What happened to a Russian tourist in the Dominican Republic. Death at a resort: Russian tourists in Turkey were attacked by a pestilence

Tourists from the Russian Federation like to rest on a "grand scale", with the obligatory All Inclusive, sea, sun and all services for 5 points, and to make it cheaper. It is because of this that Turkey has been, is and will be one of the most popular and budgetary vacation destinations.

However, it is in Turkey that some problems constantly arise: the Coxsackie virus, earthquakes, mass poisoning, fraudulent tour operators and even hotels in which cockroaches run on buffets, and the staff at the reception is cursing at the guests.

The high mortality rate of Russian tourists in Turkey is also an open and timely question. Timely because the "high season" is now in full swing, and millions of Russians are vacationing in hot resorts.

So, over the past month, there have been several deaths with vacationers in Turkey. Some time ago, the Turkish province of Cappadocia collapsed balloon with tourists. As a result of the fall, one person died and 20 were injured. Also, recently the media reported that Russian tourist Andrei Ogorodnikov was found dead in Antalya. At the moment, all the circumstances of the man's death are being investigated.

At the end of August, the website of the Zvezda TV channel reported that a 6-year-old child had died in Turkey after being hit by a driver in a zebra crossing, and about the death of a tourist who crashed after falling from a hotel balcony.

In total, according to approximate statistics, at least 10 Russians die in Turkey every month.

Why and why Russian tourists die in Turkish resorts, the website of the Zvezda TV channel was explained by the director of the association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism "Tourpomosch", Alexander Osaulenko:

“A large number of deaths occur for two reasons. First: much more Russians travel to Turkey than to other destinations. Secondly, there, according to the "all inclusive" system, each person literally allows himself to break away. People simply lose the line when they are not in their own environment. It must be remembered that liters of free alcohol are psychologically corrupting, which is why there are many deaths, ”Osaulenko says.

Indeed, due to the lack of a sense of the human "edge", situations on vacation often take a bad turn.

Sources at the Russian Embassy in Turkey also told the Zvezda TV website about the conflict cases that occur on the territory of the resorts due to the notorious lack of a sense of proportion.

“Yes, there are indeed many cases, different. Someone fights, someone in a drunken state conflicts with the police, there are also deaths. We are constantly working with this, ”- said the source.

The website of the TV channel "Zvezda" contacted the chairman of the Russian society of Antalya, Marina Sorokina, who also noted the problems of Russian tourists with alcohol.

“Regarding deaths due to alcohol ... yes, there are such cases, summer, heat, if consumed in unlimited quantities, then you can earn a stroke. Neither the Germans nor the British have such problems. But there are also pluses now, the "road situation" is leveling out, the state allocates two guides for trips and more professional drivers for excursions, "Sorokina says.

Tatyana Demeneva, an independent expert on tourism and resorts, expressed her opinion to the Zvezda TV channel's website about why mortality is increasing every year in hot Turkish resorts.

“It all depends on the ratio of tourists. Not to say that Turkey is a bad resort, on the contrary, the value for money is pleasing. But it is important to understand that the more tourists, the more deaths. The same situation is in Thailand and in other countries, where there are most of our vacationers, ”the expert said.

At the moment, employees of the two main departments for monitoring various cases with tourists - Rosturizm and Rospotrebnadzor, are paying increased attention to Turkish resorts... The reason for this is the Coxsackie virus, from which 50 children have already fallen ill in Surgut, and a lot of complaints received by the departments about this.

In the past two months in Turkey, for unknown reasons, there has been a sharp increase in the appearance of news of injuries and deaths. Russian tourists.

Trouble began at the end of July. 36-year-old Oksana Astafieva, where she rested with her husband. Likely cause death became an asthma attack. Then 47-year-old Tatyana Logvinova did not return home from vacation. The woman died in one of the Turkish hotels from a heart attack.

On the same day, Turkish media spread information about the death of a tourist from Russia Alexei Nikitin. He fell from the 4th floor of the hotel in the resort of Side.

On September 22, Dmitry Makarov, a 31-year-old citizen of Russia, choked on water and drowned while swimming in a hotel pool in the Side area. The Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Antalya confirmed his death.

Today, 12 Russian tourists were injured in an accident in Antalya: the driver of one of Vehicle lost control, as a result of which he rammed a bus with vacationers, the radio station "Moscow Says" reports. According to preliminary data, the alleged culprit of the accident died.

Even without taking into account the many hundreds of Russians who fell ill with the Coxsackie virus, the number of deaths and injuries goes to dozens, which does not fit into the idea of ​​"isolated cases".

A Russian citizen, a resident of Rostov-on-Don, awaits trial in Vietnam Maria Dapirka... We are already talking about the most difficult situation in which the girl found herself accused of transporting a large consignment of drugs. According to Vietnamese law, the girl faces the death penalty, which was scheduled for the last days of August.

Drug courier or victim of a set-up?

Recall that exactly three years ago, 28-year-old (at that time) Maria Dapirka was detained at the airport in the Vietnamese city of Ho Chi Minh. Customs officers found 2.78 kg of cocaine in her bag. The girl herself claims that she is not to blame for transporting a large consignment of drugs, but her boyfriend, a young man from Nigeria, framed her. They met at one of the resorts in Thailand, where Dapirka worked as a guide for more than a year. The man introduced himself as a football player, a relationship began, and then he asked the girl to carry a bag, the contents of which the Russian woman, according to her, had no idea about.

Vietnam's laws are harsh. For transporting such a consignment of drugs, the death penalty is unambiguously imposed. However, the relatives still have the hope that Maria, at least, will not be executed. Three years have passed, during which the young Rostov woman is in a Vietnamese prison.

On August 30, 2017, a court hearing in the city of Ho Chi Minh was supposed to take place, at which the Russian woman was awaiting a verdict. However, a little later, the Consul General Russian Federation Alexey Popov reported that the case was sent for further investigation. A statement about this was written by the girl's Vietnamese lawyer. Firstly, in the case materials, as it turned out, there are no exact data on the amount of cocaine that was transported in Maria's belongings, and secondly, there is no evidence that the girl was aware of the consignment of drugs transported in her belongings.

Relatives and outsiders who sympathize with her consider Maria Dapirka a victim of the Nigerian drug mafia. It was to her that he belonged Chib Eze- the girl's boyfriend. True, he seemed to her Nick... It is known that the Nigerian drug mafia has long specialized in "setting up" with the participation of girls. If they are lucky, the girls manage to transport dangerous goods, no - so the mafia immediately "winds up", and the unfortunate ladies are left to await the trial on charges of drug trafficking.

Brother of Maria Dapirka Vadim Dapirka says that this is not the first time the trial of his sister has been postponed. The verdict was awaited in March of this year, but then the investigation of the case was delayed again. All this time, Maria is in the most terrible state and does not know what to expect. But even in such a situation, the girl, according to her brother, does not lose her composure and tries to benefit even from being in the cell - she does yoga, handicrafts. A very serious disadvantage is that relatives and friends cannot call and meet with Maria - only lawyers and representatives of the consulate can communicate with her.

Asia is the most dangerous place for drug dealers

It is known that in the countries of Eastern and South-East Asia there are very tough laws against drug traffickers. For a long time, drug addiction has been a terrible problem for the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. One can recall the famous Opium Wars in China in the 19th century, the "golden triangle" at the junction of the borders of Thailand, Laos and Myanmar, which for a long time was considered the main epicenter of the spread of heroin. For a number of peoples of the mountainous Indochina, the cultivation of the opium poppy is a traditional occupation. Now even the American special services are involved in projects for the “retraining” of peasants from the national minorities of Myanmar and Thailand to grow other types of crops, for example, tea.

Drug traffickers in the Philippines, whose president Rodrigo Duterte was repeatedly accused by human rights activists of organizing extrajudicial killings of drug traffickers and even ordinary drug addicts. There are no extrajudicial killings in Vietnam, Thailand, China, Singapore, but the court sentences are very harsh. So, at the end of 2009, a British citizen was executed in China Akmal Sheikh, who was accused of transporting 4 kilograms of heroin. The Sheikh waited for his fate for two years and yet was executed by injecting poison. Neither the appeals of the British leadership, nor the requests of relatives and friends, nor the statements of the international community helped. For the Chinese justice system, the fight against the drug mafia is a matter of principle.

Will Russians be in "special favor" in Vietnam?

Vietnam also remains among the world leaders in the number of death sentences imposed in the country. From August 6, 2013 to June 30, 2016, 426 people were executed in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The death penalty is used for a very impressive list of crimes, ranging from murder to economic crimes and even crimes against family and marriage. In total, until recently, Vietnamese legislation provided for the death penalty for 29 types of crimes. In the list of "mortal" crimes - and drug smuggling.

Transporting cocaine or heroin is punishable in Vietnam by either 20 years' imprisonment, life imprisonment, or death. Moreover, the nature of the sentence is left to the discretion of the court. True, in 2015, amendments were made to the Criminal Code of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, which affected a number of articles for which the death penalty was previously imposed. Among them are the possession and purchase of drugs. However, it is not yet clear how the situation with Maria Dapirka, who was detained before the amendments to the SRV Criminal Code were adopted.

However, the hope remains that Vietnam, which has always been characterized by good relations with Russia, will show leniency towards the Russian citizen. For example, in neighboring China, Russians are also trying not to be sentenced to death penalty... Russia also has a special relationship with Vietnam, especially since many Vietnamese perceive Russians differently from the citizens of the United States and Western countries. And Maria is not a hardened criminal or drug dealer, but a naive young woman who fell for her lover - a swindler.

By the way, at the beginning of 2017, another young Russian, 26 years old Alexander Savin, who was also accused of transporting a large consignment of cocaine, was sentenced to 18 years in prison. He also claimed that he was framed, but the Vietnamese court did not believe this version. However, they did not sentence the Russian to death - they limited themselves to 18 years in prison. Considering that the attitude towards women is more condescending, we can assume a shorter period for Maria Dapirka.

As the lawyer told the Free Press Vladimir Postaniuk The Criminal Code of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam provides for very harsh penalties for drug trafficking and, especially, for drug smuggling. P. b h. 4 tbsp. 194 of the Criminal Code of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam states that illegal possession, transportation (transportation), sale or purchase of heroin or cocaine weighing 100 grams or more is punishable by 20 years' imprisonment, life imprisonment or the death penalty. In Vietnam, the execution of a court sentence on the death penalty was carried out through firing squad, and only since 2011 the firing squad was replaced by a lethal injection.

"SP": - What do the sanctions for crimes in the sphere of drug trafficking depend on in Vietnam?

As a rule, the sanctions mainly depend on the type of drug crime and on the mass of the drug itself. For example, for the cultivation of drugs, on average, it is assumed from 6 months. up to 3 years of imprisonment, with aggravating circumstances of 3-7 years; for manufacturing - from 2 to 7 years, with aggravating circumstances from 7 to 15 years in prison. For the storage, sale, transportation and purchase of drugs in a given country, the sanctions are the most severe: depending on the type of drug, as well as its weight, punishment is provided in the form of imprisonment for a period of 7-20 years, life imprisonment or capital punishment - the death penalty ...

"SP": - That is, the girl has a chance to replace the death penalty with another type of punishment?

As we can see, the sanction in this legal norm is an alternative one, which implies the choice of one type of punishment from several. Thus, specifically in our case, there is a possibility that the girl will escape the death penalty, but in any case she will be forced to serve a sentence of imprisonment - either twenty years or life imprisonment. The verdict of the court will largely depend on the clarification of the factual circumstances of the case and evidence of the fact that the girl acted without intent, and moreover, she was completely unaware of what was happening.

"SP": - Is the detention of Maria Dapirka in Vietnam the only example of the arrest of Russians in the countries of Southeast Asia with large consignments of drugs? Or were there similar examples? How did the criminal cases against other Russians end?

Unfortunately, there are many examples of bringing citizens of the Russian Federation to criminal responsibility for drug-related crimes in other countries. For example, in 2015 in Thailand, a Russian citizen Diana Batishcheva became a victim of Nigerian drug traffickers. However, in a Thai court, she managed to prove that she did not know about the drugs stored in her belongings and in 2016 she was released. In China, at least seven Russians have been convicted on drug-related cases. It should be noted that this year, in Bali, a citizen of the Russian Federation Roman Kalashnikov managed to avoid the death penalty, but he still has to serve a sentence of imprisonment. As we can see, the practice of prosecuting crimes in the sphere of the use and smuggling of narcotic substances, in most countries, is not particularly positive and foreign citizen(including a citizen of the Russian Federation) is not protected in any way from possible imprisonment or even the death penalty. Therefore, you should always be aware of the price that will have to be paid for committing this type of crime and be extremely prudent, especially when traveling.

The residents of the hotel in the popular resort of Hurghada in Egypt were attacked with a knife, two Ukrainian tourists were killed. This attack was reported by Egyptian Interior Ministry on Facebook around five pm on Friday, July 14th. Later, this information was denied, saying that it was not the Ukrainians who died, but the Germans.

Four more tourists were injured. The motive of the attacker is unknown, he is detained and is giving evidence.

Information about the nationalities of the dead and wounded is contradictory and changed throughout the day.

All the details of the attack in Hurghada:

Three versions of the reasons for the attack are considered - a terrorist attack, a domestic quarrel and a mental illness of the attacker.

According to the first version of the media, he is an ISIS member, speaks German and communicated with foreigners before the attack.

According to the second, his attack could have been the result of a domestic quarrel, in which two women allegedly participated - from Egypt and Ukraine. After her, the husband of the offended Egyptian woman attacked the offender and her acquaintances with a knife.

The third version is that the attacker suffered from a mental illness and was not aware of what he was doing.

On the morning of July 15, the Egyptian media wrote the name of the attacker on tourists in Hurghada - this is 28-year-old Abderrahman Shaaban Abderrahman Badawi. According to local media reports, the perpetrator professed the ideology of ISIS and may belong to them. During interrogation, he said that he "lived according to the laws of Sharia."

As of 21:20, it was confirmed that two of the wounded were citizens of Armenia.

- Fresh data from the Egyptian authorities: the two dead tourists are not Ukrainians, as previously reported, but Germans... And two of the four victims are Czech citizens.

According to eyewitnesses, the attacker is 25 years old, he is tall. After the attack, he called someone on mobile phone and asked to pick it up. After that he entered the sea and swam, but the police on a boat prevented him from leaving the coast, he returned to the beach, where he was detained by the hotel guards.

He chose foreigners as his goal. "Get away from me, I don't need the Egyptians, I'm not looking for you," one of the vacationers quoted the attacker as saying.

Ukrainian Ambassador to Egypt Gennady Latiy did not confirm the death of Ukrainians in Egypt. "According to our information, two people were killed. According to our information, they can be citizens of either Germany or Armenia," he said.

Also, according to him, a woman was wounded, Elena Mikhailenko, who was born in Ukraine, but is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

And the terrorist attack, the ambassador noted, was committed by three people, and in two hotels - Zahabia and Sunny Days El Palacio.

Photo of the hotel where the tragedy occurred:

Sunny Days El Palacio hotel in Hurghada, where tourists were attacked (photo: Diaa elhadidi on Facebook)

The Al-Watan newspaper writes that the attacker randomly stabbed the tourists who were nearby.

According to the publication Ahl Masr, the offender suffers from a mental illness.

Judging by the photo, the attack took place at the four-star Sunny Days El Palacio hotel.

Assassin from Hurghada

Scary photos are already online:

Photos from the scene of the attack in Hurghada appeared on Twitter

Egypt hotel attack (Daily Mirror)

As of the evening of July 14, it was reported that among the wounded there were one Russian woman, one Polish woman and two Serbs. The Russian woman has several stab wounds, but her life is out of danger. According to the Consul General of the Russian Federation, this woman has Ukrainian and Russian citizenship.

The Egyptian Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that the attacker sailed to the hotel from a nearby public beach. According to AP, he was arrested immediately after the attack.

Injured tourists tourists were taken to a local hospital.

Literally on the eve of the tragedy, the recommendation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to citizens and India was spread in connection with the security threats in these countries.

Also on the morning of July 14, a checkpoint was attacked in Cairo, killing five Egyptian police officers.

V Dominican Republic a Russian tourist, a native of Chelyabinsk region, which in some panties from a swimsuit leaned out of the car window. The girl reportedly flew headlong into a roadside sign at speed. This moment was captured on video.

The tragedy happened on October 10 on the highway leading to Punta Cana airport. The girl, along with her companion driving, swaggered in the car, showing her lush breasts at the camera. Ukrainian Ivanna Boyrachuk was driving the KiaPicanto.

At times the tourist leaned out of the window up to her waist, posed and did not follow the road. At the moment when she is simply blown out of the car window, the recording ends. It is not clear from the video what the victim faced. Most likely it was a roadside sign. Although some sources write that it was a bus.

The passport data of the deceased appeared on Facebook - Natalya Borisovna Borodina, 35 years old. The entry is accompanied by a request for additional information about it. The woman was taken to the hospital, but the doctors were unable to save her because of the very serious injuries she received.

Internet users write that the girl's relatives are aware of what happened.

The hospital reports that death was due to severe head injury.