Why did Moldova decide to expel five Russian embassy employees? Moldovan authorities expelled Russian diplomats from the country

12:39 — REGNUM The expulsion of Russian diplomats from Moldova is “a disgusting, unfriendly act committed by [the leader of the ruling Democratic Party] Plahotniuc and his system of “Moldovan power,” said the leader of the Moldovan opposition “Our Party”, Mayor of Balti Renato Usatii, the correspondent reports IA REGNUM.

Usatii noted that on the same day that Russian diplomats were declared persona non grata, the formal president, prime minister and speaker of parliament voiced a common position on the Transnistrian settlement. “In the press communications, written as a carbon copy, Dodon, Candu and Philip were the authorities and the “top leadership”, but after an hour or two one of them [Dodon] was asked to be the opposition, cowardly and unconvincing. And, of course, Dodon did not pronounce the name of the author of the diplomatic scandal, again referring to Plahotniuc in the plural as “European unionists,” noted the leader of Our Party.

“The panic, hypocrisy and servility of this so-called president are harming the country,” the politician continued. “His main crime is that he does not take any measures against Plahotniuc and does not intend to do so. Dodon not only does not fight him, but shields him in every possible way. And now he blames everything on the “West,” saying that the expulsion of diplomats could have been inspired “from overseas.” At the same time, knowing full well about the game of Plahotniuc, who is based on the contradictions between East and West, scaring the “Washington and Brussels regional committees” with “Russian tanks.” Watching this game to destroy Moldova, Dodon quietly continues to play his role: he appoints Plahotniuc’s judges, provides him with control over Moldova-Gaz, and helps change the electoral system. Without declaring war on Plahotniuc, he is accompanying Moldova to the edge of the abyss.”

“The real president, and even the one who calls himself pro-Russian, should have called a spade a spade: Plahotniuc is expelling diplomats and measures must be taken against him personally,” Usatii believes. — For example, terminate the contract with the oligarch for rebroadcasting Channel One (The Russian First Channel in Moldova rebroadcasts the Prime TV channel, owned by Plahotniuc - approx. IA REGNUM) , thanks to which the entire Plahotniukov media dump feeds; deprive him of control over Moldova-gaz (a joint Moldovan-Russian enterprise controlled by Gazprom is headed by Plahotniuc’s man Vasile Botnari - approx. IA REGNUM) , to investigate the legality of Plahotniuc’s acquisition of Russian citizenship. But the Moldovan president does not demand any of this. He is in complete consensus with the oligarchic clan, content with the opportunity to engage in PR at the expense of Plahotniuc’s provocations. The current one will last for a long time: Dodon will brand “Eurounionists”, talk about the machinations of Washington, and in early June, from the rostrum of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, he may even declare himself a Moldovan fighter against the corrupting influence of the West. He is allowed to do this (the main thing is not to pronounce that very last name), because Plahotniuc is happy to use Dodon’s speeches to convince his interlocutors from the EU and the USA of the reality of the Russian threat. This is the game. The problem is that it is being carried out only to keep Plahotniuc in power, and the longer he makes progress in this game, the worse it is for the country,” Usatii concluded.

The Party of Communists of Moldova also issued a statement noting that the expulsion of Russian diplomats is “an unprecedented demarche that in one way or another benefits all “partners in power” - both the Democratic Party and the Socialist Party.” “The Democratic Party confirms its reputation as an “anti-Russian” and, therefore, according to current geopolitical logic, a pro-European, pro-Western political force. The Socialist Party and the so-called “President” Dodon receive additional opportunities for cheap PR as a “pro-Russian” force. The government of the Democratic Party is bending over backwards to restore the financial favor of the European Commission and unfreeze 100 million in “aid” to the Republic of Moldova. The so-called president and de facto leader of the Socialist Party, Dodon, hopes that in the heat of the next geopolitical scandal, his agreement with the PDM regarding changes to the Electoral Code will be forgotten,” the PCRM statement says.

“We note with regret that both the so-called “democrats” and the so-called “socialists” are extremely interested in the split of Moldovan society along geopolitical lines, which will certainly worsen after the scandalous step against Russian diplomats. We remind you that according to the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, the foreign policy of the state is the prerogative of the president of the country. And, if Dodon considers himself president, then the anti-Russian demarche of the Moldovan authorities is also on his conscience,” the communists note.

And they remind you that the current Moldovan government was finally formed as anti-Russian after Dodon elected Russophobe and unionist Nikolai Timofti to the post of president: “Dodon has repeatedly lent his shoulder and maintained anti-Russian power in Moldova. In 2012, in violation of the current legislation, Nikolai Timofti was elected with his hands, which allowed anti-Russian forces to avoid early elections, in which they would inevitably lose. In 2016, he directly participated in the constitutional coup, which helped to reduce the intensity of mass protests that could have ended with the removal of anti-Russian forces from power. Today, by voting together with the ruling Democratic Party for a mixed system of parliamentary elections, Dodon is once again helping the anti-Russian PDM retain power after 2018. Indeed, despite different “geopolitical preferences” on the main issue of domestic politics, the issue of changing the voting system, Dodon’s “socialists” and Plahotniuc’s “democrats” continue to act in concert.”

The Party of Communists emphasizes that the actions of the Moldovan authorities towards Russia are absolutely satisfactory for both Dodon and the socialists, as well as “the further split of Moldovan society for the usurpation of power, which is carried out in full agreement by the democrats and socialists.”

As reported IA REGNUM, Moldovan authorities on May 29 declared five employees of the Russian Embassy in Chisinau persona non grata. The Russian Ambassador in Chisinau, Farit Mukhametshin, was demanded that Russian diplomats leave Moldova within 72 hours. The reasons for the decision are not stated.

Moldovan President Igor Dodon condemned the “outrageous gesture towards our strategic partner the Russian Federation.” However, the president, who has decorative powers in Moldova, cannot do anything in this regard except express indignation.

The Russian Foreign Ministry called Moldova’s demarche a paradoxical situation characteristic of the internal situation in the republic itself. It has not yet been announced what Moscow's response measures will be.

The Moldovan authorities declared five diplomats from the Russian embassy persona non grata and ordered them to leave the country within 24 hours. This information has already been confirmed by the Russian Ambassador to Moldova Farit Mukhametshin. At the same time, the country's President Igor Dodon condemned the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldova (MIDEI), Interfax reports.

As the agency notes, among the expelled diplomats was assistant military attache Alexander Grudin. In March of this year, Moldovan intelligence services publicly accused him of recruiting and receiving secret information from former member of the Moldovan parliament Iurie Bolboceanu. The ex-parliamentarian was arrested on March 17 on charges of treason and espionage.

The decision to expel Russian diplomats has already been confirmed by MFAEI press secretary Anna Samson. However, she refused to specify which diplomats she was talking about. Igor Dodon, in turn, said that the government’s decision to declare five Russians persona non grata is a provocation.

“I understand that the Eurounionists are irritated by the president’s successes achieved in recent months and have decided to engage in direct provocations, which carry the risk of a significant deterioration in Moldovan-Russian relations,” he announced (quoted by RIA Novosti).

Dodon also warned the local authorities that “their decision to get involved in the geopolitical “games” of Brussels and Washington, as well as the “games” of NATO military structures in this region is very dangerous.”

“I am sure that they do not understand what price our country will have to pay and what a difficult and risky situation they can put our country and our people in. They took this rude step, which will not remain without negative consequences,” the President of Moldova concluded.

Let us note that in Moldova the confrontation continues between the president, who wants rapprochement with Moscow, and the pro-European majority in the government and parliament. In March of this year, local deputies recommended that official representatives of Moldova not travel to Russia. The head of state, in turn, assured that he would not refuse a visit to Moscow and would insist on a strategic partnership between the two countries.

Chisinau then stated that when attempting to cross the Russian border, Moldovan officials were stopped and subjected to “humiliating” searches, and their status was questioned. According to Moldovan parliamentarians, at least 25 officials of the republic have been treated in this way over the past few months.

Shortly before this, Dodon decided on his candidacy for the post of Ambassador of Moldova to Russia - his adviser on foreign policy issues, MP from the Socialist Party Andrei Neguta, whom he called his man. Neguta already served as Ambassador of Moldova to Russia in 2008-2012.

Earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers of Moldova recalled Dmitry Bragish, the republic’s ambassador to Russia, who also holds the post of diplomatic representative in Tajikistan. The reasons were not given, but the media learned that the decision was related to the confrontation between Dodon and the pro-European government.

Dodon took office as President of Moldova on December 23. According to his election program, he intends to restore the strategic partnership with Russia, return Moldovan products to the Russian market and normalize cooperation in the energy sector. Earlier, he said that Moldova “vitally needs to restore relations with Russia.” The Moldovan government is headed by Pavel Filip, a member of the Democratic Party of Moldova, which advocates integration with the European Union and the West in general.

The President of Moldova spoke about the consequences of the enslaving association agreement with the EU and the rapprochement of the republic with Russia, speaking at a forum in St. Petersburg.

The Association Agreement with the European Union, signed in 2014 by Moldova, and the creation of a free trade area with asymmetric conditions in favor of EU producers have resulted in negative consequences for our country and people. This was stated by the President of Moldova Igor Dodon, speaking at the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg.

We were promised milk rivers and jelly banks. 3 years have passed, and here is the result: we lost two-thirds of exports to Russia in 2014-2016, investments fell 2-3 times, the level of corruption is growing. It turned out as people say: “It was smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines and walked along them,” he noted.

According to the head of state, “after 8 years of pro-European and clearly anti-Russian policies, this year we began to correct the situation.” Thus, Moldova returned to the strategic dialogue with Russian partners, and economic cooperation resumed.

Thus, in the first quarter of this year, export growth amounted to 42%: apples - 7 times, wine - 5 times. We began to solve the problems of migrants, signed an agreement with the EAEU and intend to obtain observer status, remembered the words of Confucius - we began to make plans together, because we have the same paths, a common past (the first diplomatic relations date back to the end of the 15th century), a common centuries-old history (common Dmitry Cantemir, who was the closest adviser to Peter the Great, the founder of this wonderful, magnificent city). We have a common Orthodox faith: 98% of Moldovan citizens are Orthodox Christians, and the Moldovan Church is part of the Moscow Orthodox Church. We have a common victory in the Great Patriotic War, and no one can take that away from us,” the president said.

He emphasized that many people do not like this, and therefore provocations followed: diplomatic scandals, expulsion of diplomats. According to Dodon, the authors of these scenarios are trying to provoke a new break in relations and interfere with the President of Moldova.

But I am sure that we will get through all this. We will consistently defend our interests and restore strategic partnership. It is fundamentally important to strengthen statehood, unite the country, move away from globalization, in which Moldova has no place, we will simply be ground into powder - our economy, our traditions, and our faith. To achieve glocalization, to be together in those regional associations, with those countries with which we have a common past and a common future,” the head of state added.

Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin stated that the anti-Russian actions of the Moldovan authorities of President Dodon.

News on Notepad-Moldova

The Moldovan authorities declared five employees of the Russian Embassy persona non grata. Their names are not mentioned. According to Kommersant, one of them is assistant military attache Alexander Grudin. His name became known after the arrest of ex-member of the Moldovan Parliament Yuri Bolboceanu, who is accused of espionage and treason. President of Moldova Igor Dodon, who is in conflict with Prime Minister Pavel Filip, perceived this decision extremely negatively, saying: such an “outrageous gesture” was made “on orders from the West, maybe even from overseas.”

Local media reported the decision of the Moldovan authorities to expel five Russian diplomats with reference to the country's Foreign Ministry. The names of the diplomats, as well as the reason for the decision, have not yet been explained. Russian Ambassador to Moldova Farit Mukhametshin confirmed this information, but also refrained from giving details. He told NewsMaker.md that the corresponding note was received by the embassy on May 29 in the afternoon. “The document is under study. For now, we cannot comment on anything,” the publication quotes Mr. Mukhametshin.

According to Kommersant, one of the five diplomats is Assistant Military Attaché of Russia Alexander Grudin. His name appeared in the spy scandal that erupted in Moldova in March. On March 17, the Information and Security Service of the Republic detained former member of the Moldovan Parliament Iurie Bolboceanu. He was accused of treason.

Prosecutors claim that he transmitted information that could harm the interests of the country to an undercover foreign intelligence officer - assistant military attache of the Russian Embassy, ​​Alexander Grudin. The name of Mr. Grudin is also mentioned in the order of the prosecutor’s office to search the house of Yuri Bolboceanu (available to Kommersant).

The investigation into this case lasted seven months. During this time, the Moldovan prosecutor’s office claims, “sufficient evidence was collected indicating the commission of a crime under Art. 337 of the Criminal Code" (treason; punishment - from 12 to 20 years in prison). According to the prosecutor's office, the former deputy communicated for a long time with an employee of foreign intelligence services, passing on “information to the detriment of Moldova.” They reported that the defendant's mobile phone, which he used to contact the "undercover officer", $23 thousand and documents were confiscated.

The President of Moldova Igor Dodon promptly commented on the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “The government has made an outrageous gesture towards our strategic partner - the Russian Federation. Today the ambassador was demanded that five Russian diplomats leave Moldova within 72 hours. I want to state that I am deeply outraged by this unfriendly step on the part of representatives of Moldovan diplomacy and condemn it in the most categorical way,” Mr. Dodon wrote in Facebook.

According to him, “European unionists are irritated by the president’s successes achieved in recent months and decided to engage in direct provocations, which carry the risk of a significant deterioration in Moldovan-Russian relations.” “This was most likely done on order from the West, maybe even from overseas, from those who are concerned that a constructive and effective dialogue has finally been achieved between the president and the Kremlin,” suggested the Moldovan president. Igor Dodon also noted that the decision taken by the authorities “to get involved in the geopolitical “games” of Brussels and Washington, as well as the “games” of NATO military structures in this region is very dangerous.” “I am sure that they do not understand what price our country will have to pay and what a difficult and risky situation they can put our country and our people in. They took this rude step, which will not remain without negative consequences,” concluded the Moldovan president.

“Today the Russian Embassy in Chisinau received a note from the Moldovan Foreign Ministry declaring several Russian diplomats “persona non grata.” Today, the President of Moldova made statements condemning these, in his words, “outrageous actions,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova told Kommersant. “The situation is paradoxical, but indicative - it is obvious that it has nothing to do with the work of Russian diplomats, but demonstrates the development of the situation in Moldova.”

Vladimir Solovyov, Chisinau

According to political scientists, behind this is the “real leadership” of the republic, which is trying to prove to the West its anti-Russian position

Five diplomats from the Russian Embassy in Moldova have been declared persona non grata. They are ordered to leave the country within 24 hours. Russian Ambassador to Moldova Farit Mukhametshin confirmed this information. He did not name the names of the diplomats and did not comment on the decision of the Moldovan Foreign Ministry, Interfax reports. According to the agency, among the expelled diplomats is Alexander Grudin, assistant military attache of the Russian Embassy in the Republic of Moldova. In March, Moldovan intelligence services publicly accused him of recruiting and receiving secret information from former member of the Moldovan Parliament Iurie Bolboceanu. What could be behind the expulsion of diplomats?

expert at the International Institute for Humanitarian and Political Studies“It seems to me that the Moldovan government and the real Moldovan leadership, led by Vladimir Plahotniuc, continue to show that they are the main enemy of Russia in Moldova and the main opponent of Russia expanding its influence at the expense of Moldova. This is precisely the “message” that Plahotniuc and the General Party constantly send to the United States, to Europe, the collective West, and this is what they want to sell as their main achievement, in order to gain, on the one hand, legitimacy, on the other — external financing, and thirdly, support for the 2018 parliamentary elections. This tactic is well known and has been going on for some time. I think that such a public scandal will not hurt Plahotniuc, who is constantly reproached for being insincere, for constantly collaborating with the pro-Russian President Dodon, and in general, his pro-Western line does not seem to be real, but is aimed at ensuring that -get it. Here he is showing off the product and saying that he is sincere, that he really takes an active anti-Russian position and is now waiting for confirmation of this from the West.”

Another event preceding the expulsion of diplomats is recalled by Moldovan political scientist Bogdan Tirdea:

Bogdan Tsyrdea Moldovan political scientist“Literally a few weeks ago, a very large diplomatic scandal broke out in Moldova, when the prime minister himself, the speaker of the republic’s parliament and a couple of other senior officials from the government came to the Russian ambassador and expressed their indignation that some Moldovan officials were allegedly stopped at the border with the Russian Federation , and that the Russian FSB allegedly made requests to Interpol 15 times about the same person, it seems to us that they were talking about Mr. Plahotniuc. This is where all this reaction of Plahotniuc and the ruling coalition comes from.”

This is the second expulsion of Russian diplomats from former Soviet republics in recent times. On May 26, Consul General of the Russian Federation in Narva Dmitry Kazennov and Consul Andrei Surgaev were ordered to leave Estonia.