Port of the moon. Port of the Moon Wine Tours and Excursions in Bordeaux

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The historical center of Bordeaux, under the romantic French name Port of the Moon, has been an honorary member of the UNESCO List since 2007. The crescent-shaped harbor (hence its name) on the sloping left bank of the Garonne is the reason and symbol of Bordeaux's prosperity as a major river port: It was from here that ships loaded with various and expensive export goods departed for England. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Port of Luna is the soul and heart of the city: the lion's share of the city's attractions is located here, and it is logical to start your acquaintance with Bordeaux from here.

A little history

Despite the fact that the Port of Luna was included in the UNESCO List for its unique architectural ensemble of the Age of Enlightenment, the settlement of these lands began much earlier: in the 1st century. BC e. Then, through the efforts of the Romans, and later the Gauls, the port of Burdigala was founded here, which marked the beginning developing city at the crossroads of sea and river trade routes. In the Middle Ages, the Port of Luna (and the city that had formed around it by that time) was under the wise rule of Eleanor of Aquitaine; At the same time, three hundred years of English rule began, which enriched Bordeaux with unique architectural monuments and a special culture. In the 18th century, Bordeaux turned into a brilliant city of bohemians, inspired by Montaigne and Montesquieu, and the Port of the Moon continued to welcome in its quarters all romantics who were not indifferent to the beauty of the world. Finally, in the 19th century, urbanization came here, the construction of bridges across the Garonne, the classical planning of boulevards and squares, however, practically did not affect the classic appearance of Porta Luna.

Sailing to Port Luna

What to see

The port of Luna is the center of the city's attractions: there are 350 listed historical monuments of France alone, three of which occupy a separate place on the UNESCO List, being part of the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela.

Washed by the waters of the Garonne, the invariably smiling face of the city - the Place de la Bourse, also known as the Place de la Water Mirror - is the first fruit of the labor of the Bordeaux urban architects of the 18th century. Here it is worth seeing the Exchange and Customs building (where the National Customs Museum with a lot of interesting confiscated goods operates), admire the Three Graces fountain and immerse yourself in the atmosphere between sky and water, reality and sleep, skillfully created by the Water Mirror attraction.

The Grand Theater of Bordeaux is a brilliant example of neoclassical canons in architecture, one of the most beautiful theaters in France: a portico with 12 Corinthian columns, crowned with 12 sculptures of goddesses and muses, and an 88-meter height of the building. The Arc de Triomphe of Cayo is one of the oldest buildings Bordeaux: it was erected in 1494 in the best traditions of large-scale festive architecture. You should definitely get acquainted with the ancient quarter of Saint-Pierre, a corner of the Middle Ages and a witness to the English history of the city: there are a lot of remarkable historical buildings here.

Consider yourself lucky if your visit to Bordeaux falls on one of the six days a year when the Great Bell of Armande-Louise (yes, it has its own name), weighing almost 8 tons, rings from the medieval watchtower.

The pearls of religious architecture of Porta Luna are the Saint-André Cathedral with the bell tower of Pius Berlant and the “flaming” Basilica of Saint-Michel. Well, you should end your walk around the Port of Luna at Piazza Gambetta.

Port of the Moon is the name historical center Bordeaux. This is not a port in the usual sense, but an ensemble of historical architecture. It stands on the bend of the Garonne. Elegant buildings on the coast were built in classical and neoclassical styles.

Port of the Moon (Port de la Lune) is the name of the historical center. This is not a port in the usual sense, but an ensemble of historical architecture. He stands on the bend Garonne. Elegant buildings on the coast were built in classical and neoclassical styles.

Historical buildings are located in a semicircle along the shore. The architectural complex of the old center of Bordeaux looks organic and holistic. Most of the city's main attractions are located here: the Town Hall, Sainte-Catherine, with an unusual fountain, the Labottiere Hotel, .

The Romans settled at the confluence of the Gironde (Garonne) and the Atlantic Ocean in ancient times. They created the first settlement here, which they called “Port of the Moon” (the river coast here was curved like a crescent). Since the 18th century, the Port of Luna was the main commercial port of France, an important strategic maritime center. The famous Bordeaux wines were exported from here. Later the port was moved downstream of the Garonne. In the historical center there are now only pleasure boats left.

The unique urban architectural ensemble of the historical center of Bordeaux is completely included in the UNESCO register.

Port of the Moon (Port de la Lune)
59 Quai de Paludate 33800 Bordeaux, France

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Port of Luna in Bordeaux

The Port of the Moon in the city of Bordeaux is a historical city center and a stunning architectural ensemble, striking in its monumentality and beauty. This is the largest part of the city in the world by area (18 sq. km), listed by UNESCO as a world historical heritage.

In ancient times, on a hospitable land where the Gironde and Atlantic Ocean, the Romans settled. They founded a small settlement, dubbing it Port of the Moon due to its remarkable landform. Since the 18th century, the Port of Luna was considered the main commercial port of France and the most important military center. From here the famous Bordeaux wines were transported to all cities of France and overseas countries. Later, the port was moved downstream of the river, and only light motor and sailing vessels now “walk” in the historical center.

Port of Luna in Bordeaux

The buildings that make up the Port of Luna are located on a crescent-shaped curve of the Gironde River. It is in this small space that most of the city's attractions are located: the Town Hall, Place de la Bourse and the Fountain of the Three Graces with sculptures of naked goddesses standing in a massive thicket taming wild animals. A majestic Big theater and the most prestigious Labottiere, which several centuries ago served as a residence for royalty visiting Bordeaux. The unique architectural ensemble in the style of classicism and neoclassicism gives the city a special charm and reflects the ideals of the thinkers of the Enlightenment.

Outstanding monuments are concentrated in the small area of ​​Porta Luna, and the city of Bordeaux is in second place in the country in terms of the number of monuments protected at the state level. Events take place in Porto Luna all year round: costume and music festivals (classical music, rock, jazz and even organ music) are held, cultural life is in full swing.

The first vineyards in Bordeaux appeared thanks to the ancient Romans. It was they who laid the traditions of winemaking, which later glorified this region throughout the world. The Romans also gave impetus to shipping and the development of trade relations, thanks to which, over the centuries, Bordeaux became the largest Cultural Center France, in no way inferior to Paris.

First of all, Bordeaux is known for its gastronomic traditions. Who hasn't heard about great local wines? Moreover, the elegant, smooth, aristocratic streets and squares of the city attract thousands of tourists every year. Here you can feel true French sophistication and the ability to enjoy life. The refined atmosphere of Bordeaux can be felt in the Porte Luna, on the square of the Saint-André Cathedral and on the banks picturesque river Garonne.

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What to see and where to go in Bordeaux?

The most interesting and Beautiful places for walks. Photos and brief description.

The Port of the Moon is the allegorical name of the architectural ensemble of the historical center of Bordeaux, which is located near the Garonne (Gironde) river. Picturesque buildings in a classical style are located in a semicircle on its banks. The complex of buildings includes: the town hall building, the Grand Theatre, Place de la Bourse, Sainte-Catherine, Cayo Gate and the Labottiere Hotel. The port of Luna has played an important strategic role since Roman times.

The square is located near the Garonne embankment. Its architectural appearance in the Baroque style took shape in the 18th century. The project was developed by A. J. Gabriel. The square is surrounded by the buildings of the Customs Museum and the Exchange Palace. The main decoration of this place is the Fountain of Mirrors, which is a wide and flat surface filled with water. With the help of special sprayers, tiny drops are sprayed into the air, which is why there is sometimes fog over the area.

A small square in the Italian style, located near the Bordeaux Cathedral. Most of the magnificent mansions surrounding the square were built in the 18th century. In the central part there is the fountain of the Parliament of 1865 in the neo-Renaissance architectural style, installed thanks to the efforts of G. A. Brochon, one of the mayors of Bordeaux. Parliament Square is historical monument France.

The main square of the city of Bordeaux, one of the most impressive squares in Europe. The huge spaces of Kinkons can accommodate a large number of people, which is why fairs and concerts are constantly held here. In 1883, a monument to the Girondins, representatives of one of the political parties period of the Great French Revolution, which were eventually persecuted by the Convention.

The magnificent building of the Grand Theater was erected in a classical style on the site where a Roman temple was located in ancient times. Perhaps this fact ultimately influenced the choice appearance the buildings. The facade of the theater corresponds to the canons of the ancient Corinthian order, the portico is complemented by statues of goddesses of the Roman pantheon. Architect V. Louis was invited for construction. Since the 18th century, the theater scene in Bordeaux has been a center cultural life cities.

Previously, the palace served as the residence of the Archbishop of Bordeaux - F. M. de Rogan. The complex was built in the 18th century under the leadership of the guest architect V. Louis, who also worked on the project of the Grand Theater of Bordeaux. The building changed owners several times. During the revolution, a tribunal was located here, during the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte - imperial palace, since 1835 the building has housed the Bordeaux city hall and museum.

Cathedral Bordeaux, dedicated to St. Andrew (in the Orthodox tradition he is known as St. Andrew the First-Called). The building was erected in the 11th century on the site of a destroyed temple from the 9th century. Over the long period of its existence, the cathedral has experienced several redevelopments of the interior space and renovations of the facade. With each new reconstruction, its appearance gradually changed, while maintaining the standard Gothic features.

The tower is located on the square of the same name, which was named in honor of Archbishop P. Berlan. The personality of this church minister remained in history due to the fact that he founded the city university for poor students. The tower is the bell tower of the Saint André Cathedral, although it is located some distance from it. The structure was built in 1863; in 1869, an 8-ton bell was installed on its top.

The temple is located on Place Menard, which is located near the Pont du Pierre bridge. The church building was erected in the 15th-16th centuries according to the design of J. Loeb. The temple was built in an elegant architectural style known as “flaming Gothic”. The bell tower of the basilica is located some distance from the main building. Bell Tower reaches almost 115 meters in length, making it one of the tallest temple buildings in the world.

An expressive baroque church built at the very beginning of the 18th century. The building has a very lush and pompous facade with an abundance of decorative decoration, decorated with sculptures and bas-reliefs. An image of the Virgin Mary is placed on the figured stained glass window. The interior spaces are connected to each other using arched galleries. The walls of the church are painted with skillful frescoes of the 18th-19th centuries.

The Bordeaux region is known throughout the world for its excellent wines. You can learn more about the history of winemaking, learn more about the varieties of the drink and the features of its production in the “City of Wine”. This interesting museum, located in a modern building called the "Wine Guggenheim". The museum opened in 2016, and quickly gained popularity among fans and connoisseurs of the grape drink.

In the 18th century, the Museum of Stone Sculpture was founded in Bordeaux, where artifacts from the Roman Empire found in the surrounding area were kept. From 1962-63 it became a regional museum of ethnography, archeology and history. The collection has existed in its modern form since 1987. The exhibition covers a fairly extensive historical period; about 70 thousand exhibits are located on 5 thousand m².

In the Middle Ages, the tower was part of the city fortification system of Bordeaux. It is believed that the structure was erected in the 15th century on the site of a destroyed gate. The image of the Grosse Cloche is present on the city coat of arms and is a symbol of Bordeaux. The building acquired its modern appearance in the 18th century, when the two side towers acquired cone-shaped roofs. The northern facade is decorated with figures of fairy-tale gargoyles; in the central part there is an astronomical clock dial.

In the 15th century, the Cayo Gate (or Palace Gate) was used to carry out main entrance in Bordeaux. The gate was erected after the victory at the Battle of Fornovo, when the troops of Charles VIII defeated the Italian army. The architectural style of the building represents a transition from Gothic to Renaissance, which somewhat knocks the building out of the surrounding landscape, giving it a slight “medieval” flavor.

The street is about 1.3 km long, on which there are more than 200 different shops. It can safely be called the main trade artery of Bordeaux. Since the 70s In the 20th century, the alley became pedestrian, which further increased tourist traffic. In addition to shops, there are several historical attractions, including a Gothic cross on the site of an ancient cemetery and the Church of St. Simeon, built in the 14th century.

The base was established even before the start of World War II by agreement with Hitler, when the Italian navy was stationed in this area. Italian and German submarines were based here. The place was reliably protected from bombing, so the ships were practically not damaged during air raids. Today, the gloomy concrete docks of the former base house an exhibition center.

Vertical lift bridge over the Garonne River, completed in 2013. Its opening was attended by President F. Hollande and the mayor of Bordeaux A. Juppe. The structure is equipped with an elevator that lifts passengers to a 50-meter height. Every few days the bridge is raised to allow ships to pass into Bordeaux harbor. The building was named after J. Chaban-Delmas, former prime minister.

The old bridge of the 19th century over the Garonne, designed by C. Deschampeau. The customer was Napoleon Bonaparte himself. The structure is a series of arched spans similar to ancient Roman bridges. The supports are decorated with medallions depicting Napoleon's profile. In the evening, Pont de Pierre is illuminated using a system of spotlights, which gives it a very romantic look.

The river originates in the central part of the Pyrenees and flows into the Bay of Biscay. The total length of the channel is 647 km. The Garonne is an important shipping artery in France and has several hydroelectric power stations and reservoirs. The river flows through the cities of Toulouse, Bordeaux and Agen. It spills with enviable frequency, which causes problems in populated areas located on the banks.

20. Wine tours and excursions in Bordeaux

Bordeaux is the oldest wine-growing region in France, where the most traditional drinks are produced using traditional technologies. best quality. Local (and not only) travel companies offer a huge number of interesting wine and gastronomic excursions, during which tourists visit vineyards, factories, wine cellars, taste different varieties and learn to distinguish one wine from another.

Let's go to Bordeaux (France) for a while. The sights of this region immerse us in a medieval fairy tale, where princes, knights and long-haired beauties belong. Back then they fought for the honor and heart of the ladies, and it would have been nice to feel the atmosphere of that time at least for a little while.

Basilica Saint Michel

This majestic structure has a second informal name, which was invented local residents- "Arrow". You can understand why the basilica was named this way by looking at its bell tower. Its shape resembles an arrow directed towards the sky.

The temple was built in the 16th century in honor of the Archangel Michael. The architects chose the Flaming Gothic style, so the building looks very impressive. The facade of the temple is decorated with stone decorations that complement its overall style. There are 22 bell towers in total, and the height of the building is 114 m. Interior decoration The basilica amazes with its luxury and wealth.

Great Bell of Bordeaux

The weight of the huge structure exceeds 8 tons. This attraction is better known as Armanda Louise. The bell rings at 11 am no more than 6 times a year. This usually happens during holidays that are important to residents.

The bell tower was erected more than 500 years ago. Previously, the Great Bell Tower housed a city prison, where sentences for especially serious crimes were served. That is why everyone will be able to appreciate the gloomy and mysterious rooms located inside. You can also see an old clock and a coat of arms depicting a mighty lion.

Grand Theater of Bordeaux

This famous building is one of the three most beautiful and popular opera houses in Europe. The architecture of this theater is striking in its luxury. The building is framed with elegant sculptures of muses and goddesses.

Lush Corinthian capitals add a special charm to this place. The auditorium will accommodate 1,100 people, who will sit on chairs upholstered in red velvet. On the ceiling there is a chic fresco that harmoniously combines gold, blue and white colors.

The theater stage shows the most popular performances that have become loved by audiences from different parts of the world.

Saint-André Cathedral

A beautiful building that immediately catches the eye is located in the center of Porta Luna. The cathedral is made in the Gothic style, and some of its buildings were erected many centuries ago.

Bell towers in the shape of sharp arrows immediately attract attention.

The interior of the majestic building is decorated with various objects that date back to the Middle Ages. If travelers are not too lazy to climb the bell tower of Pius Berlant, having overcome a huge number of steps, then they will be able to admire the unforgettable landscapes of old Bordeaux and Garonne. The bell tower is quite high - 66, and the bell weighs as much as 8 tons.

Museum of Aquitaine

Every visitor to Bordeaux should visit this museum. The huge building houses artifacts and ancient statues. Their age dates back to 25 thousand years BC. Carefully crafted collections recreate a complex and captivating story.

This is a kind of kaleidoscope of the development of Aquitaine from ancient times to the present. The Aquitaine Museum contains more than 70 thousand impressive exhibits.

Most recently, the building underwent a global reconstruction, so now all exhibits are presented in a more modern, interactive form. This spectacle will appeal to both young museum visitors and older people.

Bordeaux Museum of Fine Arts

This museum is considered one of the oldest in the country. Museum guests will be able to appreciate a huge collection of paintings by artists that were created in the 15th - 20th centuries. The building contains not only paintings by French artists, but also works of art from European painters.

You can get to thematic exhibitions that take place in the museum with enviable regularity. The museum is located in the former city hall, surrounded on all sides by a picturesque park.

Walking in this wonderful place will bring you a lot of positive emotions, so you will be able to “digest” the impressions you received in the museum.

Modern Art Museum

This museum contains the latest achievements of the exact and fine sciences. The museum is located in a former port warehouse, and its arsenal contains more than a thousand works.

A visit to the museum will bring a lot of positive emotions even to those people who are not fans of modern art. On the territory of the building there is a picturesque terrace, as well as a cozy cafeteria. The magnificent Jardin-Public garden park is located nearby. Take a walk around its grounds to enjoy beautiful scenery and clean air.

Water Mirror Square

This unique and inimitable place will give you the opportunity to add impressive photographs to your photo album. Here heaven and earth seem to change places with each other.

It seems that nearby buildings are floating right in the air.

The incredible reflection effect was achieved by covering the area with a small layer of water, under which there is a granite “substrate”. Every 20 minutes, the spray condensers automatically turn on, immersing all people in clouds of water dust.

Port of the Moon

This famous place was named this way because the harbor resembles a neat crescent. It is located on the left bank of the Garonne. The Port of Luna is a symbol of the city's prosperity as a river port.

I left this place before water transport, who transported goods to England. That is why, even in our time, the Port of Luna has remained the center of Bordeaux. In this place is most of the most beautiful and popular attractions, as well as many other useful establishments.

If you want to get to know Bordeaux better, start your tour from Port Luna.

Arc de Triomphe of Cayo

The architecture of this arch harmoniously combines two styles: Gothic and Renaissance. This building is considered one of the oldest in Bordeaux. The arch was created back in 1495.

It became a symbol of the victory of the King of France over the Italians. The height of the structure reaches 35 m, and its facade is decorated with magnificent sculptures. There is a museum inside that anyone can visit.

An open gallery allows you to admire the view of the Garonne. Must visit triumphal arch so that your trip to Bordeaux will be remembered for a long time.

We took a little walk around Bordeaux. France, whose attractions can be found in more detail, has always given its guests only positive emotions. It's worth seeing at least once.