Insectivorous plants of the Smolensk Lakeland National Park. Guide to the “Smolensk Poozerie”: from overnight stay to bison

Smolensk Poozerie National Park, formed on April 15, 1992, is located in the European part of the Russian Federation, in the north-west of the Smolensk region, in the Demidovsky and Dukhovshchinsky districts. Its total area is 146,237 hectares.

Within the territorial framework of the national park, a temperate continental climate prevails, which is characterized by well-defined seasons. In winter, moist air masses penetrating with cyclones from the Atlantic cause snowfalls and weakening of frosts, in summer – rains and a decrease in temperature. As for the Arctic masses, in winter they cause sharp cold snaps, and in summer they cause strong heating of the surface.

The protected area belongs to the Western Dvina River basin. The park has more than 35 lakes, mostly of glacial origin. The largest ones include the following: Vervizhskoye, Loshamyo, Petrakovskoye, Dgo, Rytoye, Elsha, Baklanovskoye, Sapsho.

Each of the lakes has its own characteristics and is not like the other. Also in the park there are rivers: Kasplya, Polovya, Gobza, Elsha. In addition, 6.3 thousand hectares of protected lands are occupied by 63 peat swamps. The largest of them are: Vervizhsky moss, Lopatinsky moss, Pelyshevsky moss.

The soil cover of the Smolensk Poozerie Park is unique. Soddy-podzolic soils were formed on the basis of sandy deposits. Due to the reduced flat topography, swampy and waterlogged soils are widespread.


The flora and fauna of the park is rich and diverse. The rivers and lakes are home to such species of fish as ruff, perch, pike, bleak, rudd, chub, dace, bream, and roach. Typical representatives of the local fauna: weasel, ermine, beaver, lynx, fox, wolf, bear, wild boar, elk.

Smolensk Poozerie National Park is a true bird kingdom. Background species of woodlands include: green warbler, brown-headed and black-headed chickadees, great tit, chaffinch, pied flycatcher, garden and black-headed warblers, willow warbler, chiffchaff, rattle, wood pipit, blackbird, songbird, white-browed, fieldfare, wren, Robin, Gray Flycatcher.

Typical inhabitants of near-water and aquatic habitats are gray heron, snipe, mallard, black tern, great grebe, coot, common and black-headed gulls, great bittern, and goldeneye. During periods of seasonal migrations, species that nest in the northern taiga, forest-tundra, and tundra are recorded in the park.

In the Smolensk Poozerie National Park you can see many protected and rare species of animals and plants. Thus, the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature includes the following species of animals and birds: crested newt, red-bellied firebird, flying squirrel, common squirrel, baby mouse, wood mouse, hazel dormouse, forest dormouse, river beaver, otter, European mink, sea eagle white-tailed, long-eared long-eared bat, rufous noctule, white-eyed duck, steppe harrier, greater spotted eagle, corncrake, puskulka, great snipe.

The following are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation: common sculpin, brown trout, greater spotted eagle, short-tailed snake eagle, steppe harrier, osprey, black stork, black-throated loon, common gray shrike, European middle woodpecker and others.

Rare species of plants also grow in the protected area: lady's slipper, long-leaved pollenhead, lacustrine grasshopper, Baltic palmate root, burnt orchis, helmeted orchis, male orchis, perennial swertia, Traunsteiner's palmate root, Baltic palmate root, water chestnut. The park borders subtaiga deciduous-coniferous and coniferous forests. A special feature of the local forest vegetation is the presence of spruce-broad-leaved forests untouched by humans.

In the Smolensk Poozerie National Park, pine, black and gray alder, aspen, spruce, and birch are widespread. About 900 species of higher vascular plants can be seen on protected lands.

Currently, the Smolensk Poozerie National Park is of great importance for science. Thus, the scientific council of the park collaborates on an ongoing basis with scientists from Smolensk Humanitarian University, Smolensk State University and other universities in the country.

The environmental and educational activities of the national park are quite extensive. The park is engaged in the improvement of the protected area, as well as the development of tourist routes. The most important area of ​​work of the Smolensk Poozerie Park is environmental protection.

Contact Information:
Address: Russia, Smolensk region, Demidovsky district, 216270, Przhevalskoye village, st. Gurevicha, 19
Phone: (481−47) 26204, 26648, 26684
Fax: (481−47) 26636
Email: [email protected]

History of the national park

People have settled on the territory of Poozerie since time immemorial. The cult red boulders on one of the islands of Lake Dgo, the mounds of the Balts and Krivichs have been preserved from the ancient pagans. The park was created in 1992 in order to preserve broad-leaved forests with unique flora and fauna, lakes and clean rivers of the Western Dvina basin. In 2002, the project received international recognition: the Smolensk Lake District was included in the UNESCO list of biosphere reserves. In 2014, the park joined the Belarusian program to restore the bison population in the central part of the country. The infrastructure over these decades has slowly but surely developed, although even now the conditions for recreation on the shores of the Smolensk lakes are far from ideal: there are problems with communications, ATMs, medical care and food.

Lakes of the national park

The main recreational areas of the park are located next to glacial hollow lakes. Baklanovskoye Lake is the deepest - up to 28 m, and the most beautiful is Sapsho: it is often compared to Lake Baikal. There are 6 islands with ancient burial sites. The estates of the famous traveler Przhevalsky adjoined the western part of the lake. In the northern part there is a shallow spit where you can walk for a long time in waist-deep water. You can swim in the lake in mid-summer - from late June to early August, but in other seasons the nature of Poozerie is very spectacular. Crimson Island is especially beautiful in autumn, when the deciduous forests turn red. Near the Island of Love, or Gorokhov, there is a boat station where you can rent boats and catamarans. The most unusual lake in the reserve is Dead: there is absolutely no fish in the reservoir, located right in the forest.

Recovery in Smolensk Poozerie

In the village of Przhevalsky, the administrative center of the park, a sanatorium was built for the treatment of diseases of the stomach, liver, and endocrine system based on local mineral waters. For disorders of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system, brines and mud from Lake Mutnoye help. Rest, treatment and beauty services in Przhevalsky are not too expensive. Guests are accommodated in the building or guest houses and are provided with meals in the dining room. They will have to wear identification bracelets throughout their stay on the territory of the sanatorium, and guests can only be admitted for a fee of 100 rubles per person.

Fauna and flora of the reserve

At the end of March, the snow melts in the Smolensk Lake District and vipers crawl out of their shelters along with frogs. At the beginning of April, hedgehogs wake up, storks and gray cranes arrive. Full spring comes to the reserve at the end of April, when the leaves of the linden and hazel trees unfurl and the first mushrooms appear - strings and morels. At the same time, vigilant tourists need to worry about protection from ticks. You can watch bison all year round. Their enclosure is located near the village of Gorodishche. Four adult individuals were brought from Belarus, and two more bison were born in the reserve. At normal times they avoid people, but are guaranteed to go to the feeders at 10 and 18 o'clock.

Fishing and other activities

Until June 10, people in Poozerie fish only from the shore with a fishing rod; after this period, spearfishing, spinning fishing and fishing from a rowing boat are allowed. Crayfish are caught from July 1, after molting, using crayfish traps. Based on the type of catch, lakes are divided into 4 groups. Bream is found in Sapsho, Baklanovsky, Dgo, crucian carp - in small lakes, only perch - in Strechnoye, perch with roach and pike - in Petrakovsky. The most diverse aquatic fauna is on Lake Dgo; bream, perch, and pike are especially well caught there. There are a lot of bream and rudd on Lake Rytom. Lake Chistik with clear water is perfectly suited for underwater hunting. From May to September there is a canoe route on 4 lakes, and diving tours are organized on weekends.

Tourist information

Weather conditions in the Smolensk Lake District are unstable: in winter you can expect Siberian frosts and hints of a thaw. In summer it is either hot or rainy and cool; thunderstorms begin as early as April, and the wind direction often changes. There are especially many ticks from May to July. For most guests, parking of personal vehicles is paid, from 150 per day, but if you register on the territory of the reserve, you can leave your car for free. Communication from the country's leading mobile operators is provided intermittently. Medical care can be found in larger towns if a paramedic is on site. The nearest hospital is in the city of Demidov.

Park tickets

Visiting the park is paid - 100 rubles per person, a 50% discount is provided to residents of the Smolensk region, pensioners and disabled people of group III. Children under 14 years of age, disabled people of groups I and II with accompanying persons, residents of villages in the nearest region, large families, and research scientists are admitted free of charge. Purchasing a ticket is a mandatory event even for beneficiaries; they can check it at any time. The ticket offices are located in the village of Przhevalsky in the directorate, in Smolensk in the park's representative office on Pamfilova Street. Souvenirs made of wood and birch bark are also sold here.

How to get there

From Smolensk to Przhevalsky, the center of the reserve, about 120 km. A regular bus leaves from the local bus station through the city of Demidov 3-4 times a day. For travelers who prefer a personal car, it is more convenient to get there through Smolensk and Demidov. The reserve's staff warns that guests from Moscow trying to turn towards Smolensk to Dukhovshchina risk getting stuck in the swamps. The only passable road is through Demidov, located 40 km southwest of Przhevalsky.

Where to stay

On the shore of Lake Baklanovskoe, a two-story Environmental Education Center was built with 3-4-bed rooms and amenities on the floor, designed for 80 guests at a time. The cost of living is 400-500 rubles per day, in a high-demand double room with toilet and shower – 1000 rubles. The sauna is heated for an additional fee. The dining room is open by prior arrangement only. Guests can rent barbecues, boats, bicycles, and skis.

You can rent a trailer at the summer camp on Baklanovsky. Children under 7 years old stay in the camp for free. In the village of Petrakovo, a guest house for 10 people is rented for 3,000 rubles per day. In Przhevalsky itself there is a hotel "Rodnik" with amenities in the room for 1,600 rubles per night with breakfast and free parking. Owners of private houses willingly provide rooms for rent.


Spontaneous recreation in the recreational area is strictly prohibited; cooking and setting up tents is only possible in specially designated areas. Use of picnic areas with toilets, rain shelters, benches, barbecues and waste collection areas will cost 150 rubles. Venues are in demand; they are often rented for 1-2 days or several weeks for corporate events and professional camps. Vacationers should familiarize themselves in advance with the rental schedule posted on the park’s website, since outsiders are not allowed on picnics at this time.

Proximity to the reserve dictates its own rules for recreation. Firewood is purchased on site, fish is caught at limited times by law, and dogs are walked on a leash. They collect berries and mushrooms only for themselves, not for sale. Hunting, the use of motor boats, and entry into the protected area are prohibited.

Excursions around the Smolensk Poozerie

The main type of sports recreation in the reserve is walking along walking eco-paths with a length of 1.5 to 4 km. The longest route “To the Origins,” which tells the story of the Slavic Krivichi tribe, begins in the village of Stary Dvor and ends at the observation deck on Sapsho Island. The trails “In the Kingdom of the Brown Bear” and “Visiting the Beavers” are dedicated to the habits of local animals. The latter runs from the village of Boroviki and the Chaika tourist center to the muddy Rotten Lake, where you can see beaver lodges and dams. An independent walk along the trails is free, with a guide - from 100 rubles per person. Multi-hour excursions are booked by organized groups: a 5-hour tour of the reserve or a 7-hour route “Along the Front Line” costs from 3-5 thousand rubles. Snowshoe hiking is possible in winter.

Cultural and sports entertainment in the park and surrounding area

In addition to fishing and swimming, guests of the Smolensk Lake District will be invited to visit the rope park and equestrian yard in Przhevalskoye. Here you can not only ride horses, but also learn to ride like real riders. In the village of Anosinka, the Birch Bark Museum was created by local enthusiasts. In mid-July, the park hosts the Sloboda Partizanskaya re-enactors festival. The Baklanovo Center for Environmental Education displays the “Wetlands” exposition. Ticket price is 100 rubles.

We all know well that Russia is huge in size, and its nature is very diverse. Everywhere in our country you can find new landscapes that enchant your soul, which can give you an unforgettable experience. I have never understood why people who want to relax in the lap of nature go to other countries for this, look for inspiration in foreign lands, admire “other” lakes and forests. Sometimes I want to tell such people: stop! Look around, right under your nose is the deepest lake in the world - Baikal, and here is the largest in Europe - Ladoga, and here is the largest forest on our planet - the Siberian taiga. Just imagine, there are more than 2 million lakes in Russia, covering an area of ​​350 thousand square kilometers, and even more forests, they occupy 45% of our country. Agree, the numbers are impressive.

Today I will tell you about one tourist place that you want to return to and return to, and I would not exchange it for any Turkish or Egyptian beach. We will talk about the Smolensk Poozerie National Park.

A kingdom of untouched nature, a land of blue lakes, swamps and impenetrable forests - this is what tourists call “Smolensk Poozerie” after visiting it once. It's not hard to guess why. This fabulously beautiful place is home to more than 35 lakes, most of which are surrounded by dense forests, where a variety of animals live and rare plants grow.

I will try to mentally guide you around the park and tell you about the most interesting and useful things.

How to get there

The Smolensk Poozerie National Park is located in the Demidovsky and Dukhovshchinsky districts of the Smolensk region on a huge area (almost 1,500 square kilometers). This is an area of ​​forests and lakes, and most of it, 80%, is occupied by dense forests.

The park has four visitor centers: in Smolensk, in the city of Demidovo, in the village of Przhevalskoye and on the shore of Lake Baklanovskoye. I would advise you to immediately contact the visitor center in the village of Przhevalskoye, on Gurevich Street, 19, only there you can get complete information about the national park. In summer, the center is open seven days a week from 09:00 to 17:00 (lunch from 13:00 to 14:00). Here you will be told about hiking and water routes, ecological trails, protected areas, given a map of the area, and here you can also purchase a mandatory entrance ticket to the park (I’ll tell you about the entrance ticket below).

If you are interested in the “Smolensk Poozerie” as a whole, that is, you decide to spend several days visiting it, and don’t just want to see just one lake, then you need to start your route from the village of Przhevalskoye. By the way, the settlement itself stands on the shores of the beautiful Lake Sapsho. I already wrote how to get to the village from Smolensk by bus and car, take a look.

Advice: rent a car in Smolensk (about rental), it will be more convenient: you will see more places, fortunately, there are roads in the park, and they are in order. I don’t recommend getting there on your own; you can, of course, move from lake to lake, but every day you’ll have to walk tens of kilometers.

Lakes of the Smolensk Lake District

The pride of the park is definitely the lakes! As I said above, there are more than 35 of them, and they are all connected by rivers to the Western Dvina basin. Do you know what's most interesting? They are all different! You will not find lakes similar to each other and will never confuse them in your life. Not only do they have different shapes, they even smell differently, not to mention the color - it is also different for them - somewhere bluish, somewhere greenish, etc. All lakes are very ancient, and each one keeps its own secret.

Of course, I won’t talk about all the reservoirs - it’s too long and tedious - I’ll describe only the most interesting of them:

You can travel from lake to lake by car without any problems. The roads are in order, but I would like to warn you: the eastern part of the park, where lakes Paltsevskoye, Vervizhskoye and Beloye are located, is strewn with swamps. On the map below the swamp area is indicated in green:

I would advise avoiding this area.

Admission ticket

Since 2016, tourists coming to the Smolensk Poozerie Nature Reserve have been charged a fee of 100 rubles per person. Disabled people of groups I and II, as well as children under 14 years old, receive a 50% discount.

You can pay for the ticket both at the visitor centers themselves and on the territory of the reserve (usually from the inspectors). For your convenience, I will write the addresses where you can purchase a ticket:

  1. City of Smolensk (Pamfilova St., 3b);
  2. Przhevalskoye village (Gurevich St., 19);
  3. From government inspectors patrolling the park.

This is a one-time fee. You are given a special blue ticket, which you must keep until the end of your stay in the park.

When is the best time to go?

In my opinion, you can visit the national park at any time.


In summer there is a large influx of sunbathing and swimming lovers: usually the days are sunny, the average temperature is +20-25 °C, the only thing is that it rains heavily in mid-July. In August, the water temperature is +20 °C and above.


At this time people usually come for photographs. Particularly beautiful views open up here in mid-September, when the trees turn yellow and autumn begins to play with all its colors. This time of year is also good for hiking in the forest, picking mushrooms and berries. The weather is sunny, the air temperature averages from +13 to +15 °C.


During the cold season there are mild frosts and light snowfalls. At this time, people mainly come here to fish. Lakes Sapsho, Rytoe, and Baklanovskoe are popular among fishermen.


Not the best time to visit the park. The fact is that ice on the lakes lasts until May, and negative temperatures can remain until April.


The entire park is divided into four zones:

  • educational tourism zone,
  • specially protected
  • reserved,
  • economic

If a specially protected zone occupies ⅕ of the park, then educational tourism takes up half. The fauna of the “Smolensk Poozerie” is concentrated to a greater extent in the specially protected and protected areas. This territory is under the constant supervision of government inspectors and rangers; tourists are prohibited from entering there. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be able to see, say, the same moose.

Most hiking trails, although they run through the forest, pass specifically in places where there are no animals. Of course, if you go into a wild place, encountering animals is irreversible. But it’s better not to do this: you won’t bother the animals and you yourself will remain safe.

Animals of the Smolensk Lake District

The zoo world of the reserve is very rich and is represented by more than 50 species of mammals. The most common animal is elk, but wild boars, roe deer, hares, foxes, lynxes and other animals are also found. On one of my travels, I once met a huntsman, and he told me that even wolves, bears and bison live in the park.

Rare species listed in the Red Book also live here. For example, from the order of rodents: flying squirrels, forest dormouse, little mouse, and from predators: European mink.

Hunting in the reserve is prohibited at any time of the year.

Birds of the Smolensk Lakeland

Near Lake Dgo I saw a golden eagle, as well as two black storks who decided to drink water, this bird does not like to show itself to people, so I can be considered lucky. A little later I learned that these representatives of the fauna are listed in the Red Book of many countries of the world.

Plants of the Smolensk Lake District

As I said above, 80% of the park is forested. The most common trees are spruce, pine, maple, oak, and birch. The forests in the reserve are amazing. Here you are walking, say, through a birch forest, and after 50-100 meters you suddenly find yourself in a pine forest. Along the entire route, the forests may change several times.

On your way, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a hiking trail running through a forest or a road along a pine forest, you will often come across plants listed in the Red Book (martygum, pollenhead, etc.). We kindly ask you not to tear them or trample them. Any place should be treated with respect.

I would like to reveal a little secret: if you do not harm nature or disturb it, you will see true magic - the forest will open up to you and give you its coolness, peace, birdsong and clearings with a scattering of forest flowers!

Where is the best place to stay and what are the prices for a vacation?

About 4,500 people live in small towns and villages on the territory of the reserve. For most of this population, renting out rooms or summer houses to tourists is their main source of income. Prices vary from 700 rubles per day per room to 5,000-10,000 for a house with a bathhouse or sauna. This is much cheaper than renting accommodation at tourist centers or hotels. When you arrive in any village or town, ask the first passerby about renting housing, and he will tell you everything and, perhaps, even show you. The main thing is not to be shy.

Almost all settlements have recreation centers and hotels. Prices there start from 1,600 rubles to 2,200 for a standard single room. This applies to hotels; at a tourist center it will be 30% cheaper. You can also rent a house, it will cost you 50,000-60,000 per day.

Closer to September, when the season ends, hotel apartments can be rented for 1,000 rubles.

If you come with a company, I advise you to rent a house from locals, and if you are traveling alone, it is better to stay at a recreation center or in a hotel (I cannot vouch for the amenities in the rooms offered by residents of villages and towns). It is convenient to choose and book accommodation on. You can see approximate prices for housing from local authorities, and compare the cost of hotel rooms by. I recommend:

  • recreation center "Baklanovo". It is located on the very shore of Lake Baklanovskoe, right by the water. The cost of renting a double room starts from 400 rubles per person. At the recreation center you can rent a bathhouse or sauna.
  • Chaika base. Located in the village of Nikitenki, between two lakes - Rytoe and Chistik. At the base you can rent a small wooden cottage for around 10,000 per day, as well as a double room with a kitchen and shower for 1,200 rubles.
  • Boroviki village. Not far from Lake Sapsho (just 1 km) a house for 7 people with all amenities is rented for 6,000 rubles per day.


About the food. I would advise you not to dine in local cafes; unfortunately, I had a sad experience when I was served stale food. It is better to buy food from the local population at markets and then cook the food yourself. In the village of Przhevalskoye there is a permanent market where they sell Belarusian products: milk, meat products, etc. It works from the very morning, from 6 o'clock, and I would advise visiting it before 11:00, since the local population really loves products from Belarus and quickly sorts them out.


For me, the main attraction of the Smolensk Poozerie National Park is its untouched nature. When you look from the observation decks at the endless forests stretching the length of the lake, it takes your breath away. I want to come back here again and again.

Unfortunately, I cannot single out any special historical monuments. Many mounds have been preserved in the park, more than 10 Stone Age sites, settlements, fortifications, and trench towns from the Great Patriotic War have been found, but all this is bare land, although it preserves the shadow of the past.

The only thing I would like to draw attention to is a small hill near Lake Rzhavets, on which one of the greatest ancient Russian cities, Verzhavsk, once stood.


What I also like about the reserve is its well-thought-out excursion system. Special tourist paths have been created on the territory of the park, cutting it lengthwise and crosswise, and there are also programs for walking and water tours.

Anyone can contact the park administration and choose a suitable route of any length, from 1 to 10 kilometers. I'll tell you about the most interesting of them:

  • "Reserved paths". The tour takes approximately 8 hours and is only possible in winter. First, they will tell you about the history of the park, its lakes and its inhabitants, then they will feed you a hot lunch, and then they will take you to the enclosure to look at the bison.
  • "Into the history of Sloboda". This route will be of interest to people interested in history. In two hours you will be taken through the burial mounds, told about the ancient people who inhabited these places, shown the Przhevalsky house-museum and told about the life of the Russian traveler.
  • "Sloboda Legends". The excursion takes about 8 hours and takes place in the village of Przhevalskoye. Here you will be told in detail about the Russian traveler, shown where he lived, and also introduced to the rituals of our distant ancestors: you will learn how they had fun and how they attracted good luck.
  • "To the Dead Lake". I will say right away that this is one of the longest routes - 10 kilometers await you. The tour begins on the shore of Lake Baklanovskoye in the Baklanovo eco-center and through the hills and forest goes to a small lake, which is popularly nicknamed “Dead” due to the lack of fish in it.
  • "Water route". Canoeing on 4 lakes. This tour requires a group of 10 people, the start begins on Lake Glubokoe, and then you will follow the channels through lakes Chistik, Krugloye, and Dolgoye. The excursion takes 4 hours.

What to bring

From every trip I try to bring with me an object that would remind me of my place of stay. It could even be an ordinary magnet. Fortunately, there are no problems with this in the national reserve. In any information center (in Przhevalskoye, Baklanovo), a souvenir kiosk in a village or town, at fairs you can buy a T-shirt, magnets, badges with the symbols of the park, and in the villages of Boroviki, Stary Dvor, Anosinki, products of local craftsmen made from birch bark.

What to see in one day

I think it’s pointless to go to the Smolensk Poozerie park for one day, unless, of course, your goal is simply to sunbathe or swim. But let’s say you decide to come for the day and don’t plan to lie in the sun. Here's what I recommend. Let's assume you get from Smolensk by bus:

  • at 07:20 we take the bus at the Central Bus Station of Smolensk and go to Przhevalskoye. The journey takes about 3 hours. Ticket price is about 300 rubles.
  • We're visiting. We admire the lake, walk along its shores and go to the Przhevalsky Museum (Sovetskaya St., 49). It will take you about 2 hours to walk and visit the museum. A ticket for adults will cost 80 rubles, for schoolchildren - 20 rubles, for students - 30.
  • After the museum we go to the market in the village and buy Belarusian products and have lunch. It will take about 30 minutes.
  • We go to the visitor center of the park (Gurevich St., 19) and try to find out if the excursion to Lake Dgo to the pagan boulder is taking place. The cost of such a tour will be about 1,000 rubles. If the group is not large enough, we ask the locals if they can take us to the lake and then bring us back. You will pay about 300-500 rubles for the journey. The journey by car will take 30 minutes.
  • We come to the lakes, rent a boat (rental is available at all tourist stops) and sail to the island of Roda. Here we walk, look at the surroundings and the pagan stone. We return to the village of Przhevalskoye. This route will take you about 3-4 hours.
  • There was an hour left until the last bus to Smolensk. We can take a short walk in the vicinity of Lake Sapsho. At 18:50 we return to the city.

I'll give you some tips that I think will be useful to you:

  1. In the northern and eastern parts of the park, communication is poor, be careful. I have Tele 2 and there was no signal at all.
  2. If you need to withdraw money, there is a Sberbank ATM in the village of Przhevalskoye (Gurevich St., 19).
  3. Almost all villages and towns have paramedic stations where you can receive medical care, but if you are traveling long distances, it is better to take a first aid kit with you or at least have a small supply of the necessary medications.
  4. There are a lot of ticks in the park from May to early July, so make sure to take insect repellent with you.


Holidays in the “Smolensk Poozerie” are a real pleasure for body and soul. When you get to the park, it’s like a new universe opens up in front of you with numerous lakes and dense forests, which you have never seen before. This reserve is a great place to be alone with the world of wildlife and escape from the bustle of the city.

Some not entirely patriotic Russian nature lovers compare certain remarkable corners of Russian nature with one famous European country, which for some reason has become known as a standard of natural beauty. Every now and then you hear: Karelian Switzerland, Vologda Switzerland, Siberian Switzerland... But this is fundamentally wrong: Russian nature is so amazing and unique that no Switzerland simply can compare with it! Among the natural highlights of our country, undoubtedly, is the Smolensk Lake District.

The Smolensk Poozerie National Park was created on April 15, 1992 by decree of the Russian government “to preserve natural complexes for recreational, educational, scientific and cultural purposes.” Currently, the institution is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation.

The park covers a total area of ​​146,237 hectares, it includes the lands of the Demidovsky and Dukhovshchinsky districts. To streamline activities in the NP, four functional zones have been allocated: reserve, specially protected, economic use and educational tourism, and the reserve zone covers a fifth of the park, and the educational tourism zone – more than half. Compared to most protected areas at the federal level, the Smolensk Poozerie NP is relatively densely populated: about 4,500 people permanently live on its territory in approximately 120 settlements. The main settlement and administrative center of the NP is the resort village of Przhevalskoye.

The territory of the NP belongs to the Western Dvina basin. There are no transit rivers here, which eliminates the possibility of pollution of the park’s water bodies from the outside. This territory was formed under the influence of tectonic movements and glacial activity. The park is characterized by a variety of relief forms, rarely found within a relatively small area. The terrain here is hilly, although there are no actual mountains. The territory of the NP is characterized by a moderate continental climate with warm and humid summers, moderately cold winters with stable snow cover and well-defined transition periods. The local climatic conditions are favorable for the development of various recreational services.

The main attraction of the NP are 35 lakes concentrated in a small area. The main part of these lakes, to which the park owes its name, are glacial. The most interesting is the central group of lakes located in the preglacial basin. Each of the lakes has individual characteristics.

Thus, Lake Chistik has constant groundwater feeding. The transparency of the water in this lake throughout the year is at least 4–6 m. Lake Rytoe is characterized by beautiful, comfortable shores for recreation; it is one of the most stocked lakes in the park. The largest body of water in the park (304 hectares) is Lake Sapsho. Well, the most fishy reservoir is Lake Dgo, rich in large bream, roach, pike, burbot, and rudd. The deepest (29 m) lake in the NP is Baklanovskoye; Lake Petrovskoye (Lososno) is connected to this lake by a channel.

At the bottom of Lake Mutnoye, deposits of sediments were discovered that are used to treat vacationers at a local sanatorium. Lakes Loshamyo and Bolshoye Strechnoye are distinguished by high water transparency. In lakes Dolgoye, Krugloye, Glubokoye and Gniloye, species of mollusks were found, the habitat of which has not been recorded anywhere else in Russia.

There are also a large number of rivers, springs and other sources in the park.

Raised sphagnum bogs are of great value. Swamp massifs (there are 33 of them) make up about 10% of the area of ​​the NP. Most peatlands were formed by swamping lakes left after the glacier retreated. The largest of them are Vervizhsky, Pelyshev and Lopatinsky mosses, which are rich in berries. In the central part of the Vervizhsky moss there are residual reservoirs (the so-called “windows”) - lakes Vervizhskoye, Paltsevskoye and Beloe.

The border of the southern taiga coniferous and subtaiga deciduous-coniferous forests runs through the park. A noteworthy feature of the local forest vegetation is the presence of areas of spruce-broadleaf forests little affected by human activity. The forest fund of the Smolensk Poozerie National Park is dominated by plantations of birch, spruce, aspen, alder (gray and black), and pine.

Scientists have noted more than 900 species of higher vascular plants on the territory of the NP. Certain plant species (lady's slipper, oak anemone, European swimmer and others) are rare and endangered, so they are subject to special protection.

The fauna of the NP is typical of the forest fauna of the park; 54 species of mammals have been recorded here. A typical representative of ungulates is the elk. In recent years, the number of roe deer has increased significantly, and wild boars are found everywhere. The territory of the park is distinguished by a wide distribution of beaver settlements. Here you can meet a wolf; Bears are more common on the territory of the NP than in other areas of the region. There are also other predators on the territory: lynx, raccoon dog, polecat, ermine, weasel, fox. Common hare.

231 species of birds have been recorded in the NP - a real ornithological kingdom! So it is no coincidence that the territory of the “Smolensk Poozerie” is included in the “List of Key Ornithological Territories of Russia”. More than two thirds of the bird fauna are nesting, about 60 species winter. Rare birds include the white-tailed eagle, osprey, short-tailed snake eagle, golden eagle, black stork, etc.

37 species of fish have been recorded in lakes and rivers; the main fish stocks are carp. Widespread species include roach, bream, dace, chub, rudd, bleak, as well as pike, perch, and ruff. Hunting on the territory of the NP is completely prohibited, but fishing is possible - however, only with permitted types of fishing. In the park's reservoirs you can catch pike and perch with a spinning rod, from a boat or from the shore - bream, bleak, rudd and roach, and in small reservoirs - crucian carp. Spearfishing with a gun is interesting in the cleanest lake not only of the national park, but also of the entire North-West of Russia - Lake Chistik. Winter fishing is also exciting.

Crayfish are found in large numbers, which indicates the cleanliness of the water bodies. The faunal diversity of the national park is complemented by 5 species of reptiles and 10 species of amphibians.

The history of the region where the national park is located is rich. The settlement of this area began more than 10 thousand years ago. Archaeological monuments of the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages, which have great scientific value, have been preserved. Already in the 9th century, the Smolensk land turned into the largest center of Slavic-Norman contacts. Ancient sites, burial grounds, zhalniks, and coin hoards discovered along the river banks confirm the version of the presence of a busy waterway connecting the mouth of the Dnieper with the Russian North.

On the territory of the park there are the remains of one of the most mysterious ancient Russian cities - Verzhavsk. The formation of this city, at one time the second largest on the Smolensk land, was led to by a significant influx of the Slavic population in the 10th–11th centuries, the founding of numerous villages and their unification. Located on one of the branches of the famous “Road from the Varangians to the Greeks,” the city flourished in the 12th–14th centuries. It lost its economic importance only with the extinction of the waterway.

The selfless struggle of the Russian people against foreign invaders is immortalized in the names of settlements: Poboishche (in honor of the battle between the Russians and the Poles in 1608), Rubezh (the border of the confrontation between the Polish and Russian troops), Shishi (rebel settlement), Kopanevo (military earthworks).

There are also religious buildings in the park: a “sacrificial stone” on the island of Lake Dgo, a “village guard” near the village of Anosinki, a “holy well” near the village of Zhelyuhovo, a “holy well” in the village of Boroviki, stone crosses in the cemeteries of the villages of Gorka and Gorodishche, stone tombstones in the village of Glaskovo and zhalniki.

A special place in the history of the Sloboda region, as the lands that now make up the Smolensk Poozerie National Park were once called, belongs to the great Russian traveler Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky. In 1881, Przhevalsky settled in Sloboda (now the village of Przhevalskoye) and lived here until 1888. Here he worked a lot and hard: he wrote reports on past expeditions, thought over plans for new trips. And Przhevalsky set off on his last journey from Sloboda. In the village Przhevalskoye, in the restored estate of the famous discoverer and explorer of wild lands, his museum has been opened.

The territory of the park is also rich in monuments of the Great Patriotic War. Memorial landscapes and trench towns have been preserved. Positional battles in this territory continued for about 1.5 years until 1943. All this time, partisans fought along with the regular army. In 1993 in the village. Przhevalskoye, the Museum of Partisan Glory was opened, which tells about the first Smolensk battle and the first test of the Katyusha, about the raid of Dovator’s cavalry and about the actions of partisan detachments.

The territory of the NP has significant potential for the development of tourism (the presence of a rich lake-river network among rugged terrain, well-preserved forest ecosystems, diversity of flora and fauna). These places have long been in demand by those people who appreciate the beauty of Russian nature. Along with lovers of ecotourism, those who want to get acquainted with local attractions, carry out scientific research, relax and receive treatment come here. With the formation of the national park, local tourism “went uphill” - about 250 thousand people visit the park every year!

The park has an environmentally favorable situation. The road network in the NP is quite well developed, which allows access to almost all of its recreational facilities. At the entrances to the park, at road intersections and near recreational facilities, there are signs and information boards telling about the features of the facilities and the rules of behavior in the park.

The purity of the water and the unique hydrological regime contribute to the development of water tourism and recreation near the water. The park's resources in the field of scientific tourism are significant; camp holidays, cycling and water tourism, and family holidays are popular.

More than 50 campsites – picnic and multi-day – are available for lovers of wild recreation. All parking lots are equipped with small architectural forms.

To get acquainted with the nature and attractions of the NP, park staff have developed a number of different tourist routes of varying length and complexity. The ecological trails “To the Sources”, “Around the Lakeland”, “Visiting the Beavers”, “In the Kingdom of the Brown Bear” are very popular. The park has its own recreation center on the picturesque shore of the lake. Baklanovskoe, combined with the Center for Environmental Education, which organizes children's environmental camps. Near the village of Boroviki, an arboretum is actively developing, which, in addition to the arboretum itself, has a panoramic complex dedicated to the events of 1812, a small modern hotel, and a herbal tea house.

In recent years, the regional festival “Fisherman's Cuisine” has become traditional and popular.

In 2012, the Smolensk Poozerie NP celebrated its 20th anniversary. In recent years, the institution is rightfully considered one of the standards of the Russian nature reserve system, a successful and steadily developing specially protected natural area. People who work here are purposeful, creative, united by the idea of ​​nature conservation, who are famous for their ability to work fruitfully and organize interesting holidays.

Evgeny BOGDANOV, NP "Smolensk Poozerye"