Sights of India: photos and description of the republic. Unusual India: rare places for adventure lovers The most interesting things in India

India is the largest country in South Asia. It has a significant area and a very large population. It is among the top ten countries in the world for these two indicators. The birthplace of ancient Indian culture. On its territory there are many historical and architectural monuments. The modern rapid development of the country contributes to technical progress and improvement in the quality of life of the population, but, by European standards, they are still low.

The country's natural resources make it incredibly popular object travel. Since ancient times, other peoples have sought to see all its wonders with their own eyes. Each state has its own set of attractions, among which it is easy to find places to suit every taste.

Large cities (New Delhi, Mumbai) are megacities, noisy and active. Outback - villages in the jungle, secluded beaches. There is a lot of exoticism in the country, in all spheres of life. Tropical nature, intricate palaces and temples, the great Ganges and Indian Ocean, colorful saris and spices. There is almost nothing in India that is familiar to a resident of another country. The main directions of tours: excursions (“Golden Triangle”), beach (Goa), Ayurveda and spiritual practices. A separate direction is the Himalayas. You can bring wonderful fabrics, spices, tea, and jewelry as souvenirs. Best time visiting the country - from October to March.

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What to see in India?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photographs and brief descriptions.

1. Taj Mahal

The most famous and majestic mausoleum in the country. The snow-white huge tomb of Shah Jahan and his wife. The building is made of rare marble inlaid with semi-precious stones. Visited by millions of tourists, it is protected by UNESCO.

2. City of Varanasi

The oldest city in India. Located on the Ganges River, it serves as a place of pilgrimage for many locals and visitors. Ritual actions are performed on the banks. The center of the world for Hindus, the most important and revered place by them. Possesses unique story, architecture, everyday life.

3. Ganges River

The largest and longest river in India. It has enormous economic and cultural significance for the country. sacred river for Hindus, a place of numerous rituals. It originates in the Himalayas and descends to the Bay of Bengal. Partially navigable. The flora and fauna are gradually becoming poorer, but are still of interest to tourists. Many cities and temples were built along the banks.

4. Lotus Temple

A relatively young temple in New Delhi, built in 1986. Outwardly, it is very similar to a huge, snow-white lotus flower. The main temple of the Bahai religion in India. An exceptional building in terms of architectural design, unusually impressive at any time of the day. There is a garden next to the temple. One of the most popular tourist spots in Delhi.

5. Chhatrapati Shivaji Railway Station

The most unusual building in Mumbai, its symbol. The architecture of the station is quaint and very decorative, reminiscent of the maharaja's palace. Built by British architects during colonial times, but stylized according to local traditions. Previously bore the name of Queen Victoria. The filming of Slumdog Millionaire took place there.

6. Ajanta cave temples

Buddhist temple complex. It consists of many rooms for prayers and the life of monks, carved in stone and decorated with rich carvings and columns. The wall paintings of the complex are interesting and valuable; many surviving fragments belong to the genre of traditional Indian miniatures.

7. Hampi

Place ancient city, the capital of the Vijayanagar Empire. Now there are the remains of ancient buildings and functioning Hindu temples. The Hampi region is home to 18 ancient architectural and historical monuments. Protected by UNESCO.

8. Qutub Minar

One of the tallest minarets in the world. It is a 72-meter building made of brick, decorated with carvings and artistic masonry. It was built in Delhi by several generations of sultan rulers. Protected by UNESCO.

9. Gateway of India in New Delhi

Monument to Indian soldiers who died in the First World War. Opened in 1931. Located right in the center of the capital. Outwardly it resembles the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. The monument is made of sandstone, about 40 meters high. The names of the dead are engraved on the walls of the arch. Nearby is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. There is a large park around the memorial.

10. Gateway of India in Mumbai

An iconic arch gate built on the embankment in Mumbai. It was erected in honor of King George V's visit to the country. The last British soldiers left India through this symbolic gate after it gained independence.

11. Hawa Mahal Palace

Located in the city of Jaipur, its second name is the Palace of the Winds. The building is unique in architecture, all permeated with windows. Since the palace was built for a harem, all the windows were covered with marble bars, the white color of which goes well with the red walls of the building. Five floors, about a thousand windows in a lacy stone frame.

12. Red Fort in Agra

A grandiose fortress built of red sandstone. Located in Agra, it is one of the two most significant landmarks in the region. Built by several generations of the Great Mughals, the beginning of construction dates back to the middle of the 16th century. Inside the impregnable walls there is a whole complex of buildings, palaces and parks. Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

13. Mehrangarh Fortress

A huge fortress-palace on top of the mountain. Located in the state of Rajasthan, just above the city of Jodhpur. Construction began in the middle of the 15th century, along with the construction of the city. The walls and gates were built over several centuries and became simply monumental. Until the mid-20th century, local rulers lived in the fortress. Inside there is a museum, palaces and observation decks to the city.

14. Lake Pikola Palace

The palace of the local ruler was built right in the center of the reservoir. On the surface of the water there is a white-stone eastern castle, richly decorated with carvings. Currently, it is rented out to tourists and there are about a hundred luxurious rooms inside. One of the James Bond films, Octopussy, was filmed here.

15. Dudhsagar Falls

The largest waterfall in India. Is in natural park- the largest in Goa. The road runs through tropical forests, in real jungles, where many animals and birds live. You can get to it only by special transport (jeeps). The jets fall from a height of 300 meters and are white. There is a romantic legend explaining this feature.

16. Goa

An Indian state with about 100 km of beaches one after another. Divided into North and South. North coast more “youthful”, it can be noisy and fun here. Yuzhnoe is quieter, there are fewer hotels there and they are more expensive. Almost all beaches are sandy and ideal for relaxation. The proximity to the sea also determines the rich diet of fresh seafood.

17. Holi Festival of Colors

A spring festival celebrated annually in India. It is celebrated for several days and has its own obligatory traditions. One of the brightest and most popular is sprinkling each other with a special coloring powder. All participants in the fun are painted in different colors from head to toe.

18. Bollywood

Indian film factory, named after Hollywood. Located in Mumbai, it is one of the largest film companies in the country. It produces films in several languages, both acutely social and entertaining. It works with great productivity, film production never stops.

India is a land of fairy tales. Once here, anyone remembers children's books with exciting stories about sultans and beautiful palaces. For everyone this country is associated with something special, for some it is amazing architecture, for others it is the indescribable smell of curry and all kinds of spices, for others it is yoga, original culture and traditional clothing. Beautiful places can be found everywhere here; let’s look at the most remarkable of them.

Taj Mahal

Every country has a landmark that every tourist must visit; for India, this is the Taj Mahal. The Taj Mahal is a monument to true love, built by the Mughal Emperor for his wife, who died during childbirth. This architectural masterpiece, constructed entirely of white marble, took twenty-two years to build. It became the grave of the emperor’s beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, and later the emperor himself rested here.

Originally conceived as a mausoleum, today the Taj Mahal is a whole complex with delightful gardens, ponds and parks inhabited by a wide variety of birds and animals, which gives the right to call it the most beautiful place in India.


Nowadays, the most visited place in India is Goa. This small but lively town attracts tourists, first of all, with its inimitable nature. Golden beaches, blue skies, azure water – small paradise, located on the coast Arabian Sea.

The most beautiful beach considered Palol, nature has formed a bay here, surrounded on both sides by high capes. But Goa is not only beaches and hotels; on its territory there is the second largest waterfall in India - Dudhasagar. Sung by many poets and called “milk waterfall” among them, it rightfully belongs to the most beautiful places of this fabulous country.


Mumbai is a city where everyone will find something interesting for themselves. All tourists are delighted with this city. Some people remember it thanks to a visit to the Prince of Wales Museum, which contains amazing paintings by artists from different times, while others get an unforgettable experience from sailing or horseback riding.

Mumbai is also famous for the fact that it houses the Mahalakshmi Temple, built to honor the gods Kali, Lakshmi and Saraswati, and the temple of the god Shiva.

The most beautiful place in Mumbai is the so-called Gateway of India - Triumphal Arch, located above the entrance to the city harbor. The arch was built in the 1920s. for the arrival of the King and Queen of England.


Kerala is another region of the country that is blessed with amazing natural beauty. Mountains, jungles, beaches, water canals - all the diversity natural features India collected in one place. Kerala is famous for its parks and national reserves, as well as amazingly delicious Indian tea, which is collected on local plantations. Despite the hard and painstaking work (harvested entirely by hand), tea here is inexpensive.


The most ancient and beautiful place in India is the city of Jaisalmer. Lost somewhere in the Indian desert, it managed to carry its greatness and indescribable beauty through the centuries. Touching the walls of the Jaisalmer fort, which is also called the “Golden Fortress”, is like touching history itself.

Today the population of this city is no more than 58 thousand people, most of whom live in the Maharaja's palace. Unfortunately, tourists rarely visit this city due to its remoteness from civilization, but for those who decide to see Jaisalmer with their own eyes, it will be remembered for a lifetime.

The fortress walls hide not only the palace, preserved in its original appearance, but also ancient temples, as well as a repository of manuscripts.


To the list of the most beautiful places India should include Varanasi, which is also considered the holiest city in India. What is surprising is the fact that its peer cities, such as Luxor and Babylon, have long since fallen into ruins, while Varanasi continues to thrive to this day. In ancient times it was called Kashi, which translated means “City of Light”. It is believed that everything in this city is imbued with spiritual power and divine light, even the stones here are sacred.

Interesting and geographical position Varanasi. It is built on three hills, which are considered to be the tops of the trident of the Indian god Shiva. In addition, this entire city is located on the left bank of the Ganges, but there is nothing on the right bank. This situation is not accidental; it is associated with the myth that the eastern bank of the Ganges serves as a refuge for the souls of the dead, transported there by Shiva.

India, the seventh largest country in the world, stretching from high Himalayas to the tops of Kerala, from the sacred Ganges to the sands of the Thar desert. The country's population exceeds one billion, is divided into more than 2,000 ethnic groups and speaks more than 200 different languages. India's attractions include a huge number of architectural monuments, natural wonders and an almost endless variety of cultures. Ancient ruins, breathtaking religious shrines, exotic cities and amazing natural landscapes - all this inspires a certain awe and at the same time fascinates the traveler. I bring to your attention a list of the 10 most popular tourist places in India.

Let's start with the 10th place - these are the lagoons and swamps of Kerala, stretched parallel to the coast of the Arabian Sea. The wetlands of Kerala are home to many unique species of wildlife, including crabs, frogs, waterfowl and animals such as otters and turtles. Walking on special boats along long natural canals is very popular here.

Pichola Palace in Udaipur

This palace was built in the middle of a lake in the 18th century as a royal summer residence. Today it is a luxury 5-star hotel. Tourists are brought here by boat from the pier at east coast Lake Pikola. The palace became especially famous in 1983, when one of the James Bond films was filmed here.

Virupaksha Temple in Hampi

The Virupaksha Temple became the key shrine of this place under the rulers of Vijayanagara. This temple has been in operation since its construction in the seventh century AD to this day, making it one of the oldest functioning Hindu temples.

Palolem Beach in Goa

Palolem Beach is considered the most beautiful Goa beach is a natural bay surrounded by high capes on both sides. The sea here is always calm, there are almost never waves. This beach could become perfect place for connoisseurs good hotels, inexpensive restaurants, stormy nightlife And large quantity free, liberated, like-minded people.

Kanha National Park

Kanha Park is one of the most beautiful nature reserves Asia, India's most famous natural landmark. This is one of best places, where you can watch tigers in their natural habitat. The lush bamboo forests, grassy meadows and gorges of Kanha became the inspiration for Rudyard Kipling's famous Jungle Book.

Harmandir Sahib Temple in Armitsar

Harmandir Sahib is better known as the golden temple, one of the most beautiful religious sites in India, the most important religious site for Sikhs. Construction of the temple began in the 16th century by the Guru himself, and in the 19th century the upper floors of the temple were covered with gold. The temple is always full; thousands of pilgrims come here every day to worship their shrine.

Jaisalmer Fort

The Jaisalmer fortress is located at a considerable distance from civilization, in the desert on the border with Pakistan. Jaisalmer is also called the Golden City because of its yellow sandstone walls. This is one of the most beautiful, and at the same time, the least visited attractions in India. The reason for this is its remote location.

Ajanta Caves

The Ajanta Caves were carved out of the rock around the second millennium BC. Around 65 AD, the caves were abandoned and forgotten until 1819. Thanks to their isolation, these caves are superbly preserved; here you can see many ancient frescoes carved into the rock. The best way to get here is from the city of Aurangabad; on the way you can also visit the Ellora Caves.

Holy city of Varanasi

Varanasi is located on the banks of the Ganges River. It is a sacred place for Hindus, Buddhists and Jains alike. It is one of the oldest cities on Earth, continuously inhabited since its construction. One of the most breathtaking scenes in the world is the mass bathing of pilgrims in the waters of the Ganges River, as well as the sunrise against the backdrop of centuries-old temples.

Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is not only the most recognizable landmark in India, but throughout the world. This huge mausoleum is located in Agra and was built of white marble by order of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife. He called it "a teardrop on the cheek of eternity." In addition to the main domed marble mausoleum, the Taj Mahal also includes several other very beautiful structures, reflecting ponds and decorative flowering gardens.

As a bonus, I also invite you to visit the topic dedicated to the cave temples of India, where you will find a story about the most famous of them.

India is a vibrant country of incredible contrasts, where traditional and modern worlds. The seventh largest country in the world by area, second by population, India boasts a rich heritage centuries-old cultures and religions.

Tourists will have the opportunity to visit countless sacred places, nature lovers will enjoy sunny beaches, stunning national parks and incredible wildlife sanctuaries.

From the majestic Taj Mahal to the shrines of the Golden Temple and mosques, visitors to this exotic country will discover spiritual, architectural and cultural treasures.

The poet Rabindranath Tagore called this building "a tear on the cheek of eternity", Kipling described it as "the embodiment of all that is pure." This building was built under Jahan's leadership as a memorial for his third wife, who died shortly after she gave birth to their 14th child.

Although the main building was built in eight years, the entire project of the complex was ready only by the end of 1653. After its completion, the emperor was overthrown and imprisoned, where until his last days he could only look at his project through a window.

Location: Dharmaperi, Tejginj, Forest Colony, Agra, Uttar Pradesh 282001.

A complex of palaces, gardens and buildings, the impressive City Palace is located right in the center of the Old Town. External wall was completed by Singh II, but the inside of the palace was reconstructed and expanded over the centuries. There are palace buildings from different eras, some of which date back to the early 20th century. It is a striking mixture of Rajasthani and Mughal architecture.

Here you can see Mubarak Mahal, built in the late 19th century as a place to receive dignitaries. The building was built in Islamic, Rajput and European style by the architect Sir Swinton Jacob. Nearby is the Armory, which houses one of the best collections of weapons in the country.

Location: Jaipur.

This magnificent fortress adjoins a vast palace complex, built from pale yellow and pink sandstone and white marble and divided into four main areas, each with its own courtyard.

The legendary temple is actually only a small part huge complex, known to Sikhs as Harmandir Sahib. The central shrine of this place is Amrit Sarovar, excavated by the Sikh Guru Das.

The Golden Temple itself is a mesmerizing blend of Hindu and Islamic architectural styles, with an elegant marble lower level decorated with floral and animal motifs. The second level features intricately engraved gold panels and a gilded dome.

Location: Golden Temple Road, Katra Ahluwalia, Amritsar, Punjab - 143006.

The colorful abode of the warrior goddess Meenakshi is generally considered a masterpiece of South Indian architecture. This site is as important an aesthetic heritage of this region as the Taj Mahal. This is not just a 17th century temple, but a 6-hectare complex with 12 tall gopuras surrounded by stunning sculptures of gods, goddesses and demons.

Location: Madurai Main, Tamil Nadu 625001.

It’s worth coming here twice: in the morning, when the granite building is bathed in the sun’s rays of dawn, and in the evening, when the sunset in a palette of red, orange, yellow and pink colors adds a special charm to the architecture of the temple. On the territory of the complex, tourists have the opportunity to see one of the largest statues in India, Nandi.

Location: Hospital Road, Thanjavur.

Designed as the chariot of the god Surya, this massive, breathtakingly magnificent temple was built in the mid-13th century.

Seven horses (representing the days of the week) move this stone leviathan on 24 stone wheels (representing the hours of the day). The temple was positioned so that the light of the rising sun illuminated the interior of the temple (temple sanctuary).

Location: Konarak - Kasia-Tamkuhi Road.

Hyderabad's most impressive landmark, this monumental fort lies on the western outskirts of the city. From the top there is a stunning view of the dusty foothills and the ruins of ancient buildings near the domed tombs of the Qutb Shahs.

Location: Hyderabad, Ibrahim Bagh.

The Asiatic lion's last refuge is this wooded, 1,412-kilometer sanctuary. It is a popular safari destination, traveling through dense, serene forests. It is easily accessible from the nearest village of Sasan Gir along a small highway. The best time to explore the forest is from late December to April.

There were 68 tigers in the country in 2014, the vast majority of which are found in national park Bandhavgarh. It is part of the main area of ​​the reserve.

The main base for visits is the small secluded village of Tala, 32 km northeast of Umaria, the nearest railway station. February-June is usually best months tiger sightings. All safaris start from Tala and head to the three zones of the national park.

Location: Badhavgarh, Umaria District, Tala, Madhya Pradesh 484661, State Highway - 10.

Set among palm trees and manicured lawns, this large religious center is the headquarters of the Ramakrishna Mission, inspired by the Indian sage Paramahamsa, who preached the unity of all religions.

Its central element is the Mandir building, which simultaneously looks like a cathedral, an Indian palace and the Hagia Sophia of Istanbul. Several small shrines are located near the river bank, including the Sri Sarada Devi Temple, where the wife of the spiritual leader Sarada is buried.

Location: 711202 Dist Howrah, West Bengal.

Here tourists will find extraordinary cultural riches, with more than 440 monuments - from the 10th century to the British era - surrounded by forests and villages. In the forest, the most impressive are the tombs of Balban, Kuli Khan, and the Jamali Hamali Mosque.

Location: New Delhi, Mehrauli on Mehrauli Gurgaon Road.

One of the greatest monuments of India, this amazing temple, carved out of solid rock, was built by King Krishna I. The temple houses several carved panels depicting scenes from the Ramayana, Mahabharata and the adventures of Krishna.

It is also worth paying attention to the huge monolithic columns that stand in the courtyard, adjacent to the entrance on both sides, and the south-eastern gallery. The gallery has 10 giant panels depicting various avatars (incarnations of deity).

Location: Aurangabad city.

The main ritual embankment is considered the most favorable place for the cremation of a Hindu. Dead bodies, wrapped in cloth, are carried through the alleys of the Old City to the holy place on a bamboo stretcher.

Huge piles of firewood are stacked along the embankment. Each type of wood has its own price, sandalwood being the most expensive. Cremations are allowed to be observed, but you must remain quiet during the ceremonies.

Location: Varanasi, Ghasi Tola Road.

The incredible Victoria Memorial is a huge, beautifully designed white marble memorial. If it had been built for a beautiful Indian princess rather than a colonial queen, this domed beauty lining the southern part of the Maidan would undoubtedly be considered one of India's greatest buildings.

Commissioned by Lord Curzon, then Viceroy of India, it was intended to celebrate Victoria's crown, but construction was not completed until after the Queen's death. Tourists can enjoy a private tour of the sights of Kolkata, including the Mother House, Calcutta University and the Victoria Memorial.

Location: Hospital Road, West Bengal.

The site is believed to have inspired the creator of the Taj Mahal. The arched façade is inlaid with strips of white marble and red sandstone, and the building follows the strict rules of Islamic geometry. The tomb was restored over the course of six years, and they plan to open it nearby. new center for tourists. In the surrounding gardens are the tombs of the emperor's favorite barber - a trusted position given the proximity of the razor to the imperial throat.

Location: New Delhi, East Nizamudhin, Opp Nizamuddin Mosque.

It took 20 years to build it. This is perhaps the best of all the Khajuraho temples. On the south side of its base there are ancient drawings.

Here you can see carved figures of battalions of soldiers, images of musicians, hunters, elephants, horses and camels. Some excellent carvings can also be found in the inner sanctum. The temple is dedicated to Vishnu, although it is similar in design to Shiva temples.

Location: Connaught Place, New Delhi.

It's a surreal fantasy local resident, who, starting in 1957, spent nearly 20 years personally creating more than 2,000 sculptures using stones and debris left over from 50 destroyed villages.

Location: Sector No.1, Chandigarh.

This magnificent mansion, built in 1835, is as grand as any other Indian landmark. Probably one of the best-preserved royal houses in the country, its marble-draped halls house dusty statues of thinkers and dancing maidens.

Here you can see collections of Victorian tableware, trophy stuffed moose and beautiful paintings, including supposedly original works by Rubens. The ballroom houses a huge number of candle chandeliers with silvered glass balls. There is also a private menagerie where several species of monkeys and birds live.

Location: Muktaram Babu Street - 46.

Despite the tiring journey public transport, beautiful botanical gardens Situated in Kolkata, the 109-hectare property is a perfect escape from the noise and smells of the city. This is home to more than 12,000 plant species. The gardens played an important role in the cultivation of tea bushes smuggled out of China by the British, long before the drink became a local commodity.

Today you can see a huge collection of cacti, palm leaves and a lake with magnificent giant leaves of a special type of lily. The most popular place In the park is the 250-year-old world's largest banyan tree. It is located a five-minute walk from the central gate of the park.

Sights of India. The most important and interesting sights of Indian cities: photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, websites.

India is called the country of the brightest colors and the hottest spices, the cradle ancient civilization, the jewel of the English crown. In view of the incredibly rich natural and cultural values, this is true unique country. Indeed, those who have visited India at least once note its inherent fabulous atmosphere, as if it exists outside the world we are familiar with. Meanwhile, the sights of India are very real and valuable, and some of them even replenish funds World Heritage humanity.

A small example for comparison: in South-East Asia There are 33 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, 30 of them are in India. In addition, several dozen more Indian attractions are waiting their turn to confirm their involvement in the universal cultural and historical heritage.

Ahead of the rest of the planet is the glory of one of the seven wonders of the world, the most beautiful palace in the world, the architectural masterpiece Taj Mahal. It is believed that it was built in honor of the beloved wife of Emperor Shah Jahan, who died during her fourteenth (!) birth. More than 3 million tourists visit the Taj Mahal every year. And in Buddhist world The Mahabodhi Temple, built in the very place where the legendary Sidhartha achieved enlightenment, enjoys the same fame.

India is called the country of the brightest colors and the hottest spices, the cradle of ancient civilization, the pearl of the English crown. Due to its incredibly rich natural and cultural values, this is a truly unique country.

There is an equally romantic legend about the Dudhsagar waterfall - one of the largest waterfalls in the country. Its name translates as “sea of ​​milk”. According to legend, a young princess, bathing in clear waters Dudhsagara suddenly noticed the young prince's gaze on her. In order to somehow hide her body, the girl poured a jug of milk into the water, and the water became opaque. By the way, here, in the foothills of the Western Ghats, there is another beautiful waterfall - Avralem. Unlike the graceful Dudhsagar, this one is more powerful and loud, but still no less impressive.

In northern Karnataka, the famous village of Hampi is a living example of the architecture of the ancient Vijayanagar Empire. The main asset of Hampi is the Virupaksha temple complex, which dates back to an even earlier period than the empire itself - the 7th century AD. In the same state you can visit Little Tibet - the center of Lamaist refugees who took refuge here from the persecution of the Chinese communist regime.

Prices for visiting Indian attractions for local and foreign tourists can differ by 10 or even 15 times.

The city of Delhi deserves special attention. Here you can visit the world’s tallest minaret - the Qutub Minar, the Mongolian tomb - the tomb of Humayun, many amazing temples, as well as a number of very diverse museums: National Museum, Gandhi Smirti Museum, Indira Gandhi Museum, Crafts Museum, national gallery contemporary art, Delhi Zoo, etc. One way or another, most trips around the country start from here, so knowing about the capital’s beauties is useful and even necessary.