining 24 members of Dumbledore's Army.

Task Nine - Dumbledore's Army

There are 28 fighters in the Army, who must be gathered together in the Room of Help. Four have already been found: Neville, Harry, Ron and Hermione. The search order for the rest is arbitrary. I'll start with Ginny.

Ginny Weasley

Go to the Gryffindor common room. Talk to Ginny. She wants you to steal the ingredients confiscated from the twins from Umbridge's office. To do this you will need an invisibility cloak. Go up the stairs to the boys' bedroom and take the cloak from Harry's chest.

Select Umbridge's office on the map and hit the road. Enter the office. Umbridge's room is on the second floor, but the path to it is blocked by two unsuspecting students. You can't use magic without being detected, so just run past the two vases standing on the left against the wall. When the vases break with a roar, students will rush to collect the fragments, and you can rush onto the stairs. Go up the stairs and enter the room. Go to the next room where the warehouse of confiscated items is located. Find the bottle with the green liquid and return to the Gryffindor common room. Remove the cloak and talk to Ginny.

Anthony Goldstein

Go down to the fourth floor and just talk to him.

Hannah Abbott

She can be found at the foot of the moving stairs. Hannah is very afraid that she will be caught on the approaches to a secret meeting. The simplest solution to this problem is to find a secret corridor leading to the seventh floor. Go up one flight of stairs and find the Talking Portrait. The portrait speaks with a terrible Swiss accent, so you are unlikely to confuse him with anyone. Ask a Swiss for help and he will give you the password to enter. Return to Hannah and tell her the password.

Angelina Johnson

Enter the main hall where there are long dining tables. Note the school principal's chair, which blocks the door at the far end of the hall. Use the Wingardium Leviosa spell to move the chair to the side. Behind the door is Angelina, who was locked by the Slytherins.

Go down the stairs to the Glory Museum. What happened here? There are broken glass and scattered cups underfoot. Your task is to clean up the mess before the caretaker Filch arrives.

Using the Wingardium Leviosa spell, lift the goblets from the floor and place them in their places in the currently broken display cases. Remember that gold cups must be placed on gold stands, and silver cups must be placed on silver stands. Once the cups are in place, use the Reparo spell to repair the display cases. In total, you need to repair four display cases, after which the caretaker will appear on the stage.

Susan Bones

The girl is in the courtyard in front of the school entrance. She has problems with the Slytherins. To free Susan, challenge the Slytherins to a duel and show your class.

Terry Booth

Stands by the fountain in the courtyard of the clock tower. Talk to him.

Ernie MacMillan

Located in front of Hagrid's guardhouse. Talk to him. Ernie will give you the task of finding five flowers and one mandrake root. The flowers grow nearby and look like a white water lily. The first water lily is right in Hagrid's pumpkin patch; the second is on the path leading up the hill from which you just descended; the third - near the circle of stones; fourth - at the entrance to long bridge, leading to the school; the fifth is on the path leading to the owlery.

Mandrake Root can be found in the Herbology classroom. In the far room on the right you will see a pot of mandrake. Put on the headphones hanging on the wall on the right so as not to become deaf from the scream of the mandrake and uproot the plant (just press the "Enter" key on it). Return to Ernie and give your findings.

Luna Lovegood

This weird girl feeds invisible animals not far from Hagrid's lodge. Talk to her. She will ask you to raise the sack of meat to the highest highest point hill so the thestrals could have their breakfast in peace. Using the Wingardium Leviosa spell, lift the sack into the air. Carefully move the sack behind the stone ridge not far from the foot. Your task is to ensure that the sack does not roll down, so act carefully. Use the spell again and move the sack higher up behind the ridge. From there it’s already a stone’s throw to the point indicated by the Moon, so once again Wingardium Leviosa and bon appetit, gentlemen of thestrals.

Chu Chang

Chu is in the owlery trying to send a package to her mother, but her owl clearly has other plans. Your task is to catch Chu the owl so that the girl can write the address on the parcel. Just chase the owl around the owlery, if you come across destroyed steps, then use the Reparo spell. Eventually, the owl will fly to the very top of the owlery. Use Reparo to repair the three broken poles hanging from the ceiling. Climb onto the pole behind the owl, but it will fly to the next one and so on. Finally the owl will land on the pedestal in the center.

Let’s say that six months have already passed since the moment when the doors of the institute opened for the freshman. One of major events is the first session. They say that you become a real student only after passing the first session, which is why most first-year students are scared. The Unified State Exam is one thing, exams for university teachers are quite another. Is the session really that scary?

Don't neglect your studies

Studying in the first semester may seem like a mess, so many first-year students start skipping classes, i.e. they do not absorb the information that the teacher gives to the students. Such freshmen think “Yes, I’ll pass everything, just today I’ll sleep/play on the computer/go to the club,” etc. Due to missed classes, students' academic performance decreases. This should not be allowed, because students are allowed to the session only if all tests have been passed, as well as completed and defended term papers in disciplines of a certain semester.

Check out the session schedule

As a rule, the session schedule is approved by the rector, and then brought to the attention of teachers and students a month before the start of the exams. The schedule is drawn up in such a way that at least 3-4 days are allocated for preparation for each exam, which is quite feasible for each student. The session schedule is usually posted in the same place as the schedule for the academic semester.

Get ready

Preparation is an important stage. You must take several pens and paper with you to the exam so that you have something to write on and on what + permitted technical devices (for example, a calculator). It is recommended to put your phone on silent mode so that it does not distract anyone during the exam. For active brain activity, it would be nice to take a chocolate bar and something to drink with you - usually this is not forbidden during the exam.

The student is also required to have a document called a “grade book” with him, which he will present to the examiner at the very beginning of the exam. You can carry it with you during the session, or leave it in the dean’s office - whichever is more convenient for you. The examiner puts the test number on the report sheet. After entering the grade for the exam into the report, he can open the record book on the required page to enter the grade into it. Just in case, find out whether the examiner brought the report. If he did not bring it, then the exam is considered illegal. Although this usually does not happen, teachers are still competent people.

As a rule, exams are conducted on tickets in oral or written form. Yes, examiners can ask students questions beyond the ticket, as well as tasks and examples on the discipline program - usually this is done in order to “pull out” the student.


In general, we can say that with careful preparation for exams, the session is not as scary as it seems at first glance. I remember one method of getting rid of fear - to meet it halfway. The most terrible moment is a collision with a session. As soon as the student takes the ticket and sits down at the table, he will be incredibly scared, but after that it will become much easier for him (if he studied the material). Most people are intimidated by their own ignorance of the material, so the conclusion is - learn, learn and teach again!

I like