When does check-in for international flights close? How to check in for a plane at the airport

Airplanes, as the fastest and most convenient form of transport, make our lives much easier. However, air transport has one drawback that sometimes causes discomfort for travelers - the check-in process for a flight at the airport. Firstly, this puts you in front of the need to be at the airport much earlier than the plane's departure time (check-in at the airport usually begins 3 hours before departure), and secondly, you will most likely have to stand in a tedious line if you did not arrive at the very beginning of registration. If at the same time you are loaded with a decent amount of luggage or even heavy carry-on luggage, the waiting time is unlikely to be pleasant.

Online check-in for your flight will help solve all these and some other problems. To check in for a flight online, all you need is Internet access and preferably a printer to print out your boarding pass. This is a fairly simple process that will not only reduce your required time at the airport, but will also provide a number of other benefits:

  • Allows you to select seats on the plane in advance. This is especially true if you are traveling not alone, but with a partner or a large company. After all, you have probably encountered a situation where, having found yourself at the check-in counter at the airport, you were given seats at different ends of the cabin, or you could not enjoy the beauty of the clouds from the window, since all the seats by the window were already occupied. Checking in online in advance guarantees your desired seats
  • Online check-in also saves you from the possible consequences of overbooking. As a rule, many airlines sell more tickets than the number of seats on the flight, since there is always a chance that some passengers will cancel their bookings, cancel their tickets, or be late. If all the passengers who bought a ticket arrive for the flight, the last ones to register increase the chance of not being on board the plane, even with a ticket in hand. Online check-in begins long before check-in at the airport, which means you are guaranteed to fly on the flight you need.
  • You won't have to wait in long lines at check-in counters or baggage drop-off counters. With an electronic boarding pass in hand, you can check in your luggage at special drop-off luggage counters, or go to the check-in counter for your flight without queuing.

How to register online

Online check-in for a flight most often begins 24 hours before departure and ends simultaneously with the end of check-in at the airport (40 minutes before the flight) - as Aeroflot does - however, this time may vary depending on the airline, departure airport and etc. For example, the airline opens online check-in 30 hours before and closes 50 minutes before departure, Emirates allows you to do this 24 hours before and stops check-in 90 minutes before departure, Qatar Airways is open for online check-in from 36 hours to 90 minutes before the plane takes off.

So, how to check in for a plane online? Below you will find detailed information.

You can check in online for your flight on the website of the airline operating your flight. To check in for a flight online, you may need the following information:

  • Last name (and possibly first name) of the passenger
  • Departure airport
  • Booking code (PNR - 6-digit code) or e-ticket number (13 digits)
  • The email you provided when purchasing the ticket
  • Departure details (flight number, departure date and time)
  • Passport details (if the information provided when booking the ticket was incomplete)

As soon as you enter the required data, you will be taken to a page with information about your flight. Make sure all the details are correct and start choosing your seats on the plane. Pay special attention to the choice of seats if you are traveling with a child under 2 years old and have not issued a separate ticket for him. As a rule, the seats you need are indicated by a special indicator, which means that there is an additional oxygen mask for the baby in this row.

Once you complete the online check-in process, you will be able to receive your boarding pass. It’s great if you have the opportunity to print it out immediately, then you will arrive at the airport with this document. You can also send your boarding pass to your email or receive it via SMS. However, since you will still need a paper boarding pass at the airport, you will need to obtain one either from the electronic check-in terminals at the airport or, if they are not available, from the check-in counter.

Sometimes online registration can save not only your time, but also money. For example, Ryanair charges a fine of 70 euros if you do not check in online or forget to print your boarding pass.

However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that online check-in is not possible for all flights. It is not possible to check in online for unaccompanied children (5-12 years old), as well as persons in need of special services (transportation of animals, medical escort, etc.)

We hope this article has helped you understand more about how to complete online check-in and make your flight experience even more comfortable!

Are you planning a trip? To ensure that it brings only pleasant impressions, consider how long it takes to check in for the plane. When should you arrive so as not to get bored at the airport, but also not to run headlong to the counter?

Checking in for a plane: what is it?

If you are not an avid traveler, you may not know why you need to register. But all carriers carry out this procedure. Its purpose is to determine which of those who bought a ticket actually used the service. If unforeseen situations arise, the airline will provide information about passengers on board.

After the flight, the information remains in the databases and is stored in the archive for several years. This allows you to ensure maximum security and avoid violations of the law.

The challenges of pre-boarding check-in don't stop there: carriers cannot allow passengers to make reservations and be seated at will. After all, the weight of travelers and their luggage affects the alignment of the aircraft. The center of gravity should not shift to one point, so passengers need to be accommodated according to the specifics of the situation. For this reason, when checking in for a plane, boarding passes are issued, which indicate the seat and row.

What does a plane boarding pass look like?

During the procedure, hand luggage and baggage are weighed, since weight cannot be taken onto the aircraft without restrictions. Sometimes the process is simplified: passengers are checked in at special points outside the airport. If you are flying from Vienna or Hong Kong, you can go through the procedure in the city, check in your luggage and travel further without suitcases or bags. You will be given a boarding pass, and you will not have to stand in line just before your flight. Once you reach the airport, you will go to the waiting room.

What types of check-in are there?

Registration is of the following types:

  • The online procedure is available on airline websites. You can print your boarding pass or pick it up at an airport kiosk.
  • The mobile version will appeal to owners of smartphones and tablets. Unlike the previous type, it will not require you to print your boarding pass. An SMS will be sent to your device with a message that you will show to company employees.
  • Those who are not sure that they will enter personal data correctly prefer to register at the counters. The disadvantages of this method include the fact that you cannot do without standing in line.
  • Self check-in kiosks open earlier than counters. But the service is available only on some routes and not with all carriers. It happens that only travelers without luggage can use it.
  • Hotels also offer an additional service. If you check in at the hotel, your luggage will be delivered to the airport without your participation. The service is offered in some hotels in Florida and Hong Kong.

Choose the appropriate method and travel hassle-free!

If you are late for your flight, the airline will not change the schedule. But those who checked in and then got carried away with shopping and missed boarding are called over the speakerphone.

Check-in rules

The length of the period in which you need to check in for a plane varies from company to company. Airports are also making amendments: international airports often have their own rules to which carriers are subject. To save yourself from unpleasant surprises, clarify the nuances.

What happens during the process: registration instructions

If you travel infrequently, then the question of how long it takes to check in for a plane will not be the only one. Make your task easier and read the instructions that describe all stages of the process.

Information table

Upon arrival at the airport, proceed to the departure hall. In some cases, you will meet security representatives here. They inspect luggage and baggage to check for prohibited items. Such screening is rarely used at foreign airports.

On the board you will see the flight schedule

Any problems? Go look for the information board. It contains data about all aircraft. When you are looking for the information you need, do not rely on the columns where the arrival location is indicated: it happens that several flights depart almost simultaneously. The Scheduled column is also not the most useful at this stage, since the schedule often changes.

To get the information you need, look for the flight number column. It is designated as Flight. The flight number is a combination of letters and numbers, for example S-141. Check the company name in the Airline column.

Pay attention to the status of the procedure:

  • Check-in means it's already on its way;
  • On-time - you will have to wait for the start;
  • Delayed - flight is delayed;
  • Canceled - flight cancelled.

The inscription Gate Closed means that the boarding is completed, and Boarding means it is still in progress.

Everything is fine? Check your departure time and find the counter number. It is indicated in the Counters column.

Registration desk

Features of the racks depend on the carrier's rules. Usually work starts 3 hours before departure. Business class passengers do not have to wait in the general queue. There are separate counters for them, and if you can’t find the one you need, you can go through the procedure on someone else’s.

Prepare a package of documents in advance, which includes the following:

  • passport, domestic or foreign;
  • visa (if necessary);
  • itinerary receipt (required if you are flying with a transfer);
  • insurance document.

A ticket may not be needed, because many companies store data about it in the database. But to avoid surprises, those who bought the electronic version are better off making printouts or saving it to their smartphone.

Passengers flying with children will need to take their passports and birth certificates. An exit permit is required when a child is traveling with a nanny or relatives. If he is traveling in the company of one of his parents, no additional document will be needed.

After completing the procedure, an airline employee will issue a boarding pass, which will indicate the row, seat number and desired gate.

What to do with luggage

Baggage and hand luggage are weighed on scales, and weight and size limits depend on company rules. Suitcases and bags that are sent to the cargo compartment of the aircraft are affixed with a tag with a barcode. If the weight exceeds the limits set by the carrier, you will pay extra for each kilogram.

Baggage scales

You will receive a baggage receipt, and in case of loss or damage to bags, it will become the basis for a search or financial compensation.

Customs inspection and passport control

On international flights, passengers will undergo customs inspection and passport control. You will select the desired corridor: green or red.

Who is the green corridor for?

Travelers who do not need to fill out a customs declaration will enter the green corridor. But customs officers ask to show things for inspection. When you try to enter the green corridor, the action is equivalent to a verbal statement that there is nothing to declare. If a customs officer discovers fraud, your actions will be considered a violation of the law.

Customs control upon boarding the plane

What items are not subject to declaration by flight passengers? These include the following:

  • cash or travelers checks in the amount of less than $10,000;
  • personal items with a value of up to 10,000 € and a weight of up to 50 kg;
  • alcoholic drinks (less than 3 liters per passenger);
  • cigarettes, provided that their quantity does not exceed 200 pcs.;
  • cigars (up to 50 pcs.);
  • tobacco (up to 250 g).

Conditions vary depending on which state border you have to cross.

Who is the red corridor for?

Passengers transporting goods for mandatory declaration are sent to the red corridor. You must provide accurate information and present your items to the customs officer.

At some airports you will also see a blue corridor. It is intended for EU citizens traveling within its territory.

Passport control is also carried out, and the purpose of the procedure is to verify the identity of the passenger. Employees are not authorized to check the presence of an entry visa.

When you enter the customs inspection area, you need to place your hand luggage on the belt, taking out your phone, keys, and tablet. They are placed on a special tray, where metal accessories will also go. Outer clothing is also removed and presented along with other things. You pass through a special frame: if it gives a signal, it means you have metal objects left.

Meanwhile, the luggage is scanned: at this stage, everything that cannot be taken into the cabin is discovered. If you forgot nail scissors or shampoo in your purse that should have been in your luggage, they will go in the trash.

At the end of the inspections, you will be taken to the transit zone. It houses Duty free shops where you can shop at competitive prices. Goods can be taken into the salon, but they must be packaged in special bags.

How does boarding a plane work?

Boarding the plane starts in 30-40 minutes. before departure, and you can find out its time and the number of the desired exit (Gate) from your boarding pass. Didn't find the information? The dispatcher will make an audio announcement. Also check the information boards for updates.

After boarding begins, go to the appropriate exit and present your documents to the airport employee:

  • boarding pass;
  • passport.

You will get to the plane by bus or walk along a special ramp connecting the airport building with the airliner. If you do not check in on time, the carrier has the right to put another passenger in your place.

Still have questions? Watch the video about how long it takes to check in for a plane:

End-to-end registration: what is it and why is it needed?

Passengers flying with connecting flights can check in once. This procedure is called end-to-end, and it is not available in all directions, and it is not always possible to complete it online. If such registration is technically possible, you will immediately receive several boarding passes. In the future, you will only go through security control.

A flight is called a connecting flight when you fly with a transfer, but on 1 ticket (in rare cases, exceptions are possible). It is operated by 1 airline or several carriers that are part of a common alliance.

In such cases, luggage is collected at the destination. At connecting airports, the staff reloads it into the desired aircraft without your participation.

Do not confuse a connection with a transfer! If you purchased 2 tickets from the company, but separately, the flight is not considered a connecting flight. For example, you fly from point “A” to point “B”, but change vehicles at point “C”. For a flight to be classified as a connecting flight, point B must be a stopover. Did you buy tickets from “A” to “B” and from “C” to “B”? You will be responsible for your luggage at the transfer airport and will go through all related procedures again.

Do I need to arrive at the airport a few hours before check-in?

When deciding when to arrive at the airport, be guided by the departure time. The registration procedure begins 2 hours before, but check the conditions of the carrier. Don't have time and want to know when check-in closes? Typically airlines consider 40 min. There is a deadline before departure.

Features of check-in for a plane

When asking how long it takes to check in for a plane, take into account the specifics of the carrier company. Rules may change, so check with staff or on the website for dates.

In Domodedovo: what to consider

You can check in and check in your luggage at Domodedovo at the counter or near a special kiosk. There are separate counters for 1st and business class passengers.

The start time of the procedure depends on the flight. Passengers using the services of international airlines will go to check-in 2-3 hours before departure. If you have to travel within the country, the time will be 70-120 minutes.

If you wish, you will complete the procedure online, and the function becomes available 24 hours before the departure of the ship. Online registration ends in 90 minutes. before departure. But the function is not available for all companies: the carrier may not be in the drop-down list.

In Vnukovo: all the subtleties and nuances

If you are flying from Vnukovo, the procedure for processing documents for passengers will take place on the 2nd floor. It starts 2 hours before departure and ends 40 minutes. But some carriers require registration at least 60 minutes in advance. until the time indicated on the ticket.

Not happy with the conditions? Complete the documents online, fortunately the function becomes available 48 hours before the departure time; it must be completed within 3 hours. Passengers who choose this option will need to print their boarding pass. If you don't have the device you need, use the printers at the airport. They are located in the following places:

  • before entering the departure area;
  • at reception desks;
  • opposite section 102.

Showing a document on the screen of a mobile device is not enough: it will not be accepted.

At Sheremetyevo: important rules

You can check in for a flight when departing from Sheremetyevo 2 hours before the time indicated on the ticket. The procedure is stopped after 30 minutes. before the plane takes off. Online registration is possible, but only if the carrier is on the list.

The function becomes available 24 hours before departure time. Thanks to it, you can choose a convenient place, but you will need to print out the coupon yourself. You will find printers at the airport at counters or at Mobile Check-in terminals.

All Sheremetyevo terminals have kiosks for self-check-in.

What you need to bring with you during registration

To complete the procedure, prepare the necessary documents in advance. Keep them on hand so you can present them to the employee right away.

Passport: domestic or foreign

If you are traveling within the borders of the Russian Federation, a Russian passport is sufficient. But it is also possible to purchase tickets using a foreign document. Show the airline staff the same passport you used when purchasing.

When preparing to fly abroad, make sure you have a visa in advance. The check takes place at check-in and you may be denied boarding.

Ticket: when do you need a printout?

Passengers have access not only to electronic check-in for a plane, but also to purchasing tickets online. After all, it is not necessary to keep a paper document with you, since information about the passenger is entered into the database. But in some cases it is necessary:

  • when you go through passport control in the country of arrival, border guards may ask you to confirm your intention to return;
  • in some countries, only passengers with tickets are allowed into the airport building;
  • Sometimes traveling on connecting flights or visa-free transit is allowed only to those who leave the country within a certain period (the ticket becomes proof that you will leave within the specified period).

It happens that a paper printout is also useful for self-registration. You have to enter your ticket number or information that you have reserved a seat. It's easier to do this when the document is in front of your eyes.

Bank card: when to take it

When paying for tickets online using a bank card, there is a possibility that you will be asked to present it at check-in. If you purchased a travel document for a friend or relative, contact the carrier and notify them of the situation. Be prepared to come to the airline office if necessary.

Did the card you used to pay with expire before you went on your trip? Warn the carrier.

During check-in, you will receive a boarding pass, which is later scanned, and a baggage check.

Additional documents

In addition to the listed documents, additional permission will be required when transporting works of art, weapons or dangerous objects. Find out the rules in advance by contacting an airline representative. Those traveling with a child will also have to prepare: take a document confirming your relationship. In its absence, even the same surname will not become a basis.

When entering another country, the following situations arise:

  • When going through passport control, customs officers will ask you to confirm that you have the required amount of money, have made a hotel reservation, and purchased a return ticket. To avoid misunderstandings, please clarify the conditions in advance.
  • In some cases, medical certificates are required. For example, women in late pregnancy are allowed into the salon only with written permission from a doctor. Those visiting countries in Africa or Asia often require additional vaccinations: a confirmation certificate is required when registering.

Take into account the nuances so that the trip only brings pleasure!

How long does it take to check in for a plane?

Please calculate the time according to the type of flight as this will affect the rules.

For domestic flights

On average, registration begins in 2 hours and ends in 30-40 minutes. Times may vary depending on carrier and airport regulations.

For international flights

The first passengers undergo the procedure 2.5-3 hours before departure, and the last ones - 40-60 minutes.

For Aeroflot flights

Check-in for Aeroflot flights begins 2-6 hours in advance, depending on the details. Its completion time varies:

  • Usually the procedure is completed in 40 minutes. before departure;
  • on Aeroflot - Shuttle flights - in 30 minutes;
  • for flights from Washington, Miami, Delhi, Shanghai, Dubai and Tel Aviv - in 60 minutes.

Business class passengers are the easiest to complete the paperwork. There are more people flying in economy class, so arrive early.

Registration on the Internet and its advantages

To avoid standing in line, use the online service. You will receive a number of benefits:

  • complete documents without leaving your home or office;
  • choose a suitable place and row;
  • Print the coupon on your own printer so as not to go to the counter.

The service is not available if you are traveling with a child without being their parent, or if you are transporting an animal or a permitted weapon.

You will be able to cope with the task using the instructions for online registration:

  • go to the airline’s website, select the appropriate section;
  • in the form that opens, indicate the ticket number and last name in Latin letters;
  • If necessary, enter your frequent flyer card details;
  • select suitable locations.

All you have to do is print the ticket and the process will be completed.

What to do if you miss your plane

Didn't make it to check-in, but the plane hasn't taken off yet? Rush to the late arrivals desk or ask a company representative to guide you on board.

A traveler may get lost at the airport after checking in. In this case, contact any employee: he will transmit information about your location via radio.

Don't arrive at the last minute, otherwise you'll miss your plane

This opportunity is not always available, since the crew needs time for pre-pilot preparation. If you can no longer get on board, do not throw away your ticket. Contact the carrier: you will be offered a change of departure date or time. You will have to pay a fine, but you will lose less money than if you bought a new ticket. Exchanges are not available if you have purchased a non-refundable travel document.

Please note that if a segment of a ticket is lost, the rest will become invalid. For example, you have a travel document with the route Moscow-Paris-Berlin and the return Berlin-Paris-Moscow. If you miss your flight in the capital of the Russian Federation, you will not be able to get to Paris on your own and check in for the initial flight to Berlin. According to international rules, tickets are canceled completely. This also applies to the return journey, although you might be able to return in time!

A few important points: how not to turn registration into a nightmare

Although everything seems clear in theory, in practice passengers are faced with unforeseen situations. To prevent registration from becoming a nightmare, check out these frequently asked questions:

  • What should I do if I left my printed boarding pass at home? Contact the registration desk to obtain a duplicate. You can print the ticket yourself again if you use the reprint function. It is available when the airport has a self-check-in kiosk.
  • I checked in online but want to change seats, what should I do? Log in to the system again, enter your ticket number and last name. Select the "Change location" function.
  • I'm trying to register myself, but I don't see any available places, what should I do? Not all seats are available through the registration kiosk or online program. If you don't find any available, go to the counter.

Take these nuances into account and you won’t get confused in a difficult situation.

How far in advance do you need to arrive at the airport?

On travel forums, users continue to ask questions about when is the best time to arrive so as not to miss the flight. The answer depends on whether you've been to an airport before: it's easy to get lost in the big buildings. It can take 30 minutes to get from the entrance to the counters, and sometimes there is additional control at the entrance. Be prepared to stand in line!

It will also not be possible to get to the boarding gate in a couple of minutes, and shopping lovers should reserve time for strolling through Duty Free. To be in time for everything, arrive 3 hours before departure if you are going to take an international flight, and 2.5 hours before when traveling within the Russian Federation.


To avoid missing your flight, remember to check in. Its start and end times depend on the conditions of the carrier and the specific airport. Don't forget to check them in advance!

If a person flies on an airplane for the first time, he often has difficulties with registration. After all, checking in for an airplane flight contains many pitfalls that you need to remember so as not to waste your nerves and time.

How to check in for a flight

Before registering for a flight, you need to prepare the necessary documents in advance. You won't be able to get on the plane without them. It is better to check all documents before leaving home, so as not to return in a hurry.

Passport and flight tickets

What documents are required:

There are two ways to register for a flight:

  • come to the airport and get a ticket to the terminal to purchase a ticket and receive a baggage tag;
  • register in advance on the airport website online.

Checking in for a flight at the airport

Method 1 - check-in at the airport:

  1. Find a place to check in for your flight at the airport.
  2. Submit the required documents to the registration department.
  3. Go through pre-flight inspection and go through a metal detector.
  4. Submit your luggage for inspection and weighing.
  5. Collect your boarding pass and baggage return tag from the luggage compartment.

Boarding pass appearance

Attention! It is better to put the tag in a safe place so as not to lose it. Returning your luggage without it will be a long process.

Method 2. How to check in online for a plane:

  1. Go to the website of the selected airline.
  2. Fill in the required data from your passport and select the flight direction.
  3. Pay by card, wallet or transfer.
  4. Save your ticket online or print it.

Aeroflot airline online check-in

Check-in times for domestic flights

The start time of registration for domestic flights depends on:

  • airline size;
  • number of clients served;
  • time of day (at night the number of tourists decreases and less time is required for registration)
For major airlines, check-in for a plane begins a few hours in advance. Small companies are allowed to register for domestic flights for an hour and a half.
Departure board with exact departure time

How many hours in advance does registration for domestic flights begin on airline websites:

When does registration close:

How long before you start checking in for a plane at major airports for domestic flights:

Attention! On average, at almost all airports, the start time for check-in for domestic flights begins 2 hours before departure and ends 30-40 minutes before the plane departs.

For international flights

Check-in times for international flights on the websites of most airlines are the same as for domestic flights. This is due to the fact that online registration most often begins a day in advance, so there is not much difference between international and domestic flights.

But at airports, the start time for processing for international and domestic flights differs, because when flying abroad, more thorough screening is required. Some additional requirements are set by the countries to which travelers want to fly. Preparing and verifying all regulations takes more time.

How many hours before does check-in for a plane at major Russian airports for international flights begin and end:

On average, at almost all airports, the start time for registration for domestic flights begins 3 hours before departure and ends 40-45 minutes before the plane’s departure.

Departure board for international flights

Nuances and differences of online registration

For whom electronic check-in for a plane is not suitable:

  • people with disabilities;
  • family or group of more than 9 people;
  • children under 18 years of age unaccompanied by parents, relatives, nannies and coaches (with a power of attorney);
  • people transporting animals.

Flying on an airplane with animals

Attention! If a traveler's baggage is not checked in during online check-in, then it must be checked in independently at the airport at the drop-off baggage counter. The counter accepts luggage 5 hours before departure and ends 40 minutes before departure.

Drop-off counter for luggage during online checkout

If a mistake was made when checking in for a plane via the Internet, most airlines can correct it within 24 hours without additional expenses.

Application for exchange of tickets with additional fee

Checking in for a flight online - main mistakes:

  1. Buy tickets from unreliable airlines without reviews or contacts. It is better to trust large and trustworthy companies.
  2. Do not carefully check your first and last name when filling out the form fields. If there are more than 3 mistakes, you will not be allowed on the flight at all. If it is less, then sometimes they can turn a blind eye to it. But it’s better to fill everything out correctly anyway.
  3. Always book on airline websites. But on the website of quality agencies you can save money and it is easier to get a ticket returned or replaced.
  4. Ignore the tariff. After all, if you can’t go later, some tickets cannot be returned. And if you choose a refundable rate in advance, then there will be no problems.

What to do if you're late?

Procedure in different situations:

Situation Actions
Late check-in before departureMany airports have counters for late arrivals. They can register for an additional fee. But if there is very little time left before departure, then they have the right to refuse
Checked in, but didn't make it to boardingYou need to contact the airport employees and explain the situation. There is a chance that the person will still be jailed, but it is small
Late for clearance and planeIf the ticket is business class or purchased for round-trip flights, then there is a chance that company representatives will be able to put the person on the next flight. But only if there are empty seats left. If the ticket was purchased at the airport, then you need to contact the employees. If purchased through an agency, then you need to contact them
Missing a connecting flight through no fault of your ownIf the airline is at fault, then it is obliged to provide: airfare on the next flight without additional charges, free calls, a hotel room, water and food. But this only applies if the tickets were purchased for a transit flight. If not, the airline is not responsible

Missing your flight

Registration for an airplane flight is a troublesome task. But if you know all the features, then the flight will go without problems and wasted nerves.

Anyone who has ever flown on an airplane remembers the long lines at the check-in counter. Of course, first and business class passengers go through the check-in procedure many times faster than economy passengers. However, the latter have a very real chance not to languish in line, but to immediately move on to the next stage. The secret is online registration.

Online check-in is available on most airline websites. Most often, online check-in opens 23 hours before departure. You can go through it at any time, but no later than 1 hour before the plane takes off into the sky. All you need to register an air ticket online is a stable Internet connection signal, knowledge of the airline’s website address and order details. Almost every airline has a separate section of the website for registering electronic plane tickets, so finding the right button will be easy. The online check-in procedure takes a few minutes versus half an hour or more in line at the airport.

When checking in for air tickets, you can choose comfortable seats on the plane. This is an absolute plus - you can wait for online registration to open and calmly choose that very coveted seat by the window.

You will receive your boarding pass by email. Sometimes you can print it out immediately after completing online registration, without waiting for an email. You must print your boarding pass, otherwise you will not be allowed on the plane. You can print your boarding pass at self-check-in kiosks at some major airports.

There are special programs for mobile phones that help you complete online registration yourself. However, not all airlines provide this service. The procedure differs in that after checking in you will receive an SMS with a barcode, which you can then use to print your boarding pass at the airport.

Registration of plane tickets via the Internet is not available for all passengers. If you need to check luggage, you will still have to stand in line. You checked in online, but you will check your luggage as usual. To check in your luggage, you will have to stand in a queue - at large airports in a separate line for those who, like you, checked in online, and in small ones - in a general one.

If you don’t have luggage, but have hand luggage, rejoice, you don’t need to stand in line. The second condition is that you are not bringing an animal with you. The third condition is that you do not need additional services (accompanied child, wheelchair, cradle, etc.). Some airlines do not support online check-in for passengers who have purchased a codeshare ticket.

Did you know

    how to buy a plane ticket without leaving home?

    On the Tutu.ru website, indicate the route, travel dates and number of passengers in the required fields.

    The system will select suitable options from offers from several hundred airlines.

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    Enter your personal information - it is required to issue tickets. Tutu.ru transmits them only via a secure channel.

    Pay for tickets with a bank card.

    how to pay for an air ticket when purchasing online?

    The fastest and most convenient way to pay for a ticket on the Tutu.ru website is with a bank card.

    We accept cards of all types of international payment systems Visa and MasterCard - debit, credit, virtual (for example, QIWI Visa Virtual).

    Why can you safely enter your bank card details on the Tutu.ru website?

    Data entry takes place on secure pages. We do not store any information about bank cards, we only transfer them to the bank for payment.

    The entire process occurs automatically, without human intervention.

    Data is transmitted over a secure (encrypted) channel.

    We guarantee that no information will be transferred to third parties or used for purposes other than issuing tickets.

    What does an e-ticket look like and where can I get it?

    After payment, a new entry appears in the airline’s database - this is an electronic ticket. Now all information about your flight will be stored by the carrier airline.

    Electronic plane tickets are not issued in paper form and cannot be viewed.

    You can see, print and take with you to the airport not the ticket itself, but the itinerary receipt. It contains your ticket number and all the information about your flight. We will send a receipt by email.

    An itinerary receipt will not be needed when checking in for a flight - all information is stored in the computer and at the airport you will only need a passport.

    How to get on a plane using an electronic ticket?

    An electronic plane ticket is an official document confirming the conclusion of an air transportation agreement.

    To use your ticket, you only need to arrive at the airport on time and check in.

    To register you will need:

    • identification document specified in the order;
    • birth certificate (when flying with children).

    The itinerary receipt is not a mandatory document when registering. However, Tutu.ru recommends printing out the receipt and taking it with you.

    You may need it at passport control abroad, as confirmation that you have a return ticket or that you are continuing on your route.

    how to return a plane ticket?

    An e-ticket can only be returned in accordance with the airline's rules, regardless of how it was booked and paid for.

    To return a ticket, you must contact the operator as soon as possible.

    To do this, you need to respond to the letter that you will receive after ordering tickets on the Tutu.ru website.

    Please indicate “Ticket Return” in the subject line and briefly describe your situation. Our specialists will contact you. If you have not received the letter, write to [email protected].

    The information letter that you receive after ordering also contains contacts of the partner agency through which your ticket was issued. You can contact him directly.