Where to eat in Cologne? Restaurants and cafes in Cologne Beer restaurants in Cologne.

Wondering where to eat in Cologne? This German city will amaze fans of gastronomic tourism - restaurants, cafes, bars, taverns, pubs, and sausage shops await them here. In Cologne you will find 1,600 different establishments where you can taste German, American, Chinese, Greek, Italian, and Korean cuisine.

In Cologne, you should try such traditional dishes as baked or grilled pork knee, fried bacon with boiled white beans, meat with mashed potatoes, fried onions and apple sauce. Beer gardens and bars can be found around the Cologne Cathedral, and numerous authentic restaurants can be found on Zulpicher Platz and in the Belgian Quarter.

Where to eat inexpensively in Cologne?

You can eat inexpensively at the Nordsee restaurant chain, which specializes in fish and seafood dishes (for French fries and a portion of fish you will pay about 4 euros) or at the KFC fast food establishment (here you can enjoy crispy chicken wings or thighs).

If you decide to try “healthy fast food” at reasonable prices, go to the organic restaurant Guten Abend (the menu of this restaurant boasts dishes that are prepared from organic products). Or you can visit the Pick-a-pea cafe - here you can try a bio-burger or bio-schnitzel.

Fans of fast food should check out Freddy Schilling (this place is a cross between a cafe and a typical German butcher shop) - here you can try burgers with unusual flavors and names (“Auntie Tiziana”, “Asparagus Tarzan”).

Where to eat delicious food in Cologne?

  • Taku: At this restaurant, guests can sample East Asian cuisine such as Japanese, Chinese, spicy Thai and Vietnamese dishes, as well as enjoy the atmosphere.
  • Merhaba: This restaurant will appeal to fans of Turkish dishes and drinks. In addition, guests can enjoy a wide selection of French wines, colorful evening performances and concerts.
  • Fruh am Dom: on the menu of this restaurant you will find shanks, sausages, many fish and meat dishes, and beer. Since this is a very popular place in the city, it is advisable to book a table in advance.
  • Isenburg: This rather expensive restaurant, located in an ancient German fortress from the 13th century, offers its visitors to enjoy French cuisine and try more than 100 different types of wine.

Gastronomic excursions in Cologne

On a gastronomic tour of Cologne, you will be invited to visit the best beer houses to taste different types of beer. And as a snack you can taste German sausages with sauerkraut and potatoes, as well as the famous pork knuckle.

In Cologne you will find cathedrals, museums, green areas, shopping centers, as well as delicious national dishes and excellent beer.

It so happened that at the end of October 2013 we spent a week in Cologne. Until then, we knew practically nothing about this city, except that in its center there is a tall Gothic cathedral and half of Chisinau wore Koln T-shirts (the secret of which was never revealed to us), with the image of the same cathedral.
Let this be the first point of obligatory visit.

1. Cologne Cathedral

Kölner Dom is a Roman Catholic Gothic cathedral. Construction of the cathedral began in 1248 and ended in 1880, but it took only 227 years to build, with a break of 400 years (1437-1842). The 157-meter cathedral ranks third among the tallest churches in the world and is included in the list of World Cultural Heritage sites.

During World War II, when almost all of Cologne was destroyed by Allied bombing, only Cologne Cathedral was miraculously spared damage.

We reached the cathedral when it was already getting dark, having previously walked several kilometers around the city, so we did not go up to the observation deck overlooking Cologne. There are 500 steep steps leading to the site; entrance costs 3 euros. Entrance to the cathedral is free.

2. Brusseler Straße

Still, a young man needs to start getting acquainted with Cologne not from the cathedral, but from a small spot near the church on Brusseler Strasse - Brüsseler Platz.

In summer, Brüsseler Platz is a central hangout spot for local hipsters and representatives of other subcultures.

On weekends, hundreds of party-goers gather in this small area, they socialize and drink, and not necessarily alcohol. Club-Mate is one of the most popular “alkoholfreie” drinks among German youth. In Cologne, we generally appreciated the variety and design of carbonated drinks, as well as the tendency to support everything local.

Why drink Coca-Cola when there is local fritz-kola, a soda with a beautiful story about two students from Gambug who thought for a long time how to make money with a minimum of effort and, preferably, without leaving the bar.

3. Cafes and restaurants in Cologne

If anything, forgive me for Germany without pork knuckles and breweries. We will not talk about those places that can be found in guidebooks or read in tourist reviews. We were lucky with a “guide” who showed us exclusively the places preferred by local youth.

Meet Sasha Afanasyev, 28 years old, born in Chisinau, living in Germany since he was 5 years old.

To all our questions like: “Is it far?” Sasha had one answer: “It’s never too far in Cologne. Cologne is a big village. The flat terrain allows you to quickly reach even the most remote corners of Cologne by bicycle.”

You can visit a café right on Brusselsplatz Brussels, the hostess herself will serve you at the counter. She is Bulgarian by origin, so she can hold a simple conversation in Russian. The obvious advantages of this cafe are its good interior, cheap and tasty coffee (1 euro).

There was once a butcher shop on the site of Schmitz; the tiles and display case have been preserved from that time. Here you must try the beetroot quiche, pumpkin with Gorgonzola and lemon tart.

Bella Italia Small Italian restaurant. Everything here is almost always busy, delicious pasta and very attractive prices - on average 5-7 euros for an impressive portion. If you want pasta to be served baked with a golden cheese crust, you need to add: pasta uberbacken.

5. Museums and galleries

There is a classic selection of museums to visit if you are the kind of art lover. It seems to us that an interesting minimum is the Museum of Contemporary Art, also known as the Ludwig Museum and the MAKK Museum of Interior Design.

Museum Ludwig

The basis of the exhibition of the Museum Ludwig is the collection of the German entrepreneur Peter Ludwig, who bequeathed his collection to the city after his death. The exhibition features works by surrealists, Russian pre-revolutionary and post-revolutionary avant-garde, Pablo Picasso, German expressionism, pop art, works of graphics, photo and video art.

The museum is open every day except Monday from 10:00 to 18:00, the entrance ticket costs 10 euros.

MAKK is a museum of modern design. His collection includes furniture, interior solutions, textiles, decor, ceramics, metal objects, graphics and posters, visual art of the 20th-21st centuries.

museum foyer

The museum is open daily, except Mondays, from 11:00 to 17:00, the entrance ticket costs 6 euros.

6. Shops

Shopping is right to start from Brussels Strasse (see point 2.) and move from authentic local stores like Monsieur Courbet , other colorful shops and record stores to T.K.Maxx - a stock department store, a place of pilgrimage, it seems, for all residents of Cologne.

All the latest design books can be found in the Siebter Himmel bookstore on Brüsseler Straße 67. Here you can also find designer items, cool postcards, canvas bags and decorative elements.

The famous T.K.Maxx is a must-see for shopping enthusiasts; here you can find well-known brands at several times cheaper. And if, in order to find a cool thing, you need to dig through mountains of “garbage,” then with shoes everything is much simpler and better. Rows of shoes arranged by size, a large selection and prices on average from 20 euros.

7. Trodel

For flea market lovers Trö de a must visit place.

Trö de the most popular flea market in Cologne, where you can buy everything: from old German porcelain, an unusual chair, deer antlers to the Soviet sculpture “Songs of Our Motherland” and Gorky’s book “Mother” in German translation. However, it is open only on Saturdays, and it is advisable to arrive at eight o’clock in the morning.

8. Street food

In Germany, you must try street food: crazy delicious pastries are sold on every corner. Our recommendation is a serving of potato pancakes with applesauce. Well, don’t pass by the chestnuts!

9. Sculpture Park

Sculpture Park in Cologne (Skulpturenpark Köln): outdoors (40 thousand square meters) works of the most famous contemporary artists, both German and foreign, are exhibited.

Works of art do not get wet here for years in the rain, but after standing for two years, they give way to other exhibits. The Cologne Sculpture Park first opened its doors to visitors in 1997. In May 2013, the seventh exposition, KölnSkulptur #7, came to the attention of the public. This photo gallery presents works that will be on view in Cologne until May 2015.

The sculpture park in Cologne is open daily. From April to September – from 10:30 to 19 hours. From October to March - from 10:30 to 17 hours. The entrance is free.

10. Bruhl

If you suddenly feel like you’ve already seen everything in Cologne, feel free to go to Brühl, a small town nearby. Its name is almost always added “near Cologne” – “Brühl bei Köln”. And indeed: it’s just a stone’s throw from the famous Cathedral to Brühl. To do this, just take tram number 18 or one of the suburban trains departing from the station towards Bonn (the train journey takes only 15 minutes). The famous Dadaist Max Ernst lived and worked in this town.

In Brühl you may be interested in one of three things: the Max Ernst Museum, one of the largest amusement parks in Germany, Phantasialand, or the pearl of the Rococo era, the Palace. By the way, Emperor Napoleon in 1809 very much regretted that he could not take this palace to France. Kaiser Wilhelm I loved to visit here, and Clinton, Schroeder and Chirac dined here in 1998.

For those who do not like advice from tourists and guidebooks, there is always one recommendation: just walk along the streets of Cologne.

In terms of culinary matters, Cologne is not inferior to any other German city (Berlin is too official - it doesn’t count), here, as everywhere else, visitors are offered traditional dishes in a colorful setting. They will be offered to you in almost all beer bars, the main ones Ingredients foods – so beloved by the Germans meat, legumes and stewed cabbage. As for local features, this is famous in Cologne (and not only in the city itself, but also outside its territory) baked or grilled pork knee: The first version of this dish in German is called “Hämchen”, and the second is called Schweinshaxe. The highlights of local cuisine are also considered Xia snack, the main component of which is Gouda cheese – it’s called “Halver Hahn”, and meat with mashed potatoes and apple sauce– “Himmel und Äd mit Flönz”, and beans with bacon- “Dicke Bunne mit Speck.”

Speaking about the local flavor of Cologne, it is undoubtedly worth telling about Kölsch beer. Here it is poured into traditional two-hundred-gram glasses – Stangen. Many visitors “forget” to return them to the establishments, keeping them as a German souvenir. The peculiarity of these glasses, unusually small for Russians, is their ability to keep the drink cool - the beer in them does not heat up. There are different types of Kölsch beer - such as Früh, Reissdorf, Mühlen, Päffgen and Gaffel, so there are no problems with the choice of this alcoholic drink. When visiting local pubs, you should remember one simple rule of behavior that will help you avoid an awkward situation. The fact is that the waiter of the establishment refills the glass as soon as you drink it. To prevent him from doing this again, simply cover the glass with a cardboard stand - Bierdeckel (it is brought with the first order, it often has the bar’s logo on it). Shouting and waving your arms: “Nine, no more” is not an option.

Well, let’s now talk more specifically about the most popular catering establishments in this German city, about the range of dishes offered in them, about prices and service.

Beer Hall Früh am Dom

In terms of popularity, this establishment is probably the first among other pubs in the Old Town. Locals also like to sit here. It is located at am Hof, 12–18. The downside of this pub is the large number of visitors; most often it is difficult to find a free seat. The internal architecture of the building is a suite of halls, the interior decoration is in the style of the Middle Ages. The tables here are, accordingly, wooden. The waiters bring interesting trays with holes for glasses of beer. By the way, there is only one brand of beer in Früh am Dom - Früh, but it is of excellent quality, because the reputation of this establishment, known since the end of the nineteenth century, is very important. Visitors pay one and a half euros for a glass of beer. The menu consists of meat dishes and snacks, the food here is tasty and filling, ten euros is enough to eat and drink. The Früh am Dom beer garden is open from 08:00 to 24:00. You won’t have to look for it for long: it’s next to the Cologne Cathedral, near the Dom/Hauptbahnhof metro station.

Peters Brauhaus

Another excellent establishment, which is a traditional beer hall, where visitors are offered excellent Kölsch beer and meat dishes. This establishment was opened even earlier than the Früh am Dom beer garden described above, and it is also highly respected. At Peters Brauhaus you can not only drink beer, but also local schnapps. The highlight of the interior design is the beautiful stained glass ceiling. You can have a good lunch here for about ten euros, the price of a glass of beer is one and a half euros. This establishment is located at Mühlengasse 1, opening hours are daily, 11:00-00:30. From here you can walk to Cologne Cathedral in five minutes.

Bier Museum

The establishment is an original beer museum, as the name clearly suggests. However, you won’t be bored here - the bar is lively, the beer hall is filled with the sounds of cheerful music... At the Bier Museum, visitors can choose from eighteen (!) varieties of beer, including Guinness. As for the cost of beer, it is the same as in other similar establishments in Cologne - 1.5 euros. Bier Museum is open every day, according to the schedule from 14:00 to 03:00. The address of the establishment is: Buttermarkt, 39 - it is near the Church of St. Martin. Buses No. 106, No. 133, No. 250 and others go here. From Cologne Cathedral you can go here on foot.

Beer house Wirtshaus Schweik

This Czech pub, located in the city center, was built in the style of a story about the most famous “literary” Czech - the brave soldier Švejk, whose adventures are dedicated to the novel by Jaroslav Hasek. If you have already had your fill of local beer from local small 200 gram glasses, then in this establishment your soul may rejoice a little: in Wirtshaus Schweik there are half-liter and liter beer mugs, and they serve Czech beer. The cost of visiting will be higher than in other pubs, but the prices, in general, are not exorbitant: after spending thirty euros, you will eat your fill. The address of this gastronomic establishment is an Groß St. Martin, 2, is near the Church of Greater Martin - so it will not be difficult to find it.


This establishment is more of a restaurant than a bar, but visitors here will not be left without beer (as, indeed, everywhere in Cologne), and it is quite good - it is called Gaffel Kölsch. A set of dishes will not cost that much - about thirty euros, everything is tasty and satisfying. In addition to these advantages of the establishment, there is a fashionable interior, the menu includes dishes of German cuisine, but the waiters speak English. Due to the high popularity of this restaurant, sometimes in the evenings you may not find a free seat.

Cafe Kamps Backshop

There is a whole network of bakeries of this company in the country, so you can have a great snack in this establishment - customers are offered their own fresh and tasty pastries. Opening hours: 05:30-24:00. There is an interesting custom here: when a new batch of baked goods is ready, a bell rings and the baker announces this joyful event... Cafe address: Kamps Backshop: Marzellenstraße, 1 - this is near the final stop of bus number 132. The Dom/Hauptbahnhof metro station is 100 meters away.

There has been a folder with photographs from Cologne on my desktop for almost a year now. Finally, the turn has come to talk about the unusual gastronomic Cologne.
Moreover, this story is also relevant because you can read about sights, monuments, churches, and markets in most guidebooks. But finding the answer to the question “where to have a tasty snack” when you find yourself in Cologne is not so easy: there are few restaurants on the streets with shops (and it is not clear what they will feed you), and going up to the Kaufhov/Karstatt cafeteria is a last resort.

On New Year's Eve, many people flock to warmer climes to soak up the sun, complete with the "all-inclusive" dining experience. Those who go to see the Christmas markets in Germany, for the most part, encounter traditional German cuisine for tourists: pork knuckle (which is often very different from how it “should be”) or sausages with a traditional side dish - potatoes with speck and hot sauerkraut, more precisely Sauerkraut.

However, modern German cuisine is very different from this stereotype. This includes a doner for three euros and exquisite organic cuisine. Today I want to talk about three restaurants in Cologne that are popular among local residents, in which the triumph of taste and a pleasant atmosphere reign and which do not fit into the traditional stereotype of German cuisine - Bastian, Goldenfish and Café Seensuch.

Located on the one hand in the very center of Cologne, and on the other hand, somewhat away from the tourist paths, the Bastian restaurant is one of the most popular meeting places for Cologne residents. Bastian is a small chain of four locations in Cologne, Düsseldorf, Wiesbaden and Salzburg, Austria, that are a mix between a traditional bakery and a restaurant.

Bastians, located near Neumarkt, a stop through which almost all metro lines in Cologne go, has become a meeting place for both young people and families

Cologne Bastians is located in close proximity to the shopping streets - Schildergasse and Neumarkt - opposite one of the entrances to Karstadt (Auf dem Berlich 3-5, 50667 Köln, www.bastians-baecker.de).

Oddly enough, there are almost no decent establishments in the “shopping streets” area of ​​Cologne where you can eat tasty and inexpensive food

Oddly enough, there is almost no place to eat in the center of Cologne. The “shop conqueror” has a choice of either sausage and chips at a kiosk, which he will have to eat standing on the street, or tourist places.

On weekends, Bastians is crowded with families, groups of young people, and wanderers from nearby shops. An interesting phenomenon that can be seen here is dinners between grandparents and grandchildren, discussing the rapidly changing life outside the window while eating. All this creates a very cozy, friendly atmosphere that reflects modern Cologne.

On weekends, Bastisans is packed with families out for breakfast.

The cuisine here is imbued with the “culture of bread”. The smell of the bakery from my childhood, where my grandfather went early in the morning to buy bread, lingers here. Now this is very rare in Russia.

Like most delicious places in Germany, the menu is small. But every “dish” is excellent.

The menu consists of various hot sandwiches (Bruchetta), salads, several soups, a couple of hot dishes and traditional scrambled eggs (Spigeleier), which is served for breakfast.

For each dish, the guest receives a small basket of fresh bread

Salads in Germany are, in fact, an independent main dish. Many salads are served with freshly seared meat, such as in my case with seared beef. The assortment of salads is large, but they are based on vegetable salad in various variations: with fried chicken breast, with beef, shredded beef, and simply with olive oil.

Salad with roasted beef

When studying the menu, I advise you to skip the name of the salad and go straight to its composition. Since each establishment strives to name the dish in its own way, and their recipe (composition) can often be repeated. If something is unclear, ask the waiter, he will explain in simple words what is encrypted in the menu.

Bruchetta with bacon, tomato and cheese

It is worth noting that the bruchetta, which at first glance is not very cheap here (from 3 to 6 euros), is served with a salad.

Inscription on the wall: “Food is a necessity, and pleasure is an art”

Particularly worth noting is an inexpensive and authentic dish - goulash in bread. For 6 euros, a visitor receives a loaf of bread, into which is poured Hungarian goulash - a soup with meat and potatoes, seasoned with aromatic spices, giving the dish Balkan notes. Crusts of bread can be broken off and dipped into goulash - very tasty.

The coffee here not only looks beautiful, but also tastes good.

It should be noted that in most establishments in Cologne the coffee is not very good; many serve “filter coffee”, which, in my opinion, does not have a good refined taste. Therefore, you gradually begin to pay attention to establishments where they brew good coffee. The coffee here is delicious, especially when combined with cakes and buns from the bakery. There is another trick of this establishment: the fact is that there are no baked goods on the menu, you have to choose them from the bakery at the entrance.

Bastians is a good example of the unique "bread culture" that modern Germany has, with many varieties of bread and ways of preparing it.

The bill for our lunch: Latte Macchiatto - 2.85 Euro, Large coffee - 2.80 Euro, Beef salad - 9.50 Euro (probably the most expensive salad on the menu), Bruchetta with bacon - 6.50 Euro

Sehnsucht - passionate desire, longing, craving for something. “Sehnsucht is the search for desire itself, it is the desire to crave; an impulse that feels unquenchable and which finds its satisfaction precisely through this” (source: ru.wikipedia.org). A concept almost untranslatable into Russian in one word, which includes universal melancholy, endless striving and the search for happiness. This is the name of the cafe, hidden in the narrow alleys of the Ehrenfeld district in Cologne.

The authentic atmosphere of the cafe, original drinks and dishes attract intelligent people here. This is the ideal place if you want to see the city's true "middle, intellectual" class, which is somewhat different from the motley crowd found on Cologne's public transport.

A place where people come just to chat

It is almost impossible for an ordinary tourist, or just a resident of Cologne, to find Seensucht. It is hidden in the courtyards of residential buildings, located away from the main streets (Körnerstrraße 67, 50823 Köln, www.sehnsucht-koeln.de/). The cafe relied on regular visitors who open a cozy place for their guests and on smartphone applications in which visitors leave their comments about a particular establishment, thus forming a rating of cafes and restaurants.

The menu is a whole book, half of which is a coffee and wine list

In different cities of Germany, residents prefer different apps, but in most cases you can use: foodspotting, foursquare (it is worth noting that recently this application has not given very good advice, the interface has become very confusing, and for some reason it recommends chain establishments) and Michelin-starred restaurants of course ;)

The atmosphere of the cafe is the living history of the city

People come here just to chat, drink a cup of coffee or tea, eat dessert and have lunch. Visitors gossip, reminisce, dream in an authentic setting of furniture from the 70s and 80s. There is a stove-stove, which was an attribute of almost every post-war apartment, a small covered veranda, by the way, a typical Cologne solution, and pleasant waiters.

Enjoying the atmosphere while waiting for dessert

Business lunches are offered during the day, and several main courses and salads in the evening. And also desserts.

The cheese pie was incredible

Desserts are a special part of the menu. You can meet many of them only here.

Mint tea with ginger, coffee and cheese cake

So our choice fell on a sweet cocktail of frozen berries, cream, milk and cheese cake with coffee. We also ordered ginger mint tea. While ordering coffee, it turned out that the Seensuchts are “friends” (read: same owner) with the VanDyk coffee shop, which provides them with coffee. This was reflected in the somewhat long list of coffees on the menu.

Partner Cafe VanDyke turned out to be closed late in the evening

Relying on the waiter's advice, we ordered one of them. In general, it can be useful to ask the waiter for advice; as a rule, in such establishments where the emphasis is on regular guests, the waiter will not give bad advice. Although in Germany it is not customary to impose your opinion, first they will tell you “Geschmacksache” (a matter of taste), but they will still help you make a choice, having previously inquired about your preferences.

Dairy dessert, frozen berries, syrup, something else = delicious

The creamy dessert turned out to be incredibly tasty, it is impossible to describe it here - it’s better to try it.

Mint tea, ginger on a skewer

Many people mistakenly think that in Germany you should always order only coffee. Many cafes offer very interesting teas. It’s not just tea leaves filled with boiling water; baristas are inventing a new form of serving tea and a new recipe. One of the most popular is ginger-mint tea. Ginger cubes, placed on a skewer, are brewed in a large glass with fresh mint. In addition to this tea, you will be offered honey.

Delicate cake made from light cottage cheese with apples and airy sponge cake, sprinkled with cinnamon - what can you add here)))

Coffee 3 Euro, Bargaining 5 Euro, Milk dessert 5.50 Euro, Mint tea with ginger 3 Euro

Before visiting this restaurant, I exclusively associated Greek cuisine with mountains of grilled meat. This is exactly what most Greek restaurants look like in Germany (more precisely in Berlin).

Gold Fish inside is different from the nondescript street on which it is located

GoldFish (Subbelrather str. 221, 50823 Köln) is an exception to this stereotype. Visitors here will enjoy exquisite Greek cuisine “Made in Köln”. This is a wonderful place for a romantic dinner or for food lovers.

The harmonious interior creates an atmosphere for dinner

At the entrance you are greeted by the colorful Greek - the owner of the restaurant. There were about eight tables in the small hall.

Laconically, you won’t even think that this is a Greek restaurant

The interior of GoldFish is different from the mood of the gray Cologne streets in which it is located. Inside there are dark wood furniture, Greek engravings and fresh pomegranates on the tables. Beams on the ceiling and carved ceilings indicate the origin of the hall - apparently a traditional German beer hall used to be located here. Today a Greek family has breathed new life into this establishment.

The chandelier and ceiling reveal the restaurant's long history.

Ordinary grenades have become an accent in the restaurant's interior

The menu has a small but well-considered wine list and a palette of Greek dishes. When choosing dishes, you come across a list of unfamiliar names of Greek cuisine. Studying the composition of dishes helps relatively, since the method of preparation remains unclear. However, the experiment is worth it.

Having ordered fried sardines (Sardinen), we received fried fresh sardines wrapped in grape leaves with lettuce and Greek grits. Fresh ingredients and the skill of the chef led to an extraordinary result: tender, fresh and tasty.

Sardines in grape leaves

On the chef's advice, we ordered Bifteki as the second course - meat cutlets with potatoes. The finished dish exceeded expectations: cutlets laid out on toasted pita bread and stewed potatoes with vegetables. Beautiful and tasty.

Bifteki - meat cutlets and potatoes with vegetables

Prices at GoldFish are slightly more expensive than the average in Cologne, but if you compare them with prices in Yekaterinburg or Moscow in similar restaurants, you can say that they are inexpensive.

Sardines 14.80 Euro, Beefteki 12.90 Euro, Wine 3.50 Euro per 200 ml. Overall a bit pricey for Cologne, but worth it

It is worth noting that if you are going to GoldFish, it is better to book a table in advance. There are few tables in the restaurant and it fills up quickly. It is also closed during the day and on Mondays, so it is better to call and find out if you can have dinner there today (tel +49221 / 16 99 78 54)


  • When preparing for your trip to Cologne, think in advance about where you will have lunch or dinner. There are few restaurants in the center, and those that are in plain sight are not very tasty and are often expensive.

  • When choosing dishes, you should focus not on the names, but on what the dish is made from.

  • The best way to make a choice is to ask the waiter. And not recommendations on what to choose, but find out what each dish provides and then make your choice.

  • As a rule, the best restaurants are hidden away from the main tourist routes. The foodpotting and foursquare apps can help you choose a restaurant.

03. March 2013
Text and photo: Alexander Frolov

Cologne is famous for many attractions, but the main one is the well-known cathedral with identical, filigree spiers. This is the city's cathedral and is the most popular site among many tourists.

Undoubtedly, guests of the city will also be delighted by the numerous museums where you can see numerous collections of famous masters. However, regardless of interests, everyone who visits the city can find something to their liking. Communication with local residents will bring joy to every tourist, especially since you can not only talk with them about the history of Cologne, but also have a good time in the beer establishments of Alshadt and see the spring carnival.

St. Martin and Cologne Cathedral in Cologne, Germany (Photo © Raimond Spekking / commons.wikimedia.org / Licensed CC BY-SA 4.0)

While exploring the city, you can enjoy the view of the walls built during the Roman Empire, see medieval temples and churches and learn the history of buildings erected in the post-war period. Cologne is the fourth largest city in the country, and it was founded in 38 BC. and was called the “colony of Claudius, a place for sacrifice of the “Agrippians”. This city flourished in the Middle Ages, when it became a center of trade, and it remains quite popular today.

A tourist visiting Cologne should also see Romanesque churches, of which there are quite a few in the city. The time of their construction is considered to be the 12th-13th centuries, and they remained unchanged until the early 40s of the last century. More than 10 such historical monuments have been restored.

Hohenzollern Bridge over the Rhine in Cologne, to the right of the Music Dome, Germany (Photo © Raimond Spekking / commons.wikimedia.org / License CC-BY-SA-4.0)

What to see in Cologne?

Old Town (Altstadt) (Die alte Stadt (Altstadt)). It was built on the river bank and on both sides there are the famous bridges - Deutzer Brücke and Hohenzollern Bridge. You can see the sights of the city simply by walking around it. You can also use information on the Internet.

Market Square in Cologne, Germany (Photo © Thomas Robbin / de.wikipedia.org / Licensed CC BY-SA 3.0)

Romanesque Basilica of St. Geryon (SaintGereon'sBasilica). The unusual Romanesque style basilica attracts attention with its huge dome and statues at the entrance, and in the crypt you can see a Byzantine icon. It is surprising that religious buildings have been erected on this site since the 4th century. Cologne, Gereonskloster 2. Opening hours: 09:30-12:00.

Romanesque Basilica of St. Geryon in Cologne, Germany (Photo © Kathleen Palnau / commons.wikimedia.org / License CC-BY-SA-3.0)

Rheinauha. The picturesque cobblestone promenade is a must-see in Cologne. Here you can admire architectural objects, see crane houses, incredible sculptures and unique statues, drop into one of the summer cafes to enjoy a delicious dessert right next to the Rhine waters.

Cologne Cathedral (Kölner Dom). It is the center of the city, both in a geographical sense and in a spiritual sense. Cologne Cathedral has two identical spiers that rise upward, making it stand out among other buildings in the city. Its visit will be remembered for a long time by both ordinary tourists and history buffs. Cologne, Domkloster 3. Opening hours: 06:00-29:30. Admission is free, price for visiting the towers: 4 euros for adults, 2 euros for discounts, 8 euros for families.

Fragrance Museum Farina-House. In 1709, a unique museum with the theme of perfumery was founded. It will be equally interesting to both men and women. Inside, an experienced guide will introduce you to the history of perfume creation, the features of the production process, show historical documents, and allow you to enjoy unique aromas. Cologne, Obenmarspforten 21. Opening hours: 10:00-19:00.

Schnutgen Museum. Its halls display religious art and sculptures from the Middle Ages. Some of the exhibits represent the decoration of the Romanesque church of St. Kikilia. Cologne, Cacilienstrasse 29. Opening hours: 10:00-18:00 Tue-Sun, 10:00-20:00 Thu. Ticket price: 5 euros for adults, 3 euros for children.

Schnutten Museum in Cologne, Germany (Photo © Raimond Spekking / de.wikipedia.org / License CC-BY-SA-3.0)

National Socialism Documentation Center. From the outside, the unattractive building hides an amazing exhibition on three floors. Here you can find out how and what happened during the war, see documents, various exhibits, and old photos. Cologne, Appellhofplatz 23-25. Opening hours: 10:00-18:00. Ticket price: 4.5 euros.

Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum. It was opened in 2010, and the most memorable exhibit for many visitors is the large rice boat from Sulawesi. The museum has three floors, and the exhibits of different cultures and nationalities of the globe are interactive and can be touched. Cologne, Caecilienstr. 29-33.

Chocolate Museum. You don't have to be a sweet tooth to visit. Here you can see a chocolate fountain, get acquainted with the cultivation of cocoa beans, learn the history of chocolate and buy all the delicacies you like in the museum store. By the way, the prices are quite affordable. Cologne, Am Schokoladenmuseum 1a. Opening hours: 10:00-18:00.

What to do in Cologne?

Go on a river cruise along the waters of the Rhine, which are arranged by the river shipping company. On average, the excursion lasts about one hour. Interestingly, you can rent a ship for a trip or a party.

Hot air balloon ride over Cologne, view of the Rhine, southbridge, Germany (Photo © Raimond Spekking / commons.wikimedia.org / Licensed CC BY-SA 3.0)

Visit the Ludwig Museum. (Museum Ludwig), which is often included in the visit program as a must, because it hides a huge collection of contemporary art, among which masterpieces by Andy Warhol, Marco Rothko, Roy Lichtenstein, and Pablo Picasso occupy a special place. Cologne, Bischofsgartenstr. 1. Opening hours: 10:00-18:00.

Visit the Cologne Zoo, which is considered one of the best in the world. The territory is divided into thematic zones where quite rare animals live. In particular, it is worth checking out the Jungle House, the Tropical House and the Owl Museum as the most exotic places.

Ride a river bus, which by the way can take you to significant local attractions.

Visit the Cologne Carnival, which is called one of the best in Europe. It is held annually at the end of February and lasts for three days, accompanied by large-scale festivities, parades, crazy dancing, ingenious inventions and beer that flows like a river.

Take a look at the Shrine of the Three Kings, where the relics of the three Magi are kept, who saw the star that became the sign of the birth of the Savior, and besides this, the incredible luxury of the furnishings and numerous decor are impressive.

Take a cable car ride over Cologne, which passes over the waters of the Rhine. The trailer offers a picturesque view of the city and its surroundings.

Stroll through the ancient streets of Cologne, enjoy the music of street musicians, admire “live” sculptures and works of original artists.

Aerial view of Cologne, Germany (Photo © Raimond Spekking / de.wikipedia.org / License CC-BY-SA-3.0)

What and where to eat and drink in Cologne?

Gourmet restaurant Hanse-Stube. One of the best restaurants in Cologne will allow you to enjoy delicious dishes with incredible presentation, the sea bass and tuna with asparagus deserve special attention, and the charming interior in the theme of colors creates an amazing atmosphere. Average check: 14 euros.

German restaurant Gast und Weinhaus Brungs. This atmospheric German establishment will delight you with both food and service. Those who have already been here highly recommend trying the duck and goulash, but don’t order too much, because the dishes are very large and filling. Average check: 8 euros.

German restaurantRestaurantGaststaetteBeiOmaKleinmann. Local residents are regulars at this establishment; they cook very tasty various dishes of German cuisine, but the main specialty is schnitzel, and the portions are so large that one is enough for two. Average bill: 8.5 euros.

Entertainment in Cologne

Stadtgarten. Surrounded by a small park, the bright club and its Belgian owners offer to relax under the diva of soul and jazz. The basement regularly hosts world music concerts and is also a great place to simply have a drink in the beer garden in the summer and relax. Cologne, Venloer Strasse 40.

Underground. The bar and two live music venues are a great place to check out the alternative rock bands that perform here regularly. A night disco is often held in the open air, and in the summer there is a beer garden. Cologne, Vogelsanger Strasse 200.

AlterWartesaal. Previously, there was a railway station here, and today it is a modern disco-combo bar and restaurant. Themed evenings, including erotic ones, are held regularly. Cologne, Johannisstrasse 11. Opening hours: Thu.-Sat.

Drama Theater. In the same complex as the Opera House there is a unique institution where you can enjoy productions by modern playwrights and world-famous classics. Cologne, Offenbachplatz.

Cologne Philharmonic. Fans of live music will be pleasantly surprised by the scale and charm of this establishment. It is located under the Ludwig Museum, and tickets can be bought not only at the box office, but also by telephone. Cologne, Bischofsgartenstrasse 1.

Hohenzollern in Cologne at night, Germany (Photo © Thomas Wolf / en.wikipedia.org / License CC-BY-SA-3.0)

Shopping in Cologne

Cologne is one of the amazing places that offers great shopping opportunities. A huge number of different boutiques are concentrated here, both world-famous brands and local designers, various vintage shops, chain establishments, shopping centers and department stores.

Hohe Strasse. The oldest German shopping street is still pedestrianized today, offering a glimpse into the main shopping centers and chain stores.

Cave. This is a small side street adjacent to Hohe Strasse, where famous brand boutiques and several department stores are located.

Schildergasse in Neumarkt. Small but fashionable shops of clothing and shoes, souvenirs and home decoration are located here. One of the main shopping centers in Cologne, Neumarkt-Galerie, is also located here. It is easy to distinguish by its appearance - on the roof there is an inverted cone representing ice cream.

Mittelstrasse and Pfeilstrasse. Along these streets are jewelry stores and home accessories boutiques. The prices will pleasantly surprise you, which is important for tourists.

WDR Arcade. This very unusual establishment is made in the form of many steel and glass cubes, which are chaotically piled on top of each other. Inside you can look into the book department of Alpha Buchhandlung, visit jewelry boutiques, Mausladen toy stores, and boutiques with high-quality designer clothes. Cologne, corner of Breite Straße and Tunisstraße. Opening hours: 10:00-19:00.

Eirenstraße. One of Cologne's most creative areas features designer boutiques, many of which have a rather eccentric direction. You can also find shops with vintage clothing and fun shops here.

Brusselsplatz and the Belgian Quarter. This is where many designer clothing stores, musical instrument establishments, and vintage boutiques are located.

Opern-Passagen. The modern shopping center is located next to the main shopping street Breite Strabe. It is difficult to imagine how many shops are located inside, because the total area of ​​the shopping center reaches 9 thousand square meters. Cologne, Schwertnergasse

4711 . For decades, the German perfume brand has been presenting sophisticated and delicate scents that are loved by people from different parts of the world. The perfume received its unusual name in honor of the number of the house where it was first invented. By the way, they continue to be produced here. Cologne, corner of Schwertnergasse and Glockengasse streets.

Streets of Cologne, Germany (Photo © ZH2010 / commons.wikimedia.org / License CC-BY-3.0-DE)

Until you put a coaster on top of the mug, the waiters will bring new mugs of beer again and again.

For Germany, tips in establishments are a necessity; on average, they should be 7-10% of the order amount.

The easiest and most accessible way to get acquainted with the sights is with the help of an ordinary bicycle, which can be easily and inexpensively rented on literally every street in the city.

You should definitely try Cologne's own brand of beer, called Kölsch. It differs from beers produced in other parts of Germany, having a sweet, hoppy taste.

View of the old town in Cologne, Germany (Photo © Oliver Wald / commons.wikimedia.org / License CC-BY-2.0)

Hot air balloon ride over Cologne, view from southeast from the Rhine to the center of Cologne, Germany (Photo at top© Eckhard Henkel/ commons.wikimedia.org / License CC-BY-SA-3.0-DE)

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