Where to look for gold jewelry? On the beach using an underwater metal detector. Beach search (nuances) How to find old beaches that have not been used for a long time

Both of them have a small but relatively constant income with the right approach.

Those who set their sights on finding gold do not want to be content with little. Their finds will be rare, but much more valuable.

There have always been plenty of romantic gold diggers. And some of them actually got rich.

In order to become a successful gold digger, you need to understand how to look, where to look and what to use for this.

You don't have to open a new mine to find gold. This requires great financial resources, which not everyone has.

But people lose a lot of gold jewelry, jewelry made of precious metal through carelessness or haste.

It is this lost gold that we will look for: in the ground, on the street and on the beach.

Gold can be found wherever a person sets foot, but in some places the probability of finding is significantly higher.

As a rule, these are places for swimming and gathering of people in the city.

On the beach

Searching for gold on the beach is perhaps the most profitable activity among gold seekers.

Beach and coastal strip of the sea, lake or river ─ people often visit here crowd of people.

And it’s hard to find a person who hasn’t lost something on the beach at least once in his life.

It also happens that before going for a swim, a person takes off his gold jewelry and puts it in the pocket of his clothes lying on the sand.

Coming out of the water, he often forgets about it, and before getting dressed, he shakes the sand off his clothes, and with it the jewelry. In addition, some people drink on the beach, which distracts attention.

One way or another, on the sand and under water, as a rule, there is something for the seeker to profit from gold.

It’s more convenient to look for gold on the beach in the evening or at night, when the vacationers had mostly left. When it gets dark, use flashlights.

Experienced searchers find up to 10 grams of gold every day. Taking into account its cost in pawn shops and organizations that accept scrap gold (from 1,300 rubles per gram), it turns out very well.

Under the water

Not all vacationers know that a temperature difference of more than 10 degrees leads to a narrowing of blood vessels, as a result of which the fingers slightly decrease in diameter.

Because of this, when people enter water, which is often much colder than air, losing rings and rings in the water.

They not only swim in the water, but also frolic and play different games. At the same time, it often happens that gold chains with crosses or pendants made of precious metal break. Gold watches are also lost. Because they find more in the water gold than on sand in the coastal zone.

Most valuable finds come across at a depth of about two meters.

How to look for gold in waters? Search rakes with a long handle are suitable, as are metal detectors that can work in water.

Various places on the street

Parking and rest areas for tourists also attract gold seekers.

People on vacation are relaxed, move a lot, play active games.

At the same time, rings, signet rings and other gold jewelry are lost, and here it also makes sense to look for gold.

Squares and gardens, where thousands of people pass every day, can also become places for valuable finds, especially after meetings, holidays and events.

In park areas, where townspeople relax right on the grass, having picnics, someone’s valuable gold jewelry may also remain.

Urban flower beds and flower borders– places where it is easy to lose a ring or chain while working with the ground or bending over it. If people plant or weed flowers while wearing gloves, then removing the gloves increases the likelihood of losing a ring. In the city, large areas in the form of flower beds are planted with flowers. Worth looking.

Increases the likelihood of finding close to jewelry stores and workshops. Here people often lose gold jewelry or small gold parts from damaged chains, broken gold clasps on bracelets or watches. Small grains of gold and gold shavings are carried out on the soles of the master.

Necessary equipment

To look for gold on the beach or in a recreation area, it is enough to have powerful flashlight, metal scoop and beach rakes.

Special devices will also come in handy if you plan to search for and dig for gold in the ground: a magnet and a detector.

In the sea or lake, at a depth of more than 1.5 meters, you may need diving mask.

Search by rake

They are made from ordinary country rakes. Three parallel grooves are cut into the teeth using a grinder.

Strengthen between the teeth:

  • self-tapping screws slightly shorter than the teeth;
  • fishing hooks.

This design firmly clings to chains, rings, earrings and other objects in the sand, holding them tightly.

The rake can be used both in the sand and under water, walking along the bottom of the coastal zone.

When raking in water, be prepared clean them after every use, because they will bring a lot of garbage and plants.

It would be good if the device has long handle- this will greatly increase the chances of success.

Using Magnets and Detectors

Search magnets and metal detectors help make your search more effective. Digging for gold in the ground without them is completely impossible, because you need know where to dig. Finding gold in the ground without a metal detector is possible only by accident.

Gold, being a diamagnetic, not detected by an ordinary magnet.

A powerful search magnet detects and holds gold jewelry that contains a ligature─ an admixture of metals that gives strength to gold that is too soft and ductile.

Rings, rings, bracelets, hair clips, cufflinks and other jewelry are made from ligature gold. If the alloy component is nickel, then a neodymium magnet will easily find such gold. A neodymium magnet can be bought in Russian stores at a price of 1000 rubles.

A metal detector is also possible choose in store according to your financial capabilities, starting from two thousand rubles:

  1. Dart ─ F100 ─ waterproof metal detector, price ─ 6900 rubles.
  2. AQUAmarine 100 ─ underwater metal detector, price ─ 5,000 rubles.
  3. Minelab GOLD MONSTER 1000 is a highly efficient, powerful detector, price ─ 59,990 rubles.
  4. SHRXY GP-PINPOINTING is a compact detector (pinpointer) for beginners. The search depth is small ─ 5 cm, but it has high accuracy, it easily detects small metal objects in the ground layer, price ─ 2000 rubles.

Search at waste landfills

Russia is exceptionally rich in gold deposits.

Numerous deposits have been discovered from the Moscow region to Kolyma.

Among them there are mines that have been mined industrially and lost interest for the owner enterprises. For this reason they are closed.

Here, in small areas that were inaccessible to the bulldozer, there's still a lot left gold. At such sites, called technogenic placers, you can search for gold.

Until 2016, private individuals were not issued a license to search for gold at waste landfills. Those who arbitrarily searched for gold in abandoned mines were prosecuted.

Now, any citizen of Russia has the right to obtain a special license and, as a private prospector, look for gold in technogenic placers. According to the new regulation, gold can be searched only by the surface method, exclusively using hand tools. The use of explosives is prohibited.

The initial license fee is 7500 rubles, it is valid for five years. License renewal – 750 rubles.

It is important to choose the right search area. There is a greater likelihood of finding gold in places where there were nugget placers, where bars weighing more than 50 grams were found. Otherwise, you may waste time and labor in vain.

It is known that in the Urals, Chukotka, and Amur region they found nuggets weighing from 3.5 to 16 kg. So, it makes sense to look for gold in these places. But perhaps there are nugget placers located closer to your place of residence.

The reports of the territorial geological fund include information on geological developments, in which you can find the details of interest, it is available for review.

On waste dumps, judging by the experience of private gold miners, one search engine using a metal detector can find up to 20 grams gold in a day.

Nuggets are more common on the formation surface, once lifted by a bulldozer during technological development.

After excavating the rock using an industrial method, rock with gold placer appears on the surface.

In the small basins located here, there is a chance of finding large pieces of gold. But it happens that such areas are littered with rocks, and you can’t get close to gold.

The bulldozer does not pick up small cracks; they can also contain nuggets weighing more than five grams. In short, you need to be patient to find your first nugget.

Where should I send what I find?

At first glance, the most difficult thing seems to be finding gold. But no less simple task ─ find a buyer and properly sell the gold found. At the same time, lose as little money and time as possible.

Ligature scrap and decorations

Handing over scrap gold in Russia is not a problem; in any city there are pawn shops that accept gold from the population. To successfully return the found jewelry, you will need an ID card.

If the found jewelry is still is valuable as a product or historical object, it can be found buyer who will take it at a higher price scrap

Pure metal

Many private miners are in a hurry to get money for nuggets and sell gold to the owner of the enterprise, which previously selected the main gold from the site, at a price of 1500-2000 rubles per gram.

This is extremely unprofitable for a private gold miner. After all, this is the price of buying scrap gold alloyed (broken chains, bracelets, earrings, etc.), and not pure gold.

Even popular gold 585 samples, from which jewelry is made, contains only 58.5% pure precious metal.

One can imagine how much money a private miner loses after spending a lot of time and effort searching for pure gold and selling it at the price of scrap gold.

The same applies to refined gold extracted from radio components and instruments.

To profitably sell pure gold, you need to know this:

  1. Market value gold at the time of sale.
  2. The price will be affected beautiful view nuggets. They are often bought by collectors for whom this is important. The highest prices will be paid for pure nuggets without foreign inclusions. Collectors buy beautiful, bright nuggets at a price above the market price.
  3. Nugget cost depends on the place where it was found. This is an important point for collectors. They will pay more for something found in a little-known deposit.
  4. Pawnshops, buying ─ this Not The best way sell gold nuggets; in the best case scenario, only half of their real value will be paid for them. Handing over gold to a refinery, where it is purified from impurities ─ also means losing 20% ​​of its value.
  5. You can't rush to sell. We must calmly and carefully search for the right buyer, be it a collector or a reseller.

Useful video

A beach rake is the first tool in the arsenal of a novice searcher. The video shows how to make them yourself:


It is unlikely that private gold prospecting can become the main source of income and the main activity in life. But with the right approach, this fishery can bring significant financial assistance, especially for those who have a penchant for searching for lost jewelry and are not embarrassed by others.

While searching, remember ethical behavior in public places, do not cause inconvenience to vacationers with your excessive zeal.

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It’s winter outside, a meter of snow lies on the ground. And I wanted to remember warm summer days, when the rays of the sun are reflected in the surface of the water. And on the beach there are crowds of people swimming and sunbathing. And at the same time they lose their money and jewelry! Today we're talking about a beach cop.

Beach search is quite a troublesome task and can only be done by patient searchers, the most stubborn of them. Why? I myself dug on the beaches several times and found nothing except hundreds of corks and several tens of rubles in change. But after all, people are lucky and fans of their craft come across some pretty worthy finds: silver, gold and precious stones.

For beach searching, absolutely any metal detector will do. Both entry level and professional. But it’s worth mentioning the reel. Due to the heavy litter in these places, searching with a large coil will be extremely difficult. Literally everything will ring. Typically, small diameter sniper coils are used. But standard mono coils ASEC 150-250 and graters 305 are also suitable. Also new Go-Find devices from Minelab. Waterproof devices are especially welcome in beach digging. After all, in search of gold you will probably go into the water.

More finds can be found in the recreation area, where people undressed and lay, and in shallow water, where people ran into the water and jewelry flew off with a whistle. But there will be corks and foil everywhere. Not a single beach can do without it, no matter how much it is cleaned. All these items give a stable signal, especially for budget devices.

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What do you find on the beaches? Numerous corks, pull tabs from cans, foil. From the more or less normal, loose change, keys and cell phones spilled out of pockets. But jewelry is rarely found. But all those who like to wander along the beach with the device are hunting for it. Well, and various kinds of fishing equipment: lost sinkers, hooks and spoons. I even found a whole box with a set of hooks and sinkers!

It’s good to dig with a shovel sandy beaches. Yes, there are such things. For example, at village ponds. And on the sand, the faithful fiskar will already be weak. Scup is used instead. This is a bucket with a bunch of holes, which is used to scoop up sand in the place of a probable find. All the sand disappears through the holes, but the find remains. Convenient, isn't it?

More interesting will be the Soviet beaches, which are no longer used in our century. I had to somehow dig on this. There was relatively little trash. And the finds are from the late Soviets of the 60-80s of the last century. But I never found any jewelry 😥 .

And the most delicious beaches in terms of finds date back to Tsarist times. Have you seen imperial copper made of sand, clay and silt? She is in such a state as if the coin was dropped yesterday. After all, in silt and clay without access to oxygen, even the patina on a coin does not grow.

After digging on several beaches, I came to the conclusion that this is not my thing at all. I have never found so much garbage anywhere else! I’d rather rustle the house hole than go to the beach :) But perhaps you will be lucky to dig up the long-awaited saffron milk cap, lost by swimmers. Try, dig. Trying is not torture :)

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Not far away summer season, therefore, it’s digging season. Of course, I understand that there are people who continue searching all year round, but this is rather an exception, at least for Central Russia. Accordingly, most treasure hunters go into hibernation during the winter: they put the metal detector away for storage until spring, clean their summer finds, and study new information. But with the arrival of spring, movement begins - in the fields, like rooks, the first representatives of the treasure-hunting brotherhood appear here and there, combing the first thawed patches and other accessible areas of land.

It just so happens that the first in terms of accessibility for searching using a metal detector in our region are sandy shores rivers, first of all, of course, the beaches of the Volga. Naturally, the number of finds on the Volga beach cannot be compared with Black Sea coast, but even here a treasure hunter can count on certain finds.
It is important to understand that, by and large, searching on a river beach in Central Russia and, say, on a beach in Feodosia are two big differences. I'll try to explain. The Black Sea beach is characterized by significantly more traffic, and, consequently, a larger number of finds. If, when searching on the Black Sea, you can safely count on finding “saffron milk” (gold items), then on an ordinary river beach, of course, you come across them, but much less often. The area of ​​the surveyed territory also differs quite significantly.

But there are, of course, features that are typical for any beach search. In particular, in addition to the pleasure that you get from pleasant time in the fresh air and contemplation of found objects, negativity still has its place. And first of all, this is a huge amount of metal debris that beach searchers have to deal with - pull tabs from cans, all kinds of stoppers, cigarette foil, etc., the list can go on for a very long time. The second factor is curious people, of whom there are naturally more on the beach than anywhere else, and everyone tries to help you with advice, ask how much “gold” you have already found, or puzzle you with the search for some object.

Of course, you can partly fight all this. For example, in order to filter out as much garbage as possible, you need to correctly set the device settings. At the same time, it is important to maintain an optimal balance so as not to miss anything necessary, not to “cut off” some interesting things, and for this you need to know your metal detector perfectly. By the way, beach searching is one of the types of treasure hunting, where, in my opinion, it is not so important how deeply the device “sees” the targets. Most objects are located in the top layer of sand or pebbles, therefore, even entry-level metal detectors will cope with the task perfectly.

It is also possible to deal with curious people relaxing on the beach, let’s say, not 100%, but partly. Firstly, the best time to go to the beach to search is in the morning or evening hours, when there are fewer people. Secondly, bad weather, for example, light rain or just a cloudy sky, is not a hindrance for working with a metal detector, but it scares vacationers away. Thirdly, a stern, concentrated face, headphones on the head and a sharpened shovel work wonders.

By the way, about shovels. Beach search with a metal detector invites us to abandon the usual shovel, replacing it with a stingy one. A scoop is a kind of scoop for beach searching, a very convenient and, in my opinion, a necessary device. You can make a scup yourself or purchase a ready-made one; Yandex and its brother Google will tell you where and how to do this.

Beach search technology is quite simple. You are simply combing the shore, which is a beach or is simply considered one. At the same time, it makes sense to mentally divide the beach into certain zones. Let's say the bathing area is from coastline and approximately up to the chest of an adult. Another question is that checking this area without having a metal detector for underwater searching is problematic and feasible only within the length of the rod of your device (from the coil to the block, as a rule, can be immersed in water). It is in this zone that there is the greatest likelihood of finding jewelry, since people don’t swim there as much as they bathe (jump, rage, splash), therefore, a ring can fly off a finger, a chain can break, etc.

Another zone is the beach itself, the area where people sunbathe, put out sun loungers or spread blankets. On the beach itself you come across more garbage, and the range of finds is much wider, but the quality is worse. Quality in terms of the fact that you come across a lot of modern “walking stuff”, but not in the best state of preservation. By the way, it’s more expensive to clean this little thing, but for those who don’t know, I’ll say that in the store they take it very reluctantly (or don’t take it at all), but various machines (selling coffee, chocolates, etc.) gobble it up with a bang. Usually the width of this zone is limited to 15...20 meters, or the border of sand on the beach.

At the same time, we should not forget that various bodies of water (rivers, seas, and lakes) have been actively used by various people as roads for many centuries, so you can count not only on modern finds, but on ancient coins, crosses, etc. . And the older locality located nearby, the greater the likelihood of finding antiques.

Separately, I would like to say that the search does not have to be carried out on the beach, you can simply do it along the banks of rivers. Rationality of this action It is also connected with the active use of rivers and other bodies of water in ancient times, but this is a slightly different technique, different principles, and I think it makes sense to talk about this separately.

Searching with a metal detector on the beach is completely different from searching for old coins outside the city. Beach search on the beach, a hobby for people who are not embarrassed by the prospect of hundreds of questions asked by vacationers and just onlookers on the beach, although it is possible to reduce these questions to a minimum. To do this, choose weather that frightens off the average average person and boldly hit the road; drizzling, windy, sunless, simply disgusting weather suits one hundred percent.

To search on the beach in the sand, any ground metal detector, even the most budget one, is suitable, due to the fact that the depth of finds in the sand is usually not great, although of course there are exceptions, but we won’t talk about them. A standard Garrett ACE 250 or Teknetics Alpha 2000 will suffice, during my first steps in the search, I spent the whole of September on the beach with my ICQ, those were wonderful times.

Coil size requirements. As we know, for more accurate target identification it is necessary to minimize the impact of more than one target under the search coil, and since our beaches hide a large number of metal debris, you need to approach the choice of coil with understanding. So, a beach search reel doesn't have to be big! For an ellipse - no more than 6x10 inches, for a round one - no more than 8 inches, but the ideal size is about 6 inches.

Coil type requirements. Coil type – for the beach, many recommend exclusively mono coils, but I do not share this opinion and believe that the type can be used both Mono and DD.

Detector frequency requirements. As we stated above, you can search even with the cheapest ground metal detector, but if you have the financial opportunity, then it is better to choose a metal detector that can operate at high frequencies, 13 kHz, 15 kHz and even higher. The first advantage is that the high frequency is designed for better detection of small targets such as earrings, chains, small rings, etc. The second advantage is that it clings well to objects with average electrical conductivity, which is gold. The third advantage is improved metal separation. The fourth advantage of a high-frequency coil is its high protection from electrical interference, which can be sufficient in city conditions.

What discoveries can you make on the beach? - the lion's share falls on beer caps; not a single modern beach can do without them. Having dug up the lid, do not throw it into the sand, but rather take it with you and throw it in the trash can. After the lids, comes the modern trifle. In an average hour of searching on the beach you can collect about four hryvnia. Unfortunately, gold is rarely found, and in order to dig it out, you have to pull dozens, or even hundreds of caps out of the sand. As one of my friends says, those who don’t dig up lids don’t find gold rings. Well, it depends on your luck, because another friend of mine claimed that during the entire summer in which he visited the beach every day, he found not much nor less, but about 300 grams of red metal.

A tool for speeding up and facilitating the search for targets in the sand is a scub. Scoobs can be hand-held or on a holder, like a shovel, home-made and factory-made. If you don’t have a scuba, then take a pinpointer, because it’s very difficult to find something small in the shifting sand; it happened that I tried to catch a Ukrainian 10-kopeck coin for several minutes.

Search in water. If you want to go even a meter underwater, you need special equipment, an approach and good experience. The searcher makes a decision to dig or not based only on the sound produced by the metal detector, which requires a good understanding of the detector. A budget detector is not suitable here; for underwater search, both a symbiosis of ground and underwater Garrett AT Gold, as well as a purely underwater one, for example Minelab Excalibur II, are suitable. It is also necessary to have a scuba with a holder; without it there is no point in getting into the water.

There are several common misconceptions that beach-going searchers inexplicably hold. Let's try to figure out what you should and shouldn't do on the beach.

1. There are a lot of decorations on the beach.

This is not entirely true. In general, if you happen to get to a beach that has not been explored by other search engines, and even where there are a large number of vacationers all the time, then, of course, there will be jewelry. But not as much as you might initially think, so you won’t return from the beach a millionaire. Simply because, having lost a valuable ring or pendant, sunbathers dig through tons of sand, and most often return the jewelry.

In general, the main finds on the beaches are modern coins, coins from the times of the USSR, corks, caps, candy wrappers, foil, sinkers, and fishhooks.

Findings from a search session on the Mediterranean coast.

2. You can search on the beach with any reel.

Yes, of course you can. But what will this search be like? Constant signals, and it is not clear where, and if you turn on discrimination, you can miss something valuable... So you should not carry a large coil to the beach. It is better to take a sniper rifle, it is ideal for small targets and with it you will be less distracted by digging holes. Or a metal detector with a small coil (like Go-FIND).

Go-FIND are great metal detectors for the beach.

3. You should go to the beach with a sieve or scoop.

This statement is true, but only partly. If the search is on the ground, it is quite possible to do without them. In this case, it is worth taking gloves to avoid getting cuts from broken glass, fish hooks and pebbles. In general, it is, of course, more convenient with a stingy one. And in the water without it it’s generally difficult, the turbidity rising from the bottom makes it difficult to see the target, and you have to lift the targets literally by touch.

Pointed scup is best.

4. Best time for beach search - summer.

The good thing about beach search is that it can be carried out at any time when the beach is not covered with snow and the river is ice-covered. Of course, summer is a great time to search the beach. It’s especially good to look early on Monday morning: at that time there is no one on the beaches, and there are practically no competitors either. However, experienced search engines also like to search beaches in the spring, after rivers flood. Sometimes you can find interesting artifacts brought by the current.

A strange find made on the beach in the spring.

Well, in the fall, when there is absolutely no one on the beach, you can dig for your own pleasure.

Concerning sea ​​beaches, then in Russia, for example, the normal time for searching is after winter storms. The sea just washes everything ashore. It is also good to dig after low tide.

5. Searching on the beach is the safest.

Not at all. Most of the beaches in our latitudes are river beaches, which means there are forests nearby. If the beach is wild, then wandering off into the bushes can easily pick up a tick. Midges, horseflies and mosquitoes also feel great. In short, repellents won't hurt.

But this is not the main thing. The main danger is the trash that people leave behind. In the previous paragraph we already mentioned fragments and hooks.

Syringes are also found on the sand. You yourself know that they are not from insulin, and how dangerous it is to inject yourself with one. According to statistics, HIV infection is common among drug addicts.

Usually there are no caps on syringes...

For some unknown reason, dogs can also run around on the beaches, even at 5 am. It's worth taking pepper spray or even a stun gun for peace of mind.

And, of course, the worst thing is to meet drunk, aggressive vacationers. In this case, each search engine has its own strategy. Sometimes the same stun gun can come in handy. However, it is better not to bring matters to a direct conflict; it is easier to leave.

6. You don’t have to take anything with you to the beach except water.

Not true. At a minimum, you need: a mini first aid kit (hydrogen peroxide and band-aid), a gas canister, wet wipes, and a lost and found bag. If you plan to search in shallow water, you will need a swimming mask or at least goggles. And waterproof headphones.

7. Gold rings “sink in the sand.”

This is true. However, again, everything is different on river beaches, not the same as on sea beaches. The sea layer of sand is very large, and gold, as a heavy metal, sinks deep very quickly. On beaches near rivers and lakes, it often happens that the gold goes only under the “dry” or loose sand, stopping at the level of the dense, moist, clay soil underneath. The same is true for grassy beaches. True, there are fewer finds on them.

In fact, any type of search has certain “myths” that are not true. Knowing them, you can be sure that the search will become easier and, to some extent, more enjoyable.

Good luck on the beaches!