The largest waterfalls in the world. Incredible waterfalls of the world

I present to you a selection of waterfalls, striking in their power and height, surrounded by the pristine beauty of wild landscapes. One vacation photo with any of these creations of nature in the background - and your life has not been lived in vain.
It is impossible to deny that waterfalls are one of the most beautiful natural phenomena. Crystal streams of water that fall with a roar from a dizzying height, breaking up and playing in the rays of the sun are a truly mesmerizing sight, especially against the backdrop of steep cliffs and picturesque meadows. Any waterfall represents power and grandeur, but there are such specimens in the world that you can admire for hours.
Tugela, South Africa

Tugela Falls is the second largest in the world. It is located in South Africa, in the royal national park. The height of the waterfall is 411 meters.
Iguazu, Argentina

This waterfall, located on the border of Brazil and Argentina, is considered one of the most powerful in the world. In fact, Iguazu is not one waterfall, but a whole system of 275 waterfalls ranging in height from 60 to 80 meters and a length of about 3 kilometers. The largest waterfall is a U-shaped natural formation called the "Devil's Throat" by the Spanish conquistadors.
Yosemite, waterfall in Yosemite National Park, USA

This waterfall can be admired in California, in the national park of the same name. Yosemite is one of the highest waterfalls in the world - 739 meters. Interestingly, in winter the waterfall almost “calms down”, and in spring and summer it reaches its maximum extent. The national park is also known for its rocks, which the most desperate extreme sports enthusiasts try to conquer.
Angel Falls, Venezuela

Angel is the most high waterfall in the world. Its height is 979 meters, which is 15 times greater than the height of the famous Niagara. The waterfall is located in Venezuela, in the Canaima National Park, and every year thousands of tourists come to the country to see this miracle of nature with their own eyes, and risky BASE jumpers even jump from it. The waterfall is named after the American aviator Jimmy Angel, who, flying over Venezuela, noticed this waterfall from above and revealed it to the whole world.
Waterfalls of Kauai Island, Hawaii

Kauai is the oldest of the main Hawaiian Islands, which arose 6 million years ago. Huge amounts of precipitation contribute to the formation of deep canyons with many waterfalls. The Guinness Book of Records records rain that lasted on this island for 247 days without a break, from August 27, 1993 to April 30, 1994.
Niagara Falls, USA

Niagara Falls in the northeastern United States is one of the most powerful in the world - about 2.8 million liters of water per second falls from a height of 53 meters. Tourists love Niagara Falls because it is relatively easy to get to and view from all sides.
Victoria, South Africa

Victoria Falls is also called the Thundering Smoke of Africa because of the unimaginable roar emitted by thousands of liters of water falling every second into the white abyss of the water haze they raise. Victoria is one of the giant waterfalls; its height is 108 meters. to his official name The waterfall is indebted to David Livingstone, an explorer from Scotland. He visited here in 1855 and was so delighted with the beauty and power of the waterfall that he named it after the queen.
Gocta, Peru

Gocta is the world's fifth largest waterfall, located in Peru. Its height is 771 meters. Incredible, but true: the world learned about this waterfall only in 2005, and before that only the aborigines admired its beauty.
Sutherland, New Zealand

There is a waterfall in New Zealand called Sutherland. It is located on Yuzhny Island and is considered one of the most beautiful and mysterious waterfalls in the world. Getting to the waterfall is not easy, but it's worth it - a narrow stream of water flying from a height of 580 meters, surrounded by dense greenery and rocks, is a fantastic sight!
Kaieteur, Guyana

This natural wonder is hidden in the rainforests of Guyana, a country in South America. Kaieteur is one of the largest waterfalls in the world. Its height is about 226 meters. For a long time Only local residents knew about this waterfall, but in 1870 it was accidentally discovered by an English geologist. Getting to the waterfall is quite difficult, but this does not stop the flow of tourists who want to see Kaieteur with their own eyes.
Vinnufossen, Norway

The Norwegian waterfall Vinnufossen is the highest in Europe (860 meters). Falling from a great height, the water splits into four streams, which makes the waterfall even more beautiful.
Dettifoss, Iceland

The Icelandic waterfall Dettifoss is the most powerful in Europe. Its height is about 40 meters, and its power is about 200 cubic meters of water per second. The waterfall is surrounded beautiful rocks, gorges and lakes and is very popular with both local residents, and among tourists.
Inga, Congo

Inga Waterfall is part of famous waterfalls Livingston in the Congo. This is one of the largest and powerful waterfalls in the world. Its height is 96 meters.
Rovijoki, Norway

Rovijoki waterfall in the Norwegian town of Skibotn, famous primarily for its astrophysical observatory, which is the northernmost observatory in the world.
Salto del Laja, Chile

Salto del Laja is a picturesque 35-meter waterfall in Chile, which is often called the pearl of this country.
Zhenzhutan, China

The Zhenzhutan Waterfall in the Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve in China is irresistible in its pristine beauty. At the top of the rock there is a threshold, against which its waters hit, forming many smaller waterfalls, and with rapid jets it flows down like real water pearls.
Rideau, Canada

Frozen Rideau Falls in Ottawa, Canada. The name of the waterfalls was given by Samuel de Champlain in 1613, for whom the appearance of falling water resembled a curtain (rideau - curtain, French). Later, the Rideau River was named after the falls, and many other objects in Ottawa were named after it.

Today our journey will take place across the most the most beautiful places of our planet - waterfalls. These are truly the most picturesque places, looking at which you immediately want to be next to them and enjoy the divine beauty of these places. Admire:

10. Sutherland Falls, New Zealand

Photo 10. Sutherland Falls, national park Fiordland []

Sutherland Falls is located in Fiordland National Park and is one of the tallest waterfalls in New Zealand. The height of Sutherland Falls is 580 meters.

9. Dettifoss Waterfall, Iceland

Photo 9. Dettifoss waterfall in northeastern Iceland on the Jökulsau á Fjödlum river []

Dettifoss Waterfall is located in Jökulsárgljúfur National Park. This is the most powerful waterfall in Europe. The width of the waterfall is approximately 100 meters, and its height reaches 44 meters. Dettifos can be seen in the film “Prometheus” (Ridley Scott).

8. Gullfoss Waterfall, Iceland

Photo 7. Gullfoss - a huge, stunning waterfall []

Gullfoss waterfall is located in the southwest of Iceland in the canyon of the Hvita River. Gullfoss means “Golden Falls” and is one of the most unique waterfalls in Iceland. Gullfoss includes two cascades and three separate levels (the height of the upper is 11 meters and the lower is 21 meters).

7. Kaieteur Falls, Guyana

Photo 7. Kaieteur is considered one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world []

Kaieteur Falls is located in Guyana on the Potaro River. This is the most powerful waterfall in the world and one of the highest - its height is 226 meters.

6. Yosemite Falls, California

Photo 6. Yosemite ranks 20th in the ranking of the highest waterfalls in the world

Yosemite waterfall is located in North America in the national park of the same name (California) and is one of the highest (739 meters) waterfalls in the world. Yosemite is divided into three segments (upper - 435 meters, middle - 206 meters, lower - 98 meters)

5. Angel Falls, Venezuela

Photo 5. The highest waterfall in the world – Angel []

Angel Falls is located in the tropical forests of Venezuela in the Canaima National Park and is recognized as the highest waterfall in the world. Its height is 979 meters (of which 807 meters is the height of a continuous fall).

4. Sastavci Waterfall, Croatia

Photo 4. Sastavci Waterfall - the most beautiful waterfall of the Plitvice Lakes []

Sastavci Waterfall is located in the Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia. This is the most beautiful waterfall in the reserve, throwing down the water of the Korana and Plitvica rivers from a height of 72 meters.

3. Niagara Falls, USA/Canada

Niagara Falls is a complex of waterfalls on the Niagara River (these are Horseshoe Falls, American Falls and Veil Falls), separating the state of New York (USA) from the province of Ontario (Canada). The height of the waterfalls is 53 meters. Niagara Falls is the most powerful in North America.

Photo 3a. Niagara Falls “Horseshoe Falls” [pixhd]
Photo 3b. American Falls at night []
Photo 3c. Bridal Veil Falls []

2. Victoria Falls, Zambia/Zimbabwe

Photo 2. Victoria Falls []

Victoria Falls, named after Queen Victoria, is located on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe, and belongs to World Heritage UNESCO. Victoria reaches a height of 108 meters and a width of 1800 meters.

1. Iguazu Falls, Brazil/Argentina

Photo 1. One of seven natural wonders world - Iguazu Falls [ ]

Iguassu Falls are a complex of 270 waterfalls located on the Iguassu River on the border of Brazil and Argentina. The largest waterfall is the Devil's Throat (Garganta del Diablo). The width of the complex is 2700 meters, and the width of the fall at most waterfalls is about 60 meters. In 2011, Iguazu Falls was recognized as one of the seven natural wonders of the world.

Waterfalls are amazing masterpieces created by nature. Water element never ceases to fascinate people. It is not surprising that in ancient times they were worshiped by local residents and were considered the habitat of spirits and gods. It is difficult to select the most picturesque waterfall. After all, each object is unique and amazing in its own way. Still, we tried to choose the most beautiful waterfalls in the world and compiled a list of the 10 best.

1. Angel

The incredible beauty and thundering power of this beautiful waterfall located in Venezuela will leave you in awe. The name “Angel” (Angel) was given to the picturesque object in honor of the Venezuelan pilot who discovered it. A waterfall cascades down from the “Devil’s Mountain,” as the locals call it. By height free fall(979 m) ranks first in the world. Not even Niagara Falls can compete with it.

Angel's water flow falls into huge lake, located in the jungle. Due to the height of the fall, the base is shrouded in thick fog. There are no roads to the waterfall - you can only approach it by river by boat or by plane. From a distance, it seems as if the white stripe turns into a lot of splashes and is lost in the surrounding greenery. According to researchers, if you place a wind tower at the beginning of the drainage, there will be enough electricity to power a metropolis.

2. Baatara

Baatara is considered a fantastic masterpiece of nature in Lebanon. It received the status of one of the most interesting and beautiful waterfalls in the world thanks to the “Chasm of Three Bridges”. This is the nickname for the abyss, into which a stream of water falls from a height of 255 m. The “cunning” waterfall is difficult to notice right away - it falls into a cave, where three natural bridges are located. They are formed by nature itself and are located one above the other. The waterfall reaches its special power when the snow melts. Local authorities were going to install ropes for athletes or arrange a lift. But they abandoned this idea, leaving the incomparable beauty of these places untouched.

3. Havasu

Havasu Falls is also distinguished by its heavenly beauty. This is a real oasis in the arid Arizona in the USA. Havasu is lurking in the local Grand Canyon National Park. What you see is impressive: emerald-turquoise water falls down from 37 meters. The beautiful waterfall owes its unusual color to calcium and magnesium carbonate, which color the stream. The surrounding red-brown rocks of the canyon stand out in sharp contrast; they add incredible picturesqueness to this place.

Almost no one goes to the site tourist buses– most guests travel 16 km by mules and horses. Rich tourists book a helicopter tour.

4. Niagara Falls

The beautiful Niagara Falls needs no introduction, as it is known throughout the world. Its name is “rumbling” - translated as “Big Noise”. Niagara Falls is located on the border of two countries - the USA and Canada. But he obviously doesn't like the location. Due to the erosion of the ledge, the waterfall moves. Previously, it shifted 1-1.5 m upstream. After creating a mound of stones and a power plant - by 30 cm per year.

Niagara Falls combines three water streams: American, Horseshoe and Veil. A particularly picturesque view opens from the coast of Canada. The height difference is small - 53 meters. The waterfalls are rather famous for their latitude. The Horseshoe is impressive, its width reaches 790 meters.

Niagara Falls is recognized as the strongest in North America in terms of the amount of water passing through. Once a century, people observe a rare spectacle - a pond freezes over (1848 and 1912).

5. Seljalandsfoss

Have you dreamed of looking at the world through a waterfall? In Iceland there is such an opportunity. Not far from Reykjavik is Seljalandsfoss, one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world that you can get up close to. Behind it there is a deep indentation. This is the main highlight of Seljalandsfoss - the opportunity to see how the water falls from the inside. The main thing is to bring a raincoat. When the sun's rays hit the spray column, Seljalandsfoss delights visitors with a rainbow. Double beauty - Iceland waterfall in the background northern lights. This combination proves: nature is the best artist.

6. Victoria

Mesmerizing beauty, roar, a million drops, a cloud of steam and a dazzling rainbow - Victoria Falls captivates at first sight. This is the most beautiful waterfall in Africa, occupying the territory between Zambia and Zimbabwe. Locals called it Mosi-oa-Tunyi (“thundering smoke”) or Chongue (“place of the rainbow”). The Zambezi is a calm river along almost its entire length. But suddenly the basalt plateau breaks off, and a stream of water rushes down. The angry river rushes sharply into the abyss with a mesmerizing waterfall (width - almost 2 km, fall height - from 80 to 100 m). During the rainy season, a cloud of spray can be seen 50 km away. The waterfall surprises not only with its beauty, but also with its power. It roars into the gorge, zigzags for 70 km and falls into a huge reservoir. The terrifying power of water can capture a large animal or person in dangerous captivity.

7. Iguazu

According to the legend of local Indians, the beautiful Iguazu Falls appeared due to the wrath of God. He wanted to marry a beautiful girl, but she ran away with her lover on a boat. God's wrath “cut” the river - a waterfall appeared, dooming the couple to an eternal fall. The legend conveys the power of the Iguazus, which are located on the border of Brazil and Argentina. This complex includes almost 300 waterfalls. One of them, Nakundai Falls, reaches 40 meters - almost like Niagara Falls (53 m). The spectacle is mesmerizing; it is not for nothing that in 2011 Iguazu was named one of the seven natural wonders of the world. This is one of the most visited places in South America - 1.5-2 million tourists come to the natural complex every year. The power of the picturesque waterfalls is complemented by tropical nature.

8. Yosemite Falls

“Big Grizzly Bear” is the translation of the name of the beautiful Yosemite Falls, which is located in California. And indeed, a powerful stream of water “growls” as it falls from a steep cliff into the Yosemite Valley. Around are the Sierra Nevada mountains, forests, granite cliffs and gorges. At the foot of the three-stage waterfall are formed cleanest lakes. To appreciate the full power of Yosemite Falls, it is worth walking along the winding road to its top. During the climb, you can admire the wonder of nature from observation platforms.

9. Karakol

In the middle of the dense forests of Brazil, the very beautiful Caracol waterfall bubbles. Tourists love it both for its beauty and accessibility. Karakol is located near major cities, and therefore easy to reach. The river falls from a basalt rock into the gorge from a height of 131 meters. The area is equipped for guests - there is a metal staircase of a thousand steps, a tower with an observation elevator and even cable car. The picturesque picture is complemented by green hills completely covered with trees.

10. Detian


It is impossible to deny that waterfalls are one of the most beautiful natural phenomena. Crystal streams of water that fall with a roar from a dizzying height, breaking up and playing in the rays of the sun are a truly mesmerizing sight, especially against the backdrop of steep cliffs and picturesque meadows. Any waterfall represents power and grandeur, but there are such specimens in the world that you can admire for hours. We present a selection of waterfalls that amaze with their power and height, surrounded by the pristine beauty of wild landscapes. One vacation photo with any of these natural creations in the background and your life has not been lived in vain.

Tugela Falls is the second largest in the world. It is located in South Africa, in the Royal National Park. The height of the waterfall is 411 meters.

Iguazu, Argentina

This waterfall, located on the border of Brazil and Argentina, is considered one of the most powerful in the world. In fact, Iguazu is not one waterfall, but a whole system of 275 waterfalls ranging in height from 60 to 80 meters and a length of about 3 kilometers. The largest waterfall is a U-shaped natural formation called the “Devil's Throat” by the Spanish conquistadors.

This waterfall can be admired in California, in the national park of the same name. Yosemite is one of the highest waterfalls in the world - 739 meters. Interestingly, in winter the waterfall almost “calms down”, and in spring and summer it reaches its maximum extent. The national park is also known for its rocks, which the most desperate extreme sports enthusiasts try to conquer.

Angel Falls, Venezuela

Angel Falls is the tallest waterfall in the world. Its height is 979 meters, which is 15 times greater than the height of the famous Niagara. The waterfall is located in Venezuela, in the Canaima National Park, and every year thousands of tourists come to the country to see this miracle of nature with their own eyes, and risky BASE jumpers even jump from it. The waterfall is named after the American aviator Jimmy Angel, who, flying over Venezuela, noticed this waterfall from above and revealed it to the whole world.

Kauai is the oldest of the main Hawaiian Islands, dating back 6 million years. The huge amount of precipitation contributes to the formation of deep canyons in the mountains with many waterfalls. The Guinness Book of Records records rain that lasted on this island for 247 days without a break, from August 27, 1993 to April 30, 1994.

Niagara Falls, USA

Niagara Falls in the northeastern United States is one of the most powerful in the world - about 2.8 million liters of water per second falls from a height of 53 meters. Tourists love Niagara Falls because it is relatively easy to get to and view from all sides.

Victoria, South Africa

Victoria Falls is also called the Thundering Smoke of Africa because of the unimaginable roar emitted by thousands of liters of water falling every second into the white abyss of the water haze they raise. Victoria is one of the giant waterfalls; its height is 108 meters. The waterfall owes its official name to David Livingston, an explorer from Scotland. He visited here in 1855 and was so delighted with the beauty and power of the waterfall that he named it after the queen.

Gocta, Peru

Gocta is the world's fifth largest waterfall, located in Peru. Its height is 771 meters. Incredible, but true: the world learned about this waterfall only in 2005, and before that only the aborigines admired its beauty.

Sutherland, New Zealand

There is a waterfall in New Zealand called Sutherland. It is located on Yuzhny Island and is considered one of the most beautiful and mysterious waterfalls in the world. Getting to the waterfall is not easy, but it's worth it - a narrow stream of water flying from a height of 580 meters, surrounded by dense greenery and rocks, is a fantastic sight!

Kaieteur, Guyana

This natural wonder is hidden in the rainforests of Guyana, a country in South America. Kaieteur is one of the largest waterfalls in the world. Its height is about 226 meters. For a long time, only local residents knew about this waterfall, but in 1870 it was accidentally discovered by an English geologist. Getting to the waterfall is quite difficult, but this does not stop the flow of tourists who want to see Kaieteur with their own eyes.

Vinnufossen, Norway

The Norwegian waterfall Vinnufossen is the highest in Europe (860 meters). Falling from a great height, the water splits into four streams, which makes the waterfall even more beautiful.

Dettifoss, Iceland

Iceland's Dettifoss waterfall is the most powerful in Europe. Its height is about 40 meters, and its power is about 200 cubic meters of water per second. The waterfall is surrounded by beautiful cliffs, gorges and lakes and is very popular with both locals and tourists.

Inga, Congo

Inga Falls is part of the famous Livingstone Falls in Congo. This is one of the largest and most powerful waterfalls in the world. Its height is 96 meters.

Rovijoki, Norway

Rovijoki waterfall in the Norwegian town of Skibotn, famous primarily for its astrophysical observatory, which is the northernmost observatory in the world.

Salto del Laja, Chile

Salto del Laja is a picturesque 35-meter waterfall in Chile, which is often called the pearl of this country.

Zhenzhutan, China

The Zhenzhutan Waterfall in the Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve in China is irresistible in its pristine beauty. At the top of the rock there is a threshold, against which its waters hit, forming many smaller waterfalls, and with rapid jets it flows down like real water pearls.

Rideau, Canada

Frozen Rideau Falls in Ottawa, Canada. The name of the waterfalls was given by Samuel de Champlain in 1613, for whom the appearance of falling water resembled a curtain (rideau - curtain, French). Later, the Rideau River was named after the falls, and many other objects in Ottawa were named after it.

The most beautiful waterfalls in the world

The most beautiful waterfalls in the world

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The most beautiful waterfalls in the world

Any waterfall is a breathtaking sight in itself, but there are such specimens in the world that you can admire for hours... These are the waterfalls that make up our today’s selection =)

Let us immediately note that this article simply contains the most beautiful waterfalls in the world according to LifeGlobe, without any top list, because looking at all the variety of amazing waterfalls on our planet, one cannot definitely call one or another the most beautiful, the most picturesque, etc. - they are all amazing in their own way and each is unique in their own way

First on our list is Kilt Falls. This is undoubtedly the most amazing and picturesque waterfall in Scotland! Kilt waters fall from the cliffs of the Scottish Isle of Skye directly into the Atlantic Ocean

The Brazilian waterfall Cascata Do Caracol in the town of Canela is not famous in itself, but it is very beautiful, and, in principle, not so small - its height is 131 meters...

, of course, could not help but get on this list) I think we can confidently call it the most famous of the existing waterfalls

Niagara Falls is the most powerful waterfall North America, as well as one of the main recreational attractions of the United States

Speaking of Niagara, one cannot help but recall something equally spectacular in Argentina

Iguazu is much larger than Niagara Falls and is considered one of the most powerful waterfalls on the planet.

Another giant - also called the Thundering Smoke of Africa due to the unimaginable roar emitted by thousands of liters of water, falling every second into the white abyss of the water haze they raise.

A unique feature of Victoria Falls is the world's widest continuous wall of water.

We also cannot help but include in the list of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world according to LifeGlobe the highest on the planet, another spectacular landmark of Venezuela

Perhaps to some, the Angel waterfall may not seem so picturesque compared to others presented on our list, but it is also worth considering that the Angel waterfall needs to overcome almost a kilometer to reach the ground, and this is almost 20 times higher than Niagara !


Jägala Waterfall is a waterfall in the lower reaches of the Jägala River, approximately 4 km before the river flows into The Gulf of Finland. The height of the waterfall is about 8 meters, the width is more than 50 meters. This is the widest natural waterfall in Estonia.
The waterfall is also unique in winter, when the water mass frozen during frost turns into a sparkling ice wall with large ice icicles. Between the ice hanging from the edge of the waterfall and the wall of the waterfall, a tunnel passage may form, limited on both sides by ice. For your information: - The lower reaches of the Jägala River from the waterfall to the mouth is one of the richest places in Estonia with fish: there are large stocks of trout and salmon.
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The most beautiful waterfalls in the world

17 waterfalls, impressive with their height, beauty and power.

It is impossible to deny that waterfalls are one of the most beautiful natural phenomena. Crystal streams of water that fall with a roar from a dizzying height, breaking up and playing in the rays of the sun are a truly mesmerizing sight, especially against the backdrop of steep cliffs and picturesque meadows. Any waterfall represents power and grandeur, but there are such specimens in the world that you can admire for hours.

We present a selection of waterfalls, striking in their power and height, surrounded by the pristine beauty of wild landscapes. One vacation photo with any of these natural creations in the background and your life has not been lived in vain.

Tugela, South Africa

Tugela Falls is the second largest in the world. It is located in South Africa, in the Royal National Park. The height of the waterfall is 411 meters.

Iguazu, Argentina

This waterfall, located on the border of Brazil and Argentina, is considered one of the most powerful in the world. In fact, Iguazu is not one waterfall, but a whole system of 275 waterfalls ranging in height from 60 to 80 meters and a length of about 3 kilometers. The largest waterfall is a U-shaped natural formation called the “Devil's Throat” by the Spanish conquistadors.

Yosemite, waterfall in Yosemite National Park, USA

This waterfall can be admired in California, in the national park of the same name. Yosemite is one of the highest waterfalls in the world - 739 meters. Interestingly, in winter the waterfall almost “calms down”, and in spring and summer it reaches its maximum extent. The national park is also known for its rocks, which the most desperate extreme sports enthusiasts try to conquer.

Angel Falls, Venezuela

Angel Falls is the tallest waterfall in the world. Its height is 979 meters, which is 15 times greater than the height of the famous Niagara. The waterfall is located in Venezuela, in the Canaima National Park, and every year thousands of tourists come to the country to see this miracle of nature with their own eyes, and risky BASE jumpers even jump from it. The waterfall is named after the American aviator Jimmy Angel, who, flying over Venezuela, noticed this waterfall from above and revealed it to the whole world.

Waterfalls of Kauai Island, Hawaii

Kauai is the oldest of the main Hawaiian Islands, dating back 6 million years. The huge amount of precipitation contributes to the formation of deep canyons in the mountains with many waterfalls. The Guinness Book of Records records rain that lasted on this island for 247 days without a break, from August 27, 1993 to April 30, 1994.

Niagara Falls, USA

Niagara Falls in the northeastern United States is one of the most powerful in the world - about 2.8 million liters of water per second falls from a height of 53 meters. Tourists love Niagara Falls because it is relatively easy to get to and view from all sides.

Victoria, South Africa

Victoria Falls is also called the Thundering Smoke of Africa because of the unimaginable roar emitted by thousands of liters of water falling every second into the white abyss of the water haze they raise. Victoria is one of the giant waterfalls; its height is 108 meters. The waterfall owes its official name to David Livingston, an explorer from Scotland. He visited here in 1855 and was so delighted with the beauty and power of the waterfall that he named it after the queen.

Gocta, Peru

Gocta is the world's fifth largest waterfall, located in Peru. Its height is 771 meters. Incredible, but true: the world learned about this waterfall only in 2005, and before that only the aborigines admired its beauty.

Sutherland, New Zealand

There is a waterfall in New Zealand called Sutherland. It is located on Yuzhny Island and is considered one of the most beautiful and mysterious waterfalls in the world. Getting to the waterfall is not easy, but it's worth it - a narrow stream of water flying from a height of 580 meters, surrounded by dense greenery and rocks, is a fantastic sight!

Kaieteur, Guyana

This natural wonder is hidden in the rainforests of Guyana, a country in South America. Kaieteur is one of the largest waterfalls in the world. Its height is about 226 meters. For a long time, only local residents knew about this waterfall, but in 1870 it was accidentally discovered by an English geologist. Getting to the waterfall is quite difficult, but this does not stop the flow of tourists who want to see Kaieteur with their own eyes.

Vinnufossen, Norway

The Norwegian waterfall Vinnufossen is the highest in Europe (860 meters). Falling from a great height, the water splits into four streams, which makes the waterfall even more beautiful.

Dettifoss, Iceland

Iceland's Dettifoss waterfall is the most powerful in Europe. Its height is about 40 meters, and its power is about 200 cubic meters of water per second. The waterfall is surrounded by beautiful cliffs, gorges and lakes and is very popular with both locals and tourists.

Inga, Congo

Inga Falls is part of the famous Livingstone Falls in Congo. This is one of the largest and most powerful waterfalls in the world. Its height is 96 meters.

Rovijoki, Norway

Rovijoki waterfall in the Norwegian town of Skibotn, famous primarily for its astrophysical observatory, which is the northernmost observatory in the world.

Salto del Laja, Chile

Salto del Laja is a picturesque 35-meter waterfall in Chile, which is often called the pearl of this country.

Zhenzhutan, China

The Zhenzhutan Waterfall in the Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve in China is irresistible in its pristine beauty. At the top of the rock there is a threshold, against which its waters hit, forming many smaller waterfalls, and with rapid jets it flows down like real water pearls.

Rideau, Canada

Frozen Rideau Falls in Ottawa, Canada. The name of the waterfalls was given by Samuel de Champlain in 1613, for whom the appearance of falling water resembled a curtain (rideau - curtain, French). Later, the Rideau River was named after the falls, and many other objects in Ottawa were named after it.

Victoria Falls or Mosi-oa-Tunya, is located in southern Africa between the countries of Zimbabwe and Zambia. Victoria Falls was named after Queen Victoria in 1855. It was first named so by David Livingstone, a Scottish explorer and missionary. Until this time, Victoria Falls was known as “The Mist that Thunders”. According to some of the lists of world wonders, it takes its place in the list of the seven natural wonders of the world. Although it is neither the tallest nor the widest waterfall in the world, it is one of the largest and most spectacular. Its width of 1708 meters and height of 108 meters form one of the largest water screens in the world.

2. Steindalsfossen Waterfall – Norway

Steindalsfossen waterfall is one of the most visited waterfalls in Norway. It is located near the city of Nordheimsund on the Hardangerfjorden. The height of the Steindalsfossen waterfall is about 50 meters during the snowmelt period, in May and June. A special feature of Steindalsfossen is the pedestrian path, designed in the form of a bridge, located behind the waterfall. Along it, visitors can enjoy the beauty of the waterfall from the inside without getting wet. If you love to travel, then you should definitely add Steindalsfossen Waterfall to your list of places to visit!

3. Niagara Falls - Canada / USA

Niagara Falls is a set of waterfalls on the Niagara River, on the border between Canada and the United States. It consists of three waterfalls - Horseshoe Falls, American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls - which separate American state New York and the Canadian province of Ontario. Although the height of Niagara Falls is only about 53 meters, the magnificent Niagara Falls are one of the most powerful waterfalls in North America. The apparent height of the American Falls is only 21 meters and the width is 323 meters. The width of the Horseshoe waterfall is 792 meters. The volume of falling water reaches 5700 cubic meters. A very impressive view opens from the Canadian side from the Rainbow Bridge.

4. Giessbach Falls - Switzerland

The Giesbach Falls are located on the opposite shore of Lake Brienz, near the picturesque village of Iseltwald. The waterfall is a series of terraces along which streams of water flow down the rock. This is a very bright and picturesque waterfall. It is common to see the Giesbach Falls on European tourist postcards or guidebooks. It combines all the natural elements and beauties that Switzerland is famous for - crystal clear lakes and snow-white Mountain peaks, surrounded by tranquil greenery. The Giesbach Falls are formed from 14 cascades of water falling into Lake Brienz. What a wonderful sight!

5. Yellowstone Falls - USA

Yellowstone Falls is located in Yellowstone National Park National Park) in Wyoming, USA. The falls consist of two main ones - upper and lower, with a total height of 308 m. Lower Falls are almost twice as high as Niagara Falls, but only about 22 meters wide. The lower waterfall is surrounded by volcanic rocks and mountains. It is fed by the waters of the Yellowstone River, which in turn flows from Yellowstone Lake, the largest alpine lake North America. It is believed that Jim Bridger may have been the first white American to see the falls in 1846. It wasn't until 1969 that the waterfall was named Yellowstone Falls.

6. Iguazu Falls - Argentina / Brazil

Iguazu Falls are one of nature's most breathtaking wonders. Iguazu Falls are located on the border of two South American countries, Brazil and Argentina in South America. Iguazu Falls are 270 individual waterfalls, through which about 40 million cubic meters of water flow every hour, and they stretch over a width of 2.7 km. It is not surprising that from the language of the local Indians of the Gurani tribe, “iguazu” is translated as “big water”. The height of Iguazu is not that great, only 82 meters. But on the other hand, it is one of the most powerful waterfalls in the world.

7. Huangguoshu Falls - China

Huangoshu Falls (also known as Yellow Fruit Tree Falls) is one of the largest waterfalls in China (and Asia in general). Huangoshu Waterfall is known throughout China. People call Huangoshu Falls “ Milky Way on the ground". It is located in the southwestern province of Guizhou. Its width is 81 meters, height is 74 meters. Huangoshu is considered the largest in China and one of the widest and most majestic waterfalls in the world.

8. Gullfoss Waterfall – Iceland

Gullfoss (Gullfoss, Gullfoss) is a waterfall in Iceland. Located in the south of the country in the valley of the Haukadalur geysers. Gullfoss means "golden waterfall" in Icelandic. Probably, this name was given due to the fact that in sunny weather the rainbow from it is visible several kilometers away. The waterfall is completely unique in both shape and structure. It is formed from three separate levels and two cascades. The height of the upper level is 11 m, and the lower one is 21 m. The total depth of the fall is 70 meters. From the top of Gullfoss you can see blue ice Langjokull glacier and the large mountain pass Kjolur.

9. Angel Falls - Venezuela

Angel Falls is considered the highest in the world, its height is 1054 m. Angel Falls (in English - Angel, local name - Churum-meru) is located on the Churumi River, a tributary of the Carrao River (Orinoco River basin) in South America, in Venezuela. The waterfall was officially discovered by American pilot and gold prospector James Crawford Angel, after whom it was named. Angel Falls is 20 times higher than Niagara Falls. Before reaching the ground, the water is sprayed into tiny particles and turns into a mist that can be felt even several kilometers from the waterfall.

“Beaver” Falls is located in Havasu Scream Canyon. He is beautiful not because of his size, but big amount cascades located close to each other. The waterfall is located approximately 9.7 km downstream of the Supai, and is the most difficult to access.