Game tactics in arcade battles war thunder. Combat tactics in War Thunder on tanks and planes: useful tips and secrets

Flying an airplane, even a virtual one, is not an easy task. Those who have just registered for War Thunder and do not know all the techniques and subtleties of air combat need to learn the basics of aircraft control from the very beginning. War Thunder is not a game in which everything is easy and simple; in order to become a good pilot in this game, bring benefits to your team and win, you will have to spend time on training. Below are 5 tips for air combat tactics in the online game War Thunder. Having mastered several tactics of air combat, you will become one of the best players.

1. Do you know how a ship sails? It floats unevenly, sways on the waves from side to side, you should do the same. Maneuver the helm using QE and AD combinations, this way you will force the enemy to become exhausted and waste all his ammunition, because it will be very difficult for him to get into your plane, because you will fly, as they say, from side to side.

2. Don't forget about the peak, which causes the plane to lose altitude very quickly, but then it turns into speed. In this case, the angle of inclination of an aircraft performing a dive can vary from approximately 35 to 800. The peak is based on such a simple and very effective method of attack as “boom-zoom”. While at altitude, the player targets the enemy, makes a dive towards him, and when the plane gets close enough to the enemy plane, a powerful enemy attack occurs.

3. Ballet in the air? Easily! If you perfectly master the tactics of air combat in War Thunder, even this is possible. Often, when chasing an enemy aircraft, the player is close to the surface of the Earth. The enemy begins to maneuver first, and the player performs the maneuver second. Then it very often happens that the player who was chasing the enemy becomes the enemy’s target himself. To avoid this, do not give in to the enemy, he will bring you closer to the Earth until the last moment, in order to then attack and rise into the sky again, you, in turn, will stop the battle for a while and rise in height, thus you will maintain the height, and that means you'll be safe.

4. Don't forget about the altimer, in other words, don't forget to keep space around you in order to get out of the dive. Your turns should not be sharp, but smooth, so that you can then gain altitude again without much difficulty and attack the enemy again. By the way, a dive is also a necessary maneuver when you want to avoid an attack on the tail of your plane. High speed while performing a dive will allow you not only to dodge an enemy attack, but also to launch an attack on the enemy.

5. It is no secret that bombers (sometimes called beavers) love to sit on the tail of players, which often ends in the victory of the beavers. The answer to the question "How to deal with beavers?" It’s simple: don’t let beavers get on your tail. When you see a bomber from afar, start catching up with the enemy. Try to be higher and ahead of the enemy, using this position you can fire at the bomber's cockpit.

Air combat tactics of War Thunder, it seems, what can be difficult here, play for yourself and destroy the enemy. But everything is actually not like that; air battles in War Thunder have many nuances and features that can constantly be discovered and applied in various combat situations. In addition, a huge range of tactical options are also divided into each class separately, so you will have plenty to explore. Of course, you don’t have to fill your head with tons of information, trifles and various detailed features, but you must know the basics of using War Thunder combat tactics, otherwise your game will not bring you the expected fruits and achievements.

So, what is the peculiarity of tactical superiority in battle?

Aircraft are very complex combat vehicles that have a huge number of different modules, control features and general purposes, depending on the class.

The game War Thunder has several combat classes of aircraft: bombers, attack aircraft, heavy and light fighters and others. Each class has its own special purpose, namely bombers must devote themselves entirely to the destruction of ground targets, attack aircraft are required to protect bombers and destroy enemy aircraft, and fighters are intended for lightning-fast destruction of enemy forces, as they have heavy armor and weapons. It seems that everything is logical, but it is this aspect that allows you to decide on your tactics and style of play.

So let's look at a few notable and basic tactics. First of all, let us note that for each player there are 2 combat tactics: offensive and defensive. Offensive tactics involve aggressive dominance in the airspace and destruction of the main enemy forces. This is primarily suitable for fighters and attack aircraft. Defensive tactics involve the destruction of ground targets and a rather modest dominance in the air. But this is all theory; in fact, tactics depend entirely on the situation in battle, and its further outcome depends on you.

In order not to delve into various features and theoretical nuances, we will look at the basics of successful combat, or rather the use of numerous small combat tactics in War Thunder.

To begin with, it is worth understanding that the success of the battle depends on how well you use your aircraft and understand the purpose of your combat class. Team battles, of course, fade into the background; they have a special player who gives instructions, and with the help of his strategic thinking you achieve victory. But what about the single-player game, when you want to contribute your combat potential in battle? Everything is just as simple here.

Will there be a list of different tactical options? No, it all depends on your actions; you won’t be able to use any one tactic, since a mixed fighting style will always prevail in battles. But regardless of this, we will consider a separate application for each class of aircraft, of which there are 3 in the game.


This class of aircraft is the most versatile in use; they very rarely have enhanced weapons, but almost always have superiority in maneuverability and speed. In this class, you need to protect the main powerful units of your team (bombers) and have a suppressive effect on the enemy team. That is, try to destroy similar combat models.

There is no point in trying to destroy heavy aircraft, since they have colossally powerful armor for your guns and even if you can destroy them, you will waste a lot of time, it is better to mind your own business. Also, you shouldn’t try to destroy ground vehicles, yes, this is possible, but given your speed and rather weak weapons, this will also take you a lot of time. Your goal is enemy attack aircraft, which can annoy your bombers.

Of course, if you know the structure of the plane very well and are able to set it on fire, break its engine or wing, or do some other things, then you can act forward, but hitting the target is also very difficult, because the enemy will maneuver and try to destroy you. And remember your main advantage is agility and speed, which will allow you to escape from stronger enemies and have equal chances with similar opponents.


Bombers are the most powerful and destructive class of aircraft. They are huge, have a high level of durability and can transport powerful bombs to their target, capable of destroying everything in their path. But this class is deprived of speed and maneuverability, and a pack of attack aircraft can destroy you in a few minutes.

But don’t be afraid of this, since your main goal is to destroy enemy bases with bombs. As you know, structures in War Thunder have a huge margin of safety, so it is very difficult to destroy them with conventional weapons. But thanks to just one bomb, you can immediately destroy an entire enemy base, a detachment of ground troops, or simply inflict colossal damage to enemy ground targets. And this is a rather useless thing, since team dominance is one of the ways to achieve victory.

Destroying aircraft also earns points, but much less than destroying ground objects. Also, do not forget that bombers have a rear machine gun, which, when used correctly, is capable of destroying opponents who are on your tail. This class is difficult to control, but once you learn how to use it, you will be able to make a significant contribution to battles.


Fighters are also a universal class of aircraft, which are primarily intended to destroy enemy combat units. To collide with a fighter means to die from the barrage of “death” of its guns. This class has the most powerful machine guns and good armor. They also have excellent speed, but practically no maneuverability. Therefore, the destruction of ground targets completely excludes the use of fighters.

It is better to use them to destroy enemy bombers. As for stormtroopers, they are only dangerous to you in large numbers, and they will not attack you individually. The rather narrow use of this combat vehicle results in expensive repairs and difficult operation. But what kind of battles take place when playing this class is just a sight for sore eyes.

Thus, we have considered the main application of classes in the game War Thunder, although the game has a division of aircraft into 9 classes, the ones that we have considered are the main ones for the remaining 6 classes. Using our recommendations, you can decide on your purpose, and, therefore, start the battle quite successfully.

Features of control during battle.

Now we will touch on the topic of gaming applications, such as the use of control features, terrain and technical features.

In War Thunder, combat with controls is primarily intended for professionals. It involves the use of various tricky elements of piloting, namely: rolls, turns and other professional performances on an airplane. This applies to absolutely all classes, but not all of them are capable of performing every element. Therefore, for a more detailed understanding of how and what to do, it is better to familiarize yourself with the video guides, where complex training takes place, and also look at the game forum, where players share the features of performing these complex elements. These elements will allow you to avoid attacks from behind, perform breathtaking stunts and deceive your opponents. Be sure to check out these features, they will add confidence to you in battle and allow you to fully unleash your combat skills.

As for the features of locations and terrain, we have all seen how vast the combat locations are, and how many different hills and mountains there are on them. It is this aspect that allows you to take advantage of advantages in speed and maneuverability, which in turn make it possible to force the enemy to get confused in space, thereby crashing into these game elements. Also, these features can be used to hide from the enemy, just like the fog, which allows you to do incredible things.

Technique matters too

Technical features are a description and capabilities of your aircraft. In the War Thunder game, each combat unit has its own technical indicators, and each aircraft has different indicators. One has better speed, the other has better maneuverability, etc. Read the specifics of the technical indicators, and you can be one step higher during the battle.

It makes no sense to impose any tactics, but it is necessary to create personal tactical features. In this article, we have outlined to you the so-called tools that will allow you to create your own personal methods of achieving victory, or rather, will allow you to create universal War Thunder air combat tactics. Taking into account each of the above elements, you, like an artist, will be able to imagine a picture of your actions and after that clearly see your tactics.

And you shouldn’t be surprised that it can constantly change, there can be no clear actions in a team battle game, no one knows how the enemies will behave and how the situation will develop in the air, you need to be prepared for anything. And remembering the basics and tactics of air combat, you will definitely achieve victory and be able to emerge victorious even from the most difficult situation in battle.

Experiment, practice and implement! All this will not pass by and will definitely result in something useful in the form of knowledge, skills and just a good game.

Correct combat tactics in war thunder are the key to defeating opponents and winning the team. There are not many tactical techniques in this game. As in many similar games, it all comes down to "mass pressure." Destroying enemy equipment one after another, the team should not consolidate in the positions achieved, but gradually move forward along the entire front line, without ignoring the flanks. At the same time, it is important that your equipment is distributed more or less evenly: even the most “handy” loner stuck on the flank will be destroyed by superior enemy forces.

You should adequately assess the capabilities of your technique and your abilities as a player. This way the medium one will arrive faster to capture the point, but he will have to wait for the heavy tanks to arrive. When playing with fast but weakly armored vehicles, you should not get too far away from the main mass.

When it comes to air combat, many novice pilots often make the same common mistake: performing aerobatic maneuvers to escape the fire of an enemy fighter. The main disadvantage of the “dead loop” and “barrel” is the unpredictability of these techniques. An experienced pilot, with whom you are unlucky enough to engage in battle, is able to predict your actions. It is better to leave beautiful maneuvers “for later”, until the moment when you “grow together” with your aircraft, feeling its capabilities.

Air combat tactics in War Thunder

All pilots know that the main thing in aerial combat is a good overview, which allows you to detect both the enemy and your teammate in time. Two against one is a technique that may not be the most honest, but extremely effective. Try as much as possible to come to the rescue when your comrade enters into battle with the enemy. Such an ally in the future may well become your friend and constant partner.

If you detect the enemy in time, his attack will not be unexpected, which will allow you to make defensive maneuvers on planes in time and launch a counterattack. When you spot the enemy before he detects you, you can be the first to attack, climbing to attack from above or approaching from below to fire from the “dead zone.” The enemy, who is taken by surprise, is lost in the first seconds of the battle, trying to detect the attacking aircraft.

Important! The most likely places from which the enemy can attack: from behind from above, from behind to the right and from behind to the left.

More attention should be paid to the side from which a potential enemy may appear - especially if you are flying past an enemy airfield. To improve visibility, it is recommended to periodically make turns - this will prevent the enemy from sneaking up unnoticed. The main thing: do not leave the area under the tail of the plane unattended for a long time: experienced pilots who, among other things, also shoot accurately, often attack from there. The key to victory in any tactic is to know where the enemy is.

An equally important component of success is height. Before the start of the battle, try to climb higher than the enemy, especially if you are dealing with a fighter. By gaining speed during a dive attack, you can quickly go back up, becoming out of reach.

Tank combat tactics in War Thunder

As stated above, the first player to arrive at the capture point will be on a medium tank. Heavy tanks arrive later and suppress enemy equipment with gun fire, preventing them from approaching the point. After defeating the first wave of TTs, you should advance further, moving the front line closer to the enemy base. In theory, everything is simple, but in practice, a randomly selected team does not always manage to achieve mutual understanding and synchronize their own actions.

Remember! The key to the success of this tactic is the gradual shift of the front line in all directions simultaneously.

You should monitor not only enemy equipment, but also your allies. If few cars have gone in a certain direction, give a command in the chat to call reinforcements there. Of course, not all players will agree to follow the commands of a random teammate, but 2-3 tanks will definitely go there. The reason lies in human psychology: most players do not show initiative, but willingly obey orders if someone takes on the role of commander.

You should adequately evaluate your own equipment and not rush into battle against a tank at a higher level. Before the start of the battle, you should choose the right setup: armor. weapons, shells and everything else. The same is true for an airplane: knowledge of the features that each model has is the key to survival in battle.

You shouldn’t “rat”, haphazardly catching lonely frags on the map. You can improve your own statistics in this way, but if every member of the team does this, it will inevitably lose. It is also not recommended to camp while shooting at enemy vehicles passing by. Experienced players are well aware of all the campers’ favorite spots and will cover you there with heavy fire without any problems.

War Thunder secrets for tanks

Like any game, War Thunder has its own tricks and secrets. The following tips for beginners on leveling up and how to play correctly will help make the gameplay easier.

Some tanks have additional modules that are stronger than their armor. For example, you should not shoot at the tracks from the side: the projectile can go under the bottom without causing damage.

It is much more effective to fire a shot into the tank's turret, since the loader and gunner sit there.

Here are some more useful tips:

  • During movement, the gun swings up and down, especially on German vehicles. Most players pause before shooting to get a more accurate shot.
  • When moving at speeds up to 7 km/h, the gun swings much more slowly. When firing in this position, the projectile almost always flies exactly on target, ignoring the 33% spread established for arcade battles.
  • Shells that do not contain explosives (sub-caliber and armor-piercing) can penetrate a small layer of earth, the wall of a wooden house, a bush, a tree, a fence and other objects in the game world. In this way you can reach an enemy who is trying to hide.
  • Cumulative and high-explosive projectiles detonate upon contact with a surface. You can throw ammunition under the enemy's bottom, but this is difficult, given the trajectory of its flight: you have to calculate the correct angle. This technique is most effective against German technology.

Beginners should understand that the enemy adjusts the shooting using the lead marker. Even using the best fighter produced in the USSR, you will become an easy prey if your behavior is predictable and your trajectory differs little from a straight line. If you feint up and down and left and right, it becomes much more difficult to knock you down.

Here are some more tips on how to play airplanes:

  • Attack aircraft and bombers have a well-armored bottom, so attacking them from below is ineffective. Some bomber models have a gunner in the lower hemisphere, and sometimes several, who can give a serious fight. It makes more sense to go from the side.
  • It’s easy to catch up with a fleeing enemy by taking 20 degrees down and flying like that for a couple of seconds. By leveling the trajectory, you will increase the speed of your aircraft. The maneuver can be repeated several times.
  • Heavy aircraft, especially attack aircraft. effective in a frontal attack. Many beginners are willing to ram. If you turn the steering wheel to the side before a collision, you can hit the enemy's canopy with the tip of the wing and destroy it without taking damage.

Of course, these are not all the tricks that are in the game. Play and learn the basics, and you'll definitely develop your own effective techniques. Our website will help you master War Thunder: here you will find many guides on leveling up, choosing and features of vehicles, and other important topics.

No matter how trivial it may sound, complete the training for each type of aircraft (fighter, attack aircraft, bomber) and ride a tank on a military training ground.

Remember: a fighter is designed to destroy any aircraft, an attack aircraft is designed to support ground and naval forces, and a bomber is designed to destroy ground targets. Each aircraft has weaknesses, but if you know how to properly control the technology, you can avoid a quick death and achieve great results.

The same applies to ground vehicles. The game has light, medium, heavy tanks, tank destroyers and anti-aircraft guns. Each type of equipment has its own task on the battlefield: a medium tank must disable its less mobile “heavy brothers”, and tank destroyers must shoot any equipment.

Try different modes

War Thunder has three modes that influence the vehicle control model: arcade (the simplest, suitable for most users), realistic (more difficult, for experienced players) and simulator mode (for the most hardcore pilots and tankers).

For each type of battle, a short training is provided, which we strongly recommend that you complete - otherwise you are unlikely to be able to effectively control the machine. Try playing each of them and see what you like most about War Thunder.

Please note that in arcade mode, vehicles behave completely differently than in simulator battles. However, there are not many players in this hardcore mode. Therefore, if you want realism, be prepared to wait.

Choose the technology you like

After the first launch of War Thunder, the player must make a choice: on which nation’s planes and tanks should he participate in battles. The British have a relatively universal line of aircraft equipment. The rest (USSR, Germany, Japan and the USA) have a number of features that beginners will not notice the first time.

With tanks everything is much simpler. There are two nations here: Germany and the USSR. In patch 1.43, Soviet tanks are seriously inferior to German ones at the third, fourth and fifth levels of development.

If desired and skillful, you can “drag” your team on any vehicle. This rule generally applies to all multiplayer and competitive games.


Remember that the release of each patch changes the balance of the game. If you just want to enjoy battles in arcade mode, we advise you to take a simpler approach to choosing vehicles based on your personal preferences.

Believe me, you still won’t be able to immediately assess the advantages of a certain tank or aircraft until you have spent at least 50 battles in one or another vehicle.

If you are an old-school player and are not going to mindlessly spend your time in War Thunder, study the parameters of vehicles and compare them with other models.

Use the aircraft's strengths and weaknesses to skillfully take turns and shoot off the enemy's tail. This cannot be done without understanding what characteristics the aircraft has. If you are too lazy to do this, go to the official forum and chat with the owners of the equipment that interests you.

To understand the strengths and weaknesses of a tank, inspect its armor before starting a battle. Some tanks have strong frontal armor, others have a well-protected turret, but weak sides. It would be a good idea to find out how the crew is positioned inside the equipment. We also recommend that you consult the gaming encyclopedia. The information received will allow you to act wisely on the battlefield and not expose yourself to fire again.

Use aerobatic maneuvers

Aerobatics are divided into three categories: simple, complex and advanced. You can read about each of them in detail here.

In War Thunder, most of the techniques developed by military pilots in real life work perfectly. For example, thanks to the “Dead Loop” maneuver, you can break away from an annoying enemy and sit on his tail. The “Immelmann Roll” will allow the attacking aircraft to take a more advantageous position, and the “Combat Turn” will allow it to break away from the enemy fighter and gain altitude.

A real ace is a pilot who knows how to perform various aerobatic maneuvers and use them in battle.


During tank battles, the most correct decision is to hold a certain point on the map. This is especially true for tank destroyers and heavy tanks. They are clumsy, but have firepower.

It is best when, after a shot, it is possible to hide behind a stone or foliage so that the enemy does not guess where they are firing at him from. It is also worth taking a position on a hill, surrounded by rocks. It will be easier for you to observe the enemy’s movements and shoot enemies in time.

Beware of large open spaces - the tank will be an easy target for your opponent. Don’t forget to also ask your teammates to back you up. In general, the more often you interact with all team members, the higher the chance of winning.

Develop your crew

Crew development is something that worries everyone. Should I invest my points in endurance or survivability? Who is better to develop: a shooter or a pilot? Every War Thunder player asks similar questions. Sometimes not only the speed of reloading guns, but also the ability to deftly maneuver during battle depends on the skills of the crew.

If you fly fighters and attack aircraft, develop all pilot skills evenly. It is important that he not only sees enemy aircraft, but also performs complex maneuvers. If you frequently bank, the pilot gets tired, his concentration decreases, and he begins to “smear” while shooting.

You should also pay attention to leveling up your skills in the “Ground Services” section. The “Weapon Care” and “Reload Speed” skills will allow you to quickly bring your weapon into combat readiness.

For bombers and attack aircraft, it is important to develop the skills of airborne gunners. We advise you to pay attention to the accuracy and accuracy of shooting.

When the crew reaches level one hundred, upgrade them to expert and then ace. Upgrading your qualifications will give you an immediate increase of 30 or 50 points to your basic parameters.

To upgrade your tank crew, you should pay attention to unique skills. The mechanic has “Driving” (controlling the tank), the gunner has “Guidance” and “Ranging” (aiming accuracy), the commander has “Leadership” (increases the abilities of the rest of the crew), and the loader has “Loading a gun.”

Play with friends

If you want to quickly master the game, the best option is to play with friends. At the right moment, a comrade will cover or assist in the destruction of equipment. Each of you can fulfill certain roles. Believe me, there is nothing more difficult than the destruction of a well-coordinated unit.

Analyze errors

Defeat does not always depend on the aircraft or tank and the development of its crew. You were shot down because you either didn’t look at the map, or didn’t notice how the enemy was on your tail, or didn’t calculate the distance to the target, or were too carried away by the chase. There are plenty of options. In most cases, battles are lost due to your own mistakes, and not due to the balance of the equipment. The more often you analyze your actions during the match, the sooner you will raise your skill level.

It is unlikely that fans of IL 2 Sturmovik 8 years ago would have been able to believe that thousands and thousands of people from the whole earth would take part in air battles. Almost all studios have attempted to implement this idea by creating a similar one. However, only the Gaijin company and its War Thunder. With this game, simply indescribable abilities are revealed. How, what, why? - this article answers these and almost all other questions. Therefore, let's get started!

Firstly, you need to understand that the project is absolutely for everyone. We will specifically talk about the arcade mode. You can look at others online on our website in the presented section. The War Thunder game is full of benefits, but is almost entirely aimed at real aircraft models and technical equipment. aviation data: aircraft climb rate, turn moment, maximum flight speed - all these are not just values, but necessary characteristics that have a specific impact on the behavior of the aircraft.

The first pass for beginners, which the experienced eyes of veteran flight simulator players will readily notice, is the inexorable desire to quickly enter the anarchic battle. Players lose height, crawl along the surface of the earth and spin with literally the same enemies on their little heels. Needless to say, what these beginners do on any kind of airplanes. Acting in this manner is strictly prohibited. The principal asset of victory in battle is headroom and tactical superiority.

How to play War Thunder on a bomber

This means that we have understood the main thing - at the beginning of the round it is necessary to immediately gain altitude, assess the situation and spot the enemies who have strayed from the school.

Your target is only the ground. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this. Quite often you can see some healthy Henkel spinning around in the thick of the battle and trying to put opponents under the flames of on-board weapons. And this, in turn, invites justifiable negativity from teammates.

How to play War Thunder on an attack aircraft

It’s already easier for stormtroopers, although there are forbidden techniques for them. Possessing strong weapons, aircraft of this class are in no way adapted to mobile combat.

If you want to unleash your unique military potential, then try to work with single aircraft, using the boom-zoom strategy. In other words, he dived, splashed, and at still high speed, moved away to a non-dangerous distance and height.

How to play War Thunder on a fighter

Let's move smoothly to the fighters. However, do not rush to happily rub your hands - aircraft, including those of this class, are not always suitable for an exhausting duel. It is here that the meanings are significant.

Having gained altitude, the fighter is a terrible power in the hands of skilled craftsmen. You have the power to control the plane as you think necessary in a certain situation. Probably the best choice would be to hunt bombers - of course, if you are lucky with the weaponry of your bird. Quite often the final battle is decided by the ground being destroyed into dust, and not by the downing of enemy aircraft. However, if you meet an excellent team, then you are allowed to reduce the number of enemy aircraft in the air to zero.

Again, mindlessly flying into the mess is not good. Looking from above at how the battle is taking place, you can become that saving power for the team that will decide the final battle.

Don't forget about boom-zoom. In addition, this maneuver is even easier for fighters. Within a couple of minutes. you are allowed to copy it a certain number of times and deal with several enemies. Mobile combat is also the environment of fighters, but in it it is fundamentally important to get out of the pile in time and throw off the tail. If you continue to spin around the ground itself, sooner or later you will collide with it.


Finally, let’s return to the aircraft data. Don't forget about the rate of climb! Take the trouble to evaluate it in comparison with the aircraft that you most often encounter in fights. It’s useful, you can see and circle any of them without purchasing. There will certainly be those who will give you hard numbers - with such opponents you can use the effectiveness of vertical maneuvers. It’s enough to descend dashingly, fire a burst at the enemy’s fuselage and go vertical, and then watch how the damaged competitor puffs up in an effort to gain height behind you. From time to time, one precise burst of lead is enough.

The same applies to turn timing, even more so. It is this parameter that describes how much space your aircraft will need to make a 180-degree deployment - the most important feature for maneuverable combat. After all, if your opponent turns around faster, then you will very quickly lose your superiority and turn from a hunter into a victim. We also recommend watching