What to take with you on vacation at sea. How to pack a minimum of things for vacation? In case of cool weather

Packing your bags at sea at the last minute is probably the worst idea of ​​all. Therefore, it is better to start “preparing the sleigh in the summer”, so that by the beginning of the vacation you just need to check whether everything is put in the suitcase.

Hygiene supplies

Here, of course, sunscreen will come first: sun cream and a heat-protective hair spray that will save your hair from fading. The first one deserves special attention. Many girls sincerely believe that you only need to take cream with the highest level of protection, but this only depends on your skin type.

Attention! The highest SPF is needed only for children and girls with very fair skin that practically does not tan. The darker the skin, the lower the SPF.

  • Toothbrush;
  • Toothpaste;
  • Soap, shower gel, intimate hygiene gel;
  • Cream for face and body.

If you haven't had any beauty treatments before, take a razor and post-depilation products with you.

What do you think is essential to take with you on vacation?

Clothes and shoes

Of course, the complete set will depend on the cultural program planned during the holiday. If you are going sailing on a cruise ship, then you cannot do without an evening dress, or even several, and stiletto sandals. But if this is some kind of seaside village, where the only attractions are the embankment, all these attributes are completely useless. Therefore, we focus on the necessary minimum clothes:

  • Linen - at least 3 sets. You can take a pair of bras in basic colors and 5-7 panties to go with them.

Important! Match colored underwear to the sets of clothes that you have chosen for the trip.

  • 2 swimsuits. This is the required minimum, because if you want to show off in something new every time, good luck! You can use this trick: combine parts of different two-piece swimsuits, getting new models;
  • A set of warm clothes: trousers/jeans, long sleeve or turtleneck, long-sleeved jacket;
  • Beach tunic or pareo;
  • Shorts and long skirt (walking option);
  • T-shirt, top - 1-2 pieces;
  • Headdress.

Dresses, trousers, suits - all this has a place, but is not included in the mandatory list.

WITH shoes the situation is much simpler: 1 pair of beach shoes, 1 pair of walking shoes (sandals, sandals, ballet shoes or pantos) and 1 pair of closed ones + socks.

What medicines to take with you to the sea for adults and children

If we are traveling within our own or neighboring countries, then we should not worry too much about a set of medicines and medicines, since they can be purchased at any nearby pharmacy. Take with you the required minimum of medications that will be needed in the first case: antiseptics, antipyretics, sorbents, antihistamines. If you have chronic diseases, then do not forget to take maintenance medications.

Another thing is a trip abroad, where you will not be able to clearly explain what you need, nor select the appropriate analogue of our drug, nor buy most medications without a doctor’s prescription. Here the list needs to be thought out much more carefully. Mandatory items will be:

  • Antipyretic (paracetamol or ibuprofen in any medicine);
  • Drugs that improve the functioning of the digestive system, since unfamiliar cuisine can cause a number of problems (Motorix, Mezim, Domrid, etc.);
  • Sorbents (Smecta, White coal);
  • Antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, iodine);
  • Bandage, cotton wool, plaster;
  • Wound healing ointments (Rescuer, Panthenol);
  • If necessary, medications against high/low blood pressure, drugs for the cardiovascular system.

A children's first aid kit has its own specifics, since here we need to take care of the following components:

  • For children under 7 years old - acetone test. Strips for determining the level of acetone in urine. Even if your baby has never suffered from this before, changes in climate, regime and eating habits may well provoke a spike in acetone;
  • Rehydrating agents and agents for intoxication (Regidron, Atoxil);
  • Healing ointments (Bepanten, Panthenol);
  • Antipyretics and cough suppressants.

You will be surprised that Activated Carbon, which is recommended by most resources, is not on the list. No, this is not a mistake, it’s just that this drug has long outlived its usefulness. Even an adult cannot drink the required number of tablets, because for 10 kg of weight you need to drink 1 tablet of coal (you can take it twice a day, but not more than 30 tablets). Therefore, it is much easier to purchase the same Smecta or White Coal.

Kids' things

You need to approach the collection of children's luggage much more thoroughly than your own and think through the list of necessary things in advance. It will vary depending on the vacation spot and your plans, but the “backbone” looks like this:

  • Swimming suit - minimum 2 pieces. Ideally - 3. Why so many? This is not a tribute to fashion at all, but a completely practically justified requirement: the child bathes in one, the second to dry, and the third is a spare one;
  • Linen. 5-6 panties and a pair of T-shirts;
  • Cloth. For boys, this is a pair of shorts, long pants, 2-3 T-shirts, a long sleeve and a warm blouse or light windbreaker. For girls, a couple of dresses or sundresses, a pair of T-shirts/T-shirts, shorts and a skirt + a set of warm clothes will be enough;

Important! The amount of children's clothing should be at least twice as much as for adults!

  • Hats. A pair of Panama hats for boys and a Panama hat and scarf for girls;
  • Shoes. 1 pair for the beach, 1 for walking and 1 closed in case of bad weather. Of course, these are not rubber boots, sneakers will be enough, and don’t forget to bring socks with them;
  • Toys. These include sets for playing with sand, entertaining books, coloring books with accompanying stationery;
  • Pot.

The list of things for a baby will differ from the one proposed, since here we will need:

  • Bottles for drinking and milk formulas and means for their thorough cleaning;
  • Baby food. If you are sure that upon arrival you will be able to replenish your supplies, take the amount needed for the duration of the trip + 1-2 days, otherwise it is better to stock up for the entire period of your stay;
  • Diapers, wet wipes, absorbent diapers, skin care products. You can buy more diapers, so you don’t need to carry several packs with you. This will not only take up a lot of space, but will also significantly increase the weight of your luggage (which is very important when flying);
  • 3-4 sets of clothes + headdress.

And finally

It is simply impossible to imagine a trip without modern gadgets. Well, how can you not post a couple of photos a day on Instagram? No, there is no way without this. In principle, if we have a high-quality smartphone, all we need additionally is a charger or a power bank (external battery). If there is plenty of space, a laptop + charger, camera, and e-book can be attached to it.

And most importantly, don’t forget to double-check your documents. Make a couple of copies of your passport, children’s birth certificate, travel permit (issued if only one parent is traveling abroad), tickets, and insurance. Put all this in different places so that if you lose it, you have at least copies.

One of the important questions when traveling at sea is what to take with you. It often happens that half of the things taken on vacation remain unused in the suitcase, and something important, which is difficult to do without, is left at home. With the acquisition of travel experience, such troubles can be avoided, but it is much more pleasant and cheaper to learn from the mistakes of others. This article will definitely help you avoid many mistakes when preparing for a trip to the sea and spend your vacation comfortably. After reading all the points in the article before going to the seaside, you will definitely remember all the little things that you almost forgot to pack in your suitcase.

Documents and money

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • International passport. Don't forget to check the date it is valid until. The passport must be valid for another 6 months from the date of crossing the border into another country.
  • Photocopies of documents. It is recommended to carry them with you instead of the originals.
  • Tickets for the type of transport you use to get to the sea (plane, train, bus). If you are flying abroad using electronic tickets, be sure to print out the itinerary receipt for your return flight; it may be required at border control at the airport of arrival.
  • Medical insurance when traveling to another country. When going on a trip on their own, many people forget about an insurance policy, since having insurance is not a prerequisite for crossing the borders of visa-free countries. However, medical services abroad are very expensive. In the absence of an insurance policy, their cost may exceed the cost of the trip several times. For example, applying a plaster cast in a Bangkok hospital in Thailand will cost 20,000 baht, at today’s exchange rate it is about 46,000 rubles, and 4 days in a hospital will cost 100,000 baht. A doctor's appointment costs from $80.

Today you can find an insurance company and buy an insurance policy without leaving your couch on the website. It contains offers from all insurance companies, you can compare prices and insurance conditions.

  • Hotel reservation or travel voucher
  • If you are flying abroad with a child and one of the parents remains at home, his consent is required to take the child abroad.
  • Depending on the requirements of the country you are traveling to, additional documents may be required: customs declaration, documents confirming solvency, etc.
  • Bank card (preferably two). Before flying to another country, you must notify your bank and make sure that your card is allowed for transactions in that country. Otherwise, your account may be blocked when you try to withdraw money from an ATM or pay for goods with a card in a store.
  • Cash. Just in case, you need to have a small amount with you, even if you plan to pay everywhere using a bank card. When traveling abroad, it is better to take dollars or euros with you.

What to take with you to the sea in terms of clothes and shoes.

If you are flying to another country, then first of all take an interest in its climatic features. In mountainous areas, for example, despite hot days, the nights can be quite cool, and in all tropical and subtropical countries there is a season when it rains for several months in a row. Having assessed the climate of the region, you can definitely take warm clothes and clothes with you for rainy weather or leave space in your suitcase free for other things that you simply need to take with you to the sea.

If you are going on vacation at sea in your car, then the volume of things is limited only by the size of the trunk. But if you fly by plane, you will have to take into account the weight of the suitcase. According to the rules of most airlines, you can carry up to 20-22 kg and hand luggage up to 10 kg free of charge as baggage. You will have to pay a lot for the advantage. If you plan to fly on a budget flight (low-cost airline), you will have to pay for every kilogram you take with you on board the plane.

How to find and book a hotel. You can find a profitable and convenient housing option using services Hotellook And Roomguru, Sites compare prices of a variety of booking systems and find the best one.

For beach

  • A woman planning a trip to the seaside should remember to take with her:
  • Two swimsuits so that one of them can be put on while the other is drying after swimming.
  • One pareo. This is the best beach wear.
  • Slides or flip-flops that will be comfortable for walking on the beach on sand and small pebbles.
  • Sunglasses.
  • A hat will protect your face from the sun on the beach and complement any clothes you take with you to the sea.

For a man:

  • Swimming trunks. Two is enough.
  • Flip flops or flip flops.
  • Panama hat or cap for sun protection.
  • Shorts.
  • Sunglasses.

To kid

  • Two swimming trunks for a boy or two swimsuits for a girl.
  • two shorts for a boy or a girl.
  • Skirt with top for girls.
  • Panama hat.
  • flip flops

For walks, excursions, visiting cafes and restaurants

For a woman:

  • Skirt.
  • Shorts. This is a universal garment. They are convenient to go on excursions, engage in active recreation and sports, and go to the beach.
  • Two T-shirts and two tops. They are not hot and can be worn anywhere.
  • Jeans. They can be worn on cold evenings, on excursions to temples and other religious places where you cannot appear in open clothing, to shopping centers, restaurants, etc.
  • Sweater. Can be useful in case of cold weather or in the evening and at night.
  • Underwear. For a trip to the sea for two weeks, three sets are enough.
  • Comfortable, worn sandals without high heels, preferably plastic ones, for long walks.
  • Worn-in sneakers if you plan to spend time in the mountains, outdoors and other places without road surfaces. They are also useful in cool weather.
  • Two bras.
  • Pajamas or a nightgown are useful for sleeping.
  • An evening dress, sandals, shoes and other high-heeled shoes will most likely not be useful, unless of course you plan to attend expensive restaurants, a dinner party or an exhibition.
  • Decorations. It is better not to take expensive jewelry with you to the sea as it will look ridiculous when combined with leisure clothes.

To a man

  • Socks, 3-4 pairs.
  • 3-4 T-shirts. If you plan active recreation or sports, you may need a few more pieces.
  • Jeans.
  • Long sleeved jacket for cold weather.
  • Sneakers.
  • Sandals.
  • Headdress.
  • Two or three pairs of panties.
  • Shoes, a dress shirt and a tie most likely will not be needed on a beach holiday.

To kid

  • a pair of panties.
  • 3-4 pairs of socks.
  • Jeans.
  • Dress for a girl.
  • Panama hat.
  • Jacket with long sleeves.
  • pajamas.
  • Long-sleeved cotton clothing in case the child gets sunburned in the sun.
  • Sneakers.

Cosmetics and other accessories

  • Sunscreen.
  • Moisturizing cream.
  • Wet wipes and disinfectant gel.
  • Mosquito repellent.
  • For men - shaving accessories: razor, gel or foam, remedy for skin irritation after shaving.
  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste.
  • Cotton swabs and disks.
  • Cosmetic set.
  • Sunglasses.
  • An umbrella or raincoat if your vacation takes place during the rainy season.
  • Phone and charger for it.
  • If you are flying to the sea in warm countries in winter, then take care of a large, durable package or bag where you can put warm clothes after changing clothes on the plane

First aid kit

Minimum medications that you need to take with you to sea:

  • Diarrhea remedy. (pharmacies in many countries will not sell you medications containing antibiotics)
  • For poisoning - activated carbon, smecta, etc.
  • Mezim.
  • brilliant green, iodine, cotton wool, bandage.
  • An ordinary adhesive plaster for calluses on the feet.
  • Headache remedy.
  • Medicines taken as prescribed by a doctor.

Other useful things.

If the weight and volume of your luggage does not exceed those allowed for free transportation, fill the empty space in your suitcase with useful things that will definitely come in handy at sea:

  • Beach towel. It is not always given at the hotel, and spending time on purchasing it instead of immediately enjoying swimming in the sea is not entirely convenient. It is advisable to take not a new towel to the sea, which you don’t mind leaving behind, and the free space can be filled with gifts bought on vacation.
  • Reflex camera. If you love photography, it will be indispensable. Taking a good photo at sea using your phone is very difficult because of the bright sun shining on the LCD screen.
  • Beach bag.
  • Games, notepad, pencils, coloring books to keep your child occupied on the go.
  • Laptop and power supply for it.
  • Power bank, spare flash drives.
  • Favorite coffee.


Experience has shown that a stick of smoked sausage and a loaf of bread, cut in advance, will definitely come in handy, even if you are going on vacation to an all-inclusive hotel. Waiting at the airport, flying, traveling from the airport to the hotel, completing the necessary documents at the hotel, waiting for check-in... All this is very tiring and once you enter your room, you no longer have the strength to leave it to look for a cafe to satisfy your hunger. I want to take off my shoes, undress and lie on the bed for a couple of hours. This is where taking food with you will come in handy. And if you arrive at the seaside at 5 am, when no establishments are open at all?
It seems that I have listed all the essentials that you need to take with you to the sea. If you think I missed something, please comment below. Have a nice holiday and bright impressions!

Summer is just around the corner - it's time for vacations. When the tickets have been purchased and the hotel has been booked, the most troublesome thing left is to pack your things. The question of what to take with you to the sea worries many, because the quality of your vacation probably depends on a properly equipped suitcase.

The list of what to take with you on vacation should be compiled with special care. Often girls, when going on a trip, take a lot of things with them, although they won’t even take half of them out of their suitcase. The following recommendations will help ease the collection difficulties:

  • First, you should make a list of those things that you cannot do without. This way you can avoid panic and forgotten things.
  • Remember that it is better not to take liquids in your hand luggage. According to the pan-European norm, you are allowed to carry no more than 100 ml of any liquid in your luggage, and all bottles must be packed in a transparent bag.
  • Shoes take up a lot of space, so you need to take only comfortable and light ones.
  • No need to take a large cosmetic bag. It is better to distribute the tubes and bottles among the empty spaces of the suitcase.
  • It is recommended to roll things into rollers, so they will not wrinkle and take up minimal space.
  • Don't forget to take adapters as many countries have different electrical outlets.
  • The most necessary things should be on top, then it will not be so problematic to get them.
  • Fragile items should be covered with clothing.
  • All valuable equipment must be carried with you, as suitcases are subject to shaking during transportation.

List of important things

When going on vacation at sea, you need to pay special attention to some important things. Namely:

  • First of all, you should take the documents. Travel voucher, passport, driver’s license, insurance, vouchers for accommodation and transfer, tickets (both ways) - make sure that everything on this list is present. These documents should be placed in a small handbag and kept with you at all times.
  • You must have funds not only on the card, but also in cash. To avoid getting into an awkward situation, you need to exchange a few bills for small change, which will be used for tips and other similar expenses.
  • You need to take care of communications. Place your mobile phone and charger immediately. If the journey is going to be long, it is recommended to take a tablet or laptop with you. You can record a couple of interesting films there and enjoy the trip.
  • Pen and notepad for making quick notes.
  • A camera or video camera, as well as memory cards for them.
  • Phone numbers of embassies and emergency services.

When going on vacation with children, you need to take with you the child’s international passport and a power of attorney to travel abroad.

Remember that the list of documents required to organize a tour differs in different countries, so when going on a trip, you should ask the tour operator for all the details in advance.

List of hygiene products

When deciding on the list of what you need to take with you to the sea, you should not forget about personal hygiene products. The list of such funds includes:

  • sunscreens;
  • everything you need to take bath procedures;
  • handkerchiefs and wet wipes;
  • insect repellents;
  • feminine hygiene products;
  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • toothpaste and brush;
  • soap.

Women who cannot give up cosmetics while on vacation should take it with them, but better - in minimal quantities.

What to take from clothes

When compiling a list of things to do on vacation, you need to focus primarily on the climate of the country you are going to. It is recommended to worry about this information in advance, because in many countries it can rain for several months.

You don’t need to take too many clothes, because most of your wardrobe items won’t even be needed. In addition, when planning what clothes to take to the sea and planning to travel by plane, do not forget that your suitcase should weigh no more than 20 kg (most airlines have this exact rule). Otherwise, you will have to pay extra for luggage.

If you want to buy some clothes in the country where you are vacationing, you need to remember that it is better to buy things not in shopping centers located near the hotel, but in local markets. It is there that you can get acquainted with the full flavor of the country and buy this or that thing at an adequate price.

When deciding what you need to take to the sea, you should adhere to three basic rules: clothes should be light, do not require special care, comfortable and wrinkle-resistant.

An approximate list of such things:

  • swimsuit;
  • headdress;
  • comfortable shoes;
  • shorts, skirts, tank tops, T-shirts;
  • dresses (two are enough);
  • light trousers, shirt,
  • beach litter;
  • Sunglasses;
  • towel.

You shouldn’t take a lot of warm clothes, but you may need one blouse. By the way, jeans are a universal wardrobe item; you can wear them in any weather.

The question of what to take a child to the sea needs to be approached with special responsibility. You should definitely stock up on a couple of sets of warm clothes. In addition, you will have to take a swimsuit or swimming trunks, beach slippers, circlets or armbands, clothes for walking and playing.

List of medications

The question of what first aid kit to pack for a trip should be discussed with your doctor. If you have chronic diseases, then before your trip it is recommended to consult with a specialist whether you can visit certain countries and whether the climate will harm your health.

A well-packed suitcase will be able to accommodate everything you need. Remember that you need to get ready in advance, and not in a hurry. Only in this case can you calmly make a list and carefully think through the set of things.

On vacation! To sea! Tickets have been purchased, hotels have been booked, but you still need to finish work, do a bunch of things around the house, go to a beauty salon, get a pedicure and manicure... But your things are not packed!!! It’s good if you are unpretentious and are going somewhere to Thailand, where everything is bought locally and cheaply, and the list of what to take with you to Thailand is so small that you don’t even have to pack a suitcase. But if you want to look your best on the beaches of Egypt, Turkey or somewhere in the Maldives, then it’s better to get ready in advance. I will share my experience and list of necessary things.

What to take with you to the sea?

Don't fill your suitcase with a bunch of unnecessary things, take only what you need. After all, on vacation you will definitely want to buy something. For example, a wide variety of pareos, beach bags, towels, tunics, hats, sandals, light dresses, and even more so jewelry can always be found in abundance at resorts. An expensive handbag in your hands is a bait for thieves. Instead of a handbag, it is better to take a dear man with you, and entrust valuable things, like a comb, to him. Relax, relax and have fun!

. These things will come in handy during the day: Luca Luca dress and hat, Chanel swimsuit and shirt, Jenni Kayne dress and glasses, Diane von Furstenberg shorts and shirt

Full list of what to take to the sea:

1. .
2. Two: beach and evening. Choose plain dresses, for example. Then the new accessories you buy at the resort will go perfectly with the dress.
3. Good Sunglasses so that they not only look beautiful, but also reliably protect their eyes from the strong sun.
4. .
5. Skirt.
6. A couple of my favorite T-shirts.
7., which, if necessary, can be thrown over burnt shoulders, and also worn with a skirt or shorts.
8. Comfortable shoes for long hikes.
9. Favorite comfortable sandals that go well with an evening dress and for a city walk.
10. Light trousers.
11. Jacket for cool evenings. It will come in handy if you go on vacation, for example, to Egypt in winter.
12. Headdress.

The most necessary things in the list are highlighted in bold, the rest is optional, because purchased upon arrival. I think there is no need to remind you that all things should be easily combined with each other in color and style.

What to take with you to the sea for the evening. In the photo: Nina Ricci dress, Jenni Kayne trousers, Luca Luca dress, Luca Luca skirt and jacket

By the way, if there are no celebrations or pompous banquets planned on vacation, leave the evening dress, stilettos, diamonds and a ton of cosmetics at home so as not to look ridiculous at a regular dinner at the hotel. It is also better to avoid extending long nails (for some reason, at sea, nails break more often than usual), and the most practical and stylish manicure on vacation is a classic or colored French manicure.
Important: do not take with you those things that have been in the closet for more than a year “for a special occasion” - you will definitely not need them.

What else to take to the sea?
Don't forget the most important things on your trip:
– money and cards;
– tickets or voucher;
– reliable travel insurance, which is not only suitable for obtaining a visa, but also really helps if something happens – to choose a reliable one, read;
– passport, documents;
- first aid kit;
– proven sunscreen;
– a softening after-sun cream that is also suitable for burns;
– documents and their photocopies (just in case);
– phone (check your balance in advance) and phone charger;
– mosquito repellent;
– manicure scissors, nail file;
- camera.

Maybe I missed something?

P.S. But I didn’t have a chance to relax in the resorts of Crimea, I don’t know if it’s possible to buy something there on the spot. If anyone knows, please share your experience.

While packing for a trip to the sea, at least a third of potential vacationers are struck by the thought: “Why did I just agree to go?! The suitcase no longer closes, and a large beach towel, a new hat with a brim, and a camera have not yet been packed. I would like to spend my vacation on the couch, with a tablet and a TV remote control.”

Lists of necessary things

Is this a familiar picture? This dramatic moment must, as athletes say, "endure"(well, don’t hand over your tickets because of such nonsense), or even better, approach the issue wisely and not fill your bags and suitcases to capacity with all sorts of things.

First you need to make a list of what you might need while traveling.

It is advisable to do this in advance, so that in a calm atmosphere you can correct it, cut it down or expand it - in a word, bring it to perfection. Advice from friends who have recently returned from a trip, your own travel experience, even the weather forecast will help (if rain is expected in the resort area, you will need a raincoat and waterproof shoes). We hope our recommendations will also be useful.

Ideally there should be little load. If only for the reason that most airlines accept for transportation weighing up to 20 kg, and for exceeding this figure you will have to pay a hefty sum. But there are things that are absolutely necessary, without which you cannot go on a trip.


Documents are something without which a trip cannot take place in principle (remember the sad experience of one of the heroes of the film “The Incredible Adventures of Italians”, whose passport was stolen).

Jokes aside, travel documents give a person all the necessary rights.

So, you will be needed:

  • Passport(Russian, or both depending on the circumstances);
  • Tickets by plane or train;
  • Medical policy;
  • Vaccination certificate(for a trip to a number of countries in Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America);
  • Payment cards;
  • Student ID(if you are a student and a document confirms your right to discounts, for example, when purchasing tickets);
  • Power of attorney to take a child abroad (a document is required if not both, but only one of the parents are traveling with the child);
  • Driver license(Russian or international, for those who plan to rent a car);
  • A document confirming hotel rooms.
  • Naturally, every traveler is unlikely to need this entire set of documents. The above list is a kind of food for thought, and how it turns out for you depends entirely on your individual circumstances.

    By the way, there is one more recommendation from experienced travelers: you need to take with you photocopies of documents(as a supplement to the originals), those that would be useful to have on a trip “just in case.” As an option, it is advisable to have “scans” of documents in your email on your phone or tablet.

    Beach attributes

    The number of beach attributes largely depends on the nature of the upcoming vacation. If you have booked a good hotel, they will definitely provide you with towels. Those who simply rent housing will need and towels, and something like a rug, since there may be no special sun loungers on the beach for “outsiders” vacationers or this service will be too expensive.

    In this case, a little umbrella to hide, if necessary, your face and shoulders from the scorching rays of the sun.

    Don’t forget about dark glasses, and if your vision is imperfect, you need to take prescription sunglasses.

    If you are going to the sea, you will need for it "security features":

  1. Vest;
  2. Lifebuoy;
  3. Oversleeves.

Choose what seems most reliable to you and what your child will like.

If you are going to the sea with a group, take one for everyone beach ball. There should be at least two swimsuits (and swimming trunks for men), and even three will be needed for a child. Yes, don't forget about beach bag, otherwise where will you put all your things?

First aid kit

The best option is to have a first aid kit for you while on vacation. will not need. Nevertheless, you need to be prepared for various unpleasant surprises, because if you meet them “fully armed,” you will overcome them with less damage to your health.

At the pharmacy where you go to pick up a set of medications, tell them that they are needed for the trip. You will likely be given professional advice that may be helpful.

For example, we may not know, but iodine and brilliant green are now being produced in "road" version– in the form of a conveniently screw-on narrow pen-type case: safe for other things (neither iodine nor brilliant green will be spilled), hygienic to use.

Here are the medications and products that should be included in a travel first aid kit:

  • Painkillers;
  • Antipyretics;
  • Remedies to help cope with problems of the gastrointestinal tract - often a consequence;
  • Activated carbon;
  • Anti-burn ointment or aerosol;
  • Bandage;
  • Band-Aid(preferably bactericidal);
  • Iodine, brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide.

It must be kept in mind that this first aid kit is designed on healthy people who have any problems. For those who suffer from chronic diseases that require constant drug treatment (for example, hypertension, diabetes), you must take “your” medications, and in quantities that will be enough for the entire period of your vacation by the sea.

Hygiene products

Is it possible to save space in your suitcase by using hygiene products? Yes, if you take them in small packaging. Under no circumstances should we abandon them completely.

It is advisable to even bring your own shampoo, because the one provided in hotels is often of very poor quality.

Here's what hygiene products You need to take with you on your trip:

  1. Shampoo and (if you can’t do without it) air conditioner;
  2. Shower gel;
  3. washcloth;
  4. Moisturizing cream(for arms, legs);
  5. Sunscreens;
  6. Soap;
  7. Wet wipes with a bactericidal effect;
  8. Deodorant;
  9. Toothbrush;
  10. Toothpaste.

In addition to this universal set women must take a pedicure kit and products used on menstrual days.

For men You will need a device and shaving products (gel, foam, lotion) and, if necessary, condoms.

In addition, representatives of both sexes should take cosmetics and favorite perfume(in modest quantities).

Clothes you should take with you to the sea

In order to take a minimum of clothing items, prove (naturally, to yourself) why these particular shorts, dress, trousers must certainly be in your travel suitcase. However, do not forget about "insurance case.

Imagine that on the way to the resort, something unpleasant happened in the cabin of the plane: sauce or coffee was poured on a woman’s skirt, and on a man’s trousers. What if you had only one copy of the damaged items? Will shorts help? Unfortunately, the dress control of the restaurant where you plan to dine will not always allow such a substitution. So whether you like it or not, provide for force majeure definitely necessary.

Try to keep items of clothing complementary(for example, a T-shirt would go equally well with shorts and a skirt). It is advisable that you have time to wear the items at least once and make sure that you feel comfortable in them. As for shoes, there are no options at all: under no circumstances should you take unworn shoes with you on a trip - you will wear out your feet and ruin wonderful days of rest.

Women and girls

Here are the items of underwear, clothing and shoes that women and girls will need for 10 days stay by the sea:

  • Pair of swimsuits(different styles and colors);
  • Pareo or tunic(possibly both);
  • Skirt;
  • 3 T-shirts(or T-shirts);
  • Shorts;
  • Jeans or light (for example, flax) trousers;
  • Cocktail Dress;
  • Dressy blouse;
  • Jacket or windbreaker for a cool evening;
  • Lingerie(a pair of bras and a set of one-week panties);
  • Nightgown or pajamas;
  • Beach shoes(for example, slates);
  • Sandals– 2 pairs (everyday and dressy, preferably without heels, because most likely you will have to walk a lot);
  • Headdress(hat, panama or baseball cap).

It is necessary to select clothes taking into account your stay programs y . If you plan to go in for sports, take the appropriate suit; for hiking in the mountains, take sneakers (or sneakers) and socks (they are most often forgotten). There are many cultural events planned - one cocktail dress may not be enough.

One of your things (shirt or blouse) is a must must have a sleeve– there is a high probability that your skin will burn under the southern sun and you will need to take care of it.

It is advisable that your items are made from natural fabrics that breathe well- cotton, linen, cambric, and if necessary they could be easily washed and dried quickly.

It is also very important that your clothes do not require daily ironing - this is not what you came to the sea for.

As for jewelry, many women are simply not used to doing without them. In addition, recently a category has appeared beach decorations, perfectly combined with swimsuits and pareos. It is important that these additions to your image are not too bulky (remember about the extra kg of luggage) and very expensive (if you suddenly become a victim of thieves or simply lose your favorite gold earring, you will spoil your entire vacation experience).

For men

Men are usually proud of the fact that, unlike women, they practically “need nothing.” However, their list is also not the shortest. Here's what you'll need on vacation representative of the stronger sex:

  1. Pair of swimming trunks;
  2. Two trousers(some for hotels, restaurants and trips into the city, others for evening entertainment);
  3. Belt;
  4. Shorts;
  5. 3 T-shirts or T-shirts;
  6. Light shirts(one of them is with long sleeves);
  7. Headdress;
  8. Socks- 3 pairs;
  9. Three cowards;
  10. Beach shoes(flip-flops or sandals);
  11. Shoes(matching trousers).

If a man's plans include sports, there should be room in his suitcase for tracksuit And sneakers.

To kid

The children's list largely depends on child's age. However, do not delude yourself that since the child is small, his things will not take up much space in the suitcase.

According to experts in the field of summer holidays, for boys and girls you need to take twice as many items of clothing as for parents.

The fact is that different kinds of things happen to children more often than to adults. troubles- pouring juice on yourself, getting ice cream on your T-shirt, even tearing your clothes trying to crawl through or climb somewhere, for children - a couple of trifles. But you don’t want to spend half your vacation doing laundry and repairs, do you?

So, let's go on a trip with children:

  • Swimming trunks for boys, swimsuit for girls - 3 pieces;
  • Jeans;
  • Shorts- 2 pieces;
  • T-shirts And T-shirts – 4-5;
  • Panties- 3 pieces;
  • Socks– 2-3 pairs;
  • For girl - dress And skirt with top;
  • Warm sweater or sweater;
  • Pajamas;
  • Headdress(Panama hat, baseball cap);
  • Beach flip-flops;
  • Sandals- for boy, shoes- for girl;
  • Sneakers.

Children's clothing, like adult clothing, should be made from natural fabrics. Try to pick wrinkle-free or low-wrinkle things - you want your guys to look smart and neat.

For the youngest children, of course, you will need diapers. Do not try to bring all the necessary supplies with you - it will take up too much space in your bag or suitcase. Buying diapers where you will spend your holidays will not be difficult.

What else might be useful?

The answer to this question largely depends on your personal needs. For example, you want to take with you on a trip hair dryer- well, you can’t style your hair beautifully without it. Try to buy a small, travel-sized one.

Electronic equipment

Without electronic equipment, of course, it won't be possible to get by, even if you dreamed of taking a break from everything in the world, including various gadgets. But what about calls to relatives from the seashore? What about a photo for memory?

Here's what travelers usually take with them:

  1. Mobile phone with charger;
  2. Tablet(also with charging);
  3. Flash drive and an additional memory card;
  4. Tourist SIM card;
  5. Camera(if you are not satisfied with the quality of pictures taken from a mobile phone or tablet);
  6. Video camera;
  7. Player with headphones.

By the way, when preparing for, try to purchase in the store portable device, with which you can charge all your equipment - both your phone and your tablet. Save space in your travel bag. If you don’t find such a product in a regular store, purchase it online, there are similar offers there.


Usually, experienced travelers who would not like to “step on the same rake” remember household items that would be useful on a trip. Why, for example, do they put several plastic ones in a suitcase? clothespins? Yes, because “the wind blew from the sea” and carried away the swimming trunks that were drying on the balcony.

Travel iron stored by ladies who needed to tidy up their elegant dress, but the hotel was unable to iron it. Why do they take it on the road? corkscrew? But how can you open a bottle of dry wine without it to spend a romantic evening together?

You may also need a penknife and a fumigator (a device that saves you from mosquitoes and midges at night).

And families with small children sometimes even take on trips small slow cooker– a universal device in which you can prepare porridge and steamed vegetables for your baby.

Other useful things

So how? Still have some space left in your suitcase and backpack? Then put in them:

  • Notebook And handle(to quickly write down the address, phone number, name of the medicine);
  • Travel sewing kit(a pair of needles, thread, 2-3 buttons that may be useful to you);
  • Board game type "Erudite" to keep yourself occupied on the beach;
  • Games for children, which he will be carried away for longer than 5 minutes;
  • For the child - felt-tip pens And album(or better yet, coloring);
  • Selfie stick(it's called a "monopod");
  • Various little things for female representatives of any age - bobby pins, hairpins, elastic bands, barrettes.

And one more important point: choosing the suitcase itself, travel bag or backpack. They should be comfortable, light, durable, roomy, so that they have enough space for everything that is on our lists and, of course, for souvenirs from the sea.

By the way, the young traveler should also have his own backpack. He (or she) will only be happy.

Bon Voyage!

And in this video, see the details on packing a suitcase for a trip to the sea with a child: