Is it possible to carry perfume in hand luggage and airplane luggage? Is it possible to take perfume, eau de toilette and cologne on a plane? How many milliliters of perfume can you take on a plane?

Is it possible to take perfume on a plane? What rules for their transportation are established by airlines? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Perfumes are fragile products. Its transportation on an airliner raises many questions. Let's find out below whether you can take perfume on a plane.

Perfume in hand luggage

Many passengers ask: “Can I take perfume on a plane?” The state has established rules for transporting perfumes on an airliner in the passenger cabin. The capacity of the bottle cannot exceed 0.1 liters. In this case, the bottle itself must be tightly closed and packed in a plastic bag with the rest of the cosmetics.

You can receive the bag at the check-in counter or before boarding the plane during security. Each bottle must be marked: expiration date, volume, name of the manufacturer, date of creation. If the perfume was not purchased in a duty-free area and before the flight, you must save your receipt. Sometimes security personnel ask to see it.

Important! The total volume of incense transported in hand luggage should not exceed 1 liter per traveler.

It is prohibited to transport cologne and eau de toilette with a bottle volume exceeding 100 ml. Even if the amount of liquid in them is located exactly at this mark. During inspection, such a product will be confiscated instantly.

For hand luggage You can pay for a separate seat. Its weight should not be more than 15 kg. Sometimes this type of luggage transportation is more profitable than in a common cargo compartment. Please check with airline employees for details.

Transportation of deodorant

So, we answered the question of whether perfume can be taken on a plane. Yes, of course you can. What about deodorant? This type of perfume falls under the general canons of transporting liquids. The volume of the vial cannot exceed 100 ml. If it is slightly larger than this, check it in as baggage.

Important! All bottles of liquid incense must be labeled. As a result, security officers will not have additional questions.

Pack deodorants with other perfumes in a transparent plastic bag. This packaging should not be opened during a flight, as liquid incense is very flammable.

Perfume from Duty Free

Is it possible to take Duty Free perfume into the cabin? Products from duty-free shops are not subject to strict rules for transporting liquid incense. If you purchased cologne or other perfume, it will be packaged in a specially marked package. You just need to save the receipt to show it to security later.

Important! Perfume in hand luggage on an airliner must not be opened until the end of the trip.

Many airlines prohibit the transport of aerosol deodorants. It is better to immediately check in such incense as luggage. The bottle of deodorizing spray should have a capacity of no more than 500 ml. Each traveler can carry up to 2 liters of sprays and deodorants.

How to pack?

Is it possible to take perfume on an airplane? Here you can transport any amount of incense. It is only important that each bottle does not exceed a volume of 100 ml. Perfume must be packaged in specific plastic bags.

Important! It is worth considering that the import of perfume is licensed in some countries. Therefore, before your flight, check the permitted quantity by phone. hotline customs service.

If you are carrying a large number of perfumes, pack them in a separate suitcase. It must have a fragile label on it. This is the sticker that you will be given at the baggage check-in counter. Suitcases with this mark are sent to a special cell. Wrap the bag in plastic to prevent its surface from being damaged.

Confiscation of spirits

Are you still asking if you can take perfume on board a plane? We answered this question above. Now let's find out in what cases perfume can be confiscated. The strictest requirements are put forward for the safety of air hubs. If you violate them, you will be subject to administrative and sometimes criminal liability. Therefore, when transporting any incense, comply with the established canons not only of the airline and customs, but also of the air gate security service.

If a traveler from Russia flies to the European Union and takes with him perfume that was purchased in a duty-free area, it may be confiscated. The following countries are exceptions:

  • Canada;
  • Singapore.

It is necessary to take into account that some states are tightening the requirements for the transportation of perfume in luggage and carry-on luggage. This is due to terrorist threats. At the slightest suspicion, security officers will confiscate purchased incense.

How to prepare for a flight?

Every traveler, when buying airline tickets, must study all the canons of transporting luggage with perfume. These products may pose a threat to human health as they are considered explosive. To avoid problems in the luggage inspection segment, find out the following:

  • Rules for inspection at the airport of arrival and departure. This can be done by calling the hotline or on the airline's website.
  • Please check for possible changes to these regulations in the near future. It is better to do this just before the day of departure. After all, transportation rules change frequently.
  • If you can put perfume in your luggage, do not neglect this opportunity. The canons of transporting it in hand luggage are also subject to change. They can catch a traveler mid-flight.

In order to avoid conflict situations, you must remove all bottles of liquid from your luggage and carry-on luggage and show them to security personnel. After this, you need to pack all the bubbles in special transparent bags.

It is best not to transport valuable perfumes in large quantities. If it is suspected of being dangerous, it may be confiscated. You will not be able to return the seized goods. It is disposed of in accordance with established rules. It is better to leave everything valuable in storage with your relatives or at the airport.

The specifics of transporting fragile vessels with perfumes are regulated by inspection rules approved by the Russian Ministry of Transport in 2007 (the latest changes date back to 2018). Similar regulations apply in the EU zone. Many citizens do not know whether they can take perfume and other cosmetics with them on a plane. In fact, you can take eau de toilette with you on a plane, but you need to take into account the requirements of the airlines.

How much perfume can you take on a plane?

Transported containers with eau de toilette and other cosmetics are recommended to be placed in a transparent bag with a zipper.

The general requirements of most airlines, including carriers Aeroflot, Pobeda, Nordwind, S7 Airlines, are the same: you cannot bring pressurized cans or large glass containers with perfume on board.

It is important that each container containing eau de toilette and other liquids has a label with legible information about:

The country in which the product was produced;
product release date;
expiration date;
container volume.

This information will allow you to avoid possible questions from airport employees, as well as go through inspection faster. Features of transporting perfumes on an airplane are as follows:

  1. Containers must be without branded packaging.
  2. All bottles are collected in one transparent plastic bag.
  3. The bag must have a Velcro fastener. You can also use a string or elastic band (passengers will be able to take special bags with a zipper free of charge in the security check area).
  4. It is prohibited to open packages and use perfumes during the flight.

What volume is allowed in hand luggage?

You can take perfume in hand luggage on a plane if you do not exceed the liquids allowance

Each passenger can take a certain amount of hygiene liquids he needs on a flight. Thus, one person has the right to take several containers of perfume with him in his hand luggage, but overall volume should not exceed 1000 milliliters. Moreover, each bottle of liquid should not have a nominal value of more than 100 milliliters. The same rule applies to various sprays and deodorants, but they will have to be checked into the luggage compartment.

Rules for carrying perfume and other liquids on an airplane have been introduced for safety purposes during the flight.

How to properly pack eau de toilette in luggage

Large quantities of perfume products can be transported in the cargo department, but they must be securely packaged

When packing luggage that will be transported in the appropriate compartment, you should also take into account its weight. It should be between 5–15 kg (depending on the airline and class of service). A passenger is allowed to transport no more than four containers, and each of them should not exceed 500 milliliters. You will have to pay extra for “overweight” luggage.

From Duty Free

Eau de toilette purchased at Duty Free cannot be printed before arriving at your destination.

If perfume products were purchased in Duty Free stores, they must be packaged by a store consultant. The cash receipt is placed inside the package so that airport security staff can read the information on it without damaging the shell. The buyer should also not open it until the end of the flight.

Cosmetic liquids from Duty Free are not subject to volume restrictions (that is, one bottle of eau de toilette can be more than 100 milliliters).

Reasons for perfume confiscation at the airport

Tightening requirements of some countries when transporting perfume are associated with terrorist threats

Security officers have the right to seize perfume products that look suspicious.

You should also consider the place where the product was purchased. If traveling by plane over the territory of the European Union, perfumes purchased in duty-free stores in any other non-European country may be confiscated. In this case, it is allowed to transport perfumes from Duty Free within Europe, as well as from the USA and Canada.

If, during the inspection, containers or containers with perfumes larger than the permitted volume are found, the passenger will be asked to give them to accompanying persons. Otherwise, the citizen will not be allowed on the flight.

Despite the fact that perfume can hardly be called a dangerous substance, there may be people in the aircraft cabin who are allergic to certain odors. In addition, if a poorly packaged bottle breaks and one of the air passengers is injured, then the crew will not be able to do anything during the flight.

Please note that the rules for transporting perfume products may vary depending on the country. That's why experienced travelers recommend checking the airline's requirements before flying.

Air travel is one of the fastest and safe ways moving between cities and countries. Ticket prices vary depending on several factors: the selected flight class, meal availability, baggage availability or hand luggage etc. Naturally, many women, especially those who fly without luggage, are interested in whether it is possible to carry perfume in hand luggage.

Rules for transporting liquids

Ministry of transportation Russian Federation at the end of July 2007, it issued regulations that established the rules for transporting liquids on board an aircraft. According to these rules, the following are allowed to be carried in hand luggage:

  • safe liquids in a closed bottle, the volume of which does not exceed 100 ml;
  • safe liquids with a total volume of no more than 1,000 ml.

In this case, all bottles must be securely closed and packaged in a separate transparent bag, the dimensions of which do not exceed 20x20 cm. One such bag is allowed per aircraft passenger.

In other words, you can carry perfume in your hand luggage if the volume of the bottle is no more than 100 ml, it is tightly closed and packed in a separate bag. It also makes sense to take several bottles with you, but with the condition that the total volume of liquid will not exceed 1 liter.

Note! Most major Russian and foreign air carriers adhere to these rules, but some airlines may tighten them at their discretion. If you are unsure whether you can carry perfume in your hand luggage, check this information at the baggage inspection point.

Perfume from Duty free

Duty free shops Duty free– this is a real find for people of any age and gender. Here you can find everything - from toys and bottles for babies to elite alcohol, the cost of which exceeds hundreds of thousands of rubles. Naturally, at every airport you can find Duty free perfumes and cosmetics.

Such stores have several important advantages over competitors:

  • firstly, they are the perfect place to purchase goods that cannot always be found on the shelves of regular stores - they are simply not imported into the country;
  • secondly, the cost of goods can be significantly lower than in chain stores in the city.

It is not surprising that many ladies try to buy perfumes at Duty free not only for themselves, but also for family, friends, colleagues and many other acquaintances. But how much perfume can you buy so that you can carry it freely in your hand luggage?

Products purchased at Duty free are not subject to strict rules for transporting liquids, but they also have their own characteristics:

  • all purchases are packaged in a special package with appropriate markings;
  • perfumes are in sealed original packaging;
  • all purchases are accompanied by a receipt issued at the Duty Ree cash desk, indicating the place and time of purchase;
  • the weight of hand luggage together with the Duty free package must not exceed the standards established by the airline.

If the weight of hand luggage together with the Duty free package significantly exceeds the established standards, the airline may require an additional payment - remember this when making purchases.

Note! Once you've unpacked your Duty Free product, it's subject to strict carry-on baggage rules, so don't go into too much detail about your purchases before your final destination, especially if you're traveling on a connecting flight. Otherwise, there is a high probability that all your purchases will have to be checked in as luggage.

When can perfume be confiscated?

When you're flying domestically, there's no reason to worry about your Duty Free product being confiscated, but if you're flying internationally, you need to be extra careful. The fact is that in many countries, safety standards have their own nuances, as do the rules for carrying hand luggage. You may encounter a number of problems when visiting European Union countries.

In any country that is part of the European Union, your perfume may be confiscated if it was not purchased in the European Union, Canada or the USA. Purchases may be confiscated from you both during inspection upon entry into the country and during a transfer to another flight. As a rule, perfumes with damaged sealed packaging and in the absence of a receipt confirming the purchase at the Duty Free store immediately before departure are subject to mandatory confiscation. In this case, both new perfume and your own, which you took from home, can be confiscated.

In other words, it is recommended to purchase products at Duty free before the last flight to your final destination - this will avoid unnecessary questions from the customs service and unpleasant situations associated with confiscation of purchases.

When carrying perfume in your hand luggage, remember that it is subject to strict travel regulations and may be confiscated in countries with different security regulations. To avoid unpleasant situations, it is recommended to call the airline before departure and find out the baggage allowances in all countries through which you will be flying and transferring. If this is difficult to do, then it is better to completely refuse to carry your own perfume in hand luggage, and keep Duty Free products fully packaged until landing at your final destination.

Perfumes are fragile products. Its transportation on an airplane always raises many questions. Can it be checked in as luggage? After all, if you handle the suitcase carelessly, everything will break. Is it possible to take perfume on a plane? What rules for their transportation are established by airlines?

Perfume in hand luggage

The state has established rules on how perfume can be transported on an airplane directly in the passenger cabin. The capacity of the bottle should not exceed 0.1 l. In this case, the bottle itself must be hermetically sealed and packed in a plastic bag with other cosmetics. The packaging can be obtained at the check-in counter or directly during security before boarding the aircraft.

All bottles must be marked: volume, date of manufacture, expiration date, name of the manufacturer. If they were purchased before the flight and not in a duty-free area, you need to keep the receipt. The security service may ask you to provide it.

Important! The total volume of perfumes carried in hand luggage should not exceed 1 liter per person.

It is prohibited to transport eau de toilette and cologne whose bottle volume exceeds 100 ml. Even if the amount of liquid in them is exactly at this mark. Such products will be immediately confiscated during inspection.

You can pay separately for hand luggage seat. Its weight should not be more than 15 kg. In some cases, this option for transporting luggage is more profitable than in a general cargo compartment. Such nuances need to be clarified with the airline staff.

Is it possible to carry deodorant on an airplane?

This type of perfume falls under general rules transporting liquids. The volume of the bottle should not exceed 100 ml. If it exceeds this figure, it is better to check it in as luggage.

Important. All bottles containing perfumed liquids must be labeled. It won't cause additional questions from security personnel.

Deodorants are packaged with other perfumes in a transparent plastic bag. This packaging must not be opened during flight as these liquids are highly flammable.

Rules for transporting perfumes from Duty Free

Products from duty-free shops are not subject to strict rules for the transport of perfumed liquids. When purchasing cologne or other perfume, they will be packaged in a specially marked package. The buyer will only have to keep the receipt to provide it to the security service.

Important! Perfumes in hand luggage on an airplane should not be opened until you arrive at your destination.

Many air carriers prohibit the transportation of aerosol deodorants. These rules are written on the company website. It is better to immediately check in such products as luggage. The bottle of deodorizing spray should have a volume of no more than 500 ml. Each passenger can carry up to 2 liters of deodorants and sprays.

Perfume in luggage: how to pack it correctly

You can carry an unlimited amount of perfume in your luggage. The main thing is that its bottles do not exceed a volume of 100 ml. They must be packaged in special plastic bags.

Important. It is worth considering that some countries have restrictions on the import of perfumes. You can clarify the permitted quantity by calling the customs service hotline.

If the passenger is lucky a large number of perfumes, it can be packed in a separate suitcase. It must be marked as fragile. This is a sticker that is issued at the baggage check-in desk. Suitcases with this mark are placed in a special compartment. To prevent the surface of the bag from being damaged, you can wrap it with cling film.

In what cases can perfume be confiscated?

There are strict requirements for airport security. Violation of them entails administrative and sometimes criminal liability. Therefore, when transporting any perfume, you must comply with the established rules not only of the airline and customs, but also of the airport security service.

If a passenger flies from Russia to the European Union and carries with him perfume that was purchased in a duty-free zone, it may be confiscated. The following countries are exceptions:

  • Singapore;
  • Canada.

It is worth considering that some states are tightening the requirements for transporting perfumes in checked luggage and hand luggage. This is due to terrorist threats. At the slightest suspicion, the security service will confiscate the purchased perfume.

Preparing for the flight

Each traveler, when purchasing airline tickets, must learn all the rules for transporting luggage with perfume. These products are considered explosive and may pose a threat to human health.

To ensure that no problems arise in the baggage inspection area, you need to find out the following:

  1. Rules for inspection at the airport of departure and arrival points. This can be done on the airline’s website or by calling the hotline.
  2. Clarify the possibility of changing the established rules in the near future. It is better to do this immediately before the day of departure. Transportation regulations change frequently.
  3. If you can put perfume in your luggage, do not neglect this opportunity. The rules for transporting it in hand luggage are also subject to change. They can catch the passenger directly in flight.

To avoid conflict situations, it is necessary to remove all containers with liquids from hand luggage and baggage and show them to security personnel. After this, the bottles must be packaged in special transparent bags. It is better not to carry large quantities of valuable perfumes with you. It may be confiscated if it is suspected of being dangerous. It is not possible to return confiscated goods. It is disposed of according to established rules. It is better to leave everything valuable in storage at the airport or with relatives.

It is difficult to find people who are indifferent to fragrances. A favorite perfume can create a good mood and a feeling of comfort during long hours of flight, which is why some travelers (and especially female travelers) do not want to part with a bottle of their perfume even in the airplane cabin. Others are concerned that after all the transportation manipulations with luggage in the cargo compartments, the bottle with expensive contents may end up broken. In addition, there are frequent cases of delays, damage and loss of luggage. Therefore, the question of how to carry perfume in hand luggage worries many.

What should you do to prevent your perfume from being confiscated during inspection? Let's consider the main points of this issue.

Perfume in the luggage compartment

Airlines have no restrictions on the carriage of perfumes in checked baggage: this point is well known and does not raise doubts among most passengers. And to the question of whether it is possible to carry perfume in hand luggage, few know the answer.

In fact, the transport of perfumes is permitted subject to a number of simple but strict rules.

Perfume in hand luggage: can you carry it?

Carry-on luggage is considered to be everything that can be taken with you into the passenger cabin of an airplane. Most carriers have the same restrictions on carry-on luggage. No cargo will be allowed on board the aircraft that poses any threat to the safety of passengers, and this is not just weapons and explosives. All cutting and piercing objects, acids, poisons, toxins, as well as flammable substances are prohibited for transportation in the aircraft cabin. WITH full list All restrictions can be found on the airlines' websites.

As part of our question about whether it is possible to carry perfume in hand luggage, let us turn to international rules carrying out inspections. In accordance with them, non-hazardous liquids in containers whose volume does not exceed 100 ml are allowed to be carried in hand luggage. Containers must be packed in a transparent zip-lock bag with a total capacity of no more than 1 liter.

Since perfumes belong to the category of non-hazardous liquids, you can take even several bottles of perfume with you to the salon, strictly observing the above conditions. Just remember to pack the bottles in a transparent sealed bag and comply with the requirements for bottle containers.

If the bottle capacity is more than 100 ml, they will not be accepted on board even if the actual volume of liquid does not exceed 100 ml.

When asking whether perfume can be carried in hand luggage, you should also take into account the fact that perfume is not always liquid. Are there any bans or restrictions on carrying dry perfumes in hand luggage?

Dry and liquid perfumes

Restrictions on carrying perfumes in hand luggage apply exclusively to liquid fragrances. Dry perfumes in the form of sticks and pencils do not belong to the category of liquids, gels and aerosols, as well as to the category of flammable substances, therefore restrictions on their carriage in hand luggage do not apply.

Dry perfumes do not take up much space in your purse; they are compact and convenient for travel. Therefore, if on the eve of your trip you are wondering whether it is possible to carry perfume in your hand luggage, there is a reason to make a pleasant and practical purchase. By the way, many adherents of dry perfumes consider their odors to be more persistent and deeper than liquid ones.

Perfume in Duty Free stores

In the perfume departments of Duty Free stores, it is difficult to resist the temptation to pick up a new scent. Here everything is conducive to making a purchase: a sufficient amount of time before boarding the plane, the absence of taxes in the final cost of the product, as well as the presence of some exclusive goods in the Duty Free assortment.

At the same time, buying perfume in the duty-free area of ​​the airport is the most legal way to carry perfume in hand luggage, and in this case the bottles are not limited in volume and quantity.

All purchases purchased here will be securely packaged by the cashier. You just have to ensure that the seal is intact and the bag is airtight. It must not be opened until the final destination of the flight (especially in the case of transit flights), and purchase receipts must also be kept.

If perfumes are nevertheless confiscated during inspection

If, however, your perfume was seized by an inspector due to non-compliance with the rules described above, to ensure that it does not end up in the trash bin, you can do the following:

  • Giving the confiscated perfume to seeing off friends or relatives is the most convenient option. But what should those who are not accompanied by anyone do?
  • Check out the perfume to wait for your return in the airport storage room. Suitable for those who do not plan to travel for a long time. Tariffs for storing unscreened baggage at different airports around the world vary. At Hong Kong airport, for example, this tariff is $140 per day. On average, it does not exceed $4-10 per day.

Now that you have complete information on how to transport perfume in hand luggage, you don’t have to worry when going through the security checkpoint: the main thing is to strictly adhere to the rules described above. Have a nice trip!