Who built the pyramids and why. So who really built the pyramids in Egypt? Official version of Egyptologists

Could the ancient Egyptians have built their giant pyramids and palaces on their own? People who have only read about these structures in history books believe: yes. But many of those who have been to this country and wandered, for example, through the Giza Valley, doubt it. These structures are too impressive, even if tens of thousands of slaves are supposed to have worked on their construction.

Conan Doyle version

The theory that the pyramids are material traces of some more ancient technologically advanced civilization has not been put forward today. For example, in 1929, the “father of Sherlock Holmes” Arthur Conan Doyle published the fantasy novel “The Abyss of Marakot”, the heroes of which end up in a certain city - an island that sank to the bottom thousands of years ago Atlantic Ocean. When one of them examines the underwater buildings, he notices that: “The columns, platforms and stairs of this building surpassed anything I had ever seen on earth. Most of all, the building resembled the remains of the temple of Karnak in Luxor, in Egypt, and, amazingly, the decorations and half-erased inscriptions in small details resembled the same decorations and inscriptions of the great ruins near the Nile.”

According to Conan Doyle, who, by the way, visited Egypt before writing this novel, all local ancient structures were built by Atlanteans. And Doyle, according to his contemporaries, like his famous detective hero, had brilliant analytical skills.

The Sphinx is 5000 years older?

It is not clear on what Conan Doyle based his conclusions. But he now has many followers. For example, the head of the Laboratory of Alternative History () Andrey SKLYAROV, who has visited Egypt several times, claims that most local historical monuments were actually created by representatives of an ancient civilization:

You can call them Atlanteans, you can call them aliens, you can call them something else, but there are an incredible number of their traces in Egypt. It’s even strange that Egyptologists did not pay attention to this before. Although now I have the impression that the Egyptians themselves are guessing about something, but are carefully hiding the secret.

If possible, specific examples...

Please let's start with the Great Sphinx. Classical Egyptology claims that it was built during the time of Pharaoh Cheops or his son - approximately 2.5 thousand years BC - based only on the fact that, according to its “artistic features,” it can be attributed to that era. But a century and a half ago, the so-called “Inventory Stele” was found in Giza, which indicated that Cheops only ordered the damaged statue to be repaired. Repair, not build!

And in the early 90s, American geologist Robert Schoch proved that the grooves on the body of the Sphinx and on the wall of the trench around it are traces of erosion not by wind, but by rain: vertical stripes instead of horizontal ones. But there has been no serious rain in Egypt for at least 8 thousand years.

Immediately after Schoch’s publication, the Egyptian authorities began an urgent restoration of the Sphinx. Now the lower two-thirds of the monument are covered with new masonry, and the top of the sculpture has been cleaned - almost no traces of erosion remain. By the way, around the same time, the “Inventory Stele” was also hidden in the storerooms of the Cairo Museum - before that it was put on public display, but now another one was put in its place. In response to questions about this stele, the museum's caretakers only shrug their shoulders in bewilderment. But it has been repeatedly described in scientific and so-called alternative literature.

When the gods ruled...

According to Andrei Sklyarov, the ancient Egyptians themselves built something. But they built their buildings on the basis of ancient structures.

This is clearly visible on the pyramids - which are made by hand, and which with the help of high-precision tools, says Andrey. - Moreover, many ancient buildings resemble bunkers - semi-underground structures over which the pharaohs built their pyramids, trying to copy the ancients. And there were only 6 - 7 original pyramids built by pre-civilization: three in Giza, two in Dashshur and one in Medun. Perhaps there was another one in Abu Roash, but it is not clear whether it was a pyramid or a bunker. And other pyramids are ancient structures completed by the pharaohs, which were originally typical bunkers. Moreover, with such powerful ceilings that they cannot be called anything other than a refuge in the event of a nuclear war. True, it is not clear why and who could threaten them. But the war explains the disappearance of pre-civilization.

Why, besides the buildings, were there no other material traces left?

Why isn't there any left? For example, in the Giza Desert we came across something that resembled iron dust. They took samples and brought them to Moscow. It turned out that it was iron oxide with a high content of manganese. The percentage corresponds to high-alloy manganese steels, which are now used in tank tracks and as a material for stone crushing machines. In how many years could this extremely strong steel turn into dust in a desert where there had been no decent rain for 8 thousand years?

But what kind of mysterious civilization left us these artifacts?

There are different versions. Some people adhere to the theory that they were Atlanteans, others talk about colonists from other worlds. It is difficult to say when they came to Earth, but the period of the heyday of their power can be determined. At the beginning of the 3rd century BC. e. Egyptian historian Manetho published his History of Egypt. It has not been completely preserved to this day, but fragments are mentioned in the works of other historians of the first millennium AD. Manetho compiled a chronological list of the rulers of the country. Classical Egyptology recognizes only the "dynastic part", which deals with famous human pharaohs. But Manetho also talks about the first kingdom, when Egypt was supposedly ruled by gods. It existed approximately 10 - 12 thousand years ago, long before the first known pharaohs.

They worked with granite like styrofoam

Now Egyptologists spend time arguing about how the workers moved these multi-ton stone blocks from which they built pyramids and temples, they are building versions, conducting experiments, says Andrei Sklyarov. - We took a different path: if there are millions of tons of stones, then we need to understand how they were processed. We analyzed many parameters. For example, if they were sawed out, then we look at the width and depth of the cut, and the thickness of the cutting edge. Sometimes the results are surprising.

Slabs of black basalt located around the perimeter of the temple, standing near the Great Pyramid (they used to be the floor of an ancient Egyptian temple). The trace of a circular saw is visible, which is known to operate on a hydraulic, pneumatic or electric drive, but the Egyptians had neither the first, nor the second, nor the third.

It is also noticeable that during sawing there is grinding. If, as they believe, the builders worked with hand-held copper saws, then there would be scratches, but similar grinding is left by modern diamond-coated saws, and they must move very quickly.

Fragment of the obelisk at Karnak. It lies 10 meters from the hiking trail. There are strange holes on it with a diameter of 1 cm and a depth of about 10 cm. They were obviously made to attach some kind of decorative plates: gold or copper. But some of them go deep into the granite not perpendicularly, but at an angle of 10 - 20 degrees: this is impossible to do manually. It turns out that they were drilled into granite, just as we turn holes with a drill in soft wood. What kind of drill did the ancient Egyptians have that could go into granite like it would into butter?

This is an obelisk lying near the famous scarab beetle on the shore of the sacred lake at Karnak. A decorative strip 3 mm wide and 1 cm deep is visible. It is believed that this was scratched with a nail. Jewelers, perhaps, could repeat, carefully cutting, with modern tools.

An artifact from southern Saqqara, where tourists are not allowed. A very revealing block of black basalt. The far part of it has been sawed off: the mark of a circular saw is visible. And they tried to process the other part manually. The difference is immediately visible.

A gate in the still closed part of the Karnak Temple. At the very top, a hole was made in the granite, believed to be about the size of a good barrel for a gate post. In our world, machines capable of cutting such holes appeared only 10 - 15 years ago.

Aswan quarries. Pits going several meters deep. The diameter is slightly larger than the width of the human body. How to dig holes like this? Unless you stand with your head down. There are many such pits. According to Egyptologists, they are designed to watch how cracks appear in the main massif. And this is a completely pointless exercise, because the direction of the cracks can be determined from the surface. And why was it necessary to align the walls so carefully? It looks like they were working here with a milling cutter. There is a hypothesis that the builders simply took granite samples. But with such a tool that made it possible not to spend a lot of time on these tests. This proto-civilization demonstrates to us that it worked with granite as with foam plastic.

Listen to the full audio interview with Andrey Sklyarov

Every year, dozens of new theories appear about who built the Egyptian pyramids, but the main versions have long been strengthened among historians and scientists.

For centuries, people have been trying to unravel the greatest mystery of history and determine who built the Egyptian pyramids. There are dozens of different versions, each of which may seem crazy to some, but very reliable to others.

Today, 35 pyramid complexes can be found in Egypt. The basis is made up of the three most large pyramids the Giza desert, whose history goes back centuries. The rest of the pyramids are small, since they were built much later in the form of tombs for the pharaohs, but even they carry great historical significance.

Official version of Egyptologists

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote a lot about the pyramids. It is his explanation of the appearance of the pyramids in Egypt that is considered the most reliable and official. Pharaoh Cheops gave the slaves the order to build the most high pyramid in history. In order to begin work, people first had to build a road from the rocks to the construction site. It was planned to move large rocky blocks along this road, which were the main element of construction. The road was laid for ten whole years, and the construction of the pyramid was completed after another twenty.

Workers changed every three months. One hundred thousand workers created the 147 m high pyramid and did not even suspect that one day it would become a wonder of the world. Presumably, the Egyptians lifted the blocks using homemade crane-like installations. Hand power and bull power were also used.

This information is considered official, but even it cannot be completely genuine, since Herodotus lived long after the civilization of the Egyptians was completed, and he received his knowledge from the ancient priests. One way or another, the pyramids were built by people, the question is how exactly they did it. Scientists are still giving new versions of what happened and are looking for answers to the questions: how did people, who did not have any equipment at hand, break off huge blocks from the rocks and do it as smoothly as possible? What was used to lift these blocks to the highest levels of the pyramid? These and other questions still remain unanswered.

Other theories

People who believe in gods and spiritual power are convinced that the pyramids are the work of saints who were revered in Ancient Egypt. The Egyptians believed in spirits and constantly said prayers and mantras, creating a kind of psychic energy. It was this energy that created the force that was capable of moving mountains. This can be compared with today's psychics, who believe that they are able to move objects with the power of thought and have the gift of telekinesis. But even if we assume for a second that such an option is possible, the granite blocks from which the pyramids are built weigh so much that you need to have enormous strength to create such large-scale structures from them.

Another theory is put forward by scientists who refuse to believe that the ancient Egyptians were able to build structures of such a scale without the use of any technology. Theory about highly developed civilization is not accepted by the world community as official, but it is the only one that has even the slightest scientific explanation. The pyramids were built with such incredible precision that it was necessary to have devices or means that even in our time are not so easy to create. The slabs were huge, and at that time there were no materials for processing them, since the hardest metal discovered at that time was bronze - it could split a granite slab with it, and even give it a perfectly smooth appearance impossible. This is where the theory comes from that in those days the Egyptians had highly developed technology, which helped them create today's wonder of the world.

The most incredible versions

Thousands of scientists, psychics and historians from different countries For years they have been trying to solve the mysteries of the pyramids. In the process, many versions arise that seem ridiculous and absurd. People, having been inside the pyramids and convinced that these structures are many times superior to many modern buildings, cease to understand what is happening. Most often they refer to some otherworldly forces, they say that Egyptian miracle light is the work of extraterrestrial civilizations and aliens. People are looking for answers to their questions, not even realizing how ridiculous some versions look.

One of these versions is surprisingly popular. Esotericists around the world are sure that the pyramids were built long before the emergence of Egyptian civilization Atlanteans - half people, half gods. According to the theory, the Atlanteans were so powerful that they were able to call upon the power of the gods and take their natural energy to create large-scale structures - the pyramids. After the demigods felt the power that had fallen into their hands, they began to abuse the energy given to them and use it for their own purposes. The gods became angry and sank Atlantis under water along with the Atlanteans. The only thing that remained untouched were the pyramids. They outlived their creators, and the Egyptians did not build them, but only reconstructed them.

The mystery of the pyramids is incredibly interesting. You can think and reflect on it endlessly; it is not for nothing that scientists spend their entire lives studying this topic and trying to get closer to the solution. None of the above theories is completely realistic - there will always be questions about each of them, but each of them also gives us incredible food for thought.

We must immediately make a reservation that scientists do their best to hide this information by hook or by crook, since it does not at all fit into the foundations of the world that history textbooks describe to us from childhood.

Burial places, and more often the remains of dead giant people, have been found on the planet for a long time. They are excavated all over the world, both on land and underwater in the seas and oceans. Another confirmation of this is the find in Yakutia.
A group of independent researchers has been studying this issue for many years and have formed a true picture of what was actually on our planet 12-20,000 years ago. But this is not so long ago! The height of the giants during life ranged from 4 to 12 meters; in addition to great physical strength, they had phenomenal mental abilities. Isn't this the one mysterious civilization Atlantean, which some consider mythical, while others really existed and died?
So, researchers claim that it was this civilization of giants that built pyramids not only in Egypt, but throughout the entire planet; the total number of pyramids they erected is more than 600. Moreover, the construction was carried out in a strictly specified geometry. The pyramids were erected without the use of any slave force using the simple technology that is used now, this is ordinary formwork, that is, the blocks were not moved over a long distance, but were poured with a durable concrete composition into wooden forms!
And their purpose was energetic and related to cosmic energy, the use of which is still unknown to us. It was only then that another civilization of people, in particular the Egyptians, began to worship the highest gods, who built pyramids and made them into tombs for the pharaohs, this is already a religion and a separate topic. As you understand, the Egyptians themselves did not build the pyramids!

The most interesting question is why such giants could exist and why they died!?

The fact is that scientists express the version of four moons, and the gravity on the planet was completely different and the atmospheric pressure was different; under such physical conditions, giant people could feel great and live for an exorbitantly long time. And the death was caused by a catastrophe, the fall of three moons to the surface of the earth.
But researchers refute this theory, because imagine what will happen if at least now our moon approaches our planet - this is not the end of the world, but simply its death. So there is an opinion that in fact the gravity on the planet was different, and around the earth there was a belt of ice asteroids, like the rings around Saturn.
Therefore, the planet was extremely enriched with oxygen, which gave a strong impetus to the development of not only giant people, but also the animal world. But as a result of changes in the poles and other cosmic changes, the ice belt hit the earth with a flurry of water, which led to the death of this civilization; accordingly, climate changes occurred that were already close in physics to ours today.
Below we present facts about the existence of giants:
1. In 1979 in Megalong Vzli Blue Mountains local residents They found a huge stone sticking out above the surface of the stream, on which could be seen the imprint of part of a huge foot with five toes. The transverse size of the fingers was seventeen centimeters. If the print had been preserved in its entirety, it would have been 60 centimeters long. It follows that the imprint was left by a man six meters tall.
2. Ivan Sanderson, a world-famous zoologist, once shared an interesting story about a letter he received from a certain Alan McShir. The author of the letter in 1950 worked as a bulldozer operator on the construction of a road in Alaska and reported that workers had discovered two huge fossilized skulls, vertebrae and leg bones in one of the burial mounds. The height of the skulls reached 58 cm and the width 30 centimeters. The ancient giants had a double row of teeth and disproportionately flat heads. The vertebrae, as well as the skulls, were three times larger in size than those of modern humans. The length of the shin bones ranged from 150 to 180 centimeters
3. In 1899, miners in the Ruhr region of Germany discovered the fossilized skeletons of people ranging from 210 to 240 centimeters tall.
4. In South Africa, in diamond mining in 1950, a fragment of a huge skull 45 centimeters high was discovered. Above the brow ridges were two strange protrusions that resembled small horns. Anthropologists who came into possession of the find determined the age of the skull - about nine million years.
There is a lot of documentary information about giants in a variety of sources. Let's list some of them.
5. In South Africa, on the Okovango River, the aborigines talk about giants who lived in these places in the past. One of their legends says that “the giants were endowed with incredible strength. With one hand they blocked the flow of rivers. Their voices were so loud that they could be heard from one village to another. When one of the giants coughed, the birds seemed to be blown away by the wind.
6. While hunting, they walked hundreds of kilometers a day, and killed elephants and hippos were easily thrown onto their shoulders and carried home. Their weapons were bows made from palm tree trunks. Even the earth had difficulty carrying them.”
7. And Inca legends say that during the reign of Inca XII Ayatarco Kuso, people of such enormous stature arrived from the ocean on huge reed rafts to the country that even the tallest Indian only reached their knees. Their hair fell to their shoulders, and their faces were beardless.
8. Some of them wore animal skins, others went completely naked. Moving along the coast, they devastated the country - after all, each of them ate more at a time than 50 people could eat!
9. One of the adobe tablets of ancient Babylon says that the priests of the Babylonian state received all their astronomical knowledge from giants who lived in South Asia, over 4 meters tall.
10. Ibn Fadlan, Arab traveler, who lived a thousand years ago, saw a six-meter human skeleton, which was shown to him by the subjects of the Khazar king. A skeleton of the same size was seen by the Russian classical writers Turgenev and Korolenko while in Switzerland in the museum of the city of Lucerne. They were told that these huge bones were discovered in 1577 in a mountain cave by the doctor Felix Platner.
11. Only the four- or six-meter giants were not the most gigantic. While conquering America, the Spaniards allegedly discovered a skeleton 20 meters tall in one of the Aztec temples. This is already the scale of giants. The Spaniards sent it as a gift to the Pope. And a certain Whitney, who served as the chief archaeologist for the US government at the beginning of the 19th century, examined a skull with a diameter of two meters. He was found in one of the mines in Ohio.
12. Obvious evidence of the existence of giants are the imprints of their huge feet. The most famous of them is located in South Africa. It was found by local farmer Stoffel Kötzi at the beginning of the last century. The “left foot print” is imprinted into the almost vertical wall to a depth of approximately 12 centimeters. Its length is 1 meter 28 centimeters. It is believed that the owner of enormous growth came when the breed was soft. Then it froze, turned into granite and stood upright due to geological processes.
13. One thing is surprising: why are giant human bones not exhibited in any museum in the world? The only answer that some scientists give is that they deliberately hid the unique finds, otherwise Darwin’s theory of evolution would have completely collapsed and they would have had to change their views on the entire history of mankind and its appearance on earth.
Why did we get smaller?
Dr. Karl Bohm believes that in the distant past natural conditions favored increased human growth, and then they changed dramatically, and people “shredded.”
“Optimal genetic development,” says Bohm, “is when everything embedded in the DNA of an organism develops entirely due to favorable atmospheric conditions.” In his opinion, before the Flood the ozone layer was much thicker, but after that only one-seventh of it remained. The decrease in the ozone layer has led to a weakening of protection from solar radiation, which affects plants, animals, and, of course, humans.

Experts suspect that these are traces of the activities of an ancient forgotten civilization

Could the ancient Egyptians have built their giant pyramids and palaces on their own? People who have only read about these structures in history books believe: yes. But many of those who have been to this country and wandered, for example, through the Giza Valley, doubt it. These structures are too impressive, even if tens of thousands of slaves are supposed to have worked on their construction.

Photo by Andrey SKLYAROV The exact age of this stone statue unknown to anyone

Photo by Andrey SKLYAROV The famous “Inventory Stele” with the inscription about the “restoration” of the Sphinx.

Photo by Andrey SKLYAROV Plates of black basalt located along the perimeter of the temple

Photo by Andrey SKLYAROV Fragment of the obelisk in Karnak

Photo by Andrey SKLYAROV This is an obelisk lying near the famous scarab beetle on the shore of the sacred lake in Karnak.

Photo by Andrey SKLYAROV Artifact from southern Saqqara, where tourists are not allowed

Photo by Andrey SKLYAROV Gate in the still closed part of the Karnak Temple

Photo by Andrey SKLYAROV Aswan quarries. Holes going several meters deep

Conan Doyle version

The theory that the pyramids are material traces of some more ancient technologically advanced civilization has not been put forward today. For example, in 1929, the “father of Sherlock Holmes” Arthur Conan Doyle published the fantasy novel “The Abyss of Maracot”, the heroes of which find themselves in a certain city - an island that sank to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean thousands of years ago. When one of them examines the underwater structures, he notices that: “The columns, platforms and stairs of this building surpassed anything I had ever seen on earth. Most of all, the building resembled the remains of the temple of Karnak in Luxor, in Egypt, and, amazingly, the work, decorations and half-erased inscriptions in small details were reminiscent of the same decorations and inscriptions of the great ruins near the Nile.”

According to Conan Doyle, who, by the way, visited Egypt before writing this novel, all local ancient structures were built by Atlanteans. And Doyle, according to his contemporaries, like his famous detective hero, had brilliant analytical skills.

The Sphinx is 5000 years older?

It is not clear on what Conan Doyle based his conclusions. But he now has many followers. For example, the head of the Laboratory of Alternative History, Andrei SKLYAROV, who has visited Egypt several times, claims that most of the local historical monuments were actually created by representatives of an ancient civilization:

You can call them Atlanteans, you can call them aliens, you can call them something else, but there are an incredible number of their traces in Egypt. It’s even strange that Egyptologists did not pay attention to this before. Although now I have the impression that the Egyptians themselves are guessing about something, but are carefully hiding the secret.

If possible, specific examples...

Please let's start with the Great Sphinx. Classical Egyptology claims that it was built during the time of Pharaoh Cheops or his son - approximately 2.5 thousand years BC - based only on the fact that, according to its “artistic features,” it can be attributed to that era. But a century and a half ago, the so-called “Inventory Stele” was found in Giza, which indicated that Cheops only ordered the damaged statue to be repaired. Repair, not build!

And in the early 90s, American geologist Robert Schoch proved that the grooves on the body of the Sphinx and on the wall of the trench around it are traces of erosion not by wind, but by rain: vertical stripes instead of horizontal ones. But there has been no serious rain in Egypt for at least 8 thousand years.

Immediately after Schoch’s publication, the Egyptian authorities began an urgent restoration of the Sphinx. Now the lower two-thirds of the monument are covered with new masonry, and the top of the sculpture has been cleaned - almost no traces of erosion remain. By the way, around the same time, the “Inventory Stele” was also hidden in the storerooms of the Cairo Museum - before that it was put on public display, but now another one was put in its place. In response to questions about this stele, the museum's caretakers only shrug their shoulders in bewilderment. But it has been repeatedly described in scientific and so-called alternative literature.

When the gods ruled...

According to Andrei Sklyarov, the ancient Egyptians themselves built something. But they built their buildings on the basis of ancient structures.

This is clearly visible on the pyramids - which are made by hand, and which with the help of high-precision tools, says Andrey. - Moreover, many ancient buildings resemble bunkers - semi-underground structures over which the pharaohs built their pyramids, trying to copy the ancients. And there were only 6 - 7 original pyramids built by pre-civilization: three in Giza, two in Dashshur and one in Medun. Perhaps there was another one in Abu Roash, but it is not clear whether it was a pyramid or a bunker. And other pyramids are ancient structures completed by the pharaohs, which were originally typical bunkers. Moreover, with such powerful ceilings that they cannot be called anything other than a refuge in the event of a nuclear war. True, it is not clear why and who could threaten them. But the war explains the disappearance of pre-civilization.

Why, besides the buildings, were there no other material traces left?

Why isn't there any left? For example, in the Giza Desert we came across something that resembled iron dust. They took samples and brought them to Moscow. It turned out that it was iron oxide with a high content of manganese. The percentage corresponds to high-alloy manganese steels, which are now used in tank tracks and as a material for stone crushing machines. In how many years could this extremely strong steel turn into dust in a desert where there had been no decent rain for 8 thousand years?

But what kind of mysterious civilization left us these artifacts?

There are different versions. Some people adhere to the theory that they were Atlanteans, others talk about colonists from other worlds. It is difficult to say when they came to Earth, but the period of the heyday of their power can be determined. At the beginning of the 3rd century BC. e. Egyptian historian Manetho published his History of Egypt. It has not been completely preserved to this day, but fragments are mentioned in the works of other historians of the first millennium AD. Manetho compiled a chronological list of the rulers of the country. Classical Egyptology recognizes only the "dynastic part", which deals with famous human pharaohs. But Manetho also talks about the first kingdom, when Egypt was supposedly ruled by gods. It existed approximately 10 - 12 thousand years ago, long before the first known pharaohs.

They worked with granite like styrofoam

Now Egyptologists spend time arguing about how the workers moved these multi-ton stone blocks from which they built pyramids and temples, they are building versions, conducting experiments, says Andrei Sklyarov. - We took a different path: if there are millions of tons of stones, then we need to understand how they were processed. We analyzed many parameters. For example, if they were sawed out, then we look at the width and depth of the cut, and the thickness of the cutting edge. Sometimes the results are surprising.

Slabs of black basalt located around the perimeter of the temple, standing near the Great Pyramid (they used to be the floor of an ancient Egyptian temple). The trace of a circular saw is visible, which is known to operate on a hydraulic, pneumatic or electric drive, but the Egyptians had neither the first, nor the second, nor the third.

It is also noticeable that during sawing there is grinding. If, as they believe, the builders worked with hand-held copper saws, then there would be scratches, but similar grinding is left by modern diamond-coated saws, and they must move very quickly.

Fragment of the obelisk at Karnak. It lies 10 meters from the hiking trail. There are strange holes on it with a diameter of 1 cm and a depth of about 10 cm. They were obviously made to attach some kind of decorative plates: gold or copper. But some of them go deep into the granite not perpendicularly, but at an angle of 10 - 20 degrees: this is impossible to do manually. It turns out that they were drilled into granite, just as we turn holes with a drill in soft wood. What kind of drill did the ancient Egyptians have that could go into granite like it would into butter?

This is an obelisk lying near the famous scarab beetle on the shore of the sacred lake at Karnak. A decorative strip 3 mm wide and 1 cm deep is visible. It is believed that this was scratched with a nail. Jewelers, perhaps, could repeat, carefully cutting, with modern tools.

An artifact from southern Saqqara, where tourists are not allowed. A very revealing block of black basalt. The far part of it has been sawed off: the mark of a circular saw is visible. And they tried to process the other part manually. The difference is immediately visible.

A gate in the still closed part of the Karnak Temple. At the very top, a hole was made in the granite, believed to be about the size of a good barrel for a gate post. In our world, machines capable of cutting such holes appeared only 10 - 15 years ago.

Aswan quarries. Pits going several meters deep. The diameter is slightly larger than the width of the human body. How to dig holes like this? Unless you stand with your head down. There are many such pits. According to Egyptologists, they are designed to watch how cracks appear in the main massif. And this is a completely pointless exercise, because the direction of the cracks can be determined from the surface. And why was it necessary to align the walls so carefully? It looks like they were working here with a milling cutter. There is a hypothesis that the builders simply took granite samples. But with such a tool that made it possible not to spend a lot of time on these tests. This proto-civilization demonstrates to us that it worked with granite as with foam plastic.


One of the greatest mysteries in human history is the engineering feat of the ancients that led to the creation of the great pyramids of Egypt. For thousands of years, historians, architects and scientists have tried to find an explanation for the appearance of these gigantic structures. To this day, the mystery has not been fully solved, and no one knows exactly how it was done. Unsurprisingly, many different explanations have emerged, and here are the 10 most viable theories for the construction of the Great Pyramids.

1. Ancient machines

Naturally, the first thought that comes to mind when thinking about building a building is the need to use cranes to lift and transport heavy pieces of metal or stone. The first pyramids were step pyramids with large flat surfaces on which heavy cranes could stand and operate. Of course, ancient cultures knew about levers and pulley systems, and they likely used something similar to create the first pyramids. However, the idea of ​​cranes or so-called "cranes" is not particularly plausible in the case of the Great Pyramids of Egypt, since the surfaces were too small to accommodate lifting mechanisms of this scale.

2. The pyramids were originally hills

An interesting but bizarre explanation for the appearance of the pyramids is that they originally appeared as natural rock formations, and then stone blocks were laid out on the slopes of these hills from top to bottom. A similar idea was first proposed in 1884 in The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette at a conference of scientists. Perhaps this is what Herodotus meant when he said that the pyramids were built “from top to bottom.”

3. Polishing and leveling by hand

One of the most complex and mysterious facts associated with the construction of the pyramids is the way in which the Egyptians were able to cut stones with such extreme precision that they could be laid with virtually no gaps between them. It is impossible to squeeze even a sheet of paper into the joint between two stones. Therefore, scientists are perplexed how the Egyptians achieved such precision in stone processing. Even today it is impossible to recreate this using diamond-coated cutters, let alone the most primitive hand tools. The next theory suggests that the Egyptians did not have better tools than they have now. They just made much better use of what they had. For example, they allegedly leveled blocks of stone using two poles of the same height, connected by a narrow rope, under which they placed the stone. If the rope touched the surface somewhere, the area was marked with red ochre, and then the roughness was scraped off using a flint scraper.

4. Limestone concrete

Perhaps an even more plausible way of achieving perfectly smooth stone surfaces was that the stones were made by pouring liquid limestone concrete into molds. There seems to be some evidence to support this theory. Under a microscope, Egyptologist Jean-Philippe Lauer discovered air bubbles on the surface of the stones, indicating that air may have entered the liquid concrete. According to the findings of the American Ceramic Society, it appears that internal structure The stones were formed through a process that happened very quickly, like the hardening of concrete.

5. Zigzag ramps

This is the first of various sloping ramp theories. The theory of a straight ramp was not considered, since such a ramp would have to be larger than the pyramid itself and extend outward from it by 1.6 kilometers, given the estimated slope of 7 degrees. For the ramp to be meaningful, it would have to be built throughout the process of creating the pyramid. Although a zigzag ramp would require less material than a straight ramp, it is almost as implausible since it would have to be constantly adjusted as the pyramid got taller. Therefore, such theories were widely discredited.

6. Wet sand

Today, some proponents of the following theory believe that the stones for the pyramid were dragged over piles of sand, which were pre-wetted to make the stones easier to move. This theory explains the transport of stones from quarries hundreds of kilometers from the construction site, as well as how workers moved the stones upward using some kind of ramp. But would a wet ramp provide sufficient stability for stones weighing up to 20 tons that needed to be lifted to the top? Another question is how suitable wet sand can be as a support for the feet of the people who dragged it all. At best, this theory can only explain the transportation of stones. As a method of lifting stones, it fails.

While trying to develop a plausible ramp theory, people eventually began to realize that a spiral ramp could be built at the same time as a pyramid. It will run along the outer part of the pyramid and rise continuously as it is built. Proponents of this outer spiral ramp theory include Mark Lehner, an archaeologist at Yale University. The main challenge when using a spiral ramp is maneuvering the rocks. It's hard enough to drag huge rocks up a hill, but having to constantly turn them to spiral up creates an even greater challenge. This is why the outer spiral ramp theory is implausible.

8. Water mine theory

How about building a long underground dam underwater from a local water source at a reasonable distance from the quarry, and then using water "shafts" to lift the rocks up. This theory suggests that a water dam was used to transport the stones, and that the stones were cut and ground in the water. After precise grinding of the stone, pieces of light material were attached to it, which provided buoyancy. Thus, the stone floated up, and its surface was protected from impacts with other stones.

There is some evidence that similar water shafts were used to build structures in other parts of the world (for example, canals are thought to have been used to build Angkor Wat in Cambodia). However, if such a canal was used to build the Great Pyramid of Giza, where did it go and why was it destroyed? Supposedly, it took 10 years to build and the length of the canal was supposed to be 10 kilometers, since this is the distance from the Nile River to the site of the pyramid at Giza. Also, even if this theory is correct, it still doesn't explain some of the other nuances in the pyramid.

9. Extraterrestrial Intervention

The more time is spent trying to figure out how the pyramids were built by man, the more the answer seems to suggest something else. Although extraterrestrial intervention is generally dismissed by scientists, many Egyptologists and historians believe that the pyramids were built by aliens. Upon hearing this theory, many will immediately laugh at it. However, extraterrestrial intervention is no more "wild" theory than many others. Given everything that is known about the pyramids, it may be reasonable to conclude that ancient cultures could not have built these incredible structures themselves. Even with all the modern technology, people today are completely unable to build pyramids like those in Egypt. It therefore seems inconceivable that an ancient primitive civilization had both the technology and ingenuity to construct the pyramids with such extreme precision.

The Great Pyramid of Giza faces almost exactly north, with a deviation of only 3/60 of a degree. It is even more accurately aligned than the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, which points north at 9/60 of a degree. Another remarkable mathematical feature of the Great Pyramid is that the perimeter divided by the height is 2π (deviations are negligible). There are a number of other precise mathematical figures associated with the pyramids, but the most important thing to consider is the speed at which they were built.

Taking into account 2.3 million stones weighing an average of 2.5 tons each, it is estimated that one stone had to be placed every two minutes. This includes all the time it takes to cut the stones perfectly, move them miles across the desert, climb the side of the pyramid, and then place them in place. It is very difficult to believe that primitive people did all this.

10. Jean-Pierre Houdin on the theory of the internal ramp

IN Lately one man tries, independently of everyone else, to unravel the mystery of how the pyramids were built. This is a French architect named Jean-Pierre Houdin. Since the 1990s, he devoted all his time to studying the Great Pyramid and was able to develop the most brilliant theory of pyramid construction ever created.

According to Gooden's theory, the Great Pyramid was built using two separate spiral slopes. The first was an outer spiral ramp going up about 30 percent, and the second was an inner spiral ramp through which heavy stones were pulled all the way to the end. Gooden calculated that this inner slope had a slope of 7 degrees. This spiral ramp also included open sections at the corners for workers to turn the blocks (it is believed that cranes were also used here). In addition to the interior ramp, Gooden was also able to explain how the King's Chamber was built, as well as the most mysterious room in Great Pyramid- Big Gallery.

The massive granite blocks to the King's Chamber were pulled through the Great Gallery using a long system of pulleys. Thus, the Big Gallery exists for very practical purposes. Inside are signs that support this theory, such as wedge holes in the rocks. It is believed that they were used to support the pulley system. Using digital technology, a team of programmers was able to test this idea. They were able to confirm that Gooden's drawings of the pyramid were mathematically correct and that the internal ramp was plausible.

However, the most surprising thing is that they were able to find evidence of the actual existence of the ramp through a scan of the pyramid, which revealed a spiral-shaped image. These may well be the remains of an internal ramp. By far, this theory provides the most plausible explanation for how the pyramids were built.