Lakes of the Omsk region. Arkatovskoe Lake Salt and fresh lakes

Float tackle. Catch: 5-10 kilograms

Fishing place: Behind the lake there is a dam on the Irtysh. Through the dam and 150 meters along the island.

Winter has passed. The water became liquid again. It was decided to open a full-fledged summer season fishing. But how to open the season in one day? It was decided to open, so open - we are going overnight.

Arriving at the previously tested place, we were a little shocked by the water level, which rose by 20-30 cm in 2 days. We threw out our fishing rods. 5 minutes and the first Rotan bite. Quite edible size. The second bite almost immediately after casting. There's a holiday in my heart - GOOD POPER!!!

We rejoiced early - within an hour the floats only signaled that the reservoir was not completely calm. Not only the nozzles and depths were changed, but also the places on the reservoir - without results.

But there is a fishing fraternity!!! A passing man suggested that there was a lake on the island where rotan lives. - “Not big, but a lot” After a 2-minute fruitful meeting, a decision was made to move to the specified location.

We arrived... We were surprised... The length of the reservoir is 100-150 meters. The width (maximum) is 20 meters. The depth does not exceed 70 cm. But... As they say - “In the Fishless Region, there are fish with cancer”))) They cast in and got a bite almost immediately. The rotan is 12 cm, but thick) It pecked with varying success. Like a machine gun, you had to wait. During the waiting period, we drank a little "Tea" and ate lard...

In the evening Sanya (walrus) arrived
We decided that we had caught some fish and it was time to perform the main mystery of fishing. We ate fried rotan, but we didn’t know what kind of fish soup it would be in the fish soup - or rather, what kind of fish soup it would be made from. We distributed responsibilities in the kitchen. Ivan peels the potatoes, I peel the fish, and Sanya cooks the meat on the grill (which he also brought)) Peeling rotan is a pleasure. I ripped open the belly, the insides over the side and everything is ready. Almost all rotan with caviar. Caviar separately (salt and on the table)

20 minutes and such pleasant words caress the ear - “Let’s go to the table.” The first toast, as always, is TO FISHING!!! .

The rotan fish soup exceeded all expectations. Tasty, rich, a little sweet. It was lucky that there was only one spoon for three (the costs of the first trip and the joys of collecting), otherwise we would have had to cook another pot of fish soup. We ate heartily - fish soup, caviar, greens on the table, lard, meat. We organized a “Belly Festival.” All these delights were washed down with fifty gram glasses of “tea.” Or rather, the “tea” was snacking on these delights.

The morning of the next day was pleasant - Sunny, practically calm. Air temperature +4+5. Rotan pecked. What else does a normal fisherman need? The rotan fish soup turned into jelly or jellied meat (whichever you prefer). We ate it cold, then warmed it up and ate it again)) The taste of the fish soup did not change overnight - just as tasty))

Our guys from the Omsk FION also arrived. We talked and went fishing together. They arrived for the day, and we already had to get ready to go home, because the journey was not close - 22 km to the city))) That’s how our first (overnight) summer fishing went. Thanks to everybody, you're free.

Since 1985, World Fisheries Day has been celebrated annually on June 27th. The holiday was established by the decision of the International Conference on the Regulation and Development of Fisheries, held in July 1984 in Rome.

Fishing is one of the most popular hobbies of humanity!

Anyone who has ever visited a pond with a fishing rod, enjoyed the purity, the incomparable joy of communicating with nature and caught the first fish in their life will never forget it! The process of fishing is so exciting that over time, for beginners, it often develops into an all-consuming passion. After all, only truly passionate people, in order to see or feel a fish bite, can climb into very remote and remote corners, get wet for hours in the rain or freeze in the cold!

On this day, fishing competitions, various educational seminars and entertainment events are held in many countries. The events bring together both experienced fishermen and novice amateurs. IN last years among the participants fishing competitions You can see women more and more often.

More and more people are realizing that fishing is an excellent means of strengthening spiritual and physical strength.

The Nadezhdino recreation center sincerely congratulates all fishermen and fisherwomen on World Fishing Day! Let everyone at least once in their life catch their own goldfish, which will fulfill all your cherished desires! More fishing spots for you, excellent bite and big catch!

Come fish with us on this wonderful holiday! Near the Nadezhdino Recreation Center there are two fishing spots at once - the lake and the Tetrukh River! We have a bite - you definitely won’t be left without a catch!

You can find information about prices and accommodation options on our official website.

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As we already wrote in previous articles, in the summer we visited one interesting village.
This village is the famous Arkatovo with an old church, which has its own miraculous icon, and there are three holy springs nearby - we have already written about the temple and the miraculous icon in a separate article, and there is also a separate article about the miraculous springs of the village of Arkatovo!
I would also like to mention Lake Arkatovskoye - this is a very large pond on a small river.

Every summer, residents of such a huge metropolis as Kazan have a question: where can they swim on hot days? interesting route in Pestrechinsky district.
Here you can visit the ancient village of Arkatovo with a beautiful church, and also visit three holy springs.

When approaching the village, you will see a view of the lake - the road to the village passes right along the dam, which formed this lake.
It is better to approach the lake before the dam - that is, you need to get up on the opposite bank of the lake from the village. There are car entrances and approaches to the water.
The length of the lake is almost a kilometer, and the width reaches 250-300 meters.
Many families from Kazan come here for fishing and recreation.
The bottom of the lake is muddy and muddy almost everywhere, except for one parking lot, as can be seen in the photograph.
From the mountain that stands above the lake - beautiful view to the village and the Smolensk church.

Of all the Russian villages of Tatarstan, the largest number of pilgrims was and is attracted by the ancient Arkatovo in the Pestrechinsky district - and this despite the fact that the distance to it from Kazan is about 50 kilometers (twice as much as, for example, to the Raifa desert).
The Smolensk-Bogoroditskaya Church of 1746 with the miraculous icon of the same name located in it, as well as three holy springs - these are the treasures of this village, its spiritual wealth. It did not allow it to completely disappear from the face of the earth even in the twentieth century, although the population during the years of Soviet power decreased many times and in 2000 there were only 28 people (before the revolution there were several hundred). This is much less than in ordinary villages, however, as you know, a settlement is still called not a village, but a village, if there is a church in it.
Residents of Arkatovo and the surrounding area managed to defend their amazingly beautiful church from destruction, and even its interior was preserved almost untouched, which is considered quite a miracle. For our rural area this is an almost unprecedented case. The church closed in the 1930s and became operational again in the 90s, but even while it was formally closed, its decoration was largely protected from plunder, and the miraculous icon was hidden by pious people. Now she is back in the temple.

dam on Lake Arkatovskoe

Arkatovo was once a large and prosperous Russian village. Founded in the second half of the 17th century by the landowner Fyodor Arkatov, it became famous in the next century under his son Demid.
Later it became the center of a large volost, and in 1908 the huge parish of the Smolensk Church included 2265 (!) people. It was one of the largest rural parishes in the diocese - and one of the richest in it (34 acres of church land and 400 rubles of capital - several times more than other churches).
The pious landowner limited himself to building a stone church, large by rural standards, in 1746. Here the miraculous icon found its place - the Mother of God Hodegetria of Smolensk, her Sedmiozerny list. The church in honor of her also received the name Smolenskaya.
Miracles from the temple icon itself and from some other revered images do not stop from the era of discovery to the present day. For example, another icon of the Mother of God, the Burning Bush, saved the temple and the village from fire several times. A very rare icon of the Mother of God of the Three Joys is also venerated - many have probably never even heard such a name, meanwhile, in honor of this icon, a church-wide holiday has been established on December 26/January 8 (on the second day of Christ’s Birth). In addition to the Mother of God and the Infant Christ, the infant John the Baptist is also depicted on it, so the common joy of the three persons gave the name to the icon. The same exact image is located in Moscow, in the Trinity Church on Gryazi, and a revered copy is kept in Arkatovo.

On the outskirts of the village, within sight of the church, there are holy springs (one of them has a bathhouse). It's amazing how many of them there are in one place! It seems as if the whole earth here, by the will of the Mother of God, sanctified by Her invisible presence, exudes healing moisture. As the famous Pochaev Mother of God foot exudes it... only here - in several places at once.
The main source, like the church, is called Smolensky, in honor of the same icon. As noted in the literature about Arkatovo (usually these are small articles), “water from the Smolensk spring treats headaches, inflammation, and internal pain.”
Nearby are the “eye” and “soldier” keys. Since the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God is otherwise called Hodegetria (“Guide” or, literally, “Seer,” that is, the One through Whom insight comes), especially many healings from the icon and from holy water are associated with eye diseases. Nowadays, numerous cases of healing of people suffering from poor vision have been recorded at the “eye” source. People drink water regularly, wash their eyes, and after a while it helps. The author of the book is familiar with one of these healed people.
People who have lost their health in war, in numerous “hot spots” or simply during military service come to the “soldier’s” spring...
Of course, according to faith, all these sources provide healing or partial relief from many other ailments.
“Let no one leave here sad…” - this is the phrase that the Rev. once said. Sergius of Radonezh about the Trinity Monastery can probably also be attributed to Arkatovo.

How to get there, where it is:
Address: Republic of Tatarstan, Pestrechinsky district, village. Arkatovo.
55.876723, 49.739924
car: from Kazan along the Mamadyshsky tract.
At the junction with the M-7 highway, straight along the overpass (along the Old Pestrechinskaya or Shigaleevskaya road).
13 km after the junction, at the exit from the village of Staroye Shigaleevo, at the fork, turn left following the main road sign.
After 16 km, turn left at the sign “Nadezhdino, Arkatovo, Kobyakovo” and drive 6.5 km along the main road to the village of Arkatovo.
There will be a view of the lake and the village of Arkatovo.
The temple will be at the entrance to the village to the left of the road.

Team Nomads
from the book by Andrey Roschektaev "Guide to the Shrines of the Kazan Diocese"

In the territory Omsk region there are several thousand lakes. They are distributed extremely unevenly. There are especially many lakes in the central part of the region, in the Krutinsky, Tyukalinsky, Kolosovsky and Sargatsky districts; this part of the Middle Irtysh region is called the “lake region”. In this part of the region there are about five hundred lakes, from the smallest to the largest, with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. kilometers. The largest of them are Saltaim (146 sq. km. - the largest big lake in the Omsk region), Tenis, Ik, they are connected by rivers and channels that form a single lake system. There are few lakes in the north and south of the Omsk region, the only exception being the Kurumbel steppe, where there are several dozen lakes.

general description

Most lakes in the Omsk region were formed as a result of ground subsidence due to the removal of easily soluble minerals and dust particles by groundwater, or are oxbow lakes of rivers. Thus, in the Irtysh valley there are numerous lakes formed as a result of straightening the river bed, for example, oxbow lakes Krivoe, Bolshekulache, etc. A whole chain of lakes stretches along the Kamyshlovskaya hollow, for example, Piketnoe, Reinfeld, etc.

The vast majority of lakes in the Omsk region are small in size, have flat basins, the depths of which gradually increase towards the center, rarely exceeding 1.5 - 2 meters. The lakes are fed with mixed water: snow, rain and groundwater.

Click on the picture to open it in full size

The territories of the Omsk region contain both fresh and salt lakes. The freshwater lakes that predominate in the central part of the region are home to many species of commercial fish, including ide, pike, carp, bream, perch and others. Mineral lakes, which are more common in the south, serve as sources of chemical raw materials and are also used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Lakes Eibeyty and Ulzhay are especially promising in this aspect.

Salt and fresh lakes

On the territory of the Omsk region there are both fresh and salt lakes.

Freshwater lakes are most common in the north and central part of the region, most often located along river valleys, they are floodplain lakes or oxbow lakes - the remnants of former river beds, elongated, elongated or crescent-shaped.

Freshwater lakes are home to various types of commercial fish, including pike, perch, carp, ide, bream and others. In many areas of the Omsk region, fresh lakes are sources of water supply.

Salt lakes, which are more common in the south of the region, are divided according to their salinity into brackish (from 1 to 25 grams of salt per liter) and saline (from 25 to 50 grams of salt per liter). The predominant salt is sodium chloride, followed by magnesium sulfate and magnesium chloride.

Lakes for fishing and hunting

When choosing a lake for fishing, you should first of all pay attention to the numerous oxbow lakes in the valley. It is better to choose a lake that has contact with the riverbed or is located in close proximity to the river. During the spring flood, a lot of different fish come into such lakes and fishing can be very productive. As a rule, the fish fauna of lakes on the left bank floodplain of the Irtysh is more diverse.

For hunting waterfowl, it is better to choose fresh and brackish lakes in the central and southern forest-steppe.

Lakes for relaxation and swimming

For a summer vacation in the Omsk region, it is better to choose the territory of the Krutinsky, Tyukalinsky, Kolosovsky and Sargatsky districts. There are a huge number of lakes of different sizes, shapes, and the nature of aquatic and coastal vegetation; this part of the Middle Irtysh region is called the “lake region.”

The lakes warm up well in summer and are famous convenient places for overnight stay, swimming, fishing. The lakes are home to pike, perch, crucian carp, bream, chebak, gudgeon, and ripus.

Nearby there are mixed forests rich in mushroom areas and forest glades with dense grass and an abundance of flowers, where you can take interesting landscape photographs.

For swimming, it is better to choose lakes with a sandy bottom. Such lakes are located in depressions on sandy deposits of dried up ancient rivers and the right-bank sandy rivers of the Irtysh.

The bottom of floodplain lakes and lakes on the left bank terrace above the floodplain is usually covered with sediments of silt particles, and in the summer, during the massive development of blue-green algae, a “water bloom” is observed.

Healing lakes

The Omsk region abounds in healing lakes, among which there are freshwater lakes containing sapropel - centuries-old bottom sediments containing a large number of organic substances, and salt lakes with a high concentration of mineral salts and significant reserves of medicinal mud.

The healing properties of the water and mud of many lakes in the Omsk region have long been revered local residents. Among them highest value have lakes: Ebeyty (on the border of Isilkulsky, Moskalensky and Poltava districts), Uldzhay (in Cherlaksky district), Solenoye and Krivoe (15 kilometers northeast of Isilkul), Bai-Bash, Uzun-Kul, Kuzumbay (in the south of Novovarshavsky district, near the village of Ermak), (in Omsk, near Vorovsky Street), a number of salt lakes of the Kurumbel steppe and lakes located in the Kamyshlovskaya hollow, which are sources of significant reserves of brine and high-quality medicinal mud.

Rapa and therapeutic mud Lakes Ebeyty and Uljay have been used for several decades by various medical and preventive institutions in the Omsk region in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, digestive organs, gynecological, urological and other diseases.