How to get to the sea from Rome. How to get from Rome to the sea

The Lazio region, near Rome, is home to many beautiful seaside towns and villages. Just a short drive from the bustling capital of Italy and you are in a beautiful seaside resort! So a trip to the Eternal City with excursions and active sightseeing can easily be diluted with a lazy beach holiday on the coast.

For reference: Last year, the Italian Association of Ecology and Tourism “la Fee” awarded the highest quality rating (“Bandiera Blu” - a mark of impeccable sea and beach quality) to five beaches in the Lazio region. The list includes Anzio, Sabaudia, Sperlonga, San Felice Circeo, Ventotene, an island in the Tyrrhenian Sea. So, today we’ll tell you how and where to go from Rome to the sea. The beach closest to Rome is called Ostia (Ostia lido). 30 minutes by train from the city center (ticket 1.5 euros one way) and you are there. This is the most popular holiday destination for average Romans, with many cafes, nightclubs and restaurants. As well as free beaches and inexpensive pizzerias. The sea of ​​Ostia does not always meet the criteria of cleanliness and ecology, but for the Romans it is the fastest way to escape the summer heat. Pros - Ostia is easy to get to from Rome without a car, everything is accessible and nearby, you can have an inexpensive meal in local restaurants... And finally, there are also paid beaches with sun loungers, umbrellas and clean territory (entrance to the paid beach is 12-15 Euro, price includes sunbed and umbrella). How to get there: we wrote here Anzio The second most popular resort near Rome. Located 60 kilometers from the city, located on a cape, among the Romans it is considered a more prestigious place than Ostia. During the era of the Roman Empire, Anzio was an important port and settlement; it was here that the emperors Nero and Caligula were born. There are many historical villas here and sea activities are available - water skiing and sailing regattas. From here ships depart to the beautiful island of Ponza in the Tyrrhenian Sea, and in the restaurants of Anzio you can sample the best fish dishes in Lazio, washed down with white wine from the nearby village of Nettuno. How to get there: You can get there by train from Termini railway station, an hour's journey, ticket 3.20 euros one way. Travel time is 50 minutes.
Sabaudia Sabaudia is located 95 km south of Rome, surrounded by the beautiful Circeo National Park. It is known for the fact that every year world celebrities from show business and cinema come here to vacation. There are good sandy beaches and a special microclimate created by the freshwater Lake Paola, which stretches along the coastline for 7 km. The sandy beaches of Sabaudia are long and clean, equipped with sun loungers and umbrellas.

How to get there: The journey from Rome by car takes approx. 1.5 hours (95 km). There is no train station in Sabaudia, but from Rome there are buses from the Laurentina metro station (the end station of line B), the schedule is here


The distance from Rome to Sperlonga is 115 km. The picturesque town of the Odyssey coast, thanks to its natural depressions and rugged coastline, gets its name from the Latin word “Speluncae” - depression. A white city with narrow crooked streets, panoramic platforms, watchtowers, tiny patches of land reclaimed from steep cliffs... Sperlonga is a typical fishing town of the Tyrrhenian Sea, with many bars and restaurants under the blue sky in the fresh air, serving excellent dishes prepared according to the ancient traditional recipes from the freshest seafood. Attractions here include the archaeological museum and the Caves of Tiberius.

How to get there: From Termini train station, take a ticket to Fondi Sperlonga station, from there the bus takes 20 minutes and you are in Sperlonga.

San Felice Circeo

San Felice Circeo, one of the most attractive holiday destinations on the famous coastline, is located 100 km from Rome. The city is located at the foot of Mount Circeo, on a peninsula jutting out into the sea. Majestic cliffs, cool deep caves and sand dunes are the characteristic features of these amazing places. Boat trips through the caves are one of the favorite activities of vacationers. Here are the names of just a few caves: Goat Cave (Grotta delle Capre) - next to the beach, entrance from the lighthouse; Blue Grotto (Grotta Azzurra) - accessible only from the sea and only in good weather, cave size 300 m2; Cave of the Hanged Man (Grotta dell’Impiso o Impiccato) - entrance from the lighthouse, named after the stalactite in the shape of a hanged man; Cave of Bats (Grottadei Pipis trelli) - near the city Acropolis. In clear weather, from the shore you can contemplate the Pontine Islands, which can be reached from the port of San Felice by boat or ferry. The historical center of the city is concentrated at the Tower of Dei Templari (Tower of the Knights Templar) and the Baron's Palace overlooking Piazza Lanzuisi. For nightlife lovers, we recommend having fun in the most popular discos on the coast, La Bussola and Chez Nina. Scuba divers can see the 1.8 m high bronze statue of Christ, which sank in 1992 at a depth of 18 m. This statue is a new symbol of the city.

How to get there: From Laurentina station (terminal station on line B) the Cotral bus leaves for Circeo (San Felice Circeo). Departures almost every hour, travel time is about 3 hours. Schedule here:

Are you planning a trip to the Eternal City, but in addition to exploring the main attractions of Rome, would you like to spend a few days at the sea, soak up the sun and have a good rest? Then this article is for you! The website has prepared a short overview of where the best beaches are located near Rome, located just an hour’s drive from the capital.

58 km from the capital, in Anzio, are the magnificent beaches of Rome, many of which are awarded the prestigious Blue Flag - an award awarded annually by the international Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) for high standards in the organization of beach holidays and the quality of sea water.

Free beaches of Rome in Lido di Ostia

The proximity to numerous archaeological sites located in Ostia Antica attracts tourists from all over Europe to these beaches of the Tyrrhenian Sea, especially since most of them are free. One of the most famous and popular among the residents of Rome is Curvone Beach Bar, where young people traditionally gather in the evenings and on weekends. A little further south you can find the Canale dei Pescatori beach, but the water there is usually less clean, so this place is more suitable only for sunbathing.

Even further south, behind the nature reserve and the pine park of Castel Fusano, on the coast of Castel Porziano there are several beaches, including those for vacationers with their four-legged friends. Here, among the sand dunes, there is another free, but little-known beach - a real oasis for naturalists and those who just like to splash around naked.

How to get to the beaches of Rome in Lido di Ostia:

  • by train - from Termini railway station or from any of the three Rome metro stations on line B: Piramida, San Paolo or EUR Magliana with a transfer to the Rome-Lido regional train;
  • by bus – from Fiumicino Airport, using the Fiumicino-Lido di Ostia bus route.

Where to stay:

Fregene - the most famous beaches near Rome

A real pearl of the Roman coast, which has become a favorite holiday destination not only among residents of the capital, but also the entire region, is the small resort town of Fregene, located just 30 km from the Eternal City. Here you can find beaches for every taste and budget, with restaurants and bars, outdoor sports grounds and special places where you can practice one or another water sport. Fregene is suitable primarily for young people: in the evenings there are beach discos with an interesting entertainment program and themed parties. And the number of restaurants offering all kinds of seafood delicacies is simply off the charts.

Fredezene is also good for a family holiday. Some of the best beaches even have playgrounds, attractions and swimming pools for the youngest visitors. In addition, on the territory of most of these beaches there are animators who help parents who come on vacation with looking after their children.
In addition, Fregen has free public beaches. They are located between private ones, related to this or that restaurant or bar, and they are very easy to identify by the chaotically installed multi-colored umbrellas and vacationers sitting directly on towels.

How to get to Fregene from Rome

  • By car, the most convenient way to get to Fregene is via Via Aurelia, following the signs. The journey will take no more than 30 minutes excluding traffic jams.
  • By bus. There are a large number of buses from Rome to Fregene, departing from Circonvallazione Cornelia literally every 10-15 minutes. You can get to this bus station by Rome metro trains on line A - stop Cornelia. Fregene can be reached in about an hour by bus.
  • By train. The most convenient and fastest option for traveling to Fregene is by rail. You can board the train from any railway station in Rome - Termini, Tuscolana, Ostiense, Aurelia, San Pietro, Trastevere, Casilina, etc. Train schedules and ticket prices can be found here. The trip will take just over half an hour.

Where to stay:

Beaches near Rome at Marina di San Nicola

Another great place to relax, which can rightfully be included in the list of the best beaches in Rome, is the small coastal village of Marina di San Nicola, which belongs to the commune of Ladispoli. It is located 40 km from Rome in the direction of the port of Civitavecchia.
The village, built up with luxurious private villas, has been popular with high-income families for several decades. Many VIPs come here for the weekend, and some even have their own house as their summer residence. Almost all the streets of Marina di San Nicola bear the names of famous actors, thus giving a certain “stardom” to these places.

The beaches are diverse and cater to visitors with different preferences. This extraordinary place will appeal to both lovers of a relaxing holiday and fans of noisy parties. And if suddenly someone gets bored with seascapes, you can safely go and get acquainted with local historical attractions - the Villa of Pompey and other archaeological finds.

How to get to Marina di San Nicola from Rome

  • A car, as always, remains the most convenient option. You can get here from Rome in about 40-50 minutes. The fastest way to get here is via the SS1 road.
  • By train with a transfer. From Rome you can get to Marina di San Nicola by train to Civitavecchia. Stop Ladispoli-Cerveteri. Next you will need to transfer to a bus going to Marina di San Nicola.
  • By COTRAL bus. From the bus station on Avenue Julius Caesar from the Lepanto metro station you need to take a bus on the Rome-Civitavecchia route via Marina di San Nicola and Ladispoli. The stop you need is Via Aurelia.

Where to stay:

Santa Severa - the best beaches in Rome

The small resort town of Santa Severa, part of the commune of Santa Marinella, is another treasure of the Roman coast. Boasting some of the best beaches in Rome, this place will appeal to anyone who likes to enjoy a quiet, relaxing holiday surrounded by beautiful sea views. After all, this is where you can see a real medieval castle, facing straight to the sea! In the castle itself there is a museum of navigation, the exhibition of which is dedicated to the period of antiquity, so those who like to combine business with pleasure will have something to see here!

In addition, the ancient Castello di Santa Severa divides the beach line into two zones, one of which has white sand and the other black sand.

White sand beaches of Santa Severa

The white beaches of Santa Severa (this is what the locals call this part of the coastline) are adjacent directly to the village. Here you can rent a sun lounger, an umbrella and fully enjoy the gentle sea and relax from the bustle of the city. Numerous restaurants located right on the beach offer their visitors to taste national cuisine, including a variety of seafood delicacies prepared according to classic and original recipes.

Black sand beaches of Santa Severa

On the other side of the castle there are the so-called “wild beaches”, covered with black volcanic sand. These places are chosen by connoisseurs of secluded relaxation, who prefer to sunbathe without burdensome swimsuits. There are no bars or restaurants in this part of the coast, so if you decide to spend your weekend “savage”, do not forget to bring a bottle of water, sandwiches or fruit, a beach towel and an umbrella.
It is worth noting that all the beaches of Santa Severa, whether with white or black sand, attract with their cleanliness.

How to get to Santa Severa from Rome

  • The car, naturally, is a priority. From Rome you can reach Santa Severa via the SS1 road in about 1 hour;
  • By train. You can get from Rome to the beaches of Santa Severa by direct regional train. Departure from Termini, Ostiense, Trastevere or San Pietro stations. Ticket price starts from 4 euros. The first train to Santa Severa from Rome from Termini station leaves at 5.26, the last one at 23.27. Travel time is only 1 hour;

Sea baths were very popular in Ancient Rome. “But the Eternal City does not lie on the coast,” the erudite reader will object. Yes, this is true, however, the distance from the sea did not stop the patricians. Lines of carriages were heading to Ostia, a generally recognized Roman resort. It was necessary to leave Rome early in the morning and reach the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea in the late afternoon, covering about twenty-five kilometers. A modern person will only need half an hour to travel by public transport! So the assertion that Rome is a mainland city is a thing of the past.

Now, when going to Italy on an excursion holiday, do not forget to take swimsuits with you (unless, of course, your trip takes place during the warm period of the year). And in this article we will describe the best beaches in Rome and tell you how to get to them. We are sure that after a day full of new impressions you will want to get out of the city and plunge into the gentle waves of Mare Tirreno. By the way, besides the sea, there are still plenty of lakes near Rome.

Beaches in Rome: how to get there

The closest seaside resort to the Eternal City is Ostia. There are a lot of beaches there to suit every taste - paid and municipal, equipped and not. You can get to Ostia for just one and a half euros. So if you come in the summer, excursions to Rome will be a successful end to a day full of impressions.

So, how to get to the coast as quickly as possible? We buy a metro ticket (1.5 euros). It lasts for a hundred minutes. Much earlier you will lie down on a sun-warmed lounger. You must get to the Pyramid metro station (blue line B). On the platform you need to find a sign that says “Ferrovia Ostia Lido”. It will lead you to the escalator. Having gone upstairs, we turn left and get to the commuter train station. We need a second platform (binario 2). Our ticket is still valid - no need to buy another one. Electric trains run every ten to fifteen minutes. Half an hour later the train reaches Lido Centro station. Leaving the building, we walk along a straight street for about two hundred meters. Here it is - the Tyrrhenian Sea! You can also get off at the next stop - Ostia Stella Polare.

City Beach

The coastline, where the ancient Roman patricians enjoyed the sea breeze, now looks quite democratic. In Italy, in principle, there are few free beaches. Almost the entire coastline is given over to private companies. Entry to the Lido Stabilimenti costs between twelve and fifteen euros. But the use of sunbeds, umbrellas or “boars” (awnings) there is already free. Lido Stabilimenti is equipped with toilets, showers, and changing cabins. There are rescuers on duty.

But in Ostia there are also free, municipal beaches of Rome. If you come to the sea on a weekday and during working hours, then you will be comfortable there. But on weekends it gets too crowded. In terms of cleanliness, the municipal beaches of Ostia cannot be called the best. But you still have to pay for the ammunition. A sunbed will cost you five euros, and an umbrella will cost the same.

To see the recreation area of ​​the ancient Romans, you need to get to Ostia Antica. The embankment of this resort is crowded with cafes, the prices of which are significantly lower than in the capital. So it’s quite possible to have dinner here.

The best beaches in Rome. TOP 5

Every year, the Italian Association of Ecology and Tourism assigns the Blue Flag (“Bandiera Blue”) to the cleanest and most comfortable coastline. Last year, in the Lazio region, near Rome, such resort towns as Anzio, Sabaudia, Sperlonga, San Felice Circeo and Terracina received this honor. Well, let's start our review with the record holder who topped the TOP five.


If Ostia is considered the most democratic resort, then the most glamorous beaches of Rome are located here, stretching for twelve kilometers. Anzio boasts a similarly ancient history. In ancient times, this peninsula on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea was entirely built up with villas of patricians and senators; it was an important port. Caligula and Nero saw the light in Anzio.

Here, vacationers will find not only a sandy beach and azure sea, the purity of which is confirmed by the Blue Flag, but also a lot of entertainment: yachts, etc. From here boats depart to the island of Ponza. Many Romans come to Anzio for the fish dishes and wines served in the restaurants of this town. The distance of more than seventy kilometers is quite easy to overcome. Any line leads to the main train station - Termini. There you need to buy a ticket to Anzio or Nettuno station. It costs 3.6 euros one way. Travel time is an hour.

Along the way, in Anzio you can visit the military and archaeological museums (the latter is located in a seventeenth-century villa). If you want to stay in the town for a few days, we can recommend the L’Approdo Serpa Hotel.


These beaches of Rome are located ninety-five kilometers south of the city. But with modern transport, this distance can be overcome easily and quickly. You need to take the blue line of the Rome metro (B) to the final stop "Laurentina". At the top there is a station from which regular buses go to Sabaudia. Travel time is one and a half hours. For such a long journey you will be fully rewarded. The sandy beaches of Sabaudia are located between the sea and the freshwater Lake Paola. The Circeo National Park is located nearby.

The advantage of Sabaudia is the presence of a large number of free beaches that are not crowded even in high season. Celebrities of cinema and show business like to relax here. But along with wonderful hotels such as Il San Francesco Charming or Casino Oasi Di Cufra, there are a lot of campsites with quite affordable prices.


This former fishing village is located even further from the Eternal City than Sabaudia - one hundred and fifteen kilometers. And, alas, there is no railway station in it either. You need to get there from Rome Termini Station to Fondi Sperlonga. The ticket costs seven euros. There is a bus from the station to the seaside resort for 1 Є. The entire journey will take an hour and twenty minutes.

Sperlonga is a white town perched on steep cliffs. There you will find many restaurants with terraces serving the freshest seafood, and, of course, the best beaches near Rome. You can go to a free section of the coast. If you buy a ticket for fifteen euros, then you are guaranteed a great relaxation on a sun lounger and under an umbrella on the golden sand of the equipped beach. Among the attractions in Sperlonga are the archaeological museum, the ruins of an ancient villa and the Caves of Tiberius. Evening is falling, but you don’t want to leave the resort town? We can recommend Albergo La Sirenella, Corallo Virgilio Grand Hotel and Ganymede.

San Felice Circeo

Reviews call these beaches in Rome the most attractive for an eventful holiday. The town of San Felice is located one hundred kilometers from the capital of Italy, at the foot of Mount Circeo. It occupies a peninsula jutting out far into the sea, so there are plenty of beaches. But this is not the main thing. The coastal cliffs of San Felice are furrowed with caves and grottoes. You will never forget boat trips through these places. Some grottoes, such as Goluboy, can only be reached in calm seas; their size is three hundred square meters. There are also Goat's Cave, the Hanged Man's Cave, and Bats' Cave. There is a port in San Felice from where boats and ferries depart to the Pontine Islands. Among the historical attractions, you should see the Templar Tower and the Baron's Palace.

To get to San Felice Circeo, take the metro to the Laurentina station already mentioned here. Buses leave from there every hour.


This town is not inferior to Rome in age. In antiquity, the famous Appian Way ended here. Built in the first century BC, the building still stands proudly today. The best sandy beaches stretch here for five kilometers. Close to Rome!

Terracina ranks second in Italy among places where the air is saturated with iodine. The city is also famous for its mineral springs and healing mud.

There are two ways to get to Terracina. The fastest way is by train and bus. At the main train station in Rome we take a ticket towards Naples. It costs seven euros. You should get off after an hour at Monte San Biagio station. You will immediately see a bus (usually waiting for the train to arrive) with the sign “Terracina Mare”. You pay the fare (one euro) from the driver - and in a quarter of an hour you are in a seaside town. To avoid transfers, you can take a direct bus that departs from Rome Furmi station.

Freshwater beaches near Rome

The Eternal City is surrounded by lakes. And many Italians prefer their fresh water to the sea. Holidays in Bracciano are very popular. A trip there by regional train will cost three euros. Bracciano is famous for the Castello Odescalci castle (the tour costs 7 €).

Another freshwater gem near Rome is Lake Martignano. It is located near Bracciano. The beach on Martignano is well equipped and shady. Holidays on this lake have its own characteristics. Motorized forms of entertainment are not allowed here - only sailboats ply the water surface. There are no noisy bars, discos or other entertainment here. People come here to enjoy pristine nature and silence.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the Pontine Islands, an archipelago located between Naples and Rome. They get here by ferries that depart from Anzio, Terracina and Formia. The best beaches in the archipelago are located on the islands of Ventotene and Ponza.

The town of Lido di Ostia is a suburb of Rome, where the blue-blue Tyrrhenian Sea is.

Everyone knows that the Tyrrhenian Sea is located near Rome, but not everyone knows how to get to it.
And getting there is very easy. Half an hour by train - and you are already on the beach. Agree that 25 km is not far at all. These are the nearest beaches. You can, of course, go further, but that’s another story and another trip.
I’ll tell you where and how we went while in Rome.

One morning, tired of the bustle of Rome, we decided to relax and unwind a little, and the best rest, as we know, is the sea.

Having found out from the owner of the apartment where we lived which direction and what we should go on, taking a couple of sandwiches with us on his advice, although we didn’t have to take them, the cafes were open, the coffee was delicious and cheap, the food was also tasty and very cheap, Because it was not the season, we went on a trip to the Stella Polare stop.
George immediately warned us that this beach is not exactly a tourist one, not glamorous. It's quiet and peaceful there. Italian families with children come there to relax. There are no discos there, but beyond that sea is not far from Rome.

We took the metro line B (blue line) to the Piramida station. There is a train station or station from which commuter trains or the metro depart towards Cristoforo Colombo. We took the train, which runs quite often, every half hour, and sped off towards the Tyrrhenian Sea.
By the way, city passes are valid on these trains. Well, if you don’t have one, you can buy it right there, at the station.

The town of Lido di Ostia.
Small, pleasant. Many come from Rome. We met local residents in the town, mostly elderly. They sat at tables in front of the cafe, on benches, and walked along the seashore.
But there were a lot of people on the beach. Many came from Rome.
The weather at sea was not the warmest due to strong winds, but this did not bother some people at all. Therefore, the contrast was striking: some wore winter down jackets, while others boldly sunbathed. Among the brave ones were children. They even ran into the water.

Advice: If you arrive at Fiumicino airport in the evening or at night, you can spend the night at a hotel in Ostia.

Pyramida metro station.

Train. One through car. These cars are also in the subway.

Our direction to the sea

Town of Lido di Ostia

Stella Polare Station

Real pasans... They are without nationality. Same person in all countries

Road to the sea

Of course, there are no beaches in Rome itself, but since the capital of Italy is still located nearby, you can get to the resorts. After all, the outskirts of the city have direct access to the sea. The resort coast near the capital of Italy can rightfully be considered a real constellation of wonderful places. These beaches are often referred to as the "beaches of Rome".

The closest resort to the capital is Lido de Ostia. This place is considered the most popular among tourists who want to relax away from excursions on a good beach. This place has other names: Ostia or Lido di Roma. The last name specifically emphasizes its main significance for the city located on seven hills. Shortly before the outbreak of World War II, this city acquired its status as a seaside resort, first for local residents of Rome. At the moment, there are several excellent beaches here, and they are well equipped for relaxation, as well as for sports. There is always a large flow of vacationers here who seek to relax in Lido di Ostia. This place is also popular among couples who come on vacation with their children, since the beaches located here are the best among the sandy beaches located near Rome.

If you are a lover of peace and solitude, then you will like the Anzio resort, which is located among the dunes. The neighboring resort, Nettuno, merges with this resort. If you take together all the beaches of both the resorts of Nettuno and Anzio, you can count as many as fifty-five beaches. Moreover, each of them has its own characteristics; every tourist and vacationer will find a place to relax to their liking.

For everyone there is a unique and only piece of the sea coast that will forever leave pleasant and warm memories of the summer days spent. Anzio - the resort is distinguished as an excellent climatic resort in the country. The city is located south of Rome, forty kilometers, on the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea. The resort town of Anzio was founded by the Trojans after they began to develop the territory of Lazio, and almost at the same time the city was made an important cultural and commercial center of the region. There is a legend according to which the city was founded by Ataeus, the son of the Greek sorceress Circe and Odysseus. Already from 338 BC, this place became popular for recreation and settlement, but only wealthy Roman patricians settled here. The city was built with palaces, and even then the rich built villas on the coast; among the owners of elite housing were: Caesar Augustus, Cicero, Caius Lucretius and others. It was in this town that the famous emperors of Ancient Rome - Nero and Caligula - were born. The sea city port was named after Nero. His villa has survived to this day, reminiscent of the luxury of those times. In the distant past, the resort was considered one of the best seaside resorts. Even the ancient philosopher Cicero expressed his opinion about this resort, noting that: “I prefer Anzio to Rome!” Even in ancient times, the city was well developed, the infrastructure flourished: the city had baths, circuses and amphitheaters. To this day you can see the remains of Roman buildings. The city has a Thermal Museum. It’s not like Rome, but there are attractions here too. At the moment, Anzio is a residential town, small in size, which consists of two parts. The first part is the city itself and its small port, and the second is the tourist area, where all the bars, restaurants, discos, pubs and nightclubs are located. Clean sea and sandy beaches, golf courses and tennis courts, diving, canoeing, windsurfing and sailing schools. The sandy beaches are wide and their length is twelve kilometers. As for hotels, the infrastructure is not very developed, as for example in the more famous resorts of the country, but the cleanest warm sea, as well as unsurpassed sandy beaches and the close location to Rome and convenient communication with it - buses, trains, attract a huge number of tourists. Even the Romans themselves prefer to go to this resort on weekends to take a break from the bustle of the big city, as well as enjoy peace and sea air.

Another resort is located south of the city of Rome - Sabaudia. Among Italian bohemians, this recreation area is considered a relaxation center. Directors, actors, movie divas and movie stars prefer to relax here. But the prices here correspond to the star rating of the resort. In 2012, the beaches received the “Blue Beaches” mark and stood in line with such environmentally friendly beaches of resorts as Ventotene Cala Nave and San Felice Circeo. These resorts are also located near Rome.