The safest countries to travel. The most dangerous and safest countries for travel Safe holiday destinations for Russian tourists

There are more than 150 states on the territory of our planet. Each of them has its own culture, ethnic composition, customs, laws and mentality. Thanks to such features, all countries on the globe are not alike. However, not every one of them is characterized by economic stability and security. Every year, many reputable print publications and online resources compile lists that include the safest countries on the planet.

When compiling the rating of safe countries, a huge number of criteria are taken into account, ranging from the pace of economic development to the standard of living of people. In this case, absolutely all the details that, to one degree or another, characterize a particular state are taken into account. The most important of them are:

Today, almost every state compiles its own ratings. In most cases, they do not reflect the real picture and are created to strengthen their own positions in the eyes of the world community. At the same time, the international rating, which is compiled jointly by all states of the planet, includes 162 positions.

The most dangerous countries for tourists

Unfortunately, most countries of the former socialist camp are located at the bottom of the list, and the top ten most dangerous countries are as follows:

  1. Somalia;

According to the rating, the most dangerous place on the planet is Syria, which is currently in a state of civil war. In general, the bottom lines of the list are occupied by the poorest countries in Africa and Asia. However, Russia also has not gone far and occupies only 145th place, belonging to the class of states with dynamically developing variable risks.

Top 10 safe and comfortable countries for holidays and living

Slovenia - 10th place

Despite the fact that the lists are updated annually, the 10 safest countries in the world have remained unchanged. Although minor changes took place within the dozen, no one left it. In 2019, tenth place is still occupied by Slovenia.

Thanks to its favorable geographical location in the very center of Europe and its membership in the EU, Slovenia has achieved enormous economic success in a short time. What affected the standard of living of the population, infrastructure development and social guarantees.

The majority of the country's citizens are involved in the industrial sector, which is not only developing dynamically, but also requires a systematic increase in staff. Stability, prosperity and the availability of jobs help reduce street crime. In addition, most of the population has a negative attitude towards violence and strongly condemns it.

Slovenia is a unitary republic with a stable political structure and developed foreign economic relations. All these factors, combined with a low crime rate, make it one of the leaders in the top safest countries in the world.

Japan - 9th place

Japan is one of the world leaders in economic development, second only to the USA and China. The country has a high standard of living, and its residents are dedicated and hardworking. Most Japanese prefer to work 12–14 hours a day and do not take vacations.

Receiving huge profits contributes to the development of all industries, from the quality of road surfaces to the introduction of advanced technologies in the industrial sector. Japanese medicine is also considered one of the best in the world, as evidenced by its low infant mortality rate and large number of centenarians.

The low crime rate is due to the peculiarities of the mentality and attitude of people towards manifestations of cruelty. The number of violent deaths in the country is one of the lowest in the world, at 4.4 for every million inhabitants.

Ninth place in the world ranking is due to its geographical location, since almost the entire territory of the state is located within the Great Ring of Fire. The threat of tsunami, seismic activity and the small area played a role. Japan did not become a leader in terms of life safety, which it could well have counted on.

Canada - 8th place

Canada is in second place in terms of area, second only to the Russian Federation. The high level of economic development is due to the presence of a huge amount of minerals and other natural resources that are exported. Funds received from trade operations contribute to the modernization of industry and improving the living standards of citizens.

The introduction of the latest technologies and the high level of personnel qualifications have made Canadian medicine famous throughout the world. Well-developed infrastructure and high-quality roads also play a role.

Canada's only geographic neighbor is the United States, which significantly reduces the flow of illegal immigrants trying to enter the country. Despite its large area, the country's population density is quite low. However, more than 75% of residents live along the border with the United States, where most of the cities are located. At the same time, the northern regions of the state are occupied by taiga forests.

Canadians are ardent opponents of any form of violence and categorically do not accept crime. Street thefts and robberies are rare, and violent deaths are virtually unreported. Therefore, it is not easy to live in such a country safely, but also quite comfortably.

To travel to Canada you need.

Switzerland - 7th place

Switzerland is a multinational state in which at least 3-4 people live in peace and harmony. Despite the difference in views and culture, they get along with each other and almost never conflict. Such a national composition not only helped attract foreign capital, but also contributed to the development of tolerance between people of different nations.

The Swiss economy is based on tourism, for which all the necessary conditions have been created. Most of the country's population is employed in the service sector aimed at foreign guests. Every year, infrastructure is modernized and people's living conditions are improved.

Focus on tourists contributes to the improvement of all areas of economic activity and medicine, which is one of the best in the world. Despite the different ethnic composition, the level of terrorist threats is practically non-existent, as is crime in general.

A large flow of foreign tourists, the opportunity to open their own business and independently plan their activities make Switzerland one of the most hospitable and safe countries in Europe.

Czech Republic - 6th place

Of all the countries in whose vastness they tried to build a socialist society, the Czech Republic is the most progressive. Economic growth and political stability provide a calm atmosphere within the state. The dynamic development of the economy is associated with achievements in the field of industry. Czech-made goods are famous all over the world, just like the Skoda automobile brand, which is a standard of quality and sophistication.

The low crime rate is explained by the absence of division of society along class lines, since most of the population is at the same financial level. In addition, the high cultural level of residents, social security and rejection of violence make the state one of the safest places to live in the world.

Today, only a few monuments remind of the Soviet past in the Czech Republic. All other areas of life have long been reoriented towards market relations. Part of the income received from the export of products of own production is spent on improving the living standards of people, which ensure the progress of the economy.

To travel to the country you need

Portugal - 5th place

Portugal has always been considered one of the safest countries in the world, but only since 2016 has it entered the top ten. The main source of state income is the agrarian-industrial sector, which ensures systematic economic growth. The main trading partners are the countries of the European Union, to which about 95% of all manufactured products are exported.

Despite the development of the agricultural industry, the standard of living of the population is very high. Most of the profits go to modernizing existing infrastructure and improving social standards. Medicine is distinguished by its professionalism.

Its favorable geographical location in the very south of Europe and endless beaches make Portugal a tasty morsel for tourists from all over the world. A high level of economic development and the absence of class inequality contributes to a reduction in crime. Despite the southern temperament, residents of the state categorically do not accept and condemn violence. This makes it possible not only to live in safety, but also to move freely around the country at any time of the day. You need it for the trip.

Looking at the unstable world situation, natural disasters, and terrorist threats that have been increasing in recent years, when planning your annual vacation, you involuntarily ask yourself: in which countries can you relax calmly and safely? After all, unpleasant and sometimes tragic situations arise completely unexpectedly. No one could have imagined that Egypt, one of the most favorite holiday destinations for Russians, would be closed after an explosion in the sky of an Airbus, which occurred due to the poor performance of the security service at the Egyptian airport. No one thought that it would ever be dangerous to go on vacation to your favorite resorts in Tunisia, after the shooting of vacationers on the beach in . Who could have thought that the situation with Turkey would also become very ambiguous and, although air traffic with it is open, many are afraid to go there on vacation. It would seem that in the recent past such a safe Europe and its countries - Germany, Austria, France, Spain, Italy, Greece - have now become refuges for migrants who do terrible things there.

In order for your vacation to be safe and calm, you need to thoroughly prepare for it, study several countries where you would like to relax at sea, analyze all the pros and cons, possible man-made and natural problems that may await you there. And only then make a choice: is this foreign country worthy of becoming your vacation destination at sea, does it guarantee you maximum security, or will you go to it at your own peril and risk? We decided to help you with this choice by considering a number of countries where, according to reviews from tourists, you can relax relatively safely and peacefully. But the decision, of course, is yours.

It may not be strange, but the leaders in safe holidays this year are Asian countries, and the leader among them is Vietnam. It is quite difficult to imagine a terrorist with a beard lurking on one of the beaches of this country. Surely, such a type would attract close attention and would not be able to blend in with the crowd. According to the Interpol security rating, Vietnam is a leader among countries with low crime rates. In addition, there is practically no organized crime here, thanks to the stability of the political regime. Vietnam has nothing to do with international political terrorism. In this country, even murders are very rare, and armed robberies almost never happen. Of course, as in any country in the world, there are pickpockets here. Well, where are they not? The only problem that tourists who come on vacation to Vietnam may have is intestinal upset due to the consumption of unusual food, but this can be easily solved with modern pharmaceutical drugs. We also recommend that you get vaccinated, just in case, against some exotic disease characteristic of a humid climate.

Another safe country in the Asian region. Regarding terrorism issues, this is a very rare phenomenon for China. Almost no serious crimes are committed against foreigners, but there are petty thefts, fraud, and the circulation of counterfeit bills. It’s worth saying right away that China is located in a seismically active zone of our planet; there are sometimes earthquakes here, and the southeast coast is often subject to typhoons and storms, which mainly occur from July to October. But for a relaxing holiday, tourists only need to choose the appropriate season for it or go on holiday to that part of the country where it is comfortable at that time. It's safe to relax on. This place is famous for its natural beauty, rich cultural and entertainment programs, and gorgeous beaches. China is safe for tourists due to the “totalitarianism” of the ruling regime, which successfully ensures peace in local resorts. There are also disadvantages to holidaying in China: the length of the flight, the very humid and hot climate, but that’s where the disadvantages end. And this is a small price to pay for safety and quality of rest.

It is very difficult to believe, but Israel, a country surrounded by warlike and unfriendly neighbors, is considered one of the safest countries in terms of recreation in the world, in addition, it is a state that guarantees tourists a very rich and varied vacation. There are many religious shrines of different religions, wonderful resorts where you will find the highest level of service, incredible nature, absolutely contrasting in the north and south of the country. Israel, having militant Islamic countries in its neighborhood, has accumulated a wealth of experience in the fight against terrorism. In this country, security services are always on guard; tourists understand this upon arrival at the airport, when they undergo a thorough search. Thanks to such vigilance, which affects all areas of life and recreation in Israel, the Holy Land is very rarely chronicled with sad news. There is a very low crime rate here, and even at night, walking around the city is completely safe: the streets are always well lit, controlled by police officers and cameras. And there is no such thing as “drunken brawling” in Israel at all. All local residents are invariably friendly and kind, many of them speak Russian well, and the inscriptions at resorts in Israel are dubbed into Russian.

A very beautiful and calm country with a large number of historical attractions, with numerous sea and ocean resorts. Every year more and more Russians come here on vacation, especially because the Portuguese are happy to give our compatriots “long-term” Schengen visas. There is no danger of terrorism waiting for you here. All Portuguese are nice, friendly people, they always smile and are ready to help any tourist. Vacationers in Portugal do not have to worry about their personal safety; here you can even walk alone at night and be sure that nothing bad will happen. Of course, there are pickpockets and thefts from car interiors, but nothing more. But we still recommend that tourists do not take large sums of money with them on a walk and hang themselves with jewelry. Is it worth tempting fate? Portugal is not particularly threatened by natural disasters, but fires periodically occur in the central part of the country in the summer. In Portugal, vacationers are not exposed to any dangerous diseases, so no special vaccinations are required.

One of the safest and quietest countries for a beach holiday abroad. Russians traditionally love to come to the seaside in Bulgaria, because there is a wonderful and healing climate, the locals are our Slavic brothers, there is no language barrier, and the atmosphere is peaceful and relaxing. Bulgaria pleases Russians with low prices and very good service. But you should understand that the economic level of development of the country is not too high, and pickpockets may try to make money at your expense, but still the level of pickpocketing here is not as high as in other European countries. Here, sometimes the car can be opened, especially if you left some expensive items in the cabin. Sometimes tourists in Bulgaria become victims of scammers. But there are no such dangers that threaten the life and health of holidaymakers in Bulgaria. There are no migrants here, this is too poor a country for them and they will safely bypass Bulgaria.

The beautiful Mediterranean island has been included in the top five safest countries in the world by Interpol. One need only say that in the entire long history of Cyprus, there have never been terrorist attacks or serious political unrest. The crime rate here is so low that local residents, out of habit, do not lock their houses. The safety of holidays in Cyprus is due to reasonable government policies and the efficient work of the security services. Political measures are aimed at preventing refugees from entering the territory of the island and categorically refusing to accept them, even despite the insistence of officials from the European Union. Cyprus is a welcoming country for tourists, but it is opposed to hosting seekers of a better life here at the expense of others.

A country where many different cultures are mixed: Indian, Chinese, Malay, Arab, however, there are no conflicts between representatives of these ethnic groups. Singapore is the second safest country in the world, second only to Luxembourg. In addition, it is the least corrupt state in the world, with a low crime rate. Of course, there are cases of pickpocketing and fraud here too, but this is rare. Many people know that Singapore is a country of complete prohibitions, for violation of which heavy fines await. In general, Singapore has very strict laws; many crimes here are punishable by death. It must be said that it is impossible to solve anything here for money or through acquaintances, the law is the same for everyone, which is why neither locals nor tourists try not to break it. But thanks to this policy, vacationing in Singapore is completely safe and very relaxing. Of the contagious exotic diseases, outbreaks of tropical fever are rare here, but there are none that can be recommended before traveling to this country.

If your goal is to find a country for a relaxing and safe holiday, then New Zealand is it. On vacation in New Zealand, tourists will find thousands of kilometers of gorgeous beaches, friendly locals, always ready to help tourists. The country has a low crime rate, here you can feel safe from terrorist threats and other violence against the individual. The country is famous for its stable economy, which does not give rise to any political or popular unrest. In addition, New Zealand is in first place, sharing it with Denmark, for the lowest level of corruption in the world. Tourists shouldn’t expect natural disasters either; there are no natural disasters here, and there are no poisonous insects or animals.

When a person chooses a vacation destination, especially abroad, he is interested in many important points - climate, hotel comfort, general service and much more. Not least on this list is the safety indicator. It is rare who dares to travel as a tourist to Kenya, Somalia or Syria. There is a serious risk of coming under fire, being kidnapped, or simply going missing.

Therefore, you should choose the safest country for tourists in the world. And the main feature here is not only the absence of militants or war zones on its territory, but the minimal risk of natural disasters and much more. You can learn from the material in this article what criteria you should use to choose the most comfortable country for your holiday, and which countries in the world are in the TOP safest.

Some tourists go to the mountains in search of adrenaline, others raft along mountain rivers, and still others go to the impenetrable Amazon jungle. But before you decide to take any extreme trip, it is important to assess all possible risks. But most people expect a pleasant stay, a feeling of comfort and complete relaxation from their vacation. That is why, before going on holiday to an unfamiliar country, it needs to be assessed on a safety scale. These are indices accepted in international practice and their meaning can be easily found on the Internet:

  • Peace index. The level of crime within the state and its aggressiveness towards neighbors are taken into account.
  • Index of observance of democratic rights and freedoms. Also an important indicator. It is built according to the degree of convenience of living in the country, the ability to express one’s opinion or take a certain political position.
  • Indicator of the possibility of natural disasters. Storms, tsunamis, tornadoes, earthquakes pose a threat to life. It is better to immediately cross off territories that are often prone to natural disasters from the list of desired countries. For example, it is a wonderful place for tourists, if not for the endless earthquakes.
  • Level of sanitary and epidemiological safety. Everything should be taken into account here - the prevalence of various diseases, the need for vaccination, the availability of quality water and food, the level of medical care. African countries and the states of South Asia do not meet any of these criteria.
  • Level of economic development. In underdeveloped countries, it is unlikely that you will be able to relax in special style; even the standard level of comfort may be in question. Here the volume of state investment in the development of the social sphere, the level of corruption and the quality of life of the population are studied. For example, you should not go on vacation to Angola or Zambia, unless of course the goal is a charitable mission.

Each vacationer can outline a number of important criteria for himself and choose the most suitable state for tourism.

The safest countries for tourism and recreation

Before going to a distant country, you need to assess the level of medical care, the development of tourism infrastructure and minimize all the above risks. As a result, it turns out that there are not so many countries suitable for holidays. In this article we will arrange them in a specific order. The first place will be occupied by the safest state for recreation.

In addition, the top ten safe ones included -, and. Less safe, but comfortable for relaxation are, Malta, and. For your holiday, you can choose any country from each list. It is guaranteed that tourists are safe in these states.

Peace-loving Iceland

  • Climate

In general, the climate is favorable, although the state belongs to the north. Softness is provided by the warm waters of the Gulf Stream. No natural disasters are observed. There is some concern about the active volcano. It periodically disrupts the seismic calm.

  • Best season for vacation

The best season to travel is considered to be summer, especially July and August. Here during this period of time you can observe a special natural phenomenon - white nights. But you should understand that Iceland will not delight you with a gentle warm sea and a wonderful tan, even in summer. After all, this is a northern country. Even in August, the average temperature does not rise above +10. Daily indicators are of course higher – about +20.

But even in winter it doesn’t get very cold here, but you won’t be able to get to know the country, since there is only 5 hours of daylight.

Iceland on video:

  • Road accidents

It seems that only competent drivers who fully comply with all traffic rules move on the country’s roads. And the roads here are simply excellent. As a result, no more than 1 thousand accidents occur per calendar year. However, most of them do not cause serious harm to passengers and drivers. There are no more than 10-20 fatal accidents per year.

  • Crime

Iceland has the lowest crime rate in Europe. At the same time, the country does not spend its income on maintaining the army at all. It is a member of NATO and is fully protected by the alliance.

Iceland attracts travelers with its extraordinary natural beauty. Here the clouds seem to be born from the depths of the waters. Here it is impossible to find large cities or fashionable resorts that can satisfy the tastes of biased tourists.

Many holidaymakers stop in Reykjavik. The capital of Iceland received the title of cultural capital of the world in 2000. That is, there is something to do and see here. But this is only for curious travelers. If tourists prefer to relax in nightclubs or discos, they will not like Reykjavik, steeped in culture and traditions.

Here you should get acquainted with the works of local artists, stroll through galleries and museums, or visit the theater. Fans of active recreation will enjoy fishing or climbing to the crater of the volcano. Swimming in the valley of geysers will be a particular pleasure.

Denmark - Andersen's birthplace

Denmark has an excellently developed tourism infrastructure, since it is this area that fills the country's budget. Very often the country is called the “pearl of the Scandinavian Peninsula”.

  • Climate

Denmark is a comfortable place to live and relax. There are no sudden temperature changes, natural disasters or heavy rains. Winter begins according to the calendar - in December, capturing the first month of spring - March. The average low temperature is no more than 7 degrees below zero.

Summer can hardly be called hot. That's why people don't come here for beach activities. With an average air temperature of 15-16 degrees, sunbathing is not very comfortable. The warmest months are July-August.

  • Best season for vacation

It is better to choose the summer months for relaxation. Here at this time it is warm, sunny and there is practically no precipitation.

  • Road accidents

The number of accidents on the roads is slightly higher than in Iceland, although the roads and highways here are no less good. According to statistical estimates, about 5 thousand emergency situations occur per year, of which approximately 10% end in serious consequences.

  • Crime level

It may seem that crime has been completely eradicated from Denmark. The state is among the ten countries with the lowest crime rates. Here you can calmly walk along the streets at night, without fear that the traveler will be waylaid by a maniac or robber. There are practically no serious crimes committed here.

The atmosphere of Copenhagen - in the video:

  • Other indicators of safe and comfortable rest

Denmark attracts tourists with its rich history. After all, it was from here that the Vikings launched raids on nearby countries. Traveling to the country is a small adventure.

For example, for young guests of the country, a trip to the land of fairy tales will be a visit to the town of Billund. A real magical city made of multi-colored bricks has been built here for children. What is especially delightful is that all the streets and houses are assembled from Lego - the same construction set that children love.

It’s simply wonderful to have a family holiday in Denmark. A visit to the Odense Zoo on Southern Boulevard (the town of Odense) will make a lasting impression on both children and parents.

Denmark can boast of cozy and comfortable hotels, but they will not be cheap. But here you have the opportunity to spend the night completely free of charge at a campsite or with couchsurfers.

Danish cuisine is based on Scandinavian traditions. It abounds in vegetables and seafood, but is not particularly sophisticated. A modest lunch in an inexpensive cafe for one person costs 1.5 thousand rubles (about 150 Danish kroner).

Austria – a country of stunning mountains

This is a small state with the capital in Vienna and a population not exceeding 8.5 million people. It is one of the richest European countries and has a very high standard of living. Now the state is at the peak of its development, which makes Austria attractive not only for recreation, but also for living. Tourism is not the country's main source of income. They make money here from agriculture and industry.

  • Climate

Austria does not have a harsh climate. Here it varies depending on the zonation - it is colder in the mountains. Winters are mild and snowy, summers are hot and dry. In August, temperatures can rise to 30 degrees.

  • Best season for vacation

It should be determined depending on the purpose of the trip. If this is a holiday at ski resorts, then the season opens in November and lasts until April. The best time to relax on the shores of Lake Carinthia is July-August.

But to get to know Vienna and other cities of Austria - early autumn or late spring.

Beautiful Vienna - on video:

  • Road accidents

Here, the danger of movement is determined by seasonality and location of movement. So in mountainous areas there is a high probability of avalanches or rockfalls. Mountain roads are especially dangerous in winter. But at any, even the slightest, hint of a threat to life, dangerous areas are immediately blocked by emergency services.

However, about 40 thousand traffic accidents are recorded here annually. About 10% of people are seriously injured or disabled. Almost 100% of road accidents are associated with the Austrians’ love for high-speed travel.

  • Crime level

Vienna is one of the ten safest cities in the world. You can compare the level of serious crimes committed here and in Russia. For example, per 100 thousand Austrians per year there are 0.6 intentional murders, while in Russia the figure is 10. That is, in our country the crime rate, by this indicator alone, is almost 17 times higher.

  • Other indicators of safe and comfortable rest

The only natural danger here is an avalanche. But if you use proven slopes and do not go far from villages and bypassed routes, the risk is minimized. Another problem is mites. They are found in mountainous areas and can become a source of dangerous infectious diseases. Therefore, you should not remove them yourself. There are trained personnel for this. In any hospital, tourists will be provided with any medical care at a high level.

Here you can not be afraid of swimming in local reservoirs and calmly drink unboiled tap water.

New Zealand - the land of the magical rainbow

It's incredibly beautiful here. People come here to “hold” a rainbow in their hands and enjoy the pristine beauty of the flora. It feels like the country is a combination of different climatic zones and natural wonders.

There is an excellent ecological situation here, healthy food, no poisonous insects, and dangerous infectious diseases are not common.

The only natural disadvantages include increased seismic activity near volcanoes and the presence of capito spiders and sand fleas.

Such a different New Zealand - in the video:

  • Climate

The country has a subtropical climate. Summer falls during our winter, that is, the hottest month is January. But it is relatively hot here, from 20 to 30 degrees, depending on the area. The ebbs and flows are very noticeable, because the state is surrounded on all sides by the waves of the Pacific Ocean. Winter is usually very snowy.

  • Best season for vacation

The country has two tourist seasons. The first occurs in the local summer - December, January. The second is for the winter (June and July). In the second case, the skiing season starts. The lowest number of tourists is observed in March, April and November.

  • Road accidents

Driving safety in the country is ensured by the government. Since many tourists want to get to know the country on wheels, a special brochure has been published for them. It describes traffic rules, features of road markings, signs and much more. It can be found freely available in different languages.

Drivers diligently follow traffic rules, as there are many winding and difficult routes. Before any dangerous areas there are instructions to slow down or other warnings.

  • Crime level

Here the freedom and will of any person is respected, there is no discrimination or racial prejudice. Public safety is the norm.

There is a very low crime rate, and the commission of serious crimes is very rare. Due to its geographical isolation, access to unwanted emigrants is prohibited; the country is not involved in any conflicts.

  • Other indicators of safe and comfortable rest

Holidays in New Zealand are very diverse. This includes sailing, skiing on snow-covered slopes, skiing on sand dunes, swimming in thermal springs and much more. No one will be bored here for sure.

Local establishments serve delicious wine to visitors. The most popular dish is specially baked potatoes with fish.

New Zealand has an amazing natural landscape - mountains, lakes, sand dunes, glaciers, caves with tempting grottoes and amazing geysers. Of particular interest is the cave with fireflies. In New Zealand, both lovers of extreme entertainment and those who prefer to lazily lie on the beach will enjoy their holiday.

Portugal – a country of bright holidays

Tourists here get the most magical and memorable experiences. In Portugal you can get a safe holiday for every taste - tempting beaches, excellent cuisine, cozy cafes and restaurants, and cute city streets in French and Italian styles.

In 2016, Portugal took an honorable 5th place among countries with a high level of life safety. There is excellent medicine and good income among the population. The country makes money from the agricultural industry, so the environmental situation is more than favorable.

The enchanting landscapes of Portugal - in the video:

  • Climate

Portugal is located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The Gulf Stream flows nearby, providing warmth in winter and welcome coolness in summer. It's incredibly beautiful here. Not every country can boast of centuries-old trees and endless forests. Even pineapples grow here.

Portugal delights residents and tourists with a mild subtropical climate. There are sunny days here 360 ​​days a year. Even in winter, the air temperature remains at 16 degrees (Madeira region).

  • Best season for vacation

In order to sunbathe on the beach, you should come to the country in the summer season. Bright sun, warm sea and optimal temperature of 25 degrees above zero make the holiday very attractive.

  • Road accidents

Portugal is famous for its European quality of roads. As long as you follow the traffic rules, it is quite safe to travel around the country by car. But the driving style of Portuguese drivers can be called chaotic and unpredictable.

Traffic is especially complicated by the presence of a large number of agricultural machinery and motorcycles. Therefore, road accidents are not uncommon. When moving around, it is worth considering that many roads are toll roads.

  • Crime level

The country has a minimal crime rate. This largely depends on the tightening of the penal system, improving the economic component and the legalization of drug trafficking.

Here you can move freely at dusk and even at night, although Portugal has the highest crime rate compared to other European countries. There are 1.2 murders per 100 thousand people.

If serious crimes are not common in the state, then pickpocketing and robbery are commonplace. This statement applies to large cities - Lisbon and Porto. It is not safe to walk alone here, and you should keep a close eye on valuables.

  • Other indicators of safe and comfortable rest

Portugal attracts tourists with its magnificent beaches. They can be found in the Azores or Algarve. Lovers of ancient architecture will be delighted by ancient castles, monasteries and fortresses.

In order for vacationers and residents of large cities to feel safe, surveillance cameras are installed everywhere. In places where there are special concentrations of tourists, there are special police units that ensure their safety. But it will be difficult to agree on anything with them, since knowledge of foreign languages ​​is not necessary for employees.

You can choose any country from the list for your holiday. Your holiday there will be comfortable and safe. But this statement will not apply to tourists eager for “adventure”. That is, if a vacationer is careless about general safety recommendations, ignores weather forecasts, or walks at night in an unfamiliar area, then he may invite disaster upon himself. Whatever level of security is ensured in the country, it is imperative to comply with the rules of public order, not to challenge traditions and customs, and then your vacation will be safe and comfortable.

Experts from the World Economic Forum (WEF) have compiled a ranking of the safest countries in the world for tourists. According to news agencies, Finland took first place on the list.

The second position is in the UAE, and Iceland is in third place. The top 10 rankings also included Oman, Hong Kong, Singapore, Norway, Switzerland, Rwanda and Qatar.

In turn, Colombia (136), Yemen (135) and El Salvador (134) were recognized as the most unsafe countries in the world.

In total, the list included 136 countries. When compiling the rating, criteria such as the level of crime, the terrorist threat and the presence of armed conflicts were taken into account.

World map of the safest countries in the world

Experts from the medical service company International SOS have compiled an interactive map of the world, which marks the most dangerous and safe countries for travel in 2017.

On the map, which can be found on the company’s website, countries are marked in different colors depending on the degree of risk that awaits the visiting tourist.

The most dangerous are indicated in dark red: Libya, Mali, South Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Central African Republic, Afghanistan and Venezuela.

This also includes some areas of Congo, Somalia and Sudan and others, RIA Novosti reports.

States that are slightly safer for tourists are highlighted in orange. This list includes some states of Mexico, border areas of Colombia and Ecuador, Nigeria, Pakistan, part of India and others.

Experts classified Ukraine, in the east of which there is an ongoing armed conflict, Belarus, Poland, Turkey, Egypt and a number of other countries, as states with a medium level of danger for tourists. These countries are indicated in yellow.

Russia, along with Brazil, China, India, Kazakhstan and some other countries, was classified as a country with “rapidly developing variable risks.”

“Green countries”, the level of risks in which were considered insignificant, are the USA, Canada, Argentina, Australia, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Switzerland, Slovenia and Denmark.

The map took into account factors such as terrorism, politically motivated unrest and war, social unrest, crime rates, the reliability of transportation infrastructure, the effectiveness of security and emergency response services, and the country's vulnerability to natural disasters.

The safest countries in Europe for tourists from Russia have been named

The safest countries for tourists are Estonia, the Czech Republic and Germany, Izvestia reports.

The insurance company SG SOGAZ conducted a study, according to which Estonia turned out to be the safest for Russian tourists. This is where Russian tourists are least likely to seek medical help.

It is believed that most insurance cases occur in Bulgaria, Thailand and other popular resorts among Russians. However, this is a very rough estimate, since most Russians travel to these countries. And in this case, the principle works - the more people there are, the more unpleasant incidents there are. The SOGAZ company for the first time tried to assess the safety of certain countries based on the frequency of requests for medical insurance policies from those traveling abroad.

In the first half of the year, the insurer recorded 560 cases of tourist claims due to illnesses, poisonings, injuries and other medical reasons. Policies with worldwide coverage were not taken into account in the calculations. The final list of the study included 25 states, in which a total of 17 thousand policies were sold in the first half of the year.

According to the study, tourists who vacation in the Baltics are least at risk. Estonia became the safest country for Russian tourists. Only 0.5% of tourists (that is, one person out of 200 vacationers) sought medical help in this country. The Czech Republic took second place in the ranking, where the risk barely exceeds 1% (1.13%). An almost similar situation is in Germany, which closes the top 3 safest tourist countries - only 1.22% of tourists seek medical help. And this despite the fact that these states are among the most popular destinations among Russian tourists.

The list of countries with a low risk for Russians also included Slovakia (1.40%), Portugal (2.05%), Serbia (2.37%), Norway (2.86%), Switzerland (3.15%), Italy (3.32%). Hungary closes the top ten safest countries for Russians in the Old World, where the frequency of calls is 3.49%.

According to Dmitry Yanin, Chairman of the Board of the International Confederation of Consumer Societies, there are four factors that influence the traumatic nature of vacations. Hygiene in the host country (quality of food and water), national cuisine, which may have an unusual taste, hot climate and plenty of sun, as well as alcohol have an influence.

The less sun, the fewer problems. In Asia, food is a risk factor. There are problems with both its quality and the quality of water. In addition, in hot countries there are quite extreme beach activities. In Estonia there is little sun, the cuisine is close to us, such a favorable situation, and most importantly, there is no all-inclusive system with alcohol. If you drink less, you get injured less,” explained Dmitry Yanin.