What is the best time to go to Lake Baikal? Travel to Baikal

This is one of the most common questions that I get asked when they find out that I am from Lake Baikal. Siberia has a sharply continental climate and very distinct seasons. And on Baikal itself, I would highlight as many as five seasons of the year. Why five? Because there are two types of Baikal winter: without ice and with ice. And these “Baikal winters” are very different from each other. But let's take it in order!

So, let's start with summer. Summer on Lake Baikal lasts about three months – the usual June, July and August. In June, on the shore of the lake, which not so long ago was still covered with ice, it can be noticeably cool. Especially in the north, where in some places unmelted icebergs may still be found. But in July and August, the air on the warmest days can warm up to + 36 degrees. And the water in the shallowest and warmest places (Small Sea, Chivyrkuisky Bay, Yarki Island, Proval Bay) reaches +25..+27 degrees.

Summer swimming on Lake Baikal. Photo from the archive of Ilya Kudryakov

Therefore, July and August are the “hottest” times on Lake Baikal, not only in terms of absolute temperature, but also in terms of the number of vacationers on the shores of the sacred lake. Lovers of hiking, beautiful landscapes and other romantics flock here from all over the world. And it is very difficult to find free places at Baikal tourist centers during this period, unless you book them several months in advance.

Beach in Peschanaya Bay in summer. Source: vk.com/baikal_dunes

Velvet Baikal autumn begins in September and lasts about two months, approximately until the end of October. At this time, the air here is the most transparent, the water is deep blue, and the shores are painted with the rest of the colors of the rainbow. In the ringing silence of the empty coasts hangs a spicy autumn smell. And the huge water mass from its depths releases the heat accumulated over the past summer to the coastal zone. That is why it is always warmer on Lake Baikal in early autumn than in the surrounding cities, which are located behind the mountain ranges. At this time, photographers, artists and dreamers like to come to visit Father Baikal. It’s really beautiful and soulful here in the fall.

Autumn on the Circum-Baikal Railway. Photo by Alexander Lesnyansky

After the spicy beauty of autumn, the harshest time comes on the Baikal shores, which I call “winter without ice.” This time is from November to approximately January. During this period of the year, the most ferocious storms rage on the water, it gets colder and the days quickly shorten. On the coldest days, splashes form on the banks - frozen pieces of ice on rocks and coastal buildings. In the north, the lake may begin to become covered with a thin crust of ice, which could be broken by another storm. A little later, slush forms - disks of ice that first float freely in the water, and later freeze into a single ice field. At this time there are the fewest guests on Lake Baikal.

Splashes on the old pier near the shore. Photo by Natasha Simenkova

By the beginning of February, as a rule, the entire water area of ​​the lake is already covered with ice. The ice remains strong until about the end of March. I call this period the “second Baikal winter” - the one with ice. And it is radically different from the “first”.

Amazing Baikal ice.

From this article you will learn what kind of weather awaits you on Lake Baikal in a given month, and what its features are. In addition, I will tell you what clothes to take with you to feel comfortable. Therefore, when going on vacation, you will already know about all the nuances and, hopefully, have a great time.

Baikal weather is unpredictable, although I often hear how the number of sunny days on the lake is compared with Sochi or the Riga seaside. But these are completely different sunny days in quality ;-)

East Coast after the storm

Climate on Baikal

Baikal is located in a sharply continental climate, so there are relatively hot summers and severe cold winters, with a large temperature difference even during the day. Add to this that the lake is very elongated over more than 600 km, so on the same day there can be completely different weather in different parts.

The climate on Lake Baikal can be called unique, because the lake itself greatly influences it. Here's how it happens: a large expanse of water warms up greatly during the summer, then giving off heat to the environment for a long time, so winter on Lake Baikal is a little warmer and milder than in neighboring Lake Baikal, for example. In spring, on the contrary, the ice melts for a long time, cooling the air around. In Irkutsk, everything is already blooming in May, but on the lake only the buds begin to bloom, and not everywhere.

Another feature of the weather on Lake Baikal is crazy winds - there are many of them and each has its own name: sarma, verkhovik, barguzin, mountain, kultuk. The names are usually given after the names of the valleys from which these winds blow. The strongest winds blow in autumn and winter (due to the difference in temperatures in the basin and on the mountain ridges), luckily in the summer it is less, but it also happens. Even when it’s +25 degrees outside, a rather cold, unpleasant wind can blow from a lake or valley, making you want to wrap yourself up warm. If you are going on a boat trip around Lake Baikal, pay special attention to the winds and study them - there may be storms!

Serge pillars on Olkhon

The driest place on Lake Baikal is Olkhon Island and the precipitation here is about 200 mm per year, in Listvyanka a little more - about 400 mm per year. But in the southeast, in the area of ​​the Khamar-Daban ridge, this is the wettest place, this is confirmed by our experience. We were in Slyudyanka three times, and all the time there was a lingering drizzling rain, and the sky was covered with a veil of clouds.

There is one more nuance, it concerns the recent increase in forest fires in the summer. Because of them, the lake is covered in thick smog, sometimes visibility is reduced to 100-200 meters. You can breathe (although the smell of burning is clearly felt), but you cannot see the surrounding beauty.

The white veil is smog. Olkhon Island

Weather on Baikal by month

When is the best time to go to Baikal? The most favorable months for visiting the lake are July and August, even from mid-July to mid-August. It’s still cool in June, but in September it’s already cool ;-)

In Listvyanka

Weather on Baikal in June

The air temperature during the day is from +8 to +20 degrees, and at night it can drop to +3 +5 degrees. The water temperature is about +12 degrees - it is unlikely that you will be able to swim. At this time there is often fog in the morning. In the north of the lake at the beginning of the month there may still be ice, and the weather is appropriate.

Baikal in July

The temperature in July rises slightly, especially towards the end of the month: about +22-24 degrees during the day and +15-17 degrees at night. The water warms up in the bays to +17-19. The short beach season on Lake Baikal opens this month - there are a lot more people, especially in the popular ones on the Small Sea and a little less on the east coast.

Beach in Maksimikha

Baikal in August

The beginning of August is the peak season on the lake, when the water and air are warmest. The water in the bays of the Small Sea and in the shallow Chivyrkuisky Bay warms up to +24 degrees - you can swim and sunbathe! I wrote a separate detailed article about it - I recommend you read it. In July and August, tent camps spring up along the banks, the bases are full of people, life is in full swing. This time is ideal for hiking in the surrounding area. Here is our experience of a short hike: .

Great Baikal Trail

Autumn on Baikal It begins suddenly and can drag on for a long time. In the first half of September it can still be Indian summer with a temperature of about +20 degrees and sun, and at the end of the month it gets sharply cold: up to +10 during the day. This is a time for romantics who value peace and solitude. Moreover, nature is blooming with colors, so it is a good time for photography.

Baikal in winter suitable for active recreation: in Listvyanka you can ride a snowmobile or in a sled with Baikal huskies, a famous ski resort opens in Baikalsk, and the winters there are the mildest on the entire coast - ideal for snowboarding or alpine skiing.

In February and March When the ice stops, ice skating tours around Lake Baikal are organized. The best place for such hikes is the coast of the Small Sea, where strong winds blow away all the snow, creating a giant skating rink.

Camp on the shore near Goryachinsk

What to take with you to Baikal?

What things should you take with you on a trip to Lake Baikal as a savage? The main list is this, in the summer:

  • good wind resistant tent
  • rug
  • sleeping bag
  • gas cylinders (firewood is not available everywhere)
  • pot and dishes
  • comfortable shoes
  • wool socks to wear at night if necessary
  • thermal underwear will not be superfluous
  • windbreaker with hood
  • fleece jacket
  • hat (when the wind is especially cold)

Well, other things: pants, T-shirts, shorts...

I wish you clear skies, bright sun overhead and warm water. Let the weather on Lake Baikal please you - have a nice holiday!

The Great and Glorious Lake Baikal protects many great secrets; its grandeur and beauty attracts travelers from all corners of the vast world. However, organizing a trip to Lake Baikal itself is far from easy.

When is the best time to relax on Lake Baikal?

When to go to Baikal? Of course, the best time to relax on Lake Baikal is summer. June is the most serene month. Baikal water is still cold, swimming is not recommended, but there is no strong wind. There are few tourists on the lake shore at this time. The second half of the first month of summer is perfect for traveling around the lake by boat or motor ship. July, August and September are the best and hottest times. During this period, the water warms up to +20 degrees Celsius. From October to December is the season for lovers of natural beauty, photographers, writers, poets and simply naturalists. It is getting colder, there are constant and prolonged storms, especially in the area of ​​​​the famous Olkhon Island.

Baikal is incredibly beautiful in winter. Baikal ice is a miracle that cannot be expressed in words; you will not see a more impressive sight anywhere else on planet Earth.

How to get to Baikal

How to get to Lake Baikal on vacation? To do this, you need to come to the capital of Eastern Siberia - the city of Irkutsk. People travel to this Siberian city all year round, both by train and by plane. This Siberian city is located seventy km from the great and mighty Lake Baikal. You can get to the shore of the famous lake from different parts of this city: from the railway station, from where trains go to Baikal destinations and electric trains, from the central bus station - using regular buses or minibuses of various directions, as well as using water transport from the pier - by motor ship or yacht. Water transport can be used only two months a year. Navigation lasts approximately from June to early September. An unforgettable experience will be left by hiking along the route leading to the highest point of Eastern Siberia to the top of Mount Munku-Sardyk. From the white cap of the peak, beautiful views of the lake and the incredible natural beauty of the Baikal region are revealed. You should go on such a hiking trip in the spring in April or May.

Where to stay? If you are a fan of beach holidays, then go south to Peschanka: warm, gentle water, unimaginable nature.

Listvyanka is the most popular tourist coaster. It is also called the local “Rublyovka”; prices in this locality are certainly high, but they are justified. Convenient location, you can get from here to the “Shaman Stone”.

Slyudyanka. There are many good camping spots here. From Slyudyanka it is very close to the island - Olkhon. And if you don’t visit Olkhon, you won’t see Baikal. The best holiday option. All settlements are scattered in the west of the island, where the landscape is steppe. The largest settlements are Khuzhir and Kharantsy. Khuzhir is located in the central part of the island. The tourist infrastructure is well developed. The village has a large number of small hotels, fast food cafes, shops, and two museums. There is an Internet cafe.

Not far from the city with the catchy and memorable name Ulan-Ude there is a beautiful and sonorous village called Ust-Barguzin, which in turn lies on the banks of the river of the same name, which flows directly into the Baikal Bay - Barguzin. Here are excellent lands for summer holidays - beach places, wild and equipped, and the water for swimming is like fresh milk, and the natural nature in these areas is simply a fairy tale of the Trans-Baikal Nature Reserve. If we talk about the best recreation areas in the Baikal region, then the ideal areas for summer holidays in nature include Peschanaya Bay, Maloye More, a bay called Mukhor, where the number of sunny and clear days a year is equal to Sochi.

True travelers express the opinion that you should go to Lake Baikal on vacation only with a tent, savages, away from hotels and inns, various tourist centers and trampled and trampled tourist paths. What if you don’t know where to go, where to stay, what to see first and how to get there? Then, indeed, it’s worth contacting a travel agency offering tours to Lake Baikal and choosing a route that suits all parameters. Of course, this may turn out to be more expensive than an independent trip to Baikal, but not everyone has the opportunity to go to the great lake in their own car or the time to develop a travel route. Very interesting people from all over the world often come to tourist bases, and the most powerful places in this world have more trodden paths than tourist ones, but still people from all over the world come there again and again. Therefore, you should not be afraid to see the wrong Baikal, because it is a very bright and strong place that is worth touching in order to become at least a little closer to the truth.

In any season of the year there is definitely something to see and do on Lake Baikal, so you can come here for recreation, essentially, all year round. It’s good here in summer, autumn, winter or spring. The warmest months of the summer season are, of course, July and August. In order to fully enjoy various winter activities, it is better to come to Baikal between February and March, at this time the lake is covered with very strong but transparent ice, its thickness reaches even more than 1.5 meters, so it's safe.

When do people most often come to relax on Lake Baikal?

Summer is the most popular time to relax on Lake Baikal


In summer, all the attractions of Lake Baikal are available for visiting, for example, ship cruises or active recreation in the form of rafting on mountain rivers or kayaking. You can also go hiking.

A few words about holidays on Lake Baikal

Having arrived at Lake Baikal and staying in the place of your choice, you can stay either in a comfortable hotel, having pre-booked a room, or in one of the cozy recreation centers. You can also choose to stay in a tent over anything else. Explore nearby attractions. You can also choose to stay in a tent over anything else. For example, the website of the PIK tourist club describes interesting hikes and travel routes around Lake Baikal. You can do this yourself if you use a guidebook or maps of tourist routes, or take advantage of one of the organized excursions. Many people also prefer to stay in a house on the territory of the camp site so that they can simply swim and sunbathe on the beach for several days. Such, albeit lazy, relaxation goes well with walking in the form of excursions around the surrounding area. So, while spending time on the shores of the Small Sea, or on Olkhon, you can go on an excursion, visit the caves of the Tazheran steppes and the Sarma Gorge. As an option, you can visit Cape Khoboy, on Olkhon, as well as Cape Uzury, or swim in the waters of the mineral lake Shara-Nur and even take a boat ride, exploring the islands of the Small Sea.

Autumn on Lake Baikal is always interesting. It begins around the second half of September - this is the most beautiful time for travel and a true paradise for all photography lovers. During this period, as a rule, sunny, windless weather, the silence of Lake Baikal and its golden foliage on the trees give an unforgettable experience. In autumn there are few holidaymakers, so this gives the trip a special tranquility, allowing you to connect with nature. In autumn, photographs are very good on Lake Baikal, because the riot of colors of the forest that is beginning to fade, as well as the sky with its fancy, voluminous clouds, as well as the blue of Lake Baikal, look simply fabulous. You can’t take it with you, but you can capture it on your camera equipment, preserving your amazing impressions and getting a boost of energy for the whole year.

New Year on Baikal

New Year's holidays spent on Lake Baikal will allow you to plunge into the atmosphere of fairy tales and magic. On New Year and Christmas, those who want to breathe in unusually clean air, see dazzling white snow and an incredibly blue sky dotted with bright stars come here.


It’s not for nothing that Baikal is called the Small Sea. Its infrastructure is no worse developed than that of famous seaside resorts. No matter what time you come to Baikal, you will always find something to do and how to have a pleasant and useful time.

Mysteries of Lake Baikal