Essay: How I spent my summer holidays. Summer holidays A story about how I spent my summer holidays

Hooray! Another school year has ended, which means that the long-awaited summer awaits me. What is summer? Of course, the longest vacations, which last for three whole months. I will tell you how I spent these holidays in my essay.

Composition "How I spent summer"

Summer holidays always bring pleasant experiences. Lessons, school bells and breaks are left behind, and ahead is the expectation of something good.

My sister and I take care of our vegetables. Dill, parsley, sorrel and radishes grow in our green bed. We are happy to water and weed our green bed. And it’s very pleasant to hear the following words from my mother at dinner: “What a delicious salad your vegetables turned out to be!” How smart you are, my girls!”

An essay about "How I spent summer"

This summer it was interesting. The first month of rest was very similar to the previous ones summer holidays, since I was staying in the city. However, the next two summer months turned out to be incredibly interesting for me - I spent them in the village with my aunt. It is with these days spent outside the city that the most striking events and indelible impressions of my summer are associated with me.

Composition "How I spent my summer holidays"

In my opinion, summer is the most wonderful time of the year, because it is very warm, everything is beautiful around, and we have an excellent opportunity to relax. Summer is also a time of holidays and holidays. We can go anywhere, have a wonderful time by the pond, in the shade of emerald greenery, splash in the warm water. Or you can go to the mountains, ride a bike or play all kinds of games.

Essay on the topic “Summer at sea”

I just love summer! Summer is always a lot of fun, because you can spend almost all the time walking with friends in the yard, riding on the swings, high slides, and also eat ice cream and drink cold lemonade. In the summer, parents always take their children somewhere on vacation, some go to the villages to visit their grandmothers, others to the sea.

I don't have grandparents who lived in the village, so most I spend the summer in my city, and then I go to the sea for two weeks.

Mini-essay for grades 3, 4, 5 - How I spent summer

2nd grade I love summer for its beauty and warmth. In summer everything is so beautiful: beautiful flowers, colorful butterflies, amazing insects. I spent this summer fun and interesting. At the beginning of summer I went to Bashkiria. I swam in the lake and took part in Sabantui games. The visit to the Bird Park was very memorable. There I saw different birds and animals, rode in a carriage, walked along suspension bridge. I'm looking forward to next summer!

4th grade Summer- an amazing time. I was looking forward to the holidays with great impatience, and now they have finally arrived.

During the first week of the holidays, I went to an open-air painting with the guys from the art school. We depicted flowers, trees, grass, and much more there. After the open air I went to the village several times. We went there as a family to help our grandparents. Sometimes I stayed in the village overnight. And when I returned home, I visited my girlfriends and went for walks with them.

And then the sultry beach time began. My sister and I went to the beach almost every day, where we swam and sunbathed. Alas... Summer flew by very quickly! And it's time to go to school again.

3rd grade Summer is my favorite time of year. I go to school, in third grade, and I have the longest holidays in the summer. I know that every season has its merits. In winter I like to decorate the Christmas tree, make a snow angel and visit people for Christmas. It often rains and I can walk in my favorite rubber boots. And in the fall we celebrate the fun holiday of Halloween - I love dressing up in creepy costumes. Spring is also good: many flowers, young leaves on the trees and my birthday. But still, it is in the summer that there are the most interesting activities. It’s not for nothing that they say that summer is a time of happiness and fun.

Did not you find what you were looking for? here's another

This summer was the most memorable summer of my life. I spent it in my hometown with my best friends. The weather was simply beautiful: bright sun and warm air, almost no rain. During the day we usually played football, volleyball, basketball, and in the evening we raced on bicycles to the river. They went outside at dawn and returned only at sunset, spending the whole day in the fresh air.

I really remember how my parents and I went on a hike into the forest: there we sang songs around the fire, fished, slept in tents, lived side by side with nature.

During this summer I got to know a lot of good guys from my yard, we became friends with them. Among them there was a very nice girl, I think she liked me. Unfortunately, she left in the middle of summer, but promised to return.

And in August, my parents and I flew to St. Petersburg. This was my first time seeing this wonderful city. We went on many excursions, watched art and cultural exhibitions. We were at the theater to see the play “Hamlet”; of course, I didn’t understand everything, but I really liked the acting. We took a lot of photos with beautiful old buildings and churches. Most of all to me Winter Palace and Peterhof, especially the gardens and fountains. We were also on the Aurora ship, my parents said that once it was very an important event associated with this vessel.

This summer I didn’t have to be bored - I learned to ride a horse, learned to play simple songs on the guitar, and my father and I flew in a helicopter and sailed on a boat.

But besides entertainment, I read a lot. I read different stories: about friendship, about love, about simple life, animals. I also read about the structure of man, about countries and peoples, about the structure of cars and equipment. Therefore, I think that I not only had a fun summer, but also usefully and now have a lot of knowledge that is important to me.

This summer I made a new friend. Grandfather brought me a little black puppy. He, of course, is still small, but he has very smart eyes and he understands a lot, I taught him simple commands. He gives a paw, lies down, sits, barks. But that's not the main thing. The main thing is that he is faithful and devoted to me.

Essay about summer holidays 5th grade

Summer holidays are a time you look forward to all year. This summer my parents decided to travel along the longest railway route - Moscow-Vladivostok. Mom said that this way you can see the whole of Russia, and she had long dreamed of visiting Vladivostok. Dad bought four tickets for one compartment - mom, dad, me and my younger brother. We stocked up on groceries and sat down in branded train with the name “Russia” and off we went.

My brother and I occupied the top shelves and from there we watched the landscapes flashing outside the window with the sound of wheels. The train rocks like a baby's cradle, so you sleep so well. Traveling along the railway, one could repeat school geography lessons. Dad armed himself with Atlas railways Russia." He was the route's navigator. Therefore, he constantly ran to the conductor and asked him “What will be the next station?” and “How many minutes does the train stop?” He made some notes on the map that only he could understand. In the meantime, he still managed to sleep under the sound of wheels. And my mother knitted all the way. She knitted herself a new sweater.

We drove through large rivers Ob, Yenisei, Amur. The train walked for a long time almost along the shore of Lake Baikal. Dad took pictures of him right from the window of the compartment. And how scary it was at first when the train entered the tunnel, even the lights went out. There were several such tunnels along the road. At the stations, dad ran to the station kiosks for food. The women were selling such delicious boiled potatoes and cucumbers. I have never eaten anything tastier in my life.

And the station in Vladivostok looks like a tower from a Russian fairy tale. Nearby is the Marine Station. Trains and ships stand almost side by side, next to each other.

We visited the Museum of the Pacific Fleet, rode the S-56 submarine right inside it, and took a ride on the funicular. I even petted a dolphin at the dolphinarium. Dad was delighted to visit a large car market. We took pictures everywhere. Dad filmed us with a movie camera. There will be something to remember at home. We flew back by plane. Mom said that she wouldn’t survive another week on the train, even in a separate compartment.

Essay on the topic Summer holidays

The long-awaited summer has arrived. Three months of rest. My parents decided to spend it not at the dacha, but to take me to the sea. So that I tan and improve my health. Since I can’t stand the heat well, I chose the Baltic Sea with its beautiful sandy beaches. We flew by plane to Kaliningrad, and from there by train to Svetlogorsk.

I liked the sea. It is not deep at all near the shore, and the water is not at all salty. The air smelled strongly of iodine. I lay down on the beach, my mother said it was good for me to breathe sea ​​air. And the wave quietly splashes against the shore and lulls me so much that I fall asleep. The sun was at its very zenith, and I didn’t notice how burned I was. My mother had to put some kind of cream on me to prevent my skin from peeling off. But she still peeled off.

People walked along the shore and looked for something in the sand. As it turned out, they were looking for amber. This is a fossilized resin from yellow to dark brown in color. If you believe the legend, these are fragments from the castle of the sea princess Jurate, which the sea washes ashore after every storm. Sometimes you can see a frozen midge or fly in them. I also found a piece of amber. I will take it home and in the winter, looking at it, I will remember the sea and the beach.

You can walk barefoot on the beach. There is such fine white sand and no stones or pebbles at all.
The sea near the shore is warm. And in this “paddling pool” small children play and splash. And two grown men were building a castle on the sand. But a wave came and destroyed everything.

Every evening, when it became cool, people walked along the shore. One by one and in pairs. They breathed sea air. And the beach was so long that people walked far away and became small dots on the horizon.

For people on the beach, changing cabins and wooden “mushrooms” have been built for protection from the sun. Not far from the beach there was a small stall. They sold ice cream there. And I went there barefoot and bought it. Centuries-old pine trees grew next to the beach; they rustled in the wind. And in the evening white clouds floated from somewhere. They floated slowly across the sky. We were lucky and the weather was sunny and without rain throughout our holiday. We were all tanned and had a great rest. Finally my dream came true and I saw the sea. I want to come here again next summer.

Option 4

Summer time is the most wonderful time. A time of vibrant life, flowering vegetation and warm June sun. And for schoolchildren this period is also good because the long-awaited three-month holidays begin. Summer is a time that gives you a chance to feel free from worries and inspired by the hopes and dreams that fill young and ardent hearts.

I spent most of my summer at the dacha. Many people are tired of dacha chores and helping their grandmother in the garden, but on the contrary, I found it to my liking! It’s so nice to spend time, devoting it not only to leisure, but also to bring benefits. But how blissful it is to eat berries freshly picked from the garden at breakfast, enjoying their rich and sweet taste! So, I spent my June, the first month of the summer holidays, doing dacha chores.

In July, my parents and I went to the sea. I had never been to such resorts before. The endless expanses of the sea made me tremble before their greatness and at the same time instilled some kind of fear of natural omnipotence. I swam a lot and dived from the pier, I really enjoyed swimming underwater in search of beautiful shells and pebbles - I imagined myself as a brave pirate who went in search of treasures in the mysterious abyss of the sea depths. My parents and I also visited the dolphinarium and visited the waterfalls, where we tasted wonderful local honey.

August was a fun and exciting month, because my best friend Svetka came - and it’s never boring with her! We walked a lot, went to the movies and drew together. With Svetka, every day is special and seems like a mini-adventure. We also made it a tradition to read one book every week and share our impressions of it with each other. It turned out to be extremely exciting!

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  • A selection of essays about “Summer” for grades 7-8

    Essay “How I spent my summer holidays”

    1. Goodbye school!
    2. Hello summer:
    a) holidays are rest;
    b) love of travel;
    c) alone with nature.
    3. “I really want summer not to end.”

    Each of us is waiting for summer. For many, summer is their favorite time of year, primarily because summer is the biggest vacation. Who doesn’t dream of sunbathing, swimming to their heart’s content, or maybe just taking a break from the hustle and bustle of school. As soon as the spring sun warms up, we are already making plans for the future on how we will spend the summer holidays. We all can't wait to finish school quickly and hear the last school bell. On the one hand, it’s sad to part with school friends for several months. But on the other hand, warmth, sun, good mood, the thought that we have a lot of free time and can walk as much as we want makes us so happy that we think only about one thing: that the holidays come quickly.

    Guys spend their holidays differently. Some vacation with their parents at the seaside, others - with relatives in the village or at the dacha. Some stay at home. But no matter where we are, summer holidays are still a wonderful, unforgettable time. This is a vacation. The main thing is to spend this time usefully, so that you have something to remember for the next year. Some people think that in the summer it is necessary to go somewhere far away from hometown. Of course, we associate summer with warm sea, exotic nature. Who doesn’t want to soak up the sand, swim, and play in the waves! Some people like to relax away from the bustle of the city and go out of town, where they can swim in a clean river or lake, lie in the shade under a tree, and enjoy the singing of birds. During the summer holidays you can have a good rest at home. A river, a dacha, helping parents, walks in the park, picnics with friends... Is it possible to refuse this?

    Among my friends there are many who love to travel. Visiting different cities and countries, people learn a lot of new and interesting things. I like to travel too. And if parents have the opportunity, we go to those cities that we have not yet been to. Our dream is to visit Prague and Paris. I know that this dream will come true, and we will wander the streets of Prague and admire the beautiful Paris. But we are sure that in our country there are also many places that cannot leave anyone indifferent. “The corner of Russia is dear to me - my kind father’s home,” wrote E. Sheveleva.

    Probably, each of us has a favorite corner, favorite place, which we love to visit. My family and I often go out of town in the summer and relax in nature. Nature for us is not only a place of relaxation, but also a source of inspiration and strength. Imagine a hot July day. Who wants to sit in an apartment in this weather? So the whole family is heading out of town for a few days. We relax, swim, listen to birdsong, the murmur of a stream, and admire the flowers. It is generally difficult to imagine summer without flowers. And flowers are always a holiday for a person. With them joy and good mood come to us.

    “I really want summer not to end...” Have you noticed that this song is played very often in the summer? Probably, many people want such beautiful weather to last longer, so that the summer mood does not leave us all year round. But the Indian summer will still delight us with the last warm days, and the holidays, unfortunately, will go away along with the summer. Let's not be upset, because we will meet with friends with whom we will share our impressions, plans for the future and together we will look forward to the new summer.

    Essay “How I spent my summer holidays”

    For me, summer is a holiday that lasts three months. At this time of year there is always a good mood and many interesting activities. For example, you can ride a bike, play volleyball and go to all sorts of festivals under open air. However, what I enjoy most is hanging out with friends, chatting and admiring the summer colors.

    When the long-awaited warmth arrives, I can finally put on my favorite bright dresses and light shoes. It becomes pleasant to walk, and nature amazes with its diversity, so there is something to see. In the summer, even people are kinder, because they no longer need to shield themselves from the wind and hide from the cold. Therefore, I spared no time to enjoy the sun and its caressing rays. For example, I went swimming and sunbathing several times. I also often rode my bike early in the morning to catch the sunrise in the park.

    During the day, we walked with our friends: discussed the news, listened to music and watched videos. Sometimes we would go to someone's house and experiment with cooking in the kitchen. We also took a lot of photographs during our walks, because my friend had recently been given a professional camera as a gift. Now we have photos as good as the models'.

    We also went to the cinema and to a cafe, where we had a great time. When I came home, the first thing I did was write about my impressions in social network. It was this summer that I discovered that I’m pretty good at it, so I’m even going to start my own blog someday.

    Of course, it's a pity when summer passes. However, I only have bright and good memories of the holidays, because I spent them with pleasure and benefit. I hope the school year will be as enjoyable and productive.

    Essay “How I spent my summer” 7th grade

    This summer has been interesting. The first month of vacation was very similar to previous summer vacations, since I stayed in the city. However, the next two summer months turned out to be incredibly interesting for me - I spent them in the village with my aunt. It is with these days spent outside the city that the most striking events and indelible impressions of my summer are associated with me.

    Time in the village passes slowly, not at all like in big cities. It feels like a whole month has passed, when in fact it’s only a week. My morning usually starts with helping my aunt in the garden. Our village is located far from the village, and tap water is an unheard of luxury. So I go to the well with two old iron buckets. The water there is stunningly clean and very cold. I also help my aunt around the house, but whenever possible I run to play with my friends.

    I have good friends in the village. We spend everything together free time. During the hottest time, we sit for hours on the bank of the river. After a swim, we frolic with all our might and look at the passing barges. One day my aunt gave me a hard time because I didn’t come to dinner. But in fact, I didn’t feel like eating at all, because together with my friend Pashka we were baking potatoes in the fire. It's such a pleasure to transfer hot potatoes from hand to hand, and then break them and eat them piece by piece. Do you agree that this is not a bowl of cooked soup? And most importantly - how much romance and happiness there are in these summer days spent as if in another world!

    I spent summer evenings in a real wooden hut. As a rule, after dinner my aunt was visited by her friends. Sitting at a large round table, they drank tea. And I was hiding on a large stone stove, or looking at books, or “getting my head around,” as my grandmother liked to say. But to tell the truth, I kept a diary, and, like Robinson Crusoe on desert island, counted down the days remaining until he returned to the city.

    Sometimes it occurs to me that a village is an island remote from the city, and life on it follows a different rhythm. Either because of the proximity to nature, or perhaps simply because big cities in the endless pursuit of technological progress, we were torn away from a calm, measured life. But be that as it may, I am a city person. Which means my place is there. And yet, every time I leave this quiet island of tranquility, I will miss my village.

    Essay on literature on the topic: How I spent my summer holidays

    Other writings:

    1. gather strength. To have a good summer vacation, you need to make a plan in advance. The summer holidays last three months, so there is a lot to do. During the summer holidays, the most important thing is not to sit at home, because summer is the warmest time of the year, when it is warm and sunny. Many Read More......
    2. Usually during the summer holidays my parents and I go to the sea or to the forest - on a hike. But this year I spent almost a month visiting my grandmother - in the beautiful village of Vishnevoye. Grandma's village is small and neat. At home Read More......
    3. Summer is over. Summer flew by unnoticed, but despite this, it left a lot of unforgettable impressions. Having successfully passed the exams at the end of May, I did not say goodbye to school, but remained to work in the school work brigade. There I worked as a counselor in the third Read More......
    4. I spent several weeks of the summer holidays outside the city, at our dacha. Every day an interesting guest came to us for lunch - a red cat. Despite the fact that we fed him the most delicious morsels from the table, he did not touch himself Read More......
    5. My name is Dima Prutkov. I live in Stary Oskol in Russia. I study at school in the 6th grade. School is boring and that's why I love holidays. This summer I went to Anapa to Camp Success. This camp was unusual and interesting. Read More......
    6. It’s still very warm, but already sad from the smell of the past summer, multi-layered, spicy and sour. Trees are shedding leaves that have been scorched over the summer. It seems that the trunks are darkening, they are tired and want to sleep. Restless small spiders weave webs with incredible speed, and you, without seeing, tear off Read More ......
    7. Free topic “About autumn” - essay “Autumn Forest. How I spent autumn vacation“It’s still very warm, but already sad from the smell of the past summer, multi-layered, spicy and sour. Trees are shedding leaves that have been scorched over the summer. It seems that the trunks are darkening, they are tired and want to sleep. Read More......
    8. I spent the whole summer with my beloved grandmother in the village of Solnechnaya Polyana. During this glorious and joyful time, I swam, sunbathed, rested, played with local and visiting children from the city. In the village, I actively helped my grandmother take care of the garden: Read More ......
    How I spent my summer holidays

    I love summer for its beauty and warmth. In summer everything is so beautiful: beautiful flowers, colorful butterflies, amazing insects.
    I spent this summer fun and interesting. At the beginning of summer I went to Bashkiria. I swam in the lake and took part in Sabantui games. The visit to the Bird Park was very memorable. There I saw different birds and animals, rode in a carriage, walked along a suspension bridge. I'm looking forward to next summer!

    Last summer was especially hot. There was almost no rain and the bright and hot sun accompanied the entire three months of the holidays. It was stuffy in the city apartment, but a walk on the street did not bring relief. Only in the evening hours did the boys and I go out to the playground next to the house to kick a ball or ride a bike.

    With the onset of summer, many people feel a surge of strength and vigor. I wouldn’t say that they weren’t there before, but in the summer it feels somehow special. In the summer, you can waste time on things that you don’t have time for during school days. For example, communicate more with friends, kick a ball with the guys, spend more time with family, eat ice cream, swim in the river, sleep longer than usual...

    Warm summer time, as always, pleases students. The school year ends and everyone goes on a long summer vacation. I spent this time simply wonderful, I traveled all summer. I spent the whole of June with my grandparents in the village. There I swam in the lake with local boys and girls, tried to milk a cow, messenger geese, and even dug up the ground several times, helping my beloved grandmother.

    Autumn has come and it’s time for me to go to school again, but I will remember last summer for a long time! This summer I was especially lucky because I didn’t sit at home much, but only traveled around. When the summer holidays had just begun, my mother sent my brother and I to Grandma Shura to stay. There I met my old girlfriends, whom I met two years ago.

    Summer is the most fun and bright time of the year. It is then that nature blossoms, everything around lives and enjoys life. I’m no exception: this time I spent my holidays “excellently”! From the first days of warm weather, we helped grandma plant potatoes.

    I, like most schoolchildren, simply adore summer. I'm not at all afraid of the summer heat. In my opinion, it is much better to escape the heat by eating ice cream, swimming in the river or sea, than to bundle up against the cold. I really love being outside the city, and summer is the ideal time for outings into nature.

    The beginning of the summer turned out to be very boring, because all my friends left the city, but I stayed. I had no one to go out with and I almost never left the house, but only sat at the computer and watched TV. But at the end of August, my mother and I went to Turkey to go to the sea.

    Summer for me was not rich in adventures and travel. I stayed in the city with my parents. While my parents went to work, I helped them around the house: washing dishes, cleaning, and even sometimes preparing dinner. Almost every day my friend Lesha and I visited each other, played computer games, went for walks, rode bicycles and skateboards.

    WITH A PLAN! I've been looking forward to this summer more than ever. Primary School behind, in front is average, almost adult and more serious. Back in June, dad promised to give me a brand new high-speed bicycle, which I had been eyeing for a long time in a sports store. And so it happened...

    I think summer is the best best time year, because it’s warm, it’s very beautiful around and we have a wonderful opportunity to relax. Summer is a time for vacations and holidays. We can go anywhere, spend time by a river or lake on fresh green grass, swim in warm water, or climb mountains, or play various games, ride a bike, etc.

    Summer holidays always bring pleasant experiences. Lessons, school bells and breaks are left behind, and ahead is the expectation of something good. My sister and I take care of our vegetables. Dill, parsley, sorrel and radishes grow in our green bed. We are happy to water and weed our green bed.

    Summer is always a special time of year and every person tries to make it memorable. The ability to notice simple little things and absorb the sunny and joyful moments of every day will come in handy here. Even if it’s raining outside, the trip to the seaside is canceled, and the store has run out of your favorite ice cream. After all, these are just individual days, and in general, summer is a kaleidoscope of vivid experiences that we hold in our hands.

    In my opinion, summer is the most wonderful time of the year, because it is very warm, everything is beautiful around, and we have an excellent opportunity to relax. Summer is also a time of holidays and holidays. We can go anywhere, have a wonderful time by the pond, in the shade of emerald greenery, splash in the warm water. Or you can go to the mountains, ride a bike or play all kinds of games.