The most beautiful airport in the world. The most beautiful airports in the world

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Hurrying to catch a flight or a taxi, we pay little attention to the airport vaults surrounding us. We are in a hurry to grab our seat on the plane or head to the city center to enjoy the sights or drink a cup of coffee. We would like, nevertheless, to draw your attention to the grandiose architecture that was created the best designers and the architects of the world. When will you pass passport control or checking in your luggage - look around and appreciate the beauty that surrounds you. Today on the agenda are 7 of the most beautiful airports in the world.

Barajas Airport, Madrid (Terminal 4), Spain

Initially, the fourth terminal was conceived to relieve congestion from the other three terminals. No frills in architecture were even expected. But the project was taken up by two people for whom creativity came first. This is Richard Rogers, who built the Pompidou Center in Paris and the Lloyd's building in London, as well as Antonio Lamela, who contributed his hand and talent to the building of the Colon Tower in Madrid.

The two of them decided that building an ordinary terminal was not at all interesting, so in order to make the fourth terminal unusual, they painted it in all the colors of the rainbow. In addition, they chose lightweight glass, through which very soft and warm light penetrates the building.

The undulating roof, covered with bamboo, is supported by colorful pylons. During construction, architects consulted with psychologists on how to make sure that while in a room, a person’s tension and discomfort would disappear.

As a result, visual effects have become the element that calms nervous passengers and puts them in a positive mood. More than 35 million passengers pass through Terminal 4 every year, and almost everyone says they feel at home under the walls of Barajas.

international Airport Beijing (Terminal 3), China

Knowing the Chinese love for the color red and dragons, one could safely assume that the new third terminal International airport will represent a kind of synthesis of these two key elements of Chinese culture. The architects created their “Gateway to China” in the form of a large hidden dragon, which seems to be about to awaken. An incredible structure of glass and metal was created on the roof, which is located at a special angle, due to which the light entering the room is refracted and divided into red and yellow spectra.

This was done not only for beauty, but each color helps passengers navigate the terminal without looking at the monitors. The terminal is oriented north-south to help newly arrived passengers find their way, and the skylight system is oriented southeast to increase the presence of daylight.

In China, passport control is quite serious, which stretches over several stages, so few people pay attention to what is over their heads. If you're lucky enough to be in Beijing, take 15 minutes to explore Terminal 3. It's worth it.

Carrasco International Airport, Montevideo, Uruguay

Built by the famous Uruguayan architect Rafael Viñoly, the airport's design echoes that of New York JFK airport. The departure hall is designed as a single open space, reminiscent in spirit of old European train stations, with a terrace on the upper level, which offers a beautiful view of the runway.

The wide curved roof of the terminal building, stretching 400 meters along the building, is made of glass, allows an abundance of sunlight into the premises and emphasizes the impressive scale of the structure, which has become national symbol Uruguay.

The smooth curve and lower profile of the airport's monolithic roof are said to be inspired by the dunes along coastline countries.

Incheon International Airport, Seoul, South Korea

Incheon is annually included in the rankings of the best airports in the world, because it is not only convenient, it is also incredibly beautiful. The airport infrastructure is developed in such a way that one can only envy: golf courses, casinos, massage rooms, winter gardens, bedrooms and much more.

The entire roof is made in the shape of arches of traditional Korean temples, all terminals are decorated with Korean elements that tell the story of the existence of this country. The airport is especially proud of its various gardens - there are 9 of them. Waterfalls, flowers and original architecture give passengers the opportunity to find themselves for some time in a place where problems and worries are forgotten.

More than 10 famous designers worked on the overall design of the airport, and despite their different views, they managed to create an incredible architectural project that not only fascinates, but also inspires various achievements.

Kansai Airport, Osaka, Japan

Opened in 1994 Kansai International Airport became one of the largest buildings in the world. Designed to serve the cities of Osaka and Kyoto, it takes its name from the ancient word "kansai" ("west of the border").

The complex is located on artificial island 5 km long and 3 km wide in Osaka Bay. The main building of the complex is its only four-story terminal, designed by the famous Italian architect Renzo Piano. Everything was designed so that the building could withstand typhoons and earthquakes, which is why it is shaped like an airplane fuselage.

Until now, this is the only airport located at sea. Moreover, he, along with the Great Chinese wall can be seen from space.

John F. Kennedy Airport (TWA Terminal), New York, USA

TWA terminal- the former TWA terminal, whose full name is “Trans World Airlines”, was opened in 1962. Designed by Finnish-American architect Eero Saarinen, it looked like an abstract symbol of flight and was nicknamed the “winged gull.”

Over time, the terminal required reconstruction, which was successfully completed in 2008. Trans World Flight Center is real expressionism in architecture, or rather its post-war revival.

The entire building consists entirely of curves, streamlined shapes and smooth transitions from one to another. This gives the rather massive concrete structure a feeling of weightlessness and flight. The internal volume is even more unusual than the external shape of the building. There are no clear edges or walls here, but everything seems to flow from one to another, symbolizing constant movement.

The terminal is now closed. You can get inside only by attending some event under the auspices of the city hall. You can view it from all sides only from the roof of the parking lot where the AirTrain station is located or from a train carriage.

Denver International Airport, USA

Denver International Airport was opened in 1995, despite the fact that there was already a major airport Stapleton. 4 billion dollars were spent on its creation. This is a truly convenient and comfortable airport, somewhat reminiscent of a village with white tents. A specially developed Teflon roof coating helps retain solar heat in winter. In addition, this building topped the list of the most sustainable buildings in the world.

But the airport attracts not only with its smooth and curved lines. Many believe that an underground shelter has been built under the airport, which is connected to American bases located 120 miles from the airport.

Rumor has it that 2 billion was spent on the granite floor in the building. The airport's creators say the floor pattern echoes the roof design and subtly supports the flow of passengers as they walk smoothly across the granite floor.

Pay attention to paintings, mysterious signs and inscriptions in known and unknown languages, on the walls, floors, and strange artifacts located inside and outside the building.

And if we really go deeper into conspiracy theories, then look at the location of the runways on the maps. Don't they remind you of anything?

Modern airports are distinguished not only by functionality and ease of use, but also by beauty, memorability, unusualness and splendor.

Beijing International Airport, Terminal 3, China.

An incredible mesh of glass and metal has been built on the roof of the airport, and the entrance is a two-kilometer gateway to China, which resembles a giant dragon lurking at the edge of the airfield.

One of the terminals at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York

This futuristic (even for our days) facility was commissioned back in 1962. The building's design was intended to reflect the concept of flight - the concrete roof of the exterior simulates the flight of a bird with two massive "wings".
At the end of 2008, after reconstruction, the graceful terminal resumed its work.

Saint Exupery Airport, Lyon, France

The magnificent building resembles a bird in flight with its wings spread. It was renamed Saint-Exupéry Airport in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the famous French writer and pilot. Accepts about 8.5 million passengers annually.

Denver International Airport, Denver, USA

Snow-white roofs in the form of wigwams are visible from afar. The airport is the largest in the USA and the second largest in the world, covering an area of ​​140 km2.

Incheon International Airport

The airport building reflects cultural characteristics South Korea- The front part of the roof imitates a traditional Korean temple, and the arrival hall is lined with ancient Korean artifacts. There are two parks on the territory where you can stroll and relax.

Dubai International Airport, Dubai, UAE

The airport greets its passengers in an unusual and beautiful way - there is a forest of palm trees here. The airport serves more than 50 million passengers annually and is an important transport hub in the Middle East and Africa.

Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Elongated columns supporting geometric shapes on the ceiling give the airport a special, futuristic look. The airport project was developed by Japanese architect Kisho Kurokawa in collaboration with a Malaysian company.

The largest airport in Central Asia is Ashgabat, Turmenistan

A new $2.3 billion airport has opened in the capital of Turkmenistan. Huge complex in the form of a falcon is capable of carrying about 1,600 people per hour, because about a hundred facilities have been built on its territory, including two runways, a 72-meter control tower, a cargo terminal and a pilot training center.

Marrakech Menara Airport, Marrakech, Morocco

The airport combines modern and traditional Islamic architecture - massive reinforced concrete openings are decorated with Arabic patterns on glass inserts that create intricate shadows inside the terminal. A special feature is the 72 located on the roof solar panels, generating electricity for the needs of the building.

Airport named after Heydar Aliyev. Baku, Azerbaijan

The airport building, which looks like a UFO, has previously attracted a lot of attention, but today it often finds itself on the list of the most unusual airport terminals thanks to the new terminal - its huge building with an area of ​​65 thousand square meters from a height resembles a bird spreading its wings in flight, or a huge plane taking off over the runway.

Chek Lap Kok Airport, Hong Kong.

The airport has often won international awards, such as best airport peace. The success and popularity of the airport is ensured by the comfortable express train going directly to the city center and the 12-lane highway leading to the airport, as well as the fact that it is easy for passengers to navigate it.

Chhatrapati Shivaji Airport, Mumbai

The new terminal of the Chhatrapati Shivaji Airport in Mumbai, India, was built due to the fact that the old one could no longer cope with passenger traffic. Today it can handle 40 million passengers a year. The architects proposed a rather interesting compact option for the distribution of departure waiting areas: they are located in two arcs on both sides of the terminal building.


Where does a world traveler's route begin? Of course, from the airport. Here tourists can spend long hours waiting for their flight. We invite you to see what the most beautiful airports world - this is the very case when waiting for a delayed flight is not tiring, but visually pleasant.

  • Dubai Airport, United Arab Emirates

Dubai Airport, United Arab Emirates ©

Dubai International Airport is the largest in the country and, perhaps, the most beautiful not only in the Middle East, but throughout the world. The most modern technologies were used during the construction of the airport. And its design is so beautiful and unusual that you can spend hours walking around the airport, looking at every detail. The airport has several luxurious gardens with huge trees and fish ponds. You can cross them on bridges.

  • Barajas Airport, Terminal 4, Madrid, Spain

Barajas Airport, Terminal 4, Madrid, Spain ©

The fourth terminal of this Spanish airport is still completely new, as it was opened only in 2008. But thanks to him, Barajas has already taken its rightful place among the largest and most beautiful airports in the world. The terminal's capacity is up to 35 thousand people per year. Its space is huge, and thanks to the high arches there is a feeling of freedom - they do not put pressure on a person. And bright colors create a positive atmosphere. We advise everyone who is planning a trip to Madrid to plunge into this huge rainbow.

  • Changi Airport, Singapore

Changi Airport, Singapore ©

Singaporeans themselves call Changi Airport the country's Golden Gate. And they don't seem to be exaggerating. The excellent combination of modern design with soft sofas, carpets and beautiful plants makes this airport in Singapore very cozy and one of the most beautiful in the world. And also like a huge shopping mall.

  • Carrasco Airport, Montevideo, Uruguay

Carrasco Airport, Montevideo, Uruguay ©

At first glance, the architecture of the airport in the capital of Uruguay may seem simple to some. But once you look closely, you begin to understand the meaning of this simplicity. Just as a child’s drawing can be very non-standard, so can an arched architectural solution Carrasco Airport attracts with its unusual solution. Thanks to the airport's 400-meter glass dome, the huge space is filled with natural light.

  • Marrakech Menara Airport, Morocco

Marrakech Menara Airport, Morocco ©

At Marrakech Menara Airport, the creators managed to harmoniously combine modern technologies and trends with traditional Islamic architecture. Massive rhombuses, the hollow planes of which are filled with beautiful oriental patterns that cast an original openwork shadow.

  • Kuala Lumpur Airport, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur Airport, Malaysia ©

This bright and unusual airport was designed by Japanese architect Kisho Kurokawa. However, the architecture has a traditional Malaysian style. The “feature” of the airport can be called the cone-shaped support towers. And in the evenings they are very beautifully illuminated from the inside.

  • Ronald Reagan Airport, Washington, USA

Ronald Reagan Airport, Washington, USA ©

As beautiful as this airport in the US capital is, it is also inconvenient. At least, that's what the pilots who fly into Ronald Reagan Airport think so. The fact is that air space The airport is very limited, and there are too many government buildings around. All this makes the fit so difficult that it can be compared to a futile attempt to thread a thick thread into a tiny eye of a needle. But tourists really like Ronald Reagan Airport - there are several platforms in Washington from which you can watch huge planes land every minute.

I have visited more than a hundred different airports in the world - from small sheds on the outskirts of the world to huge air cities of the largest metropolises. But nowhere have I received such aesthetic satisfaction as in Baku. I could say that it’s worth coming to Baku even just to look at the airport, but I’m too in love with this beautiful city, so today I’m just inviting you to the Museum of Contemporary Art... Which is actually just an airport!

The airport in Baku cannot be directly compared with Dubai or Singapore, the scale and traffic are not the same, there are no swimming pools or butterfly gardens, for example, but an atmosphere has been created here in which waiting for a flight is so cozy and comfortable, and the arrival is accompanied by surprise at what you see! I already wrote on my Facebook that the two most beautiful airports are located in two diametrically opposite points in Europe - Terminal 4 of Barajas Airport in Madrid and Heydar Aliyev Airport in Baku, today we will walk through the second with you.

Outside new terminal in Baku looks in the spirit of most modern airports: a mix of geometricity, futurism and high-tech materials - concrete, glass and metal. Inside, Turkish architectural studio Autoban was inspired by oriental hospitality and created a lively and unusual interior with wooden cocoon elements.

The terminal itself is relatively small. At the same time, it now looks underutilized, so there are reserves of capacity here.
The new complex is capable of serving 6 million passengers per year, its area is 65 thousand square meters.

The airport has 4 floors and a spacious entrance hall:

The first floor serves departing passengers and baggage collection for arriving passengers. The second floor of the complex is provided for arriving passengers. Here is located border control, control of aviation security of transit passengers, issuance of visas, as well as rest areas for arriving passengers.

There is even a makdacha, but going there in Azerbaijan is blasphemy! This is a country of gastronomic orgasm with amazing (but not always healthy) cuisine.

The construction contractor was MAPA and the equipment supplier was SITA. WAAGNER-BIRO designed and built the building's façade, and Woods Bagot architects and Buro Happold engineers installed structural and seismic systems. AUTOBAN created the interior design, VANDERLANDE created the luggage management system, CAVAG supplied the passenger access platforms and telescopic bridges, and SCHINDLER supplied the elevators and escalators.

On the third floor, intended for the departure of passengers, customs and border control are carried out. There are shops on this floor Duty free and a cafe.
One of the few airports where there is no compromise between clean and dirty areas - it is equally comfortable for those greeting and departing on a trip.

The four floors of the building at all levels are entwined from the inside with structures of a kind of “cocoons” made of oak veneer, and the architects hid cafes, bars, and shopping kiosks in the Salam Lounges business area on the top floor in wooden hemispheres.

Just a coffee shop, but how cozy it is here on the second floor!

There is carpet in the arrivals and departure areas and, accordingly, it is quiet and soft. This does not happen very often - in Singapore, Delhi, and partly in Hong Kong.

There is no terrace overlooking the platform in Baku, but there is a cafe with panoramic windows:

The base carrier is the national airline AZAL. A classic airline with 4 stars in the SkyTrax rating, on par with Lufthansa, for example. I have flown with them several times and have always been absolutely delighted! Now the company has introduced differentiation of tariff policy and budget tariffs in some directions, for example Moscow and Istanbul.

I visited the airline and will devote the next few reports to interesting stories about their fleet, the girls, the service on board and, most importantly, the planes! After all, this is the first airline in the post-Soviet space to have two Dreamliners in its fleet!
And in total there are 25 aircraft in the AZAL fleet, average age The company's aircraft fleet is 9 years old.

These are the spectacular ladies who rule air traffic Here!
More about this next time :)

Welcome to Baku!
Haven't been here yet?! Be sure to come! A beautiful city for a weekend at any time of the year. Here are all my reports from Baku.

To be continued...

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04/19/2018 at 11:03 · Johnny · 630

10 most beautiful airports in the world where you want to linger

An airport is a public place associated with a huge concentration of people and equipment. Therefore, the terminal building must first and foremost meet practicality standards. But what if your imagination does not want to be limited by the strict corridors and gray, soulless elements of the air terminal infrastructure? Well, then welcome aboard! After all, this very minute we are just leaving for big Adventure to the most beautiful airports in the world. Let's go where practicality and modernity in the best possible way combined with architectural art. Let's begin!

10. Beijing International Airport (China)

Unofficially, this airport is called the “Gateway to China.” Beautiful, is not it? The execution itself is no less impressive. Harbour Air. In addition to the configuration of the giant dragon, the Beijing aircraft pier is famous for something else. The fact is that during the construction of the airport, a unique roofing technology was used. The complex multi-level roof is made of metal and glass; in fact, it is a kind of grid that refracts the sun's rays in a special way. The result is a very spectacular spectacle - the ceiling of the airport in clear weather turns into a scattering of rays of the yellow and red spectrum.

9. Madrid-Barajas Airport (Spain)

We set off for sunny Spain, where we are given a landing at Madrid-Barajas airport. Here, too, while waiting for the plane you can get aesthetic pleasure - again, it’s the roof of the terminal building. The holes in it are distributed in a special way, which is why the light is refracted and amazingly scattered throughout the airport. The roof itself is trimmed with bamboo, and is supported by bright yellow pylons of an unusual shape. As a result, a unique atmosphere of harmony and tranquility is created in the building - exactly what is needed in a crowded and hectic airport.

8. Kansai International Airport (Japan)

Of course, our list also includes one of the most unusual airports peace. The fact is that the Japanese air port of Kansai is located... in the middle of the white sea! The Japanese built the airport on an artificial island specially built for this purpose, and the complex is not afraid of any typhoon. Kansai attracts attention not only because of its location, because the airport is symbolically shaped like an airplane wing. And if you believe the legend, then the air pier off the coast of Osaka can even be observed from space, like the famous Wall of China.

7. Heydar Aliyev Airport in Baku (Azerbaijan)

There was also a place in our rating for a berth in the post-Soviet space. However, the aircraft harbor in Baku will be the only one featured here. And, of course, unique. The ultra-modern design of Heydar Aliyev Airport attracts the eyes of thousands of tourists every day. Elegant curves of the building's exterior, amazing in beauty interior decoration, as well as special hexagonal openings on the roof for the penetration of natural light, make the air pier a real work of art. There are even trees inside, as well as infrastructure facilities decorated in the national style.

6. Marrakesh Menara Airport (Morocco)

Each airport on our list today is not only beautiful in its own way, but also unique. For example, air gate Marrakesh Menaras represent an amazing combination of modern technology and the spirit of antiquity that permeates the city. If you don’t know that there is an airport in front of you, then you will never guess in your life, because the aircraft pier is made in the form of a real palace! Inside, the terminal is filled with high-tech equipment and illuminations, but at the same time all decorative elements pay tribute to the centuries-old traditions of Morocco. Fantastic spectacle!

5. Chhatrapati Shivaji Airport (Mumbai)

For reference and clarity: Chhatrapati Shivaji is a national hero of India, who in the 17th century organized a rebellion against Muslim dominance and domination (which was crowned with success).

As for the airport named after him, we see a building with luxurious decoration - this is a kind of national trait of the Indians. The pylons under the roof with luxurious illumination, made in the form of columns with the so-called “peacock tail” (closer to the ceiling there is a smooth but noticeable expansion of the pylon), deserve special attention. Of course, the airport is the calling card not only of Mumbai, but of the entire country.

4. Incheon Airport (South Korea)

Seoul Incheon Airport has been open for only 17 years, but from the very first day of operation it has firmly settled in the lists of the most beautiful aircraft berths in the world. However, looking at the complex, you understand that the Korean miracle of engineering will not give up its position any time soon. The roof of the airport is made using arches traditional to Korean culture. Inside, there is complete harmony of modern infrastructure (there is a casino, winter gardens and even a golf course) with the centuries-old history of South Korea, which is reminiscent of various finishing elements and decorative items made in the national style.

3. Wellington Airport (New Zealand)

This is not an airport, but the subject of a contemporary art exhibition! Yes, that happens. It would seem that the strict and practical terminal building cannot contain something in the spirit of “out of the ordinary”. But that was not the case, because a team of engineers with great imagination got down to business. As a result, the terminals externally resemble huge, lightly hewn stones. Inside, the airport halls look like real caves - the acute-angled multi-level roof is responsible for this. Well, real fantasy was happening in Wellington in 2004, when, as part of the presentation of “The Lord of the Rings,” giant figures of Gollum appeared inside and outside.

2. Dubai Airport (UAE)

You must understand that when it comes to the beauty and spectacularity of architecture, somewhere around there is a representative United Arab Emirates. Dubai International Airport is a kind of heart of the Asian and African regions in terms of air transport. Its terminals look luxurious, as expected in the Emirates. Ultra-modern finishing technologies and unusual materials create a fantastic atmosphere, and a whole scattering of infrastructure facilities (hotel, shopping center and health complex) add practicality. The “dessert” of the beauty of the Dubai airport is rightfully considered to be a real palm forest.

1. Chek Lap Kok Airport (Hong Kong)

The name, which is extremely unusual to our eyes, hides an incredibly beautiful and functional Chinese airport. You may not find chic decoration, figured pylons and national decorative elements here, but Chek Lap Kok is beautiful in its own way. The infrastructure here is perfectly adjusted, allowing passengers to go through all the necessary procedures as comfortably as possible. Imagine, an express train will easily take you straight from the airport to the city! And yet the terminal does have an aesthetic component - a unique wave-shaped roof. There is a belief that it is its configuration that prevents even the most inattentive and tired travelers from getting lost at the airport.

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