Swimming with Bali dolphins. Lovina: Dolphins at the Marine Dolphinarium

m_tsyganov : Hooray! Already known to you for a long time tasmania-gal returned - not only to Bali, but also to the pages of this blog. So read below how she splashes with dolphins and shallow water:
tasmania-gal : “I’ll say right away that I had the opportunity to swim with dolphins in Mexico about ten years ago. It cost less then, there was more time + the dolphins did all sorts of tricks. But: we really liked it here too, the trip was planned (and paid for) for the sake of a child, the child was delighted, squealed and rejoiced, so $79 per adult and $69 per child completely paid for itself.

In order. They take you following a sign to a clearing filled with asphalt. On the left is an unattractive restaurant, in the center is an aquarium with fish to eat, and on the right is a parking lot.

While the child looks at the fish, you understand that the most interesting thing is... suspension bridge directly. But then the managing manager in a shirt appears and invites you to another restaurant on the right, where the girl looks for your name in the list of those who have booked and offers to pay for the procedure in advance.

In the procedure " swimming with dolphins » includes 45 minutes of swimming (taking turns with two other pairs of visitors), welcome drink (orange juice), fishing (catch and release, we caught two), one photo per person. It is necessary to make a reservation; the dolphins rest on Tuesdays and work four times a day on other days.

You pay, drink juice (it’s so-so) and wait. It’s better to wait not in the open area of ​​the restaurant, but in a closed one nearby - there is air conditioning and the owners’ regalia hangs there.

Hour X comes, you come to the restaurant under a white canopy and...

...two cheerful dolphins swim towards you, slap their tails on the water and... demand fish, of course.

Fish and have fun.

The staff knows the key phrases in Russian: come on, sit down and don’t bite. So you will have to feed the dolphins.

Then everyone puts on life jackets (the manager-manager likes to fasten them on the girls, so give him a shot right away) and take a shower. Shower outside, changing rooms behind a curtain. Keep this in mind later when you change your clothes after swimming with the dolphins. If you want to wash yourself properly, take bottled water with you and go straight to the toilet. You can ask for a towel.

Then the instructor shows you what to do. Everyone takes turns jumping into the water and repeating after him. Small children climb onto their parents' backs first, then flop around in the water themselves if they are not afraid. The instructor is with you in the water at all times.

They slap the water so that the dolphins swim over and greet them by their fins.

They grab the fins and swim with them (I tried everything carefully, but they are strong, beasts, hold on tight).

They grab the edges of the vest so that the dolphins swim close to “kiss” and something else.

Finishes with a goodbye kiss when you are no longer in the water.

And then you can feed the dolphins and/or fish for a long time - whoever wants what.

The photographer works well, takes a lot of pictures, we were pleased with ours. Take a camera with you, ask someone to film you, and in exchange you film them.

What I liked : almost everything.

What I didn't like : a little expensive (okay), dirty toilets, inconvenient to shower.

Potential injury :
1. Water is pouring out of the pool, the floor is slippery, wear slippers, only hold a small child’s hand.
2. The child could theoretically fall into the pool. Make sure this does not happen when he is not wearing a life jacket.
3. The suspension bridge is unstable, you are unlikely to fall, and you can twist your ankle.
4. Stone and wooden surfaces become very hot.
5. It is inconvenient to take a shower, i.e. wash all parts of the body thoroughly after the salt water in which dolphins live.
6. When fishing, everyone stands close to each other, careful when a neighbor pulls out an empty hook for bait.
7. If you have abrasions, cover with a band-aid, the water is very salty.
8. The steps leading to the suspension bridge are high, it is better to help the child.
9. Food and water are only from restaurants, be sure to take water with you - both to drink and to wash.
10. If the child is small and meeting dolphins will be a pleasant, but emotional shock for him, he will most likely either have difficulty calming down, or he will want to go to sleep in the car. Provide time for your child to rest.

In addition to “swimming with dolphins,” you can also simply watch dolphins during lunch or dinner. It costs less.
You can choose and buy more photos, how much it costs - I don’t know, we did it on our own.

Address : Dolphin Bay Restaurant , Jalan Pelabuhan Benoa, No. 7x. Phone 0361 2088561″

Almost everyone has heard about swimming with dolphins. And about the healing properties of dolphin therapy, which has long been used to treat various diseases, prevent them and relieve stress. In addition, it is a wonderful pastime for adults and children and an experience that will last a lifetime. In a bay near Sanur there is a pontoon with 2 pools with dolphins in their natural habitat. It is there that you can meet and swim for 40 minutes with some of the smartest and friendliest animals.

Transfer from the hotel can be at your request at 09:00-09:15, 12:00-12:15 or 15:00-15:15. After arriving at Benoa Beach, a 5-minute boat ride on the ocean will follow to the dolphin pontoon. There are lockers on the pontoon where you can put your personal belongings. Before you start swimming, you will be given instructions. After this, you will enjoy swimming with dolphins for 40 minutes. At the end of the tour, the guide will take you to your hotel.


Please do not use various skin creams. Before swimming, you must remove rings, chains and other sharp objects. Since the service is provided to a small number of people each day, please book as early as possible. Swimming with dolphins is possible for children over 12 years old.

Dolphins are amazing and very intelligent creatures. Communicating with them is a joy for both adults and children. There are several places in Bali where you can meet these animals. Marine, artificial and isolated dolphinariums are concentrated within the resort, as well as the opportunity to see dolphins in their natural habitat. I will talk about each type of dolphinarium in detail in this article.

In the northern part of Bali you can see dolphins right in the sea. Lovina is the only place in the resort where such trips are organized. To admire the sea inhabitants, you will have to get up early. Around 5:30-6:00 dozens of boats rush towards the sea with hundreds of tourists so that they can see with their own eyes the dolphins splashing in open waters in order to catch another fish for breakfast.

Mammals swim as close to the shore as possible, thereby putting on a real show and causing a sea of ​​delight. It will take at least 20-30 minutes to travel by boat to the place where the animals are located. After 8 o'clock the dolphins rush into the sea again.

Organizing such a trip will not be difficult. Firstly, you can contact any excursion bureau, this tour one of the most popular on the island. Secondly, you can come to Lovina beach on your own, and then negotiate with some local resident about renting a boat. The cost of such a trip varies from 100 to 300 thousand rupees.

On the beach you can meet three species of dolphins - Bottlenose Dolphin, Gray Dolphin and Long-beaked Stenella. There have been several cases of pilot whales and minke whales swimming into coastal waters.

Note! You will not have the opportunity to swim with dolphins in the sea. IN wildlife the animals don’t let people get too close to them, plus this attraction is not the safest.

Having met dolphins in the open sea, many people have a desire to touch them with their hands or even swim with them in the same pool. Here an artificial dolphinarium, located on the same Lovina beach, only within the Melka Hotel, can come to your aid.

The isolated dolphinarium is home to several animals. The pool contains sea water, so the dolphins feel quite normal.

By visiting the Melka Hotel Dolphinarium, you will have the opportunity not only to pet the animals near the side, but also to swim with them. Mammals take an active part in dolphin therapy, which lifts the mood and improves the general condition. This dolphinarium is known for this type of therapy. Children are brought here to be treated for nervous diseases. Experienced therapists work on site at the hotel and create the necessary program for everyone. Feedback from visitors suggests that dolphin therapy helps a lot. One of my friends had one therapy session here and was delighted.

In the evenings, the hotel shows a show in which dolphins are the main characters. They follow the commands of their trainers, demonstrating various acrobatic tricks. The cost of the show is 125 thousand rupees, the price for swimming is calculated individually based on your needs.

Dolphinarium Bali Dolphins

This is one of the most popular and visited places in Bali. This dolphinarium is located near the coast, directly in the open sea, which allows mammals to live in their natural environment. This is one of the few places where you can swim with dolphins. One session lasts about 40 minutes. During this time, you will get to know these amazing animals as closely as possible, feed them and swim with them in the same pool. Swimming with dolphins takes place three times a day - at 9:00, 12:30 and 15:00. If you don't want to swim, you can just visit the dolphinarium to meet the mammals and watch the show.

Bali Dolphins has been operating for over 10 years and is located near Sanur. Communication with dolphins helps to get rid of many diseases, which is why swimming with them is included in the course of rehabilitation therapy. It is very important that mammals live here in natural conditions, that is, in sea water, to which neither bleach nor other chemicals are added. All the animals look great, they always have a playful mood, which makes the shows brighter and more colorful. In addition to dolphins, the pool is home to a stingray, with which you can also swim.

You can book tickets to the dolphinarium on their official website.

Dolphinarium Bali Dolphin Interaction

To get to this dolphinarium you will have to go to the Serangan Peninsula. This is another dolphinarium located in the middle of the ocean. As I already noted, the natural environment is the best conditions for animals. This is the only way they feel as comfortable as possible, look healthy and vigorous.

This dolphinarium offers a standard range of services. The program begins with a show that lasts about 30-40 minutes. After that, everyone can swim with mammals in the pool. Only warm memories remain from contact with them. The cost of services is $79 and $69 for adults and children, respectively. To book tickets, go to their official website.

Dolphin Bay Restaurant

The restaurant, which is shaped like a ship, is located in Benoa among a salt water pool. The pond is home to two dolphins, with whom you will also have the opportunity to swim. The duration of one session is 45 minutes. The cost of this entertainment is $79.

The program includes the opportunity to feed the animals, photography, and fishing in the pool located next door. Only the fishing process here is more designed for pleasure, since all the fish caught will then have to be released. The restaurant is closed on Tuesdays. There are 4 similar sessions per day.

What kind of dolphins live in Bali?

There is only one species of dolphin living off the coast of Bali in the Indian Ocean - the Indian bottlenose dolphin. It can reach up to 2.5 meters in length and up to 230 kilograms in weight. It differs from other dolphins in that it has a thinner body and an elongated part of the head. Representatives of this species live near the shore, feeding on small fish and shellfish.

Dolphins live in groups of up to 20 individuals in one. But there are cases when the number of one such column exceeds a hundred. Today, bottlenose dolphins are not in danger of being exterminated; their numbers are quite high. There are cases when dolphins get caught in fishermen's nets. The real enemy for them is sharks and killer whales. There have been cases of dolphins saving swimmers from shark teeth.

In Bali, bottlenose dolphins live in all Bali dolphinariums. But if you take a boat trip from Lovina Beach, you will have a chance to see species such as the Gray Dolphin and the Long-beaked Stenella.

Dolphinariums on the map

On this map I have marked where you can see dolphins.

Dolphins are not uncommon in Bali, so be sure to look free time and meet these mammals. Prices in dolphinariums are practically the same; the cheapest will be a trip from Lovina beach, where you will see animals right in the sea.

Visiting Bali and not visiting the dolphinarium is a big mistake. The waters that surround the island are the natural habitat of these mammals. There are many large and small pools with dolphins. For approximately the same money that they charge in Russian dolphinariums, a tourist receives an incomparably higher quality service.

Why it's worth visiting

Dolphins are very funny and cheerful animals. On the open sea they behave much more playfully and relaxed. They can jump 6 meters out of the water, blow bubbles for fun, and even play with humans. Some pools in Bali are simply a fenced-off part of the sea, so animals feel good in them.

The mental abilities of these mammals are not fully understood. Dolphins are believed to treat autism, hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder in children. There is a specialized center in Bali that practices dolphin therapy. Despite the popularity of the attractions, there are never crowds in the pools - groups of tourists are distributed in such a way that both animals and people feel comfortable during the session.

What types of dolphinariums are there?

  1. In the open sea. Dolphins live in their natural habitat. You can look at them from a boat, but you won’t be able to swim or take pictures with them.
  2. Pools with sea ​​water- this is a fenced off part of the sea in which 1-2 dolphins live. The animals feel comfortable here, you can swim with them and take photos.
  3. Isolated pools are located on the territory of hotels and restaurants. Up to two dolphins live in such places. You can touch them and swim with them. Water in artificial reservoirs is sometimes chlorinated.

Where to see dolphins in Bali?

  • Bali Dolphins - favorite place tourists, which is a fenced off area of ​​the sea off the coast. Duration of swimming with dolphins is 40 minutes. You can feed the animals, play with them, swim while holding their fins, and even kiss them. There are three sessions per day: at 9.00, 12.30 and 15.00. Dolphinarium prices: $79 - adult ticket, $69 - child ticket. The price includes transfer from, Jimbaran or, as well as drinks. If you just watch the action without swimming with the dolphins: $39.50 for adults, $34.50 for children. You need to reserve tickets in advance - sometimes you can’t buy them in a week.

  • Bali Dolphin Interaction- Dolphinarium on the Serangan Peninsula
    (Serangan). Cost: $79 - adults, $69 - children. This amount includes transfer. Reviews from tourists about this place are very good.

  • Melka Hotel Dolphinarium- located in, in the north of Bali. It is a swimming pool with sea water. There is a professional therapeutic center here that practices dolphin therapy. The time to interact with dolphins lasts 40 minutes and costs $96. In the evening there is a show with dolphins. The cost of therapeutic services is determined on site, after the scope of work has been determined. This popular place among families with children who have speech problems. Such children are prescribed courses of swimming with dolphins twice a day for two weeks.

  • Dolphinarium in. This is a fenced area of ​​the ocean where you can swim with animals and play ball. Session cost: $69 (adult), $59 (child).


The Dolphinarium is located in the city, on the map it is the most Northern part islands. There are several dolphins living in the seawater pool, which you can touch, feed and swim with. After interacting with the animals, everyone is invited to watch a show with their participation. If you are with small children, be sure to visit this place. The duration of the event is 18 minutes.

The ticket price includes lunch, drinks, shower, insurance, Russian-speaking instructor, certificate and photo. You will have to get to the dolphinarium on your own or by transfer, which will cost an additional $40. You can sign up for an excursion on any day at a convenient time, but you need to agree on this in advance with the organizers. Since there are always many people interested, it is better to book tickets in advance.

Ticket prices:
$105 - adult, $85 - children (5-10 years). You can pay for the excursion in cash to the guide upon meeting, in the Svyaznoy and Euroset salons, as well as online - with Mastercard, Visa cards, using Webmoney, Alfa-Click or Yandex Money.

What kind of dolphins can you see?

Only one species lives in the coastal waters of the island - the Indian bottlenose dolphin. The animal weighs 230 kg, the average body length is 2.6 m. The Indian bottlenose dolphin differs from other species in its elongated head and slimmer body. They have light skin, and a practically white stripe is visible along the spine. Some adults have dark spots on their backs.

Security issue

Dolphins are kind and non-aggressive animals; playing with them is not dangerous. Pregnant women, epileptics, and children under 5 years of age are not allowed in the pool. Children under 12 years old can swim accompanied by an adult. Visitors are given masks, fins, and sometimes even small scuba gear. If a child or adult does not know how to swim, they will be given life vest. In any case, tourists are accompanied by experienced instructors who are ready to help at any time.

What else to consider

  • Before visiting the dolphinarium, do not smear your skin sunscreen, remove rings, earrings and chains.
  • Take a swimsuit and a towel - in the dolphinariums there is a shower where you can wash yourself off the salt water.
  • Dolphins may not appear in the sea. Most often this happens in bad weather. In this case, the organizers return the money.
  • People who have wounds or bleeding are not allowed into the dolphin pool. This may lead to infection.
  • The Swim with Dolphins excursion is available in two options at two different locations to choose from.

    Swimming with dolphins in Bali (option 1)

    First place on southeast coast Bali, travel time from Nusa Dua is approximately 40 minutes. Here, on the very shore of the sea, there is a pool in which 2 pairs of dolphins communicate every day, show their skills and give visitors rides on their backs. The place is very picturesque, quiet, beautiful sea. To prepare for swimming there is a shower, changing rooms, as well as a restaurant and photo service.

    The swimmers are in the pool all the time, the dolphins communicate with each one in turn, caress, let them touch, stroke, swim on the dolphin, hug, communicate and feed. Photography is carried out all the time, at the end of the event you can select the photos you like and print them (for an additional fee), you can also order video shooting. Self-filming is prohibited. A non-swimper, for example accompanying a child, is on the side of the pool in the immediate vicinity and helps, supports and advises his child.

    Bathing duration is 40 minutes. A maximum of 6 swimmers are allowed, 3 per two pairs of dolphins, or one family (2 adults and 2 children) per pair of dolphins. Bathing occurs 3 times a day in the morning at 9-00, at 13-00 and at 15-00. A visit to the pool must be booked in advance, and you must bring a swimsuit (swimming trunks).

    Swimming with dolphins in Bali (option 2)

    This is the longest one day excursion around the island. The length of the route is more than 200 kilometers. The tour runs across the entire island to the north to the area. There is a hotel called Melka, which has a special pool with wonderful sea animals - dolphins. Every day, trained inhabitants give an extraordinary performance, and at the end you can swim in the pool with the dolphins. The local dolphins, under the guidance of instructors, conduct dolphin therapy - a unique treatment for people with various disabilities. When you enter the pool with these cute creatures, you will receive a huge amount of unusually positive emotions; you will feel such warmth and tenderness from communicating with the dolphins that you will leave the pool with great reluctance and regret.

    Along the way you will visit the most high waterfall Git-Git, admire the beauty alpine lake Bro, feed the wild monkeys, meet ancient capital islands - Singaraja. The city is very different from the southern cities of the island in its architecture, content and rhythm of life. In Singaraja you will see buildings from the colonial era, during the period when the city was the capital of the colony. In Lovina you will be enchanted by the absolutely calm, warm, almost hot sea and the view of black beaches consisting of black volcanic sand. On the way back visit the water temple Pura Ulan Danu (if you have enough time), very revered local residents and being one of the most significant temples of the island. You will be offered an excellent lunch - a buffet of the most delicious traditional Balinese and Indonesian dishes.

    Full day tour. The tour has two options: “budget” and “all inclusive”.
    Budget: guide-driver, car, parking.
    All inclusive: Russian speaking guide, driver, car, parking, soft drinks, everything entry tickets for sightseeing (for option 2) and lunch (for option 2).

    Cost option 1:
    Budget – $45 per car, capacity up to 4 adults and 2 children.
    All inclusive - $65 per car for up to 3 adults and 2 children.

    Cost option 2:
    Budget – $75 per car for up to 4 adults and 2 children.
    All inclusive - 65 dollars per person for a group of 2 people, 50 for a group of 3 people, 45 for 4 people (minimum number of 2 adults).

    Cost of visiting the pool with dolphins:
    Option 1 - Swimming with dolphins adult ticket - 110 dollars, children (5-12 years old) 100, entry accompanied by a child without swimming - 5 dollars. It is worth noting that if your child is afraid of water or short in stature, then it is still necessary to get the full experience one of the adults to be with the child in the pool. Family ticket (2 adults and 2 children $408) Swim price includes a welcome drink, towel, and a Rp 50,000 restaurant voucher.

    Option 2 - Dolphin show $12 for adults, $9 for children (up to 10 years old). The show is held every day at 9-00. Swimming with dolphins $95 for adults, $75 for children (5-10 years old). Children under 7 years old are allowed into the pool only if accompanied by an adult. It is possible to choose either only show or only swimming.