The best amusement parks in the world.

The entertainment industry is considered the most promising industry today. In the construction of the most complex engineering structures space funds are being invested. Projects are being implemented with impressive records of cost, height, speed, and acceleration. For the sake of getting a thrill, daredevils are ready to go to any part of the planet and part with any amount of money.

Every year, records in the entertainment industry change. The visitor demands more impressive spectacles. Carousels and Ferris wheels are growing up to the skies; high-speed slides are being built longer and higher. The designs of attractions are becoming even more complex. The list of the most adrenaline-pumping rides in the world includes: "Insanity", X-Scream, Kingda Ka, Colossus, Steel Dragon 2000, Tower of Terror, Top Thrill Dragster, Takabisha, Furius Baco, Formula Rossa.

10. "Insanity"

The "Insanity" attraction is located on the roof of the Stratosphere high-rise building (Las Vegas). It is the highest high-speed carousel on the planet, rotating at an altitude of over 300 m. The design has open passenger cabins, which adds to the thrill of the experience. The carousel protrudes 20 m from the edge of the building. Passengers fastened to their seats spin over the huge poor thing face down, while experiencing an overload of 3g.

9. X-Scream

Tourists come from all over the world to flirt with death at the hellish X-Scream attraction in Las Vegas. The swing is also located on the platform of the Stratosphere skyscraper. Daredevils are seated in an open trailer, which hovers over a 330-meter abyss. It makes your hair stand on end, even if you just imagine that the trolley is flying at full speed into a crazy abyss, its nose crosses the edge of the rails and, suddenly stopping, dives sharply down. And the passengers of the X-Scream trailer experience such horror more than once.

8. Kingda Ka

Kingda Ka is considered the world's tallest and fastest (second in speed) roller coaster. They are also called “fear machines.” The attraction, in the construction of which $25 million was invested, has been operating since 2005. It is located in the USA (New Jersey). Powerful hydraulics in 3.5 seconds. accelerates the carts to 206 km/h, “throwing” them to the very peak - a 139-meter height. This is equivalent to a skyscraper consisting of five nine-story buildings! The carriages on a loop-shaped, almost kilometer-long trajectory either rise, then dive deeper, or generally fly up along a vertical spiral-shaped track and also rush vertically down.

7. Colossus

In the city of Cherpsi (Anlia) in Thorpe Park, there is a metal roller coaster Colossus, with the most twisting track, the length of which is 850 m. The cars accelerate to 65 km/h. The peak height to which passengers rise is 30 meters. The trajectory is so twisted that when passing it a person turns head down 10 times. The route consists of a sheer drop, two spirals, and five twists. With such a movement, the passenger ceases to orient himself in space, not understanding where is up and where is down.

6. Steel Dragon

The longest (2479 m) roller coaster was built by the Japanese in 2000 in Nagashima. The construction of the original structure coincided with the year of the dragon. In this connection, its shape resembles the crest of a mystical animal and is called Steel Dragon, which means “iron dragon”. The highest point of the attraction is at a height of one hundred meters. This is almost a house of 30 floors! The speed of the trolleys reaches 150 km/h. The special feature of Steel Dragon is an incredible fall from a height of 93 meters.

5. Tower of Terror

In Australia (Gold Coast, Dreamworld Park) there is an unusual extreme ski jump called Tower of Terror. This translates into Russian as “tower of terror,” which in itself reveals the essence of the attraction. The roller coaster has been running since 2010. On " lifeboat» “Escape Pod” - a cart whose mass together with passengers is 6 tons, travelers rush upward and then fall, gradually stopping on a horizontal track. The electromagnetic drive accelerates the structure to 160 km/h in 7 seconds. When taking off upward to a height of 115 meters, which lasts just over 3 seconds, a person experiences an overload of 4.5g. The passenger is also in a fall at a speed of 160 km/h for just over 3 seconds. At the very top, passengers hang in the air for a moment. The total duration of the crazy extreme is 6.5 s.

4. Top Thrill Dragster

The ride on the top thrill dragster lasts 17 seconds. But these seconds seem like an eternity to the passengers of such a slide. The attraction was built in Ohio (USA) for $25,000,000. According to its characteristics, Top Thrill Dragster is in second place after the Kingda Ka coaster. Maximum height the structure is 152 m, the length of the track is 850 m. A train of 5 cars accelerates to 193 km/h. The trajectory consists of a complex vertical section 120 m long. It provides passengers with a twisting fall. The thrill of the experience is complemented by the special effects (sounds of car engines, smells of exhaust) that accompany the trip.

3. Takabisha

In July 2011, in Japan, at the foot of Fuji (Yamanashi Prefecture), the world's coolest attraction called Takabisha, which translates as “willful,” opened. This is a real mountain of horror. Its design has the largest angle of descent. The kilometer-long track tickles the nerves of those skiing on 7 loops, and the descent is 121 degrees. tests the psyche of passengers for strength. In the middle of its journey, the cart rushes vertically down from a height of 43 m, simultaneously accelerating to 100 km/h. Instantly, the passengers find themselves in the real state of astronauts - absolute weightlessness.

2. Furius Baco

The Furius Baco speed slide operates in the Port Aventura park (Spain). Trolleys with passengers accelerate in 2.9-3.5 seconds to 135 km/h. Acceleration during acceleration increases to 10.7 m/s2, which is even higher for g (9.8 m/s2). The adrenaline is added by unusual chairs that are located on the sides of the rail. Passengers do not feel support under their feet and during the journey they seem to float in the air. At the end of the 850-meter track, the trailers rush a few cm above the water.

1.Formula Rossa

On the high-speed attraction Formula Rossa (UAE, Abu Dhabi), during the journey, passengers have time to flash their whole life in detail before their eyes. Incredibly, in 4.9 seconds the trolley manages to accelerate to 240 km/h! In addition, the track, which copies the legendary Monza race track, is fraught with many surprises in the form of ups and downs. High-speed track pilots are required to wear special goggles to protect their eyes.

Thrill-seekers who want to tickle their nerves can go to the small American town of Glenwood Springs in Colorado. It was there, on the edge of the canyon, that there was a swing that was not for children at all...

The Giant Canyon Swing ride at Glenwood Caverns amusement park is located on the side of a cliff 400 meters above the Colorado River.

The swing seats four passengers, swinging them 112 degrees above the horizon at a speed of 80 km per hour. Once at the highest point, extreme sports enthusiasts can look at the almost endless cliff that opens below them
The swing's creator, Steve Beckley, tried the ride just once, but was so scared that he didn't dare try again.

However, as Beckley admitted, he gets a lot of pleasure from watching people's faces and hearing their heart-rending screams during the 60-second ride.

The original version of the attraction was, in the opinion of the creator, not extreme enough, and did not send passengers far enough into empty space.

Therefore, in 2011, he decided to install a longer pneumatic machine, thanks to which visitors have the opportunity to experience the full range of emotions from intense excitement to horror.

Before using the swing, everyone must sign a liability waiver stating that "the activity may result in falls, injury or death." Children and teenagers under 18 years of age are admitted only upon presentation of a signed document by their parents or guardians.

Attractions at the Stratosphere Hotel in Las Vegas

1. Insanity attraction

The Insanity attraction (from English - "Madness") is located at the top of the 9th tall building in the USA and the highest in Las Vegas - the Stratosphere Las Vegas hotel.

It is a remote carousel-centrifuge with huge mechanical claws, suspending you at a height of 274 meters above the ground. The carousel extends 19.5 meters from the northern edge of the tower, spinning tourists at a 70-degree angle at a speed of 60 km per hour.

2. Big Shot attraction

Another crazy attraction, the Big Shot at the Stratosphere Hotel is the tallest in the world in terms of total height above ground level. The attraction is a catapult that accelerates visitors at a speed of 72 km per hour over 329 meters, and then makes a free fall down.

3. X Scream attraction

This attraction is a carriage located on the edge of the hotel roof, which accelerates and extends beyond the rails 8 meters from the edge of the tower.

4. The Smiler at Alton Towers, UK

The creators of The Smiler at Alton Towers amusement park designed it together with psychologists to increase the fear factor.

Now the attraction holds the record for the most a large number revolutions in the world, namely 14.

In addition, while traveling at speeds of up to 85 km per hour, visitors will experience various psychological effects, including optical illusions, such as blinding lights and looming syringes that the creators say will "blur the line between illusion and reality"

5. Roller coaster Superman: Escape from Krypton, California, USA

The attraction, called Superman: Escape from Krypton, is located at Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, California.

It propels passengers at a speed of 160 km per hour to the height of a 41-story tower, and then plunges them back 126 meters, face down.

6. Thunder Dolphin attraction in Tokyo Dome City, Japan

The Thunder Dolphin ride is located in the Tokyo Dome City amusement park and is the 6th tallest continuous roller coaster in the world.

Its uniqueness lies in the fact that during the ride, it passes through a concrete ring in the building and also through the world's first centerless Ferris wheel.

7. Takabisha at Fuji-Q Highland, Japan

The Takabisha ride in the famous Japanese amusement park Fuji-Q Highland entered the Guinness Book of Records as the ride with the steepest descent angle of 121 degrees.

After rolling through 7 loops, passengers fall at a speed of 100 km per hour 43 meters down.

8. Colossus ride at Thorpe amusement park, UK

This monster roller coaster is one of the most twisted in the world, boasting 10 turns, including a double helix, cobra curl and more.

The length of the attraction is 850 meters and the speed reaches 77 km per hour.

Roller coasters, carousels, Ferris wheels and other attractions are loved by both adults and children. They allow you to forget about problems for a while and get a portion of adrenaline - a special hormone that puts a person in a state close to euphoria. But there are entertainments in the world that are intended only for real extreme sports enthusiasts - just looking at them makes your heart sink into your heels, your palms begin to itch, and goosebumps run down your back. So, fasten your seat belts and get ready for the excursion. You will see the most scary rides in the world.

X Scream

Las Vegas has a large hotel and entertainment complex, the Stratosphere, topped with a huge spire 350 meters high - this is one of the tallest observation towers in the Western Hemisphere, where three of the craziest and creepiest attractions are located. One of them is called “X Scream”, which means “scream” in English and is quite true - even brave, stern men here squeal in fear, like girls watching a horror movie.

The attraction was opened in 2005 and consists of a short rail and a small open carriage. After visitors take their seats, the trolley accelerates and rolls down at speed, straight into the abyss gaping beyond the edge of the roof. At the very end of the rail, it slows down slightly, after which it dives sharply down, and the people sitting inside get the complete impression that they are falling down from a great height. There are only four seats in the trailer, but for some reason there is no queue of tourists - there are not many daredevils who want to experience real horror.

Insanity the Ride

Another attraction of the Stratosphere, which is considered the highest and probably the creepiest carousel in the world. Insanity the Ride, or simply insanity, is a structure suspended at a height of almost three hundred meters (the distance to the edge of the roof is 20 meters), with five open cabins. Those who want to ride sit in the booths, after which they begin to spin at a speed of 65 km per hour, and the booths rotate 70 degrees during rotation, and the riders find themselves facing the Earth.

A great place to admire the views of Las Vegas, but everyone who has tried the crazy entertainment for themselves claims that the scenery at this moment interests you the least. If you open your eyes, which not everyone dares to do, you can feel how the mind and body are separated from each other.

The Big Shot

The highest of the three extreme rides at the Stratosphere is The Big Shot. It is something like a human catapult - a frame with chairs that moves up and down the spire at the top of the building at a speed of 70 km per hour and four times the acceleration. First, the chairs with daredevils rise up to the highest point of 329 meters, hang there for a few moments, after which they abruptly drop down, and so on several times in a row.

The catapult gives you the opportunity to admire the view of Las Vegas from the highest point in the city, and at the same time experience the sensation free fall. Like the rest of the Stratosphere attractions, The Big Shot looks simply creepy, but the organizers assure that in terms of safety, everything is excellent here - the risk of injury or death is minimal. Indeed, since 1996, when it was built, there has been no information about accidents.

Giant Canyon Swing

The attraction called “Giant Canyon” at first glance is a simple swing for four people, but it is installed directly above a huge cliff 400 meters above the level of the Colorado River. The speed at which visitors fly over the abyss is 80 kilometers per hour. To fly over the abyss, you will have to go to the Glenwood Caverns amusement park, located in Colorado.

They say that even the founder of the “hell swing” himself, Steve Beckley, tried it only once, and was scared so much that he did not dare try again.

Before taking their places on the chairs, daredevils sign a special document. It states that they are aware of all the risks associated with such a pastime and relieve the park administration of responsibility for their health.


Verrückt, which translates to "crazy", is a water slide at the Schlitterbahn water park (Kansas City, Kansas) that has been included in the Guinness Book of World Records. The height of the entire structure is 51.5 meters, which is much higher than the Statue of Liberty and Niagara Falls. Travel along the trench is carried out on special boats accelerating up to 110 km per hour - first there is a descent, after which the structure rises again and falls down again. To insure passengers, a special net is installed around the chute.

Unfortunately, there were some accidents on the Verrückt attraction. Several years ago, a ten-year-old child, the son of a US congressman, died on it - the boy fell over the fence and fell to his death. While the incident was being investigated, the slide was closed, but is now open again, attracting hundreds of thousands of extreme sports enthusiasts from all over the world.


In the Fuji-Q High Land park in Japan, not far from the legendary Mount Fuji, are Takabisha - the coolest in every sense roller coaster on the planet, which also managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records. They opened in the summer of 2011, the length of the rails is 1 km, and the speed of the karts is about 100 km per hour, which can hardly be called the most impressive characteristics for such an attraction. The "trick" of Takabisha lies in the design of the slides - they have 7 very sharp turns, and from a distance they look like tangled barbed wire that is installed at the top of the fence.

At its highest point, the Japanese roller coaster rises to a height of 43 meters, before dropping down at an angle of 121 degrees and going through several more dizzying turns. Despite the fact that the ride time on the attraction is only 112 seconds, and the ticket price is about $10, there are always enough people who want to experience the thrill.

Formula Rossa

The third attraction from today's selection, which earned a place in the Guinness Book of Records as the fastest in the world. The Formula Rossa roller coaster is a replica of one of the world's most famous race tracks, and is located at a Ferrari theme park called Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi. The mechanism is equipped with a hydraulic launch system similar to those installed in aircraft carriers, which allows passengers to get an unforgettable experience. The ride's karts accelerate to 240 km per hour in just 5 seconds, and it was tested by real Formula 1 racers, who confirmed the high level.

The maximum height of Formula Rossa is 52 meters, the total length is more than two kilometers, which park visitors cover in 93 seconds.

True, not everyone can get on the attraction - if you believe the reviews, it is often closed without explanation. In addition, the height of the daredevil must be no less than 130 and no more than 195 cm, and you will have to pay about 12 dollars for a ticket.

Tower of terror

Tower of Terror, or "Tower of Terror", built back in 1997 at the main resort of Australia in Queensland, is the world's first attraction in the "free fall" category. The 115-meter-high structure has an L-shape and a principle similar to a roller coaster - a trolley with passengers accelerates to 160 km per hour in 3 seconds to reach the highest point of the tower, after which it rushes down. It is at this moment that visitors to the attraction can experience the feeling of free fall.

Despite the fact that Tower of Terror is far from claiming the title of the tallest or fastest in the world, it does not lose popularity among those who like to tickle their nerves. In addition to the main attraction, it offers two additional ones located on the back side, and its power is enough to provide energy to a small town for 7 seconds.

Furius Baco

The Furius Baco attraction, operating on the principle of a roller coaster, is located in the Port Aventura park, Salou, Spain, and is one of the ten fastest structures of this type in the world. It is interesting primarily because it is not just a go-kart ride, but a real theatrical performance. According to the creators, visitors come to a suburban house where a crazy inventor lives with a monkey. He invites guests to test a new machine that runs on grape wine, but at the last moment the monkey pulls the lever, and the mechanism accelerates to crazy speed.

Furius Baco trolleys pick up speed of 135 km per hour in 2–3 seconds, the total length of the route is 850 m, and at the very end the trolleys fly literally a couple of centimeters from the surface of the water. The original design of the attraction adds to the thrill - the seats are fixed on the sides of the rails, and there is no support under the feet, which creates a complete feeling of flight.


The only Russian attraction that is included in the top ten scariest in the world is located in the St. Petersburg amusement park “Divo Island”. Its height is more than 50 meters, and the structure consists of three large columns with metal cables and capsules attached to them - after starting the mechanism, the capsules with passengers inside fly up, rotating around their own axis, and then fall down.

Thrill-seekers who have already tried the “Catapult” claim that the sensation can be compared to being shot from a slingshot - in 4 seconds you can be at the 20th floor level.

The owners claim that the attraction is absolutely reliable - for several years of its operation there really has not been a single accident, if you do not take into account the fact that one man died a few minutes after leaving the capsule.

Would you dare to ride one of the craziest rides in the world? If yes, then you can proudly classify yourself as a true extreme sports enthusiast.

The most terrible attractions in the world were invented for those who like to tickle their nerves and who are not bothered by the stress of everyday life. Here you can experience enormous speeds, accelerations, falling from high altitude, make a “dead loop”. Scary rides are in many ways similar to extreme sports; they can also be used to solve psychological problems, only with less risk. Therefore, amusement parks strongly attract not only children, but also adults who need a good dose of adrenaline, which will temporarily give them strength, vigor, and help them better cope with life’s troubles.

1. "Above the Roof of the World"

In the American Las Vegas they built a tall (350 m) observation tower"Stratosphere", which is the second highest object of similar purpose in the Western Hemisphere. This structure simultaneously offers daredevils three impressive attractions. The first is the "Big Shot" tower, the name of which becomes clear when the visitor is seated on a platform, strapped in and shot at a speed of 70 km/h to a height of 329 meters. This is the oldest Stratosphere attraction, which began operating in 1996.
The next heart-warming attraction was the Madness carousel. In appearance, it looks like the most harmless carousel, only it rotates at an altitude of 300 meters, hanging over the abyss and being carried 20 meters beyond the roof. The carousel spins at a decent speed, and at this time passengers are positioned face down.
The last point of extreme sports is the “X Scream” trailer, which, after acceleration, seems to be heading straight into the abyss. His nose freezes over the abyss, so that the passengers feel as if they are about to fall down. There are not so many people who want to ride in such a Pullman.

The Georgian people are distinguished by their cordiality and hospitality, so many travelers anticipate the warmest welcome on Georgian soil. IN...

2. "Grand Canyon"

As you know, the Grand Canyon is located in Colorado. On the edge of a cliff more than 400 meters high there is a swing with long rods. 4 crazy people sit on this swing and begin to spin over the abyss at a speed of 80 km/h. It is worth recalling that before boarding the attraction, the daredevil signs a paper stating that riding involves the risk of falling, injury and death - this is sobering for many.

3. "Catapult"

In St. Petersburg, in the Divo Island amusement park, there is a very impressive Catapult attraction. Between two powerful columns there are two cables, capable of exerting strong tension, and a capsule is attached to them. The capsule, fired by a catapult, rushes into the sky at tremendous speed, reaching a height of 54 meters. After that, she freely falls back, gradually slowed down by her leash, and then makes several more such ups and downs. At the same time, the capsule also rotates around its own axis, which only increases the dizziness of the daredevils who sit inside. There is an analogue of the same attraction, called the “Flying Dutchman”, but it can only rise to 35-40 meters, but it has beautiful lighting. Participants in the attraction can order video recording for a fee so that they can laugh at their frightened faces.

4. Free Fall Zone at Paramount

Anyone who thinks they're not afraid of heights can check it out at an attraction in Ohio. It is a 100-meter pillar with a platform on top. First, the daredevil is lifted to the top of the pillar, from where he can enjoy the view of the surroundings, but suddenly the platform collapses, and then those on it experience a free fall, the speed of which reaches 100 km/h.

5. “Formula Rossa”

The Emirate of Abu Dhabi has Ferrari Park, and it is home to the world's wildest roller coaster, the Formula Rossa. In 5 seconds the train accelerates to 240 km/h, and passengers experience almost cosmic overloads. Due to the high speed, all passengers are provided with goggles to protect their eyes from grains of sand and flies. The entire trip lasts one and a half minutes. As the cabin moves, it either soars to a height of 50 meters or falls down almost freely. You can gain incredible impressions from the attraction only by looking at its video and the emotions of passengers.

6. "Smiler"

This attraction is not an ordinary roller coaster. Along the route, extreme sports enthusiasts make 14 “dead loops”. The highest of the loops reaches a height of 30 meters. Interestingly, psychologists helped the engineers develop this attraction, the task of which was to increase the fear factor. Therefore, in addition to the significant height and speed (85 km/h), riders are frightened by realistic-looking optical illusions: syringes flying towards them, blinding light and other unexpected surprises. Although the entire trip lasts 165 seconds, all people leave there, overwhelmed with emotions and impressions that last a lifetime.

7. Kingda Ka roller coaster

The uniqueness of this attraction lies in its height, reaching 139 meters. In 3.5 seconds, the hydraulic mechanism accelerates riders to 206 km/h. But high altitude and failed this attraction, which was struck by lightning in 2009 and seriously damaged. After this, a major overhaul was required, which resulted in the ride being completely restored so that it could operate safely and correctly. Even in photographs this structure looks impressive.

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8. Roller coaster "Takabisha"

This attraction was built in Japan, and among other roller coasters it stands out for its largest inclination angle, reaching 121 degrees. First, the skaters end up in a tunnel, where they move very slowly and in complete silence. At some point, the mechanism sharply accelerates the cabin. Approximately halfway through the distance, at an altitude of 43 meters, an almost vertical fall suddenly begins with a simultaneous strong acceleration of up to 100 kilometers per hour. Then the cabin makes a few more turns, turns sharply and stops. The total length of the attraction is approximately a kilometer, although this distance feels like it flies by at lightning speed. At the moment of the fall, people sitting in the cabins feel a state of weightlessness, but at the same time a wave of fear comes from falling from a great height.

9. Water slide "Insanlo"

A unique water park was built near the Brazilian city of Fortaleza, famous for the fact that it was there that the tallest water slide on the planet was built, which still holds the title. Its height is about 40 meters (about a 14-story building) even got into the Guinness Book of Records. True, you will have to try to climb to such a height, but from there you can enjoy an excellent view of the sea, sandy beach and palm trees.
Once you are satisfied with what you see and have gathered your courage, you can go down the slide, which is more like a free fall, lasting only 4-6 seconds. But during this time, the falling human body accelerates to high speed - 100-110 km/h. The name of the attraction matches itself; translated from Portuguese it means “madness”. In short moments, a person experiences very vivid emotions here, but they can be immortalized on video if you additionally order filming of your descent. The shots come out very funny.

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10. "Zip World"

This chill-inducing attraction is located in Bethesda in north Wales (UK). This is the longest “lightning” in the northern hemisphere, stretching for 1,700 meters. Its cable was placed between the peaks of neighboring mountains, above the crystalline surface clean lake and a very picturesque gorge. Those who want to test themselves are first brought to the top of the mountain, where they are asked to dress in special windproof and waterproof suits, given goggles to protect their eyes from the wind, and then attached to a cable. A person sliding along a cable faces down and experiences simultaneously mixed feelings from the beauty of the opening panorama and fear from the incredible height.
During the descent, a person accelerates to 160-170 km/h. This attraction appeared in 2013, since then it has quickly gained immense popularity among daredevils around the world. Initially, those who want to test themselves on the “big lightning” are offered to practice on the “small lightning”. Such a flight will not leave anyone indifferent, because for a short time a person can feel like a real bird.

The visitor of the attraction slides along a one and a half kilometer cable over the gorge at a speed of 151 km/h. It is assumed that this way you can fully admire the view of the mountains and the lake. If, of course, you manage to open your eyes closed in fear.

2. “Giant Canyon”, USA

The giant swing is located at the Glenwood Caverns amusement park. The attraction is located on the slope of a mountain whose height is 400 meters. Its speed is 80 km/h.

The ride lasts 60 seconds, and before it, those who want to ride over the abyss must sign a waiver of the park's liability for possible and even their death.

3. Takabisha, Japan

The Fuji-Q Highland attraction's name translates to "dominance" in Japanese, and there's something about visiting it that's truly scary. The 43-meter-tall roller coaster has a 121-degree descent that puts the ride's passenger in a state of weightlessness. For the steepest turns in the world, the attraction was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

4. Dodonpa, Japan

Another attraction from the Fuji-Q Highland park is also a roller coaster. It opened in 2001 and was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the fastest at that time. The trolley moves at a speed of 172 km/h.

5. Sling Shot, Cyprus

The name says it all: in this attraction, you are shot into the air with a giant slingshot. The height of the device is 35 meters.

6. Big Shot, USA

The attraction is located on the roof of the Stratosphere Las Vegas Hotel. Visitors are taken to the peak at 329 meters, and then dropped sharply down - and so on several times.

7. Insanity, USA

Another frightening entertainment from Stratosphere Las Vegas - the Insanity carousel - looks quite traditional. Only it spins at an altitude of 300 meters. So this attraction cannot be called a children's attraction.

8. X-Scream, USA

The trolley slides along the rails of the roof of the Stratosphere Las Vegas and stops far beyond it. The emptiness underfoot, and the fact that the nose of the trailer hangs over the abyss, is hard not to notice. Of the three rides on one roof, this one is perhaps the scariest.

9. Formula Rossa, UAE

The Ferrari racing car accelerates to 100 km/h in 2.8 seconds, and the world's fastest roller coaster at Ferrari World accelerates to 240 km/h in 4.9 seconds. They move along guides that follow the route of the Monza circuit, the length of the route is 2.2 km.

All passengers are provided with goggles to protect their eyes from oncoming air flow and insects.

10. White Cyclone, Japan

The wooden roller coaster takes the visitor to the height of a 15-story building, and the length of the route is almost 2 km. If you decide to wait for your brave riding friend on the ground, from the outside the attraction will also seem very interesting.

11. Kingda Ka, USA

The height of the New Jersey slide is 139 meters. Passengers will experience a vertical rise to highest point and the same descent.

12. EdgeWalk, Canada

An attraction for people with a keen desire for... You will be allowed to walk along the edge of the site on the 116th floor of the television tower. No barriers or fences - go wherever you want. True, they will still cover you with insurance.

13. Insano, Brazil

The water slide, as tall as a 14-story building, is located at almost a right angle, so the visitor flies down at a very high speed. Adding to the thrill of the experience is the fact that the attraction ends with a relatively small pool.

The descent takes on average 5 seconds - just enough for your whole life to flash before your eyes. And climbing the hill using the stairs makes for a separate entertainment.

14. Leap of Faith, UAE

The height of this almost vertical water slide only 27 meters. But there are sharks waiting for you below. True, you will be reliably protected by a transparent tunnel.

15. The High Fall, Germany

This is a free fall tower 61 meters high. The attraction can lift up to 30 people at a time. As the name suggests, visitors fall freely from the top point and scream loudly as they do so.