Types of hotel chain models. Russian hotel chains

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/45437695_141327279.pdf-img/45437695_141327279.pdf-1.jpg" alt="> Hotel chains ">

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/45437695_141327279.pdf-img/45437695_141327279.pdf-2.jpg" alt="> What is it? Hotel chains are groups of hotels that operate"> Что такое? Гостиничные цепи - это группы гостиниц, осуществляющие коллективный бизнес и находящиеся под непосредственным контролем руководства цепью. Цепь может иметь собственные здания и землю или арендовать их.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/45437695_141327279.pdf-img/45437695_141327279.pdf-3.jpg" alt="> The role of hotel chains The formation of hotel chains plays its own role, it allows promote"> Роль гостиничных цепей Образование гостиничных цепей играет свою определенную роль, оно позволяет продвигать на мировой рынок гостиничных услуг высокие стандарты обслуживания, а также способствует поддержке гостиничного обслуживания туристов.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/45437695_141327279.pdf-img/45437695_141327279.pdf-4.jpg" alt="> Creating chains The following possibilities for including new hotels in"> Создание цепей Выделяют следующие возможности включения новых отелей в гостиничную корпорацию: q строительство !} own hotels corporation. q purchase of a hotel. q leasing (rent). q concluding a franchise agreement. q conclusion of a management contract. q construction of joint ventures. q joining a consortium, association.

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/45437695_141327279.pdf-img/45437695_141327279.pdf-5.jpg" alt="> The management contract is concluded between the owner of the enterprise and the company whose main activity"> Контракт на управление заключается между владельцем предприятия и компанией, главным направлением деятельности которой является профессиональное управление гостиницами на данном сегменте рынка. Компания, вступающая в управление по контракту, не получает никаких прав на само имущество предприятия.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/45437695_141327279.pdf-img/45437695_141327279.pdf-6.jpg" alt="> Franchising in the hospitality industry is a concept that allows a company to expand its activities"> Франчайзинг в индустрии гостеприимства – это концепция, позволяющая компании расширять свою деятельность более динамично. Ее суть состоит в том, что франчайзодатель предоставляет «защищенное в законном порядке право заниматься определенной предпринимательской деятельностью, а также помощь в организации этой деятельности, обучении, реализации и управлении за вознаграждение от франчайзополучателя» . Франчайзодатель создает полную концепцию предприятия или методов работы, а франчайзополучатель покупает право использовать имеющиеся наработки.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/45437695_141327279.pdf-img/45437695_141327279.pdf-7.jpg" alt="> To counter competition from integrated and franchised chains, independent"> Для того чтобы противостоять конкуренции со стороны интегрированных и франчайзинговых цепей, независимые гостиницы объединяются в гостиничные консорциумы. Их существует 4 вида: q маркетинговые консорциумы q консорциумы системы бронирования q полные консорциумы(помогают в управлении человеческими ресурсами, произведении закупок, …) q направленные консорциумы (представляют собой объединение отелей с авиакомпаниями и их системами бронирования)!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/45437695_141327279.pdf-img/45437695_141327279.pdf-9.jpg" alt=">A large number of international hotel chains belong to the USA. These are luxury chains , such as"> Большое количество международных гостиничных цепей принадлежат США. Это и цепи класса люкс, такие как «Hyatt» , «Hilton» , «West Inn» и цепи среднего класса: «Holiday Inn» , «Marriott» , «Ramada» .!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/45437695_141327279.pdf-img/45437695_141327279.pdf-10.jpg" alt=">In addition to American hotel chains, the world knows such as "ACCOR" ( France), having 700"> Кроме американских гостиничных цепей в мире известны такие как «ACCOR» (Франция), имеющая 700 гостиниц на 80 тыс. номеров, «Transthouse Fort» (Великобритания) – 800 гостиниц на 75 тыс. номеров, «Club Meditrans» (Франция) с 243 гостиницами на 61 тыс. номеров, "Групп Соль" (Испания) – 133 гостиницы в Европе на 34 тыс. номеров и др.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/45437695_141327279.pdf-img/45437695_141327279.pdf-11.jpg" alt=">Categories of hotel chains The International Hotel Association (IHA) divides hotel chains into three"> Категории гостиничных цепей Международная гостиничная ассоциация (МГА) подразделяет гостиничные цепи на три категории: qкорпоративные цепи. qцепи независимых предприятий. qцепи по оказанию управленческих услуг.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/45437695_141327279.pdf-img/45437695_141327279.pdf-12.jpg" alt="> Corporate chains In corporate chains, the hotel - the “applicant” receives: a system sales, marketing,"> Корпоративные цепи В корпоративных цепях гостиница - «соискатель» получает: систему продаж, маркетинг, бренд, привлекательный имидж при условии жесткого соблюдения стандартов сети, ежегодных фиксированных членских взносов (независимо от доходов) и выплаты комиссионного вознаграждения за бронирование. За нарушение корпоративных норм отель может быть исключен из корпорации. Примером такого объединения может служить ассоциация в которую входят 4 российских гостиницы: «Националь» , «Балчуг Кемпински» , «Астория» , «Гранд Отель Европа» .!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/45437695_141327279.pdf-img/45437695_141327279.pdf-13.jpg" alt=">Chains of independent enterprises - associations (consortia) of independent hotels of different classes. There is no imposition of standards here"> Цепи независимых предприятий - объединения (консорциумы) независимых отелей разного класса. Здесь нет навязывания стандартов сервиса. Консорциум обязан продвинуть отель на международный рынок, заключить договоры с крупными корпорантами, представлять интересы своих членов в системах резервирования. За это консорциум получает от гостиницы определенный процент от прибыли без фиксированных отчислений.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/45437695_141327279.pdf-img/45437695_141327279.pdf-15.jpg" alt="> Types of hotel chains There are two main types of hotel chains: integrated"> Виды гостиничных цепей Существует два основных вида гостиничных цепей: qинтегрированные цепи, которые созданы из однородных единиц. qгостиничный консорциум, который объединяет независимые отели.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/45437695_141327279.pdf-img/45437695_141327279.pdf-16.jpg" alt="> Integrated Chains Integrated hotel chains produce and sell a product that is consistent and"> Интегрированные цепи Интегрированные гостиничные цепи производят и продают продукт, который последователен и однороден. Все гостиницы в цепи имеют название и знак. Основные интегрированные цепи действуют в США: “Хоспиталити Франшиз Системе”, “Холидей Инн Уордвайд” и др. К крупным цепям относятся также французская группа “Аккор”, занимающая четвертое место в мире.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/45437695_141327279.pdf-img/45437695_141327279.pdf-17.jpg" alt="> Hotel consortium - an association of independent hotels created in order to maintain their competitiveness on"> Гостиничный консорциум - объединение независимых гостиниц, создаваемое в целях поддержания их конкурентоспособности на уровне крупных гостиничных цепей при сохранении специфики каждой гостиницы. Самый крупный гостиничный консорциум в мире - американская цепь “Бест Вестерн Интернешнл”, насчитывающая 3350 гостиниц и 270 тыс. номеров.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/45437695_141327279.pdf-img/45437695_141327279.pdf-18.jpg" alt="> Great importance Hotel chains are of great importance in the development of the hospitality industry: associations."> Hotel chains are of great importance in the development of the hospitality industry: associations of hotels that have centralized management and form an economic complex. They make it possible to promote high standards of service to the world tourism market, and also contribute to the support of hotel services for tourists .

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/45437695_141327279.pdf-img/45437695_141327279.pdf-19.jpg" alt="> The twenty largest hotel chains in 1992 Groups"> Двадцать самых крупных гостиничных цепей в 1992 г. Группы Количество номеров Количество гостиниц Хоспиталити Франшиз Системе 354997 3413 Холидей Инн Уордвайд 328 679 1 692 Бест Вестерн Интернэшнл 273804 3351 Аккор Групп 238 990 2 098 Чойс Отеле Интернэшнл Инк 230 430 2 502 Мариотт Корпорэйшн 166 919 750 ИТТ Шератон Корпорэйшн 132361 426 Хилтон Отел Корпорэйшн 94 653 242 Форте 76 330 871 Хаятт Отелс- Хаятт Интернэшнл 77579 164 Карлсон-Редиссон- Колони 76 069 336 Промус Кос 75 558 459 Клаб Медитеран СА 63067 261 Хилтон Интернэшнл 52 979 160 Сол Групп 40163 156 Интер-Континентал Отеле 39 000 104 Уэстин Отеле энд Резортс 38 029 75 Нью Уорд-Рамада Интернэшнл 36 520 133 Канадиен Пацифик Отеле 27 970 86 Сосьете дю Лувр 27427 398!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/45437695_141327279.pdf-img/45437695_141327279.pdf-20.jpg" alt="> Conclusion The development of hotel corporations, the formation of hotel chains is one of the most important"> Заключение Развитие гостиничных корпораций, формирование гостиничных сетей одна из важнейших тенденций в индустрии гостеприимства. По данным Всемирной Туристической Организации в мире действуют 16 млн. гостиниц, причем 20% из них относится к гостиничных сетям. В нашей стране движение по созданию национальных гостиничных цепочек только на стадии становления.!}

Integration processes in the field hotel industry caused by objective necessity:

Ensuring stable occupancy of the hotel. Therefore, each hotel chain is based on its own reservation system, focused on priority loading of hotels included in the chain. It should, however, be emphasized that the hotel reservation system itself is subject to integration processes (hotel reservation systems owned by large airlines, as well as hotel reservation systems owned by independent consortia). Inclusion in such systems electronic booking it is expensive, and an independent hotel cannot do this;

Formation of high-quality hotel services, which depends on a number of factors: interior design, quality of equipment, qualifications of staff and ensuring the safety of residents and their property. Therefore, all leading hotel associations have their own regulations and standards for equipping all hotel premises, as well as technology and service standards. In order to ensure that hotels comply with accepted regulations and equipment standards, hotels are creating not only powerful centralized supply organizations, but also specialized enterprises for the production and repair of equipment and furniture.

Thus, the formation of global hotel chains is an objective evolutionary process due to the development of the hospitality industry in the context of globalization and transnationalization of the economy.
The hotel chain as a form of doing business arose in the United States during the years after World War II; the pioneers in this were the companies Statler Group, Hilton and Sheraton. The growth of hotel construction has led to a concentration of hotels owned by individuals or companies. To successfully manage these facilities, the owner first selected the staff himself, determined the pricing policy and sales strategy. Then, as the business develops, the main management task becomes standardization of processes, allowing for the replication of the effective solutions found. As a result, the processes of managing and owning hotels began to diverge: those whose business was successful began to increase its volumes, including at the expense of less successful colleagues, creating the first hotel chains or chains.

A hotel (operating) chain (network) is a group of enterprises (two or more) engaged in collective business and under the direct control of the chain’s management. Its basic principle is the use of a brand image to promote a hotel product in domestic and foreign markets. This implies a qualitatively new stage in the development of the hotel offer, which arises, like any qualitative change, on the basis of significant quantitative growth. As hotels have evolved from an individual owner's life's work into an asset and commercial real estate asset, the need arose to professionally manage their associations rather than just an individual accommodation facility.

Merging into international chains suggests that hotels are taking steps to improve their competitiveness. Well-known corporations have developed rules and standards that ensure the unique style and scenario of customer service for all hotels included in it.

In general, the main characteristics of the chains are as follows:

Similarity in territorial location; unity of style (architecture and interior); unity of designations and external information;
-spacious and functional hall; unity and speed of customer registration; rooms designed for “private travellers”;
-buffet breakfast; availability of a conference room; flexible tariff system; unified management, marketing and communications service.

According to the World tourism organization, there are 16 million hotels in the world, and 25% of them belong to hotel chains.

The process of increasing importance of hotel chains in the management of the global hotel industry is characterized by a significant contradiction: on the one hand, leading hotel chains operating in many countries are becoming larger; on the other hand, an increasing number of countries are creating their own hotel chains that successfully compete with international monopolies.

Hotel chains unite not only hotels that are the property of one chain or another, but also those that are part of them on a franchise basis (currently, approximately 80% of hotels are included in chains under franchise rights). The group of leading countries in terms of the presence of national hotel chains includes, in addition to the USA, Japan, Great Britain, Germany, China, Hong Kong, France, and Singapore.

Thus, the evolutionary development of the world hotel industry in the context of globalization has led to the transition to new forms of economic organization with elements of cooperation and integration. The creation and rapid spread of global hotel chains is an objective process that will continue. Hotel chains are based on a system of collective business under the direct control of chain management. Members of the hotel chain are united through uniform norms, rules, standards, style, forms of management and business. The creation of hotel chains allows an enterprise to gain advantages over individual enterprises due to: economies of scale; increasing investment opportunities; familiarization with global brands; unification of reservation, support and information systems; constant improvement in the quality of service.

Hotel chain Marriott International, Inc

The hotel chain located in the United States of America Marriott International is considered the largest international organization in the world. According to statistics collected by the company's specialists, every fourth tourist in the United States chooses a Marriott International hotel.

John Marriott opened his first hotel in 1957. The hotel was named Twin Bridges Marriott Motor Hotel and was located in Arlington (Virginia). The founder assumed that his business would be inherited by his son and eventually made him the manager.

In 1964, the organization was renamed Marriott Corporation. New chain hotels appeared with a certain range of services, which at the turn of the eighties and nineties took a position in three sectors of the US tourism market: they managed a group of hotels with a full range of services (Marriott suites), economy class hotels (Residence Inn) and a complex of inexpensive roadside hotels(Fairfield Inn).

In the first year of the 90s Marriott Corp. included several dozen enterprises abroad in America. The management decided to divide the corporation into two companies: Marriott International (control over hotels and real estate) and Host Marriott (real estate transactions and food supply). Subsequently, this contributed to the active promotion of Marriott International in the international market of tourism services.

Note 1

It should be noted that there are now 2,000 owned and franchised businesses in 50 US states and 57 overseas, with a total of 356,000 rooms and 4,200 timeshare villas.

Room reservations at hotel chain enterprises are made through the international reservation system (GDS) developed by the company or via the Internet. In 1999, it increased the production of services under the code name “quality assurance groups”, providing assistance to the hotels of the chain in introducing advanced management methods and reducing costs.

Accor Group and Holiday Inn businesses

Over the 40 years of its existence, the international hotel chain Accor has expanded to 3,500 hotels in 90 countries. The corporation began its activities with assistance in the development of transport services in the suburbs French city Lille. The first hotel of the future Novotel chain was opened in 1967 in close proximity to the airport and the highway.

The organization is engaged in the construction of its own hotels, enters into lease agreements with existing ones, opens joint ventures, cooperates with hotels under a franchise agreement, etc.

The first Holiday Inn opened on Summer Avenue in Memphis, Tennessee in 1953. The business was in great demand, and Wilson built three more hotels, one on each of the roads leading to Memphis. In 1980, Kemmons Wilson was removed from his post as head of the board of directors. And in 1990, the Holiday Inn chain was completely transferred to the ownership of the British beer concern Basso. This circumstance contributed to the active promotion of Holiday Inn to the European market. Today the hotel chain consists of 2 thousand 700 hotels (450 000 rooms), located in more than 90 countries.

Hilton Hotels and Forte Hotel Group hotel chains

Hilton Hotels was founded in 1919 and took its name from the owner's name. It was transformed in 1946 into Hilton Hotels Corporation. The main activity of the corporation was large real estate transactions, including hotels.

At the beginning of 2000, Hilton Hotels Corporation owned 141 hotels, managed 185 hotels, and leased and franchised 74 and 1,352 hotels, respectively.

Note 2

It should be noted that the English organization Forte Hotel Group has been the best hotel chain in the UK and Europe for the last two years (over 440 hotels in 55 countries).

Now owned by a major hotel industry operator, Granada Group Pic. Before the transfer of the organization, long legal proceedings took place between Forte's executive director, Sir Rocco Forte, and the owners of the Granada Group.

In 1995, the company bought the Le Meridien complex of enterprises. Having earned the opportunity to enter the markets of the Asia-Pacific region, Forte acquired high investment attractiveness.

Hyatt Hotels

The first Hyatt hotel opened in 1957. Within ten years, Hyatt hotels had captured the entire West Coast travel market.

At the present stage, the Hyatt brand includes 215 hotels and provides luxury hotel services and high-level service.

The main consumers are tourists traveling for business purposes. To attract customers with different needs, Hyatt categorizes its businesses into a range of services.

  1. Hyatt Regency Hotels. The hotels are located in city business centers and correspond to the five-star category. The main product of the corporation.
  2. Hyatt Resorts. Enterprises for accommodation for recreational purposes. Located in the most attractive natural places and provide a wide range of recreational services.
  3. The Park Hyatt Hotels. Small luxury hotels designed in European style. The main consumers of services are tourists who prefer privacy and individual service.
  4. The Grand Hyatt Hotels. Located in the most prestigious and attractive areas and intended for both leisure and business tourists.

Note 3

The corporation's hallmark is effective management, the basic principles of which have been preserved since the appearance of the first hotel to the present day.

2.1 World hotel chains.

Hotel chains are associations of hotels operating under a management contract. Such a contract is concluded between the owner of a particular hotel and a company providing management services. It is not uncommon for the same company to manage a large number of hotels.

The hotel is recognized as the most common means of accommodation in world practice.

Depending on the management features, hotels can be: Separate enterprises or form hotel chains.

Since the 90s, the hotel industry has been characterized by an intensification of mergers and acquisitions. There is a rapid growth of hotel corporations, an increase in concluded franchising agreements, and the consolidation of independent hotels into consortia. Labor productivity in hotel chains (consisting of 6 or more hotels) is approximately 50% higher than in stand-alone hotels. First of all, this is due to the use of standard forms of labor organization by chains and cost savings due to the scale of activities in such areas as brand promotion, procurement of necessary resources and professional development of personnel.

Only for the period from 1995 to 1999. 6 of the leading hotel chains have changed the names and composition of hotels, and many former bitter competitors have entered into partnership agreements.

According to the American Hotel and Motel Association (AH&MA), there are currently only 11 hotel groups in the world whose total room inventory exceeds 100,000 rooms. These are Cendant Corporation (USA), Bass Hotels & Resorts (UK), Choice Hotels (USA), Best Western(USA), Marriott International (USA), Starwood Hotels & Resorts (USA), Promus Hotel Corporation (USA), Assog (France), Patriot American Hospitality Inc. (USA), Hilton Corporation (USA), Carlson Hospitality Group (USA). In turn, each of these groups includes several hotel chains. (14)

The ways in which hotel groups manage their subsidiaries vary widely, from the near-autonomy practices of Bass and Starwood to the rigid hierarchies of groups such as Marriott and Associates. The most difficult problem in managing a huge hotel conglomerate is coordinating the work of the staff involved in selling and reserving rooms.

The location of the headquarters of the vast majority of the world's major hotel groups in the United States reflects the situation that has developed in hotel industry currently, namely:

70% of all US hotels belong to one or another hotel chain, while in the UK this figure is 20%, in Germany -10%, in Russia -15%. (15)

Consolidation is also beneficial because it leads to increased sales and the creation of a regular clientele. The latter is created by the confidence that, regardless of what city and on what continent the hotel belonging to the chain chosen by the client is located, he will be provided with a previously known set of services, the quality of which meets certain standards.

However, not all hotel owners want to give up their independence, but at the same time, in order to maintain their position in the market, they need to enter into cooperation with other hotels. The degree of this cooperation may vary in terms of organizational and financial integration. Hotels united in consortia such as Leading Hotels of the World, SRJS World Hotels, Preferred Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, remain completely independent, and cooperate for the purpose of joint marketing, sales and reservations. In addition, they have developed their own very strict customer service quality criteria.

Another trend in the reorganization of hotel chains is segmentation. It represents the availability of hotels various categories belonging to the same hotel chain. The purpose of segmentation is to adapt hotel enterprises to the needs and material capabilities of various categories of clients. For example, the Bass group clearly segments its hotels: while the Inter-Continental hotels are classified as 5 stars, and the Holiday Inns are classified as 4 stars, the Crown Plaza fills the gap between them and is positioned as 4 stars plus. (10)

The next trend in the global hotel market is the emergence of specialized hotels that respond to the latest changes in market conditions and progressive economic development. Economic development led to the formation of business hotels, congress hotels, hotels for long-term stays (apartment hotels), and advances in medicine created the need for hotel houses for elderly members of society and the disabled.

One of the main trends in the global hotel market is the strengthening of the role of service quality management. Quality is becoming the most significant component of competitiveness, because provides guarantees of the safety and environmental friendliness of a product or service - requirements that are becoming increasingly important in the modern world.

Also, the specifics of modern relationships between counterparties include an assessment of the supplier’s existing quality management system, which acts as a guarantee for him of the stability of the quality of the goods or services provided. In the hotel business, the complexity of creating quality systems increases due to its organization and functioning. First of all, this is an objective contradiction between the individualization of services, their differentiation and the need to bring them to standards. Secondly, the consumer of a hotel service participates in monitoring and assessing its quality not in a one-time manner, but constantly, i.e. The service consumer participates in the service provision process and can influence it. In world practice, it is also common to unite hotels into professional associations, organizations and unions. Despite the peculiarities of the development of national economies, organizations have the same creation goals, functions, and structure. Some of them (like AN&MA) are commercial in nature.

International hotel associations, in essence, consolidate the problems of national organizations, contribute to their successful resolution, make appropriate changes to international legislation in the hotel and tourism sector, initiate international events dedicated to the hotel industry, and participate in international social and cultural programs.

In world practice, organizations unite hotel business entities at different levels: national (organizations such as AN&MA - American Hotel & Motel Association, BHS - British Hospitality Association, DEHOGA Deutscher Hotel - Und Gaststattenverband, etc.) and international (IHRA - International Hotel & Restaurant Association, HOTREC - Confederation of the National Associations of Hotels, Restaurants, Cafe & Similar Establishments in the European Union & European Economic Area), etc. At the same time, national organizations, as a rule, are part of international organizations, thereby creating a powerful single block of influence on the international and national tourist and hotel markets. (5)

International experience shows that the demand for hotel services increases along with the level of income of the population, and the growing share of chain hotels leads to increased competition among independent hotels, absorbs the latter or forces them to increase production efficiency. Three-star hotels have become the most “unreliable” means of accommodation. According to the existing classification, this category includes both fairly comfortable hotels owned by commercial structures, and hotels close to the “two” and “one star” categories (hotels owned by state and municipal property, departmental hotels). The latter, like some non-category hotels, as a rule, are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. The hopelessly outdated number of rooms, technical and utility equipment complicates privatization and bankruptcy procedures due to the need for serious capital investments and the presence of illiquid assets.

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IN last years The importance of tourism in the life of modern society is increasingly increasing. This is facilitated by rising incomes, an increase in the amount of free time, growing openness of regions and other factors. The increasing importance of tourism has contributed to the growth of entrepreneurial activity in this area.

Structure tourism industry can be represented as follows:

1. Entertainment industry, activities of tour operators and travel agents, transport, excursion and educational organizations (the tourism industry itself).

2. The hospitality industry, consisting of the service industry, the accommodation industry, and the food industry.

3. Global computer networks (GCN).

Hotel enterprises, of course, are the basis of any tourism product, because... accommodation is always included in the package of services. According to the World Tourism Organization, there are 16 million hotels in the world, and 20% of them belong to hotel chains. The network, as foreign practice shows, is the most effective way of running a business in the hotel business.

Based on this, I aim to consider in detail the essence of combining hotels in a chain, to study them internal structure and advantages of chains.

In order to solve the problem, it would be most appropriate to first study the history of the emergence of the very concept of a global hotel chain, its development and the experience of the first owners. The first chapter of this work is devoted to this issue.

The third chapter of this work is devoted to a description of the world's most famous hotel chains and is, in fact, a clear confirmation of the successful cooperation of hotels in global chains.

There is a kind of intrigue in the history of the birth of hotel chains. Their prototypes appeared in Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but this idea reached the mass level much later, almost half a century later, and the scene of action moved to America, which received the status of the birthplace of chain hotels.
The concept of an international hotel chain originated in North America in the late 1950s. In short, its basic principle is the use of a brand image to promote a hotel product in domestic and foreign markets. This implied a qualitatively new stage in the development of the hotel offer, arising, like any qualitative change, on the basis of significant quantitative growth. Unlike Europe, where the long-standing tradition was to combine the functions of the owner and manager of a hotel in one person, in North America, thanks to the development of franchising concepts, these functions were considered separately. As hotels have evolved from an individual owner's life's work into an asset and commercial real estate asset, the need arose to professionally manage their associations rather than just an individual accommodation facility.

To successfully manage these facilities, the owner first selected the staff himself, determined the pricing policy and sales strategy. Then, as the business develops, the main management task becomes standardization of processes, allowing for the replication of the effective solutions found. As a result, the processes of managing and owning hotels began to diverge: those whose business was successful began to increase its volume, including at the expense of less fortunate colleagues, creating the first hotel chains or chains.

The form of a management contract as a commercial agreement appeared and became widespread following the development of the first hotel chains and, accordingly, various forms of external management. In the 60s, first in the USA and then in other countries, the first companies began to emerge that managed hotel facilities on behalf of the owner. The development of contract forms of management contributed to an increase in the efficiency of hotel management, as well as an influx of investment in hotel business, sent from other areas of business activity - banks, insurance companies, trading corporations, etc. Concluding a contract with a management company allowed owners who did not have the relevant experience and knowledge to achieve high financial results from the operation of their hotel real estate. In 1979, the top ten hotel management companies in the United States had management contracts with 299 hotels, providing them not only with effective management, but also with a well-established brand. Less than ten years later, at the beginning of 1987, there were already 20 companies operating approximately 700 hotels under the same conditions. In addition to them, there were more than 60 independent management companies operating on the market, operating 950 hotel properties, without offering the latter a franchise package of services.

2. Structure of the hotel chain.

2.1 What is a hotel chain.

When we talk about hotel chains, we mean a collection of hotels that may belong to different owners, but are managed by one company. Finding themselves in an unfamiliar country, many clients of chain hotels know in advance what color the carpet will be in the room and how many towels should be in the bathroom. Whether the hotel is located in Paris, New York or Moscow, guests enjoy the same quality standards through centralized management, supply, marketing and service.

The chain appears when both elements (hotels and management company) are formally united, and, importantly, they are in a single technological environment created and maintained by the management company.
Role management company- key, because she is the main driver of the process of creating and developing a business.

2.2 Main features of a hotel chain.

The main features of the hotel chain include:

a) formal elements that ensure the recognition of objects included in the chain and their visual unity. This is usually achieved by a common logo, color scheme, decorative elements, and name, which together is the external essence of the brand and makes it recognizable.
b) the commonality of the structural elements that make up the merged hotels, as well as the same level of comfort and service offered;
c) a unified operating strategy, which involves standardizing the basic procedures for service, marketing and sales, thereby achieving the same quality level of operation of all objects in the chain. This and the previous signs are the internal essence of the brand and reinforce in the consumer mind the idea of ​​​​the prestige of the brand;

d) the presence of a specific structural superstructure over the basic element, consisting of individual hotels, or a management company that provides general strategic management, monitors compliance with standards, etc. It represents a separate legal entity associated with the objects it manages through specially concluded agreements.

2.3 The main advantages of attracting a well-known hotel brand.

Joining a large chain gives the hotel a global view of global market processes and management know-how. Independent facilities are unlikely to be able to develop the latest expensive technologies and global marketing programs. In addition, the international network has the opportunity to promote its Internet resources on a large scale, to develop new sites for different target groups that are interconnected. The main trump card of the “networkers” is considered to be loading through the central reservation system of the operator company. It is estimated that in different hotels the volume of customer flows obtained in this way ranges from 10 to 30%. This allows you to endure low-load seasons, while independent hotels are forced to look for additional reserves and directly interact with agencies.

Having systematized all of the above, we can highlight the following main advantages of hotel participation in the chain:

· saving money on hotel promotion, since the brand is already recognized in the market (especially important in the business client segment);

· guarantee of high quality services thanks to procedures and service standards developed by the parent company;

· guarantee of competent management;

· connecting the hotel to international reservation systems and inclusion in the directories of the parent company;

· staff training, professional marketing, etc.

2.4 Forms of hotel associations.

Hotel chains are usually divided into two types:
- groups integrating homogeneous hotels;
- hotel consortiums that unite independent hotels (there are fewer of them in the world than groups).

A joint venture that has already demonstrated success in the market, or an association with a firm that has created a product or service accepted in the market and that has established a reliable system of financial control and production of that product. Hotels can be fully owned by a corporation or be managed by it under various conditions: direct management, management contract, franchising agreement, contract for transfer to economic management, etc. Franchising is a method of entrepreneurship through which an entrepreneur can unite with an already existing large chain. The International Association of Franchise Organizations (IAFO) defines this phenomenon as: "... a relationship lasting over time in which the franchisee provides a legally protected right to engage in a certain business activity, and also assistance in organizing this activity, training, implementation and management for a fee from the franchisee." The franchisor is able to achieve deeper market penetration with minimal investment, while the franchisee is able to expand its business activities with less risk.

Currently, even experts have difficulty explaining the difference between the various forms that link hotel owners with the various external structures created to improve business efficiency. Many people do not understand the difference between an independent management company and a structure that manages a hotel chain, a franchise system from a voluntary hotel association and a network of information and reservation systems. This confusion arises because the goal of all associations is to improve the efficiency of hotel operations, but the techniques for achieving this in saturated markets are reduced to a set of standard actions. Without touching on the essence of the issue for now, we will try to outline the circle of actors, showing their main differences.

An independent management company usually deals with a dissimilar hotel product from different hotels that are (or are not) franchised by another company. The hotel owner pays both the management company and, separately, the franchise company for the use of its trademark. In the Moscow hotel market, an example of such relationships can be the hotels of the Marriott chain, managed by Interstar.