The only one of the Seven Wonders of the World that has survived. Seven Wonders of the World

Everyone knows that there were only seven wonders of the world in the world. Which of them have survived and which have sunk into oblivion?

Six of the seven wonders of the world, unfortunately, have not survived. And only one thing remains to delight the eyes of tourists. Moreover, the miracle of the world, which has survived to this day, is the most ancient. How old is it, where is it located? We will definitely answer this question. But first, let’s remember them all, in order, starting with the youngest - built in the 3rd century BC.

Six wonders of the world that have not survived to this day

The Colossus of Rhodes is a gigantic (colossal), at that time, antique statue of the ancient Greek sun god Helios, erected on the island of Rhodes (in the Aegean Sea), in the city of the same name.

The statue was commissioned by the inhabitants of Rhodes from the sculptor Haresu. Initially they planned that it would be ten times taller than human height, but later increased the height of the project to 36 meters.

Construction began in 292 BC. uh and lasted 12 years. The Colossus of Rhodes stood on a marble pedestal, had an iron frame and was lined with bronze plates, and the internal volume was filled with clay. It is known that its construction took about 8 tons of iron and approximately 13 tons of bronze.

The Colossus of Rhodes stood for only about 55 years and was destroyed by an earthquake around 225 BC.

Alexandrian lighthouse was built in the third century BC in ancient Egypt on the island of Pharos in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Alexandria. It was built from 5 to 20 years (here the data varies) during the reign of King Ptolemy II of Egypt. The approximate year of completion of construction is considered to be 283 BC. The name of the architect is known; he was Sostratus of Cnidus.

The Alexandria Lighthouse was made of marble (or lined) and had three levels:

  • the lower level was rectangular and had living quarters
  • the middle level was octagonal
  • the upper level is the cylinder in which the lighthouse fire burned

The Alexandria Lighthouse received another name in honor of the island on which it was built - Faros lighthouse. It was about 130 meters high, and its light was noticeable to ships, according to various sources, at a distance of 50 to 80 kilometers.

The lighthouse stood intact until 796 AD. This year a strong earthquake severely damaged it. It was restored, but not to its full extent. It is known that in the 14th century its height was only 30 meters. And in the 15th century, Sultan Al-Ashraf Saif al-Din Qait Bey built the Qait Bay fortress on this site, which exists to this day.

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus is the tombstone of Mausolus, the ruler of the Carian people. The ancient city of Halicarnassus, where the mausoleum was built, was located on the territory of modern Turkey (the city of Bodrum).

The construction of the mausoleum was ordered by the wife of Mausolus Artemisia III during her husband’s lifetime. The construction was undertaken by the Greek architects Satyr and Pytheas. The then famous sculptors Briaxides, Leochares, Skopas and Timotheos were also involved in the work.

The mausoleum was built over eight years, from 359 to 351 BC. Mausolus did not wait for the construction to be completed and died in 353.

The resulting structure was 45 meters high, the first level was decorated with 36 columns and many statues, a pyramid towered above it, on top of which was a marble quadriga - a two-wheeled chariot with four horses harnessed to it.

The Halicarnassus mausoleum stood for 19 centuries and was destroyed by a strong earthquake in the 13th century.

For reference: the word “mausoleum” comes from the name Mavsol.

The Olympic Games, in honor of the god of thunder and lightning - Zeus, were held in ancient Greece from 776 BC. They were extremely popular. And so, 300 years later, the Greeks decided to build a temple in honor of their main god and patron of the Olympic Games. In 470 BC they began to collect donations for its construction.

Once the funds were raised, construction of the temple began, which lasted ten years between 466 and 456 BC. The Temple of Zeus turned out to be truly grandiose: a marble roof measuring 27 by 64 meters was supported by 34 limestone columns. Each column was 10.6 meters high and more than 2 meters in diameter. And the total area of ​​the building was 1728 square meters.

The temple was built. After some time, the question arose about creating a statue worthy of the god Zeus. The famous Athenian sculptor Phidias took on its creation. To do this, he needed a gigantic workshop equal in area to the temple itself, which was built 80 meters from it.

The opening of the statue of Zeus at Olympia took place in 435 BC. e. It was made using the technique of chrysoelephantine sculpture: the wooden frame was covered with ivory plates, and the cape, a scepter with an eagle in the left hand, a statue of the goddess Nike in the right hand, and an olive wreath on the head were covered with gold. And with all this, Zeus sits on a golden throne. Information about the height of the statue varies: together with the pedestal it was 12-17 meters.

The statue existed for more than 800 years. The last written evidence about it dates back to 363. And in the 11th century, historian Georgy Kedrin argued that in the 5th century the statue was still intact. It could have been moved to Constantinople, where it burned down during a fire in 476. According to another version, she was not transported anywhere, and she died along with the temple in a fire in 425.

The Temple of Artemis of Ephesus, as you might guess, was located in the ancient Greek city of Ephesus, not far from modern city Selcuk (extreme west of Turkey). The temple was erected in honor of Artemis, the goddess of hunting and fertility, and the patroness of all life on Earth.

The funds for the construction of the temple were donated by the Lydian king Croesus, and the project was developed by the architect Khersiphron. He erected the walls and colonnade of the temple. Before the construction was completed, Khersiphron died. The construction was continued by his son Metagenes, and the construction of the temple was completed by the architects Paeonius and Demetrius.

The Temple of Artemis was built around 550 BC. And in 356 BC. e it was destroyed by a fire, which, according to legend, was started by a resident of Ephesus named Herostratus. Thus, Herostratus simply wanted to become famous and achieved his goal.

By 323 BC, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus was completely restored by the architect Alexander Deinocrates. And Alexander the Great allocated funds for this. The temple turned out exactly the same as its previous version, except that it was raised on a higher stepped base. The roof was supported by 127 columns, standing in eight rows and 18 meters high. The length of the temple was 105 meters and the width was 52. The inside of the temple was decorated with sculptures, bas-reliefs and paintings.

The Temple of Artemis in Ephesus existed safely for several centuries, before it was plundered by the Goths in 263 AD. And at the end of the 4th century it was closed and destroyed by Christians, due to the ban on paganism.

Hanging Gardens Babylon is the most controversial wonder of the world. It is not known for certain whether they existed at all. Moreover, if they existed, it was not at the time when Queen Semiramis lived.

The legend is this: the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II entered into a military alliance with Cyaxares, the king of Media, and to consolidate the alliance, he married Cyaxares’ daughter, whose name was Amitis (Amanis). Amitis moved to her husband in Babylon (the ruins of Babylon are located on the outskirts of the modern city of Al Hilla in Iraq), which was a dusty and dry desert city.

Amitis missed her mountainous and green homeland - Media. And to quench this boredom, Nebuchadnezzar II ordered the construction of green hanging gardens. They were supposedly created in 605 BC.

And Semiramis, the legendary queen of Assyria, wife of King Nin, lived two centuries earlier. So it would be more correct to call the “Hanging Gardens of Babylon” the “Hanging Gardens of Amytis”. As for the term “hanging garden,” it implies a garden that is located on a roof, gallery, or special stone supports. Plants grow in it on a bulk soil layer.

If you believe the legends, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon existed until the first century AD.

The Pyramid of Cheops is the oldest and tallest wonder of the world. And besides, the only one that has survived to this day. And that means it is the most durable. It is located on the Giza Plateau at the base of the Nile Delta, not far from Cairo, in Egypt.

Although about 4,500 years have passed since its construction, we know (how reliable this knowledge is is the question) who its architect was. He was Cheops' nephew - Hemiun. Presumably construction was completed somewhere around 2540 BC and took about 20 years.

It is impossible to confirm for certain the exact date of the start of construction of the Chiops pyramid. Different methods for determining it gave different results, which fit into the following period: 2850 - 2560 BC. At the same time, Egypt celebrates the official date of the start of construction: August 23, 2560 BC. e.

The Pyramid of Cheops is made of granite and limestone blocks (mostly limestone). Now it has a stepped appearance, but originally it was lined with white limestone (the so-called Jurassic marble) and had sloping slopes. In some places this cladding has been preserved. The slopes of the pyramid shone in the sun with a peach color, and the top was crowned with a gilded stone - the pyramidion.

The height of the pyramid is 135.5 meters (originally 146.6 meters). The length of the sides of the base is approximately 230 meters. The base area is about 53,000 square meters. And the average weight of one stone block is 2.5 tons. Moreover, the heaviest block weighs 35 tons. There are about 2.3 million blocks in the pyramid. The total weight of the pyramid is 6.5 million tons.

For more than 3,000 years, the Cheops pyramid was the tallest creation of man, and in 1311 Lincoln Cathedral was built in England, the spire of which already rose 160 meters. True, in 1549 the spire collapsed. Now the height of the cathedral does not exceed 83 meters.

As for the purpose of the Cheops pyramid, it is not known for certain. It is logical to assume that it is the tomb of Pharaoh Cheops (Khufu), but no mummies were found in it.

The eighth wonder of the world

There is no official eighth wonder of the world. This term is usually used to describe some of the grandiose structures of mankind that could claim the title of a wonder of the world, but... but there are only seven wonders of the world and this list cannot be expanded.

Everyone has heard about the wonders of the world, but there is often confusion about what exactly is considered such. Often this list includes those buildings and monuments that, of course, have enormous historical and cultural value, but are not included in the official list. In addition, in 2007, new “miracles” were chosen in Portugal, so we can say that there are already more than seven of them. All of them made a huge contribution to the culture of mankind. Wikipedia and other encyclopedias write in great detail about the seven wonders of the world. Let's dwell on brief description everyone.

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The wonders of the Ancient World are studied in history lessons at school. It included those structures that were created before our era. Not a single one of them has survived to this day, except for the Cheops pyramids. These include:

  • Pyramid of Cheops.
  • Statue of Zeus at Olympia.
  • Colossus of Rhodes.
  • Alexandrian lighthouse.

Pyramid of Cheops and Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

Both structures belong to the legendary tombs, but the time of their construction is very different.

It is interesting that the Cheops pyramid - the most ancient wonder of the world and, at the same time, the only one that has survived to this day. It was created approximately two thousand years BC. e., and there are still debates about the mysteries of its construction and sometimes completely incredible theories are put forward. For example, the shape of the pyramids exactly repeats the location of the stars in the constellation Orion, so some consider the pyramids to be a gift alien civilizations. Every year thousands of tourists from all over the world come to see them. Indeed, the building amazes once and for all.

This structure, like all the mausoleums built later, received the name of King Mausolus, who, after his death, ordered the erection of a monument similar to the pyramids of Egypt, glorifying the king himself and his wife. The building was not only a tomb, but also a temple. On the first tier the king rested, and on the second one it was possible to conduct divine services. In the mausoleum, both statues of gods and statues of Mausolus himself and his wife Artemisia were installed. The statues of the royal couple have survived to this day; you can find photos of them and even look at them in the British Museum.

The gardens got their name from the legendary Queen Semiramis, but, oddly enough, she has nothing to do with them. Two centuries after her death, the Babylonian king decided to marry the daughter of the king of Media - a country surrounded by gardens and greenery. Babylon stood in the desert, and in order to amaze the bride, the ruler ordered the creation of gardens of unprecedented beauty. The tubs with plants bloomed so magnificently that they almost hid the building on whose walls they were located, and seemed to hang in the air. The structure looked especially majestic in the middle barren desert, when the traveler saw a magical garden in the endless sands, symbolizing the greatness of Babylon and its king.

Supreme Greek god reached the height of a five-story building, to work on it, the architect Phidias demanded that a workshop be created that would replicate the temple in which the statue was installed. At the same time, Zeus, sitting on the throne, seemed to “not fit” into the temple; if the statue could have stood up, it would have broken the vault. This emphasized the greatness of God.

The materials were also selected appropriately: ivory and gold. Interesting: Phidias, in those distant times, when physics had not yet reached its peak, managed to choose the material and location of the statue in such a way that it seemed that the light falling on it was reflected, and it seemed to glow from within. After the establishment of Christianity and the closure of pagan temples, Zeus was transported to Constantinople, where, unfortunately, he burned down.

Its significance was great; the building was used not only for religious ceremonies, but also for public meetings and even trade. The best sculptors and architects worked on the structure; the building amazed with its beauty and majesty. It is also famous for the fact that it was burned by the hot-tempered young man Herostratus, who thus decided to leave his name in history. It is worth noting that he really succeeded. Fortunately, the temple was restored.

The Colossus of Rhodes

The colossus on feet of clay collapsed seventy years after its construction, but rightfully takes its place among the wonders of the world. There is some debate about its height; estimates range from forty to sixty meters. There is a legend that ships sailed easily between his legs, although this theory is now controversial. According to the descriptions found, the colossus could have been located not in the port, but on land, in the city of Rhodes. It was erected as a thank you to the god Helios for protecting the city from enemy troops who left after a year of siege. Interestingly, the main sculptor of the colossus committed suicide, because to complete his creation he borrowed a huge amount, which he was unable to return.

Alexandrian lighthouse

Alexandria Lighthouse - this structure saved the lives of more than one ship, as its light spread over sixty kilometers. Built among reefs and rocks, the one hundred and thirty-five meter high lighthouse pointed the way to a saving bay in one of the most dangerous places at sea. According to surviving descriptions, the sculptures inside the lighthouse were very interesting:

  • One of them pointed to the position of the sun all day, and at night her hand dropped.
  • The other was built like a clock, striking the hour every sixty minutes.
  • The third always pointed with her hand in the direction where the wind was blowing, and was thus used as a weather vane.

To perpetuate his name, the sculptor, who was required to glorify the king, resorted to a trick - he carved his name on a stone, covered it with plaster and wrote the name of the king. Centuries later, the plaster crumbled, and the name of the architect came to us - Sostratus of Knidos.

Many things that are familiar to you and me are in one way or another connected with the number 7.

These are the seven days of the week, seven notes, seven deadly sins, seven sacred church sacraments, “flower - seven flowers,” Snow White and the seven dwarves, and many others. The number 7 is considered symbolic and lucky by many peoples. In ancient civilizations (Babylonian, ancient Greek) it denoted the completeness, perfection of the world, the sum of its main components (4 parts of the world and the basis of life in the person of parents and children). The city of Rome was built on 7 hills. To describe everything similar examples we need to spend a lot of time, so let's move on to describing the history of its occurrence 7 Wonders of the World.

The first mentions of the wonders of the world appeared in Ancient Greece . So the historian and philosopher Herodotus, who lived in the 5th century. BC, listed 3 wonders of the world:

1) Temple of the goddess Hera on the island of Samos;

2) An aqueduct delivering water through a system of tunnels (Samos Island);

3) A dam protecting the port from sea storms (Samos Island).

Since then, people increasingly began to describe the most grandiose and significant architectural buildings, so Herodotus’ list was completely updated and expanded two centuries later.

The writer from Sidon (Phenicia) Antipater, in the third century BC, became the author of a new list 7 Wonders of the World the ancient world, which has reached our time almost unchanged. Traveling around different countries he left reviews about each of them, paying special attention to the most important architectural monuments. He could only tell us about those architectural masterpieces that were not destroyed by natural disasters or military actions, otherwise the list of wonders of the world could have become much more voluminous. Also in the classical interpretation of the list 7 Wonders of the World, did not include structures built by man later than the 3rd century BC.

Thus, such grandiose man-made architectural projects as: Tower of Babel , walls of the city of Babylon, Library of Alexandria, Palace of Cyrus in Persepolis, Acropolis of Athens with a statue of the goddess Athena, Temple of King Solomon, Roman Colosseum, Capitol and many others.

Let's move on to the description miracles Sveta in the classic version according to chronology.

1) The Pyramid of Cheops, built by the Egyptians around 2550 BC. AD. Located in the Giza Valley (Egypt), and intended as a tomb for Pharaoh Cheops. This is one of seven wonders of the world, which has survived to this day almost in its original form and is very popular among tourists from all over the world.

2) Hanging Gardens of Babylon, were built around 600 BC. AD in the city of Babylon, (modern Iraq). The gardens were presented as a gift to the wife of King Nebuchadnezzar II. This architectural monument has not survived to this day, as it was destroyed by an earthquake 200 years after its construction.

3) Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, built in 550 BC. AD Greeks, Lydians and Persians near the city of Ephesus (Türkiye). This temple was built in honor of the ancient Greek goddess Artemis. The Temple of Artemis was plundered and destroyed 2 times (first by Herostratus in 370 BC, and then by Gothic tribes in the 3rd century AD). As a result of the fire, the temple was completely burned down.

4) Zeus statue, created by the ancient Greek sculptor Phidias in 435 BC. was originally installed in Olympia (Greece), where the Olympic Games were held every 4 years, in the Temple of Zeus. The god Zeus is depicted as a statue seated on a throne, holding a scepter on which Zeus' messenger Eagle is located. The temple statue, impressive in its size, execution and cost, was destroyed during a fire that occurred at the Hippodrome of the city of Constantinople in the 5th century AD.

5) mausoleum in Halicarnassus erected jointly by Carian, Persian and Greek architects in 351 BC. under the leadership of the architect Pytheas. The mausoleum was the tomb of the ruler of Caria - King Mausolus and his wife, Artemisia, and was located near the city of Halicarnassus (Turkey). Only architectural fragments and the foundation of the mausoleum, destroyed in 1494 by a strong earthquake, have survived to this day. Miraculously, 2 statues survived - King Masol and Queen Artemisia. They are currently kept in the British Museum in London.

6) The Colossus of Rhodes a huge 18-meter statue in a bronze case, dedicated to the sun god Helios, in honor of the victory of the inhabitants of the island of Rhodes (Greece) over the troops of Demetrius Polyocretos in 304 BC. The work was completed in 280 BC. The statue stood for just over 66 years, after which several elements of the statue fell off during an earthquake. In the 7th century. AD the bronze body of the statue was completely dismantled.

7) Alexandrian lighthouse, erected in the 3rd century. BC. at the direction of Alexander the Great. The lighthouse was located on the island of Pharos, near the newly built city of Alexandria (Egypt). It was a grandiose architectural structure more than 130 meters in height. It was crowned with a statue of the god Zeus. The lighthouse made it possible to navigate not only during the day, but also at night. From the name of the island on which it was located (Pharos) in the 19th century. lighting devices for cars were named - headlights. Having stood for more than a millennium, the lighthouse nevertheless fell under the pressure of the elements. In 783 AD. The lighthouse of Alexandria was destroyed by a strong earthquake. And in its place in the 15th century. The Turks built a fortress that remains to this day.

Pyramids of Giza

Every person, regardless of the level of education and social status, has heard about seven wonders of the world, representing the greatest monuments of human civilization since ancient times. Few people remember the entire list, and almost all of them have not survived, however, even in our time, attempts are being made to compile new, alternative lists of attractions that can compete with the ancient creations of human genius.

The first who tried to formulate human achievements in the form list of wonders of the world, were the ancient authors of ancient Hellas, whose written heritage has survived to this day.

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

Zeus statue in Olympia

"Father of History" Herodotus was the first to point out architectural wonders that existed in his time. His work mentions three majestic buildings on greek island Samos - mountain tunnel, temple of Hera and dam.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Beginning with Herodotus, the list of attractions grew, changed and was supplemented by other Greek authors until it was formulated in its final form as a list of seven points.

Historically and geographically 7 Wonders of the Ancient World are related to the territories conquered by Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC.

They were scattered throughout all territories of the Ecumene - from ancient egypt to Babylon and ancient Greece.

mausoleum in Halicarnassus

The most ancient wonder of the world, but ironically the only one that has survived to this day is the main Egyptian attraction - The Pyramid of Cheops, included in the complex. When selecting the new Seven Wonders of the World, the pyramid was awarded the title of “Honorary Candidate”.

Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

Second wonder of the world, semi-mythical Hanging Gardens of Babylon, existed for 7 centuries until they died in a flood of the 1st century BC.

The third miracle, huge Temple statue of Zeus at Olympia, made of ivory, precious woods and inlaid with gold, stood for 9 centuries, but burned down in a fire in the 5th century AD.

In the Turkish city of Selcuk you can still see the ruins of the fourth wonder of the world, Temple of Artemis in, which at one time exceeded the size of the huge temple of Jupiter in.

Statue of the Colossus of Rhodes

Halicarnassus Mausoleum lasted longer than all other attractions of the ancient world (with the exception of the Pyramid of Cheops).

Amazing architectural monument stood proudly for 19 centuries, but the elements overcame it too - the mausoleum was destroyed by an earthquake.

Lighthouse in Alexandria

The ruins of the colossal structure can currently be seen in Bodrum, Turkey.

Earthquakes also destroyed two other ancient monuments - a bronze statue of the Colossus of Rhodes(destroyed in the 3rd century BC) and in Egypt (destroyed in the 14th century).

New seven wonders of the world

At the beginning of the 21st century, on July 7, 2007, on the day of the “three sevens,” new seven wonders of the world were named in the capital of Portugal, Lisbon, each of which could well compete with lost architectural treasures.

The project was organized by the non-profit organization New Open World Corporation (NOWC) on the initiative of the Swiss Bernard Weber. Selections of the new seven wonders of the world from the known ones architectural structures world events took place via SMS messages, telephone or Internet. About 100 million votes were taken as part of the selection of attractions, but since the conditions did not prohibit voting more than once, this list began to be questionable almost immediately after publication.

However, at present this is the most famous of such ratings and therefore, along with it, is the main guide for tourists actively traveling around the world with

The great Wall of China

One of the undisputed leaders of the list - one of the largest and ancient monuments architecture in the world. Its total length is 8851.8 km, in one of the sections it passes near Beijing. Construction began in the 3rd century BC. e. during the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. A fifth of the then population of the country, i.e., about a million people, took part in the construction.

Today the wall is a symbol of China, both for the Chinese themselves and for foreigners. At the entrance to the restored part of the Wall you can see an inscription made by Mao Zedong - “If you have not visited the Great Wall of China, you are not a real Chinese.”

Machu Picchu

The famous statue of Jesus Christ, with outstretched arms and gaze turned towards the city, stands on the top of Mount Corcovado in. At the foot of the monument there is an observation deck from which amazing views of the sandy beaches, a huge bowl, a bay and the Sugarloaf peak, similar in its outline to a lump of sugar.

White Temple Wat Rong Khun

Along with the main lists of wonders of the world, new, alternative lists exist and continue to be compiled - author’s and based on survey results.

Statue of Liberty in New York

As a modern alternative to the famous the Pyramid of Cheops a glass pyramid of Paris (France) was proposed.

The most striking among modern temple complexes is considered to be the Buddhist one opened in 1997 in Thailand. This temple, according to journalists, is quite capable of eclipsing the ruins Temple of Artemis in Other similar structures include one built in 1604 in Amritsar (India), in (Japan) and Sagrada Familia in Barcelona (Spain).

Temple complex Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Dubai "Garden of Miracles"(UAE), where on an area of ​​72 thousand square meters. m grow 45 million flowers, also (according to journalists) can compete with Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The royal botanical records also fully comply with the formal criteria. Kew Gardens(Great Britain), royal park colors Keukenhof(Netherlands) and gardens (France).

Compare with 137-meter Alexandria lighthouse in terms of beauty these days, lighthouses in Lindau(Germany) and lighthouse "Cape Florida"(USA). And the lighthouse Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) almost catches up with Alexandrinsky in height - 133 meters.

Acropolis in Athens

Statue of Zeus at Olympia, according to the logic of journalists, today it may eclipse Golden Buddha in (Thailand) - the world's largest golden statue of a deity. At the same time, it does not matter at all that Buddha is not nearly as stern and angry as Zeus the Thunderer.

And Mausoleum at Halicarnassus there were followers in modern world, this title was awarded to the mausoleum and Mausoleum of V.I.Lenin in Moscow.

Alhambra Palace and Fortress

And finally, the statue Colossus of Rhodes journalists compared it with a statue in (Brazil), which is comparable to the ancient structure not only in height, but also in its location by the sea.

At the same time, some new lists of wonders of our time are deliberately narrowed to cover sites by location or time of creation.

Easter Island

For example, ratings by country have been repeatedly compiled (in Russia, Portugal, Belgium and others) or exceptional objects of the underwater world have been identified (cracks, reefs, islands and even underwater ruins).

The finals of the competition for the title of man-made new wonders of the world also included other equally worthy attractions, and some of them, in the opinion of many people, are much more worthy of being on the final list of “the very best.”


In particular, obvious competition could come from the American one, which is larger in size and installed 40 years earlier. . It is also quite surprising that the final list of seven wonders does not mention Cambodia - the largest religious building ever created by humans.

All these great monuments of human civilization were on the list of contenders, along with, Sydney Opera, in Spanish Granada, Eiffel Tower , Moscow Kremlin,, moai sculptures on, a castle, a Buddhist temple in and the city.

Seven new wonders of nature

Iguazu Falls

Komodo Park

Seven new wonders of nature is a competition also organized by the Swiss non-profit organization “Corporation of New Open World” (NOWC), which, with the help of a worldwide popular vote, found the seven most surprising natural places on the ground.

Project "Seven New Wonders of Nature" started at the end of 2007. Until 07/07/09, the nomination and preliminary selection of all candidates took place, among whom was the Russian natural pearl - Lake Baikal. Voting was completed by the mystical date - 11/11/11.

The main wonders of nature included the most long river peace - Amazon and its jungle; the largest underground river- in the Philippines.

7 wonders of the world, as well as a description of each of them - incredible structures that have gained glory of the past and present. The uniqueness of each building is associated with the time of construction, the loss or wealth and talent of the creator. Today there are two lists with photos - ancient wonders of the world and new ones, which were selected in 2007.

7 wonders of the world, photos and descriptions of which will not convey all the beauty of the sights, were designated by two creators. The first mention belongs to the work of Herodotus “History”, where he gives the title of miracle to 3 structures. An addition to this list was highlighted by Antipater in his own poems.

The Pyramid of Cheops

IN modern times One of the seven wonders of the world has been preserved - the Pyramid of Cheops. The date of creation is 4500 years ago. The pyramid is a pharaoh's tomb with corridors filled with traps and dead ends. It was originally covered with white limestone and topped with a gilded pyramidion (a stone often used to decorate the top of tombs).

In the 12th century, during the burning of Cairo, the pyramid was looted, the covering was removed, and the stone was lost. The structure is considered the largest in Egypt. There are three crypts inside the tomb, located one below the other. The King's and Queen's chambers have the appearance of ventilation shafts, which are of a religious nature.

Not all of the 7 wonders of the world have survived to this day. The only existing representative is the Cheops pyramid. Photo and description below.

The Egyptians believed that the soul passed through several gates before entering the afterlife. Therefore, the ventilation shaft has several doors. At the end of such a “path” there is a small space with signs painted in red ocher, indicating the entrance to the afterlife itself.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

One of the most mysterious miracles is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, which were built by King Nebuchadnezzar II for his wife. The creation of this miracle is associated with a romantic story. In the fight against the Assyrians, the kings of Media and Babylon entered into an alliance, strengthened by a marriage between Nebuchadnezzar (king of Babylon) and the daughter of the Median king.

The girl yearned for her native flourishing country, and to make her smile, Nebuchadnezzar ordered the construction of hanging gardens.

But the daughter of the Median king was not called Semiramis. This name belonged to the queen who ruled in Assyria 200 years before. It is mistakenly believed that Semiramis had at least some contact with Nebuchadnezzar. In 126 BC, the miracle was destroyed during strife with the Persians, without even standing for a century.

Temple of Artemis of Ephesus

According to legends, Artemis is the goddess of fertility and prosperity. Thanks to her there was a rich harvest and healthy children. The predecessors of the future wonder of the world were three sanctuaries. After which, at this place, the inhabitants of Ephesus decided to honor the goddess by erecting an incredibly beautiful temple. The architect of the project was Chersifon, and funds for construction were provided by Croesus.

A statue made of ivory and gold was erected in the building itself. For some time, the temple served as a meeting hall for solving important economic and political issues of Ephesus. There is an opinion that in the 4th century BC two grandiose events took place in one night - Herostratus burned the temple, desiring glory, and at the same moment Alexander the Great was born.

It was the king of Macedon who subsequently restored the miracle, making it several feet taller. But 600 years later the temple was plundered by the Goths.

Zeus statue in Olympia

The Olympic Games were originally dedicated to the god Zeus to demonstrate the willpower and body of a person. To further exalt the ruler of the gods, it was decided to build a statue in his honor. The role of sculptor and creator was given to the Athenian Phidias. To confirm this, archaeologists found a bowl that stood in front of the statue with the inscription “Belongs to Phidias.”

According to legend, Zeus was created from 200 kg of gold, mountains precious stones and wood using special equipment.

During Christian times, all pagan temples were banned, and internal property was sold for the benefit of the city. There are two versions of the disappearance of the statue of Zeus - during transportation to Constantinople, a fire occurred that destroyed the sculpture. Or it was simply sold due to lack of funds.

mausoleum in Halicarnassus

The Halicarnassus Mausoleum is a monument in honor of the ruler Mausolus, which was supposed to have posthumous significance. However, its construction was started by Mavsol’s wife before her husband’s death. The peculiarity of this building is its unusual style for that time. The mausoleum was made in a square rather than rectangular shape, and also had at least 330 statues.

Also unusual was the base of the structure, which was significantly superior to analogues of that time. The miracle stood for almost 2000 years, after which it was damaged during a strong earthquake. Parts of the rubble were used to build the fortress of St. Peter.

Alexandrian lighthouse

The 7 Wonders of the World are largely associated with Alexander the Great. On the way to Alexandria Bay there was a large number of reefs, which is why ships often crashed, and the Faros lighthouse was of strategic importance. According to the description, construction was supposed to take 20 years, but everything was completed in 12 years. Today you can only see photos of reproductions of that structure.

The structure became huge, as for that time, which is why it was included in the list of seven wonders of the world. Soldiers lived in the lower part of the lighthouse. There was a fire burning in the top cylindrical one.

The wonder of the world was doomed to destruction during the destruction of the Alexandria Bay. The ships did not enter the port, which is why the need for the lighthouse disappeared, and it was empty. About 200 years later, a strong earthquake occurred, which finally destroyed the lighthouse.

The Colossus of Rhodes

The statue of the Colossus of Rhodes was erected in honor of the sun god Helios, who, according to legend, helped win the battle of Rhodes against Demetrius Poliorcetes. Despite all the military might of the Macedonian king, the city withstood the siege and forced the king to retreat. The inhabitants of Rhodes believed that the island itself was born by Helios, so he subsequently defended it.

To immortalize God in the form giant statue the sculptor Hares was hired. According to legend, he was first ordered a figure 10 times the height of a person, but then they doubled the size, paying the same amount. However, more materials were required, so the sculptor had to complete the construction at his own expense.

To date, no reliable image of the statue has survived, since it stood for only 50 years. It was destroyed due to a strong earthquake and was not restored, since the oracle predicted God's wrath to the one who touched the fallen figure of Helios.

New 7 wonders of the world with photos and descriptions

The 7 Wonders of the World (photos and descriptions can be seen later in the article) according to the new version were proclaimed during a 2007 project sponsored by the New Open World Corporation. Elections took place among candidates for the most amazing structures through simple voting through SMS messages and calls. The result was announced in July 2007 in the capital of Portugal.

The winners were:

  • Amphitheater Colosseum.
  • Protective structure Velikaya Chinese Wall.
  • Machu Picchu.
  • Lost City Petra (Jordan).
  • Taj Mahal Mosque.
  • Modern statue of Christ the Redeemer.
  • Ruins of ancient civilizations of the city of Chichen Itza.

Another 14 finalists competed for a place among the wonders of the world. The Pyramid of Cheops was among them, but did not participate in the voting, since it is the last surviving wonder of the ancient world.

the great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China was built as a symbol of the unity and power of the country. It was not built from scratch. The kingdoms of Qin, Zhao, Yan and Wei erected borders to protect against attacks by nomads. In the third century BC, Emperor Qin Shihuang issued a decree on the need to build a protective wall, which would be called the Great Wall of China.

The design included all parts of pre-existing kingdoms, which were strengthened and complemented to form a whole image.

Managed the ten-year construction of Meng Tian. The construction was difficult due to the lack of roads and food supplies. The number of people involved in the construction is not known exactly - from 300 thousand to a million.

Most of them died while working. The following ruling dynasties completed the construction of the Great Wall of China. Most of its surviving part was built during the Ming Dynasty.

Statue of Christ the Redeemer

The history of the Brazilian Statue of Christ the Redeemer is connected with the then approaching centenary of the state's independence (1922). In honor of this, a fundraiser was announced for the construction of the statue. As a result of the action, almost 3 million in local currency was collected, including a significant part of the church’s funds. Construction lasted 9 years.

The details of the figure were made in France, as its dimensions were too large. The idea for the sketch of outstretched arms was in association with the cross. By 1931, the entire statue was being transported by railway and collected them into a single figure. It was consecrated only 34 years later.

Over time, Christ the Redeemer was repaired and restored, and in recent years, night lighting was added. The first service was held only after the statue was elected as a New Wonder of the World.

Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum that was built in honor of Shah Jahan's wife who died in childbirth. Subsequently, the padishah himself was buried there. Inside the mosque itself are the tombs of the ruler and his wife, but the remains themselves are located on an underground level, hidden from the eyes of visitors.

It is considered a pearl of Muslim culture due to the combination of several movements of architecture: Indian, Persian and Arabic.


Colosseum is translated from Latin as huge or colossal. Made on the principle of an open amphitheater. In the 1st century, Emperor Nero ruled, who adhered to a despotic policy. After his death and period civil wars, Vespasian came to power. He wanted to perpetuate his own name, erasing the memory of his unsuccessful predecessor.

Nero's palace at that time was enormous in size and had a lake in the very center of Rome. Vespasian himself remodeled the palace for his own needs, and ordered the reservoir to be filled up and an amphitheater built in its place to entertain the people. During the time of Christianity, the Colosseum lost its urgent need, and with the invasion of barbarians in the same century it began to collapse.

The biggest changes came with an earthquake in 1349. After this, the broken parts began to be used to construct new buildings. Subsequently, the stones that did not fall off during the earthquake began to be taken away.

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is called the city among the clouds, as it is located high in the mountains. It is considered the site of the existence of the Inca civilization until the arrival of the Spanish conquerors. Was the imperial residence, the third largest for the glorification of the name.

However, Machu Picchu could not be called big city that time. There are no more than 200 buildings within its boundaries. For a long time the city was lost. It was discovered 400 years after the conquest.


Petra is ancient city The Nabataeans, who were carved into the city. Was located at a strategically important intersection trade routes. This is what brought Petra a lot of income for a long time. After Rome opened the eastern sea route, the crossing of routes disappeared, as a result of which the city itself gradually became impoverished and ruined.

It has not yet been fully explored, since an incorrect movement could lead to the destruction of the entire wonder of the world. Today it is a center of pilgrimage.

Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza is the center ancient civilization Maya in the first part and Taltecs in the second. In the 11th century, the city became the capital of the Taltec state. During the wars of one people with another, it was destroyed to ruins. By the time of the Spanish invasions, the city was completely deserted, having lost any influence on neighboring regions.

Some settlements of local residents were located near Chichen Itza, but no one lived in the area itself. The Indians considered this city to be the center of pilgrimage journeys. Not fully explored, as it has a huge amount underground labyrinths and traps.

Among the ruins of this city, the remains of a skull with trepanation were found - a complex modern surgical operation, which indicates a high medical level of civilizations.

7 natural wonders of the world from CNN

7 Wonders of the World (photos and descriptions compiled according to CNN) are associated with natural phenomena:

7 new wonders of nature with photos and descriptions

The 7 wonders of the world (photos and descriptions of each can be seen in the article) in natural terms have existed for a long time.

Therefore, a project about new miracles was put together:

The eighth wonder of the world

07/07/07 (July 7, 2007) 7 new wonders of the world were selected, but the Pyramids of Giza were not included. This happened because they are already on the list of 7 ancient wonders of the world, but the people of Egypt believe that their Pyramids do not need any voting and are a miracle in themselves.

The Pyramids of Giza are a complex of several ancient monuments, namely the Pyramids of Cheops, Menkaouar and Khafre.

They are located in the suburbs of Cairo and were created around the XXVI - XXIII centuries. BC. They are the unrecognized eighth wonder of the world.

Other wonders of the world

During the determination of the modern wonders of the world, 20 applicants were selected, of which 7 were selected:

Wonder of the world Description
Eiffel Tower One of the most recognizable buildings in the world, located in the city of love - Paris, its height is 324 meters. The tower was designed in 1887 by Gustave Eiffel. The total weight of the structure is 10 thousand tons.
Angkor Previously, it was a city in the Khemer Empire, and has survived to this day in the form of numerous ruins. Recognized as a World Heritage Site.
Athens Acropolis The Acropolis is located on a hill approximately 160 meters high and is a complex of buildings and temples. It was built before the classical era of Athens.
Sydney Opera House

Perhaps one of the most recognizable musical theaters in the world, it is also a symbol of Australia. It was recognized as an outstanding architectural structure.

Statue of Liberty One of the most famous and recognizable buildings in the world, a symbol of US freedom, is located in New York. Its height is 93 meters. The statue is made of 3 components - copper, steel and concrete. The total weight of the entire structure is approximately 27,156 tons, including the base.
Neuschwanstein A romantic castle located in Germany. For its construction, the rock was undermined by order of Ludwig II.
Timbuktu The whole city, located in Mali. The population of this city is 33 thousand people and there are 3 of the oldest mosques in West Africa.
Kremlin The fortified city is located in Moscow. The main socio-political complex modern Russia. The height of the walls ranges from 5 to 20 meters, and the width is approximately 4.5 meters.
Moai Huge stone statues, weighing up to 80 tons, are located on Easter Island. There is still debate about exactly how they were delivered and for what purpose.
Alhambra Architectural park ensemble, located in Granada, Spain. Many consider the Alhambra to be the most beautiful building of Moorish art. Now it is a museum.
Hagia Sophia Hagia Sophia, which for thousands of years was one of the largest in the world. It is a symbol of the golden age in Byzantium. The building was both a cathedral and a mosque, however, on this moment This is museum.
Kiyomizu-dera One of the most famous Buddhist temples in Japan, located in Kyoto. There is a waterfall on its territory, and it itself is surrounded by green forest.
Stonehenge World Heritage, the purpose of which has not yet been revealed. It is made of large stone blocks set in a circle.

The 7 Wonders of the World are known for their distinctiveness and uniqueness. The buildings brought something new to culture or religion, this made it possible to learn historical description that time. The photos very clearly convey the majesty of each of them.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about 7 wonders of the world

List of all seven wonders of the world and their features: