Cable car, Krasnoyarsk - “Cable car, Takmak rock and mountains covered in haze from forest fires.” Rocks of Krasnoyarsk Where did the name Takmak rock come from?

Innokenty Andrianovich Serikov. Krasnoyarsk and its surroundings

Krasnoyarsk book publishing house, 1956

Excerpts: from tr.52-71


If you look at the opposite bank of the Yenisei from Afontovaya Mountain, you can see the Takmak rock towering above the coastal mountains. "Takmak" is clearly visible from any part of the left bank of Krasnoyarsk.

To get to the Takmak area, which is part of state reserve“Stolby”, you should take a commuter train early in the morning to Yenisei station.

Nearby is the Torgashinsky ridge, the western lower part of which is called “Divan”. “Sofa” is more than a kilometer-long terrace. Its width in the eastern part is 300 meters, in the western part - 130. It got its name because it has the appearance of a semicircular sofa, with the Torgashinsky ridge and the Vyshka mountain, which abruptly breaks off towards Bazaikha, serving as bolsters on its sides. There are a lot of pebbles on its surface. In the distant past, this terrace apparently was the mouth of the Bazaikha River, the second later, under the influence of the relief, changed its direction and left the old mouth.

On the way to the “Divan”, you should pay attention to the second or twelve-meter terrace, on which the right bank of Krasnoyarsk is located. In the ravines you can see its structure.

Opens from the "Sofa" beautiful view to the Bazaikhi valley and the Kuysum mountains, headed by the picturesque “Takmak”. Here you should pay attention to two ditches with ramparts. One of them is located in the eastern part, the other in the western part. In the eastern part, the ditch is interrupted in places: apparently, there were entrances to the fenced area. What kind of building this is is difficult to say. Perhaps it pursued some military purposes, or perhaps served as a fence for livestock.

There are two descents from Divan. One of them is located in its western part, in a small ravine. On the slopes of the ravine, outcrops of ancient dark gray greywacke sandstones are visible. The “Sofa” is mainly composed of this breed. All the slopes are strewn with its debris.

Having descended from the “Divan” in this way, you can go to the shore of Bazaikha.

The second descent from the “Divan” is possible through the “Vyshka” mountain, from the top of which the path goes to the bridge over the Bazaikha River.

From the “Tower” you can see the valleys of the Baeaikha and Yenisei rivers far away and offer a view of the city of Krasnoyarsk. Here attention is drawn to the flag-like appearance of the trees, the crowns of which are directed to the east. This phenomenon is explained by the influence of prevailing strong westerly winds.

The ascent to Takmak begins along the so-called Takmach Mane. The road passes close to the bridge and goes all the way to Takmak. The climb is not difficult, but only near the rock does the steepness of the mane become significant.

When climbing the mane, fragments of serpentine or coils come across under your feet every now and then. Outcrops of this rock are visible everywhere. The entire top and lower part of the slope of the mane is strewn with its fragments, which gives it a blue appearance, which is why this part of the Takmach mane is called the Blue Hill. Serpentine is a metamorphic rock that has a dark green color, slight hardness and a faint waxy or oily luster.

The road to Takmak along the mane is very beautiful, similar to an alley in a park. In the lower part of the mane the forest is mixed, but as it rises, the deciduous forest is gradually replaced by pine trees, which emits a pleasant resinous smell on a warm sunny day. This road is fabulously beautiful in the fall, when all the trees are covered with “crimson” and “gold” from fading leaves.

At approximately an altitude of 250-270 meters above the level of the Yenisei, ant heaps of very significant sizes begin to appear more and more often. Note that on almost all the mountains in the Krasnoyarsk region there are anthills at this altitude.

But the climb is over. On the north side of the cliff we come to a platform in front of a small syenite outcrop. From this ledge, the famous geologist of our country V.A. Obruchev admired the valley of the Yenisei River and Krasnoyarsk. This ledge is named Obruchev Rock in his honor.

From here you can go to the other side of “Takmak” to get acquainted with one of the areas of the state reserve “Stolby” and “Takmak” itself, as the most powerful and most interesting outlet of the syenites in this area.

“Pillars” are syenite outcrops in the mountain taiga area. Syenite is an eruption rock. It consists of pink feldspar, mica (glitter) and hornblende (black inclusions). There is no quartz in syenite, which is why it differs from granite. Syenite is sometimes said to be quartz-free granite. This rock, while still at depth, was divided into horizontal sections. All syenite outcrops in all areas of the “Pillars” have a single base and represent one powerful body, the so-called intrusion - magma, which was not initially poured onto the surface of the earth. Some parts of this intrusion penetrated further into the earth's crust. This entire intrusive body during the period of uplift of the Eastern Sayan between the Tertiary and Quaternary geological periods was also raised. Subsequently, external forces of nature removed the covering rocks from the intrusion - clayey shales and limestones. The most uplifted parts of the intrusion have emerged. Consequently, the “Pillars” are projections of a single syenite body.

Subsequently, the process of physical and other types of weathering, as well as the work of the wind, gave many rocks bizarre shapes. As a result, the cracks widened, niches, canopies, caves, chairs, glasses, rocking stones, rocks of bizarre shapes were formed: “Sparrows”, “Grandfather”, “Feathers”, “Mittens” and others.

This is the hypothesis of the origin of the Krasnoyarsk “Pillars”.

The Takmaka region is a valley narrowed in the east and widened and closed in the west, along the bottom of which flows the Mokhovaya River, framed by moisture-loving vegetation.

The rocks here are located in the same way as in other areas of the reserve, along the slopes of the valley, mainly in their upper part.

Unlike the main area, where the rocks are located close to each other, here the distances between them are large, so it is impossible to explore them in one day.

The rocks in the area are located like this. On the southern slope in the direction from east to west there are: “Ermak”, “Storozhevoy” and “Chinese Wall”.

On the northern slope in the same direction are located: “Big Takmak”, “Small Takmak” and “Glagol”.

In the middle of the valley on a dome-shaped hill are the Sparrows. To the west of them are “Otkliknye”.

After admiring the surroundings, you can go down to explore the southern part of Takmak itself. In this part it breaks off in three huge ledges to the foot of the valley. These ledges are called: “Big Berkut”, “Mongol” and “Totem”. The rocks here are very picturesque. Noteworthy is the through cave between the main Takmaka massif and the Bolshoy Berkut rock. Near this arch there is also a passage to the top of the main rock, called the “Trough”. “Totem” is interesting with its glasses, in which atmospheric water is sometimes preserved.

From the western part of the main massif you can go to the saddle between the Big and Small “Takmaki”. From here you begin the descent along the path to the valley of the Mokhovaya River to the pioneer camps located near the mouth.

The path along the Mokhovaya bank is very beautiful. There are many miniature waterfalls and rapids on the river. The incessant murmur of water makes a charming impression. When leaving the valley from the pioneer camps, an amazing panorama of the Takmak region opens up. From here it looks even more majestic. "Sparrows" are visible in the background. The components, their rocks have the shape of a chicken and a toad,

From the pioneer camp the return route goes along the terrace of the Bazaikha River, through the “Divan” to the Yenisei station.


From the Yenisei station or the woodworking plant we head to the base of the already familiar Takmachya Griva, near which the pioneer camps are located. From here you can see a beautiful view of the plant’s village, located near the Vyshki mountain and reminiscent of a mountain village, as well as a view of the “Red Ridge”. representing limestone outcrops similar to Rooster Crest and Blue Hill.

Further the road goes along a ravine with rather steep slopes. In some places there are small outcrops of serpentines. The bottom of the log is flat. It has this character until the large syenite stone that fell here from the “Big Takmak.” About fifteen years ago this stone was intact, but later someone blew it up and fell into several pieces.

There is a stream near the stone. Here you should get water, since further along this route the source will only be found near the “Glagol” rock.

Behind the stone, the slopes of the ravine begin to approach each other. The longitudinal profile of the valley changes sharply and becomes steep. However, you should not go further along the thalweg (Thalweg is a winding line connecting the deepest parts of the valley or ravine.) of the ravine, since the climb to the saddle between the Big and Small “Takmak” will therefore be very difficult. Not far from the stone, on the western slope of the ravine, a clearing is visible. You should climb along it. The slope here is not very steep.

Having reached the saddle, you need to continue climbing to the “Small Takmak”, located above the saddle in its western part.

“Small Takmak” is represented by small and inconspicuous outcrops of syenite. The climb up to it is not difficult. Absolute altitude its length is 417 meters, and from the altitude mark on the wall of the museum - 370 meters.

From this rock you can take one of the best photographs of “Big Takmak”. From here it opens. beautiful view of the city of Krasnoyarsk and the entire picturesque Takmak valley. The rocks “Ermak “Storozhevoy” and “Chinese Wall” are clearly visible. “Sparrows” look completely different from here. They have a mushroom-shaped appearance. In the distance, about three kilometers away, you can see the “Glagol” rock - the final point of our route.

From “Small Takmak” along the ridge northern slope valley of the Mokhovaya River, the path leads to “Glagol”, which is visible in the west, surrounded by forest. This is an exceptionally picturesque area. Along the road there are pines, larches and birches, and the pines are sometimes enormous in size.

Under your feet there are no longer syenites, but outcrops of greywackes of ancient dark gray sandstones, which have already been mentioned. Along the path, which is not lost almost to the “Glagol”, you will encounter four hills and depressions between them.

The last peak near “Glagol”, which has a rounded character, should be bypassed from the northern sides.”

As you approach “Glagol”, “Big Takmak” and other rocks of the area gradually move away and seem to be located somewhere far, far away.

The Glagol rock is located in the westernmost part of the Takmak region, near Glagolev Log, on the southern slope of the Kashtak ridge. In this ravine there was once a settlement of the peasant Glagolev, after whose name the ravine and the rock located near it were named. The area in the ravine is swampy and damp in places. In this regard, the trees here are dominated by aspens, giving the ravine a dull, monotonous appearance. There is a spring flowing nearby where you can get water.

The Glagol rock has a circumference of about 100 meters. Its height on the south side is 40-45 meters. The rock is well exposed to the south and significantly obscured by the Rising Slopes on the north side. Its greatest width is located at the southern foot, while to the north it tapers out. The absolute height of the rock at the southern foot is 511 meters, and above. the altitude of the regional museum is 364 meters. On the eastern and southern sides of the rock there are numerous and sometimes quite large units that have broken off from the main massif.

The exceptional originality of the rock is given by the huge hollows on its southern side, shaped like the Church Slavonic letter “verb”. These hollows have a lighter color compared to the main mass of syenite. They are formed by weathering of atmospheric water particles.

This original feature of the rock further reinforces the name “Verb”, which has long been given to it.

If this massif is viewed at some distance from the northern side, from the small stones located here, one gets the impression that an eagle is sitting on its back, northern side, and its head, beak and wings of considerable size are very clearly visible,

This gave rise to calling the whole rock “Small Golden Eagle” in contrast to the “Big Golden Eagle” on Big Takmak.”

However, this natural sculpture is only a small detail on the main rock and does not characterize it in any way. The facade of the rock, located on the south side, as already mentioned, has a completely different appearance. Therefore, there is no reason to change the old name that has long been assigned to this rock.

The vegetation near "Glagol" is mainly represented by aspens and larches. On the north side, at a high altitude, there are also pine trees.

The rocks are covered with lichens and moss. The latter especially develops under canopies of stones, in the shaded part. Moss after rains has a bright green color. Its thickness is up to 20 centimeters.

There is a parking lot for tourists at the southwestern foot of the cliff. There is a staircase near the parking lot, along which you can climb onto the ledge of the rock and further to its middle. Further ascent to the top involves significant difficulties.

From “Glagol” you can see the entire “Takmak” valley. Only from here the so-called ones are clearly visible! “Response” rocks, located west of “Sparrows”,

The return journey from “Glagol” should be made through the “Kashtak” ridge, along which the road goes from the village of Bazaikhi to the main region of “Stolby”.

This road is located 250 meters from the “Glagol” rock. In order to reach it, you need to climb up from the rock and follow the path available here. The path leads to the so-called “Deer Lawn”, where the descent from “Kashtak” to the village of Bazaikha begins. The descent from Kashtak is long and at first quite steep - at an angle of up to 35°. At the foot of “Kashtak” there is a watchman’s hut. The road goes along the stream.

The route ends in the village of Bazaikha near the bus stop or Yenisei station.

You can also get to the Glagol rock through the valley of the Mokhovaya River. However, this path is less interesting.


In the main area of ​​the Stolby State Nature Reserve, the syenite outcrops are located close to each other, so visiting and inspecting them in one day is not difficult. In the Takmak area, as noted, the syenite rocks are far from each other, the approaches to them are difficult, and it is impossible to examine them in one day. It takes at least a day to explore each of the massifs – “Ermak”, “Chinese Wall” and “Sparrows”.

The beginning of the route can be the Yenisei station. From here you should go to the “Divan” - a terrace, which we have already mentioned in the chapter “Takmak”, cross it to the Bazaikha River and go near the eastern side of the Takmachya Griva to the mouth of the Mokhovaya River. Pioneer camps are located here. The further path goes along Mokhovaya. The area around is picturesque.

After walking about a kilometer and passing the ledge of the “Big Takmak”, tourists should stop. From here the path to any of the three arrays we named begins.

"Ermak" is located opposite "Big Takmak;" on the northern slope of the Mokhovaya River valley.

You can climb to the rocks from three sides: eastern, northern and western.

The climb on the east side is gentle but long; the climb from the north side is steep, at an angle of up to 40°, and also goes along a slope overgrown with grass and forest, but there is a path here; the ascent from the west is less difficult; this slope has a stepped character and is sparsely forested. Rocks. “Ermak” is located above the level of the Yenisei at an altitude of approximately 300 meters. There are three rocks here. Two of them, compared to the third, are more significant and are located nearby. If you look at them from the northern side, for example, from the “Big Takmak”, they look like walls. Geologically, they are so-called dikes, that is, outcrops of rock bounded by regular parallel planes in the form of a wall. Climbing onto these rocks is not difficult. The third rock is located some distance from the first. It is small, reminiscent of the “Miter” near the “Second Pillar” in the main area of ​​the reserve. Its height is up to 20 meters, but climbing it is difficult. The big advantage of “Ermak”, compared to other syenite outcrops, is that there is a magnificent, vast area near it. At the end of summer you can enjoy blueberries and lingonberries here.

From “Ermak” there is a wonderful view of all the rocks of the “Takmak” region. “Big Takmak”, “Sparrows”, “Chinese Wall” and “Watchman” are especially clearly visible. The latter seems to be an old man in a sheepskin coat, a hat, a pole in his hand (a tree growing near him), peering into the distance from behind the forest, which is why he received the name “Watchman”.

From “Ermak” the tops of some rocks in the Nizhne-Kaltat region of the state reserve are also clearly visible.

The excursion to Ermak is not difficult and very pleasant. On a good day there is a lot of sun and warmth here, the chest easily inhales ozonated air saturated with the resinous smell of pine.

The "Chinese Wall" is one of the original syenite exits. It is located in the south. slope of the Mokhovaya River valley. The path to the “Wall” is long and quite steep. The road goes along the so-called Manskaya trail. The latter always deviates to the west, and sometimes it seems that you are not going in the right direction. But in the end, the trail still leads to almost the top of the “Wall”.

The “Chinese Wall” in the form of a destroyed wall descends down in three ledges, of which the highest is the last, lower one. The length of the wall is about 300 meters. It has almost vertical sides. Geologically, this is also a dike, and of considerable size. The first two ledges are not difficult to climb, but only good climbers can climb the last ledge, called “Dragon’s Head”.

Near the “Wall” there are many weathering products of various sizes. Trees broken by storms lie everywhere, tall grass grows. All this gives the impression of some kind of chaos, wildness, and primitiveness of the landscape.

In the second half of summer there are a lot of berries and mushrooms. The great advantage of this section of the reserve is the presence of water here.

Unfortunately, there are no sites near the “Chinese Wall”, and you have to settle down for rest without such amenities as are available at “Ermak” or at “Big Takmak”.

Just like from other areas, a beautiful panorama of the entire Takmak area opens up from here.

“Sparrows” are located on a dome-shaped hill located in the middle of the valley of the Mokhovaya River.

The climb to them is quite difficult, so they are rarely visited by nature lovers. The northern, eastern, and partly western slopes are overgrown with forest and tall grasses. When climbing these slopes you have to literally “live” the road. Therefore, it is best to climb the southern slope, where there is less vegetation.

The height at which the massifs are located is slightly more than 300 meters above the level of the Yenisei.

There are two main rocks here: the rock on the southern side is called “Toad”, and on the northern side it is called “Sparrow”. They got their name due to their resemblance from a distance to a large frog and a chick. In addition to these rocks, there are others, mainly on the southern slope. The rocks turn out to be huge sections of mushroom-shaped syenites, separated from each other by a deep saddle-shaped depression. Only a few climbers have managed to climb these rocks.

From Vorobushki you can see a beautiful panorama of the entire Takmak area. From here you can clearly see “Verb” and “Responsive”, which are hardly visible from other places.

You can return to the city along Mokhovaya, through “Divan”.


Nizhne-Kaltatsky district is one of the original and beautiful areas of the Stolby Nature Reserve.

Stolbists don’t come here, obviously because they don’t know him well. To visit it, you must obtain a pass from the reserve office, since the territory is heavily protected due to its special scientific significance.

To get to this area, you need to drive a car to the pioneer camps located at the mouth of the Kaltata River. The road passes along the terraces on the left bank of the Bazaikhi River. The area on both sides of the road is very picturesque. Near the mouth of the Mokhovaya River, a panorama of the Takmak area opens up. The beautiful Takmak itself stands out in the foreground with its three gradually decreasing cliffs. The Sparrows are visible behind it.

Along the road, not far from the mouth of the Mokhovaya, numerous hummocks in the swamp attract attention. They were formed due to swelling of the soil.

On the right bank of Bazaikha, on the slopes of the Torgashinsky ridge, limestone outcrops attract attention.

The nearest cliff drops sheer down to the river. Not far from it another rock is visible, strikingly similar to a seahorse. Even closer to the mouth of Kaltat rises a powerful limestone massif, reminiscent of a huge fortified structure. This is the most high point Torgashinsky ridge near Krasnoyarsk.

Not far from this limestone outcrop, below it, on the slope of the ridge, another, already destroyed massif stands out with numerous scars on the rocks. The described rocks look especially impressive in the evening western light.

Near the bridge over the Kaltat river there is a beautiful view of big village pioneer camps of various city organizations.

A charming impression is made by the seething and foaming Kaltat River, noisily carrying its waters along a rocky bed into the Bazaikha River.

250 meters from the bridge on the right bank of the Kaltat there is a watchman’s house, to whom you need to present a pass to enter the area.

From the mouth of Kaltat to the syenite outcrops in the Lower Kaltat region - 2.5 kilometers.

On the road to the Kaltat Gorge, on the western side, the cliffs of the “Chinese Wall” and “Sparrows”, located in the Takmak area, clearly appear. It seems that they are located very close to the Nizhne-Kaltatsky district, although they are 3-4 kilometers away.

The area itself is a gorge in a peneplained and eroded area, and this gorge gradually widens and eventually narrows again. Its greatest width is 125-250 meters, length – up to 2.5 kilometers. The valley of the Kaltat River in front of the gorge changes its direction from south to west.

Outcrops of syenites in this area on the left bank of the Kaltat River begin at a distance of 1.7 kilometers from the mouth of the Kaltat, and on the right bank at a distance of 2.5 kilometers.

The height of this area above the mouth of the Kaltat is insignificant: a little more than 20 meters, and above the level of the Yenisei -80 meters.

The peculiarity of the syenite outcrops in this area is that they are not located at a high altitude, as in almost all other areas, but rise immediately above the low banks of the river. Therefore, the area is not visible from a distance and is discovered only when approaching it.

On the right bank of the river, the syenite outcrops stretch almost in one continuous massif, which is called “Bell Towers”. The rocks here are extremely original. They are represented by peculiar individual pieces that look like pagodas, skittles, thimbles and fingers. These forms of syenites distinguish the area sharply from other areas of the reserve. Access to the rocks is difficult due to the abundance of screes.

The location of the syenite outcrops on the left bank of Kaltat is different. They are presented here in separate arrays with large intervals between them. The first one resembles “Takmak”, which is why it would be fair to call it “Lower Kaltat Takmak”.

300 meters from it there are ruined rocks with steep walls, similar to a warship, which are called the “Lower Kaltat Wall”. The southern part of the wall ends with a tower up to 40 meters high.

Another 270 meters from these rocks is the next massif, which, when approaching it, has the appearance of a sugarloaf with a flattened top, called “Bastion”.

600 meters from the last one, in a place where the valley of the Kaltat River sharply changes its direction, there is a fourth exit, consisting of a row of pillars that resemble either a “Manskaya Baba” or a “Monk”, depending on where you look at them from . Their height from the base is small - up to 50 meters.

The Kaltat River flows noisily through the gorge. The vegetation at the beginning of the gorge is represented mainly by pine and aspen, and at the end - by fir, aspen and bushes near the banks. In the middle of the gorge there are wonderful clearings.

The wonderful impression of the entire area is somewhat spoiled by the abundance of ticks here, especially at the end of the gorge, where they are found in the fir and aspen forests.


The main area of ​​the state reserve "Stolby" (aesthetic area) is located 13 kilometers from the city center. Stolbists go to this area by bus or by railway to the Yenisei station, and from here they walk to the mouth of the Laletina River. You can arrive here by steamship or boat.

The steamer offers a view of the city, of the timber mills, woodworking plant, and mill located on the river bank. Along the road you can see: “Takmak”, rest houses of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions and “Teacher”, numerous dachas and sanatoriums of various institutions. Near the mouth of the Laletina River, on the terrace there is an orchard, in which, among others, creeping forms of apple trees, bred in Krasnoyarsk, predominate. This garden was founded at the beginning of the 20th century by Krasnoyarsk resident V. M. Krutovsky. Now it is a branch of an experimental fruit and berry station.

From the mouth of Laletina the road goes along its valley along a narrow path laid on the right bank of the river.

At a distance of about a kilometer from its mouth there are reddish weathered pointed limestones, called the “Devil's Fingers”. Another kilometer of travel, and the tourist finds himself at the border of the reserve. This is evidenced by the sign “Krasnoyarsk State Reserve “Stolby” attached to the tree.

When approaching this border, the tops of the main rocks of the area are already visible.

There is a watchman's hut 150 meters from the border. And after another kilometer and a quarter, the road is crossed by a key called “First Transverse”. The road gradually climbs up the mountain. After the “Second Transverse” key, located 800 meters from the first, the main ascent to the bases of the rocks begins. This climb is up to two kilometers long and at the very end is quite steep, which is why it received the witty name “Pykhtun”. Having overcome it, the tourist finds himself at the foot of the rocks. The height here is 350 meters above the level of the Yenisei. Another 200 meters of travel - and the traveler arrives at the excursion base, located almost at the foot of the “Second Pillar”.

From the mouth of the Laletina River to the excursion base is approximately 6.2 kilometers. You can relax at the base and then begin exploring the area.

This area is represented by a valley, somewhat narrowed and closed in the west and expanded in the east. The valley was formed mainly due to erosion. The area of ​​this area is not large: approximately one kilometer in length and width. The rocks here are located either on the peaks surrounding the valley of heights, or on their ospreys, and they are located quite close to each other, therefore, inspecting them requires less time than inspecting the rocks in the “Takmak” area or in the “Far Pillars” area (“ Wild pillars").

The main syenite outcrops in this area are as follows. In the northeast, on the slope of the valley, there is a rather gloomy rock called “Savage”. There is a canopy in the rock called the “Visor”. Colonists often spend the night under it.

Above "Savage" there is a small rock called "Grandson". Not far from him was the overweight “Great Grandfather”, or “Kommunar”. Even further west - “Grandfather”. This is one of the most original rocks. She resembles an old man with an open forehead. with a big nose and beard, wearing a Finnish hat.

Behind the “Grandfather” there is the “Baba” rock, which looks like a pawn from a chessboard. on her main peak the weathering process created a wonderful chair.

Further in the same direction is the second largest massif in this area - the “First Pillar”. It has a circumference of about 650 meters and its height is 80 meters. It is composed of huge sections, which are especially original in its northwestern part. Literally everywhere, especially on the northern side, at the foot of the pillar lie huge boulders that fell from it. One of them, in the form of a triangular prism at the northwestern foot, is called “Elephant” or “Zabezhka” and serves as a place where tourists who come to this area of ​​the reserve for the first time try their hand at climbing the rock. Not far from the “Elephant” there is the “Devil’s Kitchen” - also an original separate place of enormous size.

The next “Second Pillar” is the most powerful of all the rocks in the reserve. It has a circumference of about 800 meters. Its height is 90 meters. On its south-eastern side there is a ledge, above which there is a proud inscription: “Freedom”, made by the revolutionaries back in 1899. This inscription is periodically updated. The top of the pillar ends with a large platform from which a view of the surrounding areas opens.

Between the “Second Pillar” and “Mithra” there is a convenient platform called “Bishop’s”.

Next to the Mithra there is a double rock, which received the name “Mittens” for its appearance. These rocks end the outcrops of syenites located on the southern and western slopes of the valley.

On the northern slope of the valley there are pillars: “Third” and “Fourth”. The “third” was placed at the bottom. Just like the “Savage”, on its western side there is a “Visor” canopy, under which the columnists often spend the night. The first hut was built near the “Kozyrok” in 1892, but was burned by the gendarmes in 1906. At the site of the hut there is a pillar with an inscription that tells about this event.

Not far from the “Third” is the “Fourth Pillar”. From its top there is a wonderful view of the entire main area and the “Far Pillars” area. Climbing this pillar does not present any difficulties. It should be recommended to all excursionists arriving in the reserve area for the first time.

In the middle of the valley of the aesthetic area there is a dome-shaped elevation, on which is located the last and one of the most interesting syenite outcrops - “Feathers”. These are huge individual pieces, reminiscent of feathers, with their bases sunk deep into the ground. Their height is up to 40 meters. Near the “Feathers” there is the “Lion Gate”, formed by an original combination of parts, reminiscent of the “Lion Gate” in Mycenae on the island of Crete.

The return journey can be made again in the valley of the Laletina River. But you can also go through it another way, more picturesque - through the Kashtak ridge.

This road starts from the “Perushka” hut, located not far from “Peryev”, goes around a deep ravine and goes through “Kashtak” to the village of Bazaikha, in the Kirovsky district of the city.

Along the road there are small outcrops of syenites. The most interesting of them are: “Kashtak Steam Locomotives”, “Monk” and “Videos”.

These syenite outcrops are like a connecting link between the aesthetic area and the Takmaka area. Both of these areas are especially visible to the so-called “Merry Mane”. And all around is a pine forest. On a clear day it can be so sunny and light here. that I don’t want to leave.

Other interesting place- this is “Vidovka”. From these rocks it opens wonderful panorama the entire main area. Pedestrians make sure to stop here to admire the views.

The Stolby State Nature Reserve is a research laboratory in nature. The team of scientists in this wonderful corner of the East Siberian taiga is faced with the task of comprehensively studying the animal and flora and identifying natural patterns.

The reserve has more than 550 species of plants, many of which have economic importance(berry, medicinal and ornamental plants). 42 species of mammals and over 130 species and subspecies of birds have been recorded here.

One of the most valuable inhabitants of the taiga is sable, and among the woody plants is cedar. Therefore, the reserve pays special attention to the study of sable and cedar. The sable in the reserve was exterminated as a result of predatory hunting. In order to restore it in 1950, several dozen sables were brought and released into the reserve. Now this valuable animal is no longer a rarity in the reserve. Observing the sable, researcher G.D. Dulkeit is developing a method for recording this fur-bearing animal, which can be applied in our region. Forester M.I. Shirokaya developed a simplified method of sowing cedar. which is successfully used in clearings, burnt areas and forests.

A lot of work has been done to study the musk deer - the smallest ungulate animal that has a valuable substance - musk, secreted by a special gland and used in medicine and perfumery.

The reserve worker T.N. Butorina, as a result of studying the vegetation, identified the types of forests of the Eastern Sayan used in the study of the forests of our region.

Phenological observations have been carried out in the reserve for many years, providing interesting material.

Biotechnical measures are being carried out - winter feeding of animals, installation of artificial salt licks for ungulates. There are over a thousand shelters for birds (nest nests and titmice) in the forest. Bird ringing work has been widely carried out. Meteorological observations have been regularly conducted for many years.

The reserve is used for practical training of students from Krasnoyarsk and other universities in Siberia.

"Pillars" is a rock climbing school. Outstanding rock climbers of our country, brothers Evgeniy and Vitaly Abalakov and others, were trained here.

Innokenty Andrianovich Serikov. Krasnoyarsk and its surroundings

Owner: Abramov Boris Nikolaevich

Courtesy: Abramov Boris Nikolaevich

Parabola Rock is better known as Brothers. This amazing place located in the Ergaki mountains, which are part of the Sayan Mountains in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In its shape, it resembles a parabola, which is why this name was attached to it. Its two peaks, standing side by side, received the names: Big (or Fat) Brother and Thin Brother. The Big Brother has massive high walls of about 500 meters, and the Thin One has a sharp top, slightly inclined towards its brother. Between the rocks, a sharp ridge runs a clear line, reminiscent of a parabola.

Nearby is Lake of Artists. The rocky "brothers" are part of natural park Ergaki,

Rock "Takmak"

The Takmak rock massif is part of the Stolby state reserve. Height – 417 m above the level of the Yenisei River.

This is the only one of the “Pillars” that is perfectly visible from the city and, accordingly, has a magnificent view of Krasnoyarsk.

Takmak includes a number of spurs that make up a single system. The top of Takmak is made up of the “Big and Small Heads”. The western part of the slope is called “Bear”.

Takmak was first conquered in 1899 by Anastasia Leontyevna Kachalova, the first woman in Russia to engage in mountain sports.

Many legends are associated with this mountain. The most popular is about the “king of all Siberia” - the sorcerer Yenisei, his glorious daughters Bazaikha and Laletina and their beloved Prince Takmak, turned to stone by the formidable ruler for disobedience.

You can get to Takmak through ski resort“Beaver Log”, if you follow the chairlift starting in the Bazaikha valley.

Takmak Rock, located in nature reserve Pillars are visible from almost anywhere in Krasnoyarsk. This landscape has become one of the calling cards of the city. This is an excellent example of how the unique and beautiful Siberian nature complements and transforms a huge modern metropolis.

Takmak Rock: history and legends

It is not known exactly when the rocks appeared in this place. Surely there is a scientific explanation for their formation, but local residents prefer to believe in the mythical origin of Takmak. Perhaps that is why a huge number of legends are associated with it.

One of them says that many centuries ago the majestic Yenisei ruled in these parts. He had several daughters, but most of all he loved Bazaikha and Laletina. When the time came to marry them off, Yenisei decided to start with the eldest. Prince Takmak was called to marry Bazaikha. However, as always, love intervened. And the handsome young man dared to ask for the hand of not his eldest daughter, but of another, who he liked more, Laletina. Yenisei became angry and cut the love triangle forever, turning Takmak and his retinue into rocks, and his daughters into rivers flowing nearby. So the three of them remained forever. And rocks and rivers still bear their names.

The reliability of such an assumption is, of course, controversial. After all, the names could simply come from a long-forgotten Turkic language.

Conquest of Takmak

Climbers became interested in the Krasnoyarsk Pillars back in the 19th century. Mysterious and mysterious peaks have become the target of professionals and amateurs. Takmak was conquered only in 1899. For a long time they were afraid to even approach him, among local residents this rock was considered sacred.

The first Russian climber, Anastasia Kachalova, was the first to step over prejudice.

Takmak today

Today Takmak no longer evokes such horror and awe as it did in the 19th century. Anyone with a certain level of physical fitness can repeat A. Kachalova’s feat. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, groups of brave and fearless tourists constantly climb Takmak. From the top of the rock there is a wonderful view of the city and surrounding area. It is believed not best place in order to see Krasnoyarsk in all its glory.

In addition, there is a legend that everyone who climbs the Takmak rock forever falls in love with the Krasnoyarsk Pillars and returns here again and again to conquer new peaks.

Video about Takmak rock