German beam beach. Crimea

Recently, the familiar landscape in the area of ​​the German Balka (on the road to the village of Kacha) has been disturbed by the sight of excavators actively developing surface soils on a truly industrial scale. The work is being carried out using a quarry method, the earth is transported by 40-ton dump trucks to the Bakhchisarai region, to the construction site of the Tavrida federal highway.

Road dirt and asphalt broken by heavy trucks are construction costs, which local residents view with outright indignation. And in fact, before their eyes, a unique natural area is being destroyed, and in such a barbaric way!

The correspondents of the Sevastopolskaya Gazeta decided to find out about what was happening in the German Balka on the spot.

The entrance to the site where excavation is taking place is completely free, although a temporary guard hut has been installed not far from the road. The security guards did not interfere with filming and even offered to issue a laminated pass.

When asked what was happening, they pointed to the object’s passport attached to the wall of the cabin, from which it follows that “Measures to prevent an exogenous process in the area of ​​unorganized recreation of citizens “German Balka, Kacha” are being carried out in this place. This kind of grace descended on the townspeople thanks to two decisions - the government of Sevastopol No. 67 of December 29, 2017, as well as the XVI session of the Council of the Kachin Municipal District of Sevastopol of the II convocation No. 16/75 of January 15, 2018. The information is supplemented with information about the customer, which is the Council of the Kachin Municipal District, the general designer - Construction Company "South City" LLC, the general contractor - Stroyinvestmekhanizatsiya LLC and the contractor - Riums LLC. The following outlines a very vague time frame for the work: from January 2018 until the start of the swimming season.

For the benefit of the people

As it turned out, the actual destruction of pristine nature occurs under the well-known and decades-tested slogan: “For the benefit of the people.” This is what the head of the Kachin municipal district, Nikolai Gerasim, probably had in mind. When asked who owned such a “creative idea,” he declared his own authorship.

The idea is basically mine. We have the opportunity to open a kilometer of beach; now it doesn’t exist, but every day from 200 to 500 cars come there and bring up to a thousand vacationers,” explained N. Gerasim.

According to him, to ensure safety, the high bank above the beach will be cut into terraces. When asked how safety is consistent with a quarry dug in the middle of the field, the municipality explained that a parking lot will subsequently be organized there - the quarry will be filled with soil from the cliff.

As for the removal of soil to "Tavrida", then, according to N. Gerasim, it cannot be otherwise, since dumping it into the sea will inevitably destroy the coastal marine fauna.

The head of the municipal district could not answer the question about the amount of soil removed daily - they say, how can you count it with such a scale of work. At the end of the conversation, N. Gerasim hastened to assure that, according to his information, all actions taken were fully coordinated with scientists, which means they do not pose any danger to the environment.

Federal decision

More specific information was obtained from the head of the Main Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of Sevastopol (Sevprirodnadzor) Sergei Samoilov. According to him, the issue is completely dealt with by the federal authorities, since this area is located in the Black Sea protective zone.

We need to look and figure it out,” S. Samoilov responded to the question about the legality of soil removal and the environmental validity of this kind of action. He added that, in his opinion, for environmental purposes it would be more expedient not to remove the soil, but to dump it into the sea, which would return it as a beach. And so...

However, for a better understanding of the issue, we decided to ask the opinion of scientists from the branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University in Sevastopol.

There will be no slope - there will be no beach

According to the head of the educational program “Geography” of the Moscow State University Branch in Sevastopol, Anton Novikov, in this area there is indeed a landslide zone with a mass of loose soil hanging over the shore, which is multi-layered, heterogeneous and unstable. However, it is impossible to say exactly which exogenous process needs to be combated without appropriate scientific research.

A. Novikov believes that the cutting of several steps (each 7 meters wide) provided for by the project will not, in general, solve the problem of landslides, but will only reduce their likelihood. Therefore, the actions now being carried out can be considered not bank protection, but perhaps a landslide prevention measure.

Terracing the slopes is a correct solution, but temporary. The problem is that the selected soil cannot be removed, since the local cliffs are a source of so-called sediment. What is washed away by the sea from below and carried into the depths is returned by the collapse of soil from above, resulting in the formation of a beach. Just in the area of ​​the German beam there is the most active landslide and the widest coast, which is made up of small pebbles from the slopes, - said the scientist, adding that the measures taken can very simply solve the problem: there will be no slope - there will be no beaches - there will be no vacationers - there will be no accidents.

And for a better understanding of what this method of bank protection leads to, A. Novikov gave an example of the beach area of ​​​​the village of Kacha, in the area of ​​the recently built “Our Sail” apartments.

Yes, the shore there was strengthened, but the beach has almost completely disappeared.

Look for money

The truck drivers themselves told us that soil from the German Balka is being transported for the construction of the Crimean section of the Tavrida highway. However, this could have been guessed without them. Another thing is why?

If you believe some sources, the point is the relative cheapness of the soil used to fill the roadway, compared to crushed stone or screenings that should be used to create a drainage layer. It is possible that replacing crushed stone with soil is some kind of “rational proposal” to reduce the cost of construction estimates. And if this is actually the case, then it’s worth thinking about the quality and durability of the future federal highway now.

Unique for lovers of seaside holidays, because here you can find excellent beaches for every taste. There are concrete-surfaced, pebble, sandy and even rocky ones with a sharp descent to the water. Almost all city beaches have a well-developed infrastructure with everything necessary for a comfortable stay, from canopies and sun loungers, to cozy cafes, fun entertainment and noisy clubs.

But those tourists who prefer to relax in silence or want to stay near the sea with a tent for a few days will also find their place in the sun in Sevastopol.

In this case, a small coastal strip - a ravine, which locals call German, with its sandy beach and gentle slope - is best suited. Travelers here will find stunning picturesque views, clean air and the caressing sound of the sea. Apart from a few vacationers, I didn’t notice anything here that could remind me of civilization.

Within a radius of several kilometers around the German beam you will not find hotels, shops or even trading tents.

Historical moments

To the north of Sevastopol, the coast has fairly steep sandy slopes, dug by numerous ravines, one of which is ours, the German one. There are two versions of the origin of the name.

Some local residents believe that even before the Great Patriotic War, there was a small farm here on the Black Sea coast, and it was inhabited mainly by Germans. In 1945 they were evicted, and the land, along with all the buildings, was plowed up.

Personally, I think the more plausible version is that in 1942, during the defense of Sevastopol, the Germans landed their troops in this place. The ravine has an artificial descent to the water, which is believed to have also been built by the fascist invaders.

Today, along this narrow and rough road you can drive your car right to the sea.

How to get there

The German beam is located near Sevastopol between the small resort villages of Kacha and Orlovka.

The easiest way to get here from the city is by your own car, but you can also use public transport.

By car

There are two different ways to get to German Balka by car:

  • The beach is located 40 km from Sevastopol. In order to get here, you need to move within the city towards Korabelnaya Side, and on Heroes of Sevastopol Street turn onto General Melnik Street. Next we reach the roundabout, where we turn right and follow the Laboratory Highway to the small village of Inkerman. Here we pass the bridge over the Chernaya River, turn right again and drive along the Simferopol Highway for about 10 km.

  • In the village of Fruktovoye we turn onto the Kachinskoe highway, pass Orlovka, and after 2 km from it there will be a left turn onto a country road, which after 500 m will lead us to the descent into the German gully. Since there is absolutely no service or amenities for vacationers here, you can leave your car anywhere for free, but also without security.
  • In Sevastopol, a ferry runs from Artillery Bay to the North Side. You can move it right along with your car. The road will be 20 km shorter than the previous route.

  • The ferry departs both from Sevastopol and from Severnaya every 30 minutes from 6:00 to 20:00. A trip with a car will cost 180 rubles plus 12 rubles each. for each passenger in the car. A ticket for a motorcycle and moped costs 70 rubles.
  • From the pier on the North side, where the ferry docks, Chelyuskintsev Street begins, which you must follow further.

After about 5 km there will be a turn onto Kachinskoye Highway. Next you need to follow in the direction of Orlovka, near which the German beam is located.

By public transport

You can take any minibus to Nakhimov Square; the fare costs 12 rubles. Then walk about 200 m to the pier and board a boat in the direction of Severnaya.

Boats run from 6:00 to 22:00 in the evening with an interval of once every 20 minutes, a passenger ticket costs 12 rubles.

100 m from the pier on Severnaya there is a terminus of bus number 36, it goes to Kachi. It departs every 20 minutes from 6:00 to 20:00. The fare costs 15 rubles. When boarding, the driver must be told to stop at the German beam.

You will drive about 30 minutes.

From the stop to the ravine you will have to walk about 500 m and go down to the sea along a rather winding sandy path.

Infrastructure and features

As I already said, German Balka is an excellent place for those who like to relax on the seashore with a tent. It's quiet and picturesque here.

There are no changing rooms with toilets, no shops or cafes. The nearest village of Kacha, where you can buy water or food, is about 3 km away. To get to it, you should walk from the beach or drive to an asphalt road (about 300 m) and turn right on it.

Around the beach there are quite steep hills, in the center of which a sandy road leads to the sea.

The length of the beach is approximately 300 m, the width is about 50 m.

Even in summer there are not many people here. Tourists with tents, as I noticed, prefer to stay on a hill above the beach, where they can hide in the shade of trees.

In any case, the territory of the ravine is enough for everyone, and everyone will absolutely be able to get their own piece of sun and sea.

Advantages of a holiday on the German beam

I would consider the positive aspects to be:

  • Sandy shore,
  • flat bottom
  • clean sea and air,
  • no fuss.


Of course, getting to the German beam is quite difficult, but the warm sea and stunning scenic views around will not give you any reason to worry.

Personally, I advise everyone who vacations in Sevastopol to visit this fabulous place!

There are many excellent beaches around Sevastopol, and the wild German Beam beach in Kach is among the best. This is about a three hundred meter strip of sand interspersed with small pebbles, sandwiched between the sea and high red rocks. The bottom is excellent - sandy with rare rock inclusions.

This place is not suitable for savages to relax. It is categorically not recommended to set up tents under the rocks - landslides are commonplace here, and closer to the sea they will be overwhelmed by waves.

The history of the appearance of the name “German Beam” is interpreted in two ways by local residents. Some say that before the war there was a German farm here, others that during the Second World War, the Germans landed troops here. The wide road to the top was allegedly also built at the same time. Now there is a bare field above without any buildings, below there is a wild beach, crowded only at the height of the season.

How to get from Sevastopol:

If you are traveling by car, then you need to get to Fruktovoye, then turn onto Kachinskoye Highway, drive through the village. , and after 2 km. turn left onto the dirt road, which after half a kilometer ends with a descent into the German beam. Leave your car at the top; even SUVs get hopelessly stuck on the descent; the parking lot is free and unguarded.

If you are coming from the center, then in order not to go around the entire Sevastopol Bay, you can directly load your car at Artillery Bay onto the ferry and move to the northern side of the city. It runs every 30 minutes. The street begins at the pier. Chelyuskintsev, follow it for about 5 km. before turning onto Kachinskoye Highway, and after passing Orlovka, turn onto the country road leading to the beach.

If you decide to travel by public transport, then in Sevastopol, take any minibus to the square. Nakhimov, get on the boat and cross to Severnaya. They run every 10 minutes. Get out, take bus number 36 on Zakharov Square (it also runs frequently - every 20 minutes) and ask the driver to drop you off at the German beam. The journey will take no more than half an hour.

Wild beach German beam near Kachi

As mentioned above, when driving here, cars are left upstairs, where there is plenty of space for them. This wide descent leads to the shore:

On the right hand of it the coast looks like this:

Others are clearly visible, and in the distance you can see the Parus apartments. On the left hand, the beach of the German beam seems even wilder and looks like this:

In guidebooks, this side is often positioned as the nudist beach “Deutsche Balka”, but most likely you will not find nudists there, but at most this kind of innocent erotica:

The “German” beam received its name from the fact that before the Second World War there was a German village in this place. Literally three to five buildings, one might say a farm. Before the war, the Germans were evacuated, and after the war, in gratitude for it, the buildings were razed to the ground and the land was plowed up.

There is a version that the beam was artificially dug by German engineering units during the time when German troops landed from the sea near Sevastopol...

When visiting, remember to take your trash with you, and be aware of the landslide bank. The beach is pebble, the sea is deep right from the shore.

If you notice an inaccuracy or the data is out of date, please make corrections, we will be grateful. Let's create the best encyclopedia about Crimea together!
The “German” beam received its name from the fact that before the Second World War there was a German village in this place. Literally three to five buildings, one might say a farm. Before the war, the Germans were evacuated, and after the war, in gratitude for it, the buildings were razed to the ground and the land was plowed up. There is a version that the beam was artificially dug by German engineering units during the time when German troops parachuted from the sea near Sevastopol... When visiting, do not forget to take garbage with you, and do not forget about the landslide bank. The beach is pebble, the sea is deep right from the shore. Save changes

Crimea. Kacha. German beam beach (wild, unequipped)
Colored boats sleep in the scorching haze,
wild pebble beach lost among the rocks...
Noon bakes a tan like in a frying pan -
The hot shore hisses in the spray of the surf...


German beam - wild, unequipped, but loved by many for its picturesqueness
The beach is located right in the middle between the villages of Orlovka and Kacha.
We also like to get here away from everyone. There is a lot of space, enough for everyone.
It is especially pleasant to come here in the evening - there are almost no people.
And admire the beautiful sunset...

The sunsets on the western coast of Crimea are amazingly beautiful. Especially in August - a real shower of stars. The stars are falling continuously, you can make a wish while the star is falling

This is me in the evening “admiring the sunset” on the equipped beach in the village of Kacha after relaxing on the wild beach of German Balka.
Nearby is the village of Kacha - the beach there is equipped, but very narrow and crowded. On the other side of the German beam there is a huge sandy beach in the resort area of ​​​​the village of Orlovka.

In Orlovka and Elm Grove I can recommend housing for you. See the website

The place on this beach is very picturesque, there are fewer people than on the central Oryol beach. But I want to warn you. In such places, when there is a cliff hanging behind you, rock collapse is possible (especially after summer rains), this is dangerous.

“It’s more pleasant to walk on sand, and vodka is cleaner with pebbles”

“I don’t understand... people seem to be adults... sand, stones... but the main thing is beer!”

These boulders divide the German Beam beach into two parts. The biggest lovers of secluded recreation climb over these boulders away from human eyes.

German beam. The beach is pebbly and there are also large boulders on it. Good in windy weather.

The descent to this beach is from the mountain along a road not visible from above. Local residents say that this beam has been called German since the time when German naval troops landed here during the Great Patriotic War.

Patriot of Russia on the beach of Ukraine!
-Hooray! We are in Crimea! On the sea!

This prophetic photograph was taken several years ago, when Crimea was still part of Ukraine.

Oh, the hot embrace of the sand.
And the bliss of silvery surf waves!
Only you can cure that melancholy,
Which winter brings with it.
Away with all sorrows! Sun and heat.
And great tan chocolate.
My wonderful time has come. ...
How sometimes you need little to be happy.

A couple of videos about the German Beam beach:

Crimea, Kacha, German beam, beach - 06/13/2015

For those with a car - photos of the beach in the village of Kacha:

There is a good fish restaurant on Kachi beach. Swimmed, swam on the German Balka beach - and went to the restaurant

As you can see, the beach in Kutch is very narrow and crowded. Therefore, my favorite beach in Crimea is the central Oryol beach - I’ll tell you about it later