International Beaver Day. Unlucky notes Sayings about beavers

Have you heard about such a holiday as “Beaver Day”? I personally didn’t know about such a holiday until recently :) And the residents of “Cherry Town” and their guests, and we were among them, celebrated a funny holiday on October 19 :) And it is not surprising that this holiday is symbolic for the residents and for the first time in our country it was celebrated here! On the territory of the cottage town, beavers live in natural conditions in the lake. As I was told by those living in the village, they are fed! It is known that beavers play an exceptional role in improving the environment and normalizing its internal processes. You can read interesting information about the importance of beavers in nature

How was the celebration!?

There was a lot of entertainment, delicious food, various drinks, both bitter and sweet, and a sea of ​​positive emotions for the children and their parents! 😉

The kids played a quest, looked for a beaver (they collected puzzles, and looked for puzzle fragments together with an animator on the territory of “Cherry Town”).

During the event, they listened to stories about the life of beavers and the importance of their conservation in nature. And then the children and their parents took part in an exciting quiz prepared by the organizers, with thematic questions in honor of the “Beaver Holiday” :)

The weather, of course, didn’t play along with us - it was windy and cool, but sunny. Still, it was nice to breathe some fresh air after the city pollution. And the kids here could really spend time usefully not only to expand their horizons and emotional development, but also to get oxygen enrichment 😉

Only 9 km from Kyiv, but it seems that we are far from civilization. There is untouched nature all around. Silence, clean, fresh air, no fuss. Bright, well-kept, original houses with equally interesting, cultural and educated owners. All this influenced the relaxed and friendly atmosphere that reigned at the holiday.

Without pathos, in a simple way, like one family, everyone gathered in a specially designated house with a summer terrace, where various events are held for residents and guests of the “Cherry Town”. In the summer, there is an open veranda here and residents of the town gather to communicate and hold various events, and in the winter it is a cozy room for friendly and cultural meetings, painting exhibitions and much more for interesting, creative people.

At the “Beaver Festival” this time the works of the talented artist Natalya Zabolotskaya and others were presented for public viewing. You can get acquainted with her works.
At the event, parents received a master class from Natalia and together with her they drew emblems for children's teams. There had to be a beaver in the center of the emblem :)

At the end of the holiday, trained dogs performed, which delighted both children and adults.

All those present, both small and large, received themed gifts with a reminder of a careful and reverent attitude towards the environment, to keep warmth and love for nature and our little brothers living in it!

And at “Cherry Town,” according to reviews from residents, they do everything for a comfortable life for people and the animals living there (beavers, hares, minks, muskrats). In a club-type cottage town, not only is the primary nature preserved for its natural development, but the entire infrastructure is so thought out so as not to interfere with the living of its “neighbors”. They say that the founder of this cottage town also lives here. Therefore, it is not surprising that everything in the town is thought out to the smallest detail! Residents of the houses are provided with the necessary amenities and services, and even each house is equipped with central communications. I was always afraid of country life, that it was as if I was cut off from society, but now I have changed my mind and I understand that this is a different level, both financial and life
When the holiday was over, we walked around the town a little more and took a couple of photos for memory :)

And to be honest, I didn’t even want to leave... Mown lawn, birch trees, playgrounds, cleanliness and tranquility. It seems that here at the “Cherry Town”, like in that little garden, the nightingale should “chirp” (as it is sung in a folk song). I think the next holiday there should be called “SOLOVE NOT HOLY” :)

The Day of Beaver, Goodness and Forest became the final event of the 7th International Beaver Symposium, which these days took place in the reserve. All events of the holiday were conditionally divided into three sites: the Beaver, Good and Forest sites. The recently reconstructed Museum of Nature, the “Beaverarium” - a two-level aquarium where the beavers Chunya and Nyusha live in conditions close to natural, and the world-famous Beaver Nursery were open for free; “Grandfather Vasily’s kindness lessons” were held for children at the Peskov Museum. More than three thousand people celebrated the City Day together with the Voronezh Nature Reserve.

The interactive exhibits of the Beaver House, presented to the general public for the first time, were put to the test of strength - a complex that tells in an accessible and interesting way about all aspects of the life of the hero of the occasion - up to a hundred kids explored it at a time. Nearby there was a wooden children's playground, for the brave - the Yozhkiny Paths rope park, and a musical concert was held at the Forest site.

« The Voronezh Nature Reserve has great opportunities for organizing leisure time and improving environmental culture. There are indoor areas and outdoor activities. Everything is located compactly and, at the same time, there is somewhere to walk,- reported Igor Vorobiev , And about. Director of the Voronezh Nature Reserve, - Now we even have a hotel so that people can spend, for example, a whole weekend here - without rushing anywhere, look at the stars at night or listen to the birds at dawn».

To help organize the holiday, specialists from a dozen protected areas in Russia arrived in the Voronezh Nature Reserve. The Mordovian Nature Reserve brought a theatrical performance, the Bryansk Forest Nature Reserve came with a master class on painting gingerbread cookies, employees of the Khopyorsky Nature Reserve painted beavers from salt dough with children, and the Taganay National Park puzzled the guests of the event with photo quiz questions.

« Such cooperation is a constant practice for us. We create mobile organizing committees and expert groups from among specialists from various reserves and national parks to organize significant events and solve problems in a particular protected natural area", - reported Tikhon Shpilenok , head of the Association of Directors of Nature Reserves and National Parks “Zapovednaya Rossiya”, director of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve.

Guests shared their emotions and impressions of the holiday during a survey conducted by the press center of the 7th International Beaver Symposium.

Sergey Nagibin , resident of the Voronezh region:
- A very good holiday, a lot of people came, we especially liked the updated exhibitions of the Natural Museum. We visited the reserve with our children last year and we see that things are better now. Very nice and clean.

Karina Arzumanyan , Voronezh school student:
- It's great here! It's just very hot. Everything is interesting and in bright colors. It turns out that beavers are so big!

Elena Unkovskaya , Deputy Director of the Volga-Kama Nature Reserve:
- A wonderful holiday, a great day - bright, sunny. There are many people, many children who want to learn more about nature, who want to touch, try and learn everything.

Nastya Smolina , Voronezh school student:
- I really like it here. I liked the beavers - they are big, kind and very cute.

Dina Shvedkina , chief environmental education specialist at Taganay National Park:
- An amazing holiday - interesting, dynamic, it’s great to see what your colleagues are doing. I liked the reserve itself and its superbly equipped Central Estate.

October 18 is International Beaver Day. The folklore of Siberian aborigines and American Indians has the same motif: beavers are former people. In the Trans-Urals in the old days, the Mansi and Khanty were confident that beavers understood human speech. In medieval books, beavers were endowed with human qualities. They wrote that they move on two legs. In beaver society, there are slaves who are entrusted with the hardest work, and there are outcasts, incorrigible lazy people. They also believed that wearing a castor hat had a good effect on the mental abilities of its owner, and a necklace made of beaver teeth accelerated teething in babies. In the 17th - 19th centuries, just at the time when beavers in the Old World were turning from game animals into rare ones, in America, to the south, east and west of the great lakes, the dramatic “Beaver Fever” broke out. In Europe, furs turned to gold. . Beavers influenced the fates of thousands of people - hunters, hired soldiers, tramps, missionaries... Beaver lands became the cause of the Anglo-French war for the possession of Canada (1756-1763). The Red Book of the Russian Federation protects two subspecies of beaver: the West Siberian river beaver and the Tuvan river beaver. They are endangered and distributed in limited areas.

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“Ecological holidays” - April 15 – Day of Environmental Knowledge. April 1 is International Bird Day. World Civil Defense Day was ignored for a long time in the USSR. In 1958, the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to a moratorium on atmospheric testing. Struggle in unequal conditions//National Geography. September 15 – Forest Day.

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“Holidays of the peoples of the world” - Holidays of the peoples of the world. Make your own Easter egg and give it to a friend! People make lanterns and set off fireworks. There are religious holidays, and there are holidays dedicated, for example, to the change of seasons. Sweden. Many Christians give each other painted or chocolate eggs at Easter. The religious holiday of Easter is celebrated in Russia.

“Event Scenarios” - Goals and Objectives. Selection of actors and assistants. Contents: “Star” of thinking. Develop and implement the project. Selection of equipment and decorations. The process of holding the event. Two charming and attractive leading 6-7 assistants. Expand your knowledge and skills in directing. Event script.

“Festive events” - Prepare conclusions, photo report of the event. Find out if a permit is required for the event. Communications and attracting public attention. Presentations. Prepare navigational signs. Conclusion. Holidays. Sports competitions. Always start small. City holidays. Prepare small gifts for all participants.

“Congratulations on your anniversary” - My dear, Edward! Create masterpieces again to win an Oscar! Congratulations...meow! You are now among friends. Sveta, good fun, Happy birthday! Today we congratulate you and the day will become brighter! Light seventy candles! Turn off the lights, bring the cake! Your Matroskin. And smile more often, Remembering me.

There are 18 presentations in total

Somehow in this century, by the will of fate, I once again ended up in Canada. My friend Oleg invited me to go to his dacha. His dacha is thirty-four hectares of land, a lake with seven (if my memory serves me correctly) islands. I don’t remember exactly why we went there, and what difference does it make, the main thing is that we went.
When we arrived, we immediately grabbed a can of beer and began our inspection. A lot has changed since my last visit to Oleg's dacha. He released either 500, or 1000, or even more trout fry into the lake. I was building a new second house. The dacha was developing.
But there were also some problems. A voracious otter lived on the lake, which threatened the development of the trout population by the very fact of its existence. Otters eat a lot of fish. Trout fish is healthy. Otters are harmful!
Beavers, due to their beaver traditions, love to swamp their territory. And they cut down a lot of good trees. A stream flowed into the lake and the beavers began to build a dam on it. Or rather, they built it. And the meadow, just above the new house under construction, was designated by beavers for waterlogging. And the house, accordingly, was also planned for waterlogging. These beavers had such simple but insidious plans. Which Oleg categorically disagreed with. Having discovered a beaver dam on the stream, he quickly destroyed it.
We calmly and efficiently, purely as men, discussed these problems,
quietly sipping beer. They started a fire on the grill and began to fry and eat juicy sausages, not neglecting the beer. As a result of the discussion, it was recognized that the otter was committing genocide against the trout population of the lake. You won't be able to feed any trout on it! And this contradicts Oleg’s economic interests. Therefore, the otter must be expelled from the territory or destroyed! At least scare me! Then the otter, as if teasing us, appeared on the surface of the lake and began to look at us with curiosity. Like, what kind of aliens are these?! What do you need?!
We could not stand such insolent behavior and launched a punitive expedition. It was decided to find and destroy the otter’s house, and if she was against it, then shoot the owner too! Two guns were pulled out, one of them with a sniper scope. Chucks and a canoe from the barn. Already well loaded with sausages and beer, we boarded a canoe and set off to the island where, according to Oleg’s observations, the otter had a home. Having unloaded on the otter's home island, we searched it, but did not find the house. And the entrance to it is underwater near the island too. Smooth, clean, light sand surrounded the island. It was not possible to destroy the house due to its absence. And the otter did not appear on the surface of the lake.
We returned to the “mainland”, took another can of beer, and proceeded to plan “B”. Having settled comfortably on chairs, they began to target this disgrace. Half an hour later, the otter peered out of the water curiously. We didn't spare any ammunition! A cannonade of shots, the passion of primitive killers!
After shooting a fair amount, Oleg said that he saw how I hit her and killed her! I don't feel happy killing someone, but I don't get upset either. He killed, he killed. Tomorrow someone will kill me if I’m too lazy. That is life. Having celebrated the solution to this problem with beer and sausages, we went to look at the house under construction. And, horror of horrors, they discovered a dam restored by beavers. The otters, inflamed by the recent murder, wanted more blood. The total extermination of harmful beavers was recognized as a good deed. It was decided that Oleg would sit peacefully in ambush with beer and a gun, waiting for the sensitive beavers to come to restore the destroyed dam again. And I'll go around the lake. Consistently shooting at all beavers encountered. Since for some reason I was recognized as a good beaver beater and a killer in close combat with beavers.
The men decided - the men did it! The route around the lake at a quiet pace, periodic ambushes, shooting at beavers, approaching their houses from the leeward side and other hunting games took me about three hours. Hitting a beaver, especially in water, is not so easy. I tried, oh how I tried! But, to be honest, I never hit it. I decided to lie to Oleg, otherwise how could it be! Three hours without a single major kill?! The mosquitoes were killed, but it was a small, insignificant killing. And after killing the otter, I wanted to chalk up the killing of the beaver as well. The total extermination of several beaver families is, of course, too much, but one beaver killed and drowned in a swamp is good! That's what I decided to say.
Having walked around the lake, he came out to the stream. Oleg was sleeping peacefully on a chair, hugging a gun. I didn’t wake him up, went to the terrace of the house, took a can of beer and began to admire the sunset. It was nice and calm. Soon Oleg came and inquired about my hunting. I told about the bloody murder of the beaver and the terrible depths of the swamp. He offered to go and get him dead tomorrow. And make a scarecrow. I asked about Oleg’s successes. He answered me that the beavers did not come out, they were afraid. Tired, we went to bed.
An alcoholic's sleep is short and restless. Early in the morning I went outside. An otter splashed peacefully in the lake. The beaver dam stood and performed its functions. “Thank God, no one was killed,” an ordinary, traditional thought flashed through my mind after all my not too numerous hunts.
Oleg soon woke up too. After a light breakfast, we put the canoe in the shed, cleaned up the house, collected our trash and headed to Toronto. And life at the dacha flowed on in its own way and in order.

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Boboruisk is a great city!

The press extensively covered the topic of celebrating Beaver Day in Bobruisk, so many things were offered, it would be interesting to see it: watching the beaver hut on the Berezina at sunrise, tasting the bun “At the Beaver’s”, and visiting the exhibition “We and the Beavers” , and a competition for the “best beaver”.

Interesting facts about beavers:

The Catholic Church classified beaver as a fish and therefore considered its meat a lean food, allowing beaver stew to be eaten on Fridays and during Lent. The Orthodox clergy categorically prohibits its consumption as food. In Novgorod in the 14th century. During confession they asked a special question: “Did you eat beaver or horse meat?”
- The large lungs and liver of the beaver provide such reserves of air and arterial blood that the animal can not appear on the surface for 10–15 minutes (longer than any other semi-aquatic mammal), while swimming up to 700 m.
- On July 1, 2008, the Bank of Russia, in the “Save Our World” series, issued gold and silver “River Beaver” commemorative coins.
- The second reason for beaver mortality after natural is that they are crushed by trees.
- The most famous of the extinct beavers are the Pleistocene giants, the Siberian Trogontherium cuvieri and the North American Castoroides ohioensis. The height of the latter, judging by the size of the skull, reached 1.75 m, and weight 60 kg.
- The ancient coat of arms of the Irkutsk region depicted a babr (as the Ussuri tiger was previously called) holding a sable in its mouth. In the Senate decree of 1878, a mistake was made in the description of the coat of arms - instead of a beaver, a beaver appeared. The artists had to add a large beaver tail and webbed hind feet to the babr, creating a new mythical animal.
- A beaver gnaws a branch 2 cm thick in two bites, and a 25 cm cube. per night (if it is alder, poplar, willow, aspen).
- Beaver pelts served as the unofficial currency of Canada. For one skin at the Hudson Bay fort stores they gave four spoons or boots, or two knives, or a pound and a half of gunpowder, or a handkerchief, or a gallon of brandy.
- The beaver was featured on Canada's first postage stamp.
- Beavers have a third, transparent eyelid, which they use as underwater glasses for better orientation under water.
- Beaver stream is an oily liquid from special glands that the beaver uses to make its fur water-repellent - a valuable product for the perfume industry.
- According to legend, King Solomon used beaver stream for headaches. There may be some truth in this, since this substance contains aspirin - acetylsalicylic acid.
- The largest tree reliably felled by beavers was 96 cm in diameter.
- The castor hat and castor oil got their name from the Latin name of the beaver – Castor.
- In "Russian Truth" - the code of laws of pre-Mongol Rus' - it is said that for the theft of a beaver there is a 12 hryvnia fine. Unlike all other wild animals, beavers were recognized as movable property.
- Before hunting, North American Indians turned to the leader of the beavers - the Great Beaver - with prayer and sacrificed tobacco to him.
- Beaver lands became the cause of the Anglo-French war for the possession of Canada (1756 - 1763).

Dreams about beavers:

If you dreamed of a beaver, this means that in the near future you will find some interesting find that will definitely give you pleasure.
- If in a dream you hunted or tried to catch a beaver, then know: empty troubles await you. All your attempts to achieve success in the business you are currently engaged in will go to waste. It is better to stop in time and switch your attention and your efforts to something else.
- If you dreamed that you were watching someone hunting a beaver, know that due to the fault of someone close to you, you will have empty troubles in the near future.
- If you saw beavers in a dream, it means that soon your efforts will lead to long-awaited results.
- If you kill beavers for their fur, then expect accusations of fraud and unworthy behavior towards an honest person.

Sayings about beavers:

“The beaver is a four-legged animal that lives in ponds. It is said that some medicines are prepared from its testicles. And when someone sees him and chases him to kill him, the beaver understands why he is being pursued, and first runs away, relying on his fast legs and hoping to escape unscathed; and when he is already on the verge of death, he bites off and discards his testicles and thereby saves his life. Likewise, reasonable people do not value wealth at all to save lives.”
(Aesop's Fables 118)

“In case of danger, Pontine beavers bite off their own genitals, knowing that they are the cause of persecution. Doctors call the contents of these organs beaver stream. This animal, distinguished by the extremely sharpness of its teeth, cuts down riverine trees like iron, and having grabbed any part of the human body with its teeth, it does not unclench them until the bitten bones crunch. It has a fish tail, but otherwise looks like an otter; both animals are river animals, both have wool softer than fluff” (Pliny. VIII. 109).

“Throughout Pontus the beaver, otherwise called the castor, is found in abundance. It looks like an otter and bites extremely hard, so that if it attacks a person, it does not unclench its clenched teeth until it feels the crunch of broken bones. Its shu-lats are used to make medicines; therefore, when he notices persecution, he himself devours his “doubles”, so as not to benefit anyone if he is caught” (Solin. 13.2).

All beavers are kind to their own beavers.

Superstitions about beavers:

Killing a beaver means no good.

Classification of beavers according to the prominent Russian beaver specialist Boris Onufrievich Brov:

Grass (or green) beaver It is considered an animal with a sense of humor and an enviable appetite. He has a philosophical outlook on life. Young grass beavers sometimes tend to exaggerate the degree of their own growth, at times entering a state of timidity. Grass beavers, depending on their habitat, sometimes mutate into sour beavers, and sometimes into fen beavers.

Fenova, or white fast beaver, sometimes confused with the coke beaver. The fen beaver is distinguished by long periods of enviable striving for an active, energetic life, periodically falling into depressive euphoria. Coke his brother sometimes goes away for an hour or two during periods of euphoric depression, and the rest of the time he looks like an ordinary beaver. The ancestors of the fen beaver family are considered to be screw beavers. Screw beavers descended from mule beavers, now almost extinct.

Mushroom beaver can be unpredictable. From the outside it looks like a somewhat strange grass beaver. Sometimes mushroom beavers can turn into grasshoppers. Some beaver classifications classify mushroom beavers as a variety of sour beavers.

Sour beavers There are quite a few species of beavers, which often mutate and therefore cannot be classified. The sour beaver has a tendency to overestimate values. Young sour beavers have a tendency to look at everything, which is why the sour beaver is sometimes called the curious beaver.

Under negative environmental influences, some beavers turn into black beavers. The black (or slow) beaver is considered among beavers to be a finished and degraded animal and, fortunately, does not live long. The propensity of a particular beaver to mutate strongly depends on its internal organization.

Blue beavers Generally speaking, they do not belong to beavers. Other beavers among themselves consider blue beavers to be underdeveloped, “second-class beavers.”

And finally, if anyone has read these many letters, I want to say that while I was writing this post, I learned a lot of new things, but I was also tired “like a beaver. After building a dam. Alone. With knocked out teeth. In winter.”)) ))