Yarensk winter winter. Poems for children about winter and winter holidays: what to read and learn

In Moscow, winter was turned on for a couple of days. And memories of huge snow-white snowdrifts, cleared white paths and crunchy snow underfoot surfaced in my memory. And also the frosty sun in the blue sky and the long whiskers of a black fluffy cat covered with frost! We plunged into such a beautiful snowy winter during the first stage of the expedition “Discovering the Silver Necklace” in the village of Yarensk, emphasis on the letter Ya Yarensk is located almost on the border Arkhangelsk region and the Komi Republic. The climate is sharply continental, so there are cold and snowy winters and short hot summers.
We arrived in the village in early March and it was -27 outside. Some sources indicate that the lowest temperature dropped to -50.
In ancient times, Yarensk flourished, being an important transit point trade route to the Urals and Siberia, as well as the homeland of explorers. But with the opening of more southern routes to Siberia, Yarensk lost its significance, and in 1924 lost its city status. Stepan Glotov, a researcher of Kamchatka, the Aleutian Islands and Alaska, was born in Yarensk. And the famous Robinson Crusoe, according to the plot of the book by Daniel Defoe, passed the trade route through Yarensk!
Now the ancient origins of the village are reminiscent of the remains of the city earthen rampart, ancient wooden houses and several stone merchant buildings.
Many local wooden houses have a history of more than 100 years.

I was especially pleased with the cleared paths and the lack of reagents.
The cat was calm as a boa constrictor and did not pay the slightest attention to the bloggers surrounding him.
In general, Yarensk gave the impression of a place remote from civilization, but with the presence of life in it.
The first brick building in Yarensk, the house of the merchant Eshkelev, was built in 1820. Now it houses the Residence of Mother Winter. Not as popular as the Residence of Father Frost, but a very interesting and sincere place: children will be interested in taking part in an interactive excursion with the participation of Winter and her assistants, and adults will find themselves inside an ancient merchant’s house.
Residents of the fabulous Lena Forest live in the yard of Mother Winter: we were met by Leshy, Kikimora and Baba Yaga. And although we are all no longer children, it turned out to be a lot of fun
The easiest way to get to Yarensk is by car. Which is exactly what we did. Another way is by train to railway station Mezheg, through which trains pass from Moscow and St. Petersburg to Syktyvkar, Vorkuta and other cities of the Komi Republic. Next by regular bus.
We look at the photo and remember what a “correct” winter should be like

In Russian there is an expression “Mother Winter”.
Don't you hear the contradiction this expression contains? Winter is cold, nothing grows, and for some reason she is affectionately called Mother. Clearly the ends don't meet...
You say, Winter - the peasant is triumphant, resting. good time of the year.
No, mother is an indication of fertility, and not just an opportunity to rest. If this were really a vacation, we wouldn’t be looking forward to spring so impatiently. There is more meaning here than meets the eye. This expression preserves evidence that our ancestors previously lived in a completely different climate zone. He was different from the middle band modern Russia a different order of seasons. The key to understanding the meaning of this expression was given to me by Sanskrit. In Sanskrit the word "winter" is pronounced "hima". In this phonetic form, it is not only consonant with the English word “humidity” (humidity), but also synonymous with it, since in the foothills of the Zagros winter was called the wet season. Thus, the word “winter” originally meant “wet season” as opposed to the dry, summer season. In the Russian language, the root “chem-” is present only in the borrowed words “humor”, “humus” (fertile soil layer), which, from the point of view of formal analysis, are not even related to the word “winter”. In fact, etymologically the words “winter”, “humor”, “humus” are related, since they not only go back to the concept of “fertile, moist, favorable”, but are also phonetic forms derived from once one word.
The etymology of the word “summer” in Russian is not clear; if we take into account its meaning in the Indo-European lexical context, it will not seem blessed. For example, in Greek mythology there is an expression “to sink into oblivion.” IN German the word “Leiche”, phonetically close to the Russian word “summer”, means “corpse”, and the English word “late”, from the same phonetic series, one of the meanings of “deceased, deceased”. This line can be continued all the way to the goddess Leto, whose children Artemis and Apollo literally sow death around them. Summer is death, a dry season, when life practically dies, although in the climatic conditions of modern Russia it is a favorable season.
Thus, the expression “mother winter” travels with us from the region where our ethnic group lived, where winter was a wet, rainy and, therefore, fertile season, in contrast to summer, a dry, that is, “dead” season. It wasn't necessarily Africa. This applies to the Middle East as well. For example, in Mesopotamia, it was “winter” that was considered the “farmer of the gods”, responsible for the waters of life and for everything that grows.
In Arabic, the desert is Sahel. It sounds exactly the same in Old Russian SUKHO
Rus' was in the vastness of Trans-Euphrates, to the west of it. Rome was in Sudan, and Greece was somewhere in Egypt...
Based on materials from V. V. Makarenko

From Kazluk (the border of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the Arkhangelsk region) to Yarensk is only about 20 km, you don’t drive on a good road - you fly! Therefore, many residents of Kazluk, Zheshart and other nearby villages often travel to the regional center of the Lensky district. Who for what purpose, but in Lately Most often, guests, and not only from the Komi Republic, go on excursions to the residence of Mother Winter.

The educational and entertainment program “Tales of the Lena Forest” for children and adults (newlyweds, birthday people), at their request, can include a tour of ancient Yarensk, as well as a reception at the Winter residence, and “ Winter fun"on the slope of the Kizhmola River, which is literally next to the residence (cheesecake riding, slides, and so on) and much more - balls, receptions for the occasion, master classes, and so on.

A fairy tale can come true

Quite a bit of time has passed - two years and a half - before the dream of making a fairy tale come true became a reality. And what a great one: Yarensk today has become officially and all-Russianly recognized as the Motherland of Winter.

How was it all possible to do this in such a short period of time? At the beginning, an idea appeared, and it arose from the head of the social development department of the administration of the Lensky Municipal Municipality municipal district"Natalya Rocheva suddenly - while viewing a fabulous map of Russia. “If Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka have a homeland, then why doesn’t Winter have it?” thought Natalya Nikolaevna.

They began to look for sources to confirm this fact in the chronicles. And they found it!

Believe it, at least check it: on the night of December 21-22, 1882, there was a strong snowstorm and in the village of Sibir, Yarensky district (three km from Yarensk), Zimushka-Winter was born to Father Frost and Mother Metelitsa.

Surprisingly, we hit the mark! Information about the Motherland of Winter was written by Russian news agencies, “Arguments and Facts”, television, and a message appeared on the Internet, said N. Rocheva. - This is how a new tourist destination emerged.

And the work to “promote” the dream idea began: what a deal! Employees of the social development department of the district administration and the Yarensky Museum of Local Lore wrote scientific projects that substantiated the concept of the birth of a snow heroine. The project “Snowy Lace of Winter” became the best among 12 projects in the Arkhangelsk region and was awarded a grant of 300 thousand rubles; another project was written for which they received 400 thousand rubles. (Looking ahead, it must be said that subsequently two TOS were created at the Winter residence, and the targeted funds received from them were used to improve the territory of the residence - a fence, benches were erected, figurines of fairy-tale characters were made).

For Winter’s residence, the administration of the Lensky district provided an ancient house of the merchant Eshkilev, in which much was preserved in its original form, and part of the interior began to be stylized as antique and... a fairy tale. Residents, having heard about such a miracle, began to bring antique furniture - chests, tables, a buffet, and so on. The residence workers, of whom there were three, put it all in order and decorated it. A magnificent wooden throne for Winter was made by a skilled craftsman based on drawings. The costumes are so beautiful that you can’t take your eyes off them! - sewed by highly qualified cutter-fashion designer Tatyana Katunina, who plays in the image of Mother Snowstorm on excursions. And Liliya Korzhakova in the image of Winter is so tender, sophisticated and beautiful!

Winter will show his palace...

It’s hard for us, the newspaper’s correspondents, to be surprised by anything, because we’ve been everywhere and seen so much. But the excursion still pleasantly surprised us - first of all, with its originality, as well as a magical journey into the world of a fairy tale, and the fact that for a short time it was as if we had become children again and believed in miracles! So we entered a silver office with an antique telephone on a silver-plated desk, where Mother Snowstorm met us, showed us 150 snowmen and walls decorated with snowflakes and an ancient dressing table, and took us to the throne room, where Zimushka-Winter met us in a snow-white robe (on picture). “If you sit on the snow throne and make a wish, it will certainly come true,” said the sorceress Winter. Then she took us to the refectory, where all the dishes (a gift from Siverko) were pure silver, and then to a cozy bedchamber. And there everything is as it should be - a bed with high feather beds and winter pillows - whatever Winter sleeps on, such will the weather be... They also showed us the winter cellar, where Winter kept salted snowballs in a birch tub and pickled icicles and many other supplies in reserve. After this, the doors of the treasury opened, where there was a Christmas tree with diamonds and safes in which the fabulous wealth of Winter was stored - ingots of silver and pearls...

At the end of the excursion, we visited the workshops of Mother Winter. Here we saw gifts from the house of creativity in the village of Urdoma - unusual vases, embroidered paintings, as well as antique items from craftswomen - a spinning wheel and much more. At the request of guests, master classes on making snowflakes and other New Year's attributes are held here. And in the shop, which is next to the workshops, you can buy souvenirs and handmade crafts.

"Snowy Lace of Winter"

This is the name of the annual festival, which is held in December in Yarensk. This year it opened on December 2 with a performance by the ensemble “Asya kya” from the Komi Republic at the Yarensky cultural center. “60 artists presented a unique, vibrant musical program with Komi and Russian songs to the accompaniment of a live orchestra,” the Lensk regional newspaper “Mayak” wrote an enthusiastic review of the performance of our fellow countrymen. Many more interesting events are planned within the framework of the festival.

In February, Santa Claus gathers for the International Congress of Wizards in Sochi, with the aim of supporting athletes at the Olympics. And now he is gathering a fabulous delegation, which includes our Mother Winter and the Arkhangelsk Snowman,” said Natalya Rocheva, who, as the author of the idea of ​​the project “Yarensk - Homeland of Winter” in December 2012 received a special prize from the new governor of the Arkhangelsk region Igor Orlov, and himself The project received a diploma in the special category “For a fruitful idea.”

Bus tour from Syktyvkar to Yarensk for individual travelers and school groups

Visiting Mother Winter


For groups - on any convenient date!

Tour price from 2200 rub. (approximately)

Mother Winter lives in the cozy ancient town of Yarensk, Arkhangelsk region, in a large snow-white house.

Children and adults will enjoy an exciting journey into a Fairy Tale, where Mother Winter reigns all year round.

Residents of the fabulous Lena Forest will arrange unforgettable entertainment for you,

And the cheerful helpers of Winter - Snowflakes, Leshy, Bab Yaga and other fairy tale heroes - organize “Winter Fun” for children and adults.

In a cozy cafe you will be offered a “Meal from Mother Winter”.

Masters and craftswomen will conduct master classes for guests.

And, of course, Mother Winter receives all her guests in her big beautiful house, where miracles happen in every room...

Tour program (indicative):

07.00 Departure of the group from Syktyvkar to Yarensk

* Arrival in Yarensk.

10.20 Eexcursion to Museum of Local Lore of Yarensk. Here you will have a fun and useful time, visit three halls of the museum: the nature hall, the ethnographic hall, and the historical hall. Get acquainted with the northern flora and fauna, learn Interesting Facts about the history of ancient Yarensk and its famous inhabitants.

11.40 Game program with fairy-tale characters.

12.30 Lunch

13.00 Tour of the “Mother Winter Residence”. A real “Winter's Tale” will appear to your attention, because this is where Mother Winter lives! (Conducted with the participation of Mother Winter and (or) her assistants).

*Visit to the Craftsmen's Shop, where you can purchase various themed souvenirs and gifts, many of which are made by yourself.

15.00 Birthday performance “Mother Winter”.

* For an extra charge (100 rubles/person, 1 cheesecake for 2 people/1 hour), "Winter Fun" - skating with high mountain on cheesecakes.

17.00 Tea party from Mother Winter with pancakes with condensed milk in the Yarensk cafe.

*In the Culinary (nearby, in the café building) you can purchase delicious fresh Yarensky pastries for the trip or as a gift.

18.00 Group departure to Syktyvkar

Attention! For an additional fee (per 1 person):

Additional services


Photographing(1 camera)

Winter fun(cheesecake ride from the mountain)

100 RUR/1 cheesecake for 2 people for 1 hour

Gift from Mother Winter

50-250 rub/person.

The tour price includes:

  • Meals 2 times a day according to the program;
  • Transport services along the route Syktyvkar-Yarensk-Syktyvkar and according to the tour program;
  • Excursion services according to the program;
  • Group leader and guide services

Not included in the tour price and paid additionally:

  • Additional options not included in the main program, incl. according to the list of services in the above table;
  • Personal expenses

For organized children's groups, the cost of the tour is calculated individually!

according to all the parameters you stated

This cost is approximate.

A fairytale genealogy is written in Yarensk

Who invented Mother Winter? What do the children like most about her residence? Why do we need last year's dried snow? Leading methodologist of the Center for Folk Culture and Tourism of the Lensky District, Natalya Rocheva, talks about the secrets of the most famous brand of the Lensky district.

Birth of a legend

We started from scratch, with a clean slate. But there was a good team and faith that the tourism product we created would be in demand. Since people come to us, it means they are interested in it.

First, the project “Tales of the Lena Forest” appeared. In the familiar title of the waltz “Tales of the Vienna Woods” one could hear “Tales of the Lena Woods”. Father Frost lives next door to us in Veliky Ustyug. I suggested to my colleagues in the culture department: why shouldn’t Mother Winter live with us? Our winters are very cold! But this requires history, a legend, because people most willingly believe in fairy tales.

In the chronicle of the Transfiguration Cathedral, workers of the Yarensky Museum of Local Lore found the following entry for 1882: “On December 21 it was night at strong wind in the north there was a strong storm, such that the roofs of many houses were removed.” Note: this happened on the day of the winter solstice, which means it could well mark the birth of the beautiful Winter.

And then in the newspaper “Arguments and Facts” a small article “New Year’s Orphan” appeared: Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka are walking around Russia, but where is the mother? And we thought: why don’t we take this vacant position? So Mother Winter, the mother of the Snow Maiden, settled in Yarensk. And dad is Siverko, that’s what they call the north wind in Pomorie.

Now once a year, on Winter’s birthday, the whole snow family gathers in Yarensk: Father Frost and Blizzard, Winter and Siverko, Snow Maiden, uncles and aunties - Snowmen and Snow Women, nephews and nieces - Snowmen and Snowflakes. And in the fabulous Lena Forest live the helpers of Mother Winter: the expert on traditional medicine Baba Yaga, the keeper of the Lena rivers Vodyanaya, the keeper of the Lena swamps Kikimora, the owner of the Lena taiga Leshy.

Small steps and big ones

Today the project is already in its seventh year, and every day we take at least a small step forward! Of course, there were difficulties along the way, mistrust, and lack of funding. How can you create something from scratch? They began to enter competitions at various levels - municipal, regional, federal. And our projects began to win! The first sums were received, with which we restored the residence building and created the interior in the ancient house of the merchant Eshkilev in Yarensk.

With the first successes, people became interested. TOS "County City" and "Preobrazhensky Park" were created, which solve the problems of improvement, including the territory near the Winter residence.

Moreover, today an association of masters of folk crafts “Craftsmen of Mother Winter” has been created, and a souvenir shop has opened in the residence.

The trademark “Yarensk - the birthplace of Mother Winter” is registered with Rospatent. The Vologda confectionery factory produces candies “Yarensk - the birthplace of Winter.”

The project has also reached the region. In the village of Belopashino, our guests become participants in the “Belopashino Gatherings,” where everyone who goes to Mother Winter is greeted with folk songs and ancient games, and treated to pies from the Russian oven.

At the Winter residence, parents order programs for their children’s birthdays, and newlyweds order a fairy-tale wedding program.

With warmth and care

Why did we choose a fairy tale? The children's audience implies it. And we immediately wanted to do the project differently from Veliky Ustyug. There are more museum activities, we have more interactivity. We conduct master classes, games, holidays, and competitions.

We see the development of the project in its expansion into the territory of the entire region, so that each village has its own local history tourist highlight. There are great prospects for this in the villages of Irta and Kozmino.

We offer our programs for very modest prices. The Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper wrote about this, noting that Mother Winter is the most budget-friendly in terms of ticket prices. But the main thing we are proud of is that our guests are surprised and pleased by the very warm and attentive attitude towards them.

A creative team of like-minded people works at the Winter residence. Our specialists have an excellent feel for child psychology. We are trying to learn from the Kirov region (the “Flying Ship” project). We go to Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug.

Secrets of Mother Winter

How does the northern beauty surprise guests?

  • “Whoever sits on my snow throne and makes a wish will certainly come true, but there must be only one wish!”
  • In Mother’s refectory all the dishes are made of pure icy silver, and in the cellar she stores salted snowballs and pickled icicles.
  • In her bedchamber there is a bed with soft snow feather beds and winter pillows. Whichever one she chooses, the frost will be big or small.
  • Mistress Winter has hidden safes in her treasury that contain fabulous pearls and diamonds. She also has a magic necklace. If a kind person picks it up, it remains intact, but if an evil person, it runs through it like a stream.
  • To prevent Mother Winter from melting in the summer, she has a potion infused with water from the healing Lena springs. And what it’s seasoned with and why Mother needs last year’s dried snow - you’ll find out for yourself when you come to visit!


  • “Mother Winter” is an existing brand in the Lensky district and Yarensk. Tourists come from all over Russia, the main organized flow comes from the Komi Republic and the Arkhangelsk region. We welcomed guests from Israel, the USA, Germany, Belgium, Canada, France, Finland, as well as from neighboring countries.
  • The Snow Magician is invited to holidays and festivals: the birthday of Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug, the International Fairytale Games in Kirov. In 2013, Mother Winter traveled with the regional delegation to Norway and Iceland for a seminar on rural development. In 2014, Mother Winter, in the team of Father Frost, took part in the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. It is included in the federal project of Rostourism " Fairytale Russia" In 2018, a meeting of the expert council of the federal project took place in Yarensk.
  • Every year from December 1 to December 30, the festival “Tales of the Lena Forest” is held in Yarensk, dedicated to the day the birth of Winter, and on December 21 - the winter ball “Snowy Lace of Winter”.
  • The toy souvenir “Mother Winter’s Snowflake” took first place in the All-Russian competition of tourist souvenirs for the North-Western District in 2017. It was invented by local masters - Natalya Pivovarova, Tatyana Katunina, Liliya Korzhakova.
  • The project involves teams from the Yarensky Integrated Center for Continuing Education, the Yarensky Library, the Yarensky Museum of Local Lore, the consumer society "Yarenskoye", IP V. A. Lizunova, IP I. N. Peschinskaya, masters of folk arts and crafts of the Lensky district, the Komi Republic, the Vologda region .

Winter residence schedule

Monday is a day off. Tuesday - Friday - from 10.00 to 17.00,

break - from 13.00 to 14.00. Saturday - Sunday - from 10.00 to 16.00.

Phone: (81859) 5‑32‑56. Address: s. Yarensk, st. Dubinina, 1.