What is the scariest place on earth. The creepiest places on the planet

On our amazing planet There are a considerable number of beautiful places, the look of which makes your heart skip a beat and makes you want to live. Every person would like to get into earthly paradise to enjoy its wonders and the splendor of nature, but if you spin the globe, you can find many terrible and incredibly scary places, the top 10 of which we bring to your attention.

10. Chernobyl, Ukraine

Chernobyl - no Big city ok, located in the Kyiv region, Ivankovsky district of Ukraine. The town, whose population was just over 13,000 people, became infamous due to a man-made disaster that occurred at the local nuclear power plant in late April 1986. On site today former city There is an exclusion zone, where only daredevils dare to go. After the crash local residents left these places, leaving behind signs of their life activity: toys lie in the kindergarten, unread newspapers are slowly destroyed on the dining tables. Today, the level of radiation has ceased to pose a threat to humans, and therefore access here is officially permitted. You can come here by bus departing from Kyiv; excursions include a nuclear reactor covered with a sarcophagus and the abandoned city of Pripyat.

9. Abbey of Thelema, Sicily, Italy

Thelema Abbey is a small building in which the famous occultist Aleister Crowley organized a secret community of spiritualistic seance lovers in 1920. Those who became members of this mystical organization prayed to the Sun and studied the writings of their leader. In 1923, a student mysteriously died in the Abbey building, who, according to his wife, had drunk cat’s blood during one of the rituals the day before. The interview that the widowed woman gave to one of the publications reached Mussolini, who ordered Crowley to be expelled from the country, which was done in the same year. The building gradually fell into disrepair, and local residents whitewashed all the walls on which esoteric words were written. Today the Abbey is almost completely destroyed, and everyone who lives nearby tries to avoid this place.

Spoiled by comfort and regularity modern life contemporaries often lack adrenaline. Visits to roller coasters don't last long, but...

8. Mary King's Dead End, Edinburgh, Scotland

According to historical information, in the 17th century Edinburgh was hit by a plague epidemic, and in order to prevent the further spread of the infection, it was decided to isolate the sick in a certain part of the city. The owner of most of the buildings here was Mary King, which is why the ill-fated quarter was named after her. After some time, all the buildings here were dismantled, and mystical things began to happen at this place. Every now and then, around the bend, visitors were greeted by strange people in white robes, and whenever they approached them, the ghosts disappeared. They say that a poltergeist haunts here in the form of a little girl who died in severe agony from the plague in 1645. A century later, a large building was erected in an ominous and gloomy dead end, which is shown to tourists today.

7. Winchester House, San Jose, California, USA

There have long been many legends around this unusual house and mysterious stories. It all started with the fact that the heiress of the arms factory, Sarah Winchester, was predicted by a fortune teller to be constantly haunted by ghosts, so the girl had better leave Connecticut forever. At the same time, the soothsayer said that her new place of residence should be the west of the country, where she should begin the construction of a huge building, but she could not finish the construction until her death. According to legend, Sarah did just that and continued to build the strange structure from 1884 to 1938, until she died. Interior and design features the houses cause horror in a normal person: the flights of stairs here rest against the ceiling, and the doors are located in the middle of the wall. Those who have ever visited this crazy structure claim that they have heard or seen many inexplicable things here.

Surely, for most Moscow residents, their own city has long seemed trivial (however, in other cities it’s the same story). It seems that maybe...

6. Catacombs, Paris, France

The catacombs are a whole network of incredibly winding artificial caves and tunnels. The dungeon walls are lined human skulls and bones, like ceramic tiles, and dry air prevents the smell of corpses from appearing. The total length of the catacombs is up to 300 km, and the number of those who found their last refuge- about 6 million people. The history of quarries began in the 11th century, when quarries began to be developed here using a closed method. Somewhat later, the monks began to use these premises as wine cellars, and quarrying continued. Many people who became victims of the bubonic plague and St. Bartholomew's Night are buried in these dungeons, and even such celebrities as Lavoisier, Robespierre, Pascal, Charles Perrault, Francois Rabelais are buried here.

5. Manchac Swamp, Louisiana, USA

Manchac is located near the city of New Orleans and is known among the indigenous population as the “swamp of ghosts.” According to legend, a Voodoo queen was once imprisoned here and cursed the place. Three villages that were located here have disappeared forever, and those who dare to come here will find will-o-the-wisps, dark shadows of centuries-old trees and an inexplicable panic fear. At one time, escaped convicts who fled from their masters found the owl’s last refuge in these swamps. The crocodiles that live here will not give the traveler a single chance of survival, and the periodic human remains that float to the surface are only further confirmation of this.

4. Easter Island, Chile

This place is considered one of the most mysterious on our planet. Easter Island gained worldwide fame after the discovery of giant stone idols that look into the sky with empty eye sockets. No one has been able to unravel the secret of the origin of the sculptures, and who their creator was is also not known. No one can explain the appearance of sculptures on the islands either, and how it was possible to make twenty-meter giants weighing 90 tons remains a mystery. In addition, the quarry from which the stone blocks were cut is located 20 km from the place where the sculptures were installed, so the question of how they were delivered here also remains open.

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3. Black Magic Bazaar, Sonora, Mexico

The top three are opened by a chilling bazaar, where you can buy everything that witches and sorcerers offer. The Sonora Market is a huge labyrinth, walking along the streets of which you can encounter any “evil spirits”. Gloomy old women and dirty magicians are in small booths and offer to buy amulets against poverty or punish your partner for adultery for just $10. Hundreds of Mexicans and visitors flock here every day to find out what awaits them in the future. Here you can buy dried hummingbirds, all kinds of potions, snake blood, black salt, golden sand and much more.

2. Truk Lagoon, Micronesia

Truk Lagoon is the largest cemetery military equipment and is located southeast of Hawaii. The bottom of this bay was explored in 1971 by Jacques Cousteau, who confirmed that everything here is littered with the remains of ships sunk in 1944. This place like a magnet attracts many scuba divers from all over the world, although many divers claim that the presence of teams is felt here, forever imprisoned inside the metal casing. Many aircraft carriers, fighter planes and ships have already become part of the coral reefs, and many brave divers never rose to the surface again.

1. Mutter Museum of the History of Medicine, Philadelphia, USA

The museum is located in the state of Pennsylvania, in one of the buildings of the medical college and represents the largest collection of pathologies. The exhibition was opened in 1750 and is intended to train future doctors and contains an incredible number of human anomalies and pathologies, as well as ancient medical devices, instruments and all sorts of biological oddities. Here is the world's largest collection of skulls, and in addition, visitors are invited to look at a mummified woman who turned into soap. Other items include the liver of conjoined twins, the skeleton of a boy with two heads, and a conjoined female fetus. It is not recommended for people with a weak psyche or too impressionable to visit the museum, since most of the exhibits inspire chilling horror on guests.

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There are cities on our planet that send chills down your spine. This dead cities, abandoned cities or simply those in which people live, but it would be better for them not to do so. They meet in different countries and on different continents. Some of them were destroyed by the elements, and some by the people themselves.

This city was founded in the 18th century, and before the start of the war, Nagorno-Karabakh flourished and developed successfully. The last Soviet census, conducted in 1989, counted 28 thousand inhabitants. There were schools and colleges in Agdam, there was a drama theater; Wine, dairy products, and canned food were produced here; There was also a tool factory here. The city was connected with the rest of the territory of the republic and the USSR by railway.

Then in 1991 the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict began. The Azerbaijani army used the city as a location for artillery in 1992-1993. Stepanakert was shelled from here. Naturally, the Armenians did not remain in debt, and in 1993 the Armenian army stormed Aghdam in order to suppress enemy artillery.

As a result of several assault attempts, it became impossible to live in the city. It is literally destroyed to the ground; the only intact building is the mosque (but Allah, apparently, did not want to intercede for the residents). Now there are no people in Agdam, the ruins of the city are overgrown with wild pomegranate trees. Residents of nearby villages sometimes visit the dead city in search of materials suitable for home construction. The entire economy of Agdam is now limited to this.

In 1841, a tavern called the Bull's Head was founded. Soon a settlement was formed around it, and in 1854 it was already considered a town. The city grew, schools, hospitals, a post office, shops and even a theater appeared in it. At first the city was called Centerville, later it was called Centralia.

The main occupation of the working population was coal mining - Pennsylvania is famous for its mines. Coal destroyed the city. In 1962, during a fire at a landfill near the city, a fire started in the mine where anthracite was mined. The fire slowly but surely spread through the coal seams. The ground was cracking and choking smoke was coming out of the cracks. The fire still cannot be extinguished.

Soon, residents began to leave the city, fearing for their lives and health. Centralia is empty. Hardly a dozen people now live in the abandoned, smoke-filled city.

The town was built to accommodate workers who worked in the oil fields. Gradually, in addition to oil shift workers, many people settled in it. The city developed rapidly, high salaries attracted more and more new residents to it. Everyone found good work, and the prospects for Neftegorsk seemed brilliant.

It all ended in 1955, when on May 25 the city was rocked by a 10-magnitude earthquake. Only a few buildings remained from the entire city; more than 2,000 people died under the ruins.

The city was never restored. In its place stands only a huge obelisk in memory of the dead.

This city on the northern shore of Taiwan was built as an ultra-modern resort. It was distinguished by its most original architecture; American officers were preparing to move into houses that looked like saucers. But investors were faced with financial problems, and the project was frozen in 1980. A few years later, an attempt was made to resuscitate him. They began to build a luxury hotel and marina in Sanji, but soon the work was completely abandoned.

Throughout construction, the company was plagued by strange misfortunes. Employees died inexplicably. A few excursionists were in a hurry to leave, declaring that they were uncomfortable in Sanji. In the end, the project was abandoned completely, and empty city inhabited by Taiwanese homeless people. But they didn’t take root here either. Those who “changed their place of residence” in time said that the dead were wandering around the city and people were disappearing there. Information regularly appears about the disappearance of curious people who decided to look for adventure in the dead city.

The city existed for only 16 years (1970-1986). The bulk of its population were specialists who serviced the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Life in Pripyat was excellent, the city was modern, with good infrastructure, people received high salaries.

Then there was an accident at a nuclear power plant. Within a few days the city was completely evacuated. People left in a terrible hurry: the first looters who climbed into the abandoned city found scattered toys in kindergartens, plates with leftover food on tables in apartments, and unsolved problems on blackboards in schools.

Now these same looters have taken everything possible from Pripyat: fittings, valuable household items, even doors and frames. Mature birch trees have already sprouted through the asphalt. Rusty swings creak funerally in the courtyards.

There are now excursions in Pripyat - there are people who think it’s funny to look at “Apocalypse Now”.

The worst thing about this city is that the people live in it. Dharavi is part of Mumbai, a huge city of slums. There are similar areas in many cities in Asia and South America, but Dharavi is the biggest. The impoverished poor and simply dubious elements live here. The housing here is tiny huts built from all sorts of rubbish, packing crates, and boxes. Many don’t even have this and simply spend the night on the street. As a result, at night, Dharavi looks like a battlefield littered with motionless bodies.

The local inhabitants have no work, they do not receive any help, they eat whatever they can find. Water is also a huge problem. It is almost impossible to find a toilet in the modern sense; the population uses the river flowing through the city as this.

And what’s even worse is that children are born in this nightmare. Although the situation when three generations of a family live in a booth the size of half a modest garage is considered very successful here, some children still manage to survive. In the future, they will contribute to the further growth of the city, built up with residential soda boxes.

There are many nice cities in the world where everyone wants to go and where everyone dreams of living, but there are also places from which it is better to stay away. Some of these dark and dangerous cities have a bad reputation for obvious reasons - high crime rates, poor ecology, and so on. But there are also cities that are bad for living for completely different reasons, also intolerable for most people. Although, despite the daily horrors, some madmen and brave people manage to live there all their lives and even enjoy everyday things and the world around them. Horrible facts await you in this collection, so impressionable people should not continue reading. If anything happens, we warned you.

10. Cleveland, Ohio - the city with the highest concentration of serial killers

For some reason, Cleveland is becoming a hot spot on the US map when it comes to serial killers. This is perhaps one of the most dangerous and frightening places in America. And although no one can explain it, everything indicates that Cleveland is world capital serial killers. It was in Cleveland that the notorious kidnapper Ariel Castro, the maniacs of recent years Anthony Sowell and Michael Madison lived, as well as the early 20th century murderers Jeffrey Dahmer and the never-identified Cleveland Butcher, the main investigator in whose case was Eliot Ness himself, who imprisoned the legendary gangster Al Capone (Ariel Castro, Anthony Sowell, Michael Madison, Jeffery Dahmer, Eliot Ness).

Somehow, new serial killers are constantly appearing in Cleveland, keeping the entire city in serious fear. Some of these criminals are known for dismembering the bodies of their victims and hiding their remains in different rooms in his home, while others, like Ariel Castro, choose to hold innocent people captive and torture them for days. Some of the killers admitted that their actions were inspired by the examples of criminals of past decades, but this still does not explain why Cleveland has such a high concentration of serial killers. Unfortunately, the most probable cause lies in the fact that this Big City is a very remote and isolated place, simultaneously gripped by an economic crisis, which ultimately affects the general atmosphere and psychological climate of Cleveland.

9. In Dubai, you face arrest if you are raped... you

Dubai is one of the largest and most important United Nations centers United Arab Emirates, and it is famous for its very strict and orthodox laws. The strictest attitude here is towards issues related to women and sexual relations, since all this is very clearly regulated by the religious traditions of Arab society. Because of this, some foreign women found themselves in very difficult circumstances during their trip to the city of seemingly entertainment and luxury. The tourists found themselves practically defenseless in the face of local regulations, although initially they relied on the protection of the Dubai police, and not on prosecution by law.

There are already at least two precedents in which European tourists were raped, went to the police with a complaint and were themselves arrested for allegedly inappropriate behavior. The fact is that regardless of whether the sexual act took place according to your will or not, extramarital sex is a crime in the UAE. Both rape victims ended up in prison, and the police announced that the tourists should have familiarized themselves with the laws of the country in which they came to vacation.

The first girl was from Norway, and the innocent tourist was released after an international outcry, although the rape victim was initially sentenced to 16 months in prison for admitting to extramarital sex, albeit against her will. Another case involved a British civilian who was raped in Dubai by two Englishmen. In response to her complaint, this tourist was also sent to prison. Most likely, with the assistance of the world community, she will be released. But you must admit that the idea that a rape victim is sent to prison sounds simply crazy and illogical. What is the point of punishing someone who is guilty only of defenselessness?

8. The largest city in South Africa, Johannesburg, is a real hotbed of AIDS and a place where children are regularly raped

We have already warned you that there are some very dark stories in this ranking, so further reading is at your own responsibility.

South Africa is notorious for its high levels of violence, which has also led to the massive spread of AIDS. The problem is most acute in Johannesburg, where the FIFA World Cup was recently held. The media seriously raised the issue that visiting athletes and fans are at great risk of becoming victims of rape and contracting a terrible disease during this trip. However, the media kept silent about the terrible fact that most often it is children, and sometimes even babies, who become victims of violence here.

The AIDS problem is further aggravated by the fact that many local residents still prefer to turn to traditional healers instead of real qualified doctors. Sometimes healers advise patients to do absolutely ridiculous and cruel things. For example, they believe that AIDS can be cured by having sex with a virgin or a virgin. It was partly because of this that so many local men began to rape very young children, and sometimes even babies who were sometimes barely a few months old. Desperate patients hope that this way they will be cured and saved from death and suffering.

The incurable disease is transmitted through blood and sexual contact, and it is absolutely natural that, due to the advice of traditional healers, AIDS ends up spreading even more throughout the country and especially in Johannesburg. Unfortunately, no way to resolve the problem has yet been found.

7. Being a street child in Rio De Janeiro is life-threatening

Recently the Olympic Games took place in Rio de Janeiro, and local authorities did everything possible to hide from tourists and athletes that the city was in a terrible state and in complete ruin. Although they almost failed. The city now has a world-famous reputation as a place where robbery is a daily problem, and you need to be vigilant every second to avoid losing your own phone in the middle of a crowded street. Valuable things are snatched right out of your hands here.

However, while we are thinking about the most obvious crimes, not everyone knows what terrible and inhumane measures the Brazilian authorities took to clean up Rio both on a daily basis and before the Olympic Games...

Most often, homeless children become street thieves. Street children, many of whom are barely 7 years old, either beg on Rio's busy streets or steal from inattentive passers-by. They are simply forced to do this to survive. Of course, it is very easy to consider such children as a social threat, but most of them are lonely and defenseless creatures who just really want to eat. Unfortunately, many street children become drug addicts, because drugs are the only joy in their lives. These guys have no one to look after them, no one cares about them, and they choose the easiest and wrong ways to cope with daily stress and despair.

As it became known, the Brazilian police periodically conduct real raids - they catch homeless children in order to clear the streets of “unpleasant and dangerous elements” and put them in prisons for no reason, where juvenile prisoners live in the most inhumane conditions. Based on anecdotal evidence, the UN commission suspects that law enforcement officers sometimes simply kill street children because it is the fastest, easiest and cheap way clear the city streets of them. The Brazilian government does not acknowledge this fact, but the country's police have long been known for committing a huge number of murders each year.

The truth is that living on the streets of Rio de Janeiro is very difficult and dangerous. Apparently, even a tourist may find this place too sad and even dangerous if he finds himself outside expensive hotel or the well-trodden path to the legendary statue of Christ the Redeemer.

6. Radiated wild boars keep the infamous Japanese city Fukushima

We all remember the tragedy that happened in Fukushima, but many people do not even suspect that this nightmare is far from over for local residents who fled their homes due to the terrible accident. The damaged reactor is still causing problems, it is still not neutralized and will continue to pollute environment for many years. The residents of Fukushima will never be able to return to their former way of life.

On this moment Japanese authorities are convinced that radiation levels in the city are beginning to fall. They even believe that it is possible to announce the cancellation of the evacuation status and return people to their abandoned homes just 6 years after the nuclear power plant disaster. However, some signs indicate that the tragedy is far from over and it may be too late for the city to recover.

The townspeople may no longer be so concerned about the level of radiation, but now Fukushima is suffering from another problem - forest dwellers have begun to arrive in the abandoned area. The forest is practically encroaching on the ruins of orphaned houses, and wild animals have taken up residence in the empty buildings. Many property owners are concerned that wild boars, which have proliferated against the backdrop of radiation, have taken over the homes of city residents and are in no hurry to leave them. These creatures are usually more timid by nature, but it appears that the radiation has made them aggressive and fearless, making returning to Fukushima a rather dangerous undertaking.

To make matters worse, there are a number of conflicting studies suggesting that the radiation disaster affected thyroid problems in local children living here at the time of the accident. Although some scientists believe that the Japanese from this city were in poor health even before the disaster. In any case, life in Fukushima and its citizens will never be the same from now on.

5. Canadian London, Ontario, and the increased percentage of serial killers per capita

Between 1959 and 1984, the small Canadian town of London received the status settlement with the highest concentration of serial killers in the entire world. According to all available data, London, Ontario has become the most maniacal city on Earth in the history of mankind. At least 29 violent deaths occurred while the place was in the hands of numerous murderers. Only 13 of these crimes were solved, and it turned out that they were committed by three different villains.

A detective named Dennis Alsop, who worked on these cases, kept a personal diary and in it mentioned his work on these terrible crimes. The investigator's notes were carefully studied by researchers at the University of Western Ontario, and they suggested that the unsolved murders could have been committed by four more criminals who were active almost simultaneously and used similar methods. The researchers also say that even if the remaining 16 people were killed by just one serial killer, London still retains its sad title of record-breaking city. Nowhere else in the world were as many serial killers on the rampage at the same time as here.

Criminal activity has apparently died down since then, as all the most dangerous criminals have either died or been arrested, and, fortunately, failed to pass on their life's work to a new generation of madmen. And yet the most main question still remains unanswered... Why did such a modest Canadian town become home to so many brutal murderers for several years?

4. Residents of Pyongyang suffer from creepy electronic music every morning

Everyone knows that power in North Korea belongs to a dictatorial dynasty, and the most severe and incredibly inhumane laws reign in this country. Even the most privileged citizens who perfectly respect party politics are still forced to endure daily circumstances that would drive any of us crazy in no time.

Let's start with the fact that North Koreans are required to keep portraits of all the country's leaders at home, including both its current and past leaders. No one has the right to turn their back on these portraits. This, of course, also applies to images of dictators in public places. In addition, the North Korean authorities decided that its citizens need to be reminded every morning of the deceased rulers, who are considered real gods in the country.

Every morning, opera music plays throughout Pyongyang, and the city's residents awaken to the eerie sounds of an electronic version of the song "Where Are You, Dear General" from the opera written by the late Kim Jong Il. The original track doesn't sound too bad, but the electronic version played over loudspeakers throughout the city sounds more like something out of a horror movie. In addition to the dreaded alarm clock, North Koreans are forced to listen to recorded political propaganda all day long. What if someone forgot something or misunderstood something? We need to repeat it. And so all my life...

3. The Mexican city of Ecatepec is a creepy place where women and girls constantly disappear

Residents of the Mexican city and municipality of Ecatepec are accustomed to hearing about constant armed robberies, and recently the Minister of the Interior of the entire country issued a special warning regarding this particular city. When the Pope himself came to Mexico for a visit, he also stopped by Ecatepec to see for himself how bad things were in this place. It’s not for nothing that the city is often called incredibly dirty and disgusting, and it seems that local residents have long resigned themselves to the state of affairs, have completely given up and do not value their home. But the worst thing you should know about this place is that it has the highest rate of deaths and disappearances of young girls in all of Mexico.

Mothers constantly turn to the police for help in finding their daughters and never return home with satisfactory answers. Some parents are told by law enforcement that their child's body was found in a sewer, but the police never provide any physical evidence that it is their daughter who is lying in the morgue. There are notices all over the city asking for help to find the missing girl or to provide the parents with at least some information that will help the family unite again.

Some fathers and mothers are contacted by cartel members and demand a huge ransom for their child. If it turns out that the family does not have the requested amount of money, the girls are simply hanged. Many townspeople are terribly worried that an exorbitant ransom will be demanded for their daughter, and then the child will either be killed or sold into slavery. Most local residents dream of leaving Yecatepec and leaving all its horrors behind, but poverty does not allow them to move to a better place. safe place. The unfortunates have to overcome the hardships of life in this nightmare city every day for the rest of their lives.

2. Onitsha – the Nigerian city with the most polluted air in the world

When we wonder about the most polluted cities in the world, our thoughts usually lead us somewhere to China or India. However, the truth is that it is Nigeria that has become the current leader in environmental problems. The reason lies in the fact that in recent years this country has moved significantly ahead in terms of development rates, and special attention Here we focus specifically on industrial production. For nature and citizens, this means large-scale environmental pollution, and Onicha feels this more than any other city in the country. Today the air here is the most uninhabitable in the world. Large and small particles of dust and ash are almost everywhere here, and there is nowhere to hide from them. In addition, sanitary standards in the city are practically not observed, and there are piles of garbage everywhere.

The main reason for the disaster in Onitsha is the rapidly developing industrialization, and in this city there are factories of almost every industrial sector imaginable. Combine this with lax government oversight of quality and safety standards, and you're bound to end up with a city that's simply dangerous to breathe in, and that won't change for generations.

However, local residents are not very worried about this. Perhaps they are simply careless or are accustomed to this state of affairs, although for the most part they simply have no other choice. Recently, the prestigious Guardian magazine conducted a survey in Onitsha about what citizens think about the environmental situation, and the majority of those surveyed did not consider air pollution a serious problem.

However, failure to accept or know about the dangers of industrial emissions does not change the fact that local residents are already suffering from poor air quality. This is especially noticeable in child mortality. Still, it is interesting how talented a person is in psychological adaptation to almost any conditions. For those who have always lived in Onichu, hearing that their city is the dirtiest and most dangerous in the world came as a big surprise.

1. Mumbai - an Indian city struggling with the garbage that fills it

Today, Mumbai is practically buried under mountains of garbage, and the Indian government is desperately looking for a way out of this situation. The problem is so serious that every day hundreds of garbage trucks line up in a long line to take new amounts of waste to the landfill. The landfill is already almost full to capacity, and Mumbai's other two large landfills have long been unable to accommodate the city's new waste. Someone suggested simply organizing new landfills, but there is justifiable fear that this will not solve the problem, but will only make it worse. The thing is that, both in Mumbai and in other Indian cities, a waste recycling system simply does not exist.

Almost all types of waste are constantly loaded onto trucks and taken to landfills. The problem of waste has become so serious that it has started to flood the streets, and some citizens are trying to get rid of garbage by burning it in the middle of Mumbai, thereby only worsening the environmental disaster and further polluting the city's air. Experts worry that if the authorities decide to open new landfills, the crisis will only intensify, since it is necessary to solve the very essence of the problem, and not its manifestations.

Experts believe that if the country’s industrialization process continues to increase its pace, it will be vital to open waste recycling centers in the country and introduce into society the habit of responsible treatment of household waste in order to reduce its amount. Subject to changes in the thinking of the common population and the introduction of appropriate infrastructure, theoretically even such a large and quickly developing city, like Mumbai, will still be able to win this garbage war in the end.

05/14/2015 at 14:10 · Johnny · 7 680

10 scariest places in the world

There is a huge amount most beautiful places, which every person would like to visit, but along with them there are also very creepy and scary places that are also very popular among tourists. Present to your attention 10 scariest places in the world.


Chernobyl in Ukraine opens the top ten the scariest places on the planet. Today tourists can go to the abandoned city of Pripyat and see the exclusion zone. Thousands of people fled their homes after the Chernobyl reactor disaster. Toys abandoned in kindergartens and newspapers left on dinner tables come into view. The disaster area is now officially permitted for visits - the level of radiation is no longer dangerous. Bus tours begin in Kyiv, then tourists visit a nuclear reactor, see a sarcophagus and head to the abandoned city of Pripyat.


Aleister Crowley is probably the most famous occultist in the world. This terrible place, replete with dark pagan frescoes, was intended to be the world capital of satanic orgies. Crowley appeared on the cover of the Beatles album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club. He founded the Abbey of Thelema, which became a free love community. Director Kenneth Unger, a follower of Crowley, made a film about the abbey, but the film later mysteriously disappeared. Now the abbey is almost completely destroyed.


The medieval Old Town of Edinburgh has several streets with a sordid and dark past. This eerie place, where plague victims were supposed to die in the seventeenth century, became famous thanks to poltergeists. Tourists visiting this supernatural place claim that something invisible touches their hands and feet. Local residents say that this is the soul of the girl Annie, whom her parents left here in 1645. A hundred years later, a large building was built in the cul-de-sac. The dead end was opened for tourists in 2003.


There are many myths and prejudices surrounding this colossal structure. One day, a fortune teller predicted that weapons factory heiress Sarah Winchester would be haunted all her life, so she must leave Connecticut and go west and begin building a huge house there that would last her entire life. Construction began in 1884 and did not end until Sarah's death in 1938. Now the house is inhabited by the ghosts of her madness: stairs resting on the ceiling, doors at the height of the middle of the wall, chandeliers and hooks. And even those who do not believe in ghosts claim that they saw or heard something inexplicable in this house. This house ranks seventh in our ranking of the top 10 most terrible places on the planet.


The Parisian catacombs are ranked sixth on our list scary places on earth. All the walls of the long corridor of the catacombs are tiled with bones and skulls. Very dry air protects them from even a hint of decay. Entering these catacombs near Paris, you begin to understand why Anne Rice and Victor Hugo wrote their famous novels about these dungeons. Their length is about 187 kilometers along the entire city, and only a small part of them is accessible to visitors. It is alleged that the legendary underground police keep order in the catacombs, although legions of vampires and zombies would be more suitable for this place.


This scary place also known as the swamp of ghosts. It is located near New Orleans. Legend has it that it was cursed by a Voodoo queen while she was imprisoned there in the 1920s. Three small villages nearby were razed to the ground in 1915.


Perhaps this place is one of the most mysterious places in the world. This island has gained worldwide fame thanks to its giant stone sculptures, looking at the sky, as if begging him for mercy. And only the stone of these statues knows who their creators were. No one on the island is familiar with the art of sculpture. No one can imagine how it was possible to make statues twenty meters high and weighing ninety tons. Among other things, the statues had to be delivered twenty kilometers from the quarry where the ancient sculptors worked.


The black magic bazaar in Sonora opens the top three most creepy places on earth. Lots of witches sit in tiny booths and offer to rid you of poverty and adultery for just ten dollars. Every day, many Mexican and foreign tourists flock to this market, wanting to learn something about their future. There you can buy mysterious potions, snake blood and dried hummingbirds to tame luck.


The bulk of the Japanese navy now rests at the bottom of this lagoon, southeast of the Hawaiian Islands. The entire bottom of this lagoon, explored by Jacques Cousteau in 1971, is strewn with fragments of warships sunk in 1944. This is a scary place attracts many divers, although many are wary of ship crews who remain forever at their combat posts. Fighters and aircraft carriers have become coral reefs, and many divers who went down to explore these reefs never returned from their underwater journeys.


The Mütter Museum of the History of Medicine ranks first in our ranking of the most terrible places on the planet. This museum was founded to educate future doctors about human anatomy and the anomalies of the human body. It features various pathologies, ancient medical instruments and biological oddities. The museum is primarily known for its extensive collection of skulls. It also contains unique exhibits, such as: dead body women turned into soap in the grave. Also there you can see Siamese twins sharing one liver, the skeleton of a two-headed boy and other terrible things.

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What else to see:

There are places on our planet that brave travelers avoid, curious tourists and even the most cold-blooded locals. As a rule, these are places where bloody tragedies or murders occurred, or places that were “marked” for the fact that supernatural phenomena occurred there. This review will focus on these scary places. Whether it’s worth visiting there is up to you to decide.

1. Hashima Island

More than 5,000 people once lived on this island. Today, Hashima is an abandoned and scary place, which is located about 15 km from the city of Nagasaki. Previously, there were coal mines on the island, near which a whole town grew up, but after the deposits were depleted, Hashima was left to fend for himself.

2. Catacombs of Paris

This place is also sometimes called the “empire of the dead.” The Parisian catacombs are one of the largest and most terrible in the world. IN underground tunnels, which stretch for more than 200 km, contain the remains of about six million people. Due to the extreme length and complexity of the catacombs, many people got lost and died in them.

3. Vrolik Museum

The University of Amsterdam has one of the creepiest museums in the world. Named after the Dutch anatomist Willem Vrolik, the museum displays various parts of human bodies preserved in alcohol, embryos and models that demonstrate various aspects of embryology, pathology and anatomy. Also among the exhibits are numerous examples of birth defects and medical anomalies.

4. Mountain of Crosses

The Mountain of Crosses, located approximately 12 km north of the city of Siauliai in northern Lithuania, is a unique place pilgrimages for Catholics. It is notable for the huge number of crosses installed on it (at least 250,000 of them), crucifixes and giant statues Virgin Mary.

5. Suicide Forest

Aokigahara Forest, better known as the "suicide forest", is located at the base of Mount Fuji in Japan. In Japanese mythology, this place is associated with demons. Aokigahara is notable for the fact that trees grow so densely there that no wind blows in the forest at all. This makes it an exceptionally quiet and eerie place. About 100 suicides occur in Aokigahara every year.

6. Chowchilla Cemetery

30 km south of the city of Nazca in southwestern Peru lies Chauchilla, an ancient cemetery where many mummified human remains can be found sitting in open graves. Due to the exceptionally dry climate of the Peruvian desert, the corpses, dressed in embroidered cotton robes, were surprisingly well preserved.

7. Freeman Ranch

USA, Texas
A 1,400-hectare plot of land between the cities of San Marcos and Wimberley in Central Texas is a farm where forensic anthropology research is conducted. Corpses in various stages of decomposition are scattered throughout the ranch. And what is being studied here, as you might guess, is the decomposition of human bodies under various conditions.

8. City of Pripyat

Pripyat is a city in northern Ukraine, next to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, where the worst nuclear power plant accident in human history occurred. Its consequences are still felt today. The city from which people were evacuated has been abandoned for 30 years.

9. Island of the Dolls

The Island of the Dolls, located on Lake Teshuilo near Mexico City, is one of the creepiest places in Mexico. Legend has it that the only resident of the island, Don Julian Santana, found the body of a drowned girl in a canal. After Santana began to be haunted by her spirit, the man decided to “appease” him with dolls and continued to do so for many years until he himself drowned in the same canal. Today the island is “decorated” with hundreds of horrific mutilated dolls with severed limbs and heads.

10. Darvaza

Also known as the "crater of fire" or the "gateway to hell", Darvaza is a natural gas field in Turkmenistan. While drilling an exploration well in 1971, geologists stumbled upon an underground void, which caused all the equipment to fall underground and create a big hole, filled with methane. Geologists decided to set fire to this gas so that it would burn out in a few days, but the crater with a diameter of 60 and a depth of 20 meters has been continuously burning since then.

11. Sedlec Ossuary

In Central Bohemia, in the town of Sedlec, you can find a small Roman Catholic chapel, which is famous for containing the skeletons of up to 70,000 people, whose bones were used to make jewelry and furniture. Thanks to its unique frightening appearance and the atmosphere of this creepy place has been filmed in several horror films.

12. Catacombs of the Capuchins

In the Sicilian city of Palermo there are the unique Catacombs of the Capuchins, famous for the fact that in them corpses dressed and seated like living people are exhibited as museum exhibits. About 8,000 corpses and 1,252 mummies can be found in the catacombs.

13. Akodesseva fetish market

The capital of Togo, Lomé, is home to the world's largest market for fetishes and voodoo products. This is one of the creepiest places in Africa where you can safely buy, for example, a human skull.

14. Bran Castle

One of the most feared castles in the world is said to have been the residence of Vlad III, the brutal Romanian ruler better known as Vlad Dracula or Vlad the Impaler. It was he who inspired Bram Stoker to write his famous gothic horror novel about the vampire Dracula.

15. Kabayan Mummies Cave

This place in the Philippine province of Benguet is also known as the “Fire Mummies Caves.” It is here that some of the best-preserved mummies in the world are found, dating back 4,000 years. Before death, a person was given a very salty drink, and then the corpse was washed and placed next to a fire for up to six months to dry out.

To avoid getting into trouble when going on a trip, it’s worth learning about.