What does Montpellier production specialize in? French city of Montpellier (Languedoc-Roussillon region)

Montpellier from A to Z: map, hotels, attractions, restaurants, entertainment. Shopping, shops. Photos, videos and reviews about Montpellier.

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Most bus routes start from the railway station. Travel tickets can be purchased from vending machines at bus stops or from the driver. A one-way ticket costs 1.40 EUR, a round trip ticket costs 2.50 EUR, a 24-hour ticket costs 3.80 EUR, 10 tickets cost 12 EUR. On weekends, buses rarely run, and on weekdays they end at nine o'clock in the evening. Bus number 28 runs to Palavas-les-Flos beach; from the final stop you will have to walk another twenty minutes to the beach itself.

Montpellier is a compact city; it won’t take much time to get around it on foot.

It is better not to travel around the city center by car; most of your time will be stuck in traffic jams or spent looking for a parking space.

Trams are the most comfortable way moving around the city. During rush hours they run every 3-5 minutes, at other times every 15 minutes. One of the main advantages of the tram is that it operates until midnight and the same tickets are used for travel as for the bus.

Prices on the page are as of August 2018.



Cycling enthusiasts can get tourist office a map showing the city's cycle paths and a dedicated cycle route leading to the nearby beaches of Palavas-les-Flots and Carnon, which take about an hour to reach.

You can rent a bicycle at Velo Magg rental offices; rental will cost you 0.50 EUR per hour (on Sundays, as is usual with the French, rentals have a day off).

Weather in Montpellier

Cuisine and restaurants of Montpellier

In addition to traditional French cuisine, Montpellier offers wide choose ethnic restaurants and cafes. There are many places in the center that sell kebabs and sandwiches. You will find real French coffee shops near Place de la Comedie and on Rue Louis Blanc.

The Languedoc-Roussillon region produces more wine annually than the whole of Australia. Among the local wines, red ones are especially good. Pastis is a traditional aperitif in the south of France; it is drunk with ice, grenadine and mint syrup.


Expensive boutiques are located in the city center, especially near Place de la Comedie and on Rue Foch. Budget items can be bought in multi-brand shopping centers; the best shopping centers in the city belong to the Inno and FNAC chains. Open every Sunday morning swap meet under open air. You can get there by taking the blue line tram to the final stop of Mosson. Here you can buy not only vintage and cute trinkets, but also clothes from famous brands.

Popular hotels in Montpellier

Entertainment and attractions in Montpellier

Montpellier's ancient architecture is centered on the Aragonese Quarter, which dates back to the 12th century, when the Aragonese kings ruled the city. Narrow streets lead to the fortress walls. Of the 25 towers that crowned the walls, one survived - the observatory was located there.

The conceptual development of the times of modernist experiments is presented in the Antigone quarter, built according to the design of Riccardo Boffila in the 80s of the last century. Ancient Greek motifs in modern execution look fresh and ambiguous.

The city center is Comedy Square. On the site of the burnt theater that gave the square its name, there is Train Station. You can have a great time on the Charles de Gaulle Esplanade, in the shade of trees, near fountains, there are a couple good restaurants, many stalls with souvenirs, a food market.

Botanical Garden Montpellier is the oldest botanical garden in France (founded in 1593). Lunare Zoo (Agropolis Avenue, 50) offers free viewing of lions and bears; entrance to the interior of the zoo, where the inhabitants of the Amazonian forest live, costs 6.50 EUR, for children from 5 to 18 years old - 3 EUR.

Events in Montpellier

Montpellier hosts the annual summer festival of classical music and jazz - Radio France, which hosts more than 150 events in historical places city ​​and modern concert halls. At the end of July it's like Montpellier international festival dance.

French city Montpellier (Languedoc-Roussillon region)

The French city of Montpellier is one of the largest settlements in the south of France, the eighth largest in the entire country, administrative center the Languedoc-Roussillon region and the Hérault department.

In fact, the city of Montpellier is located in the fertile and very picturesque valley of the Lez River, which is 10 kilometers from the coast Mediterranean Sea.

Centuries of trade and intellectual activity have transformed Montpellier into a wealthy, vibrant city. Benjamin of Tudela, the indefatigable Jewish traveler of the 12th century, said that its streets were filled with merchants from Egypt, Greece, Gaul, Spain, Genoa and Pisa.

Several short-term drops in the city’s “stock price,” such as its sale to France in 1349, its almost complete destruction in 1622 for adherence to Protestantism, and the decline of the wine trade at the beginning of the 19th century, actually failed to slow down its development. Today, Montpellier, along with Toulouse, is considered the most dynamic developing city southern part of France.

In addition, its most famous university, University of Montpellier, founded in the 13th century, the authority of whose medical specialties is unshakable in our time. More than 60 thousand students set the intellectual and cultural tone of the city, average age whose inhabitants are said to be only 25 years old.

Arrival, city information and accommodation in Montpellier

The train and bus stations are located next door at the far end of Rue Maguelone, as seen from the central Place de la Comedie. Montpellier-Mediterranean Airport is located 8 kilometers southeast, next to Lake Etang de Mauguio; buses leave every half hour from the bus station (15 minutes; 5 euros). Most The city center is pedestrianized, so you should look for a parking space. Best areas- This is Antigone in the east and boulevard des Arceaux in the west.

City travel agency where he works exchange office currency, located in the eastern part of Place de la Comedie (place de la Comedie) opposite shopping center Polygon. City buses TAM (Transport de l "agglomeration de Montpellier) - a public transport network - run between train stations and remote areas (to coastal Palavas).

Petibus minibuses serve the city center - tickets cost €1.30 (single day ticket €3.20) and are valid for one hour on both services, including transfers. Montpellier is also crossed from northwest to southeast tram lines and are surrounded by more than 120 kilometers of bicycle paths that reach the sea.

You can always find somewhere to drink in the city, especially at Place de la Comedie, Place du Marche-aux-Fleurs and Place Jean-Jaures. Good Irish the O'Carolans pub (5 rue du Petit-Scel) is located south of rue Foch, and the antidote snack bar, which attracts people who know a lot about art, is located on the place de la Canourgue. . Cafe de la Mer (5 place de Marche-aux-Fleurs) with a veranda with few empty seats is popular with gay people.

A long-standing tradition of disco nights and live concerts distinguishes the Rockstore club near the station (20 rue de Verdun), while Le Crypt (place Jean-Jaures) and Cargo (place St-Denis) offer techno and blues music respectively . Besides the clubs and bars, Montpellier has a very lively theater and music scene.

The traditions of charming literary cafes (cafe-litteraires) of various types are interesting. Le Cesar (17 place Nombre d'Or) hosts two such cafes, the women's cafe (cafe des femmes) and the arts cafe (cafe des arts), where regulars gather from 18.00 to 20.30 on the first and third Monday of each month, respectively. To find out about upcoming events, pay attention to posters in the city or look through the free weekly announcements, Le Sortir and Ole.

    Restaurants and cafes in Montpellier

1). Restaurant Caves Jean-Jaures– Well prepared dishes local cuisine in a 17th century mansion. Set of dishes from 14 euros. Restaurant address: 3 rue Callot;

2). Restaurant Cellier Morel– Carefully prepared signature dishes are served in the sophisticated chic surroundings of a 13th-century palace. Lunch from 26 euros, dinner from 40 euros. Opening hours: Closed on Sundays, Mondays and Wednesdays for lunch, and partly in August. Hotel address: 27 rue Aiguillerie;

3). Restaurant La Diligence– Medieval vaults create an environment conducive to immersion in excellent French cuisine for a reasonable price. Set of dishes 18-60 euros. Opening hours: Closed on Sundays and for lunch on Saturdays and Mondays. Restaurant address: 2 place Petrarque;

4). Restaurant Le Jardin des Sens– One of the first-class restaurants in Languedoc. Superb creations of local cuisine served in luxurious surroundings. Set of dishes 50-190 euros. Opening hours: Closed on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays, and Wednesday for lunch. Restaurant address: 11 avenue St-Lazaire;

5). Restaurant La Pomme d`Or– A pretentious restaurant-bar with a predominantly gay audience. Inventive menu for around 18 euros. Restaurant address: 23 rue du Palais des Guihem;

6). Restaurant La Posada– You'll need to make a reservation in advance at this popular restaurant with reasonable prices for Spanish and Mediterranean cuisine, including paella and moules a la creme de l`ail. Lunch from 8.30 euros, dinner – 11.50 euros. Restaurant address: 20 rue du Petit-St-Jean;

7). Prince of New York Restaurant– Offers great value Mediterranean cuisine, including a hefty portion of plat du jour for just €7.50. Hours: Open Tuesday-Saturday for lunch, Thursday-Sunday for dinner. Restaurant address: 1 rue des Tessiers;

8). Restaurant Le Regency– Specializes in dishes from North Africa, including couscous; traditional Moroccan interior and dancing on Friday and Saturday evenings. Set of dishes from 20 euros. Opening hours: Closed on Mondays for lunch. Restaurant address: 4 rue Cite-Benoit;

9). Restaurant-cafe Salmon Shop– A cheerful establishment located next to Place Jean Jaurès, with an original “mountain hut” interior. Offers half a dozen oak-smoked salmon dishes for around 15 euros. Opening hours: Closed on Sundays for lunch. Address: 5 rue de la Petite-Loge;

10). Restaurant Tripti Kulai– A vegetarian restaurant run by a clever hostess. The dishes are prepared well; a good choice salads Cost of dishes: from 9 euros. Opening hours: closed on Sundays. Restaurant address: 20 rue Jacques-Coeur;

11). Cafe La Vieux Four– Meat lovers should visit this cozy place, lit by candles, the highlight of which is grillades au feu de bois. Set of dishes 14-25 euros. Opening hours: open only in the evenings; closed on Sundays in summer. Cafe address: 59 rue de l`Aiguillerie.

More photos of the sights of the French city of Montpellier here: Photo gallery

The oldest and one of the most interesting countries of the world is France. Montpellier (photo of the city - in the article) is one of its largest cities, the capital of the Languedoc-Roussillon region, which is located in the southwest of the country. In the old days, the Mediterranean Sea approached directly to the city center, and this place was considered one of the most prestigious and in demand among the rich. That is why so many churches, cathedrals and palaces were built here, which delight the eye with their chic and gloss. Today, the sea waters have retreated 10 km, so everything local beaches are located in the suburbs.

How to get to Montpellier

You can get to this warm southern city in several ways, and each of them will have its own budget and its own characteristics. Firstly, the Montpellier airport of the same name is located on the territory of the city. France is a popular country, so flights from Paris operate here with enviable frequency. You can also fly to Montpellier by air from London, Berlin, Brussels and Amsterdam. On four rented wheels you can drive throughout France, including its southern regions. Well Railway there are many posts in this place. Trains to this area run from Paris, Leon, Nice, and even Barcelona.

Transport in the city

Montpellier (France) - although one of the capitals of the regions, it is very compact. In fact, you can walk around this ancient town in half a day and still see a lot of sights and beauties of this area.

However, the French who live here actively use cars and public transport. In this regard, huge traffic jams constantly accumulate on the narrow ancient streets. So, if you are a tourist, then do not buy bus tickets or rent a car. The best option For this town you can rent a bicycle or travel by tram. By the way, this is the only type of transport that runs until one in the morning.

Where to stay in the Southern resort town

What has really been done here on a grand scale is the Montpellier hotels. France is very dear country, so the price for daily accommodation in a five-star hotel will be much higher than 5 thousand rubles. Apartments with a three-star rating in this city can be rented for 2-4 thousand rubles. The rest of the housing offered in the area is no longer included in the standard package tourist package. However, the living conditions in these hotels are fully consistent with their price. Absolutely everything has been thought out here; moreover, each room is designed taking into account the tastes and preferences of wealthy tourists.

Cuisine, restaurants and eateries in Montpellier

France is known to be famous for its unique cuisine, somewhat specific, but very tasty and refined. However, this wonderful resort town is by no means a haven national restaurants and other establishments that offer tourists to taste French delicacies. There are a lot of Spanish and Arabic ones here. Sandwiches and other light snacks are prepared on the streets and in open-air cafes. But what is truly French here is the wines. In the region they are produced in special large quantities, so you can taste them in any restaurant. Preference should be given to red varieties, which are the most tart and bright in taste.

Properties of the southern capital

Beautiful and ancient architecture mixed with neo-classical and modernism, as well as many unique and inimitable stucco moldings - these are the main cultural secrets that Montpellier keeps. which can be looked at for years, this region becomes a little different, lighter and fresher than all the other ancient cities. The most ancient buildings in the area are considered to be the houses located in the Aragon quarter. It has existed here since the 12th century, since the formation of the dynasty of kings of Aragon, who ruled here for a long time. Extremely preserved here narrow streets, along which even a car, paving stones and building facades cannot pass. Above one of them you can see a tower, which in those days served as an observatory.

Modern houses and their style

In the 20th century, the city was almost completely renovated. Residential buildings have grown here and community centers, which in their style resemble the era of antiquity. There are also houses in a neo-classical spirit, simple and modest, but at the same time chic and expensive. Open bars and restaurants began to open on the streets of the city. They were built in different architectural styles hotel complexes Montpellier. France, thanks to them, became famous as a resort region, and people began to come here on vacation as often as they came to the islands.

Sea holidays in Montpellier

France, whose beaches are predominantly pebble, never ceases to amaze its guests. It is in this small (by our standards) town that there are the widest sandy recreation areas, with infrastructure and all the necessary equipment. Absolutely any type of holiday is possible here: both among a noisy company and as a family holiday, quiet and measured. Sun loungers and beach chairs are available for rent, and umbrellas can be used free of charge. Away from the central beaches of Carnon and Palavas-les-Flots there are many wild coves. There are no cafes or bars here; these places are intended for secluded relaxation, complete relaxation and unity with nature and the sea. Also, at some distance from the city, you can find beaches with fairly high waves. This great places for windsurfing and kitesurfing.

Montpellier (French Montpellier) is the ninth most populous city located in the south of France. Montpellier is a rapidly developing city in France with stunning architecture and attractions. The name of the city comes from the name of the hills on which it was formed and built. The city is located 750 km from the French capital Paris, 248 km from Toulouse, 168 km from Marseille. Montpellier – small town, however, it is quite lively and dynamic thanks to the youth who study at three universities in the city.

The old part of the city consists of narrow, cramped streets built back in the 10th century. Here is the Comedy Square or Place de la Comedie (French: la place de la Comedie), where small markets, shops, travel agencies, etc. are located. The most significant monuments of the historical center are the Cathedral of St. Peter or Saint-Pierre (French: Saint-Pierre), the Montpellier History Museum, located in the church of Notre Dame des Tables (French: Notre Dame des Tables), the ancient towers of the Tour des Pins (French: Tour des Pins) is one of the 25 towers of the ancient fortress and the Tour de la Babotte (French: Tour de la Babotte).

In the 18th century, elegant castles and residences of the city's aristocracy arose around the city of Montpellier, which later became part of the urban area. These are the palace of the French politician Pierre François Flaugergues (French: Chateau de Flaugergues), Moger Castle (French: Chateau de la Mogere), Castle d'O or "Water Castle" (French: Chateau d'O) and Castle Mosson (French: Chateau de la Mosson).

The Botanical Garden is one of the main historical and visited places in Montpellier. The garden covers an area of ​​more than 4 hectares of land and is located on the Boulevard Henry IV. This is the oldest botanical garden in France, founded in the 16th century with the permission of King Henry IV. In the 18th century, greenhouses were created by the famous Claude-Mathieu. In 1810, an arboretum was founded, and in 1859, the English Garden was built with a unique swimming pool and a magnificent greenhouse. Today, there are more than 2.5 thousand species of plants and trees in the Botanical Garden.

The cultural life of Montpellier is varied and unique: 26 museums, 49 concert halls and theaters, holidays and festivals are held almost constantly. Another attraction of the city is the museum, named after the French historical painter Francois Xavier Fabre (French: Musee Fabre). The museum was founded in the 18th century, full of masterpieces by Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix, Gustave Courbet, Nicolas Poussin, Peter Paul Rubens Paul Rubens), Sandro Botticelli (French Sandro Botticelli) and others. The Fabre Museum is famous for its collection of 19th century French paintings.

Montpellier also has six museums, three libraries with rich book collections, numerous churches and of course the Cathedral of Saint Peter or Saint-Pierre, which looks like a spaceship. The heart of Montpellier is the Place de la Comedie or Place de la Comedie, also called the “egg” due to its oval shape. On Place Notre Dame there is the Church of Notre Dame des Tables. On Place Jean-Jaurès - Museum of the History of Montpellier of the 10th century.

The city of Montpellier is the eighth largest in France. It is located just 10 km from the Mediterranean coast and is considered the center of the Hérault department, which belongs to the famous province of Occitania. The city is called the heart of the Languedoc region.

More than 2000 years ago, the sea came close to the settlement. Then the water receded several kilometers, but the city, located on the hills between the Lez and Mosson rivers, retained all the features of a classic southern beach resort. Tropical palm trees against the backdrop of medieval architecture create a colorful landscape.

The weather in Montpellier corresponds to the Mediterranean climate. It is characterized by high average annual temperatures. Summer here is dry with minimal rainfall. Winter is warm. There is almost never snow in Montpellier. But heavy rains are possible in late autumn. In some years, they even provoked flooding of the lower part of the city.

However, the air temperature, which rarely drops below 15°C even in the cold season, makes a trip to this region comfortable in any season. People from different parts of Europe and the world regularly visit the city.

Almost all types of tourism are developed here. Beach holiday attracts connoisseurs of a relaxing pastime on the seashore. Coastal resorts Montpellier is distinguished by its privacy and is intended for those who do not tolerate fuss.

A large number of business events bring business people to the city. Art lovers come to the Mediterranean Jazz and Film Festival. Those who like to discover the secrets of the Middle Ages strive to thoroughly study the architecture and museums of the ancient city.

Gourmets indulge in the pleasure of visiting the homeland of the famous blue goat cheese, known throughout the world as Roquefort, and enjoying a bouquet of the best French wines presented at a thematic exhibition held in Montpellier every year.

Provence - the soul of France

Photos only partially convey the charm of this wonderful town. The unique atmosphere of the French south gives unforgettable impressions and emotions.

Transport connection

You can get here from other locations in France and Europe by plane, train or bus. Montpellier Airport is 9 km from the center. Administratively, it is located on the territory of a small town called Mogio.

The airport accepts flights from 28 airlines and charters. This is a small airport with 1 terminal. Planes from Russia do not fly here. Therefore, it is better to travel by air to Paris or Nice, and from there come to Montpellier by train. The TGV high-speed rail line is a fast and convenient way to travel in France.

In the city itself, people use cars and public transport. In summer, it is better to choose a tram for travel. Hours of traffic jams make traveling by bus or car very inconvenient.

Descriptions and photos in various guidebooks do not give a complete picture of the beauty and originality of the southern French city. It has preserved the charm of the Middle Ages, contained in the remains of ancient fortress walls, rebuilt into an aqueduct. Here they coexist with antiquity modern buildings. Such different architecture of the city fits harmoniously into the landscape and creates the impression of a single whole.

Expert opinion

Knyazeva Victoria

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The sights of Montpellier are inextricably linked with its history. Locality was founded in the 10th century. and was a center for trade in spices and herbs. Later it turned into a city and for a long time belonged to the Aragonese dynasty of monarchs, who then sold it to France.

King Louis XIV built a fortress, a water tower and an aqueduct here, the streets of Montpellier turned into beautiful boulevards, and magnificent parks sprang up in the city. With the arrival of the bishopric here, active construction of religious buildings began. It still remains one of the main attractions Cathedral St. Peter's.

Aqueduct of Saint Clement
Water tower

IN historical center there is the Ursuline Monastery and Mikvah - a ritual Jewish bath. Jews have lived here since the Middle Ages. Jewish community was the largest in the cosmopolitan city. Today, a significant part of the population is made up of people from North Africa who came here in the 60s of the last century.

Cap Ferrat

Of great interest Botanical Garden, founded in Montpellier in the 16th century. It grows in a large number of rare species plants, and landscape compositions serve as a magnificent backdrop for beautiful photos.

Impressionist works can be seen in the famous Musée Fabray. It contains unique exhibits illustrating the achievements of culture and art in France and other countries. European countries.

Botanical Garden
Fabray Museum

Oldest educational institution

The capital of the Languedoc province is where the University of Montpellier was founded back in 1289. This is one of the first educational institutions in the country, which is still operating. Since its foundation, much attention has been paid to the development of medicine in the institution.

Medieval doctors of Arab origin made a huge contribution to the development of this scientific direction. Today the Montpellier Medical School is the oldest in Europe. Its achievements are widely used not only in educational programs, but also in practical activities.

The University of Montpellier France consists of 3 main divisions. Together they attract a large number of students to a city where every 4th resident is a student. There are several directions in the structure of the institution.

The University of Montpellier I trains specialists in the field of economics and management. It also includes the faculties of ecology, medicine and pharmacy. The University of Montpellier II specializes in natural sciences. The names of many prominent scientists of world significance are associated with it. The student campus is located here.

The University of Montpellier III brings together humanists. Future philologists, linguists, and specialists in social and historical sciences study there.

Saint Denis in France

The educational institution houses one of the largest collections of rare books. The Montpellier Library stores publications and volumes that date back to the 16th century. They are of great historical and scientific interest. Scientists from all over the world come to the city to get the opportunity to work with such rare collections.

Sports and entertainment

The proximity of the Mediterranean Sea determined the residents' love for aquatic species sports But people here have no less sympathy for football. The city even has its own club. In 1978 he received professional status.

The team's home stadium is Stade de la Mosson. Here players train and receive guests. The most spectacular matches are with the capital Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), Montpellier has hosted it more than once.

The outcome of the game may be different. These meetings are the most productive for local bookmakers. And although Montpellier falls slightly short of the level of PSG, the final score is always difficult to predict. Southerners always perform better at home than away. Therefore, if in Paris the results of the PSG-Montpellier match are almost always predetermined not in their favor, then in hometown better results are possible.