Profession steward. Flight attendant: description of profession, job responsibilities

Performing passenger service work on them, but mainly responsible for the safety of passengers (in the event of an accident - assistance to passengers, etc.).

On sea tourist cruise ships The responsibilities of a steward (stewardess) include:

1. Passenger service: 1.1. Explanation of rules of conduct and safety in sea ​​cruise; 1.2. Familiarization of passengers with the elements of the ship's regulations; 1.3. Explanation of the structure of the ship - what is where, that is, it is required to show the location of bars, restaurants, shops, places active rest- courts, swimming pools, etc. 1.4. Escorting passengers of their sector during ship alarms in case of fire or flooding of the ship to the boat deck. 2. Maintaining cleanliness in passenger cabins. 3. Participation in certain organizational and

entertainment events , constantly carried out on the ship for the entertainment of passengers. 4. Other varied technically uncomplicated work on a ship in

work time



civil aviation (GA) flight attendants are members of the cabin crew. Flight attendants in air transport Singaporean flight attendants in nationally stylized uniforms (color determined by rank) In military aviation

USSR and RF on all types

  • aircraft, including transport, passenger, staff and letter steward positions

From the outside, the profession of a flight attendant seems quite easy and very romantic: flights, beautiful views from the windows, new places and people, etc. In fact, the work of a flight attendant (this is the official name of the profession) is quite responsible.

  • Firstly, the entire flight time (and they can be quite long) must be spent on your feet.
  • Secondly, constant changes in time zones and climatic zones, noise, vibration, pressure changes definitely do not bring health benefits.
  • Thirdly, the flight attendant is engaged in service large quantity passengers, so she has to be attentive, caring and correct all the time on the road. Here, let's not be afraid of this word, talent is needed.

And yet, there is romance in the profession - flights, new places and interesting people, which you can meet quite often on an airplane.

Places of work

Flight attendant positions are available in all airlines.

History of the profession

Flight attendant salary

Of course, how much flight attendants earn depends on their category, length of service and airline. It also depends on the direction of the flights being operated. The salary of a flight attendant can range from 20,000 to 150,000 rubles per month. Of course, high incomes are rare among representatives of this profession, and in this case, increased demands are placed on employees.

The average salary of a flight attendant is about 48,000 rubles per month and significantly exceeds the national level.

The profession of a flight attendant appeared when the first airliners were launched. At first, their duties were performed by the assistant pilot. However, this was not very convenient, since he has his own functions, so it was decided to appoint a separate specialist for this position. Thanks to this, service has improved and the level of safety on board the aircraft has also increased.

Some people think that there is nothing difficult about being a flight attendant. It would seem that you walk around in a beautiful uniform, deliver drinks, fly to different countries and you get a lot of money for it, but is this really so? Of course no. Any profession has its difficulties, and as for a flight attendant, there are a lot of requirements for her. In order to become one, desire alone is not enough. You must receive an appropriate education, have excellent health, have a suitable build, and much more.

A flight attendant is an ordinary employee on board an airliner who performs the duties of service personnel. First of all, such an employee is responsible for the safety of passengers and for providing first aid. Previously, in order to become a flight attendant, you had to have a nursing degree. In addition, they had to perform difficult and even sometimes overwhelming work for women, which consisted of unloading luggage, sending the plane to the hangar, etc. Today, this profession does not provide for such responsibilities, but it is still quite difficult to become a flight attendant. Here are the basic requirements for a representative of this profession:

  • relevant higher education;
  • excellent health, which is checked by a special medical commission;
  • youth, since people over 30 don’t take this job;
  • It is desirable that the candidate for this position be of short stature, average build and pleasant appearance;
  • clear speech and diction, pleasant voice;
  • knowledge of two languages ​​(native + English);
  • cuteness and smileiness.

Even 80 years ago, flight attendants had to be unmarried, up to 160 cm tall and weighing up to 52 kg. Today the situation has changed somewhat. Working women can have husbands and even children.

What is the difference between a flight attendant and a flight attendant: the duties of the employee

The only difference between a flight attendant and a flight attendant is that the first option is colloquial, and the second is official. In the work book and on the badge it is written “flight attendant” or “flight attendant”, and flight attendant is a public, colloquial name. The duties of a flight attendant include:

  1. Meeting and accommodation of passengers.
  2. Catering during the flight. This also includes serving drinks to those interested.
  3. Guaranteed safety on board in accordance with safety regulations.
  4. Preparing passengers for flight.
  5. Rendering medical care in case one of the passengers becomes ill.
  6. Checking first aid equipment.
  7. Temperature control on board the aircraft.
  8. Inspection of the salon for sanitary and hygienic standards.
  9. Checking the aircraft for prohibited items.
  10. Monitoring the behavior of passengers, suppressing conflicts.
  11. Checking internal communications.
  12. Information about flight time.
  13. Reception and placement of kitchen and pantry items.
  14. Clarification of all questions of interest that may come from passengers during the flight.
  15. Filling out documentation on board.

Let us note that this profession is very responsible and serious. That is why in order to become a flight attendant, you must have the following qualities: communication skills; patience; restraint; ability to find a way out of conflict situations; sense of humor; determination; ability to take responsibility; diligence; erudition; emotional stability; speed of reaction; attentiveness; ability to distribute attention; discipline; punctuality; good memory; three-dimensional vision; diplomacy; tolerance; intelligence; technical mindset. This profession is absolutely not suitable for those who get lost in difficult situations, do not know how to make decisions and are afraid of heights. That is why, when appointing to this position, all the nuances are taken into account, a serious selection takes place and only the best become flight attendants.

Pros and cons of the profession

On the one hand, working as a flight attendant is very interesting and romantic. You constantly meet new people, fly to different cities and countries, get new emotions and impressions. But, on the other hand, this is a great responsibility, distance from home and loved ones, as well as the specificity of constantly spending time in the air. Those who are willing to put up with such shortcomings become real masters of their craft and receive high fees. Let's take a closer look at why the profession of a flight attendant is attractive.

Positive sides:

  1. The opportunity to see the world not in a picture, but in reality.
  2. High wages, permanent benefits, vouchers, social packages and social guarantees.
  3. 45 calendar days of vacation per year.
  4. An interesting and rich life.
  5. Retirement at 45.
  6. Honor and respect.

Among the negative aspects the following can be noted:

  • constant climate change;
  • work that can be classified as active;
  • constant overloads;
  • strict age restrictions;
  • increased threat to life.

Unfortunately, it is difficult for flight attendants and flight attendants to start a family, since most They spend their lives at work and are practically never at home. It is very difficult to find a life partner who would be willing to put up with the specifics of this job. Unfortunately, women often undermine their health at such work, as a result of which they begin to develop gynecological problems that can lead to infertility. That is why, when choosing such a specific career, you need to decide what is most important to you in life and whether you are ready to face the difficulties that may arise along the way. There are many cases where women, after working as flight attendants for 1-2 years, abandoned their positions because they realized that this was not their calling and they were not ready to risk their lives and health.

How to become a flight attendant?

A higher education and desire are not enough to get you hired as a flight attendant. First you need to prove to everyone that you are truly suitable for this position. It is very important to apply to several airlines after graduating from university, since there is no guarantee that they will immediately consider you for this position. Perhaps somewhere you will be offered to take special training courses at the airline. There they will look at you, evaluate your potential and, if there are no problems, they will hire you.

To become a flight attendant, you need to study a lot, be diligent, diligent and erudite. It is important to fully devote yourself to your career and strive to be the best. In this case, you will pass all the tests and receive the desired position, which will subsequently bring you not only honor and respect, but also high wages, many benefits and unforgettable impressions. In addition, you cannot ignore the fact that you will really interesting life, causing envy among many people. Just the opportunity to visit most countries of the world for free is worth it.

In contact with

Stewardess, as well as steward- this is a specialist of ordinary personnel who can be part of the crew of air and water Vehicle. The main task of such a specialist is to serve passengers, take care of their safety, and, if necessary, provide medical assistance. Flight attendants and stewards check whether all passengers have fastened their seat belts and explain the rules of use life jackets and oxygen masks, they serve food and drinks. The profession falls primarily into the “person-to-person” category, as it relates to the service sector. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in psychology and geography (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Brief description: who is a flight attendant?

The position of flight attendant appeared in the first half of the twentieth century. At that time, only girls with medical education were allowed to do this work, although their duties also included composting tickets, cleaning the cabin, toilet and cockpit, distributing blankets and chewing gum, and even loading and unloading luggage. Fortunately, over time, all physically difficult work began to be performed by special workers using technical equipment, and flight attendants were freed from them.

Features of the profession

The vacancy of a flight attendant is shrouded in a certain romantic flair, and it cannot be said that it is absolutely not justified. However, for such a worker, every flight is not so much romance as it is work that must be performed flawlessly. Flight attendants and stewards are the closest representatives of the airline to passengers and, accordingly, their professionalism affects the prestige and status of the latter. The main responsibilities of flight attendants are usually as follows:

  • Checking the completeness of rescue equipment.
  • Meeting passengers and checking them boarding passes, providing assistance in finding seats in the cabin.
  • Pre-flight preparation, including informing passengers about how to use life-saving equipment and location of exits.
  • Monitoring the behavior of passengers during the flight, preventing or resolving conflict situations.
  • Providing medical assistance if necessary.
  • Monitoring the interior: the level of humidity and air temperature, the presence of foreign suspicious objects, compliance with sanitary standards, etc.
  • Distribution of food and drinks.
  • Saying goodbye to passengers upon arrival at their destination.

When thinking about who a flight attendant is, most people’s imaginations conjure up a slender girl in a company suit. famous airline. This is justified by the fact that many of these companies have certain requirements for the appearance of job applicants. The requirements may be more or less stringent, but they are always there.

Pros and cons of being a flight attendant


  1. Decent salary, full benefits package.
  2. Opportunity to travel around the world.
  3. Early retirement.
  4. Decent social status.


  1. Quite a large load on the body (both due to the change in time zones and the need to spend a significant part of the flight on your feet).
  2. The need to regularly leave home, which can cause difficulties in relationships with family and friends.
  3. Inability to leave the airport during breaks between flights.

Important personal qualities

For a flight attendant, stress resistance, communication skills, psychological stability, physical endurance, diplomacy, restraint, pleasantness are important. appearance. In addition, she must have good eyesight and hearing, quick reactions, clear diction and a pleasant voice. Training to become a flight attendant can help you acquire missing skills, but without the right background, finding a job in this field will be difficult.

Flight attendant training

There is no need to study at a college or university to become a flight attendant. Very often, airlines that recruit new personnel themselves conduct training courses for their future employees (these courses usually last several months). But in order to get into study, you will need to pass an interview.

Having a college degree in certain fields can increase your likelihood of successful employment. For example, the answer to the question of where to get a flight attendant profession can be the direction of training at colleges “Transport Service” (code 43.01.06). Admission is carried out on the basis of the average score of the certificate, education after the 11th grade lasts from 2 to 4 years, after the 9th grade - from 3 to 5 years (depending on the form of education: full-time, evening or part-time).


As already noted, flight attendant training courses are conducted by all airlines when expanding their staff. Moreover, in most cases, they are required to pass both those who have not yet worked in a similar position, and candidates with work experience (since the responsibilities of flight attendants and stewards in different companies may vary). The courses always end with an exam, after which you will be required to complete 30 hours of training flight time. Only after this can you receive an official third-class flight attendant certificate (there are only three classes, the highest is first).

Best colleges for flight attendants

Place of work

Flight attendants work in transport companies. Most often we are talking about aviation companies, although flight attendants on water vessels can be called the same.

Flight attendant salary

Although the level of income of a flight attendant depends on the planes of which company she works on and in which country she is employed, it is always quite high.

Salary as of 03/16/2020

Russia 29800—190000 ₽

Moscow 30000—190000 ₽


A flight attendant starts out as a third class flight attendant, and as her flight hours increase she can qualify for second and first class status. Most often, it is the title of first class flight attendant that becomes the pinnacle of such an employee’s career.

Professional knowledge

  1. Organization of transport safety.
  2. Risk and insurance in transport.
  3. Organization of transport services.
  4. Fundamentals of medicine.
  5. Basics of psychology.
  6. Management.

Famous flight attendants

  1. Ruth Carol Tyler, the first African American flight attendant in the United States.
  2. Nerha Bhanot, who died while rescuing passengers from a terrorist attack.
  3. Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir, an Icelandic flight attendant who later became Prime Minister of Iceland (and the world's first female prime minister at the same time).

A flight attendant is not only for girls; there is also a place for men in this profession. How can a man become a flight attendant? Let's find out!

It so happens that when it comes to flight attendants, most immediately imagine a charming girl. A sort of heroine of a song about a flight attendant named Zhanna, who is adored, desired and beautiful.

However, becoming a flight attendant is not only possible for a man, but even easier than for women.

How can a man become a flight attendant?

There is no special catch here; the process of entering the profession for men is the same as for women. Moreover, initially, at the dawn of civil aviation, only men worked as stewards. However, at that time women were generally given mainly the opportunity to sit at home and raise children. That’s why men never thought about how to become a flight attendant before, because they were the only ones hired to work as stewards.

But gradually the profession of a flight attendant began to take on a feminine face. Despite the fact that now the majority of flight attendant workers are women, a male steward is still not uncommon. Many airlines purposefully recruit male staff. You can’t do without a man on board; strength is often needed, for example, to lift a heavy suitcase to the top bunk.

Male steward - requirements

How can a man become a flight attendant? First of all, you need to meet the requirements. For male flight attendants, they include height from 170 to 185, clothing size up to 54, vision up to -2.5, and must have a military ID or registration certificate. There should be no tattoos, scars, birthmarks, piercings or other defects on visible parts of the body (face, neck, hands).

Keep in mind that your health must be excellent, because the work will be difficult, frequent changes in time zones and climate, pressure changes - poor health is excluded here. All this will be checked at the medical board. In business aviation, health requirements are much more relaxed. Also, they can take you there, for example, with a tattoo.

English must be available. As a rule, at least Pre-Intermediate is required, but men are accepted as flight attendants even with knowledge at the Elementary level, if the candidate continues to study. Also, all airlines provide the opportunity to study English language in their courses.

The algorithm of actions on how to become a flight attendant for a man, as is already clear, is the same as for women. You need to fill out a form and send it to the HR department of the airline where you want to work. Many people send to several at once. Airlines recruit cabin crew members frequently; some, like Aeroflot, conduct screenings on a regular basis. All candidates must pass an interview and an air flight medical commission (VLEK).

If your profile is suitable, you will be invited for an interview. Here the male steward still has a slight advantage. There are significantly fewer men who come and therefore, involuntarily, special treatment is given to them.

The interview takes place in three stages. First, candidates talk with members of the commission, answer questions, talk about themselves, why they want to become a steward, whether they want to work in the service industry, why they chose this airline and not some other, etc. Then the stage of psychological testing. All candidates undergo tests that reveal their personal qualities. The third stage is passing an English proficiency exam. The exam includes a grammar test, a listening test and an oral conversation with an examiner. All tasks are related to the work of a flight attendant. At the same time, you can be expelled at any stage.

Candidates for the steward profession who have passed the interview are given a referral to VLEK. Also, you will have to take care in advance of having some medical certificates from medical institutions at your place of residence, such as a certificate from a psychiatrist, a certificate from a drug treatment clinic, etc.

After passing all interviews and tests, as well as a medical examination, men are told how to become a flight attendant in training courses; this stage is mandatory. Nonresidents need to take care of living in the city where the training will take place. Most initial flight attendant training courses take place in Moscow, as this is where many airlines have their headquarters.

Courses for new flight attendants last approximately 3 months. The training schedule is quite intense, 6 days a week from morning to evening. The structure of the aircraft, various rules and regulations are studied, actions in various situations are practiced, and training is carried out on a mock-up of the aircraft cabin and simulators.

After the theoretical course, each flight attendant will have an internship, during which he will fly as a trainee. The flight limit for transition to independent units is 30 hours in flight. After practice, an exam is taken and, if successfully passed, the male steward begins to work independently at the airline.

Here is a short list of steps on how to become a flight attendant for a man. As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. If you decide to work in aviation, you will succeed.