Unusual places where people live. Where to move from Russia? Sometimes it's good to eavesdrop

Incredible facts

There are still places on Earth where no human has set foot.

But there are also places on our planet where people should not have lived, but they still live there.

Whether it's unbearably hot, Siberian cold, or an island that's nearly impossible to get to, some people don't want to or can't leave their homes for one reason or another.

Here is a list of 25 such places.

25. Atacama Desert, Chile/Peru

This desert is considered the driest place on Earth. It rains here 4 times in a thousand years.

Temperatures can range from incredibly cold at night to stifling heat during the day.

Despite these conditions, more than 1 million people Call the desert their home, and most work in the copper mine.

24. Verkhoyansk, Russia

Despite the fact that this is one of the coldest places on our planet, and officially coldest city on earth, Verkhoyansk is still inhabited.

In a place where the temperature reached -69.8 degrees Celsius, lives just over 1,200 people.

23. Merapi Volcano, Indonesia

This is the largest in the country active volcano, which is located on the island of Java, near the city of Yogyakarta.

Merapi is also called "fire mountain", and in 500 years it has erupted more than 60 times. But this did not force almost a quarter of a million residents to leave their homes, located on fertile land in the shadow of the volcano.

22. Kivu (lake), Rwanda/Democratic Republic of Congo

At the depths of this lake there are several million cubic meters of methane and carbon dioxide. If all this comes to light, more than 2 million people could be affected.

21. Pitcairn Islands

They are sometimes called "the smallest democracy on Earth." This state is home to 50 residents from 9 families.

On the island no harbor or airport- You can only get there by canoe. But there is high-speed Internet.

20. Cook Islands, Australia and Oceania

Only 4 people live here. There used to be a railway station here, where trains refueled to cross the longest straight road on Earth.

Since nothing grows on the island, residents have to bring all their food and drinking water by boat.

19. Minqin, China

This area faces a sad future. Rapid population growth has led to the fact that the only river passing through the county has become a desert has formed.

Left here only 155 square kilometers of fertile land.

18. La Rinconada, Peru

The city is located in the Andes at an altitude of about 5,100 meters above sea level. This makes La Rinconada the highest inhabited place on the planet. You can get to the city only by climbing a narrow mountain road.

Plus, its ecology is completely unfavorable. Except almost undeveloped sewerage and wastewater systems, here you can find high mercury content, which remains after gold mining.

About 30,000 people, many of whom suffer from mercury poisoning.

17. Chernobyl, Ukraine

After a tragic accident in 1986, almost all residents of this city were evacuated.

To date some workers still live in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Exclusion Zone, but their stay is limited - they can live there only a few days a week.

It is worth noting that the Exclusion Zone is the territory into which no free access, since after the accident she was exposed intense contamination with long-lived radionuclides.

16. Linfen, China

Until 1978, this city was known for its clear spring water, greenery and rich agricultural crops, earning it the nickname " Modern city fruits and flowers."

But after the city was turned into main industrial center of coal mining, environment environment has changed dramatically.

On this moment it is one of the most polluted cities in the world: air polluted with ash, carbon, leadAndorganic chemicals.

15. Pompeii, Italy

After the destruction caused by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius on August 24, 79, this ancient Roman city, located in the Campania region and buried under volcanic ash, still remains a place of residence for some people.

And all because of the fertile land. Even though there is frozen lava at every step, people consider the risk of living in the city justified.

14. Socotra (island), Yemen

Known as "the most ethereal place on Earth", this island is located in the northwest Indian Ocean, approximately 250 km from the Somali Peninsula, and 350 km south of the Arabian Peninsula.

This makes him so isolated from the rest of the world that most representatives of flora and faunaimpossible to findnowhere else.

There are only two roads here, but the number of residents just over 40,000, it doesn't bother me.

Socotra is inhabited mainly by shepherds, fishermen and farmers - all of them raise frankincense and aloe, as well as sheep and goats.

13. Barrow (Alaska), USA

Barrow is the most northern city in USA. It is located approximately 2,100 km from the North Pole, which makes the city incredibly cold.

In addition, Barrow is included in the list of settlements that can “boast” the harshest natural conditions.

Only 109 days a year the temperature can rise above 0 degrees Celsius. On average Temperatures in the city are below zero 324 days a year. Plus, frosts and snowfalls can begin in any month, and the polar nights here are incredibly long.

12. Tristan da Cunha (islands)

Together with Easter Island and the Pitcairn Islands, it is included in the list the most remote settlements on the planet.

Tristan da Cunha is located 2,816 km from South Africa and 3,360 km from South America. You can only get here by fishing boats or scientific vessels, but be careful - local residents not very friendly to tourists.

It is worth noting that immigration is illegal here.

11. Bajo, Philippines

It is not so much a locality as it is an ethnic group that lives in Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

The indigenous peoples and tribes from the surrounding areas were nicknamed "sea gypsies" due to their way of life. Even though more and more Bajo are deciding to move to land, there are families who continue live on the water all my life.

They live without drinking water and electricity, and they only land on the shore when they need to bury the dead.

10. Kifuka, Democratic Republic of Congo

If you are afraid of lightning, then you definitely won't like it here. This village is the place where lightning strikes regularly, and there are approximately 60 lightning strikes per square kilometer every year.

9. Meghalaya, India

This state in India is famous for its heavy rains and monsoons. The town of Cherrapunji, which is located in this state, has become known as the rainiest place on Earth - the precipitation rate exceeds 11,000 mm. This amount of precipitation led to the emergence of unique plants.

8. Muli, Faroe Islands

Despite his extremely unstable weather and the complete or partial absence of minerals and vegetation, the four residents of this tiny village on Faroe Islands until they are planning to leave their home.

7. Motuo, China

This is the place where incredibly difficult to get to. The path to this isolated locality considered the most difficult in the world. Live here about 10,000 people.

Here no roads or communication with the outside world. To get to the mysterious (the word "Motuo" means "hidden, mysterious lotus") you need to make your way through the mountains, and the journey can take a week.

6. Norilsk, Russia

Besides the fact that Norilsk is one of coldest cities on earth, he is also one of most polluted cities on our planet.

5. Dallol, Ethiopia

This settlement can “boast” of the most high average annual temperature on Earth. Between 1960 and 1966, the highest average annual temperature was recorded here - 34 degrees Celsius.

In addition, Dallol - one of the most remote places on the ground. Here no roads, and to get to it, you need to use caravan routes that are aimed at collecting and delivering salt.

Nearby, below sea level, is Dallol volcano (last eruption in 1926). There are no exact statistics on how many people live here.

4. La Oroya, Peru

This city is famous mining and metallurgical industries. But these industries put the city on the list most polluted cities in the world.

Due to lead smelting, literally all residents, including children, have some degree of lead poisoning.

The average life expectancy in this city is 51 years for men and 55 years for women. It is worth noting that on average across the country, people live 20 years longer.

The main cause of death is oncology. Here it is observed many genetic deformities, because For several generations they have not left this lead shell.

3. Oymyakon, Russia

This village is known as one of the “Poles of Cold”, i.e. region where registered lowest temperature on earth.

About 500 people live here (2012). The length of the day in Oymyakon can vary from 3 hours in December to 21 hours in the summer.

In January average monthly temperature-46.4 degrees Celsius(can sometimes drop to -50).


    Rezekne is a city of miracles. Came in with money, came out without.

    No thoughts come to me.

    I love my house, my yard, the nearby river and the whole city itself!

    I was born and lived for 19 years in Daugavpils... it is not what it used to be, there are no those carousels where for 50 centimes you could ride a Ferris wheel and see the whole city, there is no Cindy’s cafe where in my childhood they made the most delicious cocktails, there is no pizzeria with the most delicious pizzas - my mother and I always looked there when we were in the center... those friends with whom we sat on a bench in more than one pair of jeans are no longer there..! now everything is different.. but still, when I come here once every two weeks, he is still waiting for me

    no, no. My favorite places in Russia. Closer to Karelia and in the Tver region, on the Volga.
    When I arrive there, everything inside is somehow seething.
    But here... not so...

    I moved at the beginning of the year, now I'm happy with everything. There is no talk of any relocation now. It’s true that most of the neighbors here are kind of freaks, but they don’t bother me.



Kitty, what happened?

I shuddered. I can't stand these idiotic nicknames - cat, bunny, hedgehog. One, I remember, called me a mouse - we never got to bed with her, I said goodbye almost immediately and never called her again. Is it really true that some women associate me with these small animals, and this is due to my height?

What, you don't want me at all? - the lips are pouty, the voice is exaggeratedly childish - the little girl was offended! Maybe this happened to someone else, but for me this behavior of a thirty-year-old woman caused nothing but rejection.

But that’s not even the point, I’ve already seen similar grimaces from my previous girlfriends, but I’ve never reacted like that. In the end, this is just sex, and, for me, it’s the last one before many years of celibacy. So what's the deal? Why does my body refuse to listen to the voice of reason that says - fuck her, get your pleasure, give her the usual precious trinket and leave, as I have constantly done in the last twenty years with hundreds of other women.

It's okay, it happens. Fatigue, stress. But I have a magic pill, believe me, you won’t be able to stop until the morning, it’s been tested!

And what should I answer to this? That I don't need any pill? That such help is intended for those who can’t, but I just... don’t want to! I, a young, healthy man, am in bed with a naked woman with a luxurious body and considerable experience, and I just don’t want her, because it’s... Wrong! Here it is, this word, this is the very block that prevents me from enjoying non-binding sex with a woman, who knows the rules games.

True, today I slightly deviated from my rules and brought her to the graduation ceremony - my younger brother finally graduated from school. Yes, I understand, it’s in vain, but that’s how it happened. To be honest, I just forgot about it, got stuck in the hospital, turned in cases, then had several emergency operations - a bus accident, many wounded, there weren’t enough surgeons, so although I had already officially quit, I didn’t have time to leave the hospital building, so I left I just couldn’t, I got involved in the work. In the morning I collapsed on the sofa in the head doctor’s office; he also happens to be my older brother, so I had the keys.

I woke up from Isolde’s call, she happily said that she had taken a day off from work, because she knew that from today I was free, and she decided that we would spend this day together. I was sleepy, and this is the only way I can justify the fact that I completely forgot what day it was, so I automatically agreed. Besides, we had already met twice, and she made it clear that she was not at all opposed to being in bed with me, which, in fact, was my purpose in meeting her.

And so, when we had already had lunch at luxury restaurant, which she chose, or rather, she was having lunch, and I was having breakfast, and were already getting ready to go to her house, when a call came from my daughter-in-law. She asked if I remembered about my younger brother’s graduation, because the whole family was leaving in fifteen minutes, and I still wasn’t there. I promised to come straight to school, I thought that I would have to postpone the planned “event” with Isolde until tomorrow, but she offered to go with me. I probably thought that by meeting my loved ones, she would take our relationship to a higher level. Naive. We sat the entire boring graduation ceremony a little away from the members of my rather large family, and then immediately left, I didn’t even introduce her to anyone, why?

And now I’m lying, naked, on a wide bed in her bedroom, and I’m thinking - what am I even doing here, and what excuse can I use to escape. Because I definitely don’t intend to swallow her miracle pills.

Sighing heavily, I opened my mouth to say something, at least something, and then run away from this house and from this woman, who was irritating me more and more every second, and at that moment salvation came to me in the form of a call to door.

“They came to you,” I chimed in, barely hiding a sigh of relief.

“I’m not waiting for anyone,” she tried to put me back down. - They will call and leave.

But the caller was persistent. The trill of the bell did not stop for about thirty seconds, then there was a knock on the door, and it was clearly a fist.

Maybe you can open it? - I suggested, because this whole situation was irritating me more and more.

Warm greetings to everyone! Very often we have to witness any crimes or even car accidents, and sometimes we become participants in incidents. At such moments, it is necessary to communicate with emergency services - ambulance, police, fire. What if something happens to you or just passersby during your trip to the USA? You must be able to communicate with emergency personnel, answer their questions, or obtain necessary information from victims.

Place of work, residence and address at English language

Therefore, with the help of today's audio lesson you will learn to tell in English where you work, live, what kind of the exact address, and also answer the questions: “ What is the address?" - “Your address?”, “Where do you live?” - “Where do you live?”, “Where do you work?” - "Where do you work?" , and you will also repeat the material from past classes in spoken English for ordinary Americans and visiting foreigners.

Remember the useful audio lesson of spoken American Who are you? or Who are you?

In addition, along with new phrases, prepositions, verbs and nouns, today you will also learn words from a new grammatical category - English numerals - as part of the course "That's What They Say in America". Knowing the numbers is necessary in order to quickly call the police, ambulance, firefighters or the only emergency service in America - 911.

Policeman: Where do you live? -Where do you live?
Paula: I live at fifty-five Georgia Street. — I live on the street. Georgia, 55
Policeman: Where do you work? - Where do you work?
Paula: I work at Jenson's. — I work at Jensons.
Policeman: What is the address? — At what address?
Paula: 307 California street. - st. California 307

Now listen to this dialogue, voiced by Voice of America radio professionals, and other vocabulary in English:


Listen carefully to the pronunciation of each sound to catch the peculiarities of American articulation and practice your own pronunciation.

Where do you live? - in English

A table with phrases in English, as well as words broken down according to their grammatical category, and with translation will help you master new vocabulary much faster.

Where do you live?


BewareLook out
Step aside Step aside
Step backStand back
PassMove along


wantto want
askto ask
haveto have


police officerpoliceman
accident, accident accident
financial worker accountant


1 One
2 Two
3 Three
4 Four
5 Five
6 Six
7 Seven
8 Eight
9 Nine
10 Ten
11 Eleven
12 Twelve
13 Thirteen
14 Fourteen
15 Fifteen
16 Sixteen
17 Seventeen
18 Eighteen
19 Nineteen
20 Twenty
30 Thirty
40 Forty
50 Fifty
60 Sixty
70 Seventy
80 Eighty
90 Ninety
100 One hundred


A preposition with which we begin a sentence when giving an address.It is not translated into Russian. at

Don't be afraid of this large quantity numerals. It is enough to learn the first 13 numbers, and then by following the pattern of their formation, it will be easy to remember all the remaining numbers. Moreover, almost everyone can count to 10 in English, even those who did not learn English at school.

Due to various reasons, some Russian citizens decide to move permanently to another country. The desire to improve the material well-being of one’s family, to gain prospects for the future, to have a sense of security, encourages one to leave one’s home and relatives and go to new country. Considering the number of countries and the diversity of conditions in them, the question is reasonable: where is it good for a Russian to live?

Life abroad is different for everyone. Much depends on education and practical skills. Programmers and other freelancers can move to almost any country. They do not need to know the local language, culture and customs.

Working autonomy allows you to fulfill orders remotely, at home. The choice of country to which to move from Russia is determined by the income received and the ability to rent or purchase housing.

Holders of other professions should be more careful, because... a hasty move can only aggravate the situation and consume savings.

IN developed countries ah, such as the USA, Germany, Canada, there is always a shortage of paramedics, nurses and high school teachers.

Since the requirements for certification and level of knowledge in developed countries differ from Russian ones, it is necessary to confirm the diploma locally. Active specialists with extensive experience and practice are more likely to undergo the procedure.

Most, when deciding where to go to live from Russia, consider developed countries. There are three reasons for this:

  • All developed countries stand out for their material well-being and high culture ( beautiful cities, historical values, loyal political attitude, strong economy);
  • developed countries are developing special migration programs designed to help people who have moved to settle down in a new place;
  • Most developed countries have a pleasant climate.

For more than 100 years, many have believed that it is better to move to the United States of America. There are 882,000 Russian speakers living here. Of these, more than 200,000 are in New York.

It is possible to immigrate from Russia to the USA, but it is not very easy. This country is afraid of immigrants and the work of the consulate directly tries to stop this flow.

Statistics show that only 2% of the total number of those who left Russia managed to settle in the United States.

Only outstanding specialists, scientists or athletes who are ready to continue their activities and attribute their achievements to America can submit a direct request to the consulate of this country to obtain citizenship.

Those who have relatives in America can also submit documents for relocation. However, the latter will have to confirm the call and their financial capabilities to provide for the emigrant for a certain period.

Those who receive a tourist visa and decide to stay must go to the consulate and ask for political asylum. A long process of paperwork will begin. For 5 years the person will have travel ban status.

An ordinary Russian who has asked for political asylum from the United States should be prepared to give up the opportunity to visit his homeland for the next five years. It should be taken into account how this will affect relatives left in Russia.

For girls, the legal way to obtain the right to reside in the United States is through marriage to an American citizen. But to stop fictitious unions, there is a requirement to see the groom at least once in person before arriving in the States.

Is different beautiful scenery and gorgeous beaches. He is very loyal to visiting Russians. He is among the leaders of countries where it is better for a Russian person to go to live. You can obtain a residence permit if you purchase a house or apartment in Spain. The amount you should focus on is from 250,000 euros.

Given the possibility of remote acquisition of real estate, Spain is becoming great place, where it’s good for a Russian to live. Immediately after purchase, you can apply for a residence permit. However, with one peculiarity - the first time the permit will be issued for a period of one year. After a year, the application is resubmitted and you are allowed to live in Spain for another two years. The third period is three years. Finally, after six years, the person will receive a permanent residence permit.

Of all the states participating in the Schengen agreement, obtaining permanent residence in Spain is the easiest!

For those who believe that it is better to move to Spain, the state puts forward two main requirements:

  1. sufficient funds for living (you must provide a certificate from the bank about ownership of a deposit, securities or precious metals, or evidence of the availability of other material resources);
  2. no criminal record for serious crimes.

Great place abroad - Sweden

They dream about this country. Many people believe that it is best for a person from Russia to live here. Statistics show that of the total population growth, 75% are emigrants (from all over the world).

Anyone who receives the official right to live in Sweden quickly finds a good and well-paid job. But obtaining documents for permanent residence is very difficult. Better place It’s hard to imagine where it’s worth going to live abroad.

One of the opportunities to become a citizen of this state is to marry a representative of Sweden. Such unions are carefully checked by immigration services. This happens due to a special program for immigrants from Russia. Serious means of support are intended for those arriving. Therefore, the control is very strict.

One of the most populated countries in Europe. A good place for a Russian person to live abroad. Until the 1980s it was a country closed to immigration. And at the end of the 2010s, 10% of the total population already had officially moved residents from other countries.

From 2008 to 2013, Norway led the Scandinavian countries in terms of economy and capital growth among the population. It is a country with a very high GDP per person - $55,000 per year.

Life in Norway is much better than in Russia: there is greater freedom of choice and prospects for the future. For example, there is a high level of trust in people (74%), while in Russian society it is 27%.

Parents and young families are well taken care of abroad. Denmark extends paid maternity leave. Medical care is free for citizens of the country. Men and women are equal here and can hold the same positions and corresponding pay.

Bicycles are the most common mode of transport here, although there are also plenty of cars. Particularly important is the responsible attitude towards others. For example, for deaf and mute citizens, advertisements on railway stations are duplicated in sign language and displayed on a large screen. Such state care makes Denmark good place, where is it better to go to live.

Among the reasons for permanent residence abroad in Italy, in addition to marriage, there are three more:

  1. presence of close relatives in the country;
  2. opening a business (registration of an LLC or private enterprise in the state);
  3. concluding an employment agreement with a company (public or private) and presenting this document at the embassy.

Citizen status is obtained within three months after arrival. Afterwards, you can stay in the country for an unlimited period. Since such a resident, as a resident, has all legal rights, no one can deprive him of this status. Subsequently, you can send an invitation to Russia to other relatives, if you have the financial ability to take care of them.

Southeast Asia

A Russian person can live well in India or neighboring countries (Vietnam, Thailand). Vietnam has a fast pace of development. Over the past 20 years it has gained the status of a popular resort. High level life around the country. Pleasant climate, cities built in a short time and quiet beaches. The dishes here are different from Russian cuisine, but you can get used to them.

When considering a future location, it is important to learn in detail about the local culture and customs. Some features may attract, while others may repel.

You can live in these Asian countries long term on tourist or study visas. The form for obtaining documents is quite simple. Benefits of living abroad in Asia:

  • affordable housing costs;
  • good, inexpensive clothes;
  • cheap food.

Since 2016, Russians who have international passport, can directly visit these Asian countries and see everything for themselves. A stamp in your passport allowing you to stay in the country for up to 30 days can be obtained directly at the airport.