Twin Towers crash on September 11th. Who really blew up the Twin Towers in New York? Who damaged the Pentagon building

An event that changed people's lives

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this day was the most unusual on the planet in the 21st century. Then residents of all countries of the world glued their gaze to their TV screens and became glued to the Internet. And there, on the screens, something completely unimaginable was happening, reminiscent of footage from a science fiction action movie. Huge passenger liners crashed into the skyscrapers of New York, tall buildings folded like toy houses, drowning in clouds of dust reminiscent of a volcanic eruption. And - people: endless crowds of screaming people, running through the streets, or frozen in the distance with a cell phone near their ear...

Alas, it was not a film, but almost a direct report from the scene of an event that would later rightfully be called the largest act of terrorism in the history of mankind. Events wearing and quite official name: "The September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in New York."

The terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 - how it happened

It is difficult to describe what happened, if only because the narrator inevitably slips into emotions, into personal assessments, and even into his own memories. Moreover, to this day, after many years, certain mysteries, unexplored aspects, and inconsistency of interpretations remain in the picture of the grandiose terrorist attack. However, the essence of what happened is as follows.

A group of Islamic terrorists captured four passenger liner, filled with people and performing scheduled flights. Further investigation revealed that there were a total of 19 attackers, all belonging to the same organization, al-Qaeda. On each of the planes there was at least one person who had passed special training and able to operate a passenger ship.

The terrorists flew two planes at tall buildings - the South and North towers of the World Trade Center, which were the pride of Manhattan and towered in its southern part. The planes crashed into these skyscrapers one by one, with an interval of about 16 minutes. As a result of the disaster, the buildings caught fire and subsequently completely collapsed, burying a huge number of people. Naturally, all the passengers on the planes also died.

The third plane fell on the Pentagon building, and the fourth crashed in Pennsylvania, crashing into a field. As the investigation showed, its target, apparently, was the building of the US Congress, but the terrorists failed to carry out their plans: a struggle ensued on board with the crew and passengers, which ultimately led to the crash of the plane. Naturally, everyone on the third and fourth ships also died.

The Pentagon building after a collision with a plane

IN currently it is stated that as a result of these sad events, 2977 people died, not counting the 19 attackers. Also, 23 people are still listed as missing.

This is exactly what it looks like short description this extraordinary event, but for a more accurate picture it needs to be supplemented with some important facts.

Terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 - additional facts

All the hijacked flights followed their schedules to distant California, that is, they had a lot of fuel on board, because the hijackings occurred shortly after the departures. The plane flew into the North Tower at approximately the 95th floor level, and into the South Tower at approximately the 80th floor level. It is impossible to say more precisely, since in both cases these were Boeings, very large aircraft, and the contact area was more than one floor.

The terrible fire and destruction caused by the disaster led to the collapse of giant buildings. The South Tower was the first to fall, followed by the North Tower about half an hour later (the fire in the building raged for 102 minutes). The third building, also part of the World Trade Center complex, fell in the late afternoon. It was too close to the towers that were attacked and could not withstand the temperature and mechanical influences that fell on its walls. In addition, accumulated gas from destroyed communications exploded inside the building.

Some time passed between the hijacking of the planes and their crash, during which many passengers managed to mobile communications connect with your loved ones and friends. Some said goodbye to life, others tried to contact the special services. Many records of these negotiations have been preserved: emotional, deep, filled with fear and grief, but also love for loved ones.

In some cases, passengers and crew tried to resist the terrorists. One of the planes, as already mentioned, as a result of such heroic actions did not reach its target. In the Boeing that crashed into the North Tower, at least one passenger and crew commander were killed even before the collision; this has been proven by investigation.

Pennsylvania plane crash site 4

In the first hours after the terrorist attack, life in the United States changed beyond recognition. No planes received permission to fly into the country and land at its airfields. Passenger flights within the state were cancelled, all foreign flights went to land in Canada and Mexico. Hundreds of fighters took to the air and patrolled the skies around all major cities.

New York was given a special role. Thousands of firefighters, paramedics and rescue workers worked in Manhattan. All city police officers were involved, and colleagues from other regions urgently arrived to help them. The destroyed twin towers left behind gigantic rubble, the burning of which lasted about 100 days, releasing many harmful chemicals into the air.

Subsequently, US intelligence services found out that of the 19 terrorists, the majority (15 people) had citizenship Saudi Arabia, the rest were citizens of the UAE, Egypt and Lebanon. They were not typical fanatical martyrs: they all had a good education and a well-established philosophy of life.

Consequences of the terrorist attack

The monumental terrorist attack of September 11 had consequences commensurate with its scale. They have manifested themselves in various spheres of life, and all over the world. Here are just a few of them.


In addition to the completely destroyed three WTC skyscrapers, several other nearby buildings were significantly damaged, or even destroyed, including one church. Archives, works of art, and countless documents were lost. The southern part of Manhattan lost its business importance for many years. The Pentagon building was very damaged.


The US government and Congress created a special commission known as the 9/11 Commission. She worked for two years and came to the conclusion that the main organizer and culprit of the attack was the Islamic fundamentalist organization Al-Qaeda, which spent about half a billion dollars on the plot. The origin of these funds remains a mystery to this day.

The organization was headed by Saudi Arabian Osama bin Laden. The basis of her ideology was hatred of Israel and the United States. In subsequent years, America, along with its allies, launched an unprecedented fight against fundamentalists, primarily al-Qaeda. Its leader was killed in Afghanistan by American special forces in May 2011.

All the leading countries of the world have revised their views on terrorism, realizing its global danger. Security measures have been significantly tightened almost everywhere, especially on aircraft.

We can also talk about economic consequences events, and about its military significance, about the impact on geopolitics. But perhaps the main thing to note is the change, so to speak, in the modern philosophy of life. After such terrible events, all people, without exception, became acutely aware of what an essentially fragile world we live in. In this world, even the most powerful country turns out to be vulnerable, and danger awaits a person not only in warring states. The terrorist attack in New York showed that the boundaries between enemies and friends have become illusory, and the cruelties of wars do not necessarily manifest themselves only on the fronts of local conflicts.

Beautiful temporary memorials have been built on the site of the former Twin Towers; permanent monuments are under construction. The American nation celebrates this mournful date as a Day of Service and Remembrance. And in New York there is a tall monument by Zurab Tsereteli - “Tear of Sorrow”. Inside the split bronze slab is a huge steel drop. This is a symbol of grief not only for the people killed in the terrorist attack. And perhaps not even that much. This tear symbolizes the common pain of humanity, which after September 11 became in many ways different, not so carefree and happy.

September 11, 2001 a new “Pearl Harbor” happened for America. The Twin Towers fell, the Pentagon was attacked, 4 were stolen passenger airliner and people died. In a word, catastrophic event with loss of life, which completely turned the course of the usual peaceful life of carefree US citizens upside down: a “war on terrorism” was declared, searches of passengers were introduced at every airport before boarding, a couple of “draconian” laws were adopted, and they decided to implant “chips” into citizens’ bodies so that everyone would be “ under control and accounting." In a word, “now I don’t take a step without permission from the authorities.”

The official version goes like this:

“On September 11, 2001, 19 suicide bombers hijacked 4 civilian airliners, 2 of which attacked the World Trade Center buildings ( further - World Trade Center) in New York, namely, the World Trade Center building 1 and the World Trade Center building 2, the third plane attacked the Pentagon building, and the fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania before reaching the attack site.

Al-Qaeda was blamed for the attacks. The war on terrorism has begun.

Okay, now we’ll see how modern myths are made, how you are forced to believe what your eyes cannot believe, and how you are asked to take the “word” of the government, intelligence agencies and pocket scientists and specialists.

Let's consider this myth, as always, from 3 sides.

World Trade Center attack 1.

World Trade Center attack 2.

Fall of the World Trade Center 1.

The fall of the World Trade Center 2.

CONCLUSION: As you can see, the fall is happening vertically down, without deviations to the right or left, straight onto its own foundation, forming huge clouds of dust. The blow to the first tower was exactly in the center, the blow to the second tower was tangential, without touching the central columns. However, the tower with the tangential impact collapsed first.
The main thing is that you see both towers fell onto their foundations. And the fall happened very quickly, almost with speed free fall(10 meters per second, with acceleration) as if inside at all there was no concrete and steel, which should keep all this mass in weight for the last 38 years! 415 meters of steel and concrete fell in 12-14 seconds. It's incredibly fast!

2. What the fall of WTC 7 looked like. A building without a plane, without an attack, but fell next to the first two on the same day.

The building fell on its own foundation. Few people even know about this building. Most people only know about the 2 Twin Towers that fell on September 11, 2001, and too little was said “officially” about the third. The report mentions exactly 1 line, but there is no plane, so it’s not interesting to talk about.

Look at the picture, it is located almost across the street, and it was almost not affected by either seismic or physical covering.

Nevertheless, this particular building of 47 floors, built of steel and concrete, which was not hit not only by planes, but also by rockets, satellites, etc., suddenly 200 meters high “ fell» from the fire on September 11. IN official version so they wrote “ fell due to fire". The funny thing is that not a single concrete building in the history of construction has fallen from a “fire,” except for the American World Trade Center, of course.

3. And this is what the “controlled demolition” of a building using explosives looks like.

So that you understand, the main task " controlled demolition» - remove the building so that neighboring buildings are not damaged. That is, you have to lay the building CAREFULLY ON ITS SAME FOUNDATION so that it does not fall to the sides or touch the neighboring ones. In the last video you will see unsuccessful options when not everything went according to plan and neighboring buildings were damaged! Placed on the foundation in the form of fine dust is considered “ aerobatics"from the demolitionists.

Demolition of a skyscraper in the USA.

Demolition of a skyscraper in the USA.

Demolition of a skyscraper in the USA.

FAILED demolition of the building!

Okay, where are the explosions, you tell me? Good question, if you have never thought about what kind of explosions there are in general. The ones you are used to seeing are called "Explosion", that is, an explosion directed outward. The shock wave from it diverges to the sides...

Schematically, Explosion looks like this:

In contrast, there is "Implosium", that is, an explosion directed inward. So they undermine nuclear charges, when explosives are placed around a plutonium core that compresses the plutonium into a critical mass and it explodes. Most likely, this is where the Implosium technology was applied. The explosions were aimed at cutting the internal steel beams so that they would not prevent the building from falling.

Schematically, Implosium looks like this:

As a result, you end up with these cut beams. It’s as if they were “walked through with a hot knife.” Imagine that the thickness of the steel in this particular beam is 12 cm. It's like your PALM! Even along the edges you can see the melted metal and the slag that remains in its place.


Fire? Do you seriously think that fire cuts so neatly and only in one place?

Yeah. This is the same explanation as

orange is an apple
(towers fall from fire)

and the eyes say that

orange is "Orange"
(towers fall from explosives)

who do you believe? Eyes or ears?


or this?

Conclusions of the “Digital Universe”: the buildings were demolished using standard “controlled demolition” technology. It means that explosives was placed in them much before the planes hit them. The planes were only an external special effect. BUT this is cool! On a plane, crash into tall buildings, and then blow them into dust! Only Hollywood can work on such a scale. Then they came up with a theory about al-Qaeda and suicide bombers, and a new holy war began - “ war on terrorism". There are no winners in it, there are no losers in it, because there is no specific enemy. Terrorism is an endless struggle, and that's exactly what's profitable US military-industrial complex. There, in the end, there are eternal government orders, and an eternal flow of money for specific corporations and specific people. They will remain in power for the coming decades, because it is always necessary to “protect” society from the next “terrorists”. And it doesn’t matter that these “terrorists” are not sitting in the caves of Afghanistan, but somewhere much closer... in the offices of special services, in intelligence offices, where educated people with good technologies sit.

This is how myths are created in the 21st century. Remember the technique.

Next we will look at the attack on the Pentagon and the plane crash in Pennsylvania on September 11th. You will see that there is even less truth there than here. But this is how propaganda works, and most people don’t even think about the fact that they are being deceived in a blatant and cynical manner.

Ten years ago, 19 men trained by Al Qaeda carried out a coordinated terrorist attack on the United States. It took several years to develop the plan for the terrorist attack. Terrorists simultaneously captured 4 large passenger aircraft with the intention of using them to destroy the most famous landmarks of the United States, taking as many lives as possible. Three planes reached their targets, the fourth crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. In one day, these acts of mass murder killed about 3,000 people from 57 countries. Of these, more than 400 died - firefighters, police and ambulance crews. This event received the maximum coverage in the entire history of the media, and even ten years later it is difficult to look at these photographs. The attacks and the response to them have greatly shaped the world we live in today, which is why it is important to look at these photographs and remember what happened that day. This post is the second of three on the September 11 terrorist attacks.

(Total 50 photos)

1. Viewed and obscured by clouds of smoke and dust from Jersey City, New Jersey, September 15, 2001. (AP Photo/Dan Loh)

2. Smoke is coming from the hole in the wall and from the upper floors north tower WTC in , after American Airlines Flight 11 collided with it. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

3. United Airlines Flight 175 moments before impact with the South Tower of the World Trade Center. The north tower is already on fire. (Reuters/Sean Adair)

4. Explosion in the south tower during the collision of United Airlines Flight 175 in New York, September 11, 2001. The plane crashed into the building at a speed of 945 km/h. (Reuters/Sean Adair)

5. Airplane collision with the south tower of the World Trade Center. There were 56 passengers on board (including 5 hijackers). (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

6. The explosion of 3800 liters of fuel remaining on board the plane during a collision with the south tower of the World Trade Center in New York. (AP Photo/Ernesto Mora)

7. Two women, fighting for each other, look at the World Trade Center buildings burning after a terrorist attack. (AP Photo/Ernesto Mora)

8. For Empire State The burning Twin Towers are visible from the building. (AP Photo/Marty Lederhandler)

9. A cloud of smoke from the World Trade Center buildings in lower Manhattan. Photo from a USGS satellite flying over the area around 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. (AP Photo/USGS)

10. People hanging from the windows of the North Tower of the World Trade Center after the attack. (Jose Jimenez/Primera Hora/Getty Images)

11. A man jumps to his death from the north tower of the World Trade Center filled with smoke and flames. (Jose Jimenez/Primera Hora/Getty Images)

12. A man jumps from the upper floors of the burning north tower of the World Trade Center. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

13. A man jumps from the north tower of the World Trade Center. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

14. A Pentagon surveillance camera captured the explosion that resulted from the collision with a hijacked American Airlines plane with 58 passengers and six crew on board on September 11, 2001. (AP Photo)

15. Flames and smoke erupt from the Pentagon building after the explosion. (AP Photo/Will Morris)

17. Medics treat victims near the Pentagon after a hijacked airliner crashed into the southwest corner of the building. (Reuters/U.S. Navy Photo/Journalist 1st Class Mark D. Faram)

19. Smoke billows from the World Trade Center towers after two hijacked planes crashed into them during the terrorist attack on New York. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

20. At 9:59 a.m. on September 11, 2001, 56 minutes after the impact, the south tower of the World Trade Center begins to collapse. (AP Photo/Gulnara Samoilova)

21. The South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses, and the rubble buries the surrounding streets. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

22. Police officers and pedestrians run for cover during a terrorist attack in New York. (Doug Kanter/AFP/Getty Images)

23. People covered in dust walk through the rubble near the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001. (AP Photo/Gulnara Samoilova)

24. Maru Stahl of Somerset, Pennsylvania, shows a photo he took of the crash site of United Airlines Flight 93. The plane crashed near Shanksville, and Stahl, hearing the explosion, headed to the crash site and took a photo before rescuers cordoned off the area. The plane crashed in Pennsylvania shortly after the attacks on New York. (Reuters/Jason Cohn)

25. FBI aerial photograph of the crash site of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, taken on September 12, 2001. The Boeing 757 was flying from Newark, New Jersey, to , when it made a sharp turn near Cleveland and crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. 44 people died. The plane was one of four that were part of the 9/11 attack plan and the only one that failed to reach its target. (AP Photo/FBI)

26. Firefighters and rescue workers investigate the crash site of Flight 93 near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. (AP Photo/Tribune-Democrat/David Lloyd)

27. At 10:28 a.m. on September 11, 2001, 102 minutes after the plane struck, the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York collapses. (AP Photo/Diane Bondareff)

28. Collapse of the World Trade Center tower on September 11, 2001 in New York. (Jose Jimenez/Primera Hora/Getty Images)

29. A New York Police Department photo shows ash and smoke billowing across Manhattan as the North Tower of the World Trade Center collapses. (AP Photo/NYPD, Det. Greg Semendinger)

30. Dust, smoke and debris fill the air as the World Trade Center tower falls on September 11, 2001 in New York. (Reuters/Shannon Stapleton)

31. Dust, smoke and ash envelop neighboring buildings after the fall of both World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001 in New York. (AP Photo/NYPD, Det. Greg Semendinger)

32. People are leaving the collapsed towers to escape the smoke and dust. As a result of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in New York, both 110-story towers of the World Trade Center collapsed. (AP Photo/Suzanne Plunkett)

33. The North Tower of the World Trade Center turns into a cloud of dust and debris half an hour after the fall of the South Tower on September 11, 2001. The photo was taken from Jersey City, New Jersey, across the Hudson River. (Reuters/Ray Stubblebine)

34. People make their way through the rubble near the ruins of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 in New York. (AP Photo/Gulnara Samoilova)

35. A priest helps people after the fall of the World Trade Center towers in New York on September 11, 2001. (AP Photo/Gulnara Samoilova)

36. People cover their faces from the dust as they cross the Brooklyn Bridge to get away from the cloud of dust and smoke that covered Manhattan after the terrorist attacks. (AP Photo/Daniel Shanken)

37. People on the street near the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

38. A sheriff's deputy treats a woman injured during the September 11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York. (AP Photo/Gulnara Samiolava)

41. Construction debris and ashes from the fall of the World Trade Center towers as a result of the terrorist attack fill the streets of Manhattan, turning the city into a picture of the Apocalypse. Buildings collapsed, burying thousands of people in the rubble. (AP Photo/Boudicon One)

42. A fireman calls rescuers to help clear the wreckage of the World Trade Center. The photo was taken on September 15, 2001. (Reuters/U.S. Navy/Journalist 1st Class Preston Keres)

43. The chassis of one of the hijacked planes lies on the street next to the destroyed buildings of the World Trade Center in New York, September 11, 2001. (Reuters/Shannon Stapleton)

44. Firefighters search for survivors under the rubble of the Twin Towers after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. (AP Photo/Matt Moyer)

45. Light barely breaks through the clouds of smoke and ash at the site of the collapse of the World Trade Center towers. (AP Photo/Baldwin)

46. ​​New York firefighters extinguish building 7 of the World Trade Center, destroyed along with the Twin Towers during the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. (Reuters/Mike Segar)

47. A group of firefighters near the ruins of the south tower of the World Trade Center in New York, September 11, 2001. (Reuters/Peter Morgan)

48. Debris covers the tracks in the New York City Subway tunnel on lines 1 and 9 at the Cortlandt Street Station under the World Trade Center. New York City transportation officials said the damage was so severe that more than one mile of tunnel had to be rebuilt. (AP Photo/New York City Transit)

49. Rescuers carry out a search and rescue operation for victims as they descend into the rubble of the World Trade Center on Friday, September 14, 2001. (Reuters/U.S. Navy/Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Jim Watson)

50. A man stands in the ruins of the World Trade Center towers and tries to call survivors, asking if anyone needs help. (Doug Kanter/AFP/Getty Images)

September 11 is a day of mourning in the United States, when four terrorist attacks blamed on al-Qaeda killed 2,977 people and left 24 missing. Most of the dead were civilians.
Al-Qaeda is one of the largest terrorist organizations of the Wahhabi branch of Islam.
On the morning of September 11, 2001, nineteen members of a terrorist group hijacked four passenger planes with people on board, two of which were sent to the north and south towers of the World Trade Center, located in the southern part of Manhattan in New York. The third plane was sent by terrorists to the Pentagon building, located near Washington, where the US Department of Defense is located, and the fourth crashed into a field in Pennsylvania when the passengers and crew of the plane tried to take over control of the plane.
Cm. .

Construction at the site of the collapse of the World Trade Center in New York, USA, seven years after the terrorist attack.

Workers photograph the flag that is being installed at the site of the memorial and museum seven years after the terrible tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001.

Construction workers at the site of the destroyed Twin Towers on September 2, 2008 in New York.

The World Trade Center opened on April 4, 1973 in New York (USA) and consisted of seven buildings, two of which stood out for their size - the north and south towers, each with 110 floors. These towers were the site of the Al-Qaeda terrorist attack. The remaining buildings were seriously damaged by the collapse of the twin towers.

Photo taken by the International Space Station on September 11, 2001. A column of smoke rises from Manhattan, New York, to a height of 250 km.

A man stands on the ruins of the recently fallen World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 in New York City.

Top view of the leaning twin towers.

The streets of Manhattan after the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001.

Thousands of tons of toxic debris (carcinogens) were released into the air as a result of the collapse of the towers. This led to an increase in illness, especially among those who helped clear the rubble and search for victims - people were directly exposed to harmful fumes. Due to this, in 2007, several people died from cancer, some died from pulmonary failure. Their names are also immortalized on the memorial plaque.

Firefighters make their way through the rubble of the Twin Towers, which were destroyed as a result of the major terrorist attack committed on September 11, 2001, in the United States.

An aerial view (from a height of 3300 feet) of the place where the Trade Center stood 12 days ago.

This is what the crash site looked like 7 years later.

View of the part of Manhattan where the Twin Towers collapsed on September 11, 2001.

Construction of the Freedom Tower on the site of the Intercity Trade Center, September 5, 2008.

Workers install reinforcement for further concrete pouring at the site where construction of the Freedom Tower is underway, New York.

A large banner hangs in front of the Freedom Tower under construction. It shows the 1,776-foot-tall tower and landmark, a planned development in Manhattan, USA, being worked on by 500 people.

On the tenth anniversary of the attacks, a national memorial was opened - two swimming pools on the site of the two destroyed Twin Towers. The museum, located below the pools, is scheduled to open in September 2013.

Construction of the Freedom Tower in New York.

After the terrorist attacks, a large-scale operation began to search for survivors, which continued around the clock for a week. It took a lot of time to sort out the rubble, where the smoldering continued for 99 days. Complete clearing of the area from destroyed buildings was completed only by March 2002. Several funds have been created to help victims and families of the victims, where they provided not only psychological but also financial assistance.

The staircase is the only surviving part of the Mall, which helped many people escape from the collapsing building. It will be placed in a national memorial, in a museum.

On August 24, 2008, a cross made of steel from the north tower of the Trade Center was installed. It was installed in memory of the fallen firefighters and volunteers who were directly involved in extinguishing fires and clearing debris.

Memorial erected at General Edward Lawrence Logan International Airport, near Boston, Massachusetts. Installed in memory of the deceased crew and passengers.

Flight attendants at the memorial erected in international airport, in memory of those killed on September 11, 2001. It was a miracle they didn't get on board one of those American airliners...

Every year on September 11, two blue rays of light shoot into the sky from the scene of the tragedy - in memory of those who died on that fateful day.

The photo was taken before the Pentagon collapsed. Where is the plane, where is the giant hole in the wall? The photo shows a small burning hole, but there was no way a plane with a wingspan of approx. 38 meters.

  • According to bin Laden, units of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda have nothing to do with the events of September 11 in New York and Washington. The terrorist said that the hijackings were organized by enemies of Islam and Christianity. “Countries such as Israel, India, Russia and Serbia could organize terrorist attacks. We should not ignore the fact that Jews are dissatisfied with the election of George Bush as president,” bin Laden said in an interview with the Pakistani newspaper Takbir. (eleven)
  • 2002 - Bush and his junta managed to redirect America's anger from Osama bin Laden to Saddam Hussein. This is one of the greatest PR stunts in history. According to a recent public opinion poll, one in two Americans now believes that Saddam Hussein was involved in the attack on the World Trade Center. The stupid American masses have once again shown that they will believe anything they are told on TV. What country is still preparing an insidious attack on America? (5)
  • Have you ever seen photos or videos of a plane near the Pentagon or one that crashed near the forest? No, no one saw them, because... they don't exist. But there is filming where the “crash” site is simply scorched earth. These planes didn't exist! Here are 2 photos of the Pentagon immediately after the explosion.
Boeing height approx. Somehow only the first floor was breached by 13 meters, although the height of the building is approx. 24 meters).

Left: apparently the plane folded its wings and disappeared without a trace into a small hole. Right: This is what the impact hole should have looked like.

  • Nero set fire to Rome to blame Christians.

    1964 - The Americans pretend that they were fired upon by the Vietnamese. This becomes the official reason for the start of the war, which claimed the lives of 58,000 American soldiers and 3.1 million Vietnamese fighters and civilians.

    1979 - Italy. The CIA creates terrorist groups in Italy that were supposed to discredit the pro-communist Red Brigades. For this purpose, attacks were carried out on civilians, which were then attributed to the communists. In 1979, there were about 2,000 assassination attempts.

    1983 – Grenada. The reason for the start of the US military operation was the taking of American students hostage. US President Ronald Reagan\Ronald Reagan stated that “the Cuban-Soviet occupation of Grenada was being prepared,” and also that weapons depots were being created in Grenada that could be used by international terrorists. After the capture of the island by the US Marine Corps (1983), it turned out that the students were not being held hostage, and the warehouses were filled with old Soviet weapons. Before the invasion began, the United States announced that there were 1.2 thousand Cuban commandos on the island. Afterwards it turned out that there were no more than 200 Cubans, a third of them were civilian specialists.

    The Americans failed in an operation during which they wanted to detonate a nuclear warhead at an Iraqi military plant. Perhaps in order to later inform the world about the terrible danger of Iraq and send troops there, but the exact details are unknown.(14)

    1993 - 1st attempt by American intelligence agencies to undermine the old and dilapidated World Trade Center. The explosives were incorrectly positioned and did not work as expected. All the blame was placed on Islamic terrorists.

    1995 - State Department bombing in Oklahoma City. Again the handwriting of the special services, again innocent people are accused of being guilty (in the end, the case is pinned on one person who is executed). There is no proper panic, therefore it is not possible to push through the New World Order. But 58% of Americans agree with the reduction of their rights for the sake of a more effective fight against terrorism, which is what is happening. After the bombing, President Clinton legalized the right of the police to commit any crimes against the constitution in the interests of fighting terrorism. As in the case of the World Trade Center, certain categories of workers were warned in advance about the impending “terrorist attack” and did not come to work. In this case, these were all employees of the Bureau of Control over the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco Products and Firearms.

    September 11, 2001 - 2 planes crash into the same World Trade Center. The government claims that there were 4 planes, although there is not a single eyewitness to their crash, nor are there any photographs or videos. The shock was strong enough to persuade 94% of Americans to justify military action "even if many thousands of innocent civilians were killed." A new redivision of the world in favor of the United States begins, which the Americans proclaimed on September 11, 1991. Again they used an attack on themselves as an excuse.

    Let's add to this list countless smaller episodes when Americans carried out terrible crimes against their opponents with their own hands in order to win the world community over to their side. The “terrorist attack” of September 11, in principle, is no different from the actions of fictitious Viet Cong units, which the Americans instructed to kill and rape the Vietnamese to discredit the National Liberation Front. It is no different from the “finds” of fictitious communist weapons depots in El Salvador. It is no different from the fictitious Symbionese Liberation Army created by the CIA/FBI to discredit genuine revolutionaries.” (1, 2, 13, 15, 24)

  • Download file: Here you can watch a video presentation of facts refuting the official version of the United States (Flash player required, approx. 3 MB).
  • “In 1997, when Bush was governor of Texas, the BBC aired a report about Taliban leaders flying from Afghanistan to Houston to meet with executives of the oil company Unocal and negotiate the possibility of building a gas pipeline through Afghanistan. Gathering information on the feasibility of such a thing The project was entrusted to the Enron company - the same corporation that was the main sponsor of your election campaigns - both gubernatorial and presidential. The construction of the gas pipeline was to be carried out by the Halliburton company. At that time, it was headed by Dick Cheney - the current vice -President of the United States. For what reason did the state of Texas accept these representatives of the government of terrorists on its soil? "(7)
  • San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, 8 hours before the start of the “terrorist attacks,” received a call from Condoleezza Rice advising him not to fly to New York, which he was scheduled to do on September 11. (25)
  • "According to the Times of London, Bush allowed a private plane from Saudi Arabia to cross into the United States to round up and transport out of the country a dozen relatives of bin Laden. This happened in the coming days and weeks after the events of September 11. Bin Laden's relatives did not were called in for questioning by either the police or the FBI; not a single attempt was made to find out whether they had any important information". (7)

    "Major international corporations, including Microsoft, UBS and Compaq, were among those who made donations to Islamic charities, which US officials say were among al-Qaeda's leading financiers ), Osama bin Laden's organization. (9)

  • As you know, the hole at the site of the plane crash in Pennsylvania was filled with debris “smaller than a cigarette pack,” i.e., the plane exploded into tiny pieces (see photo gallery). However, even if some powerful explosive, such as RDX, had been loaded into it to fill the Boeing’s entire carrying capacity, even then the fuselage of the aircraft would not have been torn apart to the level of a puzzle. The duralumin from which aircraft bodies are built is not a brittle metal - this is not the phosphorus steel of bomb and shell bodies. (18)

    In October 2001, attackers mailed envelopes containing anthrax spores to a number of government agencies, including Congress, and television networks. In December 2001, the FBI admitted that anthrax spores found in postal items, are of American origin. “They were manufactured here,” FBI Assistant Director Barry Mohn told the Boston Globe. He referred to the results of a laboratory analysis. However, Mon refused to go into details. Earlier, thanks to the American media, a version about the Iraqi origin of the dispute became widespread. The republics of the former Soviet Union were often mentioned in this connection. (19) The use of letters as a tool for the spread of deadly bacteria was not news to South African specialists who worked on the production of chemical and bacteriological weapons commissioned by the apartheid regime as part of the fight against the national liberation movement in Southern Africa. Anthrax was one of hundreds of toxins produced at the Roodeplaat laboratory in the 1980s. Moreover, it was successfully transformed into a form that allowed it to be used as a “weapon.” The technology of applying anthrax spores to everyday objects, including letters and stationery, for the purpose of killing people was used as part of Project Coast for the production of chemical and bacteriological weapons with the help of the American CIA. Speaking at the trial of project leader Dr Water Basson in Pretoria, microbiologist Mike Odendaal said he had worked with 46 strains of anthrax bacteria. In particular, at the direction of research director Andre Immelman, he applied anthrax spores to several packs of cigarettes. These bundles, he said, were distributed among “enemies of the South African state” in Angola and Namibia. Odendaal introduced anthrax spores into chocolate and mixed them with glue, which was used to seal letters.(10)

  • “After the collapse of the “evil empire”, the USSR, America lost the basis for heroic worldwide expansion. Not everyone could answer the simple question “why America should and must be the leader of humanity?” The blessed Clinton years, when the American stock exchanges were bursting with growth higher than the sky empty computer actions, added doubts about the world-historical role of the United States as a country-messiah, the only and last empire of good. It was necessary to bring America out of its afternoon hibernation, to remind it of its messianism. Bush Jr. did this. It is no coincidence that the Washington superhawk, Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, who looked so much like the cartoon Reagan from Crocodile magazine in the early eighties, said shortly after Bush Jr.'s accession to the throne: for us to shake ourselves up and remember our destiny, America needs a new Pearl Harbor. wait". (29)
  • in July 2001, international terrorist Osama bin Laden, who was already on the international wanted list, was treated in an American clinic in Dubai (UAE). There he met with the head of the legal representative office of the CIA in the UAE. Bin Laden was allegedly treated by American doctor Terry Callaway, who heads the urology department at a Dubai clinic. Until recently, the United States also had quite partnership relations with the Taliban. Thus, on May 17 of this year, US Secretary of State Colin Powell announced the transfer of 43 million dollars to the Taliban in gratitude for the destruction of poppy fields in Afghanistan. No one knows where exactly the money went and whether the poppy fields were actually destroyed.(20)
  • In this interview with the Pakistani newspaper Ummat, Osama bin Laden said that he considered the organizers of the terrorist attacks in the United States Jewish community Florida, which "has not forgiven George Bush for his election in the US presidential election." Relieving himself of blame for the terrorist attacks, bin Laden, in particular, says: “Neither I nor my al-Qaeda organization have anything to do with those who attacked America. They could be anyone - people who are part of the American system, but at the same time opposed to it, or some group that intended to turn this century into a century of confrontation between Islam and Christianity." Speaking about the evidence of his guilt that the US intelligence services intend to present, bin Laden, according to the Ummat newspaper, says: “Ask the intelligence services about this, they receive billions of dollars every year for this. We are against the American system, but we are not against the American people. Islam does not allow the killing of innocent men, women and children even in war time". (22)
  • The Americans continue to claim that there were no explosions in the World Trade Center buildings. Were! It's hard to lie when there are witnesses. Both buildings were pre-planted with explosives, which helped bring down the skyscrapers so beautifully. You can listen to excerpts from two Amer. reports. CBS television channel, which reports explosions inside buildings.
  • It is interesting to observe America's reaction to the emergence of information that exposes the official version. At first, there were numerous attempts to put pressure on the governments of other countries to ban the publication of certain books, especially dangerous for the United States was T. Miessan’s book “A Monstrous Fraud. No Plane Fell on the Pentagon.”

    Download file:, because it contained unique photos The Pentagon, where the absence of an airplane in front of the Pentagon is clearly visible (see photo gallery). The reaction was the opposite; the book was translated into 28 languages ​​and sold millions of copies. There were telephone threats and media campaigns against journalists who dared to question the claims of American propaganda. Then came a series of “documentary” films where the “conspiracy theory” was supposedly exposed. Let's consider one of them, “September 11 did not happen” (DER 11. SEPTEMBER FAND NICHT STATT). It was shown throughout Europe in 2004. The authors claim that this very “conspiracy theory” was invented... by communists and fascists who have personal scores to settle with America. A kind of communist conspiracy of paranoids. Argumentation? She simply doesn't exist. The filmmakers use a well-tested technique - they don’t even try to prove, refute, or explain even the most ridiculous inconsistencies of the official version. Instead, they are trying to create an extremely negative image of someone who thinks with his own head instead of believing Bush Jr. The authors are trying to convince the viewer that if you are not a communist, fascist or paranoid, then you will believe in the American version without any evidence. Even worse, the host reports with a look of horror on his face that some people still believe that America really wants to rule the world and that the war in Iraq is about oil. “If you don’t believe in the American version of the terrorist attacks, then you don’t believe in the genocide of the Jews during World War II, you don’t believe in Freedom and Democracy, which are incompatible with any conspiracy theories, but you believe in the nightmarish “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” by the Russian production. Only totalitarian states are capable of conspiracies; such practices are incompatible with democracy,” this is his message. Obviously, the author himself does not notice that he is trying to make us believe in a communist conspiracy to discredit the United States as an "empire of good." It even goes as far as outright insults like “those who don’t believe in the official American version are idiots, helpers of terrorists, paranoids.” Such arguments do not explain the absence of Boeing from the ruins of the Pentagon. But there is also in this film interesting information- for example, you can find out that in Germany 20% of the population believes that the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 were carried out by the American government.

  • at least five of the 19 terrorist hijackers who carried out attacks in New York and Washington completed flight training at military bases in the United States. (21)
  • "At least 15 of the 19 terrorists who participated in the operation were citizens of Saudi Arabia. But Bush, nevertheless, began to bomb Afghanistan. Was there an error in aiming? Or was it too risky to attack a country that supplies America with 25% of gasoline? As soon as it was The campaign to establish control over all of Afghanistan was completed, Bush immediately appointed a former adviser to one of the oil corporations as the head of the interim government. Then one of the former members of the Unocal council was appointed as the new ambassador to Afghanistan, and, a few months later, a treaty was signed on construction of a gas pipeline."(7)
one plane made three small holes in each of the buildings that were pierced through

maybe it happened because the building was hit by three missiles?

  • Let's not forget that retaliatory strikes were carried out against the World War II shopping center and the Pentagon, where they sit not so simple people , and, frankly speaking, military and economic bandits engaged in economic enslavement and destruction of entire nations. Millions of “ordinary Americans” squealed and sang joyfully when American missiles, bombs, and shells killed civilians on all continents of the planet. And here's the result. As they say: “Oh, you sang? So go and dance!” Americans will have a lot more to “dance” in the frying pan that the United States constantly keeps hot for other nations, because the overwhelming majority are too accustomed to seeing themselves as rulers of the world. Therefore, today 71% of Americans support war and extremely brutal revenge against terrorists. And with all this, they are trying to move us to tears with the current situation in the United States. TV announcers repeat: “An incredible tragedy that has never happened in the history of mankind!” And the millions of people destroyed by America in Korea and Vietnam!? And the genocide of Russia, which annually decreases by more than a million people? They want to touch us by the fact that as many as 3 minutes of mourning have been declared throughout Europe. But why did “civilized” Europe and “super-civilized” America not declare mourning, but, on the contrary, rejoice during the broadcasts of the brutal execution of the Supreme Council in 1993? We are told that under all conditions terrorism is very bad. And what about the rabid state terrorism of the USA? Is it good that the United States has long ago turned the UN into an international terrorist organization, under whose flag the extermination of millions of people is openly carried out? Familiar logic: whoever is strong is right! But what should someone do who does not have such strength and who is constantly being crushed by someone else’s evil force? Let us assume that these terrorist attacks were actually committed by representatives of some Arab states. But how else, besides terror, can these small states fight the terror of the monstrous US military machine? How else can we bring America to reason? Judging by the highly qualified execution, the September 11 operation could only have been carried out by professionals from government intelligence services, and quite possibly American ones. And how shameful is it to present as evidence of the Arab trace such nonsense as a “suddenly discovered” car with “accidentally” left instructions for operating a Boeing in Arabic and the Koran! The provocation of the American intelligence services could have been carried out to protect Israel, so beloved by America. And we know how the Israeli invaders became more active after the terrorist attack. American Democrats could also organize a provocation in order to discredit the Republicans and, most importantly, prepare for their victory in the next elections. But, if we talk about the purely American origin of this provocation, then its most likely motivating factor may be simply the constant desire of the United States to fight with someone in order, firstly, to keep the world in fear, and secondly, and this is the most the main thing is to crawl out economic crises and, moreover, to profit from these wars. The United States generally needs constant duty reasons for war, and when a reason to fight exists without a well-defined “culprit” from whom a “scapegoat” can be made, then this is for them best option, because it allows you to rush at anyone. In this case, bin Laden is simply a godsend for America. What is especially good is that it is not known where he is. Maybe in Afghanistan, maybe in Pakistan, Iraq or anywhere else, and therefore anyone can be bombed. And, of course, if bin Laden had not existed, America would have invented him. By the way, that’s essentially how it was. America not only invented, but actually created at one time both bin Laden and the Taliban movement itself to fight Soviet Union. (17)

Why was the lawn in front of the building covered with gravel immediately after the fire in the Pentagon was extinguished? Maybe so that it would not be visible that there are no traces of an airplane impact on the grass, which, according to the official version, initially fell on the lawn?

  • 2004. At least 76 percent of Internet sites of radical Islamist organizations close to Al-Qaeda are based in the United States and Canada. This was reported yesterday by the Algerian newspaper Expression, which refers to a report received by the Washington Research Institute for Middle Eastern Information. “At a time when the “total war” against terrorism led by Washington and its allies has reached its climax around the world, radical groups close to Bin Laden continue to conduct propaganda via the Internet, with at least 76% of their sites located on American soil,” quotes newspaper excerpt from the report. According to its authors, in the United States, in particular, 25 websites of “only one organization close to Al-Qaeda” are based. Two websites of the Algerian radical Salafist group of preaching and jihad are also located there. Islamist electronics specialists, the report notes, have settled also in the UK, Russia, UAE, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and a number of other countries.From there they conduct propaganda, take responsibility for terrorist attacks, and serve as a link between various Islamist groups.(30)
  • Izvestia (12.09), calling the United States an “empire of good” (!??), writes: “Is it even worth talking about some kind of inadequacy today? These will not be “targeted strikes” on terrorist bases, but full-fledged military operations against entire peoples." And with cannibalistic delight they report that “the demand from Russia is now different.” "Vedomosti" demands that the Russian leadership decide who it is with: "with the defending civilization or with those from whom they are defending themselves?" The newspaper asks: "Will leaders of rogue countries visit the country... or will Russia finally become a sincere partner of the club of civilized states?" “Rogue countries”!.. No, this expression, constantly used today, not only smacks of fascism, it is direct evidence of the very real fascism that the United States has long been sick with and with which they seek to infect all their lackeys. The most famous US agent V. Posner, having recently gathered a gang of “political scientists”, tested their loyalty to their overseas master with the question: “Who should Russia be with - with the West or with terrorists?” And what should highly paid Judases do if Putin has long rushed to declare that “we are with America”? Some, however, fiddled around a bit, trying to portray intelligence and pangs of conscience, but in the end everyone joined the general opinion that Russia should be sold. And how many such scoundrels publicly compete today in selling Christ! It is possible to understand them. After all, they are all direct debtors of America. She made capitalism for them in Russia, today she feeds them and ensures their safety. You can understand. But you also need to remember it well! (17)

Ann Coulter is a political analyst and journalist who not only regularly publishes in right-wing newspapers, but also regularly appears on popular talk shows on US TV. In a word, a celebrity. However, she gained notoriety after September 12, 2001, when she wrote in the New York Daily News: “Now is not the time to pinpoint the direct culprits of this terrorist act... We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."(16)

  • Zinoviev A., philosopher, writer, scientist: “For me personally, the events in New York and Washington remind me of the beginning of the Second World War, when the Nazis organized a provocation against Poland by staging an attack on the German border town of Gleiwitz.” (12)
  • Bush signed plans to "fight terrorism" around the world, including the occupation of Afghanistan, on September 10, and the bombings did not occur until September 11. (27)
  • August 2002 - 52% of Russians surveyed continue to think that the Americans “got it right” on September 11, 2001. (28)
On the right is an authentic photo of Osama bin Laden from 1998.

On the left is a frame from a videotape shown by American authorities in December 2001. (Shadows have been removed from the photograph, tones have been sharpened and the focus has been corrected.) This tape allegedly proves the involvement of "terrorist number 1" in the September 11 attacks. However, we clearly see in the left photo a man with a much wider nose, fuller and with completely different facial features. (23)