Rw by suburban train schedule. Belarusian railway

For many residents of Belarus, rail transport is one of the most comfortable, reliable and affordable travel options. History of the Belarusian railway began more than 150 years ago - in 1862, when train traffic was opened on the Grodno-Porechye section.

Today BZD occupies a leading position in the national market transport services. Annually, railway transport in Belarus transports more than 140 million tons of cargo and 90 million passengers, providing over 60% of the country's total freight turnover and 30% of passenger traffic.

Structure of the Belarusian Railway

The Belarusian Railway includes 29 organizations, each of which has the status of a legal entity; 7 separate structural subdivisions (branches); as well as 3 representative offices abroad - in Russia, Kazakhstan and Poland. In total, the Belarusian Railway employs over 79,000 people. Among them are representatives of about 500 professions. Railway workers honor their traditions - about 400 labor dynasties work on the line.

The Belarusian Railway is 572 passenger stopping points and 320 passenger stations, 19 large stations, including 4 out-of-class ones. On average, more than 200 thousand people are transported by rail per day.

The organization of cargo transportation is provided by 370 stations: 9 of them are sorting and 27 freight. The average daily loading volume exceeds 200,000 tons.

Passenger Transportation

« Belarusian gygunka"- a brand with a worldwide reputation. Today, passenger railway communication connects Belarus with Paris, Nice, Berlin, Warsaw, Prague, Bucharest, Vienna, as well as the capitals and administrative centers Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Kazakhstan.

In a message with Russian Federation, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Kazakhstan runs up to 34 pairs of trains of permanent circulation of the Belarusian Railways. Including the Belarusian Railway forms 6 international branded trains, of which 5 are in communication with the Russian Federation and 1 with the capital of Ukraine.

In recent years, the system of passenger rail transportation in Belarus has changed significantly. Today, passenger transportation by public rail transport is carried out in the following types of messages:

  • urban (city lines);
  • regional (regional lines);
  • interregional (interregional lines);
  • international (international lines);
  • commercial (commercial lines).

City lines represent transportation of passengers within the city of Minsk, the regional center and beyond, but not further than the stations ( stopping points) located in satellite cities. Today, modern 4-car electric trains of urban lines connect Minsk with three satellite cities: Zaslavl, Rudensk and Smolevichi.

Passengers are in constant demand business class regional trains. On November 19, 2011, regular traffic was opened on the Minsk-Baranovichi-Minsk and Baranovichi-Brest-Baranovichi routes, and a month and a half later, trains of regional business class lines began to run on the Minsk-Orsha-Minsk route. The work carried out to modernize the infrastructure and electrify the Osipovichi-Bobruisk section made it possible, starting from April 6, 2013, to carry out transportation by trains of regional business class lines between Minsk and Bobruisk.

Since May 2013, new train routes of regional business class lines have been introduced on the sections Orsha-Krichev-Kommunary, Kommunary-Mogilev; in September 2013 - on the Minsk-Zhlobin section; in 2014 - on the Minsk-Molodechno section.

Economy Regional Lines provide transport service segment of passengers not covered by business class lines, and are the most popular type of transportation.

Interregional lines represent the transportation of passengers between Minsk and regional centers, as well as between the regional centers of the republic themselves. Depending on the speed of delivery to the destination, the number of stops along the route, interregional lines are divided into business and economy class.

The movement of trains of interregional lines of business class is carried out on the directions connecting the capital with Brest, Gomel and Vitebsk.

International lines- transportation between the Republic of Belarus and other states. They provide passenger communication between the city of Minsk, regional centers of the republic and capitals, as well as individual regions of other states.

The Belarusian Railway pays great attention to improving the quality of passenger service and updating the rolling stock. Within the framework of the State Program for the Development of Railway Transport of the Republic of Belarus for 2011-2015, the Belarusian Railways purchased 7 passenger diesel locomotives; 16 electric trains manufactured by the Swiss company Stadler Bussnang AG; 9 diesel trains of various composition developed by the Polish company PESA Bydgoszсz JSC.

The procedure for purchasing travel documents

The sale of tickets on the Belarusian Railways is fully automated and is carried out through the Express-3 automated control system.

For the implementation of travel documents for trains of regional lines of economy class and city lines using bank payment cards, self-service payment and information terminals have been installed.

In February 2011, a system for selling travel documents of the Belarusian Railway was put into operation on the website

Electronic registration has been introduced when buying tickets via the Internet, which allows a passenger to travel by train in accordance with an order paid via the Internet without issuing a travel document at the box office.

Benefits of transit

The advantageous geopolitical location of the Belarusian Railway at the crossroads of the II and IX pan-European transport corridors, at the junction of the 1435 mm and 1520 mm gauge determines its role as the most important link between the countries of Europe and Asia. Today, the priority activity of the Belarusian Railways is the development of transit traffic. The share of transit in the total volume of freight traffic along the Belarusian highway is about 30%.

Belarus has formed a number of sustainable railway directions transit traffic. First of all, this is the transportation of goods to the ports of Latvia along the Zaolsha-Bigosovo route, as well as in communication with the Kaliningrad region and Lithuania. Transportation to and from the EU countries within the framework of the Pan-European Transport Corridor No. II, as well as between the countries of the Baltic and Black Seas within the framework of the Pan-European Transport Corridor No. IX is important.

The transfer of goods to the Belarusian Railways in the East-West-East traffic is carried out at three border crossings: Brest-Terespol, Bruzgi-Kuznitsa Belostotskaya and Svisloch-Semyanuvka. On the border with Poland, the main capacities of the transshipment and storage infrastructure are concentrated, there is a significant potential for organizing the transshipment of bulk cargo. At cargo terminals full complex services for the processing and storage of goods of various nomenclature.

The Belarusian Railway is ready to provide reliable transport connection between China and European countries, to become the optimal transport and logistics link in the implementation of large-scale projects in the field of economy and transport logistics.

Over the past years, there has been a steady increase in the number of regular freight container trains running between China and China. Western Europe. Today, the following trains run regularly on the Belarusian Railways:

  • China - Poland (Chengdu-Lodz);
  • China - Germany (Chengzhou - Hamburg);
  • "New Silk Road" China - Germany (Chongqing-Duisburg);
  • "BMW" Germany - China (Leipzig - Shenyang);
  • Ford Germany - China (Duisburg - Chongqing);
  • "Saule" Lithuania - China;
  • China - Germany (Wuhan - Hamburg);
  • China - Spain (Yiwu - Madrid).

Infrastructure Modernization

The strategic goal of the Belarusian Railways is the modernization of infrastructure. One of the most important projects in this area is the electrification of railway lines.

Today, the railway lines are fully electrified within the framework of the II pan-European transport corridor.

A large-scale investment project is being implemented to electrify the Gomel-Zhlobin-Osipovichi and Zhlobin-Kalinkovichi sections of the IX pan-European transport corridor. In September 2013, the first stage of this project was implemented - the Zhlobin-Osipovichi section was opened.

After the electrification of the Zhlobin-Gomel section is completed, the operational length of the electrified sections of the Belarusian Railway will be 1091.2 km or 19.5% of the total length of the highway.

In September 2015, the Belarusian Railways began electrification of the Molodechno-Gudogai-state border section.

Much attention is paid to the development of freight infrastructure. In 2015, the Belarusian Railways completed the modernization of the Kolyadichi City Goods Station, which is part of the Transport and Logistics Center Minsk, as a result of which its storage and handling capacities were significantly increased. Today, the Kolyadichi station is the most important link in the organization of export-import freight traffic on the Belarusian Railway, including container traffic. At the Kolyadichi station, cargo is processed and transshipped to the regions of Belarus, as well as to the CIS countries, the Baltic States and far abroad using the capabilities of rail and road transport.

Cooperation with foreign countries

The Belarusian Railway actively cooperates with the railway administrations of the CIS countries, the Baltic States, the European Union and far abroad, and also participates in the activities of such international transport organizations as:

  • Advice on railway transport member states of the Commonwealth;
  • Organization of Cooperation of Railways;
  • International Union of Railways;
  • Coordinating conference on planning and implementation of transportation in international passenger traffic
  • International Association "Coordinating Council for Trans-Siberian Transportation".

Representative offices of the Belarusian Railways abroad:

  • In Russian federation
    Russia, 125047, Moscow, pl. Tverskaya Zastava, 5a, office 219,
    Phone/fax (+7 499) 262 94 27,
    [email protected]
  • in the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Kazakhstan, 010000, Astana, st. D. Kunaeva, 6,
    Tel. (+7 7172) 60 04 99, fax (+7 7172) 60 04 98,
    [email protected]
  • in the Republic of Poland
    Republic of Poland, PL 00-681 Warsaw, ul. Hoza 63/67,
    Phone: tel./fax (+48 22) 47 44 080, tel. (+48 22) 47 44 822
    [email protected]

Quick purchase of train tickets from the site

On the site you can buy railway ticket without hidden fees and fees. Prices for railway tickets depend on the date of booking (the more time before the trip, the cheaper it will be), direction, carriage class and seats. A mobile application site for Android and iOS will help you buy cheap train tickets without a queue at railway ticket offices and stations.

Booking train tickets online

Now you don't even have to leave your house to make a purchase. We present, as well as the official website of BelZhD, the following options for messages from the Belarusian Railways:
  • – international in far and near abroad;
  • – regional (trains);
  • - internal in Belarus.

Order train tickets online

To find out train schedules and availability of train tickets, use the search form. Select a route and departure date. On the page that opens, you will see a list of trains and the cost of train tickets, the duration of the trip, the type of car, the time of arrival and departure. You only need to choose and book cheap tickets to any direction where the trains of the Belarusian Chygunka run.

It is surprising that in the 21st century, in order to purchase a train ticket, it is easier to call the reservation number (although it is also not easy to get through to 151), book a ticket and stand in a 40-minute queue at the box office that very evening than to buy the coveted a three-click ticket on the Internet. There are much more clicks, and you risk just not going anywhere.

Just recently, I had to spend at least three hours of precious time to buy the coveted train ticket. I tell you how it all happened.

So you go to the Website of the Belarusian Railways, in the tab "Trains of international lines, interregional lines, regional business class lines" (thank you, it has become easy to find recently), enter points A and B of your route, choose a train and ... nothing not happening. The page of the selected train shows free seats, types of carriages, fare. There are back and back buttons.

To buy a ticket, you need to login. I remember that I registered on the site twice already, but why the third time I can’t find the window where to enter my login and password? .. After several minutes of wandering around the page, I find it in the second tab. Registering.

By searching in the mail, I find the login and password that were once sent to me, enter, click next, on the next page I agree with the Rules and features of placing an order, its payment ... and I get to the page where you need to choose a train.

“Only Russian letters and special characters are allowed,” the site warns me when I try to enter the departure station before I can change the language from English to Russian. By the way, he is not friendly with the Belarusian either.

Next, I enter the stations, date, drive in the number of passengers (maximum 4 per operation). Another window opens where I can change the date and/or time of departure and click "continue". On the next page, I choose the type of car and seat from the available ones.

And on the next page they ask me for my full name, passport number and offer to introduce additional requirements for places (for example, indicate a specific place or ask for only the lower one). By the way, which is commendable, the system saves the data of previously entered passengers (for whom it was possible to buy tickets). Long live time saving!

But while I have not a single ticket purchased through the site, I click "continue", I click "continue" again on the "Checking details of the trip" page.

On the "Order Confirmation" page, I can choose a payment system for paying for the order. Internet banking of JSC “ASB Belarusbank” does not suit me, since I plan to pay with an Alfa-Bank card - therefore, I choose the “Settlement” system (AIS ERIP) and click “pay for the order”.

"It is necessary to pay for the order in the Calculation system within 20 minutes," the site warns me. The list of banks falls out.

Literally in 10 minutes I manage to call my bank, find out how to connect Internet banking (well, I didn’t need it before), I connect it. And then I understand that this is not enough - the card needs to be linked to the Self-Service Banking System (SBS). After all, the site of the "piece of iron" writes that the cardholders of my bank are served by SBS Internet banking. On the SBS website, which I select from the list, they require me to login and password. And of course, this is not the same login and password for Alfa-Bank Internet banking!

On the SBS website I read how to connect: I am offered to go to the nearest ATM in order to open access for Internet banking through it. Then get a check with a username and password at an ATM, enter it on the SBS website and "pay for access to the service within a year." For some reason, the partner bank's ATM does not want to give me access. Meanwhile, the BelZhD website sends a letter to the post office stating that "the order for the purchase of tickets has been canceled" (the time allotted for payment has expired).

There are no hopes to buy a ticket for the train, where exactly 6 seats are left. I had to quickly remember all my friends who could buy train tickets through the site. Suddenly they were more fortunate.

A savior has been found. She suggested a payment method through PLATI.TUT.BY, where one of the hundreds of sections is listed as "Payment for railway tickets" (however, I did not find a word about this payment method on the "piece of iron" website).

In the "pay" section, I enter the payment code, pay by card, and then click "Check payment" on the BelZhD website page. And I have the ticket order form in my hands. It is enough to print and ... exchange at the railway ticket office for a normal ticket. Here's an unexpected twist.

In order not to go to the cashier, personal account on the site, it turns out, you can perform electronic registration, but, unfortunately, it does not work for all directions - including this is impossible for the Lviv - Minsk train, for which I still managed to buy a ticket. "I CAN'T GET A TICKET AT THE STATION OF DEPARTURE", - appears in the additional information about my order. You will have to go to the cashier with your passport.

In general, it is not without reason that a video with instructions on how to buy tickets is posted on the "piece of iron" website in the "Information for Passengers" section, for which I did not have enough time. And now let's calculate how many actions I had to perform in order to buy a single ticket ...

"BCH" (Belarusian Chygunka) is a state carrier subordinate to the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Belarus. The railway network in Belarus is extensive. It ranks third in the CIS after Russia and Ukraine, so the railway transport in the republic is well developed. For example, several "BCh" trains of different levels of service run in one direction Moscow - Minsk.

BC trains are divided into business class (branded trains) and economy (non-branded). The economy includes trains with old cars. They do not have air conditioning, so it is hot in summer and cold in winter. The interior of the wagons is outdated. At the same time, even in old trains there is a high level of service - they have polite conductors and are always clean.

From the types of cars in the economy class, reserved seats, compartments and SV are available. AT reserved seat car There is no air conditioning and dry closet. There is only a regular toilet, which is closed at the stations, which is inconvenient. The compartment and CB have air conditioning, but there is also no dry closet. On an unbranded train, the air conditioner may not work well even if it is turned on.

We recommend traveling in business class. Such trains have their own name - "Minsk", "Belarus", "Neman", etc. In terms of comfort, they correspond to branded trains of Russian Railways. All carriages have air conditioning and dry closets. AT branded trains often the fare includes meals (a set of meals or a hot lunch), a TV is installed in the RV. Each compartment has sockets, a button to call the conductor, and the door is closed with an electronic lock.

You can find out how comfortable the train is when buying a ticket on the website (step "seat selection"). There, each type of car has a description, information about the availability of air conditioning and a dry closet, and passenger reviews. Reviews can only be left by those passengers who actually traveled on this train.

Several types of new trains with a high level of comfort run within the country. These are trains from seating- other classes of service are not required here, since the trip lasts no more than a few hours. In the direction Minsk - Vilnius there are sit-down trains of Polish production, consisting of three cars. In the direction Minsk - Gomel, electric trains of the EPM series run. In the second class there is air conditioning and a dry closet, soft seats with a reclining table, a socket between the seats. The first-class carriage is spacious and has leather seats. In terms of comfort, EPM trains resemble the Sapsan economy class.

New comfortable electric trains of the EPG and EPR series have been launched on regional and city lines (in the capital area). But there are still many old electric trains with hard benches and no air conditioning on the lines. Prices for suburban transport in Belarus are among the lowest in Europe - they are on average 4 times lower than in the Russian Federation and 8 times lower than in Germany.

At the moment, the main problem of Belarusian trains is the obsolescence of wagons. At the beginning of 2012 the park passenger cars Belarusian highway consisted of about 1700 units. Of these, 56% are recognized as worn out. The government is trying to update the cars - most of them are ordered at the Gomel VZZ.

In terms of quality of service, BC is in second place after Russia among all carriers in the CIS countries. For example, Belarusian trains are much better than most Ukrainian trains. The rather high quality of the BC trains is also confirmed by the rating on the website - almost all of them have a rating of 8 or 9 points out of 10.

Specify the itinerary and date. In response, we will find information from Russian Railways about the availability of tickets and their cost. Choose the appropriate train and place. Pay for the ticket using one of the suggested methods. Payment information will be instantly transferred to Russian Railways and your ticket will be issued.

How to return a purchased train ticket?

Can I pay for a ticket with a card? And is it safe?

Oh sure. Payment is made through the payment gateway of the processing center All data is transmitted over a secure channel.The gateway has been designed to meet the requirements international standard PCI DSS security. The gateway software has successfully passed the version 3.1 audit.The system allows you to accept payments by Visa and MasterCard, including using 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.The payment form is optimized for various browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.Almost all railway agencies on the Internet work through this gateway.

What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

Buying an electronic ticket to the site is a modern and fast way to issue a travel document without the participation of a cashier or operator.When buying an electronic railway ticket, seats are redeemed immediately, at the time of payment.After paying for boarding the train, you must either go through electronic registration or print a ticket at the station.Electronic registration Not available for all orders. If registration is available, it can be completed by clicking on the appropriate button on our website. You will see this button immediately after payment. You will then need your original ID and a printout of your boarding pass to board the train. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it's better not to risk it.print e-ticket you can at any time before the train departure at the box office at the station or at the self-registration terminal. To do this, you need a 14-digit order code (you will receive it by SMS after payment) and the original ID.