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Thanks to today's article, our readers will be able to get acquainted with the personality of Valentina Matvienko. Many people know her as a Russian politician who participates in political and diplomatic activities. Russian Federation. In 2011, she was entrusted with a position in the Federation Council, and at the same time she is a member of the Supreme Council of United Russia.

Before receiving these positions, Matvienko was the chairman of the government in St. Petersburg. Many note that she is the most influential woman in the country’s political arena, and her opinion carries sufficient weight. Especially when making important decisions.

Political people rarely attract citizens with their external data - for the people, the activities of this or that person are more important. But, nevertheless, such information cannot be ignored when citing the biography of a famous person. Our case will not be an exception, and we will present to you what height, weight, and age a political woman is. How old is Valentina Matvienko? Those who follow politics inside Russia wonder.

The politician's height is about 170 centimeters, and his approximate weight is 65 kilograms. How Valentina Matvienko has changed over the 68 years of her life (photos in her youth and now will help with this), you can see for yourself. We assure you that changes are not always noticeable the first time.

Biography of Valentina Matvienko

The biography of Valentina Matvienko begins in the spring of 1949. At that time, her family lived in Shepetivka, a Ukrainian village in the Khmelnitsky region. Father Ivan and mother Irina were not connected with political life in the country.

Some time after Valya's birth, the family leaves for Cherkassy. A little later, the father dies, and the mother of the future politician has a hard time - she herself needs to raise three daughters. Financial difficulties pushed the girl to quickly get an education and earn money, thereby helping her family.

After graduating from school, Valentina Matvienko enters medical school. Studying was easy and she graduated from college with honors. In order to continue to develop in the chosen direction, the girl leaves for Leningrad, where she enters a university, and after that she is assigned to graduate school.

Already at the institute she understands that she is less interested in medicine, and more social work. Valentina decides to radically change her educational vector and begins studying at the Academy of Social Sciences. After graduating, she takes courses for diplomatic staff to improve her skills.

This is where Matvienko’s political growth begins. At first she was an ordinary member of the Communist Party, and with maximum perseverance and desire, Valentina became secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee. Of course, even then many rumors appeared. The most famous of them is associated with the fact that the woman loved to drink, especially after making any important diplomatic decisions. But you can’t really blame Valentina here - at that time this was often practiced, and the woman simply did not want to be a “black sheep.”

The year 1986 was marked by the fact that a woman found herself in the world of big politics. With the receipt of a new position, Valentina Matvienko is engaged in culture and education in the Soviet Union, and at the same time, she is the chairman of the Committee on Family Protection. Shortly before the collapse of the USSR, the woman was a diplomatic ambassador.

Returning to Russia, she becomes Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Here she has been involved in social policy for almost five years. In 2003, Valentina Matvienko wins the gubernatorial election and takes the corresponding position. An important task fell on her shoulders - to restore the former Leningrad and bring it into its modern form.

After some time, a woman is elected chairman of the Federation Council. Since then, she has received membership in the State Council of Russia, due to changed legislative acts. After the events on the territory of Ukraine, Valentina Matvienko falls under sanctions. In addition, all accounts and real estate in America were frozen. Despite this, she continues to lead a political life and in every possible way establish connections with Russian citizens.

Personal life of Valentina Matvienko

Although Valentina Matvienko’s personal life is full of stability, along with her political career, many are interested in how it turned out. Everything here is extremely simple and transparent - when she was studying at the chemical institute, she met Vladimir Matvienko. After a while, the young people got married.

Since then, both spouses have lived in a happy marriage. And if any disagreements arise, they try to resolve everything as quickly as possible. In 1973, the couple had a son, which we will talk about below.

Family of Valentina Matvienko

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, Valentina Matvienko’s family was not connected with politics or public life. In addition, until a certain point, the woman herself did not think that she would connect her activities with such a profession. Mom had a little connection to art - she was engaged in sewing costumes for performances.

Valentina's father, Ivan Tyutin, was a front-line soldier, and when the girl went to second grade, he died. This turn of fate put the family's financial situation at a very disadvantage. Therefore, young Valentina wanted to get a diploma as soon as possible in order to earn her own money.

Children of Valentina Matvienko

Children of Valentina Matvienko - quite interesting topic, especially for those citizens who follow the political arena within the country. As you already know, in 1973, a political woman gave birth to a son, who was named Sergei. His parents love him very much and help his career in every possible way. In addition, he has two higher education degrees in neighboring fields.

Already in 2008, Valentina Matvienko was lucky enough to become a grandmother. The marriage of Sergei and an ordinary student brought them a daughter, Arina. Since then, the politician has been trying to devote time to all members of his family, regardless of their age - as they say, from young to old.

Valentina Matvienko’s son – Sergei

You probably already know that Valentina Matvienko’s son, Sergei, was born in 1973, and this year he will turn 45 years old. From early childhood, both parents took care of their son and always found free time for him. As a result, Sergei has two higher educations in economics.

After graduating from universities, the son of a politician held the position of vice president of St. Petersburg, a popular bank in the city of the same name. Afterwards, he was one of the managers at Vneshtorgbank. Also, it is worth noting the fact that he is the owner of the “Empire” - a fairly well-known structure. It includes several dozen divisions that are engaged in various activities - providing cleaning services, software development and logistics. Of course, there were some evil tongues - there were rumors about illegal activities and so on. By the way, to date, not a single one of the “information bombs” has been confirmed.

From 2004 to 2006, Sergei was married to a singer who later became widely famous - Zara. The second marriage continues to this day, and the granddaughter of Valentina Matvienko was born.

Valentina Matvienko's husband - Vladimir Matvienko

Valentina Matvienko’s husband, Vladimir Matvienko, studied with her in the same course. At that time, the future politician was studying at a chemical institute and was just thinking about a career change. It is logical to assume that the spouse was not involved in such activities.

After graduating from high school, Vladimir began teaching at the Military Medical Academy. In 2000, he retired and began to improve the country cottage area V Leningrad region. Now, Matvienko’s husband uses a wheelchair. Lives in the very house he built.

Many famous personalities resort to the help of plastic surgeons to keep their appearance under control. For our today’s heroine, this is also relevant, therefore, requests like “Photos of Valentina Matvienko before and after plastic surgery” are popular.

It is not surprising, because, despite her respectful age, the politician is not subject to his influence. Although she herself denies that she had plastic surgery. In turn, experts say that Valentina Matvienko in her youth - photos confirming this are on the Internet - and now she has hardly changed. They note that injections with special drugs that reduce wrinkles are noticeable. Also, you can see that Valentina managed to tighten the oval of her face - it remained practically unchanged over such a time.

But we can’t say for sure. The woman herself says that she manages to maintain a youthful face thanks to regular exercise. Not surprising, because politicians do not like to talk about such manipulations with their appearance.

Instagram and Wikipedia Valentina Matvienko

Politicians and government officials rarely use social networks. That is, they most often have pages, but all activities on them are carried out on behalf of secretaries and other persons.

Despite the fact that today's politician does not have an official page on in social networks– the queries “Instagram and Wikipedia of Valentina Matvienko” are quite popular. Not surprisingly, you can find an exhaustive amount of information about activities in the public domain. Moreover, it is interesting to read Valentina’s achievements, both during the USSR and after the collapse of the Union.

As always, any public figure is subject to criticism - expert conclusions can also be found on the Internet. This is especially true for those who are planning to study life in the Russian political arena.

A woman politician today can surprise few people, and yet, there are still not many of them, and the brightest ones can be counted on one hand. In the Russian political space, women leaders were distinguished not only by their intelligence, charisma and will, but also by their beauty. One of these unsinkable figures is Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, whose biography indicates that she is a strong and purposeful person.

The beginning of the way

The future governor did not start her life so brilliantly. She was born at a time when the country was just beginning to recover from the shocks and trials of the war years, recovering. Mrs. Matvienko was born on April 7, 1949 in the north-west of Ukraine, in a small town called Shepetivka, in the Khmelnitsky region (formerly Kamenets-Podolsk region). Meanwhile, Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, whose paternal nationality is Ukrainian, spent her childhood in several more big city- Cherkassy, ​​in the central part of the country.

The politician's father, Ivan Tyutin, was, of course, a war veteran and died quite early - Valentina was only eight years old. Mom Irina Tyutina was left a widow with three daughters (Valentina Ivanovna has two older sisters - Lydia and Zinaida). Mom, to some, albeit very distant, degree, was related to the theater - she worked there as a costume designer. But Valentina was not inspired by the theater and was not seduced by bohemian life. She graduated from school with a silver medal and entered a medical school in Cherkassy, ​​from which she graduated with honors.

Study and early career

The future politician did not stop at secondary vocational education and went to Leningrad, where she entered the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute. In her last year of study, Mrs. Tyutina tied the knot with Vladimir Matvienko.

Based on the results of her studies, she was assigned to graduate school. Here was the decisive moment: Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, whose biography is full of interesting moments, could easily follow the path of a scientist. However, she was invited to work on the district Komsomol committee. She agreed, deciding that she could return to graduate school after a couple of years.

However, she returned to the student bench many years later, when she entered the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee, graduating in 1985. But the politician did not stop there either; she took advanced training courses for diplomatic workers at the Diplomatic Academy of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In addition to Ukrainian, which can hardly be called foreign, Matvienko is fluent in three more languages: Greek, English and German.

In the ranks of the party

Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko began building a career as a politician in her youth, although, of course, it is difficult to imagine that she knew what heights she would grow to. Ms. Matvienko worked in the Komsomol district committee for five years - from 1972 to 1977 - in various positions: from department head to first secretary. She worked in the Leningrad regional committee of the Komsomol, then in the Krasnogvardeisky district committee for almost ten years and rose from secretary to first secretary. Then Ms. Matvienko moved to the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council of People's Deputies, where she took the position of deputy chairman.

Before the collapse Soviet Union She managed to work as a people's deputy, in the Supreme Council she headed the Committee on Women's Affairs, Motherhood and Childhood, and Family Protection. Later she was elected to the membership of the Presidium of the Supreme Council.

Career in Russia

Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, whose biography demonstrates this, led her career without sharp turns. She met the collapse of the Soviet Union at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For four years she worked as ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, first of the USSR, then of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Malta. In 1994-1995 worked as Ambassador of the Russian Foreign Ministry on special assignments. In the next two years, she headed the department in the department responsible for relations with regions and government structures, and was elected to the board of the ministry. She was ambassador to Greece for another year.

In 1998, Matvienko joined the Government as deputy chairman, where she worked for five years. In 2003, she became the governor of St. Petersburg, serving in this position until 2011. She joined the ranks of United Russia in 2009.

From the governor's chair, Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, whose biography is outlined in this article, was promoted to the Federation Council. The head of Bashkiria, Rustem Khamitov, came up with the idea of ​​recommending Ms. Matvienko for the post of head of the upper house of parliament. President Dmitry Medvedev supported this idea. Valentina Matvienko became the first woman in Russian history who took this post.

In 2012, parliament unanimously approved the so-called “anti-orphan” law. The document, which categorically vetoes the adoption by Americans of orphans from Russia, including disabled people, became a kind of response to the flaring up diplomatic war between the two powers.

Ukrainian crisis and sanctions

Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, whose photo shows a strong and strong-willed woman, took the most active position on the issue of Crimea and its annexation to Russia. Considering her one of the main politicians responsible for violating the sovereignty of Crimea, the United States, the European Union, Australia and Switzerland imposed sanctions against Matvienko.

Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, whose nationality in no way determines her attitude to the current tense situation between Ukraine and Russia, spoke quite definitely on this matter. She supported the assertion that Ukraine was forced to agree to associative relations with the European Union at the cost of a military coup. She actively advocates for an end to the bloodshed in the southeast, while at the same time noting that one should not expect that the agreements reached in Minsk at the end of 2014 to resolve the conflict would be implemented “simply and quickly.”

Personal life

It is known that the husband of the Speaker of the Federation Council is confined to a wheelchair and is in country house in the Leningrad region. Their son Sergei is 42 years old; he received a place in the top management of Bank St. Petersburg during his mother’s governorship. He also held and continues to hold positions of top managers at Vneshtorgbank and VTB Capital. He is also considered the owner of Imperia CJSC, which includes 28 companies involved in development, transportation, cleaning, and media activities. It is believed that it was during the leadership of Mrs. Matvienko northern capital her son became a dollar millionaire.

She has been repeatedly recognized by Russian media as the most influential woman in Russia. For some time now, persistent rumors have been spreading (although Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, like most public women, does not admit plastic surgery) that she often visited cosmetologists and plastic surgeons. Matvienko claims that with his good appearance obliged only to active sports. However, experienced doctors say the opposite. They note that plastic surgery was done, which is noticeable by the tension of the tissues and the good condition of the eyelids. So, no matter what Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko claims, she has had plastic surgery and, in addition, regularly uses the services of cosmetologists.

Valentina was born on April 7, 1949 in the Ukrainian town of Shepetovka, Khmelnitsky region. Higher education in the biography of Valentina Matvienko was received at the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute of Leningrad. After graduating from the institute in 1972, she began working in the Petrograd district committee of St. Petersburg. She was a secretary and head of a department.

Then she changed several secretarial positions in the regional committee of Leningrad and the Krasnogvardeisky district committee. In 1989, in her biography, Matvienko became a people's deputy of the USSR. At the same time, she headed the Supreme Council Committee on Women, Family and Motherhood.

In 1991, in the biography of Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, the position of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USSR (and since 1992 of Russia) to the Republic of Malta was occupied. Since 1997 she has been Ambassador to the Hellenic Republic. From 1995 to 1997 she headed the Department of Relations, at the same time she was a member of the board of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The next career stage in Matvienko’s biography occurred in 1998. From September of this year until March 2003, Matvienko served as Deputy Prime Minister. And in 2003 she became a representative of the president, and in the same year she joined the Security Council. 2003 was an extremely successful year in the biography of Valentina Matvienko. Having won the elections, she became the governor of St. Petersburg. He has many awards, orders and medals.

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The diplomat and public figure was born in the Ukrainian city of Shepetivka in 1949. Valentina's father was a military man; he died when the girl was 6 years old. My mother earned money by selecting wardrobes in the theater. After her father's death, Valentina's mother raised her three daughters herself. At that moment, Valentina Matvienko’s family was experiencing great difficulties, especially financially. The girl received a secondary education and entered medical school, trying to master her profession as quickly as possible and start earning money on her own. After graduating from college, Matvienko entered the medical institute in Leningrad. Then, as a student, she began to actively participate in the social activities of the institute. Realizing that medicine was not her calling, she decided to study at the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee. Next, he takes courses for diplomatic workers.

Before Valentina Matvienko reached the heights, she worked hard and achieved everything herself.

Biography of Valentina Matvienko and personal life

In the mid-80s, Matvienko slowly but surely began to integrate into political life. Having received the position of deputy chairman of the executive committee of the City Council of People's Deputies of Leningrad, she was involved in culture and education in Leningrad. Then, she climbed higher and higher up the career ladder.

12 years later, Valentina Matvienko is Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. She worked in this position for 5 years. Despite regularly changing officials, she managed to retain her post and continue working.

Further, Matvienko holds the post of governor of the city of St. Petersburg. After the crisis of the 90s, Valentina wanted to restore the city. To do this, by her order, several old buildings were demolished, and beautiful ones grew in their place. shopping centers and other objects, to which the public reacted very strongly. Valentina Matvienko was accused of destroying the architectural value of the city. Also, during bad times weather conditions, Governor Matvienko called on everyone, including students, to clear snow. Which also caused a storm of indignation.

Three years later, Valentina Matvienko could not stand it and wanted to resign, but then her application was not accepted, so she remained in her previous position for a second term. In 2011, Valentina Matvienko took the post of Chairman of the Federation Council.

After receiving this position, she becomes a permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Valentina Matvienko is the first woman in Russia to occupy the post of Speaker of the Supreme House of Parliament.

Matvienko is persona non grata in the European Union and the States, due to the political ups and downs in Ukraine in 2014. This happened because she took an active part in the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation.

The biography of Valentina Matvienko and her personal life is interesting to many. Everyone is interested in how and how the leading lady of the Russian Federation lives. She arranged her personal life during her student years. The chosen one was Vladimir Matvienko. He taught at the Military Medical Academy. Having become a pensioner, the man built a dacha near St. Petersburg. Unfortunately, he became disabled and today he cannot move independently.

Who is Valentina Matvienko’s husband: who was he and how old is he?

Valentina decided to tie the knot with Vladimir Matvienko in her 5th year of study. Vladimir graduated from the Leningrad Military Medical Academy. He taught lectures and even rose to the rank of colonel. After the 2000s, my husband retired and built a dacha near St. Petersburg. Because of her work, Valentina Matvienko often had to be anywhere but home. It was a difficult but testing period for the couple, which they passed quite successfully. Despite everything, the couple are happily married to this day. Now Matvienko’s husband is 66 years old.

Son of Valentina Matvienko

In 1973, the Matvienko couple had a boy, who was named Sergei. One child in the family received everything he needed. The parents tried to ensure that the young man had a good education. Today, Sergei Matvienko has several degrees in economics. Then, the young man entered the field of entrepreneurship, having at his disposal a fairly profitable business. Evil tongues accuse him of stealing state property, which he succeeds with the participation of his influential mother. But, apart from words, there is no evidence to confirm this.

Valentina Matvienko's son married Yulia Zaitseva. In 2010, the young couple gave Valentina Matvienko a granddaughter, who was named Arina.

Despite her heavy workload and all the responsibility that Valentina Matvienko bears every day, she finds time for her family and hobbies. A woman carefully monitors her health and beauty. To always stay in shape, she often visits both the pool and gyms. Valentina Matvienko is also attracted to cooking, painting and housekeeping.

Thanks to her hard work, skills and perseverance, Valentina Matvienko is today considered the most influential representative of the fairer sex in the Russian Federation. She always communicates and cooperates with the country's top officials. But at the same time, he does not forget to take care of his family. After all, a career is an important matter, but what awaits each of us at home is not that, but loving and close people who always give strength for difficult work days.

Name: Valentina Matvienko

Date of Birth: 07.04.1949

Age: 70 years old

Place of Birth: Shepetivka city, Ukraine

Weight: 65 kg

Height: 1.70 m

Activity: politician, statesman

Family status: Married

Valentina Matvienko is the most prominent female politician in Russia. She is known both in our country and abroad. Her decisions and views on situations changed the political structure of the country. The biography of Valentina Matvienko, like her personal life, is of interest to many of our citizens.


Lyudmila was born in the Ukrainian SSR, in the spring of 1949.

The father went through the entire war and died when his youngest daughter was in second grade. The mother of now famous political figure Valentina Matvienko worked as a costume designer at a local theater.

In addition to Valya, two eldest daughters grew up in the Tyutin family - Lydia and Zinaida. The girl spent the first years of her life in the small Ukrainian town of Shepetivka; later the family moved to Cherkassy. After the death of her father, her mother had a hard time supporting and raising three daughters on her own.

Valentina Matvienko in childhood

Valya was good at all school subjects, especially in mathematics and a foreign language. The girl graduated from school well, her certificate showed only A's and one B'. After school, Valentina entered medical school, and a year later she graduated with honors.

In one of the interviews about his biography and personal life Valentina Matvienko said that in her youth she dreamed of being involved in scientific activities.

Soon the girl decided to enter the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute. In parallel with her studies at the university, Tyutina took her first steps in politics. At first it was public work, then joining the Komsomol ranks. In 1972, the girl graduated from college and realized that she did not want to work by profession as a pharmacist. In her younger years, Valentina differed from her peers in her strong-willed character and determination.

Valentina Matvienko in her youth

To succeed in a new field of activity, it was necessary to study again. The Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU was graduated by Valentina in 1985. Next, the girl received a referral to study at the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The course provided for the improvement of senior diplomatic personnel.

It should be noted that Valentina Ivanovna speaks excellent Ukrainian, Russian, Greek, German and English.


The young man studied at the same course as Valya. After receiving his diploma, Vladimir Matvienko began working as a teacher at the Military Medical Academy. In 1973, the young people had a baby, the boy was named Sergei.

The Matvienko family is exemplary for many of Valentina’s colleagues and friends. All family members take care of each other, and in difficult situations they demonstrate unity and fortitude.

Valentina is happily married

Journalists from tabloid publications have repeatedly spread rumors about Valentina Matvienko’s novels, but this information has not been confirmed.


Since 2000, husband and father Vladimir Vasilyevich retired. But the man is not used to sitting idle, so he family council it was decided to start construction country house. The Matvienko family nest was built near St. Petersburg. Vladimir watched the progress of the work, now this favorite place for the whole family. Unfortunately, as a result of the illness, Valentina Matvienko’s husband became disabled. Today he still lives in suburban housing, where all the necessary conditions have been created for moving in a wheelchair.

Valentina Matvienko with her husband

There is always someone nearby with Vladimir Vasilyevich. Special personnel are invited to help so as not to leave the head of the family alone. Very often, close people pay attention to their husband, father and grandfather; they try to support Vladimir Vasilyevich. On the pages of Internet resources, in addition to the biography and facts of the personal life of politician Valentina Matvienko, you can see old and new photos. Despite the difficult condition of her husband, the marriage of Valentina and Vladimir can be called long and happy.

Valentina Matvienko today

Thanks to perseverance and daily work, Valentina Matvienko is today considered one of the most influential political figures. The woman was awarded several government awards, including orders for services to the fatherland and medals. One of her areas of work is diplomatic activity. Valentina Ivanovna is always in sight, her daily circle of contacts are the first persons of our country.

Valentina with her son Sergei

Despite all the responsibility and busyness, she tries to devote time to her family. Valentina monitors her health; swimming and training in the gym help her stay in excellent shape. Matvienko is a good cook, handles housekeeping, and is interested in art.

From the biography and personal life of Valentina Matvienko, we know that she has a son, but as the woman said, she always wanted many children. Unfortunately, this did not come true, but Valentina Vasilievna gives her love and maternal feelings to her nephews. She takes part in their lives and does not forget to give gifts for the main holidays. It is also known that Valentina Matvienko took custody of one of the orphanages in St. Petersburg; she often visits the children, provides them with all possible assistance, and attracts sponsors and charitable organizations.

Famous politician V. Matvienko


During the years of governing St. Petersburg, Valentina Ivanovna actively restored the city, but, despite positive side events, her actions were often criticized. During her term as governor, the neighborhoods of St. Petersburg changed greatly. Ancient houses were dismantled, and shopping and entertainment complexes were built in their place.

Valentina Matvienko and Vladimir Putin

Matvienko's competitors accused her of destroying ancient architectural monuments cities. But all these attacks did not stop Valentina Vasilievna from making St. Petersburg new and modern city. During the difficult situation in Ukraine, like many Russian government officials, Valentina Matvienko came under Western sanctions. In our country, she was one of the first who was in favor of annexing Crimea to Russia.