Excellent piece. Moscow region: estates open to the public

What estates in Moscow and the Moscow region that are open to the public do we know?

Has a curious compatriot set foot everywhere, learning the treasures of culture and the traditions of his ancestors?

What have we done so that children grow up in knowledge and respect for the greatest heritage left by centuries of enlightenment, science and art?

Here is a list of the most interesting places for walking and cultural recreation in Moscow and its suburbs, real pearls inspired by the genius of architects, artists and enlightened people. Our guide will allow you to see both the fabulously beautiful estates carefully preserved for 2018, and those now abandoned that some old people still remember in all the splendor of beauty and glory. The most interesting and most beautiful places invites us to visit and southwest and routes of the north of the nearest Moscow region.

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Abramtsevo is the birthplace of inspiration, the place of creativity of the Russian soul. Once upon a time, the Obramkova wasteland belonged to the Golovins. However, the special history began from the moment of its acquisition by S.T. Aksakov. The great Russian writers Ivan Turgenev and Nikolai Gogol visited here.

Active creative life began in the estate, built in the middle
18th century, when it was acquired in 1843 by Sergei Aksakov (1791-1859) - writer, author of “The Scarlet Flower”, lover of nature, fishing and hunting.

The Aksakov spirit was lovingly preserved by the next owner of Abramtsev, philanthropist S. Mamontov. The Abramtsevo circle was formed here, which included I. Repin, V. Surikov, the Vasnetsov brothers, I. Levitan. M. Vrubel worked here, V. Serov wrote “Girl with Peaches.”

Today Abramtsevo has the status state museum-reserve. Located in the northeast of the capital. It’s better to take the train to Sergiev Posad to Abramtsevo and walk to your destination along the forest path along which F. Chaliapin walked. In Abramtsevo you can see a stove and a bench that Vrubel decorated with tiles, visit expositions and exhibitions where paintings by great Russian painters are presented, admire a stone woman, a hut on chicken legs, and a bathhouse-teremok.


The failed suburb of Moscow is gradually being overgrown with wild green shrubs. The former wasteland of Oshitkovo originally belonged to the son-in-law of Tsar Mikhail - nobleman Semyon Almazov. Almazovo blossomed through the efforts of Nikita Demidov, who conceived a grandiose water project, including draining the swamp.

The estate in Almazovo was founded in the seventeenth century by the noble family of Semyon Erofeevich Almazov. From the end of the eighteenth century until 1819, the estate complex belonged to the Demidov family.

After the Demidovs, Almazovo fell into decay. Today, little remains of its former greatness. But the scale of the plan can still be guessed. The pearl of landscape architecture is amazing.

Having taken the train from Fryazino station to Monino station, and from there by bus to Almazovo, everyone can sail on a boat along the Main Canal and admire the two branches of the small and large canals hugging Swan Lake.


The Altufevs' noble nest is a small architectural complex located on 10 hectares. The first mention of the area dates back to 1585 and is associated with the name of the landowner Neupokoy Myakishev.

The amazing estate, which received its name from the noble family of Oltufyevo that once farmed here, is located right on the outskirts of the city. Over time, Muscovites renamed it “Altufyevo”

The estate often passed from one owner to another, which affected its architectural features. Having grown with various structures: the Holy Cross Church, outbuildings of the manor house, stable complex, cellars, man-made ponds, the family estate acquired its modern appearance under the last owner - industrialist V.M. Lianozov.

Today you can independently admire the 150-year-old Baroque church, stables and brewery. Get to Altufyevo by metro, then walk or take bus 273, trolleybus 80.


This is a truly Arkhangelsk place, preserving the spirit of the country’s aristocracy, located within the city limits of Moscow and attracting the attention of tourists. The first mentions date back to the time of Ivan the Terrible. The estate was owned by the Yusupovs, Odoevskys, and Golitsyns. Members of the imperial family, famous statesmen and enlightened people loved to visit here.

“Arkhangelskoye” is a whole park and architectural complex. It is also called the Russian Versailles

Today Arkhangelskoye is a famous museum. The architectural and park ensemble is located in a unique picturesque location on the banks of the Moscow River. It can be visited in summer from 10:00 to 20:00, in winter from 10:00 to 18:00. It will cost 200 rubles to see the exhibitions of the palace, 150 rubles to see the park.

You can get there by metro to Tushino or Strogino stations, by bus No. 549, 541, by minibus 151 to the Sanatorium stop, by car along Novorizhskoye Highway, by train in the Riga direction to Pavshino station, then by bus No. 24.


Shelter of the great Russian scientist D.I. Mendeleev. Boblovo, on the initiative of the scientist, was completely rebuilt with the participation of Kuindzhi and Yaroshenko. The house and laboratory were built using the latest technologies at that time. Here they listened to the first radio waves sent by A. Popov from a neighboring village, a wind turbine was created, and the main works were written

Mendeleev's estate in Boblovo. Only in 1987, thanks to the efforts of true enthusiasts, was the house restored, which now houses the museum exhibition

Today, a small house has been preserved, where there is an exhibition dedicated to the scientist, and a landscape park with elm alleys has been opened.

The Boblovo estate, combined with the Shakhmatovo Museum of A. Blok, Mendeleev’s son-in-law, into a nature reserve, delights with numerous excursions and scientific events. A visit costs 550-600 rubles. You can get there from Klin by bus No. 42, 46. Opening hours are 10:00 to 17:30 in summer and from 10:00 to 15:30 in winter.

Big Gorki

House-Museum of V.I. Lenin is known to everyone. This is a state historical reserve with a beautiful architectural ensemble, a large park, the museum “Lenin’s Office and Apartment in the Kremlin” and a museum of peasant life.

Thanks to the stay of V.I. Lenin with the subsequent creation of a museum, an ancient noble and later merchant estate " Big slides"turned out to be one of the best preserved in the Moscow region

Back in the 18th century, a certain Marfa Spasiteleva built a stone house and laid out a garden. The estate changed owners, but it did not get any better. The situation was changed by the widow of Savva Morozov, who radically rebuilt the property. The revolution spared the beauty of the buildings; Lenin’s residence was located here.

Worth considering: The cost of visiting is 600 rubles, children under 7 years old are free. Open daily, the last day of the month is a sanitary day. Opening hours are from 9:00 to 21:00.

You can get there by metro to Domodedovskaya station, then by bus 439. By car you need to go along Kashirskoye Highway.

Bolshie Vyazyomy

The estate, which preserves the traditions of bygone days in Bolshie Vyazemy, was built by the Golitsyns. The Grand Palace, the Transfiguration Cathedral, the belfry, outbuildings, a unique dam across the Vyazemka River, built by the personal decree of Boris Godunov, beautiful park- are part of the historical and literary museum and reserve, united with neighboring Zakharov, where A.S. lived. Pushkin.

Currently, the palace and outbuildings have been completely restored, main building Equestrian yard, the interior decoration of the halls has been restored

Here you can plunge into the times of Alexander Sergeevich’s youth, learn about the previous owners, including False Dmitry and Godunov, the last of the Rurik family. Find out about the location of the headquarters of Kutuzov and Napoleon.

Do you know that: The cost of visiting the museum is low, only 300 rubles. Opening hours are daily from 10:00 to 17:00 except the last Friday of the month.

You can get to Bolshie Vyazemy in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region by train from the Belorussky or Savelovsky train stations. Go to Golitsino, then by bus No. 38 or No. 50, minibuses No. 38, 1055 to the Institute stop. The route is along Mozhaika up to 44 km.


It still preserves the love story of Countess Trubetskoy and the nobility of Count Stroganov. Places imbued with romanticism attract artists and directors. “Say a word for the poor hussar” and “The Young Peasant Lady” were filmed here.

The Bratsevo estate was a country estate that belonged to Countess Stroganova and her husband I.N. at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries. Rimsky-Korsakov. It is one of the brightest examples of a noble estate of that time, as well as a monument of estate architecture

An example of mature classicism, in the style of which the main house was built by architect Voronikhin, it is decorated with a portico and a belvedere with a dome. You can still look at the hall with columns and the staircase to the choir, stand at the Milovid rotunda, admire the Empire paintings of the mid-19th century, as well as the landscape park.

You can visit here by getting to the Volokolamskaya metro station. The address of the estate is: Svetlogorsky proezd, 13. Here you can go down the slides, attend a ball, or buy a ticket to a boarding house and holiday home.


The history of Bykovo begins in the 18th century, the lands belonged to M. Izmailov. The chief forwarder of palace buildings invited the great Bazhenov, who built the palace in the neo-Gothic style. But the next owner of the estate, Count Vorontsov-Dashkov, decided to rebuild everything, inviting the Swiss Bernard Simon, so that only the foundation and base of the main entrance remained from the brilliant creation of the Russian architect.

One of the most beautiful estates in the capital. Its foundation dates back to the second half XVII century. The former Moscow Governor-General, favorite of Catherine II, Mikhail Izmailov, had a hand in the creation of this architectural monument.

The pearl of the estate is the Church of the Vladimir Mother of God, consisting of two buildings, based on an oval. The amazing temple is practically inaccessible to visit. The neglected garden, centuries-old trees of the park, and the pond attract the attention of romantics and lovers of solitude. True, this is hampered by the tuberculosis sanatorium located here.

You can visit ancient places by taking the train from Kazansky railway station to Ilinskoye station or by bus to Zhukovsky to the Kerosene Lavka stop. The church is visible from afar. Address: Ramensky district, village. Bykovo.


The history of Valuevo is mainly associated with the name of A.I. Musin-Pushkin, a wonderful historian, the man who brought to us “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” Before Musin-Pushkin, a manor house and the Church of the Intercession were built here; all the buildings, after some reconstruction, successfully fit into the architectural ensemble of the estate, consisting of a house with columns and a luxurious park, through the efforts of the new owner. Balls were held here, the guests of which were the Vyazemskys and Chetvertinskys.

The Valuev estate, which appeared in the 14th century, was named after its owner, a representative of the family, deacon Grigory Valuev, from the 17th century. The film “My Affectionate and Gentle Beast” was filmed on the territory of this estate

Today the Glavmosstroy sanatorium is located here. Visits are possible with the permission of the administration. To look at the worship cross and stroll along the ancient alleys, you need to take the metro to Yasenevo or Teply Stan, then take bus 420 or minibus 894 to the sanatorium.


One of the exemplary estates in Russia, created by the genius of the architect N. Lvov, belonged to Ekaterina Lopukhina. Emperor Paul I granted the land as a gift. The architect built a magnificent wooden tower on the high bank of the Moscow River, overlooking the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and a pine forest. In 1912, the palace was reconstructed, rebuilt in stone.

One of the best estates in the Moscow province of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. At least that’s the title Vvedenskoye bore before the revolution.

Today Vvedenskoye, consisting of the main house, two outbuildings, a horse yard, the Vvedenskaya Church connected by a passage with a bell tower, and a carriage barn, is under the jurisdiction of the Moscow authorities. Landscapes that inspired P.I. Tchaikovsky, I. Bunin, A. Chekhov are inaccessible to ordinary people. Having reached the train from the Belorussky station, then by bus or on foot, you can get to the Zvenigorod sanatorium, which is located on the territory, but only by invitation. The sanatorium is guarded.


This estate practically does not exist today. It has been destroyed and risen from the ashes many times throughout its history. Belonging to Bogdan Grebnev, who served as a gunsmith for Ivan the Terrible, the property was destroyed by troubled times. Thanks to the efforts of the new owners, the Vorontsovs and then the Trubetskoys, Grebnevo is being rebuilt. Hydraulic engineering measures are being carried out, Barsky ponds with scatterings of islands appear. Next owner G.I. Bibikov builds a monumental house, the Church of the Grebnevskaya Mother of God, but the merchant Panteleev, who bought the estate, builds a vitriol and distillery plant, destroying the buildings. The house, restored under the Kondrashevs by the Soviet government, is used as a tuberculosis sanatorium, technical school, and production workshops.

In 1991, when the restoration of the palace was nearing completion, under unclear circumstances, a fire occurred that destroyed the interiors, ceilings and roof, leaving only bare burnt walls. In 2007, the eastern wing burned down

Later, Grebnevo acquired the status of a monument, but during restoration work, when exhibitions and festivals were already being held, a fire broke out, destroying almost all the buildings. Two temples and an arched front gate have been preserved.

The breath of Grebnevskaya antiquity can be heard when you take a bus to the rural settlement from the Shchelkovo bus station or by car along the Shchelkovo highway.


Dubrovitsy is located not far from the bank of Pakhra. The first mentions came in 1627 and were associated with the boyar Morozov. Dubrovitsy was owned at different times by the Golitsyns and Potemkins. It is known that Catherine II gave the estate to her favorite Dmitriev-Mamontov. During the French invasion there was a severe fire; the restoration was carried out by Sergei Golitsyn, a philanthropist and collector.

The main attraction of this estate is the famous Church of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The temple was built at the end of the 17th century, presumably by Italian architects commissioned by Prince Golitsyn

Under the Soviets, there was an orphanage, a museum of noble life, and an agricultural technical school. The local pearl is the Church of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the palace, which you cannot visit, but you can admire the most unusual church in the country from 9:00 to 17:00. It’s more convenient to get there by train from Kursky Station to Podolsk, then by minibus 65 or bus 417.


Zakharovo, the cradle of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin, estate of grandmother M.A. Hannibal. The historical and literary museum named after the poet has state status. manor house, which is the center of the entire composition, was restored according to the original already in the 20th century.

Only in the middle of the 20th century was the estate restored. An obelisk to the great poet was installed on the territory; since 1976, Pushkin evenings and holidays began to be held in Zakharovo, and in 1987 the estate received the status of the state museum-reserve of A.S. Pushkin

Here, “on unknown paths”, centuries-old trees still glorified by Pushkin grow, a stream flows, the ringing of bells flows from the belfry of the 16th century, the palace and park ensemble with outbuildings and outbuildings amaze with its beauty. And every year on Open Day, February 10, evenings in memory of Pushkin are held.

Every Russian person should visit Zakharovo. The estate is located in the Odintsovo district, it is better to get there from the Belorussky railway station in the direction of Zvenigorod to the Zakharovo station.

Car route– drive along the Mozhaiskoe highway to Zvenigorod, then turn to Zakharovo.


Silver Age Poetry Center. The exquisite rhymes of the pen of the symbolist poets A. Bely, V. Balmont, V. Bryusov were born here, in the Znamenskoye-Gubailovo estate, which is located in Krasnogorsk. The estate founded by Prince I. Volynsky was distinguished by its original architecture. The Dolgorukys, while rebuilding the main house and outbuildings, took care of the beauty of the landscape, equipped grottoes, a park with a hermitage and greenhouses. At the beginning of the 20th century, the estate became a literary center.

In the very center of Krasnogorsk near Moscow, very close to the Moscow Ring Road, the Znamenskoye-Gubailovo estate is lost. In the 18th century, this was the famous country estate of the prominent commander Dolgorukov-Krymsky

Today it is a cultural and exhibition center, where you can not only see the house and the horse yard with a tour, but also visit vernissages and photo exhibitions, and explore the Znamensky Church.

Take note: The cost of visiting depends on the event; you can wander the alleys for free.

You need to go to Znamenskoye-Gubailovo from Moscow to Krasnogorsk from the Tushinskaya metro station by bus No. 542, 542P, minibus No. 120 to the Gorsovet stop.


Izmailovo is a royal estate that arose on the site of Vasiltsov, the camp of Ivan Kalita’s associate. She knew all the Russian sovereigns: Ivan the Terrible, Peter I, the Romanovs.

Front gate of the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Izmailovo. 1682

Listed as a UNESCO heritage site. Unique Izmailovo Kremlin, a cultural and recreation park with attractions and many attractions, the five-domed Cathedral of the Intercession of Our Lady, Vineyard Pond, Mostovaya, tower - this is just a small list of objects that are part of the museum-reserve.

Izmailovo is rich in excursions and lectures. The cost of visiting different events varies, but is generally inexpensive, including souvenirs. You won't be bored.

It is important to know: doesn't work every day. From Tuesday to Friday - 9:45 opening, 17:30 closing. Saturday, Sunday - 10:45 - 17:30.

Izmailovo is located in Moscow on Bauman Street, in Vostochny administrative district capital Cities. Get to the Partizanskaya metro station by bus No. 7, 131.


The royal estate and residence of Alexei Mikhailovich spread over 390 hectares of land. It has the status of the Moscow State Museum Reserve. Territory with a park, embankment, pleasure boats. A lot of virgin nature, forest, hills and ravines, many attractions, the Tsar's palace, the house of Peter I, the museum of Russian architecture. Churches and temples in Kolomenskoye amaze with their grandeur and splendor.

Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye" - very beautiful historical place. This reserve has been known as a royal residence since the 14th century.

The scope of excursion and theatrical activities is large-scale, Maslenitsa festivities, Christmas gatherings, exhibitions of sand sculptures, Afisha picnic and much more are available to everyone.

Kolomenskoye is located on Andropov Avenue, 39. Open daily except Mondays, in summer from 10:00 to 21:00, in winter from 10:00 to 18:00.

It is worth noting: Entrance to the territory is free; roller skating and bicycles are not allowed.

The cost of admission to museums and churches is from 100 to 350 rubles for adults, children are admitted free of charge, and discounts for pensioners and students.


The luxury and pomp of the 18th century was reflected in the structure of Kuskovo, the summer residence of the Sheremetyev counts. Built for receptions, balls and carnival events, the estate is equipped with many joys and pleasures.

One of the most romantic places in Moscow is the Kuskovo estate. At one time it was called Versailles near Moscow, it was so beautiful and similar to the garden of French kings

More than 20 architectural monuments, a park decorated with sculptures, ponds, the Sheremetyev Palace, stretched out in a suite of rooms along the Big Pond, the unique decoration of the halls and all the entertainment pavilions, including the Dutch House, were built in tribute to the memory of Peter I and his passions.

Today the museum-estate has state status. A visit to the ceramics museum, parks and gardens, grotto and obelisks leaves a strong impression, as do classical music concerts held in the summer season.

Kuskovo is located on the street. Youth, 2. Two ways to Kuskovo: metro Ryazansky Prospekt, then bus 133, 208M or metro Vykhino, bus 620, minibus 9M.


Kuzminki - Russian Versailles. The rich estate, donated by Peter I Stroganov, attracted high society on holidays with the whimsicality of its treats and fun. The palace, horse yard, and forge, built by Domenico Gilardi, have survived to this day.

The Kuzminki estate is 300 years old. 150 years ago, contemporaries spoke enthusiastically about it as the “Russian Versailles”, paying tribute to the greatness of the architecture, the unity of nature and art in the arrangement grand park, the splendor of salons, parties, holidays and masquerades

Today, the K. G. Paustovsky Museum, the Gardener’s House and the monument to the bee are open on the territory; you can see the grottoes built during the Golitsyn era, and visit the museum of homestead culture.


The palace of Durasov, a Moscow aristocrat famous for the expensive entertainment held on his own Lyublino estate. The Moscow nobility adored ceremonial receptions. The structure of the estate, which was presented to Durasov by Paul I, is interesting. From above, the buildings have the shape of the Order of St. Anna - a circle and a cross crossing it. Musical and theatrical performances, balls, and Maslenitsa festivities of that time are reflected in the exhibition of the palace and in modern life in Lyublino.

The estate of Nikolai Alekseevich Durasov is one of the few architectural ensembles that survived the fire of Moscow in 1812

Here you can get acquainted with the life of Moscow nobles, attend master classes on creating sculpture and bas-relief. The wide Maslenitsa thunders in the estate to this day.

It’s better to take the metro to Volzhskaya station and walk, by train from the Kursky station to the Lyublino platform, or by bus No. 50 from the Tekstilshchiki metro station. The complex is open except Mondays from 10:00 to 18:00, the cost is 60 rubles.


The palace and park architectural ensemble of the turn of the 18th-19th centuries is the Marfino estate. The monument of Russian architecture was created through the efforts of boyar Golovin, S. Zaborsky, B.A. Golitsyn, Saltykov. A large stone palace, kennel, church, and pavilions have been preserved.

Prince Golitsyn named the estate in honor of his beloved daughter. The central house was built in pseudo-Gothic style. Available: a pond guarded by griffins, arch bridge, Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. There is a system of waterfalls connected by channels

The local beauty attracts filmmakers; “The Nest of Nobles,” “The Master and Margarita” and other films were filmed here.

There is an active military sanatorium in Marfino; it is almost impossible to enter the territory; a pass is required. But you can admire the two-story palace with its white stone staircase from the side of the pond.

You need to go by train from Savelovsky station to Catuar station, then by bus number 37. By car along Dmitrievskoye Highway until the turn to Marfino.


Chekhov's estate, built in 1894. The house, outbuilding, garden, vegetable garden and pond Aquarium welcome guests, as Anton Pavlovich once received them. Here he wrote his best plays; the whole flower of the Russian intelligentsia visited Melikhovo. Everything is imbued with the Chekhovian atmosphere, you need to plunge into it, catch the mood and enjoy visiting the exhibitions. You should definitely take part in the Melikhovo Spring festivities and festivals.

Museum-Reserve A.P. Chekhov in Melikhovo - the largest museum-reserve in Russia

Take the train from Kursky station to Melikhovo, then take bus number 25 from the bus station. To get there by car Simferopol highway.

Interesting fact: Melikhovo is open every day, except for the last Mondays and Fridays of the month. You should definitely attend the performances that take place on Saturdays in the summer.

Open from 10:00 to 17:00, you can walk around the estate for 60 rubles, with a tour for 160 rubles. The Saturday ticket is a single ticket and includes viewing of the performance.


Two outbuildings, a tower, gazebos, pieces of a fence - everything that has survived to this day from the Dashkov family estate, for which Bazhenov himself built the estate. Count Panin and the industrialist Grachev also lived here, but in Soviet times they set up a cloth factory here, not sparing the beauty of the places blessed by Catherine II.

The long-term owner of the estate S.D. Sheremetev once wrote: “...Mikhailovskoe reflects and unites the past with the present and future”...

The five Golovinsky ponds and fragments of the estate that remain from past times, considered a monument of architecture and landscape art, through the efforts of enterprising people in our time have turned into a recreation area with a cafe and places for swimming.

You can get to these blessed places by metro to Vodny Stan station. Address: Mikhalkovskaya street, 38. Everyone can see and touch the three-hundred-year-old oak trees, it’s free.


The Muranovo Estate Museum is the literary nest of F.I. Tyutchev, bears his name. The centuries-old history of literature from 1816 to 1918 could not but affect the appearance of the estate. The owners of the nest at different times were not random, but enlightened people: the Engelhards, the Boratynskys, the Putyatovs. The house has rooms of Tyutchev, Baratynsky, Aksakov, Gogol. The furnishings and interior items preserve the signs and moods of their time.

Muranovo Estate Museum named after. F.I. Tyutcheva - unique monument Russian noble culture XIX-early. XX centuries and the remarkable phenomenon of museum affairs in the 1920s and 1930s.

The park ensemble includes a church, an outbuilding, a children's house, a coachman's house, a barn, a gatehouse and an ironing house. The year 2006 was marked by misfortune: a fire severely damaged the buildings, but now everything has been restored.

touch national heritage countries can be visited daily by visiting the museum between ten and five o’clock in the evening. Monday is a day off. Located at 51 km of Yaroslavl highway. Take the train to Ashukinskaya station, then bus number 34 will take you to the Muranovo Museum.

Note: cost of visiting from 50 to 210 rubles. There are benefits.


It’s hard to believe, but the Ostankino estate museum is made of wood. The Sheremetyev Palace was built in 1584. The architectural ensemble includes a palace, the Trinity Church, a pleasure garden, exhibitions of paintings, and a museum of decorative and applied arts. In the palace there is a theater, an Egyptian hall, the office of Count Sheremetyev, and all this is in its original decoration.

The ensemble took shape over several centuries and was finally formed under Count N.P. Sheremetev at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries. Architects: Camporesi, Starov, Brenna

It is located on Ostankinskaya street, 5. You can get there by the VDNKh metro station or by taking a ride on the monorail tram.

You can make a preliminary request for a group visit. The cost is low, you can go to the park for 15 rubles, go to the museum for 100 rubles, and make a video for 200 rubles.


The Vyazemsky family nest was acquired in honor of the birth of their son Peter in 1792. The structure included the following: a huge house on the lake, a park, greenhouses, two bridges and a dam across the Lyubucha. Karamzin, Turgenev, Pushkin, Gogol were received here, and monuments to many were erected here.

Pushkin called this estate “Russian Parnassus” and often came here to visit the owner, the poet Prince Vyazemsky. Having written “Eugene Onegin,” Pushkin brought the work to the court of his friends here

The enlightened owner left behind a large library; here you can explore the office and an exhibition about the history of Ostafyevo. There are excursions about Russian medals and exciting walks in the park.

Do you know that: The museum opens from 10:00, closes at 17:00, the cost of visiting is 180 rubles. The park is open from 8:00 to 22:00, ticket price is 20 rubles.

Located in the south, near the capital. Go from Kursky station to Shcherbinka, by bus to Ostafyevo. Car route along Varshavka to Shcherbinka.


The ancient estate of the Razumovsky-Uvarovs Porechye was first mentioned in the 16th century. It flourished at the beginning of the 19th century, when a palace with a large glass belvedere grew up and 3,000 hectares of forest were planted. Under the leadership of Karl Trumeau, a famous agronomist and botanist, greenhouses and greenhouses were created. Books, over 70,000 copies, paintings by Raphael, Murillo, Scythian gold and much more made up the wealth of the estate.

The main house was built in the 1830s. according to the project of D. Gilardi and since then it has been rebuilt several times. The existing architectural appearance of Porechye was finally formed in the second half of the 19th century.

The revolution devastated Porechye, turning it into a production workshop; many exhibits were transported by Countess Uvarova to the Russian Museum and were preserved. After the destruction of the Great Patriotic War, Porechye was restored as a holiday home. Today the cultural monument is a closed sanatorium.

There is no entrance for visitors, but you can admire the beauty of the Inocha River, visit the church, and look at Porechye from afar by taking a train from the Belorussky station to Mozhaisk, then by bus to the sanatorium.


Semenovskoye-Otrada is the patrimony of the famous Orlov brothers. Vladimir was engaged in the arrangement of the estate after retiring. He supervised the construction of a grandiose palace, outbuildings, and greenhouses. He arranged the park with mouths and fountains and interior decoration. The ceiling, which belonged to the brush of K. Bryullov, the magnificent stucco molding, all this amazed the imagination.

In the village of Semenovskoye, Stupinsky district, Moscow region, on the banks of the Lopasnya River, there is an abandoned ancient estate of Count Orlov, striking in scale and scope, also known as “Semenovskoye-Otrada” - a pearl of Russian architecture of the 18th century

The largest noble estate is abandoned and in disrepair; the state does not yet have plans to restore it from the ruins. But if you want to look at the Orlovs’ tomb, you need to go to Mikhnevo from Paveletsky station, then by bus to the village of Semenovskoye.


Serednikovo belonged to the grandmother of the poet M.Yu. Lermontov. The poet's genius flourished here; here he wrote “The Demon” and many famous poems. In Serednikovo, the poet met his first love - Ekaterina Sushkova, to whom the Sushkovsky cycle is dedicated.

The mansion near Zelenograd is a monument of classicism. The highlight of the complex is the staircase leading from the porch of the house to the island on the pond

Today Serednikovo is a literary monument, and a monument of architecture and landscape art, consisting of 16 historical objects. Thematic excursions are held here and films are filmed. The history of the estate is amazing; Rachmaninov and Chaliapin visited here, walked down the white stone stairs to the ponds, and wandered around the park.

The cost of visits is low: 75 rubles to the park, 300 rubles to the museum, 150 to the film city. Children are admitted free of charge, and senior citizens receive discounts. You can get there from Leningradsky station to Firsanovka, then to Serednikovo. Opens to the public at 9:00, open until 22:00.


Sukhanovo was a gift from Peter I to boyar Streshnev, then it was owned by the Volkonskys. The renaissance of the estate occurred at a time when it was the Volkonskys, inviting famous architects Stasov and Gilardi, who built a large manor house and a park, the center of which was the temple-tomb of the owners of the estate.

Sukhanovo is a noble estate of the late 18th-19th centuries, which was transformed into a striking monument of Russian classicism by the care of Princess E. A. Volkonskaya, daughter of Catherine’s dignitary A. P. Melgunov

Today, a monument of Russian architecture, a garden and park complex with a bridge separating the world of the dead and the living, a crypt, a knight's castle, cast iron vases, stairs, rotundas and pavilions is abandoned and destroyed. The Hermitage pavilion and the sphinxes guarding the pond have disappeared.

You can see the ancient monument with your own eyes by reaching the towns of Vidnoye or Rastorguevo, then the village of Sukhanovo. Open on weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00, weekends from 9:00 to 18:00. Free admission.


Narrow is an estate owned by the Tolstoys, Golitsyns, and Trubetskoys. The name of the philosopher and thinker V. Solovyov is more associated with him. A large house, a beautiful park, a collection of paintings, furniture and household items that have survived to this day, according to B. Pasternak’s apt description, are “a house of unprecedented beauty.”

Those who get inside the manor house of the estate will be greeted by a rich exhibition: paintings of the 17th-20th centuries, pieces of furniture and interior design of the corresponding era. Pasternak once called the estate “a house of unprecedented beauty.”

The poetesses Akhmatova and Tsvetaeva visited here. They filmed the films “Anna Karenina” and “Burnt by the Sun”. The estate has been happily preserved to this day, but there is no access to the property of the Russian Academy of Sciences, you can only walk in the park, feed the birds and squirrels. Uzkoye is located on Profsoyuznaya Street, 123a, 123b. Konkovo ​​metro station.


The luxurious estate that belonged to the Cantemir princes, with greenhouses of peaches, grapes, lemons and other wonders, was chosen by Catherine II. So Black Mud changed its name, becoming Tsaritsyno. The residence of the Empress was located here, Bazhenov erected Bread Palace, M. Kazakov - Grand Palace. Among the attractions are the Small Palace, the Opera House, and the Big Bridge.

Today, the territory of the museum-reserve starts almost from the metro. When you go beyond the railway bridges, you immediately find yourself in the space of new squares and green areas

The restoration of 2007 restored Tsaritsino, alleys, paths, fountain, preserving the charm of deep antiquity. Open to the public from 17:00 to 19:00, except Mondays. Concerts and excursions are held here, there is a dance floor, and you can visit the cafe in the dungeon.

Take note: Riding bicycles, rollerblading, and entry with pets is prohibited. There is paid parking.

Admission is free; a comprehensive ticket to visit all attractions costs 650 rubles. Tsaritsyno is located on Dolskaya street, Tsaritsyno metro station, then walk to the entrance from the greenhouse. Parking on Tyurin.


Shakhmatovo, located near Solnechnogorsk, - memorial museum Mendeleev and Blok. It belonged to the poet’s grandfather A.N. Beketov. Having married, A. Blok settled here with his family and lived until the revolution. The poet cast his last glance at his refuge in 1916; the abandoned and looted house, which was once overhauled by the poet and named Valhalla, struck him to the core. A fire in 1921 completed the devastation of the estate.

Shakhmatovo is a real “corner of paradise not far from Moscow.” This is exactly how the famous owner, the unfading star of the Russian literary firmament, one of the brilliant poets of the Silver Age, Alexander Blok, described the surroundings of his estate in Shakhmatovo.

Today Shakhmatovo has been restored and is operating permanent exhibitions, there are exhibitions, here you can see the piano that Rachmaninov played, a gastronomic exhibition, interactive exhibition house of the Beketov-Bloks, taste the dishes included in family menu from antique dishes.

It is important to know: Video and photography are prohibited on the territory of the estate. The estate is open daily, except Monday and Tuesday, from 9:30 to 17:30. The cost of the excursion for 20 people is 800 rubles, the entrance ticket is 25 rubles, the interactive has its own cost.

You can get there by train from Leningradsky Station to Podsolnechnaya. You can get from the Vodny Stadium metro station to Solnechnogorsk, then to the village of Tarakanovo, then walk to Shakhmatovo 3 km, Boblovo 11 km. To avoid getting lost, it is better to take a map with you. Automobile route along Leningradka to Solnechnogorsk.

Abandoned estates of the Moscow region

There are many abandoned estates that look sad, but they were built by wonderful enthusiasts, heroes of their time. What is Semenovskoe-Paradise worth, the failed Russian Baden-Baden.

Even from afar, when approaching or approaching Rai-Semenovsky, a memorable view of the Nara Valley opens up, where the majestic Church of the Savior reigns over the surrounding area:

Much can be said about the Herman House, abandoned on the Dolgoprudny estate, turned into a tuberculosis hospital, and subsequently abandoned; estate of Lyakhovo princes Vasilchikov; Konstantinov, the estate of the Romodanovskys. Pushchino-on-Nara, a rare monument of classicism that belonged to the Vyazemskys, was abandoned. The same fate befell the Chernyshev family nest, the Sheremetyev estate Mikhailovskoye, and the Meshchersky castle of Alabino.

Destroyed architectural monuments, erased from the face of the earth, references to bygone eras do not honor the state and its citizens. Only unovergrown folk trails will make it possible to stop the process of destruction and leave beautiful examples of past eras in the memory of descendants.

Watch a video showing estates in Moscow and the Moscow region:

Let's start with the most popular estate in the Moscow region. Having gone west along the Novorizhskoe highway for 3-4 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road towards the Moscow region, and then along Ilyinsky for about 1 km, we find ourselves in amazing place– State Museum-Estate Arkhangelskoye.

Now this luxurious place with an area of ​​800 hectares attracts everyone who wants to spend quality time in nature. This is not surprising; Arkhangelskoye has chic parks, alleys and squares that create the atmosphere of past centuries. Once here, you can feel like a prince or princess.

A remarkable fact is that Arkhangelskoye was previously called Upolozye. It sounds strange, but this is explained by the surname Upolotsky - one of the owners of the estate. For decades, the estate belonged to one noble family and then to another. The story of each of them is unique. Few estates in the Moscow region can boast of such beauty and scope.

Thanks to the interesting architectural solutions in the Arkhangelskoye Palace, it is called the “Versailles of the Moscow Region.” Every year a jazz festival was held in Arkhangelskoye, in which eminent jazzmen, singers and musicians from different countries.

Serednikovo Estate

Serednikovo is located 19 km from the Moscow Ring Road and about 40 minutes by car, in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region. The Serednikovo estate is closely connected with Russian history and literature. It was here that Mikhail Lermontov wrote his youthful poems. Fyodor Chaliapin loved to sing in the oval hall with excellent acoustics.

In 1992, the estate was leased to the Lermontov Association, which is headed by the poet’s descendants. Today this place is an elite center of cultural and social life. It is open for business meetings, festive events, wedding celebrations and just a pleasant stay.

Initially, Serednikovo was called differently - Goretov Stan, after the name of the Goretovka River. In the center of the area there was a settlement called Srednikovo, which later became known as Serednikovo.

Sukhanovo Estate

A 20-minute drive from the Moscow Ring Road and 1.5 km from the town of Vidnoye in the Moscow region, Sukhanovo is a classic 19th-century estate. Situated on the banks of the Gvozdyanka River in the Moscow region, Sukhanovo is a striking example of Russian classicism, built according to all the canons of architecture of that time.

The Sukhanovo estate is a long story that tells the story of the Volkonsky family of princes, who were born here, went to work from here, returned and improved their estate life.

Unfortunately, like many estates in the Moscow region, almost no one looks after Sukhanovo and the building is dilapidated, and most likely it will simply disappear in the near future. But if you want to feel the spirit of the 19th century in the Moscow region, then be sure to visit this place.

Marfino Estate

27 km and 40 minutes along the Dmitrovskoe highway from the ring road - that’s exactly how long it will take to get to Marfino in the Mytishchi district of the Moscow region. Most estates are built on the banks of the river and Marfino is no exception; it is located next to the Ucha River in the Moscow region.

The first mention of the estate in the Moscow region dates back to the 15th century. At that time, the Moscow Principality was just gaining its strength and the hilly terrain on the high bank of the small river Ucha was granted for service to one of the representatives of the Shibrin family, nicknamed Shibra.

It was after his name that the previously nameless village was called Shchibrino or Shibrino. It was renamed Marfino in the 18th century. Marfino owes her Gothic look to Countess Panina and the architect Bykovsky. Before Panina, the land was owned in different years by the Galitsyns, Saltykovs, and Orlovs.

Abramtsevo Estate

Abramtsevo spreads over 50 hectares in the north-east of the Moscow region, near the Vori River. Drive to it 60 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Yaroslavskoye Highway. At all times, famous people owned estates; Abramtsevo was no exception. The owners of the estate in the Moscow region were the writer Aksakov and the industrialist Mamontov. After the October Revolution, Abramtsevo passed into the hands of the state and was converted into a museum. The museum has tens of thousands of exhibits: monuments, sculptures, paintings, photographs, archives and more.

Melikhovo Estate

Melikhovo, and now the state literary and memorial museum-reserve of A.P. Chekhov, is located in the city of Chekhov, Moscow region. From the Moscow Ring Road the travel time will take about 1 hour and 66 km along the Simferopol highway. The writer stayed here with his parents and relatives in 1892-1899. Before going to Crimea, the writer sold his estate in the Moscow region, and after the Bolsheviks came to power, it fell into disrepair. Nowadays, this is one of the main museums in Russia dedicated to Chekhov.

Dubrovitsy Estate

The estate gained fame under Boris Alekseevich Golitsyn, the same one who was the mentor, and at that time the uncle of Tsarevich Peter Alekseevich. He saved his life, and for this Peter, having ascended the throne, awarded him a boyar’s cap and gave him the Kazan Prikaz, and with it the entire Volozhye region, into his possession. According to the historian Klyuchevsky, Golitsyn ruled him as absolutely as if he were a sovereign.

Naturally, over the centuries, estates in the Moscow region have experienced different owners. The first mention of the Dubrovitsky volost dates back to 1182. The census book of 1627 reports: the ancient patrimony of the village of Dubrovitsa belongs to the boyar Ivan Vasilyevich Morozov.

Ivan Vasilyevich’s daughter, Aksenya, married Prince Golitsyn and the estate had new owners. Then there was Potemkin. Our time has gone much further - today the palace in Dubrovitsy has three owners at the same time: the Institute of Animal Husbandry, the Civil Registry Office and the Council of Veterans of the Podolsk District.

Like Melikhovo, Dubrovitsy is located 1 hour from the ring road and 23 km along the Simferopol highway. The noble estate is located in the Podolsk district of the Moscow region on the banks of the Pakhra and Desna rivers. The estate housed the Podolsk registry office and the Trapeznaya restaurant. Read more about this place in our review “Dubrovitsy Estate”.

Muranovo Estate

The history of the most homely estate in the Moscow region began recently, in 1816. Then there was an unremarkable house here, which was bought by the family of retired Major General Engelhardt. It was in this place that the former military man wrote his memoirs about his service for the glory of Catherine the Great.

Exactly 10 years after buying the house, his eldest daughter, Anastasia, began writing memoirs about her life and married the famous poet of that time, Boratynsky, allowing him to discover the talent of an architect, which the groom did not even know about before the wedding.

Boratynsky did not hire architects, he studied architecture himself, prepared a design for a large house and began construction. Boratynsky builds a house with all the amenities of English comfort, soundly, but on the principle of complete economy. Our own timber is sawn in our own saw mill, and bricks are produced in our own factory, which operated here in Muranovo.

As a result, according to Boratynsky’s design, the house had 18 rooms, 16 stoves, 2 fireplaces, 3 wooden stairs and winter Garden from the south side. True, so far only half of everything available is shown to visitors. Unfortunately, the owner himself was only able to live in the house for 1 year, as he was dying of a broken heart. The estate passes to Putyat, and then to Tyutchev. Fyodor Ivanovich himself never lived here, but his son did.

The family estate of F.I. Tyutchev is located 1.5 hours from the Moscow ring road and 50 km along the Yaroslavl highway. Now there is a museum-reserve named after the poet, where you can book a tour and stroll through the places of poetry and romance. Unfortunately, like many estates in the Moscow region, Muranovo does not have enough funds to restore the park area, but the museum staff is doing everything possible to preserve this unique architectural ensemble.

Shakhmatovo Estate

One famous writer wrote: “In this place nature itself was creating before the eyes of the Russian poet.” Andrei Nikolaevich Beketov, grandfather of the poet Alexander Blok, purchased the estate in 1874 on the advice of his best friend and colleague Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev. Settled here previously 9 years ago. We bought this corner of paradise for just the annual salary of a professor of botany - 5,000 silver.

Shakhmatovo is an old estate, known since the 17th century. Alexander Blok was first brought here in 1881, when he was six months old. And already at the age of 5-6 he began to write the first lines. Since the age of 8, the poet has been writing down his short works, poems and stories. The way of life of the Beketova family was literary. The grandmother of the family was a translator, she knew 5 foreign languages, the grandfather knew 2 languages, was a professor of botany, the aunts also did translations.

The estate in the Moscow region is a state memorial museum-reserve of D. I. Mendeleev and A. A. Blok. You can get to the museum in 1.5 hours, driving along the Leningradskoe highway from the Moscow Ring Road for 50 km to the Vertlinskoe highway, and then along it for about 22 km. The museum-reserve has a huge territory of 307 hectares. Excursions are held here on an ongoing basis, but keep in mind that the area is open and it would be a good idea to wear comfortable shoes and find out the weather forecast for the day of the event.

These were the most popular estates in the Moscow region. Don't be lazy to meet them in person!

The Kuskovo estate is truly beautiful - the luxurious summer residence of the Sheremetyevs has a well-preserved palace and pavilions, the only regular French park in Moscow with flower beds and many sculptures, and a large pond.

The main buildings in the estate were erected in the 18th century by Count Pyotr Borisovich Sheremetyev. He often called the land that he inherited from his father a “piece” - hence the name of the estate. Kuskovo has another name - Versailles near Moscow.

Already from the entrance there are wonderful views of manicured lawns, neatly trimmed trees and beautiful architectural structures.

The current manor church of the All-Merciful Savior. The spire of the nearby bell tower is very reminiscent of the architectural designs of the St. Petersburg Admiralty and the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Angel on the roof of the church.

The palace in the Kuskovo estate museum, built in the style of early classicism with Baroque elements, is wooden.

Two ramps for the entry of carriages, ending with figures of sphinxes, lead to the entrance.

An intricate monogram is one of the decorations of the palace.

Both famous architects of the time and serf craftsmen were involved in the construction of the palace and pavilions.

Pyramid on the shore of a pond. I didn't really understand its purpose. Maybe a sundial?

The Dutch house was built in honor of Peter the Great. The interior decoration was brought from Holland and is completely preserved.

On a sunny day, photos in Kuskovo turn out simply beautiful.

Not far from the Dutch House, I saw a photo shoot near the Hermitage pavilion:

Classical music in a beautiful setting:

A wedding in Kuskovo is very beautiful and romantic.

The central part of the French regular park.

The statues mostly depict lions, Roman heroes and gods. There are more than 60 of them in total.

The park is decorated not only with sculptures, but also with flowers.

Stone greenhouse, built by serf architect F.S. Argunov. Balls were held in the central part, and in the glass wings of the winter gardens they walked among tropical plants.

Another park pavilion, the Italian House, looks like a small palace.

The elegant Grotto is reflected in the waters of the Italian Pond. Its interior decoration with mother-of-pearl shells is amazing.

This beautiful pavilion was the place where Empress Catherine II dined during her visit to the Sheremetyev estate in 1774.

In the summer, the hospitable Sheremetyevs often held balls that attracted the entire flower of the Moscow nobility: up to 30 thousand guests were present at especially luxurious evenings. There was a lot of entertainment: boating on the large estate pond, theatrical opera and ballet performances, parades, orchestra performances, fireworks. The Count Sheremetyev Theater was considered the best in Moscow.

In the last decade of the 18th century, the serf actress Praskovya Zhemchugova, to whom N.P. was partial, shone on the Kuskovo stage. Sheremetyev. In 1800, the count and the actress moved to Ostankino, and Kuskovo was forgotten. Only decades later did his son revive the former luxury.

After the revolution, the Sheremetyevo estate escaped the fate of most noble estates - it was declared a museum-reserve and subsequently a porcelain museum was located here. Nowadays, classical music concerts and exhibitions are regularly held here.

How to get to Kuskovo

On public transport: Ryazansky Prospekt metro station, then take bus 133 or 208 to the Kuskovo Museum stop.

By car: Moscow, Yunosti Street, building 2. On weekends, it’s better to arrive before the opening - then it will be difficult to park.

Coordinates: 55°44’11″N 37°48’34″E

Opening hours

  • Park territory - from 10-00 to 18-00 (the ticket office is open until 17-30)
  • Palace, Dutch House - from 10-00 to 16-00
  • Hermitage, Large stone greenhouse - from 10-00 to 18-00
  • Monday and Tuesday are days off.
  • The last Wednesday of every month is sanitary day.

Ticket prices

The estate museum takes part in the action of the Moscow Department of Culture “Museums - free on the third Sunday of every month.”

On normal days, entrance to the territory and museums is paid:

  • Entrance to the park - 50 rubles
  • Palace - 250 rubles
  • Large stone greenhouse with exhibitions - 150 rubles
  • Dutch house - 100 rubles
  • Italian house - 100 rubles
  • Hermitage - 50 rubles
  • Single ticket for all pavilions - 700 rubles

During the fire of 1812, the park burned almost completely. Now some parts of the old layout remain in the garden and some trees have been standing since the beginning of the park. In the 19th century, exotic plants from Gorensky were added to them botanical garden Count Razumovsky and the garden on Vorobyovy Gory.

Place: Prospekt Mira metro station

2. Hermitage Garden

The garden, which has become one of the brightest pearls of Moscow. Tolstoy and Lenin loved to stroll through this garden, and even now Muscovites like to attend numerous festivals and concerts held in the Hermitage. Here you can not only walk along the alleys, but also feed almost tame squirrels or pigeons.

Broadcasts of “What? Where? When?", which are conducted from here - from Neskuchny Garden. And in winter, a skating rink opens in the garden, which has become one of the favorite places of Moscow residents

Place: Karetny Ryad St., 3

3. Tsaritsyno

A park with palaces in the south of Moscow, founded by Catherine II in 1776.

Tsaritsyno is the largest pseudo-Gothic building of the 18th century in Europe and the only palace complex designed in this style. The features of the palace and park ensemble largely determined a new direction in Russian architecture: in different parts of the former Russian Empire there are many buildings of the late 18th and early 19th centuries that were created under the influence of Tsaritsyn.

The Tsaritsyn landscape park, founded together with the palace complex, became one of the first landscape parks in Russia outside the St. Petersburg palace and park ensembles.

Place: Tsaritsino metro station

4. Bauman Garden

Movies are shown on a semicircular stage, and garlands of multi-colored triangular flags are strung between the trees. The paths are tiled (you can't roller skate), there are large semicircular benches everywhere, it's clean and tidy. Mostly parents walk with their children, for whom there are two large playgrounds with a carousel, slides and bridges. On holidays and weekends, matinees and festivities for children are organized, and the program is posted on the wall at the entrance. The downside is that there are a lot of people with dogs in the evenings

Place: Krasnye Vorota metro station

5. Lilac Garden

The Lilac Garden was founded in 1975 on the basis of a nursery established in 1964 by Russian lilac breeder Leonid Alekseevich Kolesnikov, the driver of Marshal Zhukov. The initial number of lilac varieties is 32, the initial area of ​​the park is 7 hectares.

L.A. Kolesnikov was an outstanding breeder; he developed 300 new varieties. His lilacs decorate the squares near the US Congress in Washington, the garden of the Royal Buckingham Palace in London (the variety "Galina Ulanova" with light, weightless inflorescences) and the Taynitsky Garden of the Kremlin. In 1952, he received the Stalin Prize "For the development of a large number of new varieties of lilac." Then they were dropped off at the Kremlin. In 1960, the boulevard in Moscow was named Lilac, where Leonid Kolesnikov planted his lilacs with schoolchildren.

A fountain was built in the center of the garden for the 1980 Olympics, but for many years the fountain did not work (although in the early 2000s the fountain did work for several months).

Location: between Sirenev Blvd., Shchelkovsky Highway. and Nikitinskaya st.

More than 700 sculptural works made of bronze, stone, wood and other materials are exhibited in the Muzeon Art Park. The uniqueness of the park lies in the fact that it is the only place in Russia where works of art from different eras and movements are collected. open air.

Place: Krymsky Val, 10.

7. Presnensky Park

The advantages of the park are its recent reconstruction, modern playgrounds, sports complex, and funny sculptures. Not far from the entrance to the park, on the playground there was a huge chessboard right on the ground and wooden chess pieces.

Address: st. Mantulinskaya, 5, building 2, metro station Vystavochnaya

8. Krasnaya Presnya

It’s a very cozy park that you’ll want to come to early in the morning - first, slowly have breakfast and throw bread crumbs at the well-fed ducks. True, the higher the sun, the more children there are in the park - in general, there are no other places for walks in this area. On weekends, there are mass entertainers working on the main square of the park. Parents can send their child to dance in a circle and quietly drink coffee.

As always happens, the park occupied the territory of an old estate. It was called Studenets, and its owners were, in turn, representatives of the most famous families in Russia. Each of them put something of their own into the estate: Prince Gagarin dug a labyrinth of canals, and Governor General Zakrevsky built a beautiful house and placed monuments to the heroes of the Patriotic War in all corners of the estate. However, only two monuments have survived to this day; and the canals are fairly overgrown with mud.

Place: Mantulinskaya, 5, metro st. 1905 Goda

9. Lefortovo

Contemporaries rightly and completely without any irony called this park Versailles on the Yauza. A great lover of landscape gardening, Tsar Peter I developed the local area on a grand scale: cascades of ponds, fountains, grottoes, dams. Lefortovo Park is one of the few landscapes in the capital that has benefited significantly from the construction of the Third Transport Ring.

Due to the fact that the ring route passed in the neighborhood, attention was paid to the abandoned and desolate park and they began to slowly put it in order. True, the reconstruction project, as always, includes an underground parking lot for a couple of hundred cars. But this is already a tradition, and traditions must be respected.

So far, Lefortovo Park still retains its homeless charm.

Location: Krasnokazarmennaya, 3, building 1, Aviamotornaya metro station.

10. Neskuchny Garden

If the nearby Gorky Park is a place for a collective, cheerful holiday with jokes and jokes, then Neskuchny is a place for romantic dates, kisses on the embankment and melancholic contemplation of the clouds.

11. Vorontsovsky Park

The park is located on the territory of the former Vorontsovo estate, which belonged to many people. The name of the area comes from the name of the boyar Fyodor Voronets, who was granted these lands in the 16th century, and has nothing to do with the famous count family. But this is one of the most well-groomed Moscow parks, with thoughtful paths, benches generously placed here and there, squirrels, woodpeckers, field mice and a wonderful cascade of ponds, a rare phenomenon for Moscow park design. In winter - ice skating (there is an official skating rink with rentals) and cross-country skiing (the ski track appears in exactly the same place every year).

The most convenient way to get there is by bus 616 or 721 from the station. m. New Cheryomushki, or on foot from the station. m. Kaluzhskaya, or from the station. m. Prospekt Vernadskogo by bus 661.

12. Dubki Park

The park has an open layout and a developed network of paths and paths. It is located away from noisy highways and highways. On the territory of Dubki Park there are two ponds, which are connected by a three-meter channel, over which there is a bridge.

The highlight of the park is the oak alley and the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It will be pleasant to stroll along the alley at any time of the year.

Place: st. Nemchinov, m. Timiryazevskaya

13. Bitsevsky forest.

Bitsevsky Park is located in the southwest of Moscow and is a specially protected natural area. The park area is more than 2000 hectares. The natural historical park included natural objects, which have significant environmental value. Scientists note the complex geological structure of the park. It has a variety of forest types, an extensive network of rivers, and many ravines and gullies.

Location: Novoyasenevsky dead end, 1, Yasenevo metro station

14. Catherine Park.

This Moscow park is part of the Tsarskoye Selo imperial residence and is part of the complex of landscape gardening monuments in Russia. The area of ​​the park is 16 hectares, and the area of ​​the pond located on its territory is about two hectares. It extends in a west-east direction and includes a small island.

The park has comfortable benches - sofas, forms - floor lamps, as well as decorative lower lighting. On their wedding day, young Muscovites plan a festive walk route so that it includes a trip to Catherine Park. Nothing can replace the romantic atmosphere that reigns there.

Place: Ekaterinskaya Bol. st., 27, metro station Novoslobodskaya/Prospekt Mira

15. New parks in the center of Moscow

Several completely new parks will appear in the center of Moscow this summer, their area will range from 0.5 to 4 hectares. All work must be completed by August 25. The following addresses are assumed:

- st. Pokrovka, house 48

— corner of 3rd and 4th Syromyatnichesky lane

— Pestovsky lane, building 11

— Martynovsky lane, house 21

- st. Baumanskaya, house 36

- st. Stanislavsky

- st. Working

- st. Novorogozhskaya

Ancient estates of the Moscow region.

1. Ostafievo.

A manor house and a regular park where famous Russian poets visited. It is no coincidence that Pushkin called Ostafyevo “Russian Parnassus” (they say that it was the poet who got the name of the estate: having arrived one day, he did not order the servant to carry his luggage, but simply said, “Leave him!”). On the shore of the pond is the Church of the Holy Trinity.

2. Arkhangelskoe.

The Arkhangelskoye estate is undoubtedly the most popular noble estate in the Moscow region. A real Versailles near Moscow, with a regular park, an estate, a temple-tomb, and a view of the Moscow River. The museum constantly hosts exhibitions of painting and drawing. Every year the estate hosts the jazz festival “Usadba Jazz”.

3. Abramtsevo.

Aksakov’s estate, later owned by Savva Mamontov, is a real fairy tale. The most famous place with the best view is Vrubel’s bench. There is also a church and a “hut on chicken legs”, whose design belongs to Vasnetsov. Outside the estate there are trays with interesting hand-made souvenirs, as well as a good restaurant with views, a small menagerie, and children's playgrounds.

4. Dubrovitsy

Estate near Podolsk. This estate throughout the Moscow region is famous for its Church of the Sign of the Lord (VII-VIII centuries). Unique architecture (the temple has one dome, pillar-shaped structure), good location - all this makes visiting the estate a pleasant walk.

5. Serednikovo

A beautiful estate near Zelenograd, an example of classicism, the center of culture of M.Yu. Lermontov. A manor house, a garden, a pond, but the main attraction is the staircase going down behind the house to the pond. There are islands in the middle of the pond. Picturesque at any time of the year. Residents of Zelenograd and the northern Moscow region actively use the park as a recreation place. A unique service - you can spend a weekend at the manor as a guest (stay in the guest outbuildings, dine in the manor halls).

6. Marfino

A real castle in the Moscow region, in a medieval pseudo-Gothic style. A pond with an island, an arched bridge, a system of canals with waterfalls. The estate, which once belonged to B.A. Golitsyn (the estate was named after the daughter of Prince Marfa), is now occupied by a military sanatorium. It’s not easy to get inside - but it’s possible (it’s better not to try to negotiate with the sanatorium security, but to go into the territory of the village, keep to the left - you’ll easily find the necessary gate, which is easy to overcome). The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary has been preserved. There are rentals of catamarans, boats, and cafes.

7. Grebnevo

The estate has been known since 1585; it belonged to the Trubetskoys for a long time. But its heyday came during the ownership of General Bibikov, who set up a theater in the Grebnevo estate near Moscow, invited an orchestra, and performed ballets. Behind the linden park, two churches have been preserved - the Grebnevskaya Mother of God (late 8th century) and Nikolskaya (19th century). Their preservation is much better than that of the manor house. In the second half of the 19th century, the estate was bought by the industrialist Panteleev, who located vitriol and distilleries here.