Accommodation options in Crimea. Recreation center, camping or relaxing in a tent - which is better, pros and cons Camping pros and cons

What are campsites? What is a camping holiday like in European countries? How to find campsites, camping sites in Europe. Prices for camping holidays, photos, my reviews.

In Europe, and especially in Scandinavia, a car or motorcycle trip - The best way fully enjoy the beauty and splendor of nature, because in countries like Norway or Finland, the main attractions are located outside the cities. In addition, hotel prices in Europe are not very low, and this is where camping comes to the rescue.

Motorcycle tour in Norway

In Scandinavian countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland) many people travel in motorhomes:

When I was in Finland, I had the opportunity to spend one night in a campsite. Most of you probably know what it is, but I’ll tell you anyway, because although I myself had heard about camping, I had a very vague idea of ​​the difference between organized camping and a forest clearing.
Campings in Norway

Camping in Finland Camping is a kind of camp for tourists, mainly traveling by car or motorcycle. If this tent camping

, then only tents are located on its territory, but as a rule there are several types of accommodation on the territory.

At the campsite you can rent:
— Place for a tent
— Space for a van
— Separate cottage (often without amenities)

- A tent. Not all campsites rent tents; it is better to travel with your own tent, foam and sleeping bags.

  • Services at campsites in Europe:
  • Warm shower, toilet
  • Possibility to use electricity
  • Availability of a kitchen (where you can wash dishes or prepare food)
  • Bicycle rent
  • Guarded fenced area

In some places you can use a washing machine

* Some of these services may be included in the price of accommodation, but for others you will have to pay extra. For example, many campsites require an additional fee for using a shower or electricity; for this, each guest is given a special token or bracelet.
Kitchen, dining table and fire pit

Shower and toilet

Entertainment in European campsites: Depending on the size and cost of the campsite, campsites can be organized on its territory.: children's playgrounds, volleyball, football courts, separate beach. Some campsites may also have a bar, restaurant, cafe, swimming pool, sauna, canteen, shop and other infrastructure elements.

Swings at a campsite in Finland
Private beach
Mini golf

Camping rules

Not every campsite can be visited 24 hours a day. Most often, the staff works from 8.00 to 23.00, and at night the territory is closed to vehicles.

Relaxing at a campsite presupposes compliance with the rules and regulations established on its territory. For example, if you are told that from 23.00 to 6.00 is sleep time, you should not sing songs by the fire and listen to music at full volume.

Pros of camping:

    • Availability of a warm shower and a clean toilet.
    • Availability of a kitchen where you can prepare food
    • Opportunity to meet other people
    • Price. Camping in most countries is significantly cheaper than a hotel room
    • Calm. You pay the money, set up a tent and sleep peacefully. You can lock your things in the tent and go sightseeing for the whole day.
    • Close to nature. As a rule, campsites are organized in picturesque places near lakes, rivers or the sea.

In places like the photo below, there may not be hotels, but there are often campsites there:

Disadvantages of overnight camping:

Price. In Russia you can put up a tent wherever you want, and for free, so not every Russian person understands why they should pay to put up their own tent in a clearing in the forest.

There is no complete freedom. It’s one thing to come to a lake, set up a tent and jump over a fire until the morning, and quite another thing to live on the territory of an organized campsite, observing the established order.

The presence of other people nearby. When you want peace and solitude, it’s good if good-natured Germans of retirement age have set up a tent or van next to you; it’s worse if a company of tipsy Spaniards or Englishmen have settled next to you.

Some don't even get out of the car

Campings in Europe, prices:

The price of a campsite is affected by what type of camping you have. vehicle(bicycle, motorcycle, car or camper), also the size of the tent and the number of people. Price per night varies from 7€ per person (Poland, Czech Republic), 25-30€ for two (Finland) up to 50€ per family (Switzerland). On average in Europe, you should include prices for two people in your budget for an overnight stay in campsites 20-30€ , for three persons - 35-45€ .

July and August are the most expensive months. An overnight stay in our tent at a campsite in Finland in July cost us 25€ per night for two without the possibility of using electricity.

Discounts with Camping Key Europe ID card

If you are planning intensive travel around Europe, then it makes sense to purchase a Camping Key Europe ID card, which allows you to get a discount of up to 20% on accommodation in high season in many campsites in Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and other countries.

How to find a campsite

If you are traveling by car, the easiest way is to look at the signs along the road. Campsites are everywhere in Europe and most often located in very picturesque places.

Camping is a type of recreation and tourism chosen by amateurs active rest and autotourists. For such travelers, there are specially set up camps, where there are places for tents or ready-made tents, special houses. In such places there must be a sanitary area (toilet) and parking for cars. Depending on the location, the campsite may include a car wash, service station, and shops. With a minimum number of conditions, you can have a good break from cities, problems and daily bustle. Often tent cities are located near a forest, lake, sea or other picturesque area.

Pros of camping

Those who often travel with tents near wild nature note a lot positive aspects such rest:

  • Saving money. If you wish, you can relax in nature; this is a worthy option, since paying for parking and the location of a tent will be much cheaper than renting a room in a hotel or hostel. Plus, there are not very strict rules for settlement and residence on the territory tent city. Don’t forget about communication and unity with nature;
  • There is no need to reserve a campsite in advance (although this can be done). The tourist does not depend on the place and time of arrival at the place. You can come to the campsite at any time. As a last resort, you can pitch a tent for several days near a lake or in the forest;
  • Often camping is a vacation with amenities. Don’t think that these are simple territories without access to civilization. Most quality campsites are fenced and have security (safety comes first here), you can take firewood and use the shower. You can cook your own food (conditions are provided for this) or use the services of local cafes;
  • Some tent cities can offer elite infrastructure. For those who do not want or cannot say goodbye to amenities, they offer houses with TVs, comfortable furniture, and air conditioning;
  • Clean air and unity with nature, quiet, calm, spiritual relaxation. All this is possible due to the remoteness of the campsites from big cities, noisy roads. Although there are options closer;
  • There is a choice of leisure activities for different ages: playgrounds, fishing, walks in wildlife, the opportunity to ride a bike, boat, sunbathe. The local administration will definitely suggest opportunities for recreation and entertainment on their territory;
  • Such a vacation will appeal to people of any age and will be affordable for almost everyone. Pets are not allowed on the premises.

But there are also factors that may discourage you from such a vacation:

  • Many people do not like the noise and sounds of nature. Especially at night when you want to have a good rest. In addition, in the warm season, many are at risk of allergies to insect bites;
  • Possible close proximity of other vacationers. Sometimes these are new friends and acquaintances, and sometimes they are noisy companies that cannot calm down until the morning;
  • Despite the fact that the point does not need to be booked, vacation spots need to be studied in advance in order to find out all the features and not spoil your vacation;
  • For such a pastime, you should definitely take into account weather and territorial placement of tents. When it rains, first of all, places near water bodies and low-lying areas will be flooded;
  • The cleanliness of a trailer or tent often needs to be improved. It all depends on the conscience and cleanliness of vacationers. Basically, all things (from food to hygiene products) need to be taken with you.

The list of things you need to take for such a vacation is individual. But there are things that should be in every traveler's bag:

  1. Everyone’s personal belongings: documents, money, camera;
  2. Personal hygiene products, cosmetic bag and individual necessary products in it;
  3. Things for a tent camp: tent, blanket, sleeping bag, tarpaulin, tarpaulin, flashlight, clothesline, candles, axe, dishes and other kitchen utensils. Sometimes the campsite management can provide them;
  4. First aid kit;
  5. Clothes for any weather.

A strange campsite where everyone sings psalms and the oldest hotel in the country. On this day, we climbed to a height of 1,500 meters, saw a certain unit, accidentally ended up in the museum of wooden architecture, and then walked to the glacier.

07/02/13 Day ten

Although the evening was cold but clear, it began to rain in the middle of the night. We got out of the tent at about eight in the morning - it was cloudy, but the sun was making heroic efforts to break through the clouds. We hope that it will overcome the gloom of the morning, because we need to dry out the tent at least a little. We have already written about the fact that Norway is not too hot in July either. As usual, it takes about 2 hours to get ready, and we leave around 10 o’clock. Continuing our trip to Norway, from Bergen we drive along the E 16 highway. In Voss we stop at the Rimi store. Next stop is Tvindefossen waterfall. If you go into independent travel by car, you won’t be able to pass it if you’re driving along the E16 highway, no matter how hard you try. There is a large parking lot where buses with tourists come in every now and then, and there is also a souvenir shop. But the toilet is paid - 10 CZK.

We set up a tent, prepared lunch and went for a walk around the area. The weather became good again, we said “thank you” to Norway for this, and along the fjord we reached the beginning of the Orlov road. Along the slopes we grow masses of ripe strawberries. And almost no one collects it. We corrected this omission and ate our fill of it. Very tasty.

Our report on the trip to Norway in parts (after reading it it will be easier for you to plan your trip to Norway by car):

— Start, interrogation at the border, grocery shopping in Suomi, a strange American boy, a ferry, unexpected expenses for camping expenses, Sweden with toilets and peeing statues, and the excitement of the first night in the very northern country Scandinavia.

— The oldest betting house in the country. Why might smoke come out of the brake pads?…. A trip to the famous pea - chains to help us, a pulpit without preachers, another bet and a double waterfall falling directly onto the route.

— Chocolate with bread, rainbow over the glacier. What do you need to sit on your tongue?…. Having driven in a circle, you can find yourself in a new place, and not return to the previous one. Bergen - lilacs, cherries and oleanders...

— How we saw the funniest bridges, ended up in the strangest church in Norway, and what will happen if you don’t listen to the navigator. And also the sudden discovery of a planned trip to Norway - the most historical hill in the country (we are talking about the legendary Norwegian ruler). What do disputes about the animal world lead to?

- Arctic - in Norway in July it is +4; end of the trip to Norway and the Swedish grader; acquaintance with reindeer; the largest campsite, steam locomotives and sculptures in Finland

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Where is the best place to stay in Crimea during vacation? There are many options - camping with tents, private sector, mini-hotel, boarding house, sanatorium or large hotel.

Everyone has their own idea: some people like comfort, others like camping conditions. Also, the choice of place to live depends on your wallet.

All of the above has its positive and negative sides:

Camping or tent camp

It is considered the cheapest type of holiday. Usually at campsites you pay per tent (if you use a camping tent) or per tent-place (if you brought your own tent). Often, campsites offer three meals a day for an additional fee.

In addition, you will have to pay for parking the car. As a result, it turns out not very cheap, about 300 rubles per person per day. When choosing a campsite, you should pay attention to its distance from the sea - if you are going to pay money for accommodation without comfort, then this accommodation should be near the beach.

So, the pros and cons of camping:

  • relatively cheap;
  • close to the sea;
  • food can be provided;
  • lack of comfort (public toilets, showers outside);
  • poor weather protection;
  • people who are not in excellent health should not settle in a tent camp.

Private sector (room)

Inexpensive and quite comfortable way to relax. The choice of rooms is very large, of course the amenities and kitchen are shared. They may also be in the yard. This, of course, affects the price of rental housing.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • cheap (a room can be found for the price of a campsite);
  • many offers;
  • more comfortable than camping;
  • a greater distance from the sea is possible;
  • You need to prepare your own food;
  • shared kitchen, toilet, shower.

Private sector (apartment)

Renting an apartment in Crimea is a little more expensive (about 1000 rubles per day). You can find an apartment a little further from the beach for 500 rubles per day.

The choice of apartments is very large. It is, of course, advisable to book an apartment in advance on the Internet, where there are many advertisements for apartments published by the owners.

Pros and cons of this type of accommodation:

  • individual amenities;
  • availability of hot water;
  • separate kitchen;
  • Rented apartments often have air conditioning;
  • apartments, as a rule, are located away from the sea.

Mini-hotels, guest houses

A very actively developing industry. Accommodation is more expensive, but more comfortable conditions are offered - air conditioning, room service, food, and a swimming pool.

The cost of living in mini-hotels varies, so you need to choose the option that suits you best on the websites.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • enough high level service;
  • comfort;
  • more high prices compared to camping and the private sector;
  • the level of service may not correspond to the cost.

Sanatoriums, boarding houses

Accommodation in sanatoriums or boarding houses in Crimea is quite expensive. Prices exceed even the cost of a holiday in Turkey or Egypt, and service in many places remains at the level of the Soviet Union.

An undeniable advantage for a trip to a sanatorium or boarding house is the provision of sanatorium-resort services (therapeutic and health procedures).

Also, these objects are usually located on a large area with a park and places for walking.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • sanatorium and resort services;
  • nutrition;
  • park area;
  • low level of service;
  • very high cost of living.