Catfish: do not disturb until July. Calendar of seasonal bans for fishing Crayfish and freshwater shrimp

In the Fishing Rules, all seasonal fishing bans are described quite clearly, but my eyes always run wild and it’s not immediately possible to determine what restrictions currently exist on reservoirs. Yes, and temporary bans are introduced on individual reservoirs for a certain time... The calendar will more clearly represent all the fishing bans established in Belarus.

“Everything that is not prohibited is permitted!”

The Fishery Rules establish temporary bans on fishing for certain types of fish:

Crayfish and freshwater shrimp

Long-fingered (narrow-fingered) and striped crayfish, the Far Eastern shrimp are classified as wild animals that are not objects of hunting and fishing. The procedure, conditions, and tools for their extraction for personal purposes and in commercial quantities have been determined, and the necessary prohibitions and restrictions have been established.

- The rules for the extraction, procurement and (or) purchase of wild animals not related to hunting and fishing objects were approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated June 2, 2006 No. 699 (as amended by Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated June 6, 2014 No. 555)

Fishing bans:

Additional bans in 2014:

The Grodno region

Recreational fishing is prohibited in the bucket-type water intake area of ​​OJSC "Grodno Azot" near the village of Pogorany, Grodno region, on a section of the Neman River 50 meters long from the boundaries of the water intake bucket of the water intake upstream and downstream, as well as on the water intake bucket itself.

(Decree of the Ministry natural resources and security environment Republic of Belarus dated July 9, 2014 No. 31)

- Since July 2013 introduced year-round ban on recreational fishing from the Grodno hydroelectric power station dam a thousand meters downstream of the Neman to the place where an unnamed stream flows into the river.

WITH From June 9, 2015 until April 9, 2017, recreational fishing was prohibited on a section of the river Western Dvina from the dam of the Vitebsk hydroelectric power station at a distance of 800 meters downstream to the confluence of the Luzhesnyanka River (P stopping Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated May 25, 2015 No. 23) The ban was established in order to preserve the fish resources of the Western Dvina River in the area of ​​the Vitebsk hydroelectric power station

Spring ban

Catching all types of fish in fishing grounds

(with the exception of recreational fishing carried out by a fisherman with one fishing rod with one hook or one spinning rod equipped with artificial bait, with one single, or double, or triple hook during daylight hours from the shore (without entering the water) or from ice, from artificial structures, except those listed in the paragraph the seventh subclause 109.3 of clause 109 of the Rules, as well as commercial fishing of eels without complying with fishing measures in places and under conditions determined annually by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.)

Monthly calendar



For a month, recreational and commercial fishing for common burbot and common catfish is prohibited.

Commercial fishing of all types of fish in wintering pits is prohibited.

Until April 15, a ban in the Grodno region on a separate section of the Neman River near the village of Pogorany - more details

The spring ban continues in the Gomel and Brest regions until May 18; in Minsk, Grodno, Mogilev - until May 30; in Vitebsk - until June 08.

For a month, recreational and commercial fishing for crayfish and river shrimp is prohibited; common pike perch - until May 30.

On May 31, a general ban on fishing for common catfish begins in all regions except Brest and Gomel, where the ban begins on May 19.


During the month, amateur and commercial fishing for common catfish is prohibited (in all regions until July 1, in Brest and Gomel - until June 20); river shrimp.


Until July 1, fishing for common catfish is prohibited (except for the Brest and Gomel regions, where the ban ended on June 20)


Amateur and commercial fishing for common catfish is prohibited for a month.

Commercial fishing of all types of fish in wintering pits is prohibited.

Until April 15, a ban in the Grodno region on a separate section of the Neman River near the village of Pogorany - more details

In case of change weather conditions affecting the reproduction of fish resources, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection may decide to change the timing of the spring ban and the ban on fishing of certain types of fish (established in paragraphs 105 and 107 of the Rules), both throughout the territory of the Republic of Belarus and in individual regions and districts, without reducing the overall duration of the ban.

In order to preserve fish resources and create favorable conditions for their reproduction, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection may establish restrictions and prohibitions on commercial and recreational fishing, fishing of certain types of fish, in certain fishing grounds, at certain times, as well as on the use of certain gear and/or fishing methods.

In order to create favorable conditions for the growth of the fish universe when stocking fishing grounds in accordance with the requirements of fish farming and biological or biological justification for stocking fishing grounds, district executive committees have the right, in agreement with the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, to establish restrictions and prohibitions on fishing and amateur fishing.


According to the current version of the rules for fishing and fishing, on May 30, 2014 in Belarus the ban on catching all types of fish ended, with the exception of:

  • freshwater shrimp - the ban will last until June 15;
  • common catfish - the ban on catching catfish is valid until July 1;
  • narrow-clawed crayfish - it is prohibited to catch until July 15.

Fishing rules in Belarus

Since May 31, 2014, recreational fishing is allowed fishing gear with a total number of hooks from 1 to 10 pieces per angler, fishing by hand, as well as by intensive methods. Intensive fishing methods include:

  • fishing using recreational fishing gear with a total number of hooks from 11 to 20 per fisherman,
  • spearfishing,
  • fishing on the track from vessels with engines (it is allowed to use one spoon or wobbler, or another artificial bait for the fisherman).

Catching catfish in Belarus

Let us note that, in accordance with the new Rules for Fisheries and Fishing, which will come into force on June 26, 2014, catfish fishing will be prohibited twice a year and differentiated by region:

  • in most regions of the Republic it will be impossible to catch catfish from May 31 to July 1 and from November 1 to March 31;
  • in the Brest and Gomel regions, catfish fishing will be prohibited from May 19 to June 20 and from November 1 to March 31.

The fine for poaching catfish during the specified periods will also change. Today it is 450,000 rubles per individual, but from June 26 it will increase almost 4 times and amount to 1,800,000 rubles.

If the first period of the fishing ban is associated with fish spawning, which occurs after the temperature of the reservoir warms up to 16 degrees, then the second period was decided to be introduced after detection large quantity cases of poaching at a time when catfish go to winter holes. Moreover, mostly prohibited piercing fishing gear is used.

Fishing for BOOR members with privileges

Fishermen who are members of the BOOR have the right to free intensive fishing in the fishing grounds of the reserve fund. Citizens are also allowed to use small boats and boats with engines in fishing grounds.

On June 26, 2014, a new edition of the rules for fishing and fishing comes into force, according to which the number of hooks for amateur fishermen is reduced to 5 pieces per fisherman. At the same time, anglers who are members of the BOOR are allowed to use up to 10 hooks.

The new edition of the rules stipulates that stocking of fishing grounds of the reserve fund will be carried out at the expense of local budgets and funds from contributions from fishermen - members of the BOOR, as well as other sources not prohibited by law.

Earlier on the topic of Hunting and Fishing in Belarus:

Anyone who knows at least a little how to hold fishing equipment in their hands and understands the differences between a fishing rod and a spinning rod is familiar with the huge inhabitant of reservoirs, the dream of fishermen. Catching fish is a difficult task, but by understanding its habits and preferences, knowing when catfish spawn, there are many chances to proudly return home with a big catch. When catching the king of reservoirs, you should remember the main rules regarding hunting for a giant during spawning, because instead of the long-awaited catch, you can end up on the “black list” of the fishing supervision. How and where does spawning occur, when is the best time to go fishing, and what are the features of the spawn of these wonderful giants? Knowing the answers to these questions will help you avoid getting into trouble and turn fishing into a wonderful pastime.

The beginning of spring is the time when most aquatic inhabitants go traveling in search of a secluded place to reproduce their offspring. The catfish is no exception here - the owner of most deep reservoirs. He accurately senses the warming, even while in wintering pits.

Spring floods are the time when spawning begins. In colder regions it occurs almost just before summer. If spring comes early or the climatic conditions are not too harsh, then already in early May catfish can. What weather do fish prefer for mating? To start spawning, the temperature should vary from 14 to 16 degrees.

The catfish reaches sexual maturity in the 3rd year of life. Usually fish of the same age categories gather in groups. Females also prefer to choose males of their own size and age to mate with. Small male specimens can be absorbed by the female during mating games, which reduces the number of contenders.

Spawning - prohibitions you need to know about

After 30 days (duration of catfish spawning and a week of rest), the next meal of the giant fish begins. It doesn't last long, about a week. The pair is exhausted by spawning, since during mating the male rises to the surface only to take a breath of air, the female remains on the nest almost all the time.

It’s not difficult to catch this handsome fish during the next feast from the shore; you don’t need a boat. Simple gear and attractive bait are enough to show off your excellent catch to fellow fishermen.

Photo 3. The silicone frog easily tempts the catfish to bite.

With the onset of summer heat, catfish stop being active and prefer to go hunting only at night. This feature of the fish should be taken into account by fishermen who go hunting for the owner of the reservoir. Catfish subtly sense weather changes; before a thunderstorm, they can also rise from the depths in search of food.

Catfish is a wonderful fish, striking in its size, but you can also find a lot of interesting things in its habits and characteristics. Before you break the law and go hunting for a handsome fish during spawning, you should think about whether you should reduce the number of giants and their future offspring with your own hands?

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You can catch catfish with a variety of gear and methods. His capture is always a welcome and joyful event for a fisherman. Today we’ll talk about the methods of catfish fishing, its differences by season, and the predator’s mooring sites.

We will also briefly dwell on the gear and bait used, what the owner of the river bites on, in general, it will be quick guide, like catfish for beginners.

Where and when to fish

After a long winter, all underwater inhabitants awaken, including the owner of the river. Catfish fishing in early spring before spawning is initially carried out in the immediate vicinity of wintering pits. As the water warms, predators move closer to the shores to bask in the shallows heated by the sun.

In the spring, catfish are caught with almost all the gear that is intended for it; at this time of year you can use:

  • coastal donkey with a reel or a powerful feeder;
  • heavy class spinning rod;
  • kwok.

Before spawning, the owners of the river rise into deep channels, snags and whirlpools, so spring fishing can be successful in these places too. Fishing in the spring continues until the spawning ban, and you can catch catfish using any tackle.

Dear fishermen, observe the spawning fishing bans established in your region! By doing this you help preserve and increase the fish stocks of our rivers and lakes.

After spawning, catfish occupy their usual habitats in the river. Some individuals remain near the wintering pits, the rest will move to other convenient points in the reservoir.

At the end of the spring and spawning period, the question of how to catch catfish in the spring disappears by itself - now you can use all methods again. Now two more are added to them:

  • trolling;
  • floater.

In early May, small catfish bite more often; large individuals get sick at this time and guard the clutch after spawning. The real zhor will begin closer to June, three to four weeks after the spawn.

In the summer, night fishing for catfish is practiced, since this predator is not a big fan of the bright sun. He prefers to wait out the daytime hours, hiding in the shade of bushes or snags, in pools and deep holes. Best time to go hunting for the owner of the river: evening, from about six o'clock to midnight, and morning: from dawn to nine o'clock.

You need to catch catfish close to the holes, on their borders, and you need to examine the entrances to them from upstream, the exits, and the bank edges. Often it is not far from such a step that a predator waits for its prey.

With the arrival of cold weather and clearing of the water, the fish’s usual schedule changes, so autumn fishing becomes unpredictable. During this period, catfish can bite both at night and during the daytime.

The peculiarity of autumn fishing is that if in the summer the predator itself found your bait by smell, now you need to actively look for the owner, who is becoming more and more lethargic every day.

Therefore, spinning comes to the fore, especially jig fishing with large silicone baits and heavy load heads. The wiring is done so as not to miss the place where the predator lies. It often happens that a displacement of a couple of meters when holding the bait can tempt a predator to bite.

As for gear with animal baits, you can also catch catfish with them, but you need to work almost the same way as when fishing with a spinning rod. This means frequent re-throwing of the tackle with slight displacements, so that the bait gets literally under the predator’s nose.

Catching catfish in winter is only possible using poaching methods, so we will not dwell on them.

Tackle and fishing methods

Methods of catching catfish determine the choice of appropriate gear. The river giant is hunted using the following “tools”:

  • all types of donks except elastic;
  • float rod;
  • casting and trolling spinning;
  • nodding

Let's consider the design of these gears in the context of describing a specific fishing method.


Fishing for catfish with bottom gear has been practiced since ancient times. Only in our time, fishing rods and reels have replaced casting rods and hooks. However, the principle of fishing and the equipment of the donks have not changed.

Regardless of the type of gear that is supposed to be used, their equipment is practically the same, except that strong nylon cords are used instead of fishing lines in the hooks.

For beginner fishermen it will not be particularly difficult:

  1. A leash with a large hook is tied to the end of the working cord.
  2. Above it, 30-50 centimeters, a sinker is attached to the outlet. You can also use a sliding olive of solid weight with a stopper.
  3. The hook is baited with bait, and the tackle is sent to the selected point.

Typically, one warrior uses up to five donks, placing them five to ten meters apart. It is important to secure them well on the shore and equip them with signaling elements: bells, fireflies and others.

Float rod

This tackle is rarely used to catch catfish, but in some cases its use is quite justified. Let us identify them and discuss them in a little more detail.

  1. Fishing on a shallow river. Using a boat for casting is unacceptable due to the shallow depth of the river, and the use of long casting does not allow reaching the fishing point.
  2. Snag under a steep bank. It is impossible to fish from above due to the difficulty of fishing, and casting a donkey along the shore is fraught with a snag.
  3. The need for wire fishing over spits protruding from the shore into the depths.

In all these cases, an ordinary float fishing rod, built in the likeness of a pike live bait, will work, only taking into account the power of the likely trophy.


Can be used in catfish fishing both from the shore and from a boat. In shallow sections of the river, spinners, silicone, and wobblers are used. With increasing depth and current speed, the use of artificial fish becomes difficult. On the contrary, heavy spoons and silicone on solid jig heads come to the fore.

In this regard, trolling uses just large wobblers for catfish with a large depth, the so-called divers with a large straight blade. This bait, thanks to its large blade, additionally gives the effect of being snag-free.

Catching catfish with a wobbler of this design by trolling is carried out along the side edges of the hole, not far from the snag or under the steep yar.


The classic way to catch catfish is the kwok. The combination of a bait moving in mid-water with the slurping sounds of a snout hitting the water brings our hero’s appetite to the highest degree of excitement. It is not for nothing that this method of hunting the river giant is the most productive of all.

Important in such a hunt is not only a finely tuned kwok, but also knowledge of the place where to catch catfish and right choice time of year and day. In general, as the somyatniks say, there are no trifles in this matter.

By the way, the equipment completely coincides according to the construction scheme with a regular hook.


In order for fishing to be successful, you need to know what catfish bite on. In the bottom and float gear, and also in fishing for quok, various animal baits are used:

  • live bait fish of various breeds;
  • frogs and baby frogs;
  • pearl barley and other shellfish;
  • earthworms crawl out;
  • crayfish and shrimp;
  • fish cutting;
  • meat and liver of domestic animals and poultry;
  • large insects: mole crickets, grasshoppers and locusts.