Semipalatinsk nuclear test site: history, tests, consequences. Semipalatinsk nuclear test site: history, tests, consequences How the nuclear test site was set up

The Semipalatinsk nuclear test site is one of the darkest pages in the history of the confrontation between two superpowers - the USSR and the USA. It is believed that the creation of such super-powerful and deadly weapons was extremely necessary for the Soviet Union at that difficult time. But the closer nuclear scientists got to their discovery, the more pressing the question became of where to test this latest development. And a solution to this problem was found.

History of creation

It must be said that the nuclear test site was an integral part of the project to create. Therefore, it was necessary to find a suitable area to test a new weapon. It became the steppes of Kazakhstan, which turned into the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. Few people know where this place is nowadays. More precisely, these are the steppes on the right bank of the Irtysh, only 130 km from Semipalatinsk.

Subsequently, it became clear that the topography of this area was perfectly suitable for carrying out underground explosions in wells and adits. The only drawback was the fact that there was a Chinese consulate in Semipalatinsk, but it was soon closed.

On August 21, 1947, a decree was issued stating that the construction, begun earlier by the Gulag, was now transferred to the military department under the name “Training ground No. 2 of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (military unit 52605).” Lieutenant General P. M. Rozhanovich was appointed his chief, and M. A. Sadovsky, who later became an academician, was appointed his scientific director.


For the first time in the USSR it was tested in August 1949. The force of the detonated bomb was then 22 kilotons. It should be noted that we prepared thoroughly for it. This was necessary in order to record the maximum amount of information about the effectiveness and consequences of the use of these new weapons.

The Semipalatinsk nuclear test site occupied a huge area of ​​18 thousand 500 square meters. km. An experimental site with a diameter of about 10 km was selected from it and divided into sectors. On this territory, imitation residential buildings and fortifications were built, and civilian and military equipment were placed. In addition, in these sectors there were more than one and a half thousand animals and measuring photographic and film equipment placed around the entire perimeter.

When the scheduled test day arrived, which was August 29, an RDS-1 charge was detonated in the very center of the site at an altitude of 37 m. The Semipalatinsk nuclear test site began its deadly work. The memories of testers and ordinary civilians who became hostages of that era and watched this action are almost the same: a bomb explosion is both a majestic and terrible spectacle.

Explosion statistics

Thus, the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, whose history is quite dark and ominous, has become deadly dangerous for people living near it. It operated from 1949 to 1989. During this time, more than 450 tests were carried out, during which about 600 nuclear and thermonuclear devices were exploded. Of these, there were approximately 30 ground and at least 85 air. In addition, other tests were carried out, which included hydrodynamic and hydronuclear experiments.

It is known that the total power of the charges dropped at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site from 1949 to 1963 is 2.2 thousand times greater than the power of the atomic bomb dropped by the United States on Hiroshima in 1945.


The training ground, located in the Kazakh steppes, was special. It is known not only for its vast territory and the most advanced deadly nuclear charges exploding on it, but also for the fact that the local population was constantly located on its lands. This has never happened anywhere else in the world. Due to the fact that the first few nuclear charges were imperfect, of the 64 kilograms of uranium used, the chain reaction affected only about 700 g, and the rest turned into so-called radioactive dust, which settled on the ground after the explosion.

That is why the consequences of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site are terrible. The tests carried out on it had a full impact on local residents. Take, for example, the explosion that occurred on November 22, 1955. It was a thermonuclear charge marked RDS-37. It was dropped from an airplane, and it detonated somewhere at an altitude of 1550 m. As a result, a nuclear mushroom was formed, which had a diameter of up to 30 km and a height of 13-14 km. It was visible in 59 settlements. Within a radius of two hundred kilometers from the epicenter of the explosion, all the windows in the houses were broken. In one of the villages, a little girl died; 36 km away, a ceiling collapse occurred, killing one soldier, and more than 500 residents received various injuries. The power of this explosion can be judged by the fact that in Semipalatinsk itself, located 130 km from the site, 3 people suffered a concussion.

One can only guess what further nuclear tests could have led to if not for the treaty banning them in water, air and outer space, signed by the leading powers in this area in 1963.

Areas of application

Over the years of nuclear testing, a lot of valuable information has been accumulated. Most of the data is still marked “secret” to this day. Few people know that the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site was used for testing not only for military but also for industrial purposes. There are also documents that say that the USSR carried out more than 120 explosions outside of military sites.

Nuclear charges were used to create underground voids needed in the oil and gas industry, and also increased the yield of fields that were already beginning to be depleted. Strangely enough, the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site became a springboard for the accumulation of enormous experience in the use of such explosions for peaceful purposes.


1989 was the year that nuclear testing ceased. Exactly 42 years after the explosion of the first bomb - on August 29, 1991 - Kazakh President N. Nazarbayev signed a special Decree aimed at closing the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. After 3 years, the entire arsenal of this type of weapon was removed from the territory of this state.

After another 2 years, all the military left there, but left behind ugly scars on the ground in the form of craters, adits and thousands of kilometers of soil poisoned by radioactive particles.


24 years have passed since the Semipalatinsk test site was closed. But Kurchatov - the name of the once closed city - is still extremely popular among foreigners. And this is not surprising, since many dream of seeing what power the disappeared superpower called the USSR possessed. Tourists coming here have one route: Kurchatov - experimental field - an unusual lake, which is called Atomic.

At first the new city was called Moscow-400. Relatives of specialists who worked there came to the capital and looked for their loved ones there. They didn’t even realize that they now live 3 thousand km from Moscow. Therefore, in 1960, this settlement was renamed Semipalatinsk-21, and a little later - Kurchatov. The last name is given in honor of the famous developer of the USSR nuclear program Igor Kurchatov, who lived and worked here.

This city was built from scratch in almost 2 years. When constructing the houses, it was taken into account that officers and scientists with their families would live here. Therefore, the city of Kurchatov was supplied according to the highest category. Relatives who came to visit their loved ones believed that they were living almost in paradise. While in Moscow people had to stand in line for hours for groceries with coupons in hand, in Kurchatov the store shelves were simply bursting with an unusual abundance of goods.

Atomic lake

It appeared as a result of an explosion carried out in mid-January 1965 at the confluence of two main rivers in the region - Aschisu and Shagan. The power of the atomic charge was 140 kilotons. After the explosion, a crater with a diameter of 400 m and a depth of more than 100 m appeared. Radionuclide contamination of the land around this lake was about 3-4 km. This is the nuclear legacy of the Semipalatinsk test site.

Test site victims

A year after the first was carried out, child mortality increased almost 5 times, and the adult population decreased by 3-4 years. In subsequent years, the development of congenital defects among the population of the region only increased and after 12 years reached a record 21.2% per 1 thousand newborns. All of them are victims of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.

In the hazardous areas of this site, the radioactive background in 2009 was 15-20 milliroentgen per hour. Despite this, people still live there. Until 2006, the territory was not only not protected, but also not marked on the map. The local population used part of the site as pasture for livestock.

Recently, I have determined the special status of people who lived from 1949 to 1990 near an object called the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site. Benefits for the population are distributed taking into account the distance of their place of residence from the experimental site. The contaminated area is divided into 5 zones. Depending on this, a one-time monetary compensation is calculated, as well as a salary supplement. It is also possible to receive additional days for annual leave. If a person arrived in one of the zones after 1991, benefits do not apply to him.

20 years have passed since the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site was closed. Radio Azattyk reporters visited places where nuclear weapons were tested. Here we learned about the fates of “Crystal Boy” and “Ant-Man”.


The once closed city of Kurchatov is now popular among foreigners. Many people want to see how powerful the Soviet Union was at one time. According to city residents, various foreign delegations from Japan, America, and France often visit them.

Following the traces of a bygone era, they have one route: Kurchatov – Experimental Field – “Atomic” Lake. The journalists of our radio Azattyk were no exception.

If you dive a little into history and listen to the people who live in Kurchatov to this day, you can find out how beautiful and prosperous the city was back in 1949. They raised it from scratch literally in two years; construction took place taking into account the fact that officers with their families and scientists who would conduct experiments would live here.

The supply at that time was Moscow, and the city, according to residents, had everything: oranges, peaches, sour cream, sausage. Relatives who came to visit their loved ones believed that they lived in paradise. In Moscow, people stood in line for hours with coupons in their hands for groceries, and in Kurchatov the shelves were bursting with abundance.

At first, the city was called “Moscow-400”, because of which there was constant confusion: relatives went to Moscow and looked for their relatives there, not realizing that they were three thousand kilometers from Moscow. In 1960, the city was renamed Semipalatinsk-21. And later - to Kurchatov, in honor of the famous head of the Soviet nuclear program Igor Kurchatov, who lived and worked there.

The city of Kurchatov today. August 20, 2009.

During the collapse of the Soviet Union, the city continued to be a closed facility: in order to enter it, it was necessary to order a pass a month in advance. The time was difficult, many left Kurchatov, leaving houses and apartments, because there was no work.

Sergei Lukashenko, director of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology, in an interview with our radio Azattyk, says that Kurchatov is destined to be a center for the development of the nuclear industry for peaceful purposes.

Just as it was a city of nuclear scientists, it should remain a city of nuclear scientists, only from military purposes we must move into a peaceful direction. The state must maintain its level of nuclear competence. There is currently a renaissance of nuclear energy happening all over the world.

In Kurchatov there is a National Nuclear Center, a museum dedicated to the Semipalatinsk test site, which contains a model of the Experimental Field, records of Kurchatov, Stalin and Beria.


On August 29, 1949, the first nuclear explosion occurred on the soil of Kazakhstan. And although 60 years have passed since the first explosion, and 20 since the last one, scientists are still observing increased levels of radiation on the territory of the former Soviet test site. It is still not recommended to stay in some areas.

Dzhanbulat Gilmanov, one of the veterans of the USSR nuclear industry, who still works at the National Nuclear Center, told our radio Azattyk some little-known details of the first atomic tests. According to him, at that time scientists did not

Dzhanbulat Gilmanov, employee of the National Nuclear Center. August 20, 2009.

assumed the impact such explosions would have on people's health.

113 atomic explosions at the Experimental Field, including 30 on the ground. Bridges were specially built, tanks, planes, and bunkers with animals were installed to determine how explosions could affect a particular object. After the explosion, tanks drove into the territory of the Experimental Field, the military and scientists collected the soil and what was left for analysis in the laboratory, where the effect of radiation on the animal and organic world was studied. All radioactive dust went with the wind to the territory of Eastern Kazakhstan,” says Dzhanbulat Gilmanov.

Emil Enner, a resident of the village of Sarzhal, told our radio Azattyk:

Emil Enner, resident of the village of Sarzhal. August 22, 2009.

At that time I was working in radio communications, and my duty was to notify the village residents that there was going to be an explosion and how to behave in this situation. But not all were disciplined citizens: some observed the glow right on the street.

Residents of the village of Sarzhal recall that the military came to the villages, checked the condition of the residents, and measured the radiation level with a dosimeter. Where the power of the explosion shattered glass, it was restored in the shortest possible time. When explosions took place twenty kilometers from nearby villages in the 1960s, the population was evacuated. But a few days later they were allowed to return to their homes again.

Emil Enner, a resident of the village of Sarzhal, recalls: “After another explosion, two lakes were formed, which were later called “atomic”. When returning to the village, we found animals with black, singed fur. It was a pity to look at them. They didn't live long."


At the confluence of the two main rivers of the region - Shagan and Aschisu - on January 15, 1965, an underground explosion occurred, as a result of which the famous “Atomic” lake was formed.

"Atomic" lake on the territory of the former Semipalatinsk test site. August 22, 2009.

One of the booklets of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology gives a brief description of this object: “An explosion with a power of 140 kilotons was produced, as a result of which a crater was formed with a depth of more than 100 meters and a diameter of 400 meters. In the area of ​​the “Atomic” lake, radionuclide contamination of soils is observed at a distance of up to 3-4 kilometers in the northern direction.”

Raisa Kurmangagieva, a resident of Semey, tells our radio Azattyk:

I remember they brought us fish from this lake. It was so big and delicious, people snapped it up in a matter of seconds. At that time she was very popular among the population. We had to wait in long lines to buy fish from the “Atomic” lake. We didn’t even think about any radiation at that time. I’m already 80 years old and I’m still alive.


On August 29, 1991, a decision was made to close the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. Equipment was destroyed, adits were buried, equipment was removed, and some areas were cleared of radiation.

Adit on the experimental field. The territory of the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. August 22, 2009.

Many people are still interested in the question: is there a threat of contamination by radionuclides after the closure of the landfill. Sergei Lukashenko, director of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology, answers this question:

The landfill does not have any impact on the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. You can come, walk around, look and nothing will happen to you. The second point that I would like to note is that there is no dangerous or safe radiation. There is a dangerous or safe scenario for your behavior in relation to this object.

Many people work with radioactivity in industry, in medicine you can get radiation, and so on. Indeed, today there are places that are polluted and heavily polluted, but there is no need to go to them. They are known, they have been counted. The Nuclear Center, together with international organizations, has been working for 20 years. IN

Entrance to the bunker on the territory of the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. East Kazakhstan region. August 22, 2009.

At the moment we have a very good handle on the situation.

There are signs there, some objects are fenced off. That is, there are places where you should not stay for a long time. He came, he looked, he left. It is not recommended to have a picnic or camp. Although the dose that is there today... I can say with one hundred percent certainty that you will not get radiation sickness.


Having visited the villages near which nuclear tests were carried out, we learned from the residents that even after the end of the explosions, children with physical disabilities continued to be born. Residents talk about many suicides and that terrible diseases are taking the lives of people even now in their prime.

In the city of Semey, the former center of the former Semipalatinsk region, lives a seven-year-old “crystal boy” Ualikhan Serikkaliev. His bones are so fragile and brittle that he breaks very often. In medicine this is called "osteogenesis". It is almost impossible to cure Ualikhan; you can only alleviate his suffering and simply believe in a miracle.

And the parents believe, they even went to a fortune teller, who said that their son would certainly walk. The child's father Sarzhankali and mother Zhanna do everything possible for their son. At one time they sold their house in order to buy expensive medicines and start treatment in

Seven-year-old “crystal boy” Ualikhan Serikkaliev. Semey, August 23, 2009.

Research Institute of Astana.

But the money ran out quickly, and Serzhankali became very ill, and now he cannot work. He is forced to sit at home, having a second group disability. Serzhankali has high blood pressure and constant heart attacks, he believes that this is a consequence of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site.

After all, Serzhankali once lived in the Abay region, at the epicenter of the explosions, and served for three years on a ship transporting atomic weapons. However, doctors and competent authorities do not take this into account. In their opinion, the boy Ualikhan is not among the victims of nuclear tests.

Until recently, Ualikhan’s illness was not included in the list of diseases due to nuclear tests; the boy’s pension was 14,600 tenge (about 97 dollars). The fact is that the child was born ten years after the closure of the landfill, which means his illness was in no way caused by the landfill, the commission explained. Now his case has been reviewed and a little has been added, now he will receive a little more than 20,000 tenge (about 133 dollars).

Serzhankali Serikkaliev, in an interview with our radio Azzatyk, spoke about the torment of his son.

Recently, we began to receive more money for Ualikhan, but his pension and mine mainly go towards renting an apartment. Now we don’t have our own housing, we are forced to live in an apartment, for which we pay more than 25,000 tenge monthly. My wife can’t go to work; she needs to look after her son. His bones are fragile, and any wrong action could cause another fracture. And this again means hospitals and severe pain for Ualikhan. We bathe him in a special net and watch his every move. It’s very difficult to watch your child suffer when, moreover, you can’t help him,” says Serzhankali Serikkaliev.

There is no special stroller for Ualikhan in which he would be truly comfortable both to sit and lie down. They promised to allocate one to their family, but that’s where the matter stopped. They promised to give them an apartment; they have been waiting in line for four years now, but it is going slowly, and they will have to wait a long time for housewarming, Ualikhan’s parents say.

I'm tired of going to akimats, social services, and deputies. They don’t want to help us, they don’t want to delve into our problem. A boy near Ust-Kamenogorsk, Askar, with a similar disease has already completed half of the course of treatment in Moscow, sponsors were found, they paid for the treatment, and he is already starting to walk. “I also believe that there will be people who will help my Ualikhan,” says his father.

Ualikhan is a very cheerful and smart child. He understands computers better than any of his peers, loves to play racing games and read books. No matter what, he jokes and inspires confidence in his parents.

One day I’m lying with blood pressure, Ualihan is calling. I answer that I can’t come to him, I’m sick. And he answered me: “Don’t pretend, let’s go play!” I got up, went to him, we started doing something together, he started joking. And I was distracted and forgot about the pain. Now he gives me strength to live,” says Serzhankali Serikkaliev.


Nikita Bochkarev is now 18 years old. His illness is very serious: it does not allow Nikita to walk, move or speak. He spends every day at home near the computer, writing poems and stories. His idols are Soviet singers Viktor Tsoi and Igor Talkov.

Like Ualikhan’s illness, Nikita’s illness is associated with genetics. Nikita's mother never thought that her son would be able to go to school and start writing poetry.

Seeing his persistence, how he stretched to speak, his father and mother came up with a device for him in the form of a helmet with a metal

Nikita Bochkarev types on a keyboard using a metal tendril built into his helmet. Semey, August 23, 2009.

a mustache with which Nikita types on the keyboard, thereby expressing his thoughts. That's why they called him Ant-Man.

Sibylla Bochkareva, Nikita’s mother, told our radio Azattyk that she does not believe the doctors.

We went to school at the age of ten; we didn’t know that he could get an education. Now Nikita amazes everyone around him, he is very inquisitive, he is interested in everything. Doctors call his illness cerebral palsy, which developed as a result of a birth injury. But I don't agree with this. The doctors are hiding something here. My husband and I are both healthy people, we have never been in hospitals,” says Sibilla Bochkareva.

Since March, thanks to one woman from Almaty, who wished to remain anonymous, Nikita has the Internet, now he can communicate on the Internet, which he does. According to his mother, he has friends with whom he corresponds and sends his poems.

They wrote a lot about Nikita, filmed stories, but no one from Semey responded to help the Bochkarevs. Only after the article was published in the Vremya newspaper, two Almaty residents were found: one sends Nikita money every month, and the second pays for the Internet.

Meanwhile, Nikita can be helped: there is a clinic in St. Petersburg that helps such children, but treatment is expensive, and the family does not have that kind of money. The father is forced to work for 6 thousand tenge (about 40 dollars) not far from home, because Nikita needs constant care.

The Bochkarev couple with their third son. August 23, 2009.

He carries it around the house in his arms, but his mother cannot do it. She stays next to him and two other children all day. Sibylla Bochkareva shared the joy of motherhood that she experienced after many years.

For a very long time I was afraid to have more children and only 14 years later I decided to have a second one. After all, I did not see how a normal child grows, and when a healthy boy was born, my happiness knew no bounds. The third child, also a boy, was a surprise to me. I was afraid that Nikita would ask questions about why they were normal and he wasn’t. But no, Nikita gets along with his brothers, they talk and understand each other, says Sibylla.

Now Nikita’s chair, in which he spends every day, has worn out. Parents dream that he will have a good and comfortable device in which he will feel good. The old one is so dilapidated that it hurts Nikita to sit. To purchase a new one, you need approximately 40 thousand tenge (about 260 dollars).


And in conclusion, I would like to convey an appeal from the parents of Ualikhan Serikkaliev and Nikita Bochkarev:

“Dear patrons of the arts and simply kind people! If you have the opportunity to help these boys, do it. These are two bright and sweet children who have practically resigned themselves to their fate, they just need attention and minimal amenities, which, unfortunately, the state for some reason cannot give them, and their parents are not able to.”

Financial assistance can be sent to the parents of these children using the following details:

Serikkaliev Ualihan - People's Bank of Kazakhstan, current account 2699201043325950. International details for transferring money from outside Kazakhstan - Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan SWIFT code HSBKKZKX account 2699201043325950.

Nikita Bochkarev - People's Bank of Kazakhstan current account 6762003003467403. International details for transferring money from outside Kazakhstan - Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan SWIFT code HSBKKZKX account 6762003003467403.

Perhaps someone has a similar situation with a child and you have found a way out. Please inform the editorial office of Radio Azattyk.

Don't drink in person... However!

Old age is when you live in the past. Of course, you are here and now, but all your plans and thoughts, all your interests are in the time when you wanted and could. And all your dreams are in that time. In those dreams, among your dear friends, colleagues and colleagues, you feel confident and able to make the right decisions in situations from the past in which you once made mistakes. Today, filled with everyday chores, flies by unnoticed and its events do not remain in memory, like everything around you in this world. You look forward to returning to your dream world. No, this is the dream world in youth and youth in dreams. And in old age it is a world of memories. This world differs from the world of dreams in that in the first case what is seen in a dream inspires hope, and in the second it brings sadness about the past and what was missed through one’s own fault. In fact, you shouldn’t blame yourself, since in a past life decisions often had to be made instantly, but now, with all the time allotted to you by nature, you can analyze the past and synthesize the best solutions to problems that were not solved in the past. It is from this virtual opportunity to change life within oneself that wisdom is born and, as its product, indifference to the present. Because from past experience and intuitive forecasting you know how any undertaking will end.
I dare to note that by analyzing the past and finding ways to change it in dreams, I do not blame him or myself for it.What I was lucky about was that I knew how to accurately determine my place in life and correspond to it.And this means not experiencing feelings of envy, dissatisfaction and wasted years. This is freedom!
Jumper for me between the past and the present - letters from young readers of my LiveJournal from the distant foreign city of Kurchatov,

which I call Semipalatinsk-21 in the old fashioned way. Yes, and the guys sometimes let it slip. Here's a typical letter:
Hello, Oleg Konstantinovich!

I enthusiastically re-read the pages of your LiveJournal for 2 days. I have never seen more “living” memoirs before. I would like to thank you very much for your work!

Since at the moment I have to work on practically the same objects (Balapan, Experimental Field, Degelen) as you did several decades ago, these objects are revealed in a completely new way... Roman Nefedov.
Taking advantage of this review, I decided to ask Roman about their current life. And he was not slow to respond:
I'll try to tell you...

At the moment, in addition to our Institute, the general directorate of the National Nuclear Center is located on the territory of the unit (building 54). 23rd (frame) still administrative. The Institute at one time reclaimed 2 buildings of the INP branch near the old kindergarten (some streets have been renamed, but I don’t know the old name).
There is a department of “biologists” with an almost newly rebuilt building (25).Building 27 has also been restored, where the kingdom of “chemists” is - background laboratories.
In the 29th there are 2 laboratories - “chemists” and “field workers”. (Read the same as we did!) On the first floor there are laboratories (a group of superctrometry and radiochemistry), on the second there are office premises and equipment warehouses. (Native environment!)
Those adjacent to the 29th are dilapidated. In the future, in their place (including the 29th) it is planned to build a Republican Center for Integrated Dosimetry. True, they have been promising to start for about 5 years now.
The garden inside is desolate, except for apple trees, birch trees and elm trees, flowers appear in the flower beds in the spring. To be honest, this place is beautiful in the fall before the first frost and after the rain. And bare walls usually evoke boredom.
To date, the Institute is still holding on to contracts, the most monetary, allowing the purchase of new equipment and field work, is the money of taxpayers of the former enemy.
The main budget program is to lead “existence” this way.
There is a program (budgetary) for the transfer of landfill land to the national economy. Not everything is natural, only “pure” ones. Work on this issue has been going on since, it seems, 2005-07. The north (and already officially recommended for transfer), west and south of the SIP have been examined. We dig and analyze soil samples and other objects.
For individual works, we carry out research on the Experimental Field (epicenters, traces, craters and places of “subcritical” tests), on Balapan (Atomkol) and Degelen (adit waters).
In general, our Institute is still one of the few that earns money from contracts. Unfortunately, other more specialized institutes simply have nothing to do, only IGI ( Institute of Geophysical Research), yes "Baikal" (High-temperature reactor complex) helps in the construction, one of the Almaty metro, the other of residential buildings. Everyone promises the construction of a nuclear power plant, it seems that there is a feasibility study and the construction site has been surveyed, but... Until recently, it was not clear who we are more friends with - whose scheme will work - Russian or Japanese.
And also. Many simply do not want to work (not to receive a salary). This summer I had to work with colleagues from the Institute of Atomic Energy, a good half of whom directly said that they were forcibly “stuck” into the fields, and in the office for the same salary they would sit “in a headscarf” (solitaire) and did nothing. It's a shame. It’s also a shame to see this from your colleagues. They say something similar: “But they don’t pay me for this.” It’s just that many people go to the fields to drink (Our people!)
Regarding the “elders”, there are only a few of them. Out of 20 people in our field laboratory, only two found and participated in the tests, and one in another department. I don’t remember such things among “chemists” and “biologists”.
But at the same time, the current director supports everyone who wants to work. People attend IAEA and other courses, and not only the bosses. (This gives me hope!)
For now, I’ll probably stop here with a description of the institute; later I’ll try to describe things in the “Gorodok” and more about the work.

I read it and was pleased with myself! I was right when I convinced my fellow countrymen and colleagues that transferring the city and reactors into the hands of Kazakh friends was promising for the Polygon! There are always and will be shortcomings. But the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan has survived, is functioning and expanding! Feel free to accept help and participate in joint research with scientists from the USA and Japan, not as a handoutBut what about a decent payment for the funds of the former? opponents.

Look at the new look of our former 54th Corps. If it had remained in our hands, it would have stood ragged, frightening itself with 122-mm howitzers.

Not long ago, Kazakhstan celebrated the 20th anniversary of the closure of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. Two decades.
It seems like a very short period of time, but during this time a whole generation has grown up who knows about barbaric weapons and their
trials only according to the stories of their parents. And even more so, it is difficult for this younger generation to understand why a huge part of
the territory of their home country is effectively lost forever. Meanwhile, the landfill has been living its own life for 20 years now.
And as it turns out, stopping testing of nuclear and hydrogen explosive devices does not mean at all
that destructive processes in the environment have stopped. The phenomenon of Kazakh nuclear science in a special photo report by Grigory Bedenko

The main attraction of the former test site is the “atomic” lake, which is located at the Balapan test site.
It was formed as a result of the explosion of a thermonuclear warhead with a yield of 140 kilotons in 1965.
The diameter of the lake is 500 meters, the depth from the surface of the water to the bottom is 80 meters.
In a similar way, Soviet strategists planned to build reservoirs in the arid regions of the Soviet Union

Experts from IRBE (Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology of the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan) say that the charge was “clean”,
and therefore the scatter of radioactive isotopes at the site is minimal. It is curious that the water in the “atomic” lake is clean, and there is even fish there.
However, the edges of the reservoir “radiate” so much that their level of radiation is actually equivalent to radioactive waste.
At this point the dosimeter shows 1 microsievert per hour, which is 114 times more than normal

An interesting fact about the “atomic” lake: the detonation of a thermonuclear device with a capacity of 140 kilotons
equivalent to the simultaneous detonation of 2 thousand cars with TNT

During the explosion, soil was thrown out of the crater, and some pieces of neophyte clay flew up to a kilometer,
and then fell at approximately the same distance from the explosion site. They "sound" very loudly

This glassy mass, according to experts, was in close proximity to the thermonuclear charge.
Enormous pressure and temperature turned granite into a kind of volcanic pumice

Sergey Borisovich Subbotin. At the test site they call him the owner of the “atomic” lake. He is the head of the laboratory
geographic information technologies, and constantly monitors the object. By the way, Sergei Borisovich at one time provided
geological support for underground testing. He is one of those specialists who directly created the Soviet nuclear shield.
Well, one more thing, this handsome man is very similar to Vladimir Vysotsky, even the timbre of his voice is the same

Chagan River.
“Very high concentrations of tritium (a radioactive isotope of hydrogen) were discovered there,” says Subbotin.
- They reach about 700 kilobeccrels per liter. That is, this is almost 100 times higher than the standard values ​​for drinking water.
Pollution continues somewhere within 10 kilometers from the borders of the landfill. And part of the territory that is contaminated with tritium,
they still plan to include it in the landfill

What’s most amazing is that people live next to the lake, about two kilometers away. They raise livestock and drink water from a contaminated river.
Local authorities turn a blind eye to this. This woman categorically refused to talk to journalists

And this is the farm itself. Apparently there isn't even electricity there.

Atomic horses

In general, what is most striking at the test site is the vigorous economic activity. Moreover, in the dirtiest places.
It is very difficult to imagine something like this anywhere in Nevada, or in the Lop Nor area

However, horses are smart. When they eat grass, they tear off only the top part of it, without grabbing the soil with radionuclides.
Therefore, kumiss, as they say in IRBE, is clean at the landfill

“Tablet” with IRBE scientists rises to the shore of the “atomic” lake.
Before the explosion there was a completely flat steppe

Land subsidence and as a result of an underground nuclear explosion. The so-called “combat well”

Such objects need to be observed constantly. As a result of neutron activation of coal seams underground,
some strange processes. Subbotin said that they had a case when a well exploded
15 years after testing. A column of fire burst out from under the ground, and the ground in this place sank within a radius of 100 meters.

A fox skull found near a well turned out to be clean.

The owner of the fighting well is a wild dog. I sat and watched the shooting with great curiosity.
But when I tried to get closer to him, he began to growl, and then ran away a few meters

The former center of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site - the city of Kurchatov, resembles the year 2011
scenery for a computer game, such as S.T.A.L.K.E.R. "Call of Pripyat"

Here are the most beautiful ruins I've ever seen

Until now, half of this amazing settlement resembles a ghost town

The ruins are surprisingly alive...

Our scientists inherited unique nuclear reactors from the military.
This is the building of the “research graphite reactor” (IGR).
It was designed by Igor Kurchatov himself to identify critical loads for such installations

Today, experiments are being carried out at the reactor, the purpose of which is to simulate the behavior of various
materials in case of a severe accident at a nuclear power plant, such as Chernobyl or Fukusism

The experiments are carried out on behalf of the Japanese Atomic Energy Agency

Head and chief engineer Valery Aleksandrovich Gaidaichuk

Experts are preparing a probe with materials that will be subjected to a powerful neutron flash inside the reactor.
What will happen to these materials is the subject of research

And this is what the underground structure looks like from the outside, which houses another reactor - IVG-1 M
(research high temperature gas reactor)

In a special underground bunker, a corridor almost a kilometer long leads to it.

The reactor is a prototype nuclear rocket engine. It heats hydrogen to extremely high temperatures,
and jet thrust is created. During Khrushchev’s time they wanted to fly to Mars with such an engine

Fuel for a nuclear rocket engine has already been created, says the head of the reactor
complex “Baikal-1” Alexander Nikolaevich Kolbaenkov. - It met the parameters that were laid down according to the technical specifications
– this is temperature, pressure, resource and specific impulse of 925 seconds. This was all received. And, in principle,
if this work had not been stopped, we would probably have ended up testing a production engine,
which could be put into orbit and launched there

Kolbaenkov has been working here for almost 40 years.

Spent nuclear fuel storage facility (SNFS) at the Baikal-1 facility.
Here is the fuel from the shutdown Aktau reactor BN-350, which operated at MAEK.
The fuel is uranium-235 and plutonium-239..

Another “attraction” of the landfill. This is where the first Soviet atomic bomb was detonated in 1949.

This ominous structure is called the “goose”. Using such reinforced concrete structures, the shock wave of a nuclear explosion was measured

Radiation measurement. In this place the temperature and pressure were so enormous that the concrete “flowed”, absorbing radionuclides

The first Soviet atomic bombs were “dirty”, so everything on the “experimental field” was contaminated with plutonium.
You can only walk in a respirator

These buildings housed measuring equipment

IRBE specialists live in these modules on the “experimental field”. Why is living here dangerous? The point is that this object is the beginning
Soviet military nuclear program. There are many different sites at the training ground, but it all started with the “experimental field”.
The first Soviet nuclear and hydrogen explosive devices were very dirty. Only 30-40% of the charge mass worked in them.
The rest of the charge, which was mainly plutonium, an extremely dangerous isotope for all living things, was sprayed into the environment.
Thus, the “experimental field” is almost completely infected with it. An area of ​​300 square kilometers is considered lost -
The half-life of plutonium-239 is about 20 thousand years. Humans can inhale plutonium nanoparticles along with dust,
if he walks through infected “spots” or if the wind picks up. It is impossible to remove plutonium from the body -
even if one particle gets inside, it will simply burn all the tissue around it. Therefore, IRBE specialists,
who live in the “experimental field” are at great risk to their health. This is a kind of feat in the name of science. Without exaggeration

There is an experimental livestock farm here

A brave man, Symbat Baygaziev, a specialist at the institute, looks after the animals

Symbat and his ward - mare Anka

The experiment is as follows: some animals are fed contaminated food, others are given contaminated water.
Still others graze in contaminated areas. The purpose of the experiment is to determine what radiation dose the local population receives,
eating “dirty” foods

Symbat and the calf Buyan. 200 meters from this place is a plutonium crater from a hydrogen bomb

The brainchild of Kazakhstan's independence is TOKAMAK - a prototype of the thermonuclear reactor of the future.
Designed to study the properties of materials

Gennady Shapovalov is a researcher at the Institute of Atomic Energy and chief at TOKAMAK.

In general, a fairly wide range of research is planned on this TOKAMAK. This is a new installation
which has its own specific physical parameters, which are not available in similar installations in the world

Molten concrete on the "experimental field".

Today we can safely say that the development of sciences related to atomic energy in our country is in the Eurasian space
a completely unprecedented and even paradoxical fact. Everything should have happened exactly the opposite: when the test site
near Semipalatinsk the last military man left, the city of Kurchatov had to share the fate of numerous post-Soviet
ghost towns. And what would seem simpler is to wrap the contaminated areas with barbed wire and forget about them forever.
But the reality is actually much more complicated - the consequences of nuclear weapons tests were, remain and will remain a part of our lives


The once closed city of Kurchatov is now popular among foreigners. Many people want to see how powerful the Soviet Union was at one time. According to city residents, various foreign delegations from Japan, America, and France often visit them.

Following the traces of a bygone era, they have one route: Kurchatov – Experimental Field – “Atomic” Lake. The journalists of our radio Azattyk were no exception.

If you dive a little into history and listen to the people who live in Kurchatov to this day, you can find out how beautiful and prosperous the city was back in 1949. They raised it from scratch literally in two years; construction took place taking into account the fact that officers with their families and scientists who would conduct experiments would live here.

The supply at that time was Moscow, and the city, according to residents, had everything: oranges, peaches, sour cream, sausage. Relatives who came to visit their loved ones believed that they lived in paradise. In Moscow, people stood in line for hours with coupons in their hands for groceries, and in Kurchatov the shelves were bursting with abundance.

At first, the city was called “Moscow-400”, because of which there was constant confusion: relatives went to Moscow and looked for their relatives there, not realizing that they were three thousand kilometers from Moscow. In 1960, the city was renamed Semipalatinsk-21. And later - to Kurchatov, in honor of the famous head of the Soviet nuclear program Igor Kurchatov, who lived and worked there.

During the collapse of the Soviet Union, the city continued to be a closed facility: in order to enter it, it was necessary to order a pass a month in advance. The time was difficult, many left Kurchatov, leaving houses and apartments, because there was no work.

Sergei Lukashenko, director of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology, in an interview with our radio Azattyk, says that Kurchatov is destined to be a center for the development of the nuclear industry for peaceful purposes.

Just as it was a city of nuclear scientists, it should remain a city of nuclear scientists, only from military purposes we must move into a peaceful direction. The state must maintain its level of nuclear competence. There is currently a renaissance of nuclear energy happening all over the world.

In Kurchatov there is a National Nuclear Center, a museum dedicated to the Semipalatinsk test site, which contains a model of the Experimental Field, records of Kurchatov, Stalin and Beria.


On August 29, 1949, the first nuclear explosion occurred on the soil of Kazakhstan. And although 60 years have passed since the first explosion, and 20 since the last one, scientists are still observing increased levels of radiation on the territory of the former Soviet test site. It is still not recommended to stay in some areas.

Dzhanbulat Gilmanov, one of the veterans of the USSR nuclear industry, who still works at the National Nuclear Center, told our radio Azattyk some little-known details of the first atomic tests. According to him, at that time scientists did not

It was assumed what impact such explosions would have on people's health.

113 atomic explosions at the Experimental Field, including 30 on the ground. Bridges were specially built, tanks, planes, and bunkers with animals were installed to determine how explosions could affect a particular object. After the explosion, tanks drove into the territory of the Experimental Field, the military and scientists collected the soil and what was left for analysis in the laboratory, where the effect of radiation on the animal and organic world was studied. All radioactive dust went with the wind to the territory of Eastern Kazakhstan,” says Dzhanbulat Gilmanov.

Emil Enner, a resident of the village of Sarzhal, told our radio Azattyk:

At that time I was working in radio communications, and my duty was to notify the village residents that there was going to be an explosion and how to behave in this situation. But not all were disciplined citizens: some observed the glow right on the street.

Residents of the village of Sarzhal recall that the military came to the villages, checked the condition of the residents, and measured the radiation level with a dosimeter. Where the power of the explosion shattered glass, it was restored in the shortest possible time. When explosions took place twenty kilometers from nearby villages in the 1960s, the population was evacuated. But a few days later they were allowed to return to their homes again.

Emil Enner, a resident of the village of Sarzhal, recalls: “After another explosion, two lakes were formed, which were later called “atomic”. When returning to the village, we found animals with black, singed fur. It was a pity to look at them. They didn't live long."


At the confluence of the two main rivers of the region - Shagan and Aschisu - on January 15, 1965, an underground explosion occurred, as a result of which the famous “Atomic” lake was formed.

One of the booklets of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology gives a brief description of this object: “An explosion with a power of 140 kilotons was produced, as a result of which a crater was formed with a depth of more than 100 meters and a diameter of 400 meters. In the area of ​​the “Atomic” lake, radionuclide contamination of soils is observed at a distance of up to 3-4 kilometers in the northern direction.”

Raisa Kurmangagieva, a resident of Semey, tells our radio Azattyk:

I remember they brought us fish from this lake. It was so big and delicious, people snapped it up in a matter of seconds. At that time she was very popular among the population. We had to wait in long lines to buy fish from the “Atomic” lake. We didn’t even think about any radiation at that time. I’m already 80 years old and I’m still alive.


On August 29, 1991, a decision was made to close the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. Equipment was destroyed, adits were buried, equipment was removed, and some areas were cleared of radiation.

Adit on the experimental field. The territory of the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. August 22, 2009.

Many people are still interested in the question: is there a threat of contamination by radionuclides after the closure of the landfill. Sergei Lukashenko, director of the Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology, answers this question:

The landfill does not have any impact on the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. You can come, walk around, look and nothing will happen to you. The second point that I would like to note is that there is no dangerous or safe radiation. There is a dangerous or safe scenario for your behavior in relation to this object.

Many people work with radioactivity in industry, in medicine you can get radiation, and so on. Indeed, today there are places that are polluted and heavily polluted, but there is no need to go to them. They are known, they have been counted. The Nuclear Center, together with international organizations, has been working for 20 years. IN

Entrance to the bunker on the territory of the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site. East Kazakhstan region. August 22, 2009.

At the moment we have a very good handle on the situation.

There are signs there, some objects are fenced off. That is, there are places where you should not stay for a long time. He came, he looked, he left. It is not recommended to have a picnic or camp. Although the dose that is there today... I can say with one hundred percent certainty that you will not get radiation sickness.


Having visited the villages near which nuclear tests were carried out, we learned from the residents that even after the end of the explosions, children with physical disabilities continued to be born. Residents talk about many suicides and that terrible diseases are taking the lives of people even now in their prime.

In the city of Semey, the former center of the former Semipalatinsk region, lives a seven-year-old “crystal boy” Ualikhan Serikkaliev. His bones are so fragile and brittle that he breaks very often. In medicine this is called "osteogenesis". It is almost impossible to cure Ualikhan; you can only alleviate his suffering and simply believe in a miracle.

And the parents believe, they even went to a fortune teller, who said that their son would certainly walk. The child's father Sarzhankali and mother Zhanna do everything possible for their son. At one time they sold their house in order to buy expensive medicines and start treatment in

Astana Research Institute.

But the money ran out quickly, and Serzhankali became very ill, and now he cannot work. He is forced to sit at home, having a second group disability. Serzhankali has high blood pressure and constant heart attacks, he believes that this is a consequence of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site.

After all, Serzhankali once lived in the Abay region, at the epicenter of the explosions, and served for three years on a ship transporting atomic weapons. However, doctors and competent authorities do not take this into account. In their opinion, the boy Ualikhan is not among the victims of nuclear tests.

Until recently, Ualikhan’s illness was not included in the list of diseases due to nuclear tests; the boy’s pension was 14,600 tenge (about 97 dollars). The fact is that the child was born ten years after the closure of the landfill, which means his illness was in no way caused by the landfill, the commission explained. Now his case has been reviewed and a little has been added, now he will receive a little more than 20,000 tenge (about 133 dollars).

Serzhankali Serikkaliev, in an interview with our radio Azzatyk, spoke about the torment of his son.

Recently, we began to receive more money for Ualikhan, but his pension and mine mainly go towards renting an apartment. Now we don’t have our own housing, we are forced to live in an apartment, for which we pay more than 25,000 tenge monthly. My wife can’t go to work; she needs to look after her son. His bones are fragile, and any wrong action could cause another fracture. And this again means hospitals and severe pain for Ualikhan. We bathe him in a special net and watch his every move. It’s very difficult to watch your child suffer when, moreover, you can’t help him,” says Serzhankali Serikkaliev.

There is no special stroller for Ualikhan in which he would be truly comfortable both to sit and lie down. They promised to allocate one to their family, but that’s where the matter stopped. They promised to give them an apartment; they have been waiting in line for four years now, but it is going slowly, and they will have to wait a long time for housewarming, Ualikhan’s parents say.

I'm tired of going to akimats, social services, and deputies. They don’t want to help us, they don’t want to delve into our problem. A boy near Ust-Kamenogorsk, Askar, with a similar disease has already completed half of the course of treatment in Moscow, sponsors were found, they paid for the treatment, and he is already starting to walk. “I also believe that there will be people who will help my Ualikhan,” says his father.

Ualikhan is a very cheerful and smart child. He understands computers better than any of his peers, loves to play racing games and read books. No matter what, he jokes and inspires confidence in his parents.

One day I’m lying with blood pressure, Ualihan is calling. I answer that I can’t come to him, I’m sick. And he answered me: “Don’t pretend, let’s go play!” I got up, went to him, we started doing something together, he started joking. And I was distracted and forgot about the pain. Now he gives me strength to live,” says Serzhankali Serikkaliev.


Nikita Bochkarev is now 18 years old. His illness is very serious: it does not allow Nikita to walk, move or speak. He spends every day at home near the computer, writing poems and stories. His idols are Soviet singers Viktor Tsoi and Igor Talkov.

Like Ualikhan’s illness, Nikita’s illness is associated with genetics. Nikita's mother never thought that her son would be able to go to school and start writing poetry.

Seeing his persistence, how he stretched to speak, his father and mother came up with a device for him in the form of a helmet with a metal

Nikita Bochkarev types on a keyboard using a metal tendril built into his helmet. Semey, August 23, 2009.

A mustache with which Nikita types on the keyboard, thereby expressing her thoughts. That's why they called him Ant-Man.

Sibylla Bochkareva, Nikita’s mother, told our radio Azattyk that she does not believe the doctors.

We went to school at the age of ten; we didn’t know that he could get an education. Now Nikita amazes everyone around him, he is very inquisitive, he is interested in everything. Doctors call his illness cerebral palsy, which developed as a result of a birth injury. But I don't agree with this. The doctors are hiding something here. My husband and I are both healthy people, we have never been in hospitals,” says Sibilla Bochkareva.

Since March, thanks to one woman from Almaty, who wished to remain anonymous, Nikita has the Internet, now he can communicate on the Internet, which he does. According to his mother, he has friends with whom he corresponds and sends his poems.

They wrote a lot about Nikita, filmed stories, but no one from Semey responded to help the Bochkarevs. Only after the article was published in the Vremya newspaper, two Almaty residents were found: one sends Nikita money every month, and the second pays for the Internet.

Meanwhile, Nikita can be helped: there is a clinic in St. Petersburg that helps such children, but treatment is expensive, and the family does not have that kind of money. The father is forced to work for 6 thousand tenge (about 40 dollars) not far from home, because Nikita needs constant care.

He carries it around the house in his arms, but his mother cannot do it. She stays next to him and two other children all day. Sibylla Bochkareva shared the joy of motherhood that she experienced after many years.

For a very long time I was afraid to have more children and only 14 years later I decided to have a second one. After all, I did not see how a normal child grows, and when a healthy boy was born, my happiness knew no bounds. The third child, also a boy, was a surprise to me. I was afraid that Nikita would ask questions about why they were normal and he wasn’t. But no, Nikita gets along with his brothers, they talk and understand each other, says Sibylla.

Now Nikita’s chair, in which he spends every day, has worn out. Parents dream that he will have a good and comfortable device in which he will feel good. The old one is so dilapidated that it hurts Nikita to sit. To purchase a new one, you need approximately 40 thousand tenge (about 260 dollars).


And in conclusion, I would like to convey an appeal from the parents of Ualikhan Serikkaliev and Nikita Bochkarev:

“Dear patrons of the arts and simply kind people! If you have the opportunity to help these boys, do it. These are two bright and sweet children who have practically resigned themselves to their fate, they just need attention and minimal amenities, which, unfortunately, the state for some reason cannot give them, and their parents are not able to.”

Financial assistance can be sent to the parents of these children using the following details:

Serikkaliev Ualihan - People's Bank of Kazakhstan, current account 2699201043325950. International details for transferring money from outside Kazakhstan - Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan SWIFT code HSBKKZKX account 2699201043325950.

Nikita Bochkarev - People's Bank of Kazakhstan current account 6762003003467403. International details for transferring money from outside Kazakhstan - Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan SWIFT code HSBKKZKX account 6762003003467403.

Perhaps someone has a similar situation with a child and you have found a way out. Please inform the editorial office of Radio Azattyk.