Letter to a peer. Letter to a friend I want to tell you about my native land Write a letter to a friend about my homeland

Hello, Anton. Half a year has passed since you moved to another city. Since you left, a lot has changed in the class. Since the first of September, three new students have joined our class. Two girls and one boy. One girl does ballet, the other goes to music school. But the main acquisition of our class is Sergei, he plays football very well. So now our team has become stronger. Next time you come, we'll definitely play together.

And just recently, our classmate was sick, even in the hospital. Our whole class visited her. After 2 weeks, she was cured and allowed to go back to work.

At the beginning of September, there was “Exercise with a Star” at school. It was led by an Olympic champion. The basketball court outside was also renovated and the backboards and hoops were painted.

Come quickly, the guys and I miss you.

Letter to a friend - essay (impression)

Hello, Mishka! I am incredibly glad that you passed all the exams with excellent marks and summer holidays you will spend in a health camp. Everything is fine with me: I still make music, perform at competitions and concerts.

I can’t wait to tell you how yesterday my classmates and I visited the city amusement park. It attracts with its extreme attractions, sports grounds and green spaces. The square is designed for visitors who want to spend time actively and “tickle their nerves.”

Quite recently, a high-altitude ropes complex “Laziness in the Stump” opened there. This is a unique combination of difficult obstacles at height. Stretched along the trees cable car with barriers of varying difficulty levels.

First we were given protective equipment. Professional instructors brought us up to date and ensured that all safety rules were followed.

At the start, I was overcome with anxiety and doubts tormented me: would I really not be able to resist and be the first to leave the race? But I pulled myself together and managed to complete the route from start to finish. I even completed the “path of the brave” stage - moving on a roller in the air. It was the most breathtaking experience.

You can’t even imagine, but moving through an obstacle course of ingenious combinations of ropes, logs and boards, I felt like a conqueror of heights, a rock climber and just a dexterous boy. In this park I received a lot of impressions, joy, adrenaline and positive emotions. I felt cheerful and ready for exploits. For me, it was not only an excellent workout for all muscle groups, but also a way to overcome my fear of heights, develop determination and the will to win.

After an energetic time, I had developed an enviable appetite. The park provided an opportunity to have a tasty meal. I liked the cherry pies, orange juice and chocolate ice cream.

I returned home with a pleasant tiredness in my body, but happy. It was one of my successful days!

I look forward to a letter from you. Your friend Nikita.

Essay on personal impressions in the form of a letter, grade 5

Hello mommy! I'm fine. I feel fine. The road was easy. We have already reached the camp. It's just a huge area. It’s very beautiful here, I like everything!

We arrived 3 days ago. Traveling on the train is very interesting, I liked watching nature. Buses were waiting for us at the pyrope, which took us to the camp in 15 minutes. I was very surprised, I imagined him completely different. There is a large area here, everything is cleared out by a fence, there are such tall, tall pine trees all around. The smell is simply amazing, you want to breathe and breathe.

Counselors were waiting for us at the camp, and they immediately took us into their squads. We were moved into small houses. I was impressed by what I saw. At home, like in American films, I thought this didn’t happen in Russia. Our house has two floors, and each has 4 rooms, each room has 3 beds. I moved in with Oleg Sidorov and Petya Ivanov - you saw them.

In the evening we went for dinner. It was simply indescribable. Delicious! Cutlet with mashed potatoes - excellent taste. There was also apple juice and Tula gingerbread.

After dinner we went to bed. On this day I was very tired and therefore fell asleep without my hind legs.

The next morning began with exercises. But it was not a simple exercise, like at school, but a disco exercise, I really liked it.

After the games, we were given a plan for the month. Our first task in the camp was to come up with a name for the squad and a chant. We thought about this task for a very long time, all the options were very interesting. In the end, we decided to be “dolphins”, since we live next to the sea. We also composed this song: “The dolphin always swims forward - we know it!” We will play together as a team and never lose!”

Now all we have to do is come up with a dance and perform tomorrow at the concert “Review of Zvezdochka Camp Teams.” I hope we kill everyone! We are strength!

The camp here is good! Thank you for letting me come here. I really like everything! I hope you receive this letter soon! I love you very much! Your son Pashka!

Letter from Misha

Dear friend, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other! I received your letter a week ago, it made me very happy. Now I have a free minute, I decided to answer you.

I am spending this summer at the dacha with my parents and younger sister. We go to the city very rarely. But I’m not drawn to go there. It's very good at the dacha. The weather is excellent, very hot. Our whole family goes to the river every day to swim and sunbathe. We spend a lot of time on the beach. In this weather, all the summer residents are there. Mom bought me and my sister an inflatable mattress each, and I also bought fins. I can swim very fast in them. One day I even wanted to swim from one shore to the other, but dad didn’t allow me. I'll definitely do this next year.
My sister and I have one entertainment. On Wednesdays we always go fishing together. The night before, my sister always prepares food for us to take with us. And I dig for worms and take fish food with me. We get up very early to go fishing. It is still damp and cool outside at this time of day, so you have to dress warmly. Walking back we take off our windbreakers.

We always go fishing to the same place. This is our favorite lake with reeds and ducks. There are a lot of little ducklings there this year. We feed them with the bread we have left over after breakfast. We take the fish that I catch to my mother. If we catch a big fish, my mother cooks it for us for lunch. And if it’s small, then she gives it to the neighbor’s cat Vaska. He is very happy about our catch.

The days fly by. A whole month of vacation has already passed. I'm already starting to miss school and my classmates a little. I would like to see everyone quickly and find out how they spent the summer.

Write to me what’s new with you, how your brother Artem is doing. I'm very interested in what's going on with you.

Goodbye. See you at roll call in the fall.

Your Bear.

Short essay for 5th grade

My dear friend!

I have never written you a letter, and most likely you will be surprised when you receive this letter. I hope that no distance will be an obstacle to our communication.

I'm very sorry that we had to part, but I'm happy for you. New horizons are now opening up before you. "Big the ship is big swimming!". You should know that no matter what happens in life, you can always count on me.

Of course, I'm sure we will meet. You can always come to our city, and I will be very glad if you stay with me. I often remember our conversations. You know, I am proud of our friendship and value it. I am very glad that I have you and want to thank you for your friendship.

Write to me. I miss you.

Your sincere friend.

A letter about one of the successfully spent evenings or days in the family (with relatives, friends), at school, in a club, etc.

Option 6

Hello, Misha! I hope that you have not forgotten our promise - to tell each other in a letter about who is spending their time and how. In a week I will go to the post office again, I hope that you have not forgotten, and I will find your letter in my mailbox. Otherwise, at the beginning of autumn someone will get hit in the neck. Yes, yes, I mean you.

Getting down to business, at first everything went in the most boring way. All I did was relax, reading a book a couple of times. But at some point my cousin, Yulia, came to visit me. In general, she is older than me, but communicates with me almost as equals. In fact, of the two of us, it was my sister who was the “starter,” but I’m not complaining. On the contrary, she is very interesting. Once she also lived in this city, and therefore showed me a bunch of interesting places. I couldn’t even imagine that this kind of thing happens here. You knew that if you go a little deeper into the artificial “forest”, then next to a fallen pine tree (where there is a large anthill) you can find a bunch of pieces of iron. We usually don’t go there so that the ants don’t bite us, but if you take mom’s hairspray (it’s better to ask permission, after all) and wear high boots, then everything is fine. There's even an old and abandoned car there. I have no idea how she got there and why no one noticed her before, but the fact remains a fact. We even carried some of the scrap metal to the collection point a couple of times. For a whole chocolate bar, but that doesn't matter.

And then we went to the cinema. Repeatedly. It was fun. Then we visited the library. I think they dragged me along then only out of boredom, but at least I met the librarian and made a plan of what I would like to read later. Overall, everything went well. After that we somehow fed the birds and rode bicycles. Unfortunately, Yulia moved back, but those were fun days. I have no idea what I’ll do next, but I’ll think of something. I am looking forward to your letter. Your friend is Sergei.

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Hello, dear Arina!
In my letter I will tell you about where my Motherland begins! My homeland begins with the first step I took, with the first word, with the first book I read, with my native home, village, region.
Can you hear the song of the stream?
This is your homeland.
Do you hear the nightingale's voice?
This is your homeland.
Your mother's hands
Ringing, rain, and noise of branches,
And there are currants in the forest -
This is also the Motherland.
Motherland! This is a short but precious word. This word sounds like music. K. D. Ushinsky said: “Our Fatherland, our Motherland Russia. We call Russia Fatherland because our fathers and grandfathers lived in it from time immemorial. We call it homeland because we were born in it, they speak our native language in it and everything in it is native to us, and mother because it fed us with its bread, gave us drink with its waters, taught us the language, how a mother protects and takes care of us . A person has one natural mother, and he has one Motherland.”
Where does the Motherland begin? Every person has a place that is especially dear to them. Wherever he lives on this huge planet. This place is called “small homeland”. For us, our “small homeland” is our Kuban. There are 5 million of us, the territory of the region is larger than the territory of Belgium and Holland combined, and the distance from us to the Pole is the same as to the equator. And it’s hard to imagine that there was once a vast sea of ​​wild grasses and bushes here, and many areas were swampy. What kind of strength and faith and love for their land did our ancestors possess if they revived the wild steppes to life, creating unique place on earth - Krasnodar region. Thanks to our climate, everyone now knows our Kuban. She really is both the breadbasket and the health resort of Russia. Sochi, Tuapse, Adler, Anapa, Novorossiysk, Taman, Yeisk are cities known throughout the world. And among this splendor of resort towns and villages is my village of Novoivanovskaya. It’s small, you won’t see it on every map, but it’s the most dear and dear to me. Here is a completely different air, filled with the aromas of steppe grasses, here are birds singing their songs from dawn to dusk, here are poplars, like soldiers frozen in formation. This is my homeland. What are the sunrises and sunsets like here?! It’s here, looking into the dawn sky, that you want to laugh and cry at the same time from the beauty that surrounds you. My village is located in the northeast Krasnodar region. Borders with the Rostov region and Stavropol Territory. Our village was founded in 1891. The pride of the village is the Holy Protection Church, the monument to the Unknown Soldier, the Eternal Flame at the Memorial to the fallen village residents. But the most important wealth is the people living in this steppe village. These are real workers, masters of their craft: teachers, doctors, educators, agricultural workers, people who preserve and enhance the traditions of our ancestors.
And I also believe that the Motherland begins with the family, because a strong family is the greatest wealth. Family is home. This is dad and mom, grandfather and grandmother... This is friendship and love. It's caring for each other. This is joy and sorrow, which are the same for everyone. These are habits and traditions. And it is also a support in all troubles and misfortunes. This is a fortress, behind whose walls only peace and love can reign. My family is my most important wealth. Our family is mom, dad, grandma and me. And this “quartet” is inseparable. Well, can you imagine yourself without any of them? The kind, gentle hands of a grandmother, who seem to never rest, they always have work to do. Mom, who protects our family hearth with her care and love. And, of course, there is no family without our dad, so reliable and solid. And I, the younger generation of our family, try to ensure that the honor of the family remains untarnished. When we all gather at one table in the evening, it is happiness, and this is how the Motherland begins!
Years will pass, I will grow up, but no matter where fate takes me, I will always remember that the homeland still begins from the native threshold, where you are always expected, remembered, loved. And it seems to me that my favorite place on earth will forever remain my small homeland, my Kuban, my village, my family.
Arina, I shared with you my thoughts about where the Motherland begins. I would be very interested to know your opinion about where the Motherland begins for you.
Write. I am waiting. Your friend Julia. November 2, 2011

Hello, dear friend!

You have long been interested in my homeland, that is, the city in which I was born and live. But before embarking on this topic, I would like to reflect on what, in my opinion, is contained in this painfully familiar, but very capacious word. Motherland... Fatherland... Fatherland... These words are familiar to us from early childhood. But what is this - Motherland? If you look in an explanatory dictionary, you can find an explanation of this word, simple and understandable. Homeland is the country in which a person was born.

Where does it begin? Speaking dry geographical language, we would call extreme points of her country, the parallels and meridians between which she spreads her expanses. But in fact, my Fatherland begins with the smallest things: from a courtyard next to my father’s house, from a birch tree at the gate, from a school bench, from my native street, from a town, village or small village dear to my heart. This is a tiny piece of land, which geographical map you won't find it. But it was here that we were born, took our first steps into a great life, with eyes full of surprise, got acquainted with the world around us, met our first true friends, learned the joy of victories and the bitterness of defeats. And that word “homeland” that we found in explanatory dictionary, becomes more significant, more significant, more familiar. It’s not for nothing that “homeland” and “native” came from the same root. And wherever we are, wherever fate takes us, we will always remember with special trepidation, with great warmth, the small courtyard, the birch tree at the gate, and the narrow street. Here are our roots, here are our loved ones, from here we stepped into a big life. I remember the words of V. Lazarev:

I don't just live.

I am like a river

I start in a lost place...

My “lost far away” is a town called Novomichurinsk. Someone, looking at him, might say: “...provincial outback, gray and dirty...”. But I love him. I love to wander through its friendly green streets, meet familiar faces, and enjoy the clean air. And if you knew how beautiful my hometown Ishko at different times of the year! In the summer it is all lush green, in the bright colors of flower beds and meadows, in sunny gilding. And in the fall... Multi-colored maples, yellow lindens, still green poplars, brownish oaks... In Novomichurinsk, autumn is not a “dull time”, but a wonderful time of year, simply “charm from the eyes.” In winter, Novomichurinsk is filled with magic and poetry. When you look out the window or go outside, your mood is always immediately lifted by the sight of sparkling and creaking snow and trees covered with silvery frost. And, of course, spring... A sea of ​​light, greenery, flowers and aromas. White-trunked birches, fragile willows, and delicate willows decorate themselves with luxurious earrings. The trees dress in light green dresses. Apple trees, pears, cherries, plums put on their wedding attire... Novomichurinsk is fragrant, drowning in emerald greenery, flowering linden trees, and the aromas of gardens.

And in the most ordinary outfit

You are sweet, Fatherland, to the point of tears.

Brown strands suit you

Your beloved birches.

But not only nature decorates my city. My city is famous, first of all, for its people and power units. The Ryazan State District Power Plant became the largest power plant in the European part of Russia, so many foreign delegations came here

You are such that you will not find anything more beautiful,

At least walk around the whole earth three times.

You are like the sea, no, like our heart,

Forever with us, Motherland, in our breasts!

But along with pride in their hometown, there are also notes of sadness and regret that all its property is drowning in piles of garbage, that the residents of Novomichurinsk do not always treat it well. Almost all of the trees planted long ago have survived to this day, but the small sticky trees planted there recently have already been broken. I love admiring the gray-haired giants while walking along quiet streets, and how painful it becomes when, instead of lush crowns of trees, I often see only stumps. Due to the fault of people, the water in the Pronya River has become dirty, the springs that once surrounded my city have disappeared, the former beauty and grandeur are fading.

I want to tell my peers, growing children, and the adult population about our city and its problems, to engender in their souls a love for their native land, pride in it, a desire to help it and make our Novomichurinsk even more beautiful.

On this note I end my letter. I would like to believe that now you have an idea about my town. I invite you to my hometown. Let's wander around my favorite places together. And you will see for yourself how beautiful he is. Goodbye.

Hello, dear mom!

How are you doing? How is everyone doing? I finally found the time to write to you.

Today is a kind of anniversary for me: I have been living abroad for five years now. You know, at the beginning of the day I didn’t even remember the significance of this date in my life, but then the number July 24th reminded me of Russia, and emotions overwhelmed me. Oh, how everything has changed since then!

I was convinced that fate is especially ironic. Remember me five years ago. Could I have thought that I would miss Russia, and most importantly, my hometown? No, no and NO! The desire to leave here and rush off to conquer the world literally filled every second of my existence. I couldn’t think about anything other than a future life full of new achievements and acquaintances. Only now I understand that without the memory of the past it is impossible to build the future...

Now my whole childhood seems like a fog to me. It’s like the rays of the sun on a cloudy day, only occasionally there are bright moments that involuntarily illuminate my face with a smile. For example, do you remember how one day in winter the first snow fell. Huge snowdrifts rose like white mountains everywhere. And my dad, my sister and I went into the yard to build a snowman. Oh, how wonderful it was! We ran through the snowdrifts, threw snowballs at each other and were probably the happiest people on the planet at that moment. It was then that I didn’t understand, but felt, physically felt that happiness was nearby, happiness in the simple. I think you felt the same way when you looked at us from the window and smiled Mommy, I would give anything right now to see you again standing there and smiling.

Tell me, can I forget our yard, where every spring the poplars bloomed, which seemed to me then centuries-old giants, the streets of our city, along which I walked, it seems, hundreds of kilometers, the school, where I realized many truths of life, for example, how important prove yourself from the very first days of meeting? Can the love for this city of my youth, which once seemed so plain and gray to me, disappear in my heart? It turned out - no. Time has proven that true love remains with us forever. And attachment to our city, to our small Motherland lives in us even after moving to another city, another country, another culture.

Mom, I never considered myself a patriot of my country. However, here’s a paradox: I realized that abroad, closeness to my homeland, like air, fills every cell of the body, fills me with warmth and involuntarily evokes pride. Pride for everything done in Russia, pride for all people from our country, pride, finally, for those moral principles instilled in the Russian family.

After all, love for the Motherland is not empty words, but thoughts, feelings, sensations, memories. If it weren’t for those people who raised me, loved me, protected me in my beloved city, I don’t think that my memories would be filled with such light and warmth. For everyone, probably, their hometown is, in addition to houses, sidewalks, bridges, also people who filled life with meaning, who made that fairy tale called life come true.

What a pity that understanding of these things does not come immediately, only over time, when many things in life are already so difficult to change. You yourself know that fate can take us far, like taking us even overseas on a magic magic carpet. But this is how it turns out - memory is inseparable from our essence and often reminds us of itself with memories, sparks of significant events and dates. It’s not for nothing that I still feel homesick on June 12th. Although no one here understands it, for everyone except one person, it’s just another day at work...

That’s why, Mommy, I really wanted you to know today, on the anniversary of my departure, that I am devoted to Russia, I am still part of our city and, whatever you say, I am still a Russian person. I hope your heart will be filled with pride and, despite the thousands of kilometers separating us, you will feel the warmth that warms me on this cloudy day. Understand and accept my life choices. I'm not the only one with this fate. Remember our great writers, who had a hard time in emigration and who always wanted to return to native land, who was their main muse.

The main thing is to know that I have faith in the best, hope for a bright future and... love for the Motherland. This holy trinity will help in difficult moments and lead me to the true path.

I love and miss your daughter.

Sleeveless Victoria 5 "b" class

The project is made in the genre of writing.



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Social studies teacher: Gushchina L.A. Completed by a student of grade 5B: Armless Victoria. Social studies project “Letter to a Friend”.

Topic: “Letter to a Friend.” goal: “Tell a friend about your homeland.” task: 1) “Show the greatness and beauty of your Motherland.” 2) “Introduce a city landmark.” Hypothesis: “If a friend visits our town, he will learn a lot of interesting things.”

Yuryuzan in summer.

River and mountains.

View from the Lighthouse.

Rafting on the Yuryuzan River.

Ski racing on our beach.


Obelisk of Yuryuzani

Fighter pilot Dmitry Syrtsov. Deputy commander of the 866th Fighter Aviation Regiment, Major. Hero Soviet Union. Born November 8, 1913, Yuryuzan, Russian Empire Died November 29, 1985 (age 72), Moscow, USSR


Hello, dear friend! You have long been interested in my Motherland, in which I was born and live. Motherland... These words are familiar to us from early childhood. For me, this is a tiny piece of land that you can’t even find on a geographical map. But it was here that we were born, took our first steps into a great life, with eyes full of surprise, got acquainted with the world around us, met our first true friends, learned the joy of victories and the bitterness of defeats. And wherever we are, wherever fate takes us, we will always remember with special patience, with great warmth, the small courtyard, the birch tree at the gate, and the narrow street. Here are our roots, here are our loved ones, from here we stepped into a big life.

Nature... it is very beautiful in my city, regardless of the seasons. In summer, people love to go to our unique attraction - the beach. Forest... There are a lot of berries, mushrooms, and also animals in it. Our area is surrounded on all sides by forest and mountains. I want to tell you about another such significant attraction. This is a lighthouse. Lighthouse – for a long time, the lighthouse in our city has been called the steep, pointed rocks that are piled above the river at the northwestern outskirts of the city. The mountain served as a natural beacon for floating the plant's products along the river. Sometimes fires were lit here. The rafting continued until 1891. Now this is one of the favorite vacation spots of Yuryuzans.From these rocks you can see the Yuryuzan River. You can raft on the river. This is what the residents of my city do.

The coldest time of the year is Winter, the time of snowstorms and bitter frosts. Winter is a time of fun and holidays, people celebrate the long-awaitedNew Year . Our ice town is one of the most visited places for people to spend their free time. Every year we host various skiing competitions. It’s beautiful in our forest in winter!

Spring... There are also many holidays in spring. One of them is Maslenitsa.Maslenitsa is a very fun holiday. Since ancient times, people have been celebrating it with festivities. The holiday is dedicated to the departure of winter and the arrival of spring. This holiday lasts for a whole week. But the most solemn day is Sunday. On Sunday, people communicate, congratulate each other on the holiday, eat pancakes, and most importantly, burn an effigy of Maslenitsa. They believe that when an effigy burns, all troubles and failures burn with it.

The month of May is very sunny in my city. On one of these days, namely May 9, an event is held for all people. The obelisk dedicated to war heroes is another attraction.During the Great Patriotic War, hundreds of Yuryuzans went to the front, and many of them never returned to their father’s home. In memory of them, a memorial obelisk was built in the city in 1975. Its author was the sculptor and artist A. M. Chernetsov.

10 years later, in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory, a stele was erected next to the memorial. The names of fallen heroes are immortalized on it. Be sure to visit the memorial and honor the memory of those to whom we owe the destruction of the fascist plague.

For their exploits on the fronts, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to fighter pilot Dmitry Syrtsov, mortarman Boris Malakhov, and artilleryman Ivan Kukarin. Hundreds of Yuryuzans were awarded orders and medals for bravery and courage in battles with the Nazi invaders.

This small church appeared in Yuryuzan thanks to the efforts of the village priest Father Peter (Nazarov). The site chosen for construction was the territory of the hospital campus on the western outskirts next to the main building of the Yuryuzan Municipal Hospital. Having obtained permission from the city administration, Father Peter, accustomed to village labor from childhood, himself picked up an ax and saw many times. And so a cozy building of a small church with a gilded dome, which was crowned with an Orthodox cross, rose on the territory of the hospital town. And next to it is a bell tower with a tent covering, also crowned with a cross. On November 2, 2003, the consecration of the new temple took place.

In 2017 high school No. 1 Yuryuzani will celebrate its 100th anniversary. Valentina Petrovna Ivanova, who headed this educational institution from 1981 to 1992 and from 1998 to 2011, spoke on the pages of the Avangard newspaper about how the school took its first steps, about the teachers and students who make up its pride.On January 28, 1917, Zayonchkovsky, the director of public schools in the Ufa province, arrived in the factory village of Yuryuzan. He was present at the assembly, attended lessons and made a note about this in the Visitation Book, which has been kept in the school museum for almost 100 years. Zayonchkovsky found “the first steps of the school’s work quite satisfactory.”

A horseshoe has recently appeared in our city, a symbol of our city, for good luck and happiness. She is very beautiful.On this note I end my letter. I would like to believe that now you have an idea about my town. I invite you to my hometown. Let's wander around my favorite places together. And you will see for yourself how beautiful he is. Goodbye.