Lifeboat for 51 people. New generation of lifeboats

We live in a rapidly changing world, so when disasters occur, people rely more and more on science. Engineers and scientists all over the planet are constantly working to create the most modern life-saving equipment, the maritime industry does not go unnoticed.

Over the course of several millennia, many lives were saved thanks to the lifeboat, but its technological evolution was rather slow. Almost a hundred years after the sinking of the passenger ship, the ship is having difficulty evacuating passengers in the event of an emergency. Hundreds of passengers and crew members die trying to reach the lifeboats. People who find themselves trapped in a burning or tilting ship have to rely on intuition and their own strength.

Laboratory "SHEBA" (Ship Evacuation Behavior Assessment Facility)

The typical tourist does not have the skills to survive on a ship in distress, so for this purpose, the efforts of engineers from several leading companies " British Maritime Technology», « BMT Fleet Technology Limited», « Grandi Navi Veloci», « University of Greenwich" in 2005 developed a marine laboratory called " SHEBA» (Ship Evacuation Behavior Assessment Facility).

This marine laboratory is located far from open ocean, but the smoke-filled corridors and hydraulically tilted structure give the impression of a real emergency.

Marine laboratory "SHEBA"

Inside the installation " SHEBA» Passengers feel like they are on board a modern ship. The structure is equipped with video cameras and motion sensors. This allows operators to obtain information about people's behavior when evacuation from the ship. By assessing the speed and actions of people, scientists can guess how passengers behave on a ship in an emergency and determine the time of evacuation from the ship. The obtained experimental data are entered into a computer program called “ Sea exodus", which allows shipbuilders to virtually evaluate their project from the point of view salvation before you start creating it. Using the program, operators work through many scenarios emergency situations, and by highlighting the most dangerous ones, they establish the cause of their occurrence (blocking exits due to fires or flooding, due to flaws in the design of the vessel).

boat of the future "ResCube"

Today programs such as “ Sea exodus" are used when creating. However, even at the most modern liners passengers must cross several decks before reaching the evacuation deck. Today, being in, on passenger ships there can be up to 6,000 people, but in the near future this number will increase and developers of life-saving devices have to take care of amateurs.

« ResCube» is a system of marine lifeboats free fall, located vertically along the sides of the passenger ship, allowing passengers to enter from six decks at once. Life-saving device « ResCube"allows you to accommodate 330 passengers on board, and protect you from bad weather and deadly fire.

« ResCube"This is a completely new approach to saving passengers large ships. Passengers are accommodated in three rotating cylinders. During a rescue operation, the system rotates 90 degrees - this occurs due to gravity. Rescue weight lifeboats is more than 50 tons.

free fall boat

modern lifeboat

free fall boats

First life-saving equipment Freefalls were created specifically for oil and offshore platforms, as people in this industry are constantly faced with flammable gas and oil.

The free-fall lifeboat, hanging 16 meters above the water, is designed to eject the crew of cargo ships in case of danger. Life-saving device weighing 5.5 tons can be dropped from a height of 22 meters. The free-fall boat can take up to 44 people away from danger. Inside the boat, people are fastened and positioned with their backs facing the direction of travel.

A typical dinghy differs from a free-fall dinghy in that you first need to get into it, then you need to use a dinghy beam with a winch to launch it into the water. It descends to the water quite slowly, and fuel can still burn on the surface of the water. Many injuries can occur during descent, but a free-fall lifeboat eliminates all of this. This life-saving device will survive in the most difficult conditions.

The free-fall lifeboat is made of polyester fiberglass, a fire-resistant material that is resistant to the heat of a welding torch. As an additional protection, a water spray system is used, which will allow the team to survive from fuel burning in the water.

Drilling platforms are equipped lifeboats free fall, accommodating up to 90 people, which can be dropped from a height of up to 38 meters. Such reliable life-saving equipment is already available on many ships. They don't just add peace of mind, they will almost certainly help you avoid death in an emergency.

Our world is becoming faster and more dangerous, so humanity must make every effort to prevent tragedies at sea and modern maritime life-saving equipment increase our chances of surviving in an aggressive environment.

Collective ship life-saving appliances are means that can be used by a group of people and must provide reliable and safe rescue when the ship is listing up to 20° on any side and trim is 10°.

Boarding people into life-saving equipment and lowering them into the water in calm conditions should not exceed the following time:

  • 10 minutes - for cargo ships;
  • 30 minutes - for passenger and fishing vessels.

Lifeboats and life rafts, as a rule, must be stowed on the same deck; life rafts may be stowed one deck above or below the deck on which the lifeboats are installed.

A lifeboat is a boat capable of ensuring the preservation of the lives of people in distress from the moment they leave the ship (Fig. 1). It is this purpose that determines all the requirements for the design and supply of lifeboats.

The number of lifeboats on board a ship is determined by the area of ​​navigation, the type of ship and the number of people on board. Cargo ships with an unlimited navigation area are equipped with lifeboats that provide the entire crew on each side (100% + 100% = 200%). Passenger ships are equipped with lifeboats with a capacity of 50% of passengers and crew on each side (50% + 50% = 100%).

Rice. 1 Lifeboats of closed and open types

All lifeboats must:

  • have good stability and buoyancy reserve even when filled with water, high maneuverability;
  • ensure reliable self-righting to an even keel when capsizing;
  • have a mechanical engine with remote control from the wheelhouse;
  • be painted orange.

The lifeboat must be equipped with a compression ignition internal combustion engine:

  • the engine must run for at least 5 minutes from start-up in a cold state when the boat is out of the water;
  • the speed of the boat in calm water with a full complement of people and equipment must be at least 6 knots;
  • The fuel supply must be sufficient to operate the engine at full speed for 24 hours.

If the ship has partially enclosed lifeboats, then their lifeboats must be equipped with a toprik with at least two life-saving pendants attached to it.

The boat's buoyancy reserve is provided by air boxes - sealed compartments filled with air or foam, the volume of which is determined taking into account that the heads of people sitting in the boat are above the surface of the water, even if the boat is completely flooded.

Information about the capacity of the boat, as well as its main dimensions, is applied to its sides in the bow with indelible paint (Fig. 2), the name of the vessel, home port (in Latin letters) and the ship's number of the boat are also indicated there. The markings to identify the vessel to which the boat belongs and its number must be visible from above.

Along the perimeter of the boat, under the fender and on the deck, stripes of reflective material are glued. In the bow and stern parts, crosses made of reflective material are placed on the upper part of the closure.

Rice. 2 Lifeboat markings

An electric light bulb is installed inside the boat. A battery charge ensures operation for at least 12 hours. A signal light with a manual switch is installed on the top of the closure, giving a constant or flashing (50-70 flashes per minute) white light. A battery charge ensures operation for at least 12 hours.

Lifeboats for oil tankers have a fire-resistant design, are equipped with an irrigation system that ensures passage through continuously burning oil for 8 minutes, and a compressed air system that ensures the safety of people and the operation of engines for 10 minutes. The hulls of the boats are made of double hulls, they must have high strength, the deckhouse must provide all-round visibility, and the portholes must be made of fire-resistant glass.

To ensure the use of the boat by unqualified people (for example, passengers), instructions for starting and operating the engine must be provided in a clearly visible place near the engine controls, and the controls must be marked accordingly.

All lifeboats, rescue boats and launching appliances are visually inspected weekly to ensure they are always ready for use. The engines of all lifeboats and rescue boats must run for at least 3 minutes. Lifeboats, with the exception of free-fall boats, must be moved from their installation sites. The results of the inspection are recorded in the ship's log.

Every month, all lifeboats, with the exception of free-fall boats, fall out of their installation sites without people in the lifeboat. Supplies are checked to ensure they are complete and in good condition.

Each lifeboat, with the exception of free-fall boats, is launched and then maneuvered on the water with a designated control team at least once every 3 months.

In the stowed position, the boats are installed on davits (Fig. 3). The boat rests on one-sided keel blocks, which, to ensure a tighter fit of the boat to the keel blocks, are equipped with felt cushions covered with canvas. The boat is secured with lashings and hooks, which must be released before launching.

Rice. 3 Securing the lifeboat on board the ship

Preparing the boat for launching:

  • deliver to the boat the equipment and supplies necessary for survival after abandoning the ship: a portable VHF radio station and a radar transponder (Fig. 4), warm clothes, an additional supply of food and water, an additional supply of pyrotechnic signaling equipment;
  • spread the boat painters as far forward and aft as possible and securely fasten them to ship structures (bollards, cleats, etc.);
  • remove the landing deck railing;
  • prepare a storm ladder;
  • give away the lashings;
  • give away the davit stoppers.

Rice. 4 Radar transponder (SART) and portable VHF radios

The lifeboat must be equipped with a release valve, which is installed in the lower part of the bottom of the boat to release water. The valve automatically opens when the boat is out of the water, and automatically closes when the boat is afloat. When preparing the boat for launching, the valve must be closed with a cap or plug.

Boarding the boat. Depending on the design of the vessel, boarding the boats is carried out either at their installation sites, or after they are dumped and lowered to the landing deck (Fig. 5).

Boarding a lifeboat is carried out only by order of the commander of the lifeboat or another responsible person in the command staff. People board the boat, observing the order established by the captain of the boat. First of all, members of the launching team, assigned to assist in boarding the lifeboat and ensuring descent, enter the boat. Then people who need help landing cross: the wounded and sick, children, women, the elderly. The commander of the rescue vehicle takes his place last.

To board, you need to use the bow and stern hatches of the boat. The boat commander directs the placement of people so that their weight is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the boat. Those escaping must take their places in the boat, fasten their seat belts and follow the commander’s instructions.

To ensure the boarding of people using a storm ladder, each boat in the area where it is installed has a landing ladder, the strings of which are made of Manila cable with a thickness of at least 65 mm, and the balusters are made of hard wood measuring 480 x 115 x 25 mm. The upper end of the ladder must be secured in its normal place (under the boat), and the storm ladder itself must be rolled up, always ready for use.

Rice. 5 Boarding the crew and lowering the boat

Launching the boat. The boat falls out only under the influence of gravity and is carried out using boat hoists (Fig. 6). By command:

  • release the folding parts of the rotating keel blocks (if they are intended for installing the boat in a stowed position) and the lashings holding the boat;
  • release the davit stoppers, which protect against accidental lowering of the boat;
  • using the hand brake of the boat winch, they move the davits, take the boat overboard and lower it to the level of the landing deck;
  • fasten the running ends of the davits' davits, install the pulling device and, with its help, press the boat to the side;
  • choose a tight falini and secure them.

Uniform lifting of the bow and stern hoists is achieved by the fact that both loppers are attached to the drum of one boat winch (Fig. 7). The boat should be lowered so that it lands in the depression between the waves. When the boat is on the crest of the wave, you need to separate it from the hoists using the lifting hook control device.

Lopars are steel cables attached to the boat at its ends and passed to a winch, intended for lowering and raising the boat. Lopars must be periodically tested.

In order to exclude the possibility of lowering the boat until it falls completely overboard, the davit has a horn on which the shackle of the movable davit block is hung. The length and shape of the horn are chosen in such a way that the movable block falls from it only at the lower limit position of the dinghy beam.

The lowering of a boat on hoists can be controlled both from the deck of the ship and from the boat. This allows, under favorable weather conditions, not to leave a descent support team on board.

Rice. 6 Lowering the lifeboat: 1 - davit; 2 - Lapp; 3 - dinghies; 4 - painter Rice. 7 Boat winch

The lifeboat release mechanism is a device by which the lifeboat is connected to or released from the landing gear when being lowered or taken on board. It includes a hook block and a drive mechanism (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8 Disconnect devices

The mechanism must provide isolation in two ways: normal (without load) and under load:

  • normal - the hooks are released only when the boat is completely on the water, or when there is no load on the hooks, and manual separation of the davit shackle and the hook toe is not required. To prevent disconnection when there is a load on the hooks, a hydrostatic locking device is used (Fig. 9). When the boat is lifted from the water, the device automatically returns to its original position;
  • under load (emergency release) - the hooks are released by repeated, deliberate and prolonged actions, which must include the removal or bypassing of safety interlocking devices designed to prevent premature or unintentional release of the hooks. This method of overcoming blocking must have special mechanical protection.

Rice. 9 Lifeboat release mechanism with hydrostatic locking device

The crew members remaining on board the ship are lowered into the boat using a storm ladder, pendants with musings or a net. At this time, the boat is held at the side of the ship by painters.

After all people have boarded, you need to:

  • close all hatches from the inside and open the ventilation holes;
  • open the fuel tap and start the engine;
  • give the falini (as a last resort, they are cut with axes located at the ends of the boat), and the boat departs from the ship. It is recommended to keep the fali-ni, because... they may still be needed.

If lowering some of the life-saving equipment is impossible, the commanders of the lifeboats and rafts will organize the redistribution of people so that the remaining lifeboats and rafts are evenly loaded.

Supply of boats (Fig. 10). Each lifeboat must be equipped in accordance with the requirements of the International Convention SOLAS-74, including:

  • on rowing boats there is one floating oar per rower plus two spare and one steering oar, on motor boats there are four oars with oarlocks attached to the boat hull with pins (chains);
  • two release hooks;
  • a floating anchor with a cable equal to three times the length of the boat and a guy attached to the top of the anchor cone;
  • two painters no less than 15 meters long; two axes, one at each end of the boat for cutting painters when leaving the ship;
  • food ration and supply drinking water 3 liters for each;
  • a stainless steel ladle with a rod and a stainless steel graduated vessel;
  • fishing equipment;
  • signaling equipment: four red parachute flares, six red flares, two smoke bombs, an electric flashlight with a device for Morse code signaling in a waterproof design (with a set of spare batteries and a spare light bulb), one signal mirror - a heliograph - with instructions for its use , signal whistle or equivalent signaling device, tables of rescue signals;
  • a spotlight capable of continuous operation for 3 hours;
  • first aid kit, 6 seasickness tablets and one hygiene bag per person;
  • a folding knife attached to the boat by a pin, and three can openers;
  • manual drainage pump, two buckets and a ladle;
  • fire extinguisher for extinguishing burning oil;
  • a set of spare parts and tools for the engine;
  • radar reflector or ;
  • binnacle with compass;
  • individual thermal protective equipment in the amount of 10% of the passenger capacity of the boat (but not less than two).

Rice. 10 Lifeboat inside

Free fall boats (Fig. 11). The boat's hull has a more robust design and well-streamlined, smooth contours that prevent strong impacts when the boat enters the water. Since overloads occur when hitting the water, the boat is equipped with special chairs with shock-absorbing pads.

Rice. 11 Design of a free-fall boat

Before the boat leaves the ramp, the crew must securely secure themselves with seat belts and a special head restraint. Free fall lifeboats guarantee the safety of people when falling from a height of up to 20 meters.

Free fall boats are considered the most reliable life-saving device, ensuring the evacuation of people from a sinking ship under any weather conditions.

Rescue lifeboat (Fig. 12). This is a type of lifeboat designed for rescuing people from the water and for collecting lifeboats and rafts.

The advantage of a rescue boat is the speed and reliability of launching and re-boarding while underway in light seas. A powerful stationary or outboard motor provides a speed of at least 8 knots and allows you to quickly examine the area where a person fell overboard, lift him and deliver him to the side of the ship. The rescue boat is capable of performing rescue operations in stormy conditions and with limited visibility. The rescue boats are in constant readiness. The preparation and launching of the boat takes 5 minutes.

The boat provides space for transporting the rescued person in a supine position. The propeller is protected to prevent injury to people at sea.

Rice. 12 Rescue lifeboat

Life rafts

A life raft is a raft capable of ensuring the survival of people in distress from the moment they leave the ship (Fig. 13). Its design must be such as to withstand the influence of the environment afloat for at least 30 days under any hydrometeorological conditions.

Rafts are made with a capacity of at least 6 and usually up to 25 people (rafts with a capacity of up to 150 people can be found on passenger ships). The number of rafts is calculated in such a way that the total capacity of the life rafts available on each side is sufficient to accommodate 150% of the total number of people on board the ship.

Rice. 13 Installation of PSN on board the vessel

On ships where the distance from the bow or stern to the nearest raft exceeds 100 m, an additional raft must be installed. At least 2 vests and 2 wetsuits must be stored nearby, and there must also be landing aids on each side (on high-sided vessels - boarding ladders, on low-sided vessels - rescue pendants with musings).

The total mass of the liferaft, its container and equipment must not exceed 185 kg, unless the liferaft is intended to be launched by an approved launching device or is not required to be carried from side to side.

According to the method of delivery to the water, life rafts are divided into those launched by mechanical means (using rafts) and dropped. Launch rafts are installed mainly on passenger ships, since boarding in them is carried out at deck level, which is a great advantage when rescuing passengers who may find themselves in a wide variety of physical and mental conditions.

Due to their compactness, inflatable rafts (PSN - inflatable life raft) have become the most widespread.

The main elements of a life raft are (Fig. 14):

  • buoyancy chamber (provides buoyancy to the raft);
  • bottom - a waterproof element that provides insulation from cold water;
  • awning is a waterproof element that provides insulation of the space under the awning from heat and cold.

Rice. 14 Inflatable life raft

The buoyancy chamber of an inflatable raft consists of at least two independent compartments, so that if one compartment is damaged, the remaining compartments can provide positive freeboard and keep the regular number of people and supplies afloat. Typically, the compartments are arranged in rings, one above the other, which allows not only to provide sufficient buoyancy, but also to preserve the area to accommodate people if one compartment is damaged.

To ensure the possibility of maintaining working pressure in the compartments, valves are installed for manual pumping with a pump or bellows.

The problem of thermal insulation of the under-awning space is usually solved by installing an awning consisting of two layers of waterproof material with an air gap. The outer color of the awning is orange. To install an awning in inflatable rafts, arch-type supports are made that inflate automatically along with the buoyancy chamber. The height of the awning is made such that a person can be in a sitting position in any part of the space under the awning.

The awning should have:

  • at least one viewing window;
  • rainwater collection device;
  • radar reflector mounting device or SART;
  • stripes of white reflective material.

A signal light is installed on the top of the awning, which automatically turns on when the awning is opened. A battery charge ensures operation for at least 12 hours.

An internal light source with a manual switch is installed inside the raft, capable of continuously operating for at least 12 hours.

A lifeline is attached along the outer perimeter of the raft’s buoyancy chamber to help get to the entrance. A rescue rail is also installed along the inner perimeter to help keep people safe during a storm.

The entrances to life rafts are equipped with special devices that help people climb out of the water into the raft. At least one of the entrances must have a landing platform at water level. Entrances that are not equipped with a landing platform must have boarding ladders, the bottom step of which is at least 0.4 meters below the waterline.

On the bottom of the inflatable raft, pockets filled with water are installed around the perimeter. They are bags hanging down with holes in the top. The holes are made large enough so that within 25 seconds after the raft is in the open state on the water, the pockets are filled to at least 60%.

Pockets serve two functions:

  • provide stability, which is especially important during a storm, when the open raft is on the water without people;
  • the opened raft has a very large surface windage compared to the submerged part, which leads to strong wind drift. Pockets filled with water significantly reduce the wind drift of the raft.

To inflate the raft, a non-toxic gas cylinder is attached to its bottom, closed with a special launch valve, which opens when the launch line attached to it is pulled. When the start valve opens, gas fills the compartments within 1 - 3 minutes.

The length of the starting line is at least 15 meters. Start line:

  • used to open the valve on a gas cylinder;
  • used to hold the raft against the side of the ship.

Installation of PSN. On the ship, the PSN (inflatable life raft) is stored in a plastic container consisting of two halves, hermetically connected and secured with bandage tapes (Fig. 15).

The strength of the tapes, or the links connecting the ends of the tape, is calculated against rupture from the internal gas pressure when the raft is inflated.

The container with the raft is installed on a special frame, pressed to it with a lashing, wound on a recoil device.

Rice. 15 Scheme of fastening the PSN to the vessel: 1 - lashings; 2 - verb-hack; 3 - starting line; 4 - hydrostat; 5 - weak link; 6 − bandage tape

The launching device of life rafts must ensure the safe launching of the raft with a full complement of people and equipment at a list of up to 20° on any side and a trim of up to 10°.

Installing the raft provides two ways to release the lashings - manual and automatic.

To manually free the raft from the lashing, it is enough to remove the fixing link from the hook. There are devices in which the lashing is released by turning a special handle, as a result the pins holding the root ends of the lashing are pulled out. This device is used when several rafts are placed on one frame one after another. This design provides for both sequential release of rafts and release of all rafts by turning one handle.

To automatically release the raft when the vessel is submerged under water, a hydrostat is activated in the release device - a device that releases lashings at a depth of no more than 4 meters.

According to the principle of operation, hydrostats are of disconnecting type and cutting type.

In a cutting-type hydrostat, in the initial state, the spring-loaded knife is held by a locking pin mounted on a spring-loaded membrane (Fig. 16). The space above the membrane is hermetically sealed, so when immersed in water, the pressure begins to increase only under the membrane. The stiffness of the spring holding the membrane is calculated so that at a depth of up to 4 meters, external pressure will press the membrane and release the knife. The compressed spring of the knife, after being released, sharply straightens, and the blow of the knife cuts the rope loop holding the lashings.

Rice. 16 Cutting type hydrostat

Disconnecting type hydrostat (Fig. 17). The housings of disconnecting type hydrostats are quite varied, but they all use the mechanical principle of disconnection when a given pressure is reached on the sensing element. The body of this hydrostat is divided by a membrane into two chambers, one of which is sealed, and the second can receive water during immersion.

The release head, to which the lashing is attached, is held from the inside by a locking device mechanically connected to the membrane.

The stiffness of the spring holding the membrane is designed so that under water pressure the detachable hydrostat head will be released, which will lead to the release of the raft from the lashings.

Rice. 17 Design of a disconnecting type hydrostat

When the vessel is submerged, the container with the PSN floats up, and the launch line is pulled out of the container. The connection of the launching line to the vessel is carried out through a weak link. The tensile strength of the weak link is sufficient to pull the launch line out of the container and open the release valve. With further tension, the weak link breaks and the raft is released from its attachment to the side of the ship.

There are designs where the weak link is part of the root end of the starting line itself. The strength of the weak link is too small to hold the raft against the side in conditions strong wind and excitement. Therefore, when releasing manually, the first thing that needs to be done before releasing the lashings is to select a small section of the starting line from the container and securely tie it above the weak link to the structure of the vessel (isolate the weak link). If the launch line is not tied in an area of ​​normal strength, the raft will be torn off and carried away.

The weak link is visually easy to distinguish: it may be a thinner insert in the starting line or a cut in the line.

Launching and boarding life rafts

Brief instructions for bringing the raft into working condition and boarding it are placed on the raft container and near the installation site.

Before boarding an inflatable life raft, the raft commander removes knives, screwdrivers and other piercing and cutting objects from those escaping.

The procedure for launching the PSN into the water and landing in it involves the following actions:

  • free the lashings;
  • push the raft overboard. For a high-sided vessel, it is not recommended to release the raft when the list is over 15° from the side out of the water. In this case, jumping to the water without touching the side is unlikely, and sliding down a board that has come out of the water and is overgrown with shells can lead to serious injuries;
  • pull the starting line out of the container and pull strongly;
  • Pull the opened raft to the side and secure the line;
  • If the raft is opened with the bottom up, then there are special straps on the bottom of the raft, by holding them with your hands and resting your feet on the edge of the bottom, you can turn the raft over to its normal position. Since the raft has a large windage, before turning it over it must be turned so that it is on the leeward side. In this case, the wind will help turn the raft over;
  • move into the raft, trying to get into it dry;
  • you can jump onto the raft from a height of up to 4.5 meters if you are sure that there are no people in it;
  • you can go down the storm ladder;
  • you can go down the rescue pendant with musings;
  • you can jump into the water next to the raft, and then climb into the raft;
  • help other survivors get into the raft (use a rescue ring with a line from the raft’s emergency supplies).

After all those escaping are on the raft or in the water (Fig. 18), but holding on to the lifeline of the raft, it is necessary to move away from the sinking ship to safe distance, what you need:

  • cut off the starting line. The knife is in a pocket on the raft's awning at the point where the line is attached;
  • select sea anchor;
  • tighten the water pockets, for which you need to pull the pin, which is attached to the bottom of the pocket, then squeeze the water out of the pocket, press the pocket to the bottom and secure the pin in this state;
  • use emergency oars.

Rice. 18 In a life raft and on the water

Being near a vessel is dangerous for the following reasons:

  • the formation of a funnel when a vessel is submerged under water;
  • possibility of explosion in case of fire;
  • surfacing of large floating objects from a sinking ship;
  • the possibility of the vessel falling on board.

After retreating to a safe distance, all life-saving equipment must unite and remain in the place where the ship is lost. Combining life-saving equipment allows:

  • distribute people, water, food, etc. evenly;
  • use signaling means more rationally;
  • more rationally distribute human resources to perform work (watchkeeping, fishing, etc.).

The organization of the search and rescue operation will begin from the coordinates of the place where the ship was lost, therefore, to reduce wind drift, it is necessary to set floating anchors and lower water pockets.

Life raft equipment:

  • 2 floating oars;
  • drainage means: floating scoop and 2 sponges;
  • 2 floating anchors, one of which is permanently attached to the raft, and the second is a spare one. Immediately after deployment of the drop-type raft, the attached drogue deploys automatically;
  • special non-folding knife without a piercing part with a floating handle. The knife is in a pocket near the place where the launch line is attached to the raft;
  • a rescue ring with a floating line at least 30 meters long;
  • repair kit for repairing punctures: glue, plugs and clamps;
  • 3 can openers;
  • scissors;
  • hand pump or bellows for pumping up the raft;
  • canned drinking water at the rate of 1.5 liters per person;
  • food ration based on 10,000 kJ per person;
  • first aid kit;
  • seasickness tablets with a duration of action of at least 48 hours per person;
  • one hygiene bag per person;
  • fishing equipment;
  • heat protective agents in the amount of 10% of the estimated number of people, but not less than 2 units;
  • instructions for preserving life on life rafts.

Signaling means:

  • radar beacon - transponder (SART);
  • VHF portable radio;
  • 4 red parachute flares;
  • 6 red flares;
  • 2 floating smoke bombs;
  • electric waterproof flashlight;
  • signal mirror (heliograph) and signal whistle.

Auxiliary life-saving equipment

Storm ladders. A landing ladder must be provided at each descent point or at every two adjacent descent points. If another approved lifeboat or liferaft access device is installed at each lifeboat launching point, there must be at least one ladder on each side.

Marine evacuation system (MES) is a means for quickly moving people from the landing deck of a ship to lifeboats and rafts located on the water (Fig. 19).

The marine evacuation system is stored packed in a container. It must be installed by one person. Bringing it into working condition is similar to the actions with the PSN - dropping or launching; pulling and jerking the starting line; fastening on painters at the side.

The system consists of a guiding device such as an inflatable chute or ramp and an inflatable platform that functions as a floating pier. Having gone down the ramp to the platform, people move onto a raft or boat moored to it.

The full number of people for which the system is designed must be evacuated into life rafts from a passenger ship within 30 minutes from the moment the signal to abandon ship is given, and from a cargo ship - within 10 minutes.

In general, MES is not a mandatory life-saving device.

Rice. 19 Marine evacuation system

Line throwing devices (Fig. 20). Each vessel must have a line-throwing device that would ensure that the line is thrown with sufficient accuracy. The kit includes:

  • at least 4 rockets, each of which ensures throwing a line over a distance of at least 230 meters in calm weather;
  • at least 4 lines with a breaking force of at least 2 kN;
  • a gun or other device for launching a rocket.

Rice. 20 Line throwing devices

Suggested reading:

4.6 Fully enclosed lifeboats

4.6.1 Fully enclosed lifeboats must meet the requirements of section 4.4 and, in addition, the requirements of this section.

4.6.2 Closing

Every fully enclosed lifeboat must be equipped with a rigid watertight closure that completely encloses the lifeboat. The closure must be arranged to comply with the following provisions:

1 one must provide shelter for the occupants of the lifeboat;

2 access to the lifeboat must be provided by hatches that can be hermetically sealed;

3 access hatches, with the exception of lifeboats launched by free fall, must be located so that it is possible to lower and recover the boat without resorting to the exit of people from the closure;

4 access hatches must be capable of being opened and closed both from the outside and from the inside of the boat, and be equipped with reliable means to keep them in the open position;

5 with the exception of free-fall lifeboats, it must be capable of rowing;

6 it must be capable, with the hatches closed and without significant leaks, of maintaining afloat the total mass of the lifeboat with a full complement of people and equipment, including mechanisms, when the lifeboat is in an overturned position;

7 it should have windows or transparent panels allowing sufficient daylight to enter the lifeboat when the hatches are closed to eliminate the need for artificial lighting;

8 the outer surface of the closure must be of a clearly visible color, and the inner surface must be of a color that does not cause discomfort to people on the lifeboat;

9 it must be provided with handrails which can be securely held by persons moving outside the lifeboat and which can be used when boarding and disembarking persons;

10 people must be able to walk from the entrance to their seating areas without climbing over crossbars or other obstacles;

11 with the engine running and the entrances closed, the atmospheric pressure inside the lifeboat should in no circumstances be more than 20 hPa higher or lower than the external atmospheric pressure.

4.6.3 Capsizing the lifeboat and returning it to an upright position In lifeboats other than those launched by free fall, for each designated seat A seat belt must be provided. The harness must be designed to hold a person weighing 100 kg securely in place when the lifeboat is in the capsized position. Each set of seat belts should be a contrasting color compared to the belts of adjacent seats. Free-fall lifeboats must be provided with safety equipment for a person in each seat; it must also be of a contrasting color and of such design as to securely support a person weighing 100 kg both when the lifeboat is lowered and when the lifeboat is capsized. The stability of the lifeboat must be such that it can either spontaneously or automatically return to an upright position when loaded with all or part of its complement of persons and equipment, all entrances and openings watertightly sealed and persons secured by safety harnesses. In the event of damage specified in paragraph, the lifeboat must be able to maintain its full complement of persons and equipment afloat and its stability must be such that, in the event of capsizing, it will automatically assume a position allowing its occupants to escape. the boat through an entrance located above the water level. When the lifeboat is in a stable flooded state, the water level inside the hull, measured at the back of the seat, should not exceed 500 mm above the surface of the seat in any sitting position. Engine exhaust pipes, air ducts and other openings provided by the design of the lifeboat must be arranged so that when it capsizes and returns to an upright position, there is no possibility of water entering the engine.

4.6.4 Propulsion of the lifeboat Control of the engine and its transmission must be performed from the steering position. The engine and related equipment shall be capable of operating in any position while the lifeboat is capsizing and continuing to operate after the lifeboat has returned to the upright position, or to stop automatically when capsized and then be easily restarted when the lifeboat has returned to the upright position. The design of the fuel and lubrication systems shall prevent the possibility of engine fuel leakage and loss of more than 250 ml of lubricating oil during a capsize of the lifeboat. Air-cooled engines must have an air duct system for intake and exhaust of cooling air outside the lifeboat. Manually operated dampers shall be provided to allow cooling air to be drawn in from inside the lifeboat and discharged into an internal enclosed space.

4.6.5 Acceleration protection

Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph, a fully enclosed lifeboat, other than a free-fall lifeboat, shall be so constructed and provided with beams as to provide protection against dangerous accelerations resulting from an impact of at least 3.5 m/s when fully loaded. a set of people and supplies of the boat against the side of the ship.

Marine site Russia no

Collective ship life-saving appliances are means that can be used by a group of people and must provide reliable and safe rescue when the ship is listing up to 20° on any side and trim is 10°.

Boarding people into life-saving equipment and lowering them into the water in calm conditions should not exceed the following time:

10 minutes - for cargo ships;

30 minutes - for passenger and fishing vessels.

Lifeboats and liferafts should generally be stowed on the same deck, but liferafts may be stowed one deck above or below the deck on which the lifeboats are stowed.

A lifeboat is a boat capable of ensuring the survival of people in distress from the moment they leave the ship.

It is this purpose that determines all the requirements for the design and supply of lifeboats.

The number of lifeboats on board a ship is determined by the area of ​​navigation, the type of ship and the number of people on board. Cargo ships with an unlimited navigation area are equipped with lifeboats that provide the entire crew on each side (100% + 100% = 200%). Passenger ships are equipped with lifeboats with a capacity of 50% of passengers and crew on each side (50% + 50% = 100%).

All lifeboats must:

have good stability and buoyancy reserve even when filled with water, high maneuverability;

ensure reliable self-righting to an even keel when capsizing;

have a mechanical engine with remote control from the wheelhouse;

be painted orange.

The lifeboat must be equipped with a compression ignition internal combustion engine:

the engine must run for at least 5 minutes from start-up in a cold state when the boat

is out of water;

the speed of the boat in calm water with a full complement of people and equipment must be at least 6 knots; The fuel supply must be sufficient to operate the engine at full speed for 24 hours.

If the ship has partially enclosed lifeboats, their davits must be equipped with a toprik with at least two life pins attached to it.

The boat's buoyancy reserve is provided by air boxes - sealed compartments filled with air or foam, the volume of which is determined taking into account that the heads of people sitting in the boat are above the surface of the water, even if the boat is completely flooded.

Information about the capacity of the boat, as well as its main dimensions, is applied to its sides in the bow with indelible paint, the name of the vessel, home port (in Latin letters) and the ship's number of the boat are also indicated there. The markings to identify the vessel to which the boat belongs and its number must be visible from above.

Strips of reflective material are glued along the perimeter of the boat, under the fender and on the deck. In the bow and stern parts, crosses made of reflective material are placed on the upper part of the closure.

An electric light bulb is installed inside the boat. A battery charge ensures operation for at least 12 hours. A signal light with a manual switch is installed on the top of the closure, giving a constant or flashing (50-70 flashes per minute) white light.

A battery charge ensures operation for at least 12 hours.

Lifeboats for oil tankers have a fire-resistant design, are equipped with a spray system that provides passage through continuously burning oil for 8 minutes, and a compressed air system that ensures the safety of people and the operation of engines for 10 minutes.
The hulls of the boats are made of double hulls, they must have high strength, the deckhouse must provide all-round visibility, and the portholes are made of fire-resistant glass.

To ensure the use of the boat by unqualified people (for example, passengers), instructions for starting and operating the engine must be provided in a clearly visible place near the engine controls, and the controls must be marked accordingly.

All lifeboats, rescue boats and launching appliances are visually inspected weekly to ensure they are always ready for use.
The engines of all lifeboats and rescue boats must run for at least 3 minutes. Lifeboats, with the exception of free-fall boats, must be moved from their installation sites. The results of the inspection are recorded in the ship's log.

Every month, all lifeboats, with the exception of free-fall boats, fall out of their installation sites without people in the lifeboat. Supplies are checked to ensure they are complete and in good condition.

Each lifeboat, with the exception of free-fall lifeboats, is launched and then maneuvered on the water with a designated control team at least once every 3 months.

Boats launched by mechanical means are installed horizontally on both sides of the vessel. A davit is a device intended for storing a boat, having beams tilting over the side, used when lowering and raising the boat.

In the stowed position, the boats are installed on davits; for this purpose, the latter have one-sided keel blocks on which the boat rests. To ensure a tighter fit of the boat to the keel blocks, the latter are equipped with a felt cushion covered with canvas. The boat is secured with lashings, which must be released before launching.

Before lowering the boat you must first:

deliver to the boat the equipment and supplies necessary for survival after abandoning the ship:

a portable VHF radio station and a radar transponder beacon, warm clothes, an additional supply of food and water, an additional supply of pyrotechnic alarms;

remove the landing deck railing;

prepare a storm ladder;

give away the lashings;

give away the davit stoppers.

The lifeboat must be equipped with a release valve, which is installed in the lower part of the bottom of the boat to release water. The valve opens automatically when the boat is out of the water and automatically closes when the boat is afloat. When preparing the boat for launching, the valve must be closed with a cap or plug.
The boat falls out only under the influence of gravity and is carried out using boat hoists. Before starting the descent, the stopper on the davits is released and the hoist lever is smoothly released, for which the brake of the boat winch is gradually released. Uniform lifting of the bow and stern hoists is achieved by the fact that both lopars are attached to the drum of one boat winch. After the davit reaches its limit position, the vertical descent of the boat into the water begins.

Lopars are steel cables attached to the boat at its ends and carried to a winch, intended for lowering and raising the boat. Lopars must be periodically tested.

In order to exclude the possibility of lowering the boat until it falls completely overboard, the davit has a horn on which the shackle of the movable davit block is hung.
The length and shape of the horn are chosen in such a way that the movable block falls from it only at the lower limit position of the davit.

The lowering of a boat on hoists can be controlled both from the deck of the ship and from the boat. This allows, under favorable conditions, weather conditions do not leave a descent support team on board. After lowering the boat, the lower blocks of davits are laid out on the water.
It is very important, especially during waves, to lay out both blocks at the same time. For this purpose, the boats have hinged hooks with a common drive. In this case, the simultaneous release of both hooks is carried out by turning the drive handle.

1 – davit; 2 – Lapp; 3 – dinghies; 4 - painter.

Boarding of people is carried out using storm ladders

Boarding of people is carried out using storm ladders

While underway and in rough seas, boats are usually lowered with people. In this case, people are boarded either in a boat mounted on keel blocks, or after lowering the boat to the deck level from which it is most convenient to land.

Each boat in the area where it is installed has a landing ladder, the strings of which are made of Manila cable with a thickness of at least 65 mm, and the balusters are made of hard wood measuring 480x115x25 mm.

The upper end of the ladder must be fixed in its normal place (under the boat), and the storm ladder itself must be rolled up, always ready for use.

After the last person moves from the ship to the boat, the painters are freed (in extreme cases, they are cut with axes located at the ends of the boat), and the boat departs from the ship. It is recommended to preserve the falini, because... they may still be needed.

Boat supplies

Boat supplies

Each lifeboat must be equipped in accordance with the requirements of the International Convention SOLAS-74, including:

on rowing boats there is one floating oar per rower plus two spare and one steering oar, on motor boats there are four oars with oarlocks attached to the hull of the boat with pins (chains);

two release hooks;

a floating anchor with a cable equal to three times the length of the boat and a guy attached to the top of the anchor cone;

two painters no less than 15 meters long;

two axes, one at each end of the boat for cutting painters when leaving the ship;

food ration and supply of drinking water 3 liters per person;

a stainless steel ladle with a rod and a stainless steel graduated vessel;

fishing equipment.

Signaling means:

four red parachute flares, six red flares, two smoke bombs,

electric flashlight with Morse code signaling device in a waterproof design (with a set of spare batteries and a spare bulb),

one signal mirror,

Heliograph - with instructions for its use, signal whistle or equivalent signaling device, tables of rescue signals;

a spotlight capable of continuous operation for 3 hours;

first aid kit, 6 seasickness tablets and one hygiene bag per person;

a folding knife attached to the boat by a pin, and three can openers;

manual drainage pump, two buckets and a ladle;

fire extinguisher for extinguishing burning oil;

a set of spare parts and tools for the engine;

radar reflector or SART;

binnacle with compass;

personal thermal protective equipment in the amount of 10% of the passenger capacity of the boat (but not less than two).

Free fall boats

Free fall boats

The boat's hull has a more robust design and well-streamlined, smooth contours that prevent strong impacts when the boat enters the water. Since overloads occur when hitting the water, the boat is equipped with special chairs with shock-absorbing pads.

Before the boat leaves the ramp, the crew must securely secure themselves with seat belts and a special head restraint. Free fall lifeboats guarantee the safety of people when falling from a height of up to 20 meters.

Free-fall lifeboats are considered the most reliable life-saving means for evacuating people from a sinking ship in any weather conditions.

This is a type of lifeboat designed to rescue people from the water (fallen overboard or found at sea) and to recover lifeboats and rafts.

The advantage of a rescue boat is the speed and reliability of launching and re-boarding while underway in light seas. A powerful stationary or outboard motor allows you to quickly examine the area where a person has fallen overboard, lift him and deliver him to the side of the vessel.

The rescue boat is capable of performing rescue operations in stormy conditions and with limited visibility. Rescue boats are in constant readiness. The preparation and launching of the boat takes 5 minutes.

The boat provides space for transporting the rescued person in a supine position. The engine power provides a speed of at least 8 knots, and the fuel reserve is enough for 3 hours of full speed. The propeller is protected to prevent injury to people at sea.

The Free Fall Lifeboat (FFL) has the following features:

More robust design to withstand a drop onto water with a full complement of people and supplies from 1.3 times the approved height;

Entrance from the stern of the boat;

The lifeboat has a stern platform at waterline level for the purpose of extracting helpless persons from the sea;

The seats are special, with their backs facing the bow of the boat, with 3 fastening belts.

Another design of the ship disconnection system;

Sprinkler water irrigation system.

II. Rescue boats: design, equipment and their use

A rescue boat is a boat designed to rescue people in distress and collect lifeboats and rafts on the water.. (Clause 19 of Rule 3. Chapter III of SOLAS-74).

The rescue boat must accommodate at least five people in a sitting position and one in a lying position on a stretcher. The length of the rescue boat should range from 3.8 to 8.5 m. Boats that do not have sufficient sheer should have a bow cover extending at least 15% of their length. There are lifelines attached outside and inside the boat.

The buoyancy of an inflated rescue boat should be provided either by one buoyancy tube divided into at least five isolated compartments of approximately equal volume, or by two separate tubes, the volume of each of which should not exceed 60% of their total volume. In the event of damage to any one compartment, the remaining compartments must ensure that the number of people weighing 75 kg each, seated in a normal position, is intended to be accommodated on the boat. At the same time, positive freeboard must be maintained along the entire perimeter of the boat.

Each buoyancy compartment is equipped with a non-return valve for manual inflation and deflation, as well as a safety valve.

Reinforced strips are provided on the lower surface of the bottom and in other vulnerable places of the inflated boat.

Strips of reflective material are applied to the surface of the rescue boat in the same way as on a lifeboat.

The rescue boat must be equipped with an inboard engine or an outboard motor. Gasoline outboard engine fuel tanks must be specially protected from fire and explosion. The engine must ensure maneuvering of the boat at speeds up to 6 knots for at least 4 hours.

The lifeboat must be equipped with a buoyant line of at least 50 m in length, of sufficient strength to tow the largest life raft on board, loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment, at a speed of at least 2 knots.

The rescue boat should be positioned so as to be in a state of constant readiness for launching within no more than 5 minutes. The inflated rescue boat must be kept fully inflated at all times.

The launching device for rescue boats must be equipped with mechanically driven winches with sufficient power to lift the boat out of the water with the full number of people and equipment.

A lifeboat may be a rescue boat provided it satisfies the requirements for rescue boats

The lifeboat is used as a rescue device when a person falls overboard. And can only be used effectively when each crew member has a thorough knowledge of the operation and maintenance of the boat. Only regular training and drills allow you to achieve mastery and experience, which are extremely important in a real “man overboard” situation. And the second important point for safety is regular maintenance of the boat in order to always have it in trouble-free condition.

Brief characteristics of a rigid rescue boat.

The boat has positive stability, even when filled with water, it is unsinkable and self-righting. Designed for rescue purposes and for collecting life rafts and towing them in the event of a ship sinking. Capable of accommodating up to 6 people on two transverse cans or 1 person on a stretcher on the floor, then the remaining five people on cans. The boat is made of reinforced fiberglass.

Length - 4.40m (with motor - 4.90m)

Width - 1.75m (with fenders - 1.80m)

Height - 0.75m (with raised motor - 1.58m)

Weight with equipment - 1,000kg

Speed ​​- minimum 6 knots

Speed ​​when towing a life raft for 25 people - minimum 2 knots

The equipment and fittings of the boat are made of corrosion-resistant materials. The most important piece of equipment is the boat lifting device. The boat is lowered using one sling. Switching on/off the boat's release mechanism is controlled from inside the boat. On the tank there is a hook with a lever for recoil of the painter. The boat is propelled by a TOHATSU M 18E EPL outboard motor with 18 hp. Fuel tanks with a capacity of 2 x 22.7 liters guarantee 4 hours of engine operation at a speed of 6 knots. The motor is equipped with automatic and manual start. 12 volt DC power is supplied from 57 or 60 amp batteries. The batteries are charged from the ship's network through an outlet in the boat. A portable search light can also be powered from this outlet. The navigation light is powered from a separate socket (the light is located on a removable mast).

LSA Code Requirements to this type of boats

(Chapter V from 118-128):

Be hard, puffy, or a combination of these;

Have sufficient mobility and maneuverability in rough seas to rescue people in the water, collect life rafts and tow the largest life raft available on the ship, loaded with a full set of people and equipment or its equivalent replacement, at a speed of at least 2 knots (per on passenger ships, the boat must collect no more than 6 life rafts on the water and no more than 9 rafts on ships making short international voyages);

Be no less than 3.8 and no more than 8.5 m long;

Provide seating for 5 people and one person lying down on a stretcher. Apart from the helmsman, everyone can be placed on the bottom floor, but not on the fender, transom or on the side buoyancy tubes;

If there is insufficient sheerness, have the bow closed for 15% of the length of the boat;

Be able to maneuver at a speed of 6 knots and maintain this speed for at least 4 hours;

Be equipped with a stationary engine or outboard engine, including a gasoline engine with an approved fuel system, if the fuel tanks are specifically protected from fire or explosion;

Have permanent towing arrangements of sufficient strength to collect or tow life rafts;

Equipped with an effective means of pumping out water or be self-draining;

Equipped with sea-tight devices for storing small supplies;

Rigid rescue boats must meet the requirements for lifeboats specified in paragraphs 4.4.1 to,,,, and 4.4.9.

Requirements for fast rescue boats on ro-ro passenger ships (circular letter MSC/Cirs 809 dated 29 May 1997):

The design of the boat can be rigid, inflated or a combination type, have a hull length of at least 6 m and no more than 8 m, including inflatable structures;

The boat crew must consist of 3 people (the helmsman and two other crew members)

The design of the boat must meet the requirements of a rigid rescue boat (except for paragraphs,,,,, of the LSA Code);

The boat and its launch control must ensure the safe lowering and ascent of the boat under adverse weather and sea conditions;

The boat must be self-righting or easily repairable by the efforts of 2 people on its crew;

The boat must be self-draining or have the ability to quickly get rid of water;

A rigid boat must be such that, suspended from the lifting point, it has sufficient strength to withstand a load of 4 times its mass, with a full complement of people and equipment, without permanent deformation;

The boat must be controlled from the helmsman's position by a wheel separate from the tiller and be provided with an emergency control system for the rudder, jet or outboard engine;

The boat's engine must be stopped automatically or by the helmsman using an emergency switch in the event of the boat capsizing. When the boat is returned to its normal position, the engine or motor should be able to start, provided that the emergency switch, if fitted, is returned to the operating position;

The design of fuel and lubrication systems must prevent the release of more than 250 ml of fuel or oil in the event of capsizing of the boat;

If possible, the boat should be equipped with a fixed, easily and safely controlled single-point suspension device or equivalent;

The boat must have a hands-free and waterproof VHF radio kit;

A fully equipped lifeboat must be capable of maneuvering for at least 4 hours at a speed of at least 20 knots in calm water with a crew of 3 people and at a speed of at least 8 knots with a full complement of people and equipment.

Placement of rescue boats on ships.

Design of an inflated rescue boat.

1. Frame– a buoyancy chamber made of multilayer rubberized fabric, divided by sealed partitions into 5 autonomous compartments with a safety valve and an inflation valve for each and two pockets for lines.

2. Nasal closure with a zipper for 15% of the boat's length

3. Soft bottom with inflatable keelson to add greyness

4. Wooden transom(rear wall of the boat) for mounting an outboard motor with a release valve and two brackets for attaching a painter and a towing line

5. Five payols (spacers) installed between the buoyancy chamber and the bottom for bottom rigidity

6. Two aluminum stringers (corners), laid inside along the sides of the boat to ensure a rigid longitudinal connection of the floorboards.

7. Three cans(seats for the boat crew).

Equipment of an inflated rescue boat

1. Outboard motor with gas tank– to create movement of the boat.

2. Two handles on the starboard side of the boat– to return the boat to its original position after capsizing

3. External rescue lifeline with slacks- to keep people on the water

4. Internal lifeline with slacks– to support people in the boat

5. Ladder, attached to the front can (seat) - for lifting people from the water and lowered from any side

6. Bow and stern towing devices– for attaching painters and towing lines.

7. Protective awning– to protect the boat from direct exposure to sunlight and precipitation.

8. Compass(on the middle bank) – to determine the course of the boat

9. Two oars with oarlocks and a hook– for moving and maneuvering the boat when the engine is not running.

10. Top fire(on the transom near the starboard side) with a stand and power source - to indicate the boat at night.

11. Radar reflector(on the transom at the port side) with a stand for detecting the boat by radar.

12. Slinging device(4 slings with a single-point suspension earring) – for lowering the boat by gravity and lifting it by electric drive or manual drive.

Position of people in the boat

The boat is designed for 6 people, one of whom can lie on the floor on a stretcher. Crew members in the boat should be accommodated as follows:

    3 people on the stern bank

    3 people on the front bank (two people on the sides facing backwards, and one person in the center facing forward as the boat moves)

    In the case of transporting the injured person: three people on the stern bank, two on the front, the victim on a stretcher with his feet in the bow of the boat. So that the victim can lie on a stretcher

you need to move the nose cup slightly.

    Lifeboat supplies

The lifeboat equipment includes means of operating the raft or lifeboat, life support equipment and means of signaling and attracting attention. Supplies must be stowed so as not to interfere with abandon ship activities.



A) Means ensuring the survival of people.

1. Fresh water in waterproof containers for 1 person

2. Food ration for 1 person with at least calories

3. Stainless steel ladle with pin.

4. Stainless steel graduated drinking vessel

5. First aid kit medical care with instructions

6. Medicines for seasickness per person

7. Hygiene package for 1 person

8. Set of fishing accessories

9. Can openers.

10. Heat protectants for 10% of people or

11. A folding knife attached to the boat with a pin

12. Rescue rings with a floating line at least 30 m long

13. Instructions for saving life

B. Means ensuring the operation of the boat

1. Floating oars to provide propulsion in calm waters

Sufficient quantity

2. Release hooks

3. Floating scoop

5. Floating anchor with drect and niral.

6. Falini is 2 times the distance from the installation site of the boat to the waterline at minimum draft or 15 m

7. Axes at the ends of the boat

8. Hand pump for a non-self-draining boat

9. A set of tools for making minor adjustments to the internal combustion engine and related devices.

10. Portable fire extinguisher suitable for extinguishing oil fires.

B. Means of signaling and attracting attention.

1. Luminous or illuminated compass

2. Parachute rockets

3. Flares

4. Floating smoke bombs

5. Waterproof electric lantern, suitable for Morse code signaling.

6. Signal mirror with instructions (heliograph)

7. Table of rescue signals, copy

8. Whistle or equivalent sound signal

9. A spotlight with a horizontal and vertical beam sector of at least 6°, a light intensity of 2500 cd, capable of continuously glowing for at least 3 hours.

10. Radar reflector, if the boat does not have a radar transponder installed.

Note: Free-fall lifeboats are not equipped with buoyant oars.

The lifeboat is equipped with a spotlight that provides effective illumination at night of a light-colored object 18 m wide at a distance of 180 m for at least 3 hours.