Boeing 737 maximum take-off weight. How it is done, how it works, how it works

Rossiya is the largest airline in the Aeroflot group. The geography of her flights covers 120 routes inside Russian Federation and 22 foreign destinations. In 2014 football club Zenit has appointed Rossiya as its official air carrier.

The main airport is Pulkovo in St. Petersburg. In the park aircraft- 61 airliners, of which 16 are Boeing 737-800.

Boeing 737 airliners are used on short and medium-haul routes.

Seat map Boeing 737-800

Rossiya uses 3 types of seating on the Boeing 737-800. Two of them are fully economy class for 189 passengers. They differ only in the placement of the 1st row: it can start from the left side with seats A, B, C or from the right - D, E, F.

The two-cabin layout is designed for 168 seats.

Can you choose your seat yourself and fly with great comfort? And where in the Boeing 737-800 is it better to sit?

Cabin layout for one class

Consider the location of seats in an aircraft of only one class. In "Russia" such a layout of the Boeing 737-800 cabin is designed for 189 passengers and consists of 32 rows.

Layout for 189 passengers

1-10 row - bow... If at registration you are asked about your preferences, feel free to choose seats in this part of the plane, they are considered the most comfortable. Why?

The most comfortable in this area of ​​the Boeing 737 "Russia" is considered the first row A, B, C and the second D, E, F (and vice versa, see the interior layout). It will be comfortable for pregnant women, disabled people and passengers with small children to sit here: the space in front of the chairs is very comfortable and there are holders for the cradle (see photo).

Carrycot for the baby in the first row

If you require a bassinet, please request it at least 36 hours before departure. Upon registration, you will receive priority on its use.

Row 11-21 - the middle part of the aircraft above the wings. If turbulence scares you, choose a location here, this zone is the most stable. The view from the windows will be partially covered by the wings, so those who like looking out the window will not like it here.

22-32 row. The tail section of the aircraft is the most uncomfortable area. The noise of the motors is strongly audible here and the turbulence is more felt. There is a queue for the toilets at the last five rows. The worst places are considered to be in the last row. The backrests cannot be folded out as they are blocked by a partition.

Emergency exit seats

In front of rows 15 and 16, on both sides, there are 4 emergency exits. Sitting here is very comfortable thanks to the large space in front of the seats. If you look at the layout of the cabin, then in this area the most convenient in the Boeing 737-800 is the 16th row. Rossiya does not provide these seats to the following categories of passengers:

  • Passengers with children from 2 to 12 years old.
  • Unaccompanied children under 18 years of age.
  • Pregnant.
  • Passengers with pets.
  • Foreigners who do not speak Russian and English.
  • Disabled people.

These restrictions are introduced for flight safety. The people sitting here, in the event of an accident, will have to accurately follow the instructions of the pilots and flight attendants.

The best places

The best seats on the plane "" sells for an additional fee. They are called "Space +". Please check this information when checking in for your flight.

Seats of increased comfort in the Boeing 737-800

According to the scheme, in the Boeing 737 800 of Rossiya airlines best places:

  • 1 A, B, C and 2 D, E, F - wide seat pitch and carrycot attachments.

Be careful, on VQ-BUF and VQ-BUE aircraft these are:

  • 1 D, E, F and 2 A, B, C
  • 16 A, B, C, D, E, F (in all single-cabin Boeing 737 800) - large space in front of the seats.

Good places

  • 15 A, B, C, D, E, F - comfortable legroom, but the backrests are locked.

Bad places

  • 31 C, D - aisle seats near toilets, possibly constant disturbance by people standing in line;
  • 32 A, B, C, D, E, F - locked backrests, close to toilets.

When can you choose the best seats on the plane? If you are flying with Rossiya on a Boeing 737-800, you can do this during check-in at the airport or on your own online 24 hours before departure.

Cabin layout for two classes

Boeing 737-800 "Russia" with two classes of service on board are designed for 168 passengers. According to the cabin layout, 12 seats are reserved for the "business class" and 156 for the "economy" class. Let's take a look at how to choose the best locations.

100% comfort in business class

The "business class" salon consists of 3 rows of 2 seats on each side. The comfortable space between the seats allows you to rest during the flight. This salon is not as noisy as in the "economy".

During the flight, "business" passengers can use blankets and sleep masks.

On board the aircraft, it is allowed to use phones, tablets and computers without Internet access.

Comfortable rest in business class Boeing 737-800 "Russia"

Economy class

The Boeing 737-800 has 26 rows in economy class. It starts with row 4. Consider carefully the scheme and select priority places.

4-9 row - bow. If these places are free, choose them. Many airlines are selling them at a premium rate.

The first row is the most convenient for passengers with babies, there are attachments for the cradle. It will also be convenient for passengers with disabilities.

The cradle is provided for children up to one year old, weighing up to 9 kg.

For children over 2 years old, a child seat is provided, which is attached to the seat on the plane.

It is better to sit in this part of the liner for transit passengers. After landing, they will get off faster and go to check-in for a connecting flight. The photo shows the first row of economy class.

First row in economy class Boeing 737-800 "Russia"

10-17 row - the middle part of the aircraft above the wings. If you are afraid of a flight, you are afraid of turbulence, choose a place in this zone, you will be more relaxed.

The view from the windows in the middle of the aircraft is partially limited by the wings; for those who like to view the panorama, this is not the best option.

12 and 13 rows - seats of increased comfort at the emergency exits. Of the minuses - you cannot put bags under the seats, it is cooler here and in the 12th row, the backs of the chairs do not recline. Not all categories of passengers can sit in the seats at the emergency exits (see above in the description of the cabin with one class of service).

17-26 row - tail. The tail of an airplane is an uncomfortable zone. The noise of the engines is strongly audible here and the chatter is the most.

The worst seats are the aisle seats at the end of the cabin and the very last row.

Seating in the cabin

All seats on the plane are marked with letters:

  • For portholes, these are the letters A and F. For those who fly alone, who like to read or sleep, this is the best choice.
  • Middle - B, E. It is better to sit in the middle for people with aerophobia.
  • Extreme - C, D. The aisle is good for those who like to sit with their legs stretched out, or often stroll around the cabin during the flight.

The best places

In Rossiya Airlines, with any layout of the Boeing 737-800 cabins, these are seats with a large seat pitch:

Good places

  • 12 A, B, C, D, E, F - large legroom but fixed backrests;
  • 13 A, F - no armrests on the side of the aircraft.

Worst places

  • 28 C, D - aisle seats next to toilets;
  • 29 A, B, C, D, E, F - the last row, the backrests are fixed.

Airplane video review

You can look at the Boeing 737-800 of the Rossiya airline in the presentation video dedicated to the Kaluga liner that arrived at the airport of the same name:

To make your flight on the Boeing 737-800 comfortable, carefully study the cabin layout in advance and choose the best seats based on your own priorities. Rossiya wishes you a pleasant flight!

One of the most widely used airliners on short and medium-haul routes by many carriers from all over the world, including Russia, is the Boeing 737-800. Experts' reviews characterize the model as an aircraft, which fully complies with all modern requirements that relate to ecology, comfort and safety.

Short story

The design of the liner started in September 1994. The model 737-300 was taken as a basis for its development. The novelty became the second aircraft of the series and was supposed not only to compete with its European counterpart, the Airbus A320, on the market, but also to replace obsolete modifications of this American manufacturing company. The Boeing 737-800 prototype took off for the first time on February 9, 1997. After that, the ship passed all flight tests and received the appropriate certificates giving the right to its commercial operation. The production of the model continues in our time.

general description

The Boeing 737-800 is a narrow-fuselage passenger airliner designed to carry passengers on short and medium-haul routes. The length of the aircraft, in comparison with the previous modification, increased by almost six meters, which made it possible to install two additional sections here. In addition, the car received a more efficient wing, updated tail unit, powerful propulsion systems and a complex of modern digital avionics. In terms of dimensions, the length of the Boeing 737-800 is 39.5 meters, while its wingspan is 34.3 meters. In general, the designers managed to improve the flight technical and economic characteristics of the airliner, which made it competitive in the world market. As of today, there are several modifications of the vessel at once. For example, these should include the salon business version, as well as the option to meet the needs of the air force.


The main feature of the Boeing 737-800 is the installation of less noisy and at the same time more economical than its predecessor, turbojet engines equipped with an electronic control system. In addition, the use of a modified wing made it possible to improve the aerodynamic performance of the aircraft. Its maximum take-off weight is 79 tons, and its cruising speed is 852 km / h. The flight range of the airliner is limited to 5765 kilometers, subject to the availability of reserve fuel.


Depending on the configuration of different air carriers, the Boeing 737-800 cabin can simultaneously accommodate from 162 to 189 people, excluding the crew members. As practice shows, in most cases this amount is the maximum allowable. Like other models in the series, the aircraft boasts a spacious cabin and low noise levels, high-quality lighting, and some other features that provide passengers with the proper level of comfort.

Choosing the best places

The main thing that most passengers are interested in before purchasing tickets for the Boeing 737-800 is the best seats. This contributes to the creation of an impression of the safety of the airliner. Comfort is also important, so it's best to take care of it in advance. Since the cabin can have a one-class or two-class version, first of all, it is necessary to figure out which aircraft of which configuration is used on a particular flight.

Business class seats are considered the most comfortable. Here not only more comfortable seats are installed, but also the highest level of service for passengers. If they are not provided for by the cabin configuration, in the Boeing 737-800 the best seats are in the fifteenth and sixteenth rows. They are located directly behind the emergency exits, so the passenger can stretch their legs as much as possible. Talking about less convenient places, then in this case it should be remembered that in the thirteenth and fourteenth rows, the seat backs are usually not equipped with a folding mechanism. This is done so as not to occupy the free space intended for the evacuation of passengers in case of such a need. Many travelers also complain that it is a little colder here compared to other places. Be that as it may, we must not forget that this is only a variant of the standard cabin layout. It may differ slightly for individual airlines, so you need to study the scheme in advance.

For decades, Boeing Corporation has held the name of the largest in its industry. Its main facilities, engaged in the production of military and civilian equipment used in aviation and space, are located in Seattle. Boeing 737 800 aircraft are manufactured by Boeing Commercial Airplanes.


Boeing began producing civilian turbofan narrow-body airliners of the 737 family in 1967. The model in question belongs to the numerous Next Generation family, which was supposed to become a worthy competitor to the Airbus A320.

The first order of the corporation for the creation of the Boeing 737 800 was received in 1994, and after 4 years the airline "TUIfly" (then called "Hapag-Lloyd Flug") received this model. After that, an intensified production of a new modification of the NG family aircraft began, and many of the world's leading air carriers have renewed their fleet thanks to these aircraft.

Russia did not stand aside either. Its airlines are also served by these liners:

  • uses Boeing 737 800 Aeroflot - currently there are 25 of them in the company's fleet;
  • UTair has several Boeing modifications, including 737-800 - 9 units;
  • along with Airbuses, S7 also uses Boeings, among which there are 19 737-800 aircraft;

  • the low-cost airline Pobeda flies exclusively on aircraft of the Next Generation family - there are 12 of them in the fleet.

Additional Information. Passenger Boeing 737 800 the corporation has produced over the years about 2,135 units, plus several modifications - a business version with the BBJ2 prefix and military equipment 737-800ERX. Models civil aviation of this family are still on the stream due to their demand.


In technical terms, the Boeing 737 800 proved to be a good option, which made the model popular among air carriers. This speaks of the competitiveness of the 737 Next Generation family aircraft - they are practically not inferior in their characteristics to Airbuses.

Comparative parameters of aircraft of 2 brands are shown in the table below.

Overview of the characteristics of the Boeing 737 800 and Airbus A320

ParametersUnit rev.BoeingAirbus
Availability of seats on the plane, 2 options: standard and with a breakdown into classesPC.189; 160 189; 160
Salon, widthm3,6 3,7
Flight distance of the loaded linerthousand m5,4 6,1
Max speed (cruising)km / h850 840
Mileage, distancethousand m1,63 1,53
Empty aircraft weighttn41,14 42,1
Takeoff weighttn78,24-79,0 73,5-78
Liner in lengthm39,5 37,6
Liner in heightm12,5 11,8
Spread wingsm34,3 34,1-35,8

The Boeing model is equipped with 2 CFMI CFM56-7B24 / 26 engines with a maximum power of 11930 kgf, with fuel tanks with a capacity of 26020 liters. The motors located under the fenders are quieter and more fuel efficient than previous models.

The Boeing 737 800 differs from other aircraft in its family with a modified wing, the area of ​​which has increased by 25%. This helped to increase the wingspan by almost 5 m, which led to the possibility of taking an additional 30% more fuel on board. Boeing's technical characteristics of this model allow it to be used for transcontinental flights.

Outwardly, this model is no different from other representatives of the 737 family. The nose section and fuselage section are the same for all modifications. But there is also an addition: under the front left door there is an electrically operated ladder, which is used by aircraft technicians in their work. Although, in some cases, some airlines use it for disembarking passengers.

Seating scheme in the aircraft cabin

Initially, the interior of the Boeing 737 800 was created for the economy class, which makes it possible to increase the number of seats and save on operating costs. This option is used by the low-cost domestic airline Pobeda.

Major international airlines enter into an agreement with the manufacturer for the supply of aircraft with a breakdown of the cabin into 2 classes - economic and business. On the liners of Russian carriers, the schemes of the Boeing 737 800 may differ slightly from each other.

Here, as an example, we will consider the salon of one of the cars of the "S7" company, where 12 seats are allocated for priority seats, located in 3 rows in pairs on both sides of the aisle.

In economy class, there is a triple seat layout. Only in the middle series of emergency exits, in the 13th row, the seats are arranged in pairs. Catering compartments and toilets are located at the beginning of the cabin (in front of the business class) and in the tail section (behind the last rows). The layout of the cabin of the Boeing 737 800 of the company "S7" is shown in Fig. higher.

Description of places by blocks of rows

In any of the cabins, some seats on the Boeing 737 are more comfortable, while others are endowed with a lot of inconveniences. When there is an opportunity to choose a suitable seat in the liner, only a passenger with experience or knowing thoroughly the layout of the seats in the cabin will be able not to make a mistake.

Business class

Even the priority compartment of the liner has its own characteristics that define good and not so good zones. To guess with the best seat on the Boeing 737 800 air carrier "S7 ", it is worth considering each of the 3 rows:

  • The 1st row boasts free space and the absence of reclining seats in front. But the entire flight, passengers will have to contemplate the partition separating the business lounge from the kitchen and dressing room;
  • The inconveniences of the 2nd row lie only in reclining seats in front of the passengers sitting in front;
  • Behind the 3rd row there is a partition that separates it from the economy class. It is quite thin, so the noise coming from the rear compartment will be clearly heard.

But you can close your eyes to all these nuances, taking into account the increased comfort, comfortable chairs and high service.

Economy class

In the economy cabin of the boeing 737, most of the seats are standard. Several chairs are considered uncomfortable, but there are also very good location seats:

  1. The 1st row of the economic salon (or 4th row by numbering) is located immediately behind the partition, which will prevent you from sitting comfortably in the chair. The entire flight will have to consider the dividing screen. There are attachments for baby bassinets, so it is better to sit in this row with small children, but such a neighborhood may seem too noisy to other passengers; of the advantages, 2 nuances can be distinguished:
  • there are no reclining seats in front;
  • service starts from the beginning of the salon, therefore there is a priority choice of dishes.
  1. In the 9th row, the extreme seats at the sides can be safely called bad; if you like to look out the window, there are no portholes;
  2. Row 12 may have some comments - it is located in front of the middle exits. Therefore, the backs of the chairs here either have a small angle of inclination, or do not recline at all;
  3. Some people like the 13th row, other passengers are not happy with it:
  • the location of the seats is inconvenient - the row is located between 2 series of exits, so the backs on these seats do not recline;
  • but there is additional space that allows you to straighten your legs;
  • these places attract couples;
  • on this lane you cannot travel with children, transport animals, people with disabilities are not allowed here;
  • nowhere to place carry-on luggage.
  1. Row 14 is preferred - here are the best seats on the plane. There is enough space in front to comfortably sit in the chair. But the side seats (at the sides) are slightly sloped, and there is no armrest on the side of the emergency exit;
  2. In the 27th row, the places extreme to the aisle turn out to be uncomfortable due to the proximity of the toilet. Not only the frequent walking of passengers around the cabin can interfere, but also the queue they create to the bathroom;
  3. The most uncomfortable row is the last - the 28th. The backs of the chairs do not recline, resting against the partition behind which the toilet is located. Passengers are disturbed by slamming doors, passenger traffic and the noise of a flush tank.

Taking into account the peculiarities of some seats in the economy and business cabin, it will be easier to find a seat on the Boeing 737 800 for a comfortable flight (especially if you are traveling with children).

People who have problems with the vestibular apparatus are better off choosing chairs in the nose of the liner - there is less turbulence. Individuals traveling alone may feel uncomfortable in central locations.

Note! For those fearful of airplanes or claustrophobic, choose aisle seats in areas closer to exits. Seats near the sides, where there are no windows, are especially undesirable for them.


In the cabins of Boeing 737,800 aircraft, the seats are equipped with sockets for recharging electronic devices. As for the Internet, domestic air carriers are considering projects to connect wi-fi on the planes they operate.

In the cabins of some airliners operated by Aeroflot, monitors are mounted on the rear panels of the seats. It is possible to connect your gadgets to the company's mobile application. The Panasonic eXW entertainment system is packed with great video - and a music library to keep you entertained during your flight.

In S7 aircraft, in addition to recharging, a system for listening to music is installed in the armrests. No other entertainment is provided. The Boeings of the model under consideration, which are used by the Russian carriers UTair and Pobeda, do not have any electronic system providing passengers with an exciting journey.

In general, the 737th model of the Boeing 800th modification is quite convenient, comfortable transport for traveling abroad, with good aerodynamic properties. Aircraft of the Next Generation family of the US corporation Boeing are making a worthy contribution to the development of world aviation.


Boeing 737- is one of the most famous and operated model lines of narrow-body aircraft. Boeing has been on the market since 1967 and to this day maintains a leading position: in 2014, the company announced that it had released its 8,000th anniversary liner. The largest operator of Boeings of different generations is the American airline Southwest Airlines... There are a total of 684 Boeing.

Boeing 737-700 from the Next Generation series of Southwest Airlines

Boeing 737 is not a model of an aircraft, but the name of a whole "family", which includes 3 + 1 series:

  1. Original;
  2. Classic;
  3. NG (Next Generation);

This group is the smallest, it includes only 2 modifications: 737-100 and 737-200 ... These aircraft were produced from 1967 to 1988. To date, the first model is not used due to fuel inefficiency, expensive maintenance, and its specifications are very outdated. The second modification is quite rare for the same reasons. The specific fuel consumption of the Boeing 737-200 is about 33 g / pass-km. For example, it is worth noting that the next model required about 26 g / pass-km of fuel.

According to Boeing, after 2007, not a single 737-100 aircraft remained in flightable condition, so the aircraft of this model can only be seen in aviation museums or in the photo. Modification 737-200 is mainly found either in low-cost carriers or airlines belonging to developing countries.

Boeing 737-100 airplane


Over time (by 1979), the need to design new aircraft became extremely urgent, since in addition to high fuel costs, as well as expensive and labor-intensive maintenance, "original" aircraft had another problem - an increased noise level on board. Already in 1980 based on model 737-200 Advanced engineers presented to the world a modern at that time liner for 150 passenger seats - 737-300 ... He received both new engines and an improved interior. The main differences of this aircraft, because of which it could no longer belong to the "original", were the changes in aerodynamics and the appearance of a forkil. The length of the Boening 737-300 aircraft has increased by 3 meters compared to its predecessor and amounted to 33.18 meters. The flight range is 4 400 km.

Boeing 737-400 was developed primarily in response to numerous requests from charter carriers in order to increase the cabin, which required a complete redesign of the air conditioning system.

Airplane Boeing 737-400 it is easy to recognize two by the missing windows on each side, additional escape hatches leading to the wings, and the so-called tail heel, which protects the structure from destruction as a result of grazing the runway.

The latter feature was later carried over to other extended liners (-800 and -900). The fuselage length of the 400th model is about 36 meters, and the cabin capacity is 168 people. The maximum range of flights is 5,000 km.

Boeing 737-400. The missed windows and 2 emergency exits are clearly visible

Boeing 737-500- the smallest representative of the classic series (less than its predecessor by 2 meters), but at the same time it can cover distances of up to 5,200 km and is still operated by many airlines. Serial production ceased in 1999, as the company introduced a more modern alternative - the Boeing 737-600, which already belongs to the "new generation".

Next Generation

Aircraft of the new series ( from -600 to -900) received improved and economical engines, a wing with the possibility of installing aerodynamic tips, as well as an improved interior. In addition, Boening NG airliners began to overcome more long distances: from 5,648 km to 10,502 km (modification 737-700ER) depending on the model. The first liner of this series was released in 1997, and production continues to this day. The take-off speed of a Boeing 737 aircraft averages 220 km / h, but much depends on the aircraft model and external conditions.


The release of this series is only planned. A test flight of the Boeing 737 MAX has already been carried out. Boening claims that the new aircraft will consume on average 16% less fuel than the Airbus A320. The new series will not include an aircraft based on the 737-600 modification. At the moment, the company has already received more than 2,000 orders from 47 airlines. The first Boeing 737 MAX aircraft is scheduled to launch in 2017.

New Boeing 737 MAX

Main technical characteristics of the Boening 737

Passenger capacity Boeing 737 is different. Least of all passenger seats among the Boeing aircraft used today, it has one of the modifications of the 737-500 model (102 seats). Most large salon received the 737-900ER model (215 seats). We should also mention the "pioneer" variation - 737-100. In the cabin of this salon, 99 seats were installed.

If you are interested, how many engines in Boeing 737, there are 2 of them on all models. Aircraft from the Original series were equipped with Pratt & Whitney JT8D-1 engines, but later they were replaced by JT8D-7 with the same thrust - 63 kN. "Classic" liners operate on other devices - CFM56-3 with a thrust of 82-105 kN. The New Generation series received more modern engines - CFM56-7B with thrust up to 121 kN. In addition to the modified device, they make it possible to control the airliner using the Fly-by-wire fly-by-wire system.

Three fuel tanks are located in the central part and wings of the liners. First of all, fuel is consumed from the first. The total tank capacity of "original" aircraft is from 12 to 15.5 thousand kg, of "classic" - 16 thousand kg, of "new generation" liners - 20.8 thousand kg. Boeing plans to install up to 9 additional fuel tanks for the MAX series, which will increase the flight range several times.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally, how much is Boeing 737 aircraft, as much depends on the technical condition of the airliner, model, modification and other factors. The approximate price of various aircraft can be found in the table.

In contact with

Boeing-737 - cabin layout, modifications

The world famous Boeing company on February 19, 1965 announced to the world its intention to create a short-range transport aircraft Model 737, and with 2 turbofan engines, after which the largest airline Lufthansa from West Germany signed a contract for the purchase of 21 model 737 aircraft - this was announced at the same time as Boeing decided to start production.

The initial planned capacity of the Boeing-737 airliner is from 60 to 85 tourists, but after negotiations with Lufthansa, it was decided to increase the number of passengers to 100. The fuselage length was chosen for the same reasons.

The first 737-100 airliner saw the sky on April 9, 1967, and the first Lufthansa aircraft made its launch flight a month later.

As a result, the Boeing-737 airliner became the most highly purchased aircraft worldwide. So, by April 1990, 2 "773 orders had been received, and 1833 liners had already been delivered by that time.

The layout of the Boeing-737 cabin can be viewed in the illustration below.

Base liner Boeing 737 :

  • Liner length - 30.53 meters
  • Liner height - 11.28 meters
  • Wing area of ​​the liner - 91.04 square meters
  • Weight of empty loaded liner - 27 "692 kg
  • Maximum take-off weight of the liner - 53 "070 kg
  • Engine type liner 2 turbojet engine Pratt Whitney JTD8D-15
  • Thrust in kgf of the liner - 2 x 7031
  • The maximum speed of the liner is 943 km / h
  • Cruising speed of the liner - 927 km / h
  • Economic speed of the liner - 798 km / h
  • Practical range of the liner - 4 "262 km
  • Practical liner ceiling - 10 "200 m
  • Crew of the liner - 2 people
  • The liner has a payload of 103 tourists in mixed classes or 130 tourists in economy class.

BOEING-737 MODIFICATIONS ===================================

The aircraft development program was launched in February 1965. Boeing immediately began developing two variants of the airliners: the 737-100, designed for 100-103 seats, and the 737-200, designed for 115 seats. The first prototype 737-100 airliner began the test program on April 9, 1967, the first Boeing 737-200 aircraft took off on August 8, 1967. The certification of the 737-100 model was completed in December 1967, but this aircraft did not receive much popularity - in total, only 50 aircraft were delivered. Much more interest was aroused by the 737-200 variant, which was also certified in December 1967. Aircraft of the Boeing 737 family have been mass-produced since 1967, they are the most demanded passenger jet liners all over the world: so, by the middle of 1997, over 3,660 aircraft of various modifications were sold, of which more than 2,850 were delivered. This modification of the liner was produced in 1967 - 1971 .; a total of 249 aircraft were built.

The layout of the seats in the cabin of the Boeing 737-200 airliner is shown below.

Flight performance Boeing 737-200 :

  • Boeing 737-200 modification
  • Wingspan of the liner - 28.35 meters
  • Liner length - 30.53 meters
  • Liner height - 11.28 meters
  • Wing area of ​​the liner - 9 "100 square meters.
  • Liner thrust kgf 2 x 6580 (7045)
  • Practical range of the liner - 2 "780 km
  • Crew of the liner - 2 people
  • Payload of the liner: 102-113 tourists in mixed classes or 130 tourists in economy class.

The Boeing 737-200 Advanced is an improved modification of the 737-200 airliner. The first flight of this Boeing took place on April 15, 1971, and its deliveries began from the end of May of the same year. Initially, the Boeing 737-200 Advanced was produced with an existing take-off weight of 54.2 tons. Subsequently, its mass was consistently increased, first to 56.47 tons, and then to 58.1 tons. The cargo-passenger version of the 737-200C Advanced liner was covered with a cargo door measuring 2.14 x 3.4 meters. The aircraft can carry up to 7 pallets or 2 pallets and 76 passengers. At the end of 1985, the aircraft with JT8D-9 / -9A engines received an FAA certificate for compliance with the ETOPS requirements, which allow you to safely continue flying if one of the engines fails for as long as 120 minutes. At the end of 1986, airliners with JT8D-15, -15A, -17 and -17A engines received a similar certificate. In 1973-1974, 19 T-43A airliners were created for the US Air Force. On the aircraft a unique radio navigation system called "Omega" is used with advanced electromechanical data display facilities. The cost of the airliner in the passenger version is about $ 1.99-9.95 million or $ 3.4-11.15 million together with engine noise damping devices; in the cargo version, the airliner costs about $ 2.75-10.95 million. This aircraft modification was produced in 1971-1988; a total of 865 aircraft were built. As of January 1, 1997, 7 Boeing-737 aircraft were in operation in Russia, which have been in operation since 1993.

See the illustration below for the layout of the seats on the Boeing 737-200 Advanced.

Flight performance Boeing 737 -200 Advanced:

  • Modification of the Boeing 737-200 Advanced
  • Wingspan of the liner - 28.35 meters
  • Liner length - 30.53 meters
  • Sliner height - 11.28 meters
  • Wing area of ​​the liner - 91.00 square meters
  • Weight of the empty loaded liner - 27 "700 kg
  • Maximum take-off weight of the liner - 49 "400 kg
  • Liner engine type 2 turbojet engine Pratt Whitney JT8D-7 (JT8D-9)
  • Thrust kgf of the liner 2 x 6580 (7045)
  • The maximum speed of the liner - 1 "008 km / h
  • Cruising speed of the liner - 980 km / h
  • Economic speed of the liner - 906 km / h
  • Practical range of the liner - 2780 km
  • Practical liner ceiling - 10 "670 meters
  • Crew of the liner - 2 people
  • The liner has a payload of 110 tourists in mixed classes or 120 tourists in economy class.

The Boeing 737-300 is a continuation of the 737-200 Advanced modification. In early 1979, Boeing began researching a 150-seat medium-haul liner that was supposed to have improved fuel efficiency. Besides, new liner should have been much cheaper to operate.

In September 1980, the company announced that the project would be based on the 737-200 Advanced airliner, the design of which would make significant adjustments aimed at improving the characteristics of the aircraft. The new project was given the designation 737-300.

Officially, the Boeing 737-300 airliner program was launched at the end of March 1981, while power plant was chosen turbojet engine CFM International CFM56-5.

The prototype Boeing 737-300 made its maiden flight on February 24, 1984. In mid-November 1984, it was certified according to FAA standards, and in December of the same year, Southwest Airlines received its first aircraft.

The Boeing 737-300 aircraft differs from the Boeing 737-200 model in the following parameters: fuselage extended by 2.64 meters, large wingspan, EFIS digital avionics complex with color multifunctional displays. Moreover, the aircraft has the ability to install a GPS satellite navigator, the flight and navigation equipment of which allows automatic landing in conditions of a weather minimum of ICAO category IIIa.

The Boeing 737-300 aircraft became the base model for subsequently creating a whole extensive family of short- and medium-haul airliners (namely: 737-400, -500, -600, -700, 800). The ship has been produced since the distant 1984. By the beginning of 1997, 1'102 airliners of this modification had already been sold, 967 were delivered.

Flight performance Boeing 737 -300 :

  • Liner length - 33.40 meters
  • Liner height - 11.13 meters
  • Weight of empty loaded liner - 32 "460 meters
  • Maximum takeoff weight of the liner - 62 "820 meters
  • Thrust in kgf of the liner 2 x 9970
  • Cruising speed of the liner - 910 km / h
  • Practical range of the liner - 4 "670 km
  • Practical liner ceiling - 10 "200 meters
  • Crew of the liner - 2 people
  • Payload of the liner - 130 tourists in the cabin of two classes or in the tourist class 149 tourists


After the development of the 737-300 airliner began, Boeing began researching a completely new 150-seat airliner, the aircraft's symbol being 7-7. In June 1983, when it became known that the 7-7 program was 2 years behind the previously established schedule, the project of the Boeing 737-400 airliner, designed for 146 seats, was announced for the first time. In June 1986, Boeing began development of the 737-400 airliner, receiving a special order from the American Piedmont Airlines for 55 aircraft.

Flight tests of the new prototype liner started on February 23, 1988, and its certification was completed in September. We add that on October 1, the first commercial flight was performed.

Initially, the 737-300 was certified with a maximum take-off weight of 62.88 tons, and in March 1989 - with a weight of 68.1 tons. The airliner uses the EFIS digital avionics complex with color multifunctional displays; it is also possible to install a GPS satellite navigator.

The Boeing 737-300 airliner has been in production since 1988. By the beginning of 1997, 456 airliners of this modification had already been sold, and 409 aircraft had been delivered.

The layout of the Boeing 737-400 aircraft can be found in the illustration below.

Flight performance Boeing 737 -400 :

  • Wingspan of the liner - 28.88 meters
  • Liner length - 36.40 meters
  • Liner height - 11.13 meters
  • Wing area of ​​the liner - 105.40 square meters
  • Weight of empty loaded liner - 34 "270 kg
  • Maximum takeoff weight of the liner - 68 "100 kg
  • Type of liner 2 turbojet engine CFM International CFM56-ZS1
  • Thrust kgf of the liner 2 x 10670
  • The maximum speed of the liner is 945 km / h
  • Practical range of the liner - 5 "000 km
  • Crew of the liner - 2 people
  • The payload of the liner is 146 passengers in the cabin of two classes or 168 tourists in the tourist class.


In January 1988, it became apparent that the operation of the 737-200 aircraft, which did not meet all new noise standards, would be extremely limited. Boeing again started talking about the development of an airliner with CFM56 engines, but this time as a direct replacement for the 737-200 aircraft. The project, which was designated as 737-500, is designed to carry 132 tourists in economy class, which is 15% more than the previously planned aircraft.

Development of the Boeing 737-500 airliner began in May 1987 after receiving 73 orders. Flight tests of the liner started on June 30, 1989. In mid-February 1990, the airliner received an FAA certificate, and by the spring Southwest Airlines received its first aircraft. On February 15, 1991, the German airline Lufthansa received another 737-500 airliner, which became the 2000th in the family of 737 class vessels since December 1967.

The aircraft uses the EFIS digital avionics complex with color multifunctional displays, and it is also possible to install a GPS satellite navigator on board. The liner has been mass-produced since 1990.

See the diagram below for the Boeing 737-500 cabin layout.

Flight performance Boeing 737 -500 :

  • Boeing 737-500 modification
  • Wingspan of the liner - 28.88 meters
  • The length of the aircraft airliner - 31.00 meters
  • The height of the airliner is 11.13 meters
  • Wing area of ​​the liner - 105.40 square meters
  • Weight of the empty loaded liner - 31 "510 kg
  • Maximum takeoff weight of the liner - 60 "550 kg
  • Type of liner 2 turbojet engine CFM International CFM56-ZS1
  • Liner thrust, kgf 2 x 9080
  • The maximum speed of the liner is 945 km / h
  • Cruising speed of the liner - 910 km / h
  • Practical range of the liner - 5 "550 km
  • Practical liner ceiling - 11 "300 meters
  • Crew of the liner - 2 people
  • The payload of the liner is 108 passengers in the cabin of two classes or 138 tourists in the tourist class.


The Boeing 737-600 airliner is the extreme and at the same time the least spacious aircraft in the entire 737 class aircraft subfamily, the very first in which are the 737-700 and 737-800 class airliners. The development of this airliner was officially launched in March 1995.

Due to the fact that the Boeing 737-600 aircraft is an improved version of the 737-500 class aircraft, for some time it was designated as 737-500X. The first airliner was taken over by the Scandinavian air carrier SAS. The airliner operates a digital avionics complex EFIS of the American company Honeywell with 6 flat-panel LCD displays.

The architecture of the complex is similar to that of the Boeing 777 aircraft. The airliner has the ability to install a HUD indicator on the ship's windshield. The aircraft is serially produced.

For the layout of the Boeing 737-600 aircraft, see the diagram below.

Flight performance Boeing 737 -600 :

  • Boeing 737-600 modification
  • The length of the aircraft airliner - 31.24 meters
  • The height of the airliner is 12.55 meters
  • Wing area of ​​the liner - 125.00 square meters
  • Weight of empty loaded liner 36 "440 kg
  • Maximum takeoff weight of the liner - 65'090 kg
  • Liner engine type 2 turbojet engine CFM International CFM56-7B18 (CFM56-7B20)
  • Liner thrust, kgf 2 x 8365 (9'080)
  • Maximum speed of the liner - 967 km / h
  • Cruising speed of the liner - 925 km / h
  • Practical range of the liner - 5910 km
  • Crew of the liner - 2 people
  • The payload of the liner is 108 passengers in the cabin of two classes or 132 tourists in the tourist class.


In early 1997, Boeing decided to offer its 737-700 airliner in the AWACS version to participate in a competition announced by the Australian Air Force. The airliner operates a digital avionics complex EFIS of the American company Honeywell with 6 flat-panel LCD displays. The architecture of the complex is similar to that of the Boeing 777. Also on board there is the possibility of installing a unique HDD indicator on the aircraft windshield. Serial production of the Boeing 737-700 started in 1997.

For the layout of the Boeing 737-700 cabin, see the diagram below.

Flight performance Boeing 737 -700 :

  • Boeing 737-700 modification
  • Wingspan of the liner - 34.31 meters
  • Liner length - 33.63 meters
  • Liner height - 12.55 meters
  • Weight of empty loaded liner - 37 "580 kg
  • Maximum takeoff weight of the liner - 69 "400 kg
  • Type of liner 2 turbojet engine CFM International CFM56-7B20 (-7B22, 7B24)
  • Liner thrust, kgf 2 x 9080 (10000, 10915)
  • The maximum speed of the liner is 978 km / h
  • Practical range of the liner - 5 "920 km
  • Practical liner ceiling - 12 "500 meters
  • Crew of the liner - 2 people
  • The payload of the liner is 128 passengers in the cabin of two classes or 149 tourists in the tourist class.


In September 1994, Boeing began designing the Boeing 737-800 airliner (the former aircraft designation was 737-400X), which is the second in a new subfamily of 737 class airliners. In terms of passenger capacity, this airliner is similar to the 737-400. In its design, all those technical solutions were used that were used in the original version of the 737-700 vessel.

The liner is designed to carry 180-200 tourists (in cabins of two different classes). The aircraft uses two CFM56-7B turbojet engines with a thrust of 12 "950 kgf each."

The airliner operates a digital avionics complex EFIS of the American company Honeywell with 6 flat-panel LCD displays. The architecture of the complex is similar to that of a Boeing 777 aircraft. Also on board there is a possibility of installing a unique HUD head-up display on the ship's windshield. Serial production of the aircraft was launched in 1998.

See the illustration below for the layout of the seats in the Boeing 737-800 cabin.

Flight performance Boeing 737 -800 :

  • Boeing 737-800 modification
  • Wingspan of the liner - 34.31 meters
  • Liner length - 39.47 meters
  • Liner height - 12.55 meters
  • Wing area of ​​the liner - 124.60 square meters
  • Weight of empty loaded liner - 41 "460 kg
  • Maximum takeoff weight of the liner - 78 "240 kg
  • Type of liner 2 turbojet engine CFM International CFM56-7V24 (- 7V26)
  • Liner thrust, kgf 2 x 10890 (11930)
  • The maximum speed of the liner is 970 km / h
  • Cruising speed of the liner - 925 km / h
  • Practical range of the liner - 5 "370 km
  • Practical liner ceiling - 12 "500 meters
  • Crew of the liner - 2 people
  • The liner's payload is 162 tourists in the cabin of two classes or 189 tourists in the tourist class.


The Boeing 737-900 is a medium-haul passenger airliner developed by Boeing. The airliner became the third in a new subfamily of 737-class aircraft. The aircraft differs from the Boeing 737-800 in the following parameters: a fuselage extended by 2.6 meters, more powerful engines, and greater passenger capacity in two classes of cabins.

The airliner operates a digital avionics complex EFIS of the American company Honeywell with six flat-panel LCD displays.

The architecture of the complex is similar to that of the Boeing 777 aircraft. The liner also provides the ability to install a unique HUD head-up display on the ship's windshield.

See the illustration below for a Boeing 737-900 cabin layout.

Flight performance Boeing 737 -900 :

  • Boeing 737-900 modification
  • Wingspan of the liner - 34.30 meters
  • Liner length - 42.10 meters
  • Liner height - 12.55 meters
  • Wing area of ​​the liner - 124.60 square meters
  • Weight of empty loaded liner - 41 "460 kg
  • Maximum takeoff weight of the liner - 78 "240
  • Type of liner 2 turbojet engine CFM International CFM56-7V
  • Liner thrust, kgf 2 x 12394
  • Maximum speed of the liner - 970 km / h
  • Cruising speed of the liner - 925 km / h
  • Practical range of the liner - 5 "084 km
  • Practical liner ceiling - 12 "500 meters
  • Crew of the liner - 2 people
  • The payload of the liner is 177 tourists in the cabin of two classes or 189 tourists in the tourist class.


Boeing-737-300 cabin layouts used by airlines:
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