Wave Rock. Stone waves Stone wave in Australia

  • Address: lot 6359, LOT 4 Lovering Rd, Hyden WA 6359, Australia
  • Website: http://www.waverock.com.au/
  • Height: about 14 m
  • Width: 110 m

When traveling through this amazing region, be sure to include in your route a visit to a unique natural formation - the Wave Rock. It is shaped like a giant wave crest. This is the result of deep processes during the washing out of soft granite by rainwater. Moisture, seeping into the soil, accumulated and flowed down the rock, thereby undermining the foundation. Interesting fact is that the block of stone bent above the surface even before it was born.

This process lasted several thousand centuries. Over time, the top layer was carried away by the wind, revealing its unusual shape. The rock looks like a wave with a cut base and ends in a round plumb line. Scientists suggest that Wave Rock was formed more than 2,700 million years ago. The Stone Wave rock is located near Western Australia, in the town of Hayden.

What is interesting about the attraction?

The rock wave in Australia is part of one of the slopes of the collapsed Hayden Rock. It is 110 meters long and about 14 meters high and covers an area of ​​several hectares. The rock has a unique property - it changes its color throughout the day: vertical stripes turn yellow, gray, or red depending on the lighting. This is a truly amazing sight that attracts hundreds of tourists. The striped color was formed due to rains, which gradually washed away iron hydroxide and carbonates.

Locals They are very sensitive to the Stone Wave rock in Perth. It occupies a fairly important place in their culture. The natives noticed that Wave Rock was very similar to real water, so they believed that mysterious forces nature and spirits. Today, Australians are making a lot of efforts to preserve the natural attraction.

In 1951, to protect Stone Wave in Australia from the ravages of rain and natural disasters, a dam was built here. Before this, storm water flowed in large streams over the surface of the rock, falling from its edges in a stormy waterfall. Since water in this area is of great value, a limiter was invented to preserve it. It was installed along the upper edge in order to retain and direct water to a reservoir located at the foot of the cliff.


Held annually in the autumn near Stone Wave in Perth music Festival, which is called Wave Rock Weekender. This is a local celebration of rock music. World and Australian stars perform here. The most convenient way to visit the rock is with a tour, which is organized in the cities of Perth and Hayden. About 140 thousand tourists visit this attraction every year.

When heading to Stone Wave in Australia, don't forget to take your camera with you. All visitors usually take a photo in a surfer pose, this is a hallmark of the fact that you have visited Wave Rock. You can also climb to the top of the cliff, where you can enjoy stunning views.

How to get to Stone Wave?

Nearest international Airport is located in Perth. From there, buses run regularly to the Stone Wave rock (travel time takes approximately 4 hours). The town of Hayden can be reached in 15 minutes by car; follow the signs.

Surfers cannot ride such a wave, but nevertheless, the Stone Wave rock in Australia is one of the most amazing rock formations in the world. Multimillion-year-old layers of rocks look as if this rock is actually frozen water, turned into stone by time.

A wave frozen in stone

It reaches more than 15 meters in height and more than 91 meters in length. For decades, the Stone Wave rock has attracted tourists from all over the world. In the language of geologists, this is a slope of variable elevation that forms at the base of an inselberg (an isolated outcrop of crystalline rocks on the surface of the earth in flat terrain). There are several other such formations in Australia, but none are as stunning as the Stone Wave cliff that lines one side of Hayden Rock.

A low stone fence has been built along the entire upper edge of the wave, which is unlikely to protect anyone from falling, but, in everyone’s opinion, it spoils the spectacle and clearly does not add to the popularity of photographs of the rock. In fact, the fence is not supposed to protect anyone from falling: it is not a fence at all, but part of an aqueduct built in the 1920s years in order to bring water to dry areas, which is still in use today.

Wave Rock is an amazingly beautiful rock formation in Western Australia. Just 340 km from the city of Perth there is a place that is visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. Granite wave, stone tsunami - it is quite difficult to describe this place in words; not a single language in the world has enough epithets! The most convenient way to get to the rock is from the small town of Hayden; 15 minutes by car and you’re there. You can come here on your own or buy tickets and go to group excursion with an experienced guide.

The visible part of the rock rises above the ground to a height of about 15 meters, and its length is 110 meters. According to scientists' hypotheses, the wave rock appeared more than 27 million years ago. For many centuries, Wave Rock has occupied a central place in the culture of the local population. The aborigines noted the similarity of the stone wave with real water and believed that it was in this place that the forces of spirits and the forces of nature intertwined.

Today, Australians treat such places with special respect and make great efforts to preserve the beauty of such natural attractions for posterity. In 1951, a dam was built to protect the stone wave from natural destruction and the possible negative impact of rainwater.

Recently, annual rock festivals have been held in this area, which attract not only ordinary fans of serious music, but world-famous performers such as Sugar Army, Day of the Dead and Jamie T. This event usually takes place in the second half of September.

Have you been to this place and blogged about it?


Hyden, Wave Rock

Wave Rock is a natural rock formation located 350 km east of Perth, near the small town of Hyden in Western Australia. This rock was one of the attractions we wanted to see during our trip to Western Australia in August 2014.

thenomadicexplorers , 3 Apr 2015, 11:00

Hyden & Wave Rock

Hyden was founded in the 1920s, when the government allowed the use of land for agriculture and began to distribute this land to farmers. In the 1930s they held railway, which linked the municipality to Perth. In addition to local attractions - a couple of nondescript caves with some semblance of aboriginal art, main force, which attracts tourists to the region is natural monument called Wave Rock - Wave Rock.

kaihopara , 16 Jul 2013, 04:19

Western Australia - southern ring

This time we decided to drive a camper around the southern part of Western Australia. Unfortunately, such a trip requires quite a lot of vacation time, which is never enough, so it was decided to split the trip into two parts.

anzhiv , 30 Mar 2012, 10:01

The Australian coast is famous for its waves. They usually originate in the ocean and are constantly conquered by surfers. But there is another interesting wave here that you can “ride” without having a surfboard, or even having the skills of a surfer. Moreover, you don’t even have to get into the water.

Located in the southwestern part of the country in the state of Western Australia natural phenomenon, which is called “Stone Wave” or “Wave Rock” (in the original Wave Rock). This natural formation looks as if someone cast a spell and turned an ordinary wave into stone.

Stone wave on the map

  • Geographic coordinates (-32.443791, 118.897522)
  • The distance from the capital of Australia, Canberra, is about 2800 km in a straight line.
  • The nearest airport, Wave Rock Airport, is approximately 1.5 km to the north. But this is a very small airport for light aircraft
  • Ravensthorpe Airport 200 km south
  • Major Perth airport 300 km to the west
  • Nearest locality— the town of Hayden 3.5 kilometers to the west

Stone Wave is located 300 meters off Wave Rock Road and is a semicircular outcrop of granite rock that runs east to west. A smooth, even structure, smooth transitions and the absence of sharp edges are the distinctive features of this ancient formation.
The total length of the rock is about 110 meters. Its height reaches 15 meters. Looking at this grandiose monument, no other name other than stone wave simply came to mind. Perhaps various variations on the theme “frozen wave” or “stopped wave”. Local residents and the whole world call this attraction simply The Wave Rock (literally Wave Rock).

Local tribes believed that the stone wave was made by the Rainbow Serpent. Once upon a time, the Serpent drank all the water on earth and crawled through these places, leaving behind such an amazing trail. The Aborigines naturally considered Stone Wave sacred place where nature spirits exist.

Scientists suggest that Stone Wave began to form more than 2.5 billion years ago through weathering and erosion of rocks. But why this happened so delicately and is definitely not entirely clear. According to some data, over millions of years, it was not the granite rock itself that was washed away, but part of the surface layer of the earth, exposing harder rock.
It is worth noting that the Wave “plays” in the sun. That is, it changes its color depending on the angle of incidence of sunlight. The vertical stripes of the Rock become reddish, yellow, or gray, thereby even more reminiscent of a real wave.

Stone Wave photo

1. Stone wave

"Wave" is part northern slope Hayden rocks. It owes its shape to the gradual erosion over many centuries of the softer rock beneath the upper edge of the rock. The rock is 14 meters high and 110 meters long. The exposed slope of a rock wave frozen in time seems ready to crash loudly onto the prehistoric surf. Rainwater washed away chemical deposits (iron carbonates and hydroxide) from the face of the rock, creating vertical gray, red and yellow streaks. If you can give extra time to your visit, it is worth looking at the rock at different times of the day. Changing sunlight changes its color and appearance.

2. Stone wave on the map

Wave Rock or Wavy Rock is a natural rock formation located 399 km east of Perth and the small town of Hyden in Western Australia.

3. I wish I could conquer this wave!

Wave Rock has cultural significance to Aboriginal people.

4. View from the Wave rock

The unique shape of the rock is not caused by a "wave" phenomenon. Rather, its rounded wave-like shape was achieved by deep chemical processes, accompanied by the washing out of soft granite by long-term river erosion. The washing out took place below ground level, and only then did the rock appear on the surface. As a result, the base was cut, but the top remained rounded.

5. View from the Wave rock

The location of this rock was chosen for filming of Japan's Next Top Model in 2008.

6. Rock "Wave"

Once a year, Wave Rock hosts the nearby Wave Rock Weekender, a local rock music festival. The last festival was held on September 26-28, 2010.

7. Tourists at the “Wavy” Rock

More than 140 thousand tourists flock to the rock every year.

8. Photos by the cliff

Favorite pose for photographs on a stone wave.

9. Hydraulic canal at the top of the Volna rock

In addition to being a tourist attraction, the rock has been converted into a reservoir to collect water that is supplied to the city. A concrete wall about 30cm high surrounds the top of Hayden Rock, collecting rainfall into the reservoir.

10. The Wave rock makes a great impression.

11. Rock formation “Hippopotamus Yawn”

The resemblance of the rock to a yawning hippopotamus led to this name. Its height is about 12.6 meters.