World aircraft flights online. Airplane flights in real time - a unique service

“Flight radar” is translated into Russian as “flight radar”, or more precisely, “flight radar”. Precisely for monitoring flights aircraft, with almost anyone, this public resource was created. Just 15 years ago it was impossible to even dream about it, and 30 years ago it was impossible to think about it. However…

The FlightRadar24 website has been operating since 2007, but it became truly popular 3 years later, in the spring of 2010 during the eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano (Iceland). This incident clearly demonstrated the significance and benefits of this project. The world's leading media, thanks to the flight radar, had the opportunity to monitor air traffic in the skies over a dangerous region.

Even greater excitement around this web service was caused by the flight of the German national football team in mid-2014. Thousands of fans from all over the world watched the team's flight in real time.

FlightRadar - airplanes online

Despite its convenience and functionality, this service is used mainly by aviation enthusiasts (spotters) or those who need data for work, such as reporters. You don't have to look far for an example. Any plane crash instantly attracts an audience to

However, in addition to monitoring plane crashes, this resource is very well suited for planning your affairs in everyday life. Although few people know about this, or simply do not understand how to use the new opportunities.

As mentioned above, the main audience of the website is spotters who monitor traffic just for fun. But who would definitely find this resource useful would be tourists and business travelers. Flight delays happen all the time. Information at airports is not always provided in a timely and accurate manner. Where is the plane? Where does it fly to? this moment and does it fly at all? All this can be found out through the web service. And, having learned, plan your further actions.

For example, you meet a plane, and it weather conditions will land in another city or circle 400 kilometers from the destination. The board at your airport will show “flight delay”, but hardly anyone will tell you how much. With you can calculate where your plane is currently and roughly calculate what time to expect it to land. Convenient and, in general, simple.

To do this, you need, firstly, at least a smartphone with Internet access, and secondly, a flight number. Nowadays, finding the location of an airplane has become easier than finding out where your minibus is now. So, go to the website In the “search” we write the flight number. This number may look something like this: AFL 0001 or SU 0002. Next, we wait for the result. Not only the aircraft you are looking for should appear on the map, but also a list of flights it has made in recent days.

By the way, in this simple way you can “break through” any airliner. If only a special radio transmitter was installed on it. Even presidential, but it is not at all necessary to know the flight number. To track an airplane, it is enough to know its tail number. The last note for beginners and aviation enthusiasts. I almost forgot, you can use the site for free for the first half hour, and then reload and use it again.

Flightradar24 is a partially commercial project. A paid subscription opens up more options in settings and removes advertising. However, the free option is generally quite convenient. The language barrier is not a problem. Although the site is in English, it will still be quite easy to understand its work. For this, minimal knowledge and intuition are enough. But what may be missing is Internet speed. On a slow connection, a map of a particular region will take quite a long time to load, from 2 to 5 minutes. Remember this and be patient.

This schematic map displays scheduled aircraft currently in the air right now in real time and around the world.

Click on the plane and you can see the flight number, departure time, arrival time, probability of delay, distance, flight time, remaining flight time, airline name, plane model, route, altitude, speed. You can use the cursor to move the map anywhere in the world.

To return to the original view (if the online broadcast of flights is interrupted), refresh the page (Ctrl+F5).

Flight map online. Airplane in the sky online (explanations)

Not all aircraft are visible on the map diagram, but only those that are equipped with special transponders (radio responders) and are located in flight zones in which there are corresponding receiving stations. For example, the territory of Europe (the EEC countries) is covered almost completely. From here comes comprehensive information about passenger flights and flights.

But, even in those regions where there is no great saturation of ground stations, the main air routes are predominantly covered. This can be seen in the numerous silhouettes of airplanes on different continents. At the same time, we recall that for the reasons stated above, flights of old modifications of ships, for example, Boeings (727, 737-200, 747-100, 747-200, 747SP) and Soviet Tu-134, Tu-154, Il- 62, Yak-42: (with the exception of some modifications - "M"). And here are the new ones Russian airliners-- Sukhoi SuperJet 100, Il-96, Tu-204 - displayed without problems.

When you hover over the silhouette of an airplane, it changes color. When you click on it, the left column opens with information, for example, about the name of the airline (Airline), flight number (Flight nr), departure and arrival airports (From, To), type of aircraft (Aircraft), altitude (Altitude) and speed (Speed ) flight. At this time, a line (track) of the previous movement of the aircraft appears on the map, the color of which changes depending on the altitude of the aircraft. You can also turn on the three-dimensional display mode (3D) to view the view of the aircraft from all sides, see the territory of the Earth's surface from the aircraft's flight altitude, see the starry sky above the aircraft, and also see the view from the pilot's cockpit. To conveniently continue viewing the flight map, close the left column.

Note. Information about helicopter flights is not displayed. There is no information about the presence of military aircraft in the air, with the rarest exception allowed by the creators of this program from Flightradar.

Attention! Due to the lack of ground stations in some regions and problems with signal transmission, the display of the aircraft silhouette on the schematic map may temporarily disappear and may not reflect the real situation. The silhouette also disappears when the plane is several tens of meters from the ground (immediately during takeoff and landing). Flight data and aircraft performance may not be fully reflected.

Details Oleg Nekhaev

This is a unique page. The diagram map below shows scheduled aircraft currently in the air, in flight. In real time! All over the world! By moving around the map and scaling its fragments, you can see the air traffic situation in any corner of our planet. (It takes time to load the diagram. It is better to use the Google Chrome browser. There are interruptions in the broadcast.)


You can switch to a large format version of the map. It is posted.

Refresh the page if the flight broadcast is interrupted (Ctrl+F5).

Explanations. Not all aircraft are visible on the map diagram. Only those that are equipped with special radio responders (transponders) and are located in flight zones where there are corresponding receiving stations. For example, the territory of Europe (the EEC countries) is covered almost completely. From here comes comprehensive information about passenger aircraft flights.

But, even in those regions where there is no great saturationground stations, major air routes are mostly covered. This is x or Osho can be seen from the numerous silhouettes of aircraft on differentcontinents tracked in real time. But let us remind you that for the reasons stated at the beginning, flights of old modifications of ships, for example, Boeings (727, 737-200, 747-100, 74 7-200, 747SP) and Soviet Tu-134, Tu-154, Il-62, Yak-42... (with the exception of some modifications - "M") But the new Russian airliners - Sukhoi SuperJet 100, Il-96, Tu -204 – displayed without problems.

Recommendations. By moving the map with the cursor and scaling it with the mouse wheel, you can move to the region of interest to you. If you hover over the silhouette of an airplane, it will change color. Left-click and a panel will open from which you can find out the name of the airline operating the flight, flight number, airport of departure and arrival, type of aircraft ( Type) , height ( Altitude) in feet (1000 feet = 0.3 km) and flight speed (ground speed ) in knots (one knot equals 1.852 km/h), scheduled departure and arrival times (respectively -- departure and arrival ) ,actual departure and arrival times (actual and estimated).

When you go to the panel, a line (track) of the previous movement of the aircraft appears on the map, the color of which changes depending on the flight altitude. The color matches are shown below. To conveniently continue viewing the flight map, close the left column (you may have to click on the silhouette of the activated airplane to do this).

The flight map not only provides educational information, but can also become a real tool for civil control over aviation traffic. You can now check the accuracy of the information provided to passengers by airline and airport employees. You can yourself evaluate the accuracy of schedule implementation by air carriers and plan the actual meeting of arriving passengers. And when problems arise with flight weather, you yourself will assess the situation with the “openness of ports”... Providing this information is legal and does not constitute a violation of the legislation of any of the countries from which flight information is received.

Note. Information about helicopter flights is not displayed. There is no information about the presence of military aircraft in the air, with the rarest exception, which is allowed by the creators of this program fromFlightradar.

Attention! Due to the lack of ground stations in some sparsely populated regions, over the ocean, and when problems arise with signal transmission, the display of aircraft silhouettes on the sketch map may temporarily disappear and not reflect the real situation. The silhouette can also disappear when the plane is several tens of meters from the ground (immediately during takeoff and landing). But in other cases, you can clearly see the planes while taxiing, accelerating along the runway and climbing. In-flight information about aircraft performance may not be fully reflected. Orange aircraft began to be marked, which are displayed on the map with a five-minute delay. For security purposes, the technical services of some US airports (mostly) began to resort to these measures in order to deprive attackers of reliable information.

Selected for YOU:

Good day.

With the development of the Internet, many other areas that are closely related to the lives of millions of people are also developing. Let's say, about 20 years ago, to imagine that anyone could see on a website in real time what plane was flying and where it was flying - it was something bordering on fantasy! And now, this can be done on any computer connected to the Internet!

To do this, you just need to know a few addresses on the network that provide aircraft flight maps. You can view the flights of all aircraft, as well as of a specific one (for example, if you are waiting for the arrival of relatives and friends).

Actually, in this article I will give best cards, on which you can track all flights of civil aircraft. So, let's begin...

Addition! Some of the sites below may require updating Adobe Flash Player (if you have an older version). How to do this is described in this article:

Online radars: aircraft flight maps


One of the most popular radars for tracking civil aviation. In real time, you will be able to see a map on which each aircraft will be marked with a corresponding icon (see screenshot above). The site appeared in 2006.

By clicking on any airplane icon, you can find out where it is flying from and to (for example, in the screenshot below, the airplane is flying from San Francisco to London), its flight schedule, trajectory, flight distance, and its landing time. In general, all the most relevant things that the majority require.

I note that for an additional fee, the service provides even more functionality. In general, I recommend it!

The functionality of the site is similar to the previous one. Also presented here World map, which shows each airliner with a yellow icon. By choosing one of them, you can find out its direction of movement, schedule, speed, distance traveled, etc.

In addition, the top menu allows you to search for an aircraft by its tail number (this is a 5-7 character designation by which you can find out who the aircraft belongs to: what country, carrier, etc.).

By the way, the site keeps interesting statistics: you can find out the most popular airliners (the screen below shows that the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 are the most popular aircraft today), the most popular flight destinations, etc. Very interesting!

A very multifunctional site, and moreover, it fully supports the Russian language! This resource was created by American developers and is aimed primarily at American countries. By the way, I note that the capabilities of this service are used by more than 15 million passengers around the world, more than 12 thousand air operators (i.e. the resource deserves trust and respect)!

I would especially like to note the information content of this resource: by selecting the desired flight, you can get maximum information on it. For example, you will find out the plane number, airline, its schedule, current coordinates, speed, take-off time (approximate landing time), look at a photo of the airliner, find out its previous flights, etc.

Vessel information // This is only part of the data


The resource was created by professional people from aviation, the purpose of which is to quickly provide information on any airliner in transit. The service operates on the basis of ADS-B sensors (such sensors are installed on the vast majority of commercial vessels) and the FAA radar system (American development). Thanks to this, the service tracks the movement of airliners equally well, both over America and over Asia, Europe, etc.

The work with the site itself is similar to the previous ones: select a specific airliner on the map (or enter the tail number of the aircraft through the search bar) and see its current position online.

I note that in the service options you can change the map type (Terrain, Sky Vector, Hybrid, etc.), brightness, etc. I would also add that this service is not as informative as the previous one. Nevertheless, he is considered one of the leaders in this topic, so I recommend getting acquainted!

That's all. Good luck!

More than 100 years have passed since the first aircraft under the control of a man, he took off from the ground and rushed into the sky. And, despite the fact that his flight lasted about a minute, it became the first step towards the emergence of entire sciences related to aviation, which is simply impossible to do without these days.

As you know, modern aircraft are controlled not only in the sky, but also on the ground. Dispatch centers, equipped with complex and expensive equipment, are designed to monitor their safe movement in the air and correct the work of pilots. Surely, many of you have seen them on TV and noticed a display installed at the dispatcher’s workplace that allows you to watch the flight of aircraft in real time.

Introduction of satellite systems into civil aviation and the worldwide Internet makes it possible today to organize aircraft tracking in real time using a regular home computer. This unique opportunity is provided by the free service “Flightradar24”, the functionality of which is quite wide. In particular, it allows you to monitor flight trajectories online large quantity passenger airliners equipped with a navigation device - an ADS-B transponder.

How to use the real-time aircraft map?

By accessing the Flightradar24 service, you will see a detailed map of the world with the ability to change the scale and enter into the search fields the names of the cities where the aircraft you are interested in will take off and land. By pointing your pointer at any moving object, you will see it immediately change color, and when you press the button interactive map will instantly display the aircraft's path with a multi-colored line. Based on this trajectory, you can judge the flight altitude of air transport, focusing on the color table located on the website.

If you wish, you can get information about the model of the aircraft, the name of the airline to which it belongs, check the flight number and even look at a photo of it appearance. The Flightradar24 service, thanks to accurate and reliable data, will be useful both for satisfying ordinary people’s interest and for carrying out serious calculations.

To whom and how is the Flightradar24 service useful?

For example, real-time aircraft flights will be useful for those who intend to evaluate the performance of a particular airline. Knowing the flight schedule, you can analyze the stated flight times and judge the professional qualities of any company providing air transport.

This service can also provide invaluable assistance in educational institutions. By connecting a computer to a projector or electronic board, a teacher can use it as a visual aid and introduce his students to the workings of modern aviation. By seeing airplanes in real time and imagining the stressful and demanding work that airline dispatchers do, students will gain new insights.

Thanks to Flightradar24, it is now so easy to find out about all the civil aircraft flying over your area. You will be able to see with your own eyes how the airliner with your friends or relatives on board will fly, and also just feel like an air traffic controller and feel the scale and development of modern technologies.

The developers of this truly unique service have done their best. They managed to combine information transmitted from satellites of different countries into one whole and show ordinary users the movement of aircraft of hundreds of airlines from around the world. When you visit our website for the first time, you will witness the work of the entire air transport industry and, for sure, share your impressions with friends and colleagues!